コード例 #1
  * Check if PHP GD and Imagick is installed
 function check_for_gd_imagick()
     $gd_enabled = $this->gd_enabled();
     $imagick_enabled = $this->imagick_enabled();
     if (!$gd_enabled && !$imagick_enabled) {
         $this->notices->add_notice(__('<strong>Image Manipulation Library Missing</strong> &mdash; Looks like you don\'t have an image manipulation library installed on this server and configured with PHP. You may run into trouble if you try to edit images. Please setup GD or ImageMagick.', 'amazon-s3-and-cloudfront'), array('flash' => false, 'only_show_to_user' => false, 'only_show_in_settings' => true));
コード例 #2
  * Display a notice if using setting to force HTTP as url scheme, removed in 1.3.
 protected function maybe_display_deprecated_http_notice()
     if ('http' !== $this->get_setting('ssl', 'request') || !$this->is_plugin_setup()) {
     $notice_args = array('type' => 'notice-info', 'only_show_to_user' => false, 'flash' => false);
     $doc_url = 'https://deliciousbrains.com/wp-offload-s3/doc/force-http-setting/';
     $doc_link = $this->dbrains_link($doc_url, __('this doc'));
     $message = sprintf('<strong>%s</strong> &mdash; ', __('WP Offload S3 Feature Removed', 'amazon-s3-and-cloudfront'));
     $message .= sprintf(__('You had the "Always non-SSL" option selected in your settings, but we\'ve removed this option in version 1.3. We\'ll now use HTTPS when the request is HTTPS and regular HTTP when the request is HTTP. This should work fine for your site, but please take a poke around and make sure things are working ok. See %s for more details on why we did this and how you can revert back to the old behavior.', 'amazon-s3-and-cloudfront'), $doc_link);
     $this->notices->add_notice($message, $notice_args);
コード例 #3
  * Display a notice if using the retina hidpi setting when
  * we removed support for it in 1.1.
 protected function maybe_display_deprecated_retina_notice()
     if (!$this->get_setting('hidpi-images')) {
         // Not using setting, abort
     $notice_args = array('type' => 'notice-info', 'only_show_to_user' => false, 'flash' => false);
     $doc_url = 'https://deliciousbrains.com/wp-offload-s3/doc/copy-hidpi-2x-images-support/';
     $doc_link = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', $doc_url, __('this doc'));
     $message = sprintf('<strong>%s</strong> &mdash; ', __('WP Offload S3 Feature Removed', 'amazon-s3-and-cloudfront'));
     $message .= sprintf(__('The "Copy HiDPI (@2x) Images" feature has been removed as of version 1.1 of WP Offload S3. It looks like you had this feature turned on. Please see %s for why we removed this feature and how you can continue copying @2x images to S3.', 'amazon-s3-and-cloudfront'), $doc_link);
     $this->notices->add_notice($message, $notice_args);