function element() { $category = $this->opt('category') ? $this->opt('category') : '0'; $posts_per_page = $this->opt('post_per_page') ? $this->opt('post_per_page') : '8'; // How many posts to load $autoScroll = $this->opt('auto_scroll') === 'yes' ? 'true' : 'false'; $timeout_duration = $this->opt('timeout_duration') ? $this->opt('timeout_duration') : '2500'; //** Appear animation $appear = $this->opt('appear_animation') ? 'data-appear="fade-in" data-appear-direction="' . $this->opt('appear_animation') . '" data-appear-delay="' . ($this->opt('appear_delay') ? $this->opt('appear_delay') : '0') . '"' : ''; global $post; $args = array('post_type' => 'portfolio', 'posts_per_page' => $posts_per_page); if ($category != '0') { $args['tax_query'] = array(array('taxonomy' => 'portfolio_categories', 'field' => 'id', 'terms' => $category)); } $portfolio_items = get_posts($args); ?> <?php if (empty($portfolio_items)) { echo '<div class="zn-pb-notification">Please configure the element options and select at least one category.</div>'; return; } ?> <div class="latestWorkContainer carouselContainer noTouch <?php echo $this->data['uid']; ?> " <?php echo $appear; ?> > <ul class="latestWorkCarousel clearfix" data-auto="<?php echo $autoScroll; ?> " data-duration="<?php echo $timeout_duration; ?> "> <?php foreach ($portfolio_items as $post) { setup_postdata($post); if (has_post_thumbnail()) { $image = zn_get_post_image($post->ID, 465, 590, array('class' => 'img-responsive animate')); } //$posttags = wp_get_post_tags( get_the_ID()); $posttags = get_the_terms(get_the_ID(), 'portfolio_categories'); $postTagsText = ''; if ($posttags) { foreach ($posttags as $tag) { $postTagsText .= $tag->name . ' / '; } } $postTagsText = rtrim($postTagsText, " / "); //<!--PORTFOLIO ITEM--> ?> <li class="animate" onClick="location.href='<?php the_permalink(); ?> '"> <?php if (isset($image)) { ?> <div class="scaleRotateImg"> <?php echo $image; ?> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="lwContent"> <h3 class="titleColor animate"><?php the_title(); ?> </h3> <h4 class="descriptionColor"><?php echo $postTagsText; ?> </h4> <?php the_excerpt(); ?> <a href="#" class="arrowLink arrowRight titleColor"><?php _e('View details', 'zn_framework'); ?> </a> </div> </li> <?php //<!--END PORTFOLIO ITEM--> } wp_reset_query(); ?> </ul> <span class="Prev animate"> <img alt="Previous" width="50" height="90" src="<?php echo THEME_BASE_URI; ?> /images/prevDark.png" /> </span> <span class="Next animate"> <img alt="Next" width="50" height="90" src="<?php echo THEME_BASE_URI; ?> /images/nextDark.png" /> </span> </div> <?php }
<?php global $zn_config; $size = zn_get_wp_image_size($zn_config['size']); $post_data['media'] = zn_get_post_image(get_the_ID(), $size['width'], $size['height'], array('class' => "img-responsive animate")); $post_data['media'] = !empty($post_data['media']) ? '<div class="mediaContainer scaleRotateImg">' . $post_data['media'] . '</div>' : ''; ?> <article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?> " <?php post_class(); ?> > <?php // Page thumbnail. if (!post_password_required() || has_post_thumbnail()) { echo '<div class="article_media">'; echo $post_data['media']; echo '</div>'; } ?> <div class="article_content textLight"> <?php the_content(); wp_link_pages(array('before' => '<div class="page-links"><span class="page-links-title">' . __('Pages:', 'zn_framework') . '</span>', 'after' => '</div>', 'link_before' => '<span>', 'link_after' => '</span>')); ?> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </article><!-- #post-## --> <div class="zn_blog_separator clearfix"></div>
