コード例 #1
  * @param string $campaignName
  * @param bool $anonymous
  * @throws NoAdsMatchingCriteriaException
  * @throws NoFallbackCampaign
  * @throws FallbackCampaignDisabled
 function __construct($campaignName, $anonymous = false)
     global $wgPromoterFallbackCampaign;
     $this->anonymous = $anonymous;
     $campaign = new AdCampaign($campaignName);
     if (!AdCampaign::campaignExists($campaignName) || !$campaign->isEnabled()) {
         /* If the selected campaign doesn't exist or is disabled, fallback: */
         $campaign = new AdCampaign($wgPromoterFallbackCampaign);
         if (!AdCampaign::campaignExists($wgPromoterFallbackCampaign)) {
             throw new NoFallbackCampaign();
         } elseif (!$campaign->isEnabled()) {
             throw new FallbackCampaignDisabled();
     $this->campaignName = $campaign->getName();
     $this->ads = $campaign->getAds();
     if (count($this->ads) < 1) {
         throw new NoAdsMatchingCriteriaException($this->campaignName);
     echo '<pre dir="ltr">';
     print_r( $this->ads );
     echo '</pre>';
     //$chosenAd = $this->chooseAd();
コード例 #2
  * Updates a numeric setting on a campaign
  * @param string $campaignName Name of the campaign
  * @param string $settingName Name of a numeric setting (preferred)
  * @param int $settingValue Value to use
  * @param int $max The max that the value can take, default 1
  * @param int $min The min that the value can take, default 0
  * @throws MWException|RangeException
 static function setNumericCampaignSetting($campaignName, $settingName, $settingValue, $max = 1, $min = 0)
     if ($max <= $min) {
         throw new RangeException('Max must be greater than min.');
     if (!is_numeric($settingValue)) {
         throw new MWException('Setting value must be numeric.');
     if ($settingValue > $max) {
         $settingValue = $max;
     if ($settingValue < $min) {
         $settingValue = $min;
     if (!AdCampaign::campaignExists($campaignName)) {
         // Exit quietly since campaign may have been deleted at the same time.
     } else {
         $settingName = strtolower($settingName);
         $dbw = PRDatabase::getDb();
         $dbw->update('pr_campaigns', array('cmp_' . $settingName => $settingValue), array('cmp_name' => $campaignName));