コード例 #1
ファイル: magentomain.php プロジェクト: akeeba/angie
  * Get the required settings analysis
  * @return  array
 public function getRequired()
     static $phpOptions = array();
     if (empty($phpOptions)) {
         $minPHPVersion = '5.4';
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::sprintf('MAIN_LBL_REQ_PHP_VERSION', $minPHPVersion), 'current' => version_compare(phpversion(), $minPHPVersion, 'ge'), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_MCGPCOFF'), 'current' => ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc') == false, 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_REGGLOBALS'), 'current' => ini_get('register_globals') == false, 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_ZLIB'), 'current' => extension_loaded('zlib'), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_XML'), 'current' => extension_loaded('xml'), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_DATABASE'), 'current' => function_exists('mysql_connect') || function_exists('mysqli_connect'), 'warning' => false);
         if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) {
             $option = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_REQ_MBLANGISDEFAULT'), 'current' => strtolower(ini_get('mbstring.language')) == 'neutral', 'warning' => false);
             $option['notice'] = $option['current'] ? null : AText::_('MAIN_MSG_NOTICEMBLANGNOTDEFAULT');
             $phpOptions[] = $option;
             $option = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_REQ_MBSTRINGOVERLOAD'), 'current' => ini_get('mbstring.func_overload') == 0, 'warning' => false);
             $option['notice'] = $option['current'] ? null : AText::_('MAIN_MSG_NOTICEMBSTRINGOVERLOAD');
             $phpOptions[] = $option;
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_INIPARSER'), 'current' => $this->getIniParserAvailability(), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_JSON'), 'current' => function_exists('json_encode') && function_exists('json_decode'), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_REC_SAFEMODE'), 'current' => (bool) ini_get('safe_mode') == false, 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_REC_CURL'), 'current' => function_exists('curl_init'), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_SIMPLEXML'), 'current' => extension_loaded('simplexml'), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_MCRYPT'), 'current' => extension_loaded('mcrypt'), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_HASH'), 'current' => function_exists('hash'), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_GD'), 'current' => extension_loaded('gd'), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_DOM'), 'current' => extension_loaded('dom'), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_ICONV'), 'current' => extension_loaded('iconv'), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_SOAP'), 'current' => extension_loaded('soap'), 'notice' => extension_loaded('soap') ? null : AText::_('MAIN_MSG_SOAP'), 'warning' => true);
         $cW = @file_exists('../app/etc/local.xml') && @is_writable('../app/etc/local.xml') || @is_writable('../app/etc');
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_CONFIGURATIONPHP'), 'current' => $cW, 'notice' => $cW ? null : AText::_('MAIN_MSG_CONFIGURATIONPHP'), 'warning' => true);
     return $phpOptions;
コード例 #2
ファイル: prestashopmain.php プロジェクト: akeeba/angie
  * Get the required settings analysis
  * @return  array
 public function getRequired()
     static $phpOptions = array();
     if (empty($phpOptions)) {
         $minPHPVersion = '5.3.4';
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::sprintf('MAIN_LBL_REQ_PHP_VERSION', $minPHPVersion), 'current' => version_compare(phpversion(), $minPHPVersion, 'ge'), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_MCGPCOFF'), 'current' => ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc') == false, 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_REGGLOBALS'), 'current' => ini_get('register_globals') == false, 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_ZLIB'), 'current' => extension_loaded('zlib'), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_XML'), 'current' => extension_loaded('xml'), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_DATABASE'), 'current' => function_exists('mysql_connect') || function_exists('mysqli_connect') || function_exists('pg_connect') || function_exists('sqlsrv_connect'), 'warning' => false);
         if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) {
             $option = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_REQ_MBLANGISDEFAULT'), 'current' => strtolower(ini_get('mbstring.language')) == 'neutral', 'warning' => false);
             $option['notice'] = $option['current'] ? null : AText::_('MAIN_MSG_NOTICEMBLANGNOTDEFAULT');
             $phpOptions[] = $option;
             $option = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_REQ_MBSTRINGOVERLOAD'), 'current' => ini_get('mbstring.func_overload') == 0, 'warning' => false);
             $option['notice'] = $option['current'] ? null : AText::_('MAIN_MSG_NOTICEMBSTRINGOVERLOAD');
             $phpOptions[] = $option;
