コード例 #1
  * This method is used to retrieve the configurable options of the element.
  * @return array The list of options that compose the element and then passed as the argument for the render() function
 function options()
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     $extra_options = array("name" => __("Slides", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can create your Circular Content Slides.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "single_circ1", "std" => "", "type" => "group", "add_text" => __("Slide", 'zn_framework'), "remove_text" => __("Slide", 'zn_framework'), "group_sortable" => true, "element_title" => "ww_slide_title", "subelements" => array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Slide image", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select an image for this Slide", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_slide_image", "std" => "", "type" => "media"), array("name" => __("Slide title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("This title will appear over the image", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_slide_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Slide description", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("This description will appear under the title", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_slide_desc", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("name" => __("Slide bottom title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("This title will appear on the bottom left of the slide", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_slide_bottom_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Slide more text", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a text that you want to use as read more text", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_slide_read_text", "std" => "", "type" => "text"))), 'content' => array('title' => 'Content panel options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Slide content title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("This title will appear after someone will press the read more text button, above the content.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_slide_content_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Slide content text", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("This text will appear after someone will press the read more button. Please note that you can use HTML in this textarea.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_slide_desc_full", "std" => "", "type" => "visual_editor", 'class' => 'zn_full'), array("name" => __("Slide read more text", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a text that you want to use as read more text that will appear bellow the content", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_slide_read_text_content", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Content read more link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can add a link bellow the content of your slide", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_slide_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets())))));
     $options = array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Slide height", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a height number in pixels ( for example : 450 )", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_slider_height", "std" => "450", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Autoplay carousel?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Does the carousel autoplay itself?", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_slider_autoplay", "std" => "1", "value" => "1", "type" => "toggle2"), array("name" => __("Timout duration", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("The amount of milliseconds the carousel will pause", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_slider_timeout", "std" => "9000", "type" => "text"))), 'items' => array('title' => 'Carousel Items', 'options' => array($extra_options)), 'background' => array('title' => 'Background & Styles Options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Element Background Style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the background style you want to use for this slider. Please note that styles can be created from the unlimited headers options in the theme admin's page.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_header_style", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => WpkZn::getThemeHeaders(true), "class" => ""), array("name" => __("Background Source Type", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select the source type of the background.