コード例 #1
 function do_other_admin_side_init_tasks()
     global $aio_wp_security;
     //***New Feature improvement for Cookie Based Brute Force Protection***//
     //The old "test cookie" used to be too easy to guess because someone could just read the code and get the value.
     //So now we will drop a more secure test cookie using a 10 digit random string
     if ($aio_wp_security->configs->get_value('aiowps_enable_brute_force_attack_prevention') == '1') {
         // This code is for users who had this feature saved using an older release. This will drop the new more secure test cookie to the browser and will write it to the .htaccess file too
         $test_cookie = $aio_wp_security->configs->get_value('aiowps_cookie_brute_test');
         if (empty($test_cookie)) {
             $random_suffix = AIOWPSecurity_Utility::generate_alpha_numeric_random_string(10);
             $test_cookie_name = 'aiowps_cookie_test_' . $random_suffix;
             $aio_wp_security->configs->set_value('aiowps_cookie_brute_test', $test_cookie_name);
             //save the value
             AIOWPSecurity_Utility::set_cookie_value($test_cookie_name, "1");
             //Write this new cookie to the .htaccess file
             $res = AIOWPSecurity_Utility_Htaccess::write_to_htaccess();
             if ($res == -1) {
                 $aio_wp_security->debug_logger->log_debug("Error writing new test cookie with random suffix to .htaccess file!", 4);
     //For cookie test form submission case
     if (isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] == AIOWPSEC_BRUTE_FORCE_MENU_SLUG && isset($_GET['tab']) && $_GET['tab'] == 'tab2') {
         global $aio_wp_security;
         if (isset($_POST['aiowps_do_cookie_test_for_bfla'])) {
             $random_suffix = AIOWPSecurity_Utility::generate_alpha_numeric_random_string(10);
             $test_cookie_name = 'aiowps_cookie_test_' . $random_suffix;
             $aio_wp_security->configs->set_value('aiowps_cookie_brute_test', $test_cookie_name);
             //save the value
             AIOWPSecurity_Utility::set_cookie_value($test_cookie_name, "1");
             $cur_url = "admin.php?page=" . AIOWPSEC_BRUTE_FORCE_MENU_SLUG . "&tab=tab2";
             $redirect_url = AIOWPSecurity_Utility::add_query_data_to_url($cur_url, 'aiowps_cookie_test', "1");
         if (isset($_POST['aiowps_enable_brute_force_attack_prevention'])) {
             $brute_force_feature_secret_word = sanitize_text_field($_POST['aiowps_brute_force_secret_word']);
             if (empty($brute_force_feature_secret_word)) {
                 $brute_force_feature_secret_word = "aiowps_secret";
             AIOWPSecurity_Utility::set_cookie_value($brute_force_feature_secret_word, "1");
         if (isset($_REQUEST['aiowps_cookie_test'])) {
             $test_cookie = $aio_wp_security->configs->get_value('aiowps_cookie_brute_test');
             $cookie_val = AIOWPSecurity_Utility::get_cookie_value($test_cookie);
             if (empty($cookie_val)) {
                 $aio_wp_security->configs->set_value('aiowps_cookie_test_success', '');
             } else {
                 $aio_wp_security->configs->set_value('aiowps_cookie_test_success', '1');
             //save the value
     if (isset($_POST['aiowps_save_wp_config'])) {
         $nonce = $_REQUEST['_wpnonce'];
         if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'aiowpsec-save-wp-config-nonce')) {
             $aio_wp_security->debug_logger->log_debug("Nonce check failed on wp_config file save!", 4);
             die("Nonce check failed on wp_config file save!");
         $wp_config_path = AIOWPSecurity_Utility_File::get_wp_config_file_path();
         $result = AIOWPSecurity_Utility_File::backup_and_rename_wp_config($wp_config_path);
         //Backup the wp_config.php file
         AIOWPSecurity_Utility_File::download_a_file_option1($wp_config_path, "wp-config-backup.txt");
     //Handle export settings
     if (isset($_POST['aiowps_export_settings'])) {
         $nonce = $_REQUEST['_wpnonce'];
         if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'aiowpsec-export-settings-nonce')) {
             $aio_wp_security->debug_logger->log_debug("Nonce check failed on export AIOWPS settings!", 4);
             die("Nonce check failed on export AIOWPS settings!");
         $config_data = get_option('aio_wp_security_configs');
         $output = json_encode($config_data);
コード例 #2
 function change_db_prefix($table_old_prefix, $table_new_prefix)
     global $wpdb, $aio_wp_security;
     $old_prefix_length = strlen($table_old_prefix);
