  * constructor with arguments
 public function __construct($orderId, $userId)
     $this->orderId = $orderId;
     $this->encryptedOrderId = Yii::app()->getSecurityManager()->hashData($orderId);
     $selectedOrders = null;
     //if order id belongs to current user and is in 'order_start' status
     //(other status mean order has already crossed the checkout process once)
     //as order id's input has been added to checkout action to facilitate the
     //order resumption. Note: As order is being modified or created in this function
     //do check before any POST or GET if order can be modified. Order can be modified
     //only and only if it is in 'order-start' status.
     $selectedOrders = AOrder::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'id', 'condition' => 'is_deleted = "no" AND ordered_by2user_details = ' . $userId . ' AND  order_unique_id = "' . $orderId . '" ' . ' AND  status = "order_start" '));
     if (!isset($selectedOrders) || count($selectedOrders) < 1) {
         $this->render('cart_error', array('errorMessage' => "Either this page does not exists or has expired or you are not allowed to view this page.", 'link' => CHtml::normalizeUrl(array('cart/checkout'))));
     $this->totalItemsInOrder = 0;
     foreach ($selectedOrders as $row) {
         $this->tiffinPriceTimeSelectionArr[] = new TiffinPriceTimeSelectionForm($row, $this->encryptedOrderId);
         $this->destinationLocality = $row->destination_locality;
         $this->totalItemsInOrder = $this->totalItemsInOrder + $row->num_of_units;
     $this->totalAmountInWallet = AppCommonWallet::getTotalAmountInWalletForUser($userId);
     $this->amountUsedFromWallet = 0;
     $this->userId = $userId;
コード例 #2
  * $id is order unique id
  * TODO::add comments
 public function actionCheckout($id = null)
     $sm = Yii::app()->getSecurityManager();
     $orderId = $id;
     $selectedOrders = null;
     if (isset($orderId)) {
         if (($orderId = $sm->validateData($orderId)) == false) {
             $this->render('cart_error', array('errorMessage' => "Either this page does not exists or has expired.", 'link' => CHtml::normalizeUrl(array('site/index'))));
         //if order id exists and belongs to current user and is in 'order_start' status
         //(other status mean order has already crossed the checkout process once)
         //as order id's input has been added to checkout action to facilitate the
         //order resumption. Note: As order is being modified or created in this function
         //do check before any POST or GET if order can be modified. Order can be modified
         //only and only if it is in 'order-start' status.
         $selectedOrders = AOrder::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 'is_deleted = "no" AND ordered_by2user_details = ' . AppCommon::getUserDetailsId() . ' AND  order_unique_id = "' . $orderId . '" ' . ' AND  status = "order_start" '));
         if (!isset($selectedOrders) || count($selectedOrders) < 1) {
             $this->render('cart_error', array('errorMessage' => "Either this page does not exists or has expired or you are not allowed to view this page.", 'link' => CHtml::normalizeUrl(array('cart/checkout'))));
     $model = new CheckoutFirstStageForm();
     if (Yii::app()->getRequest()->getRequestType() == 'GET' || isset($_POST['CheckoutFirstStageForm'])) {
         if (isset($orderId) && Yii::app()->getRequest()->getRequestType() == 'GET') {
             //first add the items retreived from $orderId to cart
             if (isset($selectedOrders)) {
                 foreach ($selectedOrders as $row) {
                     $this->actionAddToCart($row->order2tiffin, $row->num_of_units, 0);
                     $model->address = $row->order2address;
                     $model->phone = $row->destination_phone;
                     $model->customerLocality = $row->destination_locality;
         if (AppCommon::cartItemCount() < 1) {
             $this->render('cart_error', array('errorMessage' => "Cart is empty.", 'link' => CHtml::normalizeUrl(array('site/index'))));
         //handling POST method here
         if (isset($_POST['CheckoutFirstStageForm'])) {
             $model->attributes = $_POST['CheckoutFirstStageForm'];
             if ($model->validate()) {
                 //get a order id if not there create new
                 //after this if we will have a order id for sure :)
                 if (!isset($orderId) && ($orderId = AppCommon::getUniqueOrderNumForUser(AppCommon::getUserDetailsId())) == false) {
                     $this->render('cart_error', array('errorMessage' => "Order number could not be created.", 'link' => CHtml::normalizeUrl(array('site/index'))));
                 //Yii::ankFileSave( $orderId );
                 //create order rows in table
                 $transaction = Yii::app()->db->beginTransaction();
                 try {
                     //remove all old records if any with supplied orderId
                     if (isset($selectedOrders) && count($selectedOrders) > 0) {
                         foreach ($selectedOrders as $row) {
                             $row->is_deleted = AppCommon::getUserDetailsId();
                     $currDateTime = new DateTime();
                     $currDateTime = $currDateTime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                     //Yii::ankFileSave( var_export( $model->getCartArray, true ) );
                     //save orders rows for item in current locality
                     foreach ($model->getCartArray as $key => $value) {
                         if (is_array($value)) {
