コード例 #1
  * Initialize the stream from the given path.
  * Concretely, transform ajxp.smb:// into smb://
  * @param string $path
  * @return mixed Real path or -1 if currentListing contains the listing : original path converted to real path
 protected static function initPath($path, $streamType, $storeOpenContext = false, $skipZip = false)
     $url = parse_url($path);
     $repoId = $url["host"];
     $repoObject = ConfService::getRepositoryById($repoId);
     if (!isset($repoObject)) {
         throw new Exception("Cannot find repository with id " . $repoId);
     $path = $url["path"];
     // Fix if the host is defined as //MY_HOST/path/to/folder
     $host = str_replace("//", "", $repoObject->getOption("HOST"));
     $credentials = "";
     $safeCreds = AJXP_Safe::tryLoadingCredentialsFromSources($url, $repoObject);
     if ($safeCreds["user"] != "" && $safeCreds["password"] != "") {
         $login = $safeCreds["user"];
         $pass = $safeCreds["password"];
         $credentials = "{$login}:{$pass}@";
         $domain = $repoObject->getOption("DOMAIN");
         if ($domain != "") {
             $credentials = $domain . "/" . $credentials;
     $basePath = $repoObject->getOption("PATH");
     $fullPath = "smb://" . $credentials . $host . "/";
     if ($basePath != "") {
         $fullPath .= trim($basePath, "/\\");
     if ($path != "") {
         $fullPath .= ($path[0] == "/" ? "" : "/") . $path;
     return $fullPath;
コード例 #2
  * Initialize the stream from the given path.
  * Concretely, transform ajxp.webdav:// into webdav://
  * @param string $path
  * @return mixed Real path or -1 if currentListing contains the listing : original path converted to real path
 protected static function initPath($path, $streamType, $storeOpenContext = false, $skipZip = false)
     $url = AJXP_Utils::safeParseUrl($path);
     $repoId = $url["host"];
     $repoObject = ConfService::getRepositoryById($repoId);
     if (!isset($repoObject)) {
         $e = new Exception("Cannot find repository with id " . $repoId);
         self::$lastException = $e;
         throw $e;
     $path = $url["path"];
     $host = $repoObject->getOption("HOST");
     $hostParts = parse_url($host);
     if ($hostParts["scheme"] == "https" && !extension_loaded("openssl")) {
         $e = new Exception("Warning you must have the openssl PHP extension loaded to connect an https server!");
         self::$lastException = $e;
         throw $e;
     $credentials = AJXP_Safe::tryLoadingCredentialsFromSources($hostParts, $repoObject);
     $user = $credentials["user"];
     $password = $credentials["password"];
     if ($user != null && $password != null) {
         $host = ($hostParts["scheme"] == "https" ? "webdavs" : "webdav") . "://{$user}:{$password}@" . $hostParts["host"];
         if (isset($hostParts["port"])) {
             $host .= ":" . $hostParts["port"];
     } else {
         $host = str_replace(array("http", "https"), array("webdav", "webdavs"), $host);
     $basePath = $repoObject->getOption("PATH");
     if ($basePath[strlen($basePath) - 1] == "/") {
         $basePath = substr($basePath, 0, -1);
     if ($basePath[0] != "/") {
         $basePath = "/{$basePath}";
     $path = AJXP_Utils::securePath($path);
     if ($path[0] == "/") {
         $path = substr($path, 1);
     // SHOULD RETURN webdav://host_server/uri/to/webdav/folder
     AJXP_Logger::debug(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, $host . $basePath . "/" . $path);
     return $host . $basePath . "/" . $path;
コード例 #3
  * @param array $data
  * @param AbstractAccessDriver $accessDriver
  * @param Repository $repository
 public function storeSafeCredentialsIfNeeded(&$data, $accessDriver, $repository)
     $storeCreds = false;
     if ($repository->getOption("META_SOURCES")) {
         $options["META_SOURCES"] = $repository->getOption("META_SOURCES");
         foreach ($options["META_SOURCES"] as $metaSource) {
             if (isset($metaSource["USE_SESSION_CREDENTIALS"]) && $metaSource["USE_SESSION_CREDENTIALS"] === true) {
                 $storeCreds = true;
     if ($storeCreds || $accessDriver->hasMixin("credentials_consumer")) {
