function unlock_ip_range($entries)
     global $wpdb;
     $lockdown_table = AIOWPSEC_TBL_LOGIN_LOCKDOWN;
     if (is_array($entries)) {
         //Unlock multiple records
         $id_list = "(" . implode(",", $entries) . ")";
         //Create comma separate list for DB operation
         $unlock_command = "UPDATE " . $lockdown_table . " SET release_date = now() WHERE id IN " . $id_list;
         $result = $wpdb->query($unlock_command);
         if ($result != NULL) {
             AIOWPSecurity_Admin_Menu::show_msg_updated_st(__('The selected IP entries were unlocked successfully!', 'aiowpsecurity'));
     } elseif ($entries != NULL) {
         //Delete single record
         $unlock_command = "UPDATE " . $lockdown_table . " SET release_date = now() WHERE id = '" . absint($entries) . "'";
         $result = $wpdb->query($unlock_command);
         if ($result != NULL) {
             AIOWPSecurity_Admin_Menu::show_msg_updated_st(__('The selected IP entry was unlocked successfully!', 'aiowpsecurity'));
コード例 #2
 function blacklist_ip_address($entries)
     global $wpdb, $aio_wp_security;
     $bl_ip_addresses = $aio_wp_security->configs->get_value('aiowps_banned_ip_addresses');
     //get the currently saved blacklisted IPs
     $ip_list_array = AIOWPSecurity_Utility_IP::create_ip_list_array_from_string_with_newline($bl_ip_addresses);
     if (is_array($entries)) {
         //Get the selected IP addresses
         $id_list = "(" . implode(",", $entries) . ")";
         //Create comma separate list for DB operation
         $events_table = AIOWPSEC_TBL_EVENTS;
         $query = "SELECT ip_or_host FROM {$events_table} WHERE ID IN " . $id_list;
         $results = $wpdb->get_col($query);
         if (empty($results)) {
             AIOWPSecurity_Admin_Menu::show_msg_error_st(__('Could not process the request because the IP addresses for the selected entries could not be found!', 'WPS'));
             return false;
         } else {
             foreach ($results as $entry) {
                 $ip_list_array[] = $entry;
     } elseif ($entries != NULL) {
         //Blacklist single record
         $ip_list_array[] = $entries;
     $payload = AIOWPSecurity_Utility_IP::validate_ip_list($ip_list_array, 'blacklist');
     if ($payload[0] == 1) {
         //success case
         $result = 1;
         $list = $payload[1];
         $banned_ip_data = implode(PHP_EOL, $list);
         $aio_wp_security->configs->set_value('aiowps_enable_blacklisting', '1');
         //Force blacklist feature to be enabled
         $aio_wp_security->configs->set_value('aiowps_banned_ip_addresses', $banned_ip_data);
         //Save the configuration
         $write_result = AIOWPSecurity_Utility_Htaccess::write_to_htaccess();
         //now let's write to the .htaccess file
         if ($write_result == -1) {
             AIOWPSecurity_Admin_Menu::show_msg_error_st(__('The plugin was unable to write to the .htaccess file. Please edit file manually.', 'aiowpsecurity'));
             $aio_wp_security->debug_logger->log_debug("AIOWPSecurity_Blacklist_Menu - The plugin was unable to write to the .htaccess file.");
         } else {
             AIOWPSecurity_Admin_Menu::show_msg_updated_st(__('The selected IP addresses have been added to the blacklist and will be permanently blocked!', 'WPS'));
     } else {
         $result = -1;
         $error_msg = $payload[1][0];
コード例 #3
 function block_selected_ips($entries)
     global $wpdb, $aio_wp_security;
     if (is_array($entries)) {
         if (isset($_REQUEST['_wp_http_referer'])) {
             //Let's go through each entry and block IP
             foreach ($entries as $id) {