                             if ($value["is_available_at_current_locality"]) {
                                 //saved order record
                                 $orderRecord = new AOrder();
                                 $orderRecord->order_unique_id = $orderId;
                                 $orderRecord->num_of_units = $value["quantity"];
                                 $orderRecord->ordered_by2user_details = AppCommon::getUserDetailsId();
                                 $orderRecord->order2tiffin = $value["id"];
                                 $orderRecord->order2address = $model->address;
                                 $orderRecord->status = 'order_start';
                                 $orderRecord->last_status_update = $currDateTime;
                                 $orderRecord->destination_phone = $model->phone;
                                 $orderRecord->destination_address = $model->getAddressData[$model->address][1];
                                 $orderRecord->destination_locality = $model->getAddressData[$model->address][0];
                                 if ($emailPhoneArr = AppCommon::getEmailAndBasePhoneNumForUser($value["chef_id"])) {
                                     if (isset($emailPhoneArr['phone'])) {
                                         $orderRecord->source_phone = $emailPhoneArr['phone'];
                                 if ($AddressDataArrForChef = AppCommon::getBaseAddressDataForUser($value["chef_id"])) {
                                     foreach ($AddressDataArrForChef as $key1 => $value1) {
                                         $orderRecord->source_address = $value1[1];
                                         $orderRecord->source_locality = $value1[0];
                                 //saved order history record
                                 AppCommon::createOrderHistoryRecord($orderRecord->id, 'order_start', $currDateTime, $orderId);
                                 //TODO save phone number with user id in phone table if not exists already
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     $this->render('cart_error', array('errorMessage' => "Order could not be created.", 'link' => CHtml::normalizeUrl(array('site/index'))));
                 $secStage = new CheckoutSecondStageForm($orderId, AppCommon::getUserDetailsId());
                 //clear error as it the first time display of form
                 //Yii::ankFileSave( var_export( $secStage, true ) );
                 $this->render('checkout_second_stage', array('model' => $secStage));
                 //stop here after displaying checkout second stage
         //datastructure format : array( addrId => array( locality, addrText ) )
         $addressArray = AAddress::getAllowedAddressForUser(AppCommon::getUserDetailsId());
         $this->render('checkout_first_stage', array('model' => $model, 'addressArray' => $addressArray));
     } else {
         if (isset($_POST['CheckoutSecondStageForm']) && isset($orderId) && isset($orderId) && isset($selectedOrders) && count($selectedOrders) > 0) {
             $secStage1 = new CheckoutSecondStageForm($orderId, AppCommon::getUserDetailsId());
             $secStage1->attributes = $_POST['CheckoutSecondStageForm'];
             foreach ($secStage1->tiffinPriceTimeSelectionArr as $key1 => $value1) {
                 if (isset($_POST['TiffinPriceTimeSelectionForm'][$key1])) {
                     $value1->attributes = $_POST['TiffinPriceTimeSelectionForm'][$key1];
             //validation passed finishing orders
             if ($secStage1->validate()) {
                 //TODO: javascript thing also
                 //TODO: before displaying make sure pament method is set accoding to wallet money and total value
                 //TODO: and discount and cash back value should be rest user should press verify to set them.
                 //TODO: things to make order confirmed
                 $transaction1 = Yii::app()->db->beginTransaction();
                 try {
                     $currDateTime1 = new DateTime();
                     $currDateTime1 = $currDateTime1->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                     foreach ($secStage1->tiffinPriceTimeSelectionArr as $key3 => $value3) {
                         /* @var $value3 TiffinPriceTimeSelectionForm */
                         /* @var $aOrderObj $currOrder */
                         $currOrder = $value3->aOrderObj;
                         $currOrder->total_price = $value3->totalPrice;
                         $currOrder->per_unit_price = $value3->perUnitPrice;
                         $currOrder->order2price_time = $value3->selectedPriceTimeId;
                         if (!AppCommon::isEmpty($secStage1->couponCode)) {
                             $currOrder->applied_offer_id = $secStage1->couponCode;
                             if ($secStage1->billArray[1] != 0) {
                                 $currOrder->applied_order_amount = $secStage1->billArray[1];
                             } else {
                                 if ($secStage1->billArray[2] != 0) {
                                     $currOrder->applied_order_amount = $secStage1->billArray[2];
                         $currOrder->order_pickup_time = $value3->selectedAPriceTimeObj->order_pickup_time;
                         $currOrder->order_delivery_time = $value3->selectedAPriceTimeObj->order_delivery_time;
                         $currOrder->wallet_amount_used = $secStage1->amountUsedFromWallet;
                         if ($secStage1->paymentMethod == 1) {
                             //order_start -> wallet -> order_confirmed