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "source_type", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => array('' => __("None (Will just rely on the background color (if any) )", 'zn_framework'), 'image' => __("Image", 'zn_framework'), 'video_self' => __("Self Hosted Video", 'zn_framework'), 'video_youtube' => __("Youtube Video", 'zn_framework'))), array('id' => 'background_image', 'name' => 'Background image', 'description' => 'Please choose a background image for this section.', 'type' => 'background', 'options' => array("repeat" => true, "position" => true, "attachment" => true, "size" => true), 'class' => 'zn_full', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('image'))), array("name" => __("Slide Video Youtube ID", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add an Youtube ID", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "source_vd_yt", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "placeholder" => "ex: tR-5AZF9zPI", "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_youtube'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_self_mp4', 'name' => 'Mp4 video source', 'description' => 'Add the MP4 video source for your local video', 'type' => 'media_upload', 'std' => '', 'data' => array('type' => 'video/mp4', 'button_title' => 'Add / Change mp4 video'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_self_ogg', 'name' => 'Ogg/Ogv video source', 'description' => 'Add the OGG video source for your local video', 'type' => 'media_upload', 'std' => '', 'data' => array('type' => 'video/ogg', 'button_title' => 'Add / Change ogg video'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_self_webm', 'name' => 'Webm video source', 'description' => 'Add the WEBM video source for your local video', 'type' => 'media_upload', 'std' => '', 'data' => array('type' => 'video/webm', 'button_title' => 'Add / Change webm video'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_vp', 'name' => 'Video poster', 'description' => 'Using this option you can add your desired video poster that will be shown on unsuported devices.', 'type' => 'media', 'std' => '', 'class' => 'zn_full', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_autoplay', 'name' => 'Autoplay video?', 'description' => 'Enable autoplay for video?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'source_vd_loop', 'name' => 'Loop video?', 'description' => 'Enable looping the video?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'source_vd_muted', 'name' => 'Start mute?', 'description' => 'Start the video with muted audio?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'source_vd_controls', 'name' => 'Video controls', 'description' => 'Enable video controls?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'source_vd_controls_pos', 'name' => 'Video controls position', 'description' => 'Video controls position in the slide', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'bottom-right', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("top-right" => __("top-right", 'zn_framework'), "top-left" => __("top-left", 'zn_framework'), "top-center" => __("top-center", 'zn_framework'), "bottom-right" => __("bottom-right", 'zn_framework'), "bottom-left" => __("bottom-left", 'zn_framework'), "bottom-center" => __("bottom-center", 'zn_framework'), "middle-right" => __("middle-right", 'zn_framework'), "middle-left" => __("middle-left", 'zn_framework'), "middle-center" => __("middle-center", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_sm"), array('id' => 'source_overlay', 'name' => 'Background colored overlay', 'description' => 'Add slide color overlay over the image or video to darken or enlight?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => '0', "options" => array("1" => __("Yes (Normal color)", 'zn_framework'), "2" => __("Yes (Horizontal gradient)", 'zn_framework'), "3" => __("Yes (Vertical gradient)", 'zn_framework'), "0" => __("No", 'zn_framework'))), array('id' => 'source_overlay_color', 'name' => 'Overlay background color', 'description' => 'Pick a color', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'std' => '#353535', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_overlay', 'value' => array('1', '2', '3'))), array('id' => 'source_overlay_opacity', 'name' => 'Overlay\'s opacity.', 'description' => 'Overlay background colors opacity level.', 'type' => 'slider', 'std' => '30', "helpers" => array("step" => "5", "min" => "0", "max" => "100"), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_overlay', 'value' => array('1', '2', '3'))), array('id' => 'source_overlay_color_gradient', 'name' => 'Overlay Gradient 2nd Bg. Color', 'description' => 'Pick a color', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'std' => '#353535', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_overlay', 'value' => array('2', '3'))), array('id' => 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac', 'name' => 'Gradient Overlay\'s 2nd Opacity.', 'description' => 'Overlay gradient 2nd background color opacity level.', 'type' => 'slider', 'std' => '30', "helpers" => array("step" => "5", "min" => "0", "max" => "100"), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_overlay', 'value' => array('2', '3'))), array("name" => __("Bottom masks override", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("The new masks are svg based, vectorial and color adapted. <br> <strong>Disclaimer:</strong> may now work perfectly for all elements!", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "hm_header_bmasks", "std" => "none", "type" => "select", "options" => array('none' => __('None, just rely on Background style.', 'zn_framework'), 'shadow' => __('Shadow Up', 'zn_framework'), 'shadow_ud' => __('Shadow Up and down', 'zn_framework'), 'mask1' => __('Raster Mask 1 (Old, not