<?php // This is an example script for querying for a User Defined Field // on a Configuration Item (otherwise known as an Installed Product) // This example should work for you if you are an OpenDNS customer // after you enter your username and password below require_once __DIR__ . '/src/autoload.php'; // Edit these variables to get this example to work for you $username = '******'; $password = '******'; // End Edit Region $authWsdl = 'https://webservices.autotask.net/atservices/1.5/atws.wsdl'; $opts = array('trace' => 1); $client = new ATWS\Client($authWsdl, $opts); $zoneInfo = $client->getZoneInfo($username); print_r($zoneInfo); $authOpts = array('login' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'trace' => 1); $wsdl = str_replace('.asmx', '.wsdl', $zoneInfo->getZoneInfoResult->URL); $client = new ATWS\Client($wsdl, $authOpts); $query = new ATWS\AutotaskObjects\Query('InstalledProduct'); $package = new ATWS\AutotaskObjects\QueryField('Package', true); $package->addExpression('Equals', 'Umbrella for MSPs'); $query->addField($package); // If you want to debug the XML produced by the Query object // print($query->asXml()); // Print the results of the query print_r($client->query($query));
/** * Returns a string with the Human-readable name of the Account * * @param object $client Takes the $client connection object\ * * @param integer $accountID Takes the accounts ID from Autotask * * @return string Returns a string with the Human-readable name of the Account */ function accountNameLookup($client, $accountID) { $query = new ATWS\AutotaskObjects\Query('Account'); $aidField = new ATWS\AutotaskObjects\QueryField('id'); $aidField->addExpression('Equals', $accountID); $query->addField($aidField); $response = $client->query($query); return $response->queryResult->EntityResults->Entity->AccountName; }