     $error = 0;
     //Config file path
     $config_file = AIOWPSecurity_Utility_File::get_wp_config_file_path();
     //Get the table resource
     //$result = mysql_list_tables(DB_NAME);
     $result = $this->get_mysql_tables(DB_NAME);
     //Fix for deprecated php mysql_list_tables function
     //Count the number of tables
     if (is_array($result) && count($result) > 0) {
         $num_rows = count($result);
     } else {
         echo '<div class="aio_red_box"><p>' . __('Error - Could not get tables or no tables found!', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall') . '</p></div>';
     $table_count = 0;
     $info_msg_string = '<p class="aio_info_with_icon">' . __('Starting DB prefix change operations.....', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall') . '</p>';
     $info_msg_string .= '<p class="aio_info_with_icon">' . sprintf(__('Your WordPress system has a total of %s tables and your new DB prefix will be: %s', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall'), '<strong>' . $num_rows . '</strong>', '<strong>' . $table_new_prefix . '</strong>') . '</p>';
     echo $info_msg_string;
     //Do a back of the config file
     if (!AIOWPSecurity_Utility_File::backup_and_rename_wp_config($config_file)) {
         echo '<div class="aio_red_box"><p>' . __('Failed to make a backup of the wp-config.php file. This operation will not go ahead.', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall') . '</p></div>';
     } else {
         echo '<p class="aio_success_with_icon">' . __('A backup copy of your wp-config.php file was created successfully!', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall') . '</p>';
     //Get multisite blog_ids if applicable
     if (AIOWPSecurity_Utility::is_multisite_install()) {
         $blog_ids = AIOWPSecurity_Utility::get_blog_ids();
     //Rename all the table names
     foreach ($result as $db_table) {
         //Get table name with old prefix
         $table_old_name = $db_table;
         if (strpos($table_old_name, $table_old_prefix) === 0) {
             //Get table name with new prefix
             $table_new_name = $table_new_prefix . substr($table_old_name, $old_prefix_length);
             //Write query to rename tables name
             $sql = "RENAME TABLE `" . $table_old_name . "` TO `" . $table_new_name . "`";
             //$sql = "RENAME TABLE %s TO %s";
             //Execute the query
             if (false === $wpdb->query($sql)) {
                 $error = 1;
                 echo '<p class="aio_error_with_icon">' . sprintf(__('%s table name update failed', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall'), '<strong>' . $table_old_name . '</strong>') . '</p>';
                 $aio_wp_security->debug_logger->log_debug("DB Security Feature - Unable to change prefix of table " . $table_old_name, 4);
             } else {
         } else {
     if ($error == 1) {
         echo '<p class="aio_error_with_icon">' . sprintf(__('Please change the prefix manually for the above tables to: %s', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall'), '<strong>' . $table_new_prefix . '</strong>') . '</p>';
     } else {
         echo '<p class="aio_success_with_icon">' . sprintf(__('%s tables had their prefix updated successfully!', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall'), '<strong>' . $table_count . '</strong>') . '</p>';
     //Get wp-config.php file contents and modify it with new info
     $config_contents = file($config_file);
     $prefix_match_string = '$table_prefix=';
     //this is our search string for the wp-config.php file
     foreach ($config_contents as $line_num => $line) {
         $no_ws_line = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', $line);
         //Strip white spaces
         if (strpos($no_ws_line, $prefix_match_string) !== FALSE) {
             $config_contents[$line_num] = str_replace($table_old_prefix, $table_new_prefix, $line);
     //Now let's modify the wp-config.php file
     if (AIOWPSecurity_Utility_File::write_content_to_file($config_file, $config_contents)) {
         echo '<p class="aio_success_with_icon">' . __('wp-config.php file was updated successfully!', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall') . '</p>';
     } else {
         echo '<p class="aio_error_with_icon">' . sprintf(__('The "wp-config.php" file was not able to be modified. Please modify this file manually using your favourite editor and search 
                 for variable "$table_prefix" and assign the following value to that variable: %s', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall'), '<strong>' . $table_new_prefix . '</strong>') . '</p>';