recommended)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask2' => __('Raster Mask 2 (Old, not recommended)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask3' => __('Vector Mask 3 CENTER (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask3 mask3l' => __('Vector Mask 3 LEFT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask3 mask3r' => __('Vector Mask 3 RIGHT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask4' => __('Vector Mask 4 CENTER (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask4 mask4l' => __('Vector Mask 4 LEFT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask4 mask4r' => __('Vector Mask 4 RIGHT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask5' => __('Vector Mask 5 (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask6' => __('Vector Mask 6 (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'))))), 'other' => array('title' => 'Other Options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'css_class', 'name' => 'CSS class', 'description' => 'Enter a css class that will be applied to this element. You can than edit the custom css, either in the Page builder\'s CUSTOM CSS (which is loaded only into that particular page), or in Kallyas options > Advanced > Custom CSS which will load the css into the entire website.', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'help' => znpb_get_helptab(array('video' => 'http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#2Q_KC-SrYL4', 'docs' => 'http://support.hogash.com/documentation/circular-content-style-1/', 'copy' => $uid, 'general' => true)));
     return $options;
コード例 #2
ファイル: google_map.php プロジェクト: rock1media/wordpress
 function options()
     $zoom = array();
     for ($i = 1; $i < 24; $i++) {
         $zoom[$i] = $i;
     $icon_sizes = array('20' => '20 x 20', '30' => '30 x 30', '40' => '40 x 40', '50' => '50 x 50', '60' => '60 x 60', '70' => '70 x 70', '80' => '80 x 80');
     $mapstyleurl = 'http://snazzymaps.com';
     $latlong_url = esc_url('http://www.latlong.net/');
     $itouchmap_url = esc_url('http://itouchmap.com/latlong.html');
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     $options = array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'single_multiple_maps', 'name' => 'Locations', 'description' => 'Here you can add your map locations.', 'type' => 'group', 'sortable' => true, 'element_title' => 'Map Location', 'subelements' => array(array("name" => "Marker Latitude", "description" => 'Please enter the latitude value for your location. Here\'s 2 links where you can get the coordinates <a href="' . $latlong_url . '" target="_blank">LatLong.net</a> or <a href="' . $itouchmap_url . '" target="_blank">iTouchMap.com</a>.', "id" => "sc_map_latitude", "std" => "41.447390", "type" => "text"), array("name" => "Marker Longitude", "description" => 'Please enter the longitude value for your location. Here\'s 2 links where you can get the coordinates <a href="' . $latlong_url . '" target="_blank">LatLong.net</a> or <a href="' . $itouchmap_url . '" target="_blank">iTouchMap.com</a>.', "id" => "sc_map_longitude", "std" => "-72.843868", "type" => "text"), array("name" => "Marker tooltip", "description" => "Add a text that will appear when the user clicks on the marker.", "id" => "tooltip", "type" => "textarea"), array("name" => "Marker location icon", "description" => "Select an icon that will appear as your current location. The default icon will be used if this is left blank.", "id" => "sc_map_icon", "std" => "", 'class' => 'zn_full', "type" => "media"), array("name" => "Marker animation", "description" => "Select an animation that the icon will use.", "id" => "sc_map_icon_animation", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => array("" => "None", "DROP" => "Drop", "BOUNCE" => "Bounce")), array("name" => "Icon size", "description" => "Select the size of the marker icon.", "id" => "icon_size", "type" => "select", "options" => $icon_sizes))), array("name" => "Zoom level", "description" => "Select the start zoom level you want to use for this map ( default is 14 )", "id" => "sc_map_zoom", "std" => "14", "type" => "select", "options" => $zoom, "class" => ""), array("name" => "Map Type", "description" => "Select the desired map type you want to use.", "id" => "sc_map_type", "std" => "roadmap", "type" => "select", "options" => array("ROADMAP" => "Roadmap", "SATELLITE" => "Satellite", "TERRAIN" => "Terrain", "HYBRID" => "Hybrid"), "class" => ""), array("name" => "Add directions box", "description" => "Select if you want to add a textbox in which the user can enter a departure location and get directions to the office location (first one if there are more than one).", "id" => "sc_map_directions", "std" => 'yes', "type" => "toggle2", "value" => "yes"), array("name" => "Directions box text", "description" => "Please enter the direction box text you want to use.", "id" => "sc_map_directions_text", "std" => 'Visit us from...', "type" => "text", 'dependency' => array('element' => 'sc_map_directions', 'value' => array('yes'))), array("name" => "Directions box position", "description" => "Please select the direction box's position.", "id" => "sc_map_directions_pos", "std" => 'top-left', "type" => "select", "options" => array("top-left" => "Top