         $cred = AJXP_Safe::tryLoadingCredentialsFromSources(array(), $repository);
         if (isset($cred["user"]) && isset($cred["password"])) {
             $data["SAFE_USER"] = $cred["user"];
             $data["SAFE_PASS"] = $cred["password"];
コード例 #4
 protected function parseUrl($url, $forceLogin = false)
     // URL MAY BE ajxp.ftp://username:password@host/path
     $urlParts = AJXP_Utils::safeParseUrl($url);
     $this->repositoryId = $urlParts["host"];
     $repository = ConfService::getRepositoryById($this->repositoryId);
     if ($repository == null) {
         throw new Exception("Cannot find repository for dynamic ftp authentification.");
     $credentials = AJXP_Safe::tryLoadingCredentialsFromSources($urlParts, $repository);
     $this->user = $credentials["user"];
     $this->password = $credentials["password"];
     if ($this->user == "") {
         throw new AJXP_Exception("Cannot find user/pass for FTP access!");
     if ($repository->getOption("DYNAMIC_FTP") == "TRUE" && isset($_SESSION["AJXP_DYNAMIC_FTP_DATA"])) {
         $data = $_SESSION["AJXP_DYNAMIC_FTP_DATA"];
         $this->host = $data["FTP_HOST"];
         $this->path = $data["PATH"];
         $this->secure = $data["FTP_SECURE"] == "TRUE" ? true : false;
         $this->port = $data["FTP_PORT"] != "" ? intval($data["FTP_PORT"]) : ($this->secure ? 22 : 21);
         $this->ftpActive = $data["FTP_DIRECT"] == "TRUE" ? true : false;
         $this->repoCharset = $data["CHARSET"];
     } else {
         $this->host = $repository->getOption("FTP_HOST");
         $this->path = $repository->getOption("PATH");
         $this->secure = $repository->getOption("FTP_SECURE") == "TRUE" ? true : false;
         $this->port = $repository->getOption("FTP_PORT") != "" ? intval($repository->getOption("FTP_PORT")) : ($this->secure ? 22 : 21);
         $this->ftpActive = $repository->getOption("FTP_DIRECT") == "TRUE" ? true : false;
         $this->repoCharset = $repository->getOption("CHARSET");
     // Test Connexion and server features
     global $_SESSION;
     $cacheKey = $repository->getId() . "_ftpCharset";
     if (!isset($_SESSION[$cacheKey]) || !strlen($_SESSION[$cacheKey]) || $forceLogin) {
         $features = $this->getServerFeatures();
         $ctxCharset = ConfService::getContextCharset();
         if (empty($ctxCharset)) {
             $_SESSION[$cacheKey] = $features["charset"];
         } else {
             $_SESSION[$cacheKey] = $ctxCharset;
     return $urlParts;
コード例 #5
 public function detectRemoteUserId($repoObject)
     $host = $repoObject->getOption("SFTP_HOST");
     $port = $repoObject->getOption("SFTP_PORT");
     $credentials = AJXP_Safe::tryLoadingCredentialsFromSources(NULL, $repoObject);
     $user = $credentials["user"];
     $pass = $credentials["password"];
     $ssh2 = new Net_SSH2($host, $port);
     if ($ssh2->login($user, $pass)) {
         $output = $ssh2->exec('id');
         if (trim($output != "")) {
             $res = sscanf($output, "uid=%i(%s) gid=%i(%s) groups=%i(%s)");
             preg_match_all("/(\\w*)=(\\w*)\\((\\w*)\\)/", $output, $matches);
             if (count($matches[0]) == 3) {
                 $uid = $matches[2][0];
                 $gid = $matches[2][1];
                 return array($uid, $gid);
     return array(null, null);
コード例 #6
ファイル: class.ShareCenter.php プロジェクト: biggtfish/cms
 /** Cypher the publiclet object data and write to disk.
      * @param Array $data The publiclet data array to write
                      The data array must have the following keys:
                      - DRIVER      The driver used to get the file's content
                      - OPTIONS     The driver options to be successfully constructed (usually, the user and password)
                      - FILE_PATH   The path to the file's content
                      - PASSWORD    If set, the written publiclet will ask for this password before sending the content
                      - ACTION      If set, action to perform
                      - USER        If set, the AJXP user
                      - EXPIRE_TIME If set, the publiclet will deny downloading after this time, and probably self destruct.