         $aio_wp_security->debug_logger->log_debug("DB Security Feature - Unable to modify wp-config.php", 4);
     //Now let's update the options table
     $update_option_table_query = "UPDATE " . $table_new_prefix . "options \r\r\n                                                                  SET option_name = '" . $table_new_prefix . "user_roles' \r\r\n                                                                  WHERE option_name = '" . $table_old_prefix . "user_roles' \r\r\n                                                                  LIMIT 1";
     if (false === $wpdb->query($update_option_table_query)) {
         echo '<p class="aio_error_with_icon">' . sprintf(__('Update of table %s failed: unable to change %s to %s', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall'), $table_new_prefix . 'options', $table_old_prefix . 'user_roles', $table_new_prefix . 'user_roles') . '</p>';
         $aio_wp_security->debug_logger->log_debug("DB Security Feature - Error when updating the options table", 4);
         //Log the highly unlikely event of DB error
     } else {
         echo '<p class="aio_success_with_icon">' . sprintf(__('The options table records which had references to the old DB prefix were updated successfully!', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall')) . '</p>';
     //Now let's update the options tables for the multisite subsites if applicable
     if (AIOWPSecurity_Utility::is_multisite_install()) {
         if (!empty($blog_ids)) {
             foreach ($blog_ids as $blog_id) {
                 if ($blog_id == 1) {
                 //skip main site
                 $new_pref_and_site_id = $table_new_prefix . $blog_id . '_';
                 $old_pref_and_site_id = $table_old_prefix . $blog_id . '_';
                 $update_ms_option_table_query = "UPDATE " . $new_pref_and_site_id . "options\r\r\n                                                                            SET option_name = '" . $new_pref_and_site_id . "user_roles'\r\r\n                                                                            WHERE option_name = '" . $old_pref_and_site_id . "user_roles'\r\r\n                                                                            LIMIT 1";
                 if (false === $wpdb->query($update_ms_option_table_query)) {
                     echo '<p class="aio_error_with_icon">' . sprintf(__('Update of table %s failed: unable to change %s to %s', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall'), $new_pref_and_site_id . 'options', $old_pref_and_site_id . 'user_roles', $new_pref_and_site_id . 'user_roles') . '</p>';
                     $aio_wp_security->debug_logger->log_debug("DB change prefix feature - Error when updating the subsite options table: " . $new_pref_and_site_id . 'options', 4);
                     //Log the highly unlikely event of DB error
                 } else {
                     echo '<p class="aio_success_with_icon">' . sprintf(__('The %s table records which had references to the old DB prefix were updated successfully!', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall'), $new_pref_and_site_id . 'options') . '</p>';
     //Now let's update the user meta table
     $custom_sql = "SELECT user_id, meta_key \r\r\n                        FROM " . $table_new_prefix . "usermeta \r\r\n                        WHERE meta_key \r\r\n                        LIKE '" . $table_old_prefix . "%'";
     $meta_keys = $wpdb->get_results($custom_sql);
     $error_update_usermeta = '';
     //Update all meta_key field values which have the old table prefix in user_meta table
     foreach ($meta_keys as $meta_key) {
         //Create new meta key
         $new_meta_key = $table_new_prefix . substr($meta_key->meta_key, $old_prefix_length);
         $update_user_meta_sql = "UPDATE " . $table_new_prefix . "usermeta \r\r\n                                                            SET meta_key='" . $new_meta_key . "' \r\r\n                                                            WHERE meta_key='" . $meta_key->meta_key . "'\r\r\n                                                            AND user_id='" . $meta_key->user_id . "'";
         if (false === $wpdb->query($update_user_meta_sql)) {
             $error_update_usermeta .= '<p class="aio_error_with_icon">' . sprintf(__('Error updating user_meta table where new meta_key = %s, old meta_key = %s and user_id = %s.', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall'), $new_meta_key, $meta_key->meta_key, $meta_key->user_id) . '</p>';