Left", "middle-left" => "Middle Left", "bottom-left" => "Bottom Left", "top-right" => "Top Right", "middle-right" => "Middle Right", "bottom-right" => "Bottom Right", "top-center" => "Top Center", "bottom-center" => "Bottom Center"), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'sc_map_directions', 'value' => array('yes'))), array('id' => 'show_overview', 'name' => 'Show overview map', 'description' => 'Select if you wish to add the overview map option', 'type' => 'toggle2', 'std' => '', 'value' => 'yes'), array('id' => 'show_streetview', 'name' => 'Show street view', 'description' => 'Select if you wish to add the street view option', 'type' => 'toggle2', 'std' => '', 'value' => 'yes'), array('id' => 'show_maptype', 'name' => 'Show map type', 'description' => 'Select if you wish to add the map type option', 'type' => 'toggle2', 'std' => '', 'value' => 'yes'), array("name" => __("Info bubble type", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select the info type", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_mapinfo_type", "std" => "infobox", "type" => "select", "options" => array('infobox' => __("Info Box", 'zn_framework'), 'infopanel' => __("Info Panel", 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Button Main Text", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a main text for this button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_slide_m_button", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "dependency" => array('element' => 'ww_mapinfo_type', 'value' => array('infobox'))), array("name" => __("Button Link Text", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a text that will appear on the right side of the button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_slide_l_text", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "dependency" => array('element' => 'ww_mapinfo_type', 'value' => array('infobox'))), array("name" => __("Button link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a link that will appear on the right side of the button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_slide_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets(), "dependency" => array('element' => 'ww_mapinfo_type', 'value' => array('infobox'))), array("name" => __("Panel Image", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Display an image into the info panel.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_map_panel_img", "std" => "", "type" => "media", "dependency" => array('element' => 'ww_mapinfo_type', 'value' => array('infopanel'))), array("name" => __("Panel Title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Title in panel.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_map_panel_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "dependency" => array('element' => 'ww_mapinfo_type', 'value' => array('infopanel'))), array("name" => __("Panel Content", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Content in panel.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_map_panel_text", "std" => "", "type" => "visual_editor", 'class' => 'zn_full', "dependency" => array('element' => 'ww_mapinfo_type', 'value' => array('infopanel'))))), 'styling' => array('title' => 'Styling options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Background Style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the background style you want to use. Please note that styles can be created\n\t                                from the unlimited headers options in the theme admin's page.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_header_style", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => WpkZn::getThemeHeaders(true), "class" => ""), array("name" => __("Bottom masks override", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("The new masks are svg based, vectorial and color adapted.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "hm_header_bmasks", "std" => "none", "type" => "select", "options" => array('none' => __('None, just rely on Background style.', 'zn_framework'), 'shadow' => __('Shadow Up', 'zn_framework'), 'shadow_ud' => __('Shadow Up and down', 'zn_framework'), 'mask1' => __('Raster Mask 1 (Old, not recommended)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask2' => __('Raster Mask 2 (Old, not recommended)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask3' => __('Vector Mask 3 CENTER (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask3 mask3l' => __('Vector Mask 3 LEFT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask3 mask3r' => __('Vector Mask 3 RIGHT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask4' => __('Vector Mask 4 CENTER (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask4 mask4l' => __('Vector Mask 4 LEFT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask4 mask4r' => __('Vector Mask 4 RIGHT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask5' => __('Vector Mask 5 (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask6' => __('Vector Mask 6 (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Enable fullscreen?