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_INIPARSER'), 'current' => $this->getIniParserAvailability(), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_JSON'), 'current' => function_exists('json_encode') && function_exists('json_decode'), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_GD_LIBRARY'), 'current' => function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor'), 'warning' => true);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_FILEUPLOAD'), 'current' => ini_get('file_uploads'), 'warning' => true);
         $cW = @file_exists('../config/settings.inc.php') && @is_writable('../config/settings.inc.php') || @is_writable('../config');
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_CONFIGURATIONPHP'), 'current' => $cW, 'notice' => $cW ? null : AText::_('MAIN_MSG_CONFIGURATIONPHP'), 'warning' => true);
     return $phpOptions;
コード例 #3
ファイル: magento2main.php プロジェクト: akeeba/angie
  * Get the required settings analysis
  * @return  array
 public function getRequired()
     $minPHPVersion = '5.5';
     $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::sprintf('MAIN_LBL_REQ_PHP_VERSION', $minPHPVersion), 'current' => version_compare(phpversion(), $minPHPVersion, 'ge'), 'warning' => false);
     $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_REGGLOBALS'), 'current' => ini_get('register_globals') == false, 'warning' => false);
     $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_ZLIB'), 'current' => extension_loaded('zlib'), 'warning' => false);
     $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_XML'), 'current' => extension_loaded('xml'), 'warning' => false);
     if (!defined('PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME')) {
         $database = false;
     } else {
         $database = in_array('mysql', PDO::getAvailableDrivers());
     $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_DATABASE'), 'current' => $database, 'warning' => false);
     $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_MBSTRING'), 'current' => extension_loaded('mbstring'), 'warning' => false);
     $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_INIPARSER'), 'current' => $this->getIniParserAvailability(), 'warning' => false);
     $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_JSON'), 'current' => function_exists('json_encode') && function_exists('json_decode'), 'warning' => false);
     $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_REC_SAFEMODE'), 'current' => (bool) ini_get('safe_mode') == false, 'warning' => false);
     $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_REC_CURL'), 'current' => function_exists('curl_init'), 'warning' => false);
     $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_SIMPLEXML'), 'current' => extension_loaded('simplexml'), 'warning' => false);
     $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_MCRYPT'), 'current' => extension_loaded('mcrypt'), 'warning' => false);
     $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_HASH'), 'current' => function_exists('hash'), 'warning' => false);
     $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_GD'), 'current' => extension_loaded('gd'), 'warning' => false);
     $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_XSL'), 'current' => extension_loaded('xsl'), 'warning' => false);
     $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_INTL'), 'current' => extension_loaded('intl'), 'warning' => false);
     $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_OPENSSL'), 'current' => extension_loaded('openssl'), 'warning' => false);
     $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_SOAP'), 'current' => extension_loaded('soap'), 'notice' => extension_loaded('soap') ? null : AText::_('MAIN_MSG_SOAP'), 'warning' => true);
     $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_VAR_WRITABLE'), 'current' => @is_writable('../var'), 'warning' => false);
     $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_ETC_WRITABLE'), 'current' => @is_writable('../app/etc'), 'warning' => false);
     $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_PUB_WRITABLE'), 'current' => @is_writable('../pub'), 'warning' => false);
     return $phpOptions;
コード例 #4
ファイル: drupal8main.php プロジェクト: akeeba/angie
  * Get the required settings analysis
  * @return  array
 public function getRequired()
     $minPHPVersion = '5.5.9';
     $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::sprintf('MAIN_LBL_REQ_PHP_VERSION', $minPHPVersion), 'current' => version_compare(phpversion(), $minPHPVersion, 'ge'), 'warning' => false);
     $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_ZLIB'), 'current' => extension_loaded('zlib'), 'warning' => false);
     $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_XML'), 'current' => extension_loaded('xml'), 'warning' => false);
     if (!defined('PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME')) {
         $database = false;
     } else {
         $database = in_array('mysql', PDO::getAvailableDrivers());
     $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_DATABASE'), 'current' => $database, 'warning' => false);
     if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) {
         $option = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_REQ_MBLANGISDEFAULT'), 'current' => strtolower(ini_get('mbstring.language')) == 'neutral', 'warning' => false);
         $option['notice'] = $option['current'] ? null : AText::_('MAIN_MSG_NOTICEMBLANGNOTDEFAULT');
         $phpOptions[] = $option;