<?php if (have_posts()) { while (have_posts()) { the_post(); echo '<article id="post-' . get_the_ID() . '" class="row clearfix ' . implode(' ', get_post_class()) . '">'; $container_class = 'col-sm-12'; if (has_post_thumbnail()) { $container_class = 'col-sm-9'; echo '<div class="col-sm-3">'; echo zn_get_post_image(get_the_id(), '270', '170'); echo '</div>'; } echo '<div class="' . $container_class . '">'; // ARTICLE TITLE echo '<h3 class="article_title"><a href="' . get_permalink() . '" rel="bookmark">' . get_the_title() . '</a></h3>'; // ARTICLE META echo zn_get_the_meta(); // POST CONTENT $excerpt = trim(get_the_excerpt()); if (!empty($excerpt)) { the_excerpt(); echo '<a href="' . get_permalink() . '" rel="bookmark"><span class="arrowLink arrowRight">' . __('Continue reading', 'zn_framework') . '</span></a>'; } else { $excerpt = strip_shortcodes(get_the_content()); $excerpt = apply_filters('the_excerpt', $excerpt); $excerpt = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $excerpt); echo $excerpt; if (!empty($excerpt)) { echo '<a href="' . get_permalink() . '" rel="bookmark"><span class="arrowLink arrowRight">' . __('Continue reading', 'zn_framework') . '</span></a>'; }
<?php if (have_posts()) { while (have_posts()) { the_post(); echo '<article id="post-' . get_the_ID() . '" class="clearfix ' . implode(' ', get_post_class()) . '">'; global $zn_config; $image_size = zn_get_wp_image_size($zn_config['size']); // FEATURED IMAGE if (has_post_thumbnail()) { $image = zn_get_post_image($post->ID, $image_size['width'], $image_size['height'], array('class' => 'img-responsive animate')); echo '<a class="scaleRotateImg portfolio_image" href="' . get_permalink() . '" title="' . get_the_title() . '">' . $image . '</a>'; } // POST META ?> <div class="portfolio_article_content textLight"> <!-- ARTICLE TITLE --> <h3 class="article_title"><?php the_title(); ?> </h3> <!-- ARTICLE CONTENT --> <?php the_content(); ?> </div> </article>
function zn_setup_post_data($post_format) { global $zn_config, $post; $content_type = !empty($zn_config['blog_content']) ? $zn_config['blog_content'] : 'content'; $imgBig = wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id(get_the_ID())); $size = zn_get_wp_image_size($zn_config['size']); $imgAttr = array('data-mfp-src' => $imgBig, 'class' => "img-responsive animate magPopupImg"); $post_data['media'] = zn_get_post_image(get_the_ID(), $size['width'], $size['height'], $imgAttr); //$post_data['media'] = get_the_post_thumbnail(get_the_ID(), $zn_config['size'] , array( 'class' => 'animate img-responsive magPopupImg' , 'data-mfp-src' => wp_get_attachment_url( get_post_thumbnail_id( get_the_ID() ) ) )); $post_data['title'] = get_the_title(); $post_data['content'] = $content_type == 'content' ? get_the_content('<span class="arrowLink arrowRight">' . __('Continue reading', 'zn_framework') . '</span>') : get_the_excerpt(); //$post_data['content'] = get_the_excerpt(); $post_data['meta'] = zn_get_the_meta(); // Separate post content and media $post_data = apply_filters('post-format-' . $post_format, $post_data, $zn_config['size']); // Apply the 'the_content' filter $post_data['content'] = apply_filters('the_content', $post_data['content']); // TRIM THE CONTENT FOR SPECIAL PAGEBUILDEr ELEMENTS if (!empty($zn_config['trim_content'])) { $post_data['content'] = zn_trim_content($post_data['content']); } // HIDE THE POST META FOR SPECIAL PAGE BUILDEr ELEMENETS if (!empty($zn_config['hide_post_meta']) && $zn_config['hide_post_meta'] == true) { $post_data['meta'] = ''; } // WRAP