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Do you want to display the static content as fullscreen?", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_fullscreen", "std" => "no", "type" => "select", "options" => array('yes' => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), 'no' => __("No", 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => "Map Height", "description" => "Please select value in pixels for the map height.", "id" => "sc_map_height", "std" => "600", "type" => "slider", 'class' => 'zn_full', 'helpers' => array('min' => '200', 'max' => '1080', 'step' => '1'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'sc_fullscreen', 'value' => array('no'))), array('id' => 'use_custom_style', 'name' => 'Map custom style', 'description' => 'Use a custom map style. You can get custom styles from <a href="' . $mapstyleurl . '" target="_blank">' . $mapstyleurl . '</a>.', 'type' => 'toggle2', 'std' => '', 'value' => 'yes'), array('id' => 'custom_style', 'name' => 'Normal map style', 'description' => 'Paste your custom style here (Javascript style array). You can get custom styles from <a href="' . $mapstyleurl . '" target="_blank">' . $mapstyleurl . '</a>.', 'type' => 'textarea', 'std' => '', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'use_custom_style', 'value' => array('yes'))), array('id' => 'custom_style_active', 'name' => 'Active map style (when a popup is visible)', 'description' => 'Paste your custom style here (Javascript style array). You can get custom styles from <a href="' . $mapstyleurl . '" target="_blank">' . $mapstyleurl . '</a>.', 'type' => 'textarea', 'std' => '', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'use_custom_style', 'value' => array('yes'))))), 'misc' => array('title' => 'Miscellaneous', 'options' => array(array("name" => "Custom center point", "description" => "You might want to have the center point of the map onto the a side. For example if you enable the info-panel, it might overlap a marker from the map. Therefore you can custom center the map to show all markers.", "id" => "sc_ccenter", "std" => "", "value" => "1", "type" => "toggle2"), array("name" => "Marker Latitude", "description" => 'Please enter the latitude value for your location. Here\'s 2 links where you can get the coordinates <a href="' . $latlong_url . '" target="_blank">LatLong.net</a> or <a href="' . $itouchmap_url . '" target="_blank">iTouchMap.com</a>.', "id" => "sc_cc_latitude", "std" => "", "placeholder" => 'eg: 41.447390', "type" => "text", "dependency" => array('element' => 'sc_ccenter', 'value' => array('1'))), array("name" => "Marker Longitude", "description" => 'Please enter the longitude value for your location. Here\'s 2 links where you can get the coordinates <a href="' . $latlong_url . '" target="_blank">LatLong.net</a> or <a href="' . $itouchmap_url . '" target="_blank">iTouchMap.com</a>.', "id" => "sc_cc_longitude", "std" => "", "placeholder" => 'eg: -72.843868', "type" => "text", "dependency" => array('element' => 'sc_ccenter', 'value' => array('1'))), array("name" => "Allow Mousewheel", "description" => "Select if you want to allow map zooming using the mouse scroll (may interfere with page scroll).", "id" => "sc_map_zooming_mousewheel", "std" => "", "type" => "toggle2", "value" => "yes"), array("name" => "Map localization", "description" => "Force the map localization to a specific language", "id" => "sc_map_localization", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => array('' => 'Use browser language', 'ar' => 'ARABIC', 'eu' => 'BASQUE', 'bg' => 'BULGARIAN', 'bn' => 'BENGALI', 'ca' => 'CATALAN', 'cs' => 'CZECH', 'da' => 'DANISH', 'de' => 'GERMAN', 'el' => 'GREEK', 'en' => 'ENGLISH', 'en-AU' => 'ENGLISH (AUSTRALIAN)', 'en-GB' => 'ENGLISH (GREAT BRITAIN)', 'es' => 'SPANISH', 'eu' => 'BASQUE', 'fa' => 'FARSI', 'fi' => 'FINNISH', 'fil' => 'FILIPINO', 'fr' => 'FRENCH', 'gl' => 'GALICIAN', 'gu' => 'GUJARATI', 'hi' => 'HINDI', 'hr' => 'CROATIAN', 'hu' => 'HUNGARIAN', 'id' => 'INDONESIAN', 'it' => 'ITALIAN', 'iw' => 'HEBREW', 'ja' => 'JAPANESE', 'kn' => 'KANNADA', 'ko' => 'KOREAN', 'lt' => 'LITHUANIAN', 'lv' => 'LATVIAN', 'ml' => 'MALAYALAM', 'mr' => 'MARATHI', 'nl' => 'DUTCH', 'no' => 'NORWEGIAN', 'pl' => 'POLISH', 'pt' => 'PORTUGUESE', 'pt-BR' => 'PORTUGUESE (BRAZIL)', 'pt-PT' => 'PORTUGUESE (PORTUGAL)', 'ro' => 'ROMANIAN', 'ru' => 'RUSSIAN', 'sk' => 'SLOVAK', 'sl' => 'SLOVENIAN', 'sr' => 'SERBIAN', 'sv' => 'SWEDISH', 'tl' => 'TAGALOG', 'ta' => 'TAMIL', 'te' => 'TELUGU', 'th' => 'THAI', 'tr' => 'TURKISH', 'uk' => 'UKRAINIAN', 'vi' => 'VIETNAMESE', 'zh-CN' => 'CHINESE (SIMPLIFIED)', 'zh-TW' => 'CHINESE (TRADITIONAL)'), "class" => ""), array('id' => 'css_class', 'name' => 'CSS class', 'description' => 'Enter a css class that will be applied to this element. You can than edit the custom css, either in the Page builder\'s CUSTOM CSS (which is loaded only into that particular page), or in Kallyas options > Advanced > Custom CSS which will load the css into the entire website.', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'help' => znpb_get_helptab(array('video' => 'http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#qtw5ShCYcNY', 'docs' => 'http://support.hogash.com/documentation/google-map/', 'copy' => $uid, 'general' => true)));
     return $options;
コード例 #3
ファイル: TH_StepsBox2.php プロジェクト: rock1media/wordpress
  * This method is used to retrieve the configurable options of the element.