                 $ip_address = get_user_meta($id, 'aiowps_registrant_ip', true);
                 $result = AIOWPSecurity_Blocking::add_ip_to_block_list($ip_address, 'registration_spam');
                 if ($result === false) {
                     $aio_wp_security->debug_logger->log_debug("AIOWPSecurity_List_Registered_Users::block_selected_ips() - could not block IP : {$ip_address}", 4);
             $msg = __('The selected IP addresses were successfully added to the permanent block list!', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall');
             $msg .= ' <a href="admin.php?page=' . AIOWPSEC_MAIN_MENU_SLUG . '&tab=tab4" target="_blank">' . __('View Blocked IPs', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall') . '</a>';
     } elseif ($entries != NULL) {
         $nonce = isset($_GET['aiowps_nonce']) ? $_GET['aiowps_nonce'] : '';
         if (!isset($nonce) || !wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'block_ip')) {
             $aio_wp_security->debug_logger->log_debug("Nonce check failed for block IP operation of registered user!", 4);
             die(__('Nonce check failed for block IP operation of registered user!', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall'));
         //Block single IP
         $result = AIOWPSecurity_Blocking::add_ip_to_block_list($entries, 'registration_spam');
         if ($result === true) {
             $msg = __('The selected IP was successfully added to the permanent block list!', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall');
             $msg .= ' <a href="admin.php?page=' . AIOWPSEC_MAIN_MENU_SLUG . '&tab=tab4" target="_blank">' . __('View Blocked IPs', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall') . '</a>';
         } else {
             $aio_wp_security->debug_logger->log_debug("AIOWPSecurity_List_Registered_Users::block_selected_ips() - could not block IP: {$entries}", 4);
 function block_spammer_ip_records($entries)
     global $wpdb, $aio_wp_security;
     $raw_banned_ip_list = $aio_wp_security->configs->get_value('aiowps_banned_ip_addresses');
     $currently_banned_ips = explode(PHP_EOL, $aio_wp_security->configs->get_value('aiowps_banned_ip_addresses'));
     if (is_array($entries)) {
         //Bulk selection using checkboxes were used
         foreach ($entries as $ip_add) {
             if (!empty($currently_banned_ips) && !(sizeof($currently_banned_ips) == 1 && trim($currently_banned_ips[0]) == '')) {
                 //Check if the IP address is already in the blacklist. If not add it to the list.
                 if (!in_array($ip_add, $currently_banned_ips)) {
                     $raw_banned_ip_list .= PHP_EOL . $ip_add;
             } else {
                 //if blacklist is currently empty just add all IP addresses to the list regardless
                 $raw_banned_ip_list .= PHP_EOL . $ip_add;
     } else {
         if ($entries != NULL) {
             //individual entry where "block" link was clicked
             //Check if the IP address is already in the blacklist. If not add it to the list.
             if (!in_array($entries, $currently_banned_ips)) {
                 $raw_banned_ip_list .= PHP_EOL . $entries;
     //Let's save the selected IP addresses to the blacklist config
     $aio_wp_security->configs->set_value('aiowps_banned_ip_addresses', $raw_banned_ip_list);
     //Save the blocked IP address config variable with the newly added addresses
     AIOWPSecurity_Admin_Menu::show_msg_updated_st(__('The selected IP addresses were saved in the blacklist configuration settings.', 'aiowpsecurity'));
     //Let's check if the Enable Blacklisting flag has been set - If so, we will write the new data to the .htaccess file.