                             $currOrder->payment_mode = 'wallet';
                             AppCommon::createOrderHistoryRecord($currOrder->id, 'wallet', $currDateTime1, $currOrder->order_unique_id);
                             AppCommon::createOrderHistoryRecord($currOrder->id, 'order_confirmed', $currDateTime1, $currOrder->order_unique_id);
                             $currOrder->status = 'order_confirmed';
                             $currOrder->last_status_update = $currDateTime1;
                         } else {
                             if ($secStage1->paymentMethod == 2) {
                                 throw new Exception();
                                 //order_start -> online_payment -> awaiting_payment_confirmation -> payment_received -> order_confirmed/ order_failed
                                 $currOrder->payment_mode = 'online_payment';
                                 AppCommon::createOrderHistoryRecord($currOrder->id, 'online_payment', $currDateTime1, $currOrder->order_unique_id);
                                 AppCommon::createOrderHistoryRecord($currOrder->id, 'awaiting_payment_confirmation', $currDateTime1, $currOrder->order_unique_id);
                             } else {
                                 if ($secStage1->paymentMethod == 3) {
                                     //order_start -> cod -> awaiting_order_verification -> order_confirmed
                                     $currOrder->payment_mode = 'cod';
                                     AppCommon::createOrderHistoryRecord($currOrder->id, 'cod', $currDateTime1, $currOrder->order_unique_id);
                                     AppCommon::createOrderHistoryRecord($currOrder->id, 'awaiting_order_verification', $currDateTime1, $currOrder->order_unique_id);
                                     AppCommon::createOrderHistoryRecord($currOrder->id, 'order_confirmed', $currDateTime1, $currOrder->order_unique_id);
                                     $currOrder->status = 'order_confirmed';
                                     $currOrder->last_status_update = $currDateTime1;
                     if ($secStage1->paymentMethod == 1) {
                         //deduct money from wallet if wallet used
                         AppCommonWallet::debitAmountFromWallet($secStage1->amountUsedFromWallet, 'order_creation', $currDateTime1, $secStage1->orderId, 'wallet', $secStage1->userId);
                     } else {
                         if ($secStage1->paymentMethod == 3) {
                             //deduct money from wallet if wallet used
                             AppCommonWallet::debitAmountFromWallet($secStage1->amountUsedFromWallet, 'order_creation', $currDateTime1, $secStage1->orderId, 'wallet', $secStage1->userId);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     $this->render('cart_error', array('errorMessage' => "Order could not be created.", 'link' => CHtml::normalizeUrl(array('cart/checkout', 'id' => $secStage1->encryptedOrderId))));
                 $orderViewLink = Yii::app()->getRequest()->getHostInfo() . Yii::app()->getRequest()->getScriptUrl() . '/order/view/id/' . $secStage1->encryptedOrderId;
                 Yii::ankFileSave("order links");
                 $subject_email = "tw.in Order Confirmation order no. " . $secStage1->orderId;
                 $content_user = "******" . Yii::app()->user->name . ",\n" . "Your order no. " . $secStage1->orderId . " has been accepted. The url containing details of your order is \n\n\n" . $orderViewLink . "\n\n\n We will deliver the order by as per your selected time. We may call you for asking directions, if needed." . " Kindly receive the calls to make us deliver quickly. \nThanks and regards, \nTiffinwale.in team ";
                 //notify customer
                 AppCommon::sendEmail(AppCommon::getEmail(), Yii::app()->user->name, $subject_email, $content_user, array("order_notification_customer"));
                 //notify tw team
                 AppCommon::sendEmail(Yii::app()->params['adminEmail'], Yii::app()->user->name, $subject_email, $content_user, array("order_notification_tiffinwale.in_team"));
                 $content_sms = "Dear Customer, we have received your order no. " . $secStage1->orderId . ". For more details click " . CHtml::encode($orderViewLink) . " or view email" . " Thanks! tw.in";
                 /*$content_sms = "Dear Customer, we have received your order from".
                 		" and it will be delivered between 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM. Thank You! tw.in";*/
                 //sms customer
                 AppCommon::sendSmsOnTime($secStage1->tiffinPriceTimeSelectionArr[0]->aOrderObj->destination_phone, $content_sms, "null", true);
                 AppCommon::sendSmsOnTime('9999999999', $content_sms, "null", true);
                 //redirect to view order details
                 //TODO: price time and cart value decrease
                 //stop here
             $this->render('checkout_second_stage', array('model' => $secStage1));
         } else {
             $this->render('cart_error', array('errorMessage' => "Few security issues has been detected with this request.", 'link' => CHtml::normalizeUrl(array('site/index'))));
コード例 #3
  * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.
  * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.
  * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be loaded
  * @return AOrder the loaded model
  * @throws CHttpException
 public function loadModel($id)
     $model = AOrder::model()->findByPk($id);
     if ($model === null) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.');
     return $model;