             echo $error_update_usermeta;
             $aio_wp_security->debug_logger->log_debug("DB Security Feature - Error updating user_meta table where new meta_key = " . $new_meta_key . " old meta_key = " . $meta_key->meta_key . " and user_id = " . $meta_key->user_id, 4);
             //Log the highly unlikely event of DB error
     echo '<p class="aio_success_with_icon">' . __('The usermeta table records which had references to the old DB prefix were updated successfully!', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall') . '</p>';
     //Display tasks finished message
     $tasks_finished_msg_string = '<p class="aio_info_with_icon">' . __('DB prefix change tasks have been completed.', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall') . '</p>';
     echo $tasks_finished_msg_string;
コード例 #3
 function change_db_prefix($table_old_prefix, $table_new_prefix)
     global $wpdb, $aio_wp_security;
     $old_prefix_length = strlen($table_old_prefix);
     //Config file path
     $config_file = ABSPATH . 'wp-config.php';
     //Get the table resource
     //$result = mysql_list_tables(DB_NAME);
     $result = $this->get_mysql_tables(DB_NAME);
     //Fix for deprecated php mysql_list_tables function
     //Count the number of tables
     //$num_rows = mysql_num_rows( $result );
     if (is_array($result) && count($result) > 0) {
         $num_rows = count($result);
     } else {
         echo '<div class="aio_red_box"><p>' . __('Error - Could not get tables or no tables found!', 'aiowpsecurity') . '</p></div>';
     $table_count = 0;
     //TODO - after reading up on internationalization mixed with html code I found that the WP experts say to do it as below. We will need to clean up other areas where we haven't used the following convention
     $info_msg_string = '<p class="aio_info_with_icon">' . __('Starting DB prefix change operations.....', 'aiowpsecurity') . '</p>';
     $info_msg_string .= '<p class="aio_info_with_icon">' . sprintf(__('Your WordPress system has a total of %s tables and your new DB prefix will be: %s', 'aiowpsecurity'), '<strong>' . $num_rows . '</strong>', '<strong>' . $table_new_prefix . '</strong>') . '</p>';
     echo $info_msg_string;
     //Do a back of the config file
     if (!AIOWPSecurity_Utility_File::backup_and_rename_wp_config($config_file)) {
         echo '<div class="aio_red_box"><p>' . __('Failed to make a backup of the wp-config.php file. This operation will not go ahead.', 'aiowpsecurity') . '</p></div>';
     } else {
         echo '<p class="aio_success_with_icon">' . __('A backup copy of your wp-config.php file was created successfully!', 'aiowpsecurity') . '</p>';
     //Rename all the table names
     foreach ($result as $db_table) {
         //Get table name with old prefix
         $table_old_name = $db_table;
         if (strpos($table_old_name, $table_old_prefix) === 0) {
             //Get table name with new prefix
             $table_new_name = $table_new_prefix . substr($table_old_name, $old_prefix_length);
             //Write query to rename tables name
             $sql = "RENAME TABLE `" . $table_old_name . "` TO `" . $table_new_name . "`";
             //$sql = "RENAME TABLE %s TO %s";
             //Execute the query
             if (false === $wpdb->query($sql)) {
                 $error = 1;
                 echo '<p class="aio_error_with_icon">' . sprintf(__('%s table name update failed', 'aiowpsecurity'), '<strong>' . $table_old_name . '</strong>') . '</p>';
                 $aio_wp_security->debug_logger->log_debug("DB Security Feature - Unable to change prefix of table " . $table_old_name, 4);
             } else {
         } else {
     if (@$error == 1) {
         echo '<p class="aio_error_with_icon">' . sprintf(__('Please change the prefix manually for the above tables to: %s', 'aiowpsecurity'), '<strong>' . $table_new_prefix . '</strong>') . '</p>';
     } else {
         echo '<p class="aio_success_with_icon">' . sprintf(__('%s tables had their prefix updated successfully!', 'aiowpsecurity'), '<strong>' . $table_count . '</strong>') . '</p>';
     //Get wp-config.php file contents and modify it with new info
     $config_contents = file($config_file);
     foreach ($config_contents as $line_num => $line) {
         switch (substr($line, 0, 16)) {
             case '$table_prefix  =':
                 $config_contents[$line_num] = str_replace($table_old_prefix, $table_new_prefix, $line);
     //Now let's modify the wp-config.php file
     if (AIOWPSecurity_Utility_File::write_content_to_file($config_file, $config_contents)) {
         echo '<p class="aio_success_with_icon">' . __('wp-config.php file was updated successfully!', 'aiowpsecurity') . '</p>';
     } else {
         echo '<p class="aio_error_with_icon">' . sprintf(__('The "wp-config.php" file was not able to be modified. Please modify this file manually using your favourite editor and search 
                 for variable "$table_prefix" and assign the following value to that variable: %s', 'aiowpsecurity'), '<strong>' . $table_new_prefix . '</strong>') . '</p>';
         $aio_wp_security->debug_logger->log_debug("DB Security Feature - Unable to modify wp-config.php", 4);
     //Now let's update the options table
     $update_option_table_query = "UPDATE " . $table_new_prefix . "options \r\n                                                                  SET option_name = '" . $table_new_prefix . "user_roles' \r\n                                                                  WHERE option_name = '" . $table_old_prefix . "user_roles' \r\n                                                                  LIMIT 1";
     if (false === $wpdb->query($update_option_table_query)) {
         echo "<p class='error'>Changing value: ", $table_old_prefix, "user_roles in table ", $table_new_prefix, "options to  ", $table_new_prefix, "user_roles</p>";
         echo '<p class="aio_error_with_icon">' . sprintf(__('There was an error when updating the options table.', 'aiowpsecurity')) . '</p>';
         $aio_wp_security->debug_logger->log_debug("DB Security Feature - Error when updating the options table", 4);
         //Log the highly unlikely event of DB error
     } else {
         echo '<p class="aio_success_with_icon">' . sprintf(__('The options table records which had references to the old DB prefix were updated successfully!', 'aiowpsecurity')) . '</p>';
     //Now let's update the user meta table
     $custom_sql = "SELECT user_id, meta_key \r\n                        FROM " . $table_new_prefix . "usermeta \r\n                        WHERE meta_key \r\n                        LIKE '" . $table_old_prefix . "%'";
     $meta_keys = $wpdb->get_results($custom_sql);
     $error_update_usermeta = '';
     //Update all meta_key field values which have the old table prefix in user_meta table
     foreach ($meta_keys as $meta_key) {
         //Create new meta key
         $new_meta_key = $table_new_prefix . substr($meta_key->meta_key, $old_prefix_length);
         $update_user_meta_sql = "UPDATE " . $table_new_prefix . "usermeta \r\n                                                                SET meta_key='" . $new_meta_key . "' \r\n                                                                WHERE meta_key='" . $meta_key->meta_key . "'\r\n                                                                AND user_id='" . $meta_key->user_id . "'";
         if (false === $wpdb->query($update_user_meta_sql)) {
             $error_update_usermeta .= '<p class="aio_error_with_icon">' . sprintf(__('Error updating user_meta table where new meta_key = %s, old meta_key = %s and user_id = %s.', 'aiowpsecurity'), $new_meta_key, $meta_key->meta_key, $meta_key->user_id) . '</p>';
             echo $error_update_usermeta;
             $aio_wp_security->debug_logger->log_debug("DB Security Feature - Error updating user_meta table where new meta_key = " . $new_meta_key . " old meta_key = " . $meta_key->meta_key . " and user_id = " . $meta_key->user_id, 4);
             //Log the highly unlikely event of DB error
     echo '<p class="aio_success_with_icon">' . __('The usermeta table records which had references to the old DB prefix were updated successfully!', 'aiowpsecurity') . '</p>';
     //Display tasks finished message
     $tasks_finished_msg_string = '<p class="aio_info_with_icon">' . __('DB prefix change tasks have been completed.', 'aiowpsecurity') . '</p>';
     echo $tasks_finished_msg_string;
コード例 #4
 static function disable_file_edits()
     global $aio_wp_security;
     $edit_file_config_entry_exists = false;
     //Config file path
     $config_file = AIOWPSecurity_Utility_File::get_wp_config_file_path();
     //Get wp-config.php file contents so we can check if the "DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT" variable already exists
     $config_contents = file($config_file);
     foreach ($config_contents as $line_num => $line) {
         if (strpos($line, "'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', false")) {
             $config_contents[$line_num] = str_replace('false', 'true', $line);
