コード例 #1

 * Runs tests against the PHP parser.
require_once getenv('MW_INSTALL_PATH') !== false ? getenv('MW_INSTALL_PATH') . "/maintenance/commandLine.inc" : __DIR__ . '/../../../maintenance/commandLine.inc';
$tester = new AbuseFilterParser();
$test_path = __DIR__ . "/parserTests";
$tests = glob($test_path . "/*.t");
$check = 0;
$pass = 0;
foreach ($tests as $test) {
    $result = substr($test, 0, -2) . ".r";
    $rule = trim(file_get_contents($test));
    $output = trim(file_get_contents($result)) == 'MATCH';
    $testname = basename($test);
    print "Trying test {$testname}...\n";
    try {
        $actual = intval($tester->parse($rule));
        if ($actual == $output) {
            print "-PASSED.\n";
        } else {
            print "-FAILED - expected output {$output}, actual output {$actual}.\n";
            print "-Expression: {$rule}\n";
            // export
            $vars = var_export($tester->mTokens, true);
            file_put_contents($test . '.parsed', $vars);
    } catch (AFPException $excep) {
コード例 #2
 static function nextToken($code, $offset)
     $tok = '';
     // Check for infinite loops
     if (self::$lastHandledToken == array($code, $offset)) {
         // Should never happen
         throw new AFPException("Entered infinite loop. Offset {$offset} of {$code}");
     self::$lastHandledToken = array($code, $offset);
     // Spaces
     $matches = array();
     if (preg_match('/\\s+/uA', $code, $matches, 0, $offset)) {
         $offset += strlen($matches[0]);
     if ($offset >= strlen($code)) {
         return array('', AFPToken::TNone, $code, $offset);
     // Comments
     if (substr($code, $offset, 2) == '/*') {
         $end = strpos($code, '*/', $offset);
         return self::nextToken($code, $end + 2);
     // Commas
     if ($code[$offset] == ',') {
         return array(',', AFPToken::TComma, $code, $offset + 1);
     // Braces
     if ($code[$offset] == '(' or $code[$offset] == ')') {
         return array($code[$offset], AFPToken::TBrace, $code, $offset + 1);
     // Square brackets
     if ($code[$offset] == '[' or $code[$offset] == ']') {
         return array($code[$offset], AFPToken::TSquareBracket, $code, $offset + 1);
     // Semicolons
     if ($code[$offset] == ';') {
         return array(';', AFPToken::TStatementSeparator, $code, $offset + 1);
     // Strings
     if ($code[$offset] == '"' || $code[$offset] == "'") {
         $type = $code[$offset];
         $strLen = strlen($code);
         while ($offset < $strLen) {
             if ($code[$offset] == $type) {
                 return array($tok, AFPToken::TString, $code, $offset);
             // Performance: Use a PHP function (implemented in C)
             // to scan ahead.
             $addLength = strcspn($code, $type . "\\", $offset);
             if ($addLength) {
                 $tok .= substr($code, $offset, $addLength);
                 $offset += $addLength;
             } elseif ($code[$offset] == '\\') {
                 switch ($code[$offset + 1]) {
                     case '\\':
                         $tok .= '\\';
                     case $type:
                         $tok .= $type;
                     case 'n':
                         $tok .= "\n";
                     case 'r':
                         $tok .= "\r";
                     case 't':
                         $tok .= "\t";
                     case 'x':
                         $chr = substr($code, $offset + 2, 2);
                         if (preg_match('/^[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}$/', $chr)) {
                             $chr = base_convert($chr, 16, 10);
                             $tok .= chr($chr);
                             $offset += 2;
                             # \xXX -- 2 done later
                         } else {
                             $tok .= 'x';
                         $tok .= "\\" . $code[$offset + 1];
                 $offset += 2;
             } else {
                 $tok .= $code[$offset];
         throw new AFPUserVisibleException('unclosedstring', $offset, array());
     // Find operators
     static $operator_regex = null;
     // Match using a regex. Regexes are faster than PHP
     if (!$operator_regex) {
         $quoted_operators = array();
         foreach (self::$mOps as $op) {
             $quoted_operators[] = preg_quote($op, '/');
         $operator_regex = '/(' . implode('|', $quoted_operators) . ')/A';
     $matches = array();
     preg_match($operator_regex, $code, $matches, 0, $offset);
     if (count($matches)) {
         $tok = $matches[0];
         $offset += strlen($tok);
         return array($tok, AFPToken::TOp, $code, $offset);
     // Find bare numbers
     $bases = array('b' => 2, 'x' => 16, 'o' => 8);
     $baseChars = array(2 => '[01]', 16 => '[0-9A-Fa-f]', 8 => '[0-8]', 10 => '[0-9.]');
     $baseClass = '[' . implode('', array_keys($bases)) . ']';
     $radixRegex = "/([0-9A-Fa-f]+(?:\\.\\d*)?|\\.\\d+)({$baseClass})?/Au";
     $matches = array();
     if (preg_match($radixRegex, $code, $matches, 0, $offset)) {
         $input = $matches[1];
         $baseChar = @$matches[2];
         // Sometimes the base char gets mixed in with the rest of it because
         // the regex targets hex, too.
         // This mostly happens with binary
         if (!$baseChar && !empty($bases[substr($input, -1)])) {
             $baseChar = substr($input, -1, 1);
             $input = substr($input, 0, -1);
         if ($baseChar) {
             $base = $bases[$baseChar];
         } else {
             $base = 10;
         // Check against the appropriate character class for input validation
         $baseRegex = "/^" . $baseChars[$base] . "+\$/";
         if (preg_match($baseRegex, $input)) {
             if ($base != 10) {
                 $num = base_convert($input, $base, 10);
             } else {
                 $num = $input;
             $offset += strlen($matches[0]);
             $float = in_string('.', $input);
             return array($float ? doubleval($num) : intval($num), $float ? AFPToken::TFloat : AFPToken::TInt, $code, $offset);
     // The rest are considered IDs
     // Regex match > PHP
     $idSymbolRegex = '/[0-9A-Za-z_]+/A';
     $matches = array();
     if (preg_match($idSymbolRegex, $code, $matches, 0, $offset)) {
         $tok = $matches[0];
         $type = in_array($tok, self::$mKeywords) ? AFPToken::TKeyword : AFPToken::TID;
         return array($tok, $type, $code, $offset + strlen($tok));
     throw new AFPUserVisibleException('unrecognisedtoken', $offset, array(substr($code, $offset)));