     if ($aio_wp_security->configs->get_value('aiowps_enable_blacklisting') == '1') {
         $write_result = AIOWPSecurity_Utility_Htaccess::write_to_htaccess();
         if ($write_result == -1) {
             AIOWPSecurity_Admin_Menu::show_msg_error_st(__('The plugin was unable to write to the .htaccess file. Please edit file manually.', 'aiowpsecurity'));
             $aio_wp_security->debug_logger->log_debug("AIOWPSecurity_Blacklist_Menu - The plugin was unable to write to the .htaccess file.");
         } else {
             AIOWPSecurity_Admin_Menu::show_msg_updated_st(__('The .htaccess file was successfully modified to include the selected IP addresses.', 'aiowpsecurity'));
     } else {
         $blacklist_settings_link = '<a href="admin.php?page=' . AIOWPSEC_BLACKLIST_MENU_SLUG . '">Ban Users</a>';
         $info_msg = '<p>' . __('NOTE: The .htaccess file was not modified because you have disabled the "Enable IP or User Agent Blacklisting" check box.', 'aiowpsecurity') . '<br />' . sprintf(__('To block these IP addresses you will need to enable the above flag in the %s menu', 'aiowpsecurity'), $blacklist_settings_link) . '</p>';
コード例 #5
 function unlock_ip_range($entries)
     global $wpdb;
     $lockdown_table = AIOWPSEC_TBL_LOGIN_LOCKDOWN;
     if (is_array($entries)) {
         if (isset($_REQUEST['_wp_http_referer'])) {
             //Unlock multiple records
             $id_list = "(" . implode(",", $entries) . ")";
             //Create comma separate list for DB operation
             $unlock_command = "UPDATE " . $lockdown_table . " SET release_date = now() WHERE id IN " . $id_list;
             $result = $wpdb->query($unlock_command);
             if ($result != NULL) {
                 AIOWPSecurity_Admin_Menu::show_msg_updated_st(__('The selected IP entries were unlocked successfully!', 'aiowpsecurity'));
     } elseif ($entries != NULL) {
         $nonce = isset($_GET['aiowps_nonce']) ? $_GET['aiowps_nonce'] : '';
         if (!isset($nonce) || !wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'unlock_ip')) {
             $aio_wp_security->debug_logger->log_debug("Nonce check failed for unlock IP operation!", 4);
             die(__('Nonce check failed for unlock IP operation!', 'aiowpsecurity'));
         //Unlock single record
         $unlock_command = "UPDATE " . $lockdown_table . " SET release_date = now() WHERE id = '" . absint($entries) . "'";
         $result = $wpdb->query($unlock_command);
         if ($result != NULL) {
             AIOWPSecurity_Admin_Menu::show_msg_updated_st(__('The selected IP entry was unlocked successfully!', 'aiowpsecurity'));
 function delete_selected_accounts($entries)
     global $wpdb, $aio_wp_security;
     if (is_array($entries)) {
         //Let's go through each entry and delete account
         foreach ($entries as $user_id) {
             $result = wp_delete_user($user_id);
             if ($result !== true) {
                 $aio_wp_security->debug_logger->log_debug("AIOWPSecurity_List_Registered_Users::delete_selected_accounts() - could not delete account ID: {$user_id}", 4);
         AIOWPSecurity_Admin_Menu::show_msg_updated_st(__('The selected accounts were deleted successfully!', 'aiowpsecurity'));
     } elseif ($entries != NULL) {
         //Delete single account
         $result = wp_delete_user($entries);
         if ($result === true) {
             AIOWPSecurity_Admin_Menu::show_msg_updated_st(__('The selected account was deleted successfully!', 'aiowpsecurity'));
         } else {
             $aio_wp_security->debug_logger->log_debug("AIOWPSecurity_List_Registered_Users::delete_selected_accounts() - could not delete account ID: {$entries}", 4);
コード例 #7
 function delete_selected_accounts($entries)
     global $wpdb, $aio_wp_security;
     if (is_array($entries)) {
         if (isset($_REQUEST['_wp_http_referer'])) {
             //Let's go through each entry and delete account
             foreach ($entries as $user_id) {
                 $result = wp_delete_user($user_id);
                 if ($result !== true) {
                     $aio_wp_security->debug_logger->log_debug("AIOWPSecurity_List_Registered_Users::delete_selected_accounts() - could not delete account ID: {$user_id}", 4);
             AIOWPSecurity_Admin_Menu::show_msg_updated_st(__('The selected accounts were deleted successfully!', 'aiowpsecurity'));
     } elseif ($entries != NULL) {
         $nonce = isset($_GET['aiowps_nonce']) ? $_GET['aiowps_nonce'] : '';
         if (!isset($nonce) || !wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'delete_user_acct')) {
             $aio_wp_security->debug_logger->log_debug("Nonce check failed for delete registered user account operation!", 4);
             die(__('Nonce check failed for delete registered user account operation!', 'aiowpsecurity'));
         //Delete single account
         $result = wp_delete_user($entries);
         if ($result === true) {
             AIOWPSecurity_Admin_Menu::show_msg_updated_st(__('The selected account was deleted successfully!', 'aiowpsecurity'));
         } else {
             $aio_wp_security->debug_logger->log_debug("AIOWPSecurity_List_Registered_Users::delete_selected_accounts() - could not delete account ID: {$entries}", 4);