             $edit_file_config_entry_exists = true;
             //$this->show_msg_updated(__('Settings Saved - The ability to edit PHP files via the admin the panel has been DISABLED.', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall'));
         } else {
             if (strpos($line, "'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true")) {
                 $edit_file_config_entry_exists = true;
                 //$this->show_msg_updated(__('Your system config file is already configured to disallow PHP file editing.', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall'));
                 return true;
         //For wp-config.php files originating from early WP versions we will remove the closing php tag
         if (strpos($line, "?>") !== false) {
             $config_contents[$line_num] = str_replace("?>", "", $line);
     if (!$edit_file_config_entry_exists) {
         //Construct the config code which we will insert into wp-config.php
         $new_snippet = '//Disable File Edits' . PHP_EOL;
         $new_snippet .= 'define(\'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT\', true);';
         $config_contents[] = $new_snippet;
         //Append the new snippet to the end of the array
     //Make a backup of the config file
     if (!AIOWPSecurity_Utility_File::backup_and_rename_wp_config($config_file)) {
         $this->show_msg_error(__('Failed to make a backup of the wp-config.php file. This operation will not go ahead.', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall'));
         //$aio_wp_security->debug_logger->log_debug("Disable PHP File Edit - Failed to make a backup of the wp-config.php file.",4);
         return false;
     } else {
         //$this->show_msg_updated(__('A backup copy of your wp-config.php file was created successfully....', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall'));
     //Now let's modify the wp-config.php file
     if (AIOWPSecurity_Utility_File::write_content_to_file($config_file, $config_contents)) {
         //$this->show_msg_updated(__('Settings Saved - Your system is now configured to not allow PHP file editing.', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall'));
         return true;
     } else {
         //$this->show_msg_error(__('Operation failed! Unable to modify wp-config.php file!', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall'));
         $aio_wp_security->debug_logger->log_debug("Disable PHP File Edit - Unable to modify wp-config.php", 4);
         return false;
コード例 #5
 function do_other_admin_side_init_tasks()
     if (isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] == AIOWPSEC_BRUTE_FORCE_MENU_SLUG && isset($_GET['tab']) && $_GET['tab'] == 'tab2') {
         global $aio_wp_security;
         if (isset($_POST['aiowps_do_cookie_test_for_bfla'])) {
             AIOWPSecurity_Utility::set_cookie_value("aiowps_cookie_test", "1");
             $cur_url = "admin.php?page=" . AIOWPSEC_BRUTE_FORCE_MENU_SLUG . "&tab=tab2";
             $redirect_url = AIOWPSecurity_Utility::add_query_data_to_url($cur_url, "aiowps_cookie_test", "1");
         if (isset($_POST['aiowps_enable_brute_force_attack_prevention'])) {
             $brute_force_feature_secret_word = sanitize_text_field($_POST['aiowps_brute_force_secret_word']);
             if (empty($brute_force_feature_secret_word)) {
                 $brute_force_feature_secret_word = "aiowps_secret";
             AIOWPSecurity_Utility::set_cookie_value($brute_force_feature_secret_word, "1");
         if (isset($_REQUEST['aiowps_cookie_test'])) {
             $cookie_val = AIOWPSecurity_Utility::get_cookie_value("aiowps_cookie_test");
             if (empty($cookie_val)) {
                 $aio_wp_security->configs->set_value('aiowps_cookie_test_success', '');
             } else {
                 $aio_wp_security->configs->set_value('aiowps_cookie_test_success', '1');
             //save the value
     if (isset($_POST['aiowps_save_wp_config'])) {
         $nonce = $_REQUEST['_wpnonce'];
         if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'aiowpsec-save-wp-config-nonce')) {
             $aio_wp_security->debug_logger->log_debug("Nonce check failed on wp_config file save!", 4);
             die("Nonce check failed on wp_config file save!");
         $wp_config_path = ABSPATH . 'wp-config.php';
         $result = AIOWPSecurity_Utility_File::backup_and_rename_wp_config($wp_config_path);
         //Backup the wp_config.php file
         AIOWPSecurity_Utility_File::download_a_file_option1($wp_config_path, "wp-config-backup.txt");