         $option = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_REQ_MBSTRINGOVERLOAD'), 'current' => ini_get('mbstring.func_overload') == 0, 'warning' => false);
         $option['notice'] = $option['current'] ? null : AText::_('MAIN_MSG_NOTICEMBSTRINGOVERLOAD');
         $phpOptions[] = $option;
     $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_INIPARSER'), 'current' => $this->getIniParserAvailability(), 'warning' => false);
     $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_JSON'), 'current' => function_exists('json_encode') && function_exists('json_decode'), 'warning' => false);
     $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_GD_LIBRARY'), 'current' => extension_loaded('gd') && function_exists('gd_info'), 'warning' => false);
     $cW = @file_exists('../sites/default/settings.php') && @is_writable('../sites/default/settings.php') || @is_writable('../sites/default');
     $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_CONFIGURATIONPHP'), 'current' => $cW, 'notice' => $cW ? null : AText::_('MAIN_MSG_CONFIGURATIONPHP'), 'warning' => true);
     return $phpOptions;
コード例 #5
ファイル: moodlemain.php プロジェクト: akeeba/angie
  * Get the required settings analysis
  * @return  array
 public function getRequired()
     static $phpOptions = array();
     if (empty($phpOptions)) {
         $minPHPVersion = '5.4.4';
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::sprintf('MAIN_LBL_REQ_PHP_VERSION', $minPHPVersion), 'current' => version_compare(phpversion(), $minPHPVersion, 'ge'), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_ICONV'), 'current' => extension_loaded('iconv'), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_CURL'), 'current' => function_exists('curl_init'), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_CTYPE'), 'current' => extension_loaded('ctype'), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_GD'), 'current' => extension_loaded('gd'), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_ZLIB'), 'current' => extension_loaded('zlib'), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_XML'), 'current' => extension_loaded('xml'), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_DATABASE'), 'current' => function_exists('mysql_connect') || function_exists('mysqli_connect') || function_exists('pg_connect') || function_exists('sqlsrv_connect'), 'warning' => false);
         if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) {
             $option = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_REQ_MBLANGISDEFAULT'), 'current' => strtolower(ini_get('mbstring.language')) == 'neutral', 'warning' => false);
             $option['notice'] = $option['current'] ? null : AText::_('MAIN_MSG_NOTICEMBLANGNOTDEFAULT');
             $phpOptions[] = $option;
             $option = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_REQ_MBSTRINGOVERLOAD'), 'current' => ini_get('mbstring.func_overload') == 0, 'warning' => false);
             $option['notice'] = $option['current'] ? null : AText::_('MAIN_MSG_NOTICEMBSTRINGOVERLOAD');
             $phpOptions[] = $option;
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_INIPARSER'), 'current' => $this->getIniParserAvailability(), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_JSON'), 'current' => function_exists('json_encode') && function_exists('json_decode'), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_MEMORY'), 'current' => (int) ini_get('memory_limit') >= 96, 'warning' => false);
         $cW = @file_exists('../config.php') && @is_writable('../config.php') || @is_writable('../');
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_CONFIGURATIONPHP'), 'current' => $cW, 'notice' => $cW ? null : AText::_('MAIN_MSG_CONFIGURATIONPHP'), 'warning' => true);
     return $phpOptions;
コード例 #6
ファイル: pagekitmain.php プロジェクト: akeeba/angie
  * Get the required settings analysis
  * @return  array
 public function getRequired()
     static $phpOptions = array();
     if (empty($phpOptions)) {
         $minPHPVersion = '5.5.10';
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::sprintf('MAIN_LBL_REQ_PHP_VERSION', $minPHPVersion), 'current' => version_compare(phpversion(), $minPHPVersion, 'ge'), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_ZLIB'), 'current' => extension_loaded('zlib'), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_DATABASE'), 'current' => function_exists('mysql_connect') || function_exists('mysqli_connect') || function_exists('sqlsrv_connect'), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_SIMPLEXML'), 'current' => extension_loaded('simplexml'), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_MBSTRING'), 'current' => extension_loaded('mbstring'), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_DOM'), 'current' => extension_loaded('dom'), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_INIPARSER'), 'current' => $this->getIniParserAvailability(), 'warning' => false);
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_JSON'), 'current' => function_exists('json_encode') && function_exists('json_decode'), 'warning' => false);
         $cW = @file_exists('../app/system/config.php') && @is_writable('../app/system/config.php') || @is_writable('../');
         $phpOptions[] = array('label' => AText::_('MAIN_LBL_REQ_CONFIGURATIONPHP'), 'current' => $cW, 'notice' => $cW ? null : AText::_('MAIN_MSG_CONFIGURATIONPHP'), 'warning' => true);
     return $phpOptions;
コード例 #7
ファイル: default.php プロジェクト: akeeba/angie

	<div id="success-dialog" class="modal hide fade">
		<div class="modal-header">
			<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true" id="success-btn-modalclose">&times;</button>
		<div class="modal-body">
echo AText::sprintf('FINALISE_LBL_SUCCESS', 'https://www.akeebabackup.com/documentation/troubleshooter/prbasicts.html');
			<a class="btn btn-success" href="<?php 
echo AUri::base() . '../index.php';
				<span class="icon-white icon-forward"></span>

コード例 #8
ファイル: view.php プロジェクト: akeeba/angie
  * Loads a template given any path. The path is in the format:
  * viewname/templatename
  * @param   string  $path
  * @param   array   $forceParams A hash array of variables to be extracted in the local scope of the template file
  * @return \Exception|string
 public function loadAnyTemplate($path = '', $forceParams = array())
     $template = $this->container->application->getTemplate();
     $layoutTemplate = $this->getLayoutTemplate();
     // Parse the path
     $templateParts = $this->_parseTemplatePath($path);
     // Get the default paths
     $paths = array();
     $paths[] = APATH_THEMES . '/' . $template . '/html/' . $this->input->getCmd('option', 'angie') . '/' . $templateParts['view'];
     $paths[] = APATH_INSTALLATION . '/' . $this->input->getCmd('option', 'angie') . '/platform/views/' . $templateParts['view'] . '/tmpl';
     $paths[] = APATH_INSTALLATION . '/platform/views/' . $templateParts['view'] . '/tmpl';
     $paths[] = APATH_INSTALLATION . '/' . $this->input->getCmd('option', 'angie') . '/views/' . $templateParts['view'] . '/tmpl';
     if (isset($this->_path) || property_exists($this, '_path')) {
         $paths = array_merge($paths, $this->_path['template']);
     } elseif (isset($this->path) || property_exists($this, 'path')) {
         $paths = array_merge($paths, $this->path['template']);
     // Look for a template override
     if (isset($layoutTemplate) && $layoutTemplate != '_' && $layoutTemplate != $template) {
         $apath = array_shift($paths);
         array_unshift($paths, str_replace($template, $layoutTemplate, $apath));
     $filetofind = $templateParts['template'] . '.php';
     $this->_tempFilePath = AUtilsPath::find($paths, $filetofind);
     if ($this->_tempFilePath) {
         // Unset from local scope
         // Never allow a 'this' property
         if (isset($this->this)) {
         // Force parameters into scope
         if (!empty($forceParams)) {
         // Start capturing output into a buffer
         // Include the requested template filename in the local scope
         // (this will execute the view logic).
         include $this->_tempFilePath;
         // Done with the requested template; get the buffer and
         // clear it.
         $this->_output = ob_get_contents();
         return $this->_output;
     } else {
         return new Exception(AText::sprintf('ANGI_APPLICATION_ERROR_LAYOUTFILE_NOT_FOUND', $path), 500);
コード例 #9
ファイル: default.php プロジェクト: naquib555/quBitolgy
if ($this->number_of_substeps) {
    if ($this->substep == 'site.sql') {
    } else {
        echo AText::sprintf('DATABASE_HEADER_MASTER', $this->substep);

<div class="row-fluid">
	<div class="span6">

		<div class="form-horizontal">
コード例 #10
ファイル: default.php プロジェクト: akeeba/angie
			<div class="well well-small" id="restoration-lbl-error">


if ($this->number_of_substeps) {
    echo AText::sprintf('OFFSITEDIRS_HEADER_MASTER', $this->substep['target']);

<div class="row-fluid">
	<div class="span6">

		<div class="form-horizontal">
			<div class="control-group">
コード例 #11
ファイル: controller.php プロジェクト: akeeba/angie
  * Method to get a reference to the current view and load it if necessary.
  * @param   string  $name       The view name. Optional, defaults to the controller name.
  * @param   string  $type       The view type. Optional.
  * @param   string  $prefix     The class prefix. Optional.
  * @param   array   $config     Configuration array for view. Optional.
  * @return \AView Reference to the view or an error.
  * @throws \Exception
 public function getView($name = '', $type = '', $prefix = '', $config = array())
     static $views;
     if (!isset($views)) {
         $views = array();
     if (empty($name)) {
         $name = $this->getName();
     if (empty($prefix)) {
         $prefix = $this->getName() . 'View';
     if (empty($views[$name])) {
         if ($view = $this->createView($name, $prefix, $type, $config)) {
             $views[$name] =& $view;
         } else {
             throw new Exception(AText::sprintf('ANGI_APPLICATION_ERROR_VIEW_NOT_FOUND', $name, $type, $prefix), 500);
     return $views[$name];
コード例 #12
ファイル: restore.php プロジェクト: WineWorld/joomlatrialcmbg
  * Executes a SQL statement, ignoring errors in the $allowedErrorCodes list.
  * @param   string  $sql  The SQL statement to execute
  * @return  mixed  A database cursor on success, false on failure
 protected function execute($sql)
     $db = $this->getDatabase();
     try {
         $result = $db->execute();
     } catch (Exception $exc) {
         $result = false;
         if (!in_array($exc->getCode(), $this->allowedErrorCodes)) {
             // Format the error message and throw it again
             $message = '<h2>' . AText::sprintf('ANGI_RESTORE_ERROR_ERRORATLINE', $this->linenumber) . '</h2>' . "\n";
             $message .= '<p>' . AText::_('ANGI_RESTORE_ERROR_MYSQLERROR') . '</p>' . "\n";
             $message .= '<tt>ErrNo #' . htmlspecialchars($exc->getCode()) . '</tt>' . "\n";
             $message .= '<pre>' . htmlspecialchars($exc->getMessage()) . '</pre>' . "\n";
             $message .= '<p>' . AText::_('ANGI_RESTORE_ERROR_RAWQUERY') . '</p>' . "\n";
             $message .= '<pre>' . htmlspecialchars($sql) . '</pre>' . "\n";
             // Rethrow the exception if we're not supposed to handle it
             throw new Exception($message);
     return $result;
コード例 #13
ファイル: ftp.php プロジェクト: WineWorld/joomlatrialcmbg
  * Method to connect to a FTP server
  * @param   string  $host  Host to connect to [Default:]
  * @param   string  $port  Port to connect on [Default: port 21]
  * @return  boolean  True if successful
 public function connect($host = '', $port = 21)
     // Initialise variables.
     $errno = null;
     $err = null;
     // If already connected, return
     if (is_resource($this->_conn)) {
         return true;
     $this->_conn = @ftp_connect($host, $port, $this->_timeout);
     if ($this->_conn === false) {
         throw new Exception(AText::sprintf('ANGI_CLIENT_ERROR_AFTP_NO_CONNECT', $host, $port), 30);
         return false;
     // Set the timeout for this connection
     ftp_set_option($this->_conn, FTP_TIMEOUT_SEC, $this->_timeout);
     return true;
コード例 #14
ファイル: init.php プロジェクト: WineWorld/joomlatrialcmbg
<!--[if IE]>
<div class="margin: 20px; padding: 20px; background-color: yellow; border: 5px solid red; font-size: 14pt;">
echo AText::sprintf('MAIN_LBL_ANCIENTIENOTICE', 'http://www.google.com/chromeframe');

if ($this->restoringToDifferentPHP) {
<div class="alert alert-warning">
	<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">&times;</button>
    echo AText::sprintf('MAIN_LBL_DIFFERENTPHPVERSION', $this->extraInfo['php_version']['current'], PHP_VERSION, PHP_VERSION);

if ($this->restoringToDifferentHost) {
<div class="alert alert-warning">
	<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">&times;</button>
    echo AText::_('MAIN_LBL_DIFFERENTHOST');