function start_el(&$sOutput, $oTerm, $iDepth = 0, $aArgs = array(), $iCurrentObjectID = 0)
     $aArgs = $aArgs + array('_name_prefix' => null, '_input_id_prefix' => null, '_attributes' => array(), '_selected_items' => array(), 'taxonomy' => null, 'disabled' => null);
     $_iID = $oTerm->term_id;
     $_sTaxonomySlug = empty($aArgs['taxonomy_slug']) ? 'category' : $aArgs['taxonomy_slug'];
     $_sID = "{$aArgs['_input_id_prefix']}_{$_sTaxonomySlug}_{$_iID}";
     $_sPostCount = $aArgs['show_post_count'] ? " <span class='font-lighter'>(" . $oTerm->count . ")</span>" : '';
     $_aInputAttributes = isset($_aInputAttributes[$_iID]) ? $_aInputAttributes[$_iID] + $aArgs['_attributes'] : $aArgs['_attributes'];
     $_aInputAttributes = array('id' => $_sID, 'value' => 1, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => "{$aArgs['_name_prefix']}[{$_iID}]", 'checked' => in_array($_iID, (array) $aArgs['_selected_items']) ? 'checked' : null) + $_aInputAttributes;
     $_aInputAttributes['class'] .= ' apf_checkbox';
     $_aLiTagAttributes = array('id' => "list-{$_sID}", 'class' => 'category-list', 'title' => $oTerm->description);
     $sOutput .= "\n" . "<li " . AdminPageFramework_WPUtility::generateAttributes($_aLiTagAttributes) . ">" . "<label for='{$_sID}' class='taxonomy-checklist-label'>" . "<input value='0' type='hidden' name='" . $_aInputAttributes['name'] . "' class='apf_checkbox' />" . "<input " . AdminPageFramework_WPUtility::generateAttributes($_aInputAttributes) . " />" . esc_html(apply_filters('the_category', $oTerm->name)) . $_sPostCount . "</label>";
コード例 #2
  * Modifies the variable string the opening 'li' tag of the list.
  * @param       string      $sOutput        
  * @param       object      $oTerm        
  * @param       integer     $iDepth
  * @param       array       $aArgs          The argument passed from the field output.
  * <h4>Structure</h4>
  *  - show_option_all       (string)    Text to display for showing all categories. default: ``
  *  - show_option_none      (string)    Text to display for showing no categories. e.g. `__( 'No categories' )`
  *  - orderby               (string)    Accepts 'name' or 'ID'. What column to use for ordering the terms. e.g. `name`. default: `ID`
  *  - order                 (string)    What direction to order categories. Accepts 'ASC' (ascending) or 'DESC' (descending). default: `ASC`
  *  - title_li              (string)    The string that is inserted before the list starts. Default: __( 'Categories' ),
  *  - echo                  (boolean|integer)   Whether to echo the output or return the output string value.
  *  - hierarchical          (boolean)   Whether to show the terms in a hierarchical structure. 
  *  - depth                 (integer)   The max level to display the hierarchical depth. Default: 0.
  *  - hide_empty            (boolean|integer) Whether to hide terms that have no post associated.
  *  - pad_counts            (boolean|integer) Whether to sum up the post count with the child post counts.
  *  - number                (integer)   The maximum number of terms to display. Default 0.
  *  - exclude               (string)    Comma separated term ID(s) to exclude from the list.
  *  - include               (string)    Comma separated term ID(s) to include in the list.
  *  - child_of              (integer)   Term ID to retrieve child terms of. If multiple taxonomies are passed, $child_of is ignored. Default 0.
  *  <h4>Not Checked Yet</h4>
  *  - feed                 => '', 
  *  - feed_type             => '',
  *  - feed_image            => '', 
  *  - exclude_tree          => '',  
  *  - current_category      => 0,
  *  - class                 => categories,
  * <h4>Unverified Items</h4>
  *  - taxonomy              => 'category', // 'post_tag' or any other registered taxonomy slug will work. side note: the framework option will be used
  *  - has_children          => 1,
  *  - option_none_value     (mixed)     Value to use when no taxonomy term is selected.     
  *  - show_count            (bool|int)  Whether to show how many posts are associated with the term. default: `0`  side note: did not take effect
  *  - style                 (string)    'list', side note: Could not confirm whether there are other option besides 'list'.
  *  - use_desc_for_title    (boolean|int) default is 1 - Whether to use the category description as the title attribute. side note: the framework enables this by default.
  * @param       integer     $iCurrentObjectID
 function start_el(&$sOutput, $oTerm, $iDepth = 0, $aArgs = array(), $iCurrentObjectID = 0)
     $aArgs = $aArgs + array('name' => null, 'disabled' => null, 'selected' => array(), 'input_id' => null, 'attributes' => array(), 'taxonomy' => null);
     // Local variables
     $_iID = $oTerm->term_id;
     $_sTaxonomySlug = empty($aArgs['taxonomy']) ? 'category' : $aArgs['taxonomy'];
     $_sID = "{$aArgs['input_id']}_{$_sTaxonomySlug}_{$_iID}";
     // Post count
     $_sPostCount = $aArgs['show_post_count'] ? " <span class='font-lighter'>(" . $oTerm->count . ")</span>" : '';
     // Attributes
     $_aInputAttributes = isset($_aInputAttributes[$_iID]) ? $_aInputAttributes[$_iID] + $aArgs['attributes'] : $aArgs['attributes'];
     $_aInputAttributes = array('id' => $_sID, 'value' => 1, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => "{$aArgs['name']}[{$_iID}]", 'checked' => in_array($_iID, (array) $aArgs['selected']) ? 'checked' : null) + $_aInputAttributes;
     $_aInputAttributes['class'] .= ' apf_checkbox';
     $_aLiTagAttributes = array('id' => "list-{$_sID}", 'class' => 'category-list', 'title' => $oTerm->description);
     // Output - the variable is by reference so the modification takes effect
     $sOutput .= "\n" . "<li " . AdminPageFramework_WPUtility::generateAttributes($_aLiTagAttributes) . ">" . "<label for='{$_sID}' class='taxonomy-checklist-label'>" . "<input value='0' type='hidden' name='{$aArgs['name']}[{$_iID}]' class='apf_checkbox' />" . "<input " . AdminPageFramework_WPUtility::generateAttributes($_aInputAttributes) . " />" . esc_html(apply_filters('the_category', $oTerm->name)) . $_sPostCount . "</label>";
     /* no need to close the </li> tag since it is dealt in the end_el() method. */
コード例 #3
ファイル: APF_Widget_Example.php プロジェクト: robbenz/plugs
  * Print out the contents in the front-end.
  * Alternatively you may use the content_{instantiated class name} method.
 public function content($sContent, $aArguments, $aFormData)
     $_aAttributes = array('href' => "" . $aFormData['user_name'] . '/' . $aFormData['repository'], 'class' => 'github-button', 'data-count-href' => $aFormData['repository'] . '/stargazers', 'data-count-api' => '/repos/' . $aFormData['user_name'] . '/' . $aFormData['repository'] . '#stargazers_count', 'data-style' => 'mega', 'data-icon' => 'octicon-star');
     return $sContent . "<div class='github-button-container'>" . "<a " . AdminPageFramework_WPUtility::generateAttributes($_aAttributes) . ">" . $aFormData['repository_name'] . "</a>" . "</div>" . $this->_getScript();