      *               - AUTHOR_WATCH If set, will post notifications for the publiclet author each time the file is loaded
      * @param AbstractAccessDriver $accessDriver
      * @param Repository $repository
      * @return array An array containing the hash (0) and the generated url (1)
 public function writePubliclet(&$data, $accessDriver, $repository)
     $downloadFolder = ConfService::getCoreConf("PUBLIC_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER");
     if (!is_dir($downloadFolder)) {
         return "ERROR : Public URL folder does not exist!";
     if (!function_exists("mcrypt_create_iv")) {
         return "ERROR : MCrypt must be installed to use publiclets!";
     $data["PLUGIN_ID"] = $accessDriver->getId();
     $data["BASE_DIR"] = $accessDriver->getBaseDir();
     //$data["REPOSITORY"] = $repository;
     if (AuthService::usersEnabled()) {
         $data["OWNER_ID"] = AuthService::getLoggedUser()->getId();
     $storeCreds = false;
     if ($repository->getOption("META_SOURCES")) {
         $options["META_SOURCES"] = $repository->getOption("META_SOURCES");
         foreach ($options["META_SOURCES"] as $metaSource) {
             if (isset($metaSource["USE_SESSION_CREDENTIALS"]) && $metaSource["USE_SESSION_CREDENTIALS"] === true) {
                 $storeCreds = true;
     if ($storeCreds || $accessDriver->hasMixin("credentials_consumer")) {
         $cred = AJXP_Safe::tryLoadingCredentialsFromSources(array(), $repository);
         if (isset($cred["user"]) && isset($cred["password"])) {
             $data["SAFE_USER"] = $cred["user"];
             $data["SAFE_PASS"] = $cred["password"];
     // Force expanded path in publiclet
     $copy = clone $repository;
     $copy->addOption("PATH", $repository->getOption("PATH"));
     $data["REPOSITORY"] = $copy;
     if ($data["ACTION"] == "") {
         $data["ACTION"] = "download";
     // Create a random key
     $data["FINAL_KEY"] = md5(mt_rand() . time());
     // Cypher the data with a random key
     $outputData = serialize($data);
     // Hash the data to make sure it wasn't modified
     $hash = $this->computeHash($outputData, $downloadFolder);
     // md5($outputData);
     $outputData = base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $hash, $outputData, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB));
     $fileData = "<" . "?" . "php \n" . '   require_once("' . str_replace("\\", "/", AJXP_INSTALL_PATH) . '/publicLet.inc.php"); ' . "\n" . '   $id = str_replace(".php", "", basename(__FILE__)); ' . "\n" . '   $cypheredData = base64_decode("' . $outputData . '"); ' . "\n" . '   $inputData = trim(mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $id, $cypheredData, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB), "\\0");  ' . "\n" . '   if (!ShareCenter::checkHash($inputData, $id)) { header("HTTP/1.0 401 Not allowed, script was modified"); exit(); } ' . "\n" . '   // Ok extract the data ' . "\n" . '   $data = unserialize($inputData); ShareCenter::loadPubliclet($data); ';
     if (@file_put_contents($downloadFolder . "/" . $hash . ".php", $fileData) === FALSE) {
         return "Can't write to PUBLIC URL";
     @chmod($downloadFolder . "/" . $hash . ".php", 0755);
     $url = $this->buildPublicletLink($hash);
     $this->logInfo("New Share", array("file" => "'" . $copy->display . ":/" . $data['FILE_PATH'] . "'", "url" => $url, "expiration" => $data['EXPIRE_TIME'], "limit" => $data['DOWNLOAD_LIMIT'], "repo_uuid" => $copy->uuid));
     AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.share.create", array('type' => 'file', 'repository' => &$copy, 'accessDriver' => &$accessDriver, 'data' => &$data, 'url' => $url));
     return array($hash, $url);
コード例 #7
 public static function getSshConnection($path, $repoObject = null)
     if ($repoObject != null) {
         $url = array();
     } else {
         $url = AJXP_Utils::safeParseUrl($path);
         $repoId = $url["host"];
         $repoObject = ConfService::getRepositoryById($repoId);
     $remote_serv = $repoObject->getOption("SERV");
     $remote_port = $repoObject->getOption("PORT");
     $credentials = AJXP_Safe::tryLoadingCredentialsFromSources($url, $repoObject);
     $remote_user = $credentials["user"];
     $remote_pass = $credentials["password"];
     $remote_base_path = $repoObject->getOption("PATH");
     $callbacks = array('disconnect' => "disconnectedSftp", 'ignore' => "ignoreSftp", 'debug' => "debugSftp", 'macerror' => "macerrorSftp");
     $connection = ssh2_connect($remote_serv, intval($remote_port), array(), $callbacks);
     ssh2_auth_password($connection, $remote_user, $remote_pass);
     return array($connection, $remote_base_path);
コード例 #8
 /** Cypher the publiclet object data and write to disk.
