コード例 #1
             $class = "odd";
         echo "<TR  class=\"{$class}\">";
         echo "<TD>" . $op['j_date'] . "</TD>";
         echo "<TD >" . $op['jr_pj_number'] . "</TD>";
         if ($op['internal'] != '') {
             echo "<TD>" . HtmlInput::detail_op($op['jr_id'], $op['internal']) . "</TD>";
         } else {
             echo td();
         echo "<TD >" . $op['poste'] . "</TD>" . "<TD  >" . $op['description'] . "</TD>" . "<TD   style=\"text-align:right\">" . nbm($op['deb_montant']) . "</TD>" . "<TD style=\"text-align:right\">" . nbm($op['cred_montant']) . "</TD>" . "</TR>";
     // end loop
     echo "</table>";
     // show the saldo
     $solde = $Jrn->get_solde($_GET['from_periode'], $_GET['to_periode']);
     echo "solde d&eacute;biteur:" . $solde[0] . "<br>";
     echo "solde cr&eacute;diteur:" . $solde[1];
 } elseif ($_GET['p_simple'] == 1) {
     if ($Jrn->get_type() != 'ACH' && $Jrn->get_type() != 'VEN') {
         // Simple printing
         echo '<TABLE class="result">';
         echo "<TR>" . "<th> operation </td>" . "<th>Date</th>" . "<th> n° de pièce </th>" . "<th>internal</th>" . th('Tiers') . "<th>Commentaire</th>" . "<th>Total opération</th>" . "</TR>";
         // set a filter for the FIN
         $i = 0;
         $tot_amount = 0;
         foreach ($Row as $line) {
             $class = $i % 2 == 0 ? ' class="even" ' : ' class="odd" ';