POST MEDIA if ($post_format == 'video' || $post_format == 'gallery' || $post_format == 'standard') { $media_cls = 'scaleRotateImg'; } else { $media_cls = ''; } //** Appear animation $blog_media_delay = zget_option('blog_media_delay', 'blog_options'); $blog_media_animation = zget_option('blog_media_animation', 'blog_options'); $appear_delay = $blog_media_delay ? $blog_media_delay : '0'; $appear = $blog_media_animation ? $blog_media_animation : ''; if (!empty($appear)) { $appear = 'data-appear="fade-in" data-appear-direction="' . $appear . '" data-appear-delay="' . $appear_delay . '"'; } $post_data['media'] = !empty($post_data['media']) ? '<div class="mediaContainer ' . $media_cls . '" ' . $appear . '>' . $post_data['media'] . '</div>' : ''; // CHECK TO SEE IF WE NEED TO WRAP THE ARTICLE $post_data['before'] = is_single() ? '' : '<div class="' . $zn_config['columns'] . ' article_container animate" >'; $post_data['after'] = is_single() ? '' : '</div>'; return $post_data; }
function element() { global $post, $zn_framework; $columns_num = $this->opt('columns_num') ? $this->opt('columns_num') : '3'; $columns_class = zn_get_col_size($columns_num); $underline = $this->opt('use_underline') !== 'zn_dummy_value' ? true : false; $title = $this->opt('title') ? '<span ' . ($underline ? 'class="underline"' : '') . '>' . $this->opt('title') . '</span>' : ''; $title_style = $this->opt('title_style') ? $this->opt('title_style') : ''; //** Appear animation $appear = $this->opt('appear_animation') ? 'data-appear="fade-in" data-appear-direction="' . $this->opt('appear_animation') . '" data-appear-delay="' . ($this->opt('appear_delay') ? $this->opt('appear_delay') : '0') . '"' : ''; $portfolio_items = ''; $tag_ids = wp_get_post_terms(zn_get_the_id(), 'portfolio_tags', array('fields' => 'ids')); if ($tag_ids) { $args = array('post_type' => 'portfolio', 'posts_per_page' => $columns_num, 'post__not_in' => array(zn_get_the_id()), 'tax_query' => array(array('taxonomy' => 'portfolio_tags', 'field' => 'id', 'terms' => $tag_ids, 'operator' => 'IN'))); $portfolio_items = get_posts($args); } ?> <div class="znPortfolioRelated noTouch <?php echo $this->data['uid']; ?> " <?php echo $appear; ?> > <?php echo '<h3 class="zn_title sectionTitle h1 ' . $title_style . ' ">' . $title . '</h3>'; ?> <?php if (empty($portfolio_items) && $zn_framework->pagebuilder->is_pb_edit) { echo '<div class="zn-pb-notification">It seems that there are no related items</div>'; return; } elseif (empty($portfolio_items)) { _e('No related items found', 'zn_framework'); echo '</div>'; // CLOSING DIV return; } ?> <div class="row"> <div class="smallScreenSliderContainer"> <span class="Prev animate"><img alt="Previous" width="50" height="90" src="<?php echo THEME_BASE_URI; ?> /images/prevDark.png" /></span> <span class="Next animate"><img alt="Next" width="50" height="90" src="<?php echo THEME_BASE_URI; ?> /images/nextDark.png" /></span> </div> <div class="cloneOnSmallScreens"> <?php foreach ($portfolio_items as $post) { setup_postdata($post); ?> <!--PORTFOLIO ITEM--> <div class="<?php echo $columns_class; ?> "> <?php // FEATURED IMAGE if (has_post_thumbnail()) { $image = zn_get_post_image($post->ID, 370, 470, array('class' => 'img-responsive animate')); echo '<a class="scaleRotateImg portfolio_image" href="' . get_permalink() . '" title="' . get_the_title() . '">' . $image . '</a>'; } ?> </div> <!--END PORTFOLIO ITEM--> <?php } wp_reset_query(); ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php }