      * @param Array $data The publiclet data array to write
                      The data array must have the following keys:
                      - DRIVER      The driver used to get the file's content
                      - OPTIONS     The driver options to be successfully constructed (usually, the user and password)
                      - FILE_PATH   The path to the file's content
                      - PASSWORD    If set, the written publiclet will ask for this password before sending the content
                      - ACTION      If set, action to perform
                      - USER        If set, the AJXP user
                      - EXPIRE_TIME If set, the publiclet will deny downloading after this time, and probably self destruct.
      * @param AbstractAccessDriver $accessDriver
      * @param Repository $repository
      * @return the URL to the downloaded file
 function writePubliclet($data, $accessDriver, $repository)
     $downloadFolder = ConfService::getCoreConf("PUBLIC_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER");
     if (!is_dir($downloadFolder)) {
         return "ERROR : Public URL folder does not exist!";
     if (!function_exists("mcrypt_create_iv")) {
         return "ERROR : MCrypt must be installed to use publiclets!";
     $data["PLUGIN_ID"] = $accessDriver->getId();
     $data["BASE_DIR"] = $accessDriver->getBaseDir();
     $data["REPOSITORY"] = $repository;
     if (AuthService::usersEnabled()) {
         $data["OWNER_ID"] = AuthService::getLoggedUser()->getId();
     if ($accessDriver->hasMixin("credentials_consumer")) {
         $cred = AJXP_Safe::tryLoadingCredentialsFromSources(array(), $repository);
         if (isset($cred["user"]) && isset($cred["password"])) {
             $data["SAFE_USER"] = $cred["user"];
             $data["SAFE_PASS"] = $cred["password"];
     // Force expanded path in publiclet
     $data["REPOSITORY"]->addOption("PATH", $repository->getOption("PATH"));
     if ($data["ACTION"] == "") {
         $data["ACTION"] = "download";
     // Create a random key
     $data["FINAL_KEY"] = md5(mt_rand() . time());
     // Cypher the data with a random key
     $outputData = serialize($data);
     // Hash the data to make sure it wasn't modified
     $hash = md5($outputData);
     // The initialisation vector is only required to avoid a warning, as ECB ignore IV
     $iv = mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB), MCRYPT_RAND);
     // We have encoded as base64 so if we need to store the result in a database, it can be stored in text column
     $outputData = base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $hash, $outputData, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv));
     // Okay, write the file:
     $fileData = "<" . "?" . "php \n" . '   require_once("' . str_replace("\\", "/", AJXP_INSTALL_PATH) . '/publicLet.inc.php"); ' . "\n" . '   $id = str_replace(".php", "", basename(__FILE__)); ' . "\n" . '   $cypheredData = base64_decode("' . $outputData . '"); ' . "\n" . '   $iv = mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB), MCRYPT_RAND); ' . "\n" . '   $inputData = trim(mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $id, $cypheredData, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv), "\\0");  ' . "\n" . '   if (md5($inputData) != $id) { header("HTTP/1.0 401 Not allowed, script was modified"); exit(); } ' . "\n" . '   // Ok extract the data ' . "\n" . '   $data = unserialize($inputData); ShareCenter::loadPubliclet($data); ?' . '>';
     if (@file_put_contents($downloadFolder . "/" . $hash . ".php", $fileData) === FALSE) {
         return "Can't write to PUBLIC URL";
     @chmod($downloadFolder . "/" . $hash . ".php", 0755);
     return $this->buildPublicletLink($hash);