  * @return array The list of options that compose the element and then passed as the argument for the render() function
 function options()
     $extra_options = array("name" => __("Steps", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can create your desired steps.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "steps_single2", "std" => "", "type" => "group", "add_text" => __("Step", 'zn_framework'), "remove_text" => __("Step", 'zn_framework'), "group_sortable" => true, "element_title" => "stp_single_title", "subelements" => array(array("name" => __("Step Title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a title for this step.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "stp_single_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Step content", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a content for this step.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "stp_single_desc", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("name" => __("Box Link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please choose the link you want to use for this box.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "stp_single_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets()), array("name" => __("Use alternative style?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select yes if you want your box to use a different background color and display an OK\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ticon on the left", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "stp_single_ok", "type" => "select", "std" => "no", "options" => array('yes' => __('Yes', 'zn_framework'), 'no' => __('No', 'zn_framework')))));
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     $options = array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a title that will appear on over the boxes", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "stp_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array('id' => 'element_scheme', 'name' => 'Element Color Scheme', 'description' => 'Select the color scheme of this element', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => '', 'options' => array('' => 'Inherit from Kallyas options > Color Options [Requires refresh]', 'light' => 'Light (default)', 'dark' => 'Dark'), 'live' => array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid, 'val_prepend' => 'stepsbox2--')), array('id' => 'f_bg_color', 'name' => 'Featured Box Background color', 'description' => 'Here you can override the background color for the intro column.', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'std' => ''), array('id' => 'f_text_color', 'name' => 'Intro Column Text color', 'description' => 'Here you can override the text color for the intro column.', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'std' => '', 'live' => array('multiple' => array(array('type' => 'css', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid . ' .gobox.ok', 'css_rule' => 'color', 'unit' => ''), array('type' => 'css', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid . ' .gobox.ok h4', 'css_rule' => 'color', 'unit' => ''), array('type' => 'css', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid . ' .gobox.ok > .glyphicon', 'css_rule' => 'color', 'unit' => '')))), $extra_options)), 'other' => array('title' => 'Other Options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'css_class', 'name' => 'CSS class', 'description' => 'Enter a css class that will be applied to this element. You can than edit the custom css, either in the Page builder\'s CUSTOM CSS (which is loaded only into that particular page), or in Kallyas options > Advanced > Custom CSS which will load the css into the entire website.', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'help' => znpb_get_helptab(array('video' => 'http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#B0LG1fxTQv0', 'docs' => 'http://support.hogash.com/documentation/steps-box/', 'copy' => $uid, 'general' => true)));
     return $options;
コード例 #4
  * This method is used to retrieve the configurable options of the element.
  * @return array The list of options that compose the element and then passed as the argument for the render() function
 function options()
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     $options = array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Element Alignment", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select the alignment of the button/s.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "el_alignment", "std" => "left", "options" => array('left' => __('Left (default)', 'zn_framework'), 'right' => __('Right', 'zn_framework'), 'center' => __('Center', 'zn_framework')), "type" => "select", 'live' => array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid, 'val_prepend' => 'text-')), array("name" => __("Social icons style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the style of the social icons.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_style", "std" => "normal", "options" => array('normal' => __('Normal Icons', 'zn_framework'), 'colored' => __('Colored icons', 'zn_framework'), 'colored_hov' => __('Colored on Hover icons', 'zn_framework'), 'clean' => __('Clean icons', 'zn_framework')), "type" => "select", 'live' => array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid . ' .elm-social-icons', 'val_prepend' => 'sc--')), array("name" => __("Social Icons Shape", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the shape of the social icons.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_shape", