コード例 #1
 public static function get_time_left($commentID = 0)
     global $wpdb, $aecomments;
     $adminMinutes = (int) $aecomments->get_admin_option('minutes');
     $query = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT ({$adminMinutes} * 60 - (UNIX_TIMESTAMP('" . current_time('mysql') . "') - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(comment_date))) time, comment_author_email, user_id FROM {$wpdb->comments} where comment_ID = %d", $commentID);
     //Get the Timestamp
     $comment = $wpdb->get_row($query, ARRAY_A);
     if (!$comment) {
         die(json_encode(array('error' => '-1')));
     if (AECCore::can_indefinitely_edit($comment['user_id'])) {
         die(json_encode(array('success' => '1')));
     //Get the time elapsed since making the comment
     if ((int) $comment['time'] <= 0) {
         die(json_encode(array('error' => '-1')));
     $timeleft = (int) $comment['time'];
     $minutes = floor($timeleft / 60);
     $seconds = $timeleft - $minutes * 60;
     $response = array('minutes' => $minutes, 'cid' => $commentID, 'seconds' => $seconds);
コード例 #2
 public static function comment_posted($commentID = 0)
     global $wpdb, $aecomments;
     //Get comment
     $comment = get_comment($commentID, ARRAY_A);
     //Some sanity checks
     if (!$comment) {
     //if ($comment['comment_approved'] == "1") { return; }
     if ($comment['comment_approved'] == "spam") {
     //If admin, exit since we don't want to add anything
     if (AECCore::is_comment_owner($comment['comment_post_ID'])) {
         return $commentID;
     //Check to see if the user is logged in and can indefinitely edit
     if ($comment['user_id'] != 0) {
         if ($aecomments->get_admin_option('allow_registeredediting') == 'false') {
             return 'no_user_editing';
     } else {
         //Check to see if admin allows comment editing for anonymous users
         if ($aecomments->get_admin_option('allow_editing') == "false") {
             return 'no_user_editing';
     //Don't save data if user can indefinitely edit
     if (AECCore::can_indefinitely_edit($comment['user_id'])) {
     //Get hash and random security key
     $hash = md5($comment['comment_author_IP'] . $comment['comment_date_gmt']);
     $rand = 'wpAjax' . $hash . md5(AECUtility::random()) . md5(AECUtility::random());
     //Get the minutes allowed to edit
     $minutes = $aecomments->get_admin_option('minutes');
     if (!is_numeric($minutes)) {
         $minutes = $aecomments->get_minutes();
     if ($minutes < 1) {
         $minutes = $aecomments->get_minutes();
     //Insert the random key into the database
     //todo - update to update_post_meta or use comment meta instead
     $query = "INSERT INTO " . $wpdb->postmeta . "(post_id, meta_key, meta_value) " . "VALUES (%d,'_%d', %s)";
     @$wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare($query, $comment['comment_post_ID'], $comment['comment_ID'], $rand));
     //Set the cookie
     $cookieName = 'WPAjaxEditCommentsComment' . $commentID . $hash;
     $value = $rand;
     $expire = time() + 60 * $minutes;
     if (!isset($_COOKIE[$cookieName])) {
         setcookie($cookieName, $value, $expire, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN);
         //setcookie($cookieName, $value, $expire, SITECOOKIEPATH,COOKIE_DOMAIN);
         $GLOBALS[$cookieName] = $value;
         //For compatability with CFORMS
     //Read in security key count, delete keys if over 100
     $securityCount = get_site_option('ajax-edit-comments_security_key_count');
     if (!$securityCount) {
         $securityCount = get_option('ajax-edit-comments_security_key_count');
     //for upgrade/multi-site support
     if (!$securityCount) {
         $securityCount = 1;
         update_site_option('ajax-edit-comments_security_key_count', $securityCount);
     } else {
         $securityCount = (int) $securityCount;
     //Delete keys if over a 100
     if ($securityCount >= 100) {
         $metakey = "_" . $comment['comment_ID'];
         @$wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("delete from {$wpdb->postmeta} where left(meta_value, 6) = 'wpAjax' and meta_key <> '%s'", $metakey));
         $securityCount = 0;
     $securityCount += 1;
     update_site_option('ajax-edit-comments_security_key_count', $securityCount);
     return $commentID;
コード例 #3
 public static function can_edit_quickcheck($comment)
     global $aecomments;
     //Check if admin/editor/post author
     if (AECCore::is_comment_owner($comment->comment_post_ID)) {
         return 1;
     //Check to see if the user is logged in and can indefinitely edit
     if (AECCore::can_indefinitely_edit($comment->user_id)) {
         return 1;
     //Now we check to see if there is any time remaining for comments
     $timestamp = strtotime($comment->comment_date);
     $time = current_time('timestamp', get_option('gmt_offset')) - $timestamp;
     $minutesPassed = round($time % 604800 % 86400 % 3600 / 60);
     //Get the time the admin has set for minutes
     $minutes = $aecomments->get_admin_option('minutes');
     if (!is_numeric($minutes)) {
         $minutes = $aecomments->get_minutes();
     if ($minutes < 1) {
         $minutes = $aecomments->get_minutes();
     if ($minutesPassed - $minutes > 0) {
         return 'comment_time_elapsed';
     } else {
         return 1;
         //Yay, user can edit