コード例 #1
        $request = str_replace(array('/ns1:', 'xmlns:ns1="' . $namespace . '"'), array('/', 'xmlns="' . $namespace . '"'), $request);
        // parent call
        return parent::__doRequest($request, $location, $action, $version);
// Create a hash containing the header information for authentication.
$header_info = array("UserName" => API_USERNAME, "Password" => API_PASSWORD, "SecurityToken" => SECURITY_TOKEN);
try {
    // Create a new instance of the client pointing to the wsdl endpoint.
    $client = new ACSoapClient("https://" . STORE_DOMAIN . "/store/ws/AmeriCommerceDb.asmx?wsdl");
    // Create a new header object specifying the namespace, header object type, and hash containing the header details.
    $header = new SoapHeader("http://www.americommerce.com", "AmeriCommerceHeaderInfo", $header_opts, false);
    // Set the header on the client instance so that we can authenticate.
    // Grab the OrderID from the last order placed
    $lastorder = $client->Order_GetLastOrderID();
    // Fetch the order details
    $order = $client->Order_GetByKey(array("piorderID" => $lastorder->Order_GetLastOrderIDResult))->Order_GetByKeyResult;
    // Fetch the customer details from the order
    $customer = $client->Customer_GetByKey(array("picustomerID" => $order->customerID->Value))->Customer_GetByKeyResult;
    // Lets update some of the customer information
    $customer->lastName = "John";
    $customer->firstName = "Doe";
    $Customer->email = "*****@*****.**";
    // After updating the customer information, we need to save it on the server
    $savedCustomer = $client->Customer_SaveAndGet(array("poCustomerTrans" => $customer))->Customer_SaveAndGetResult;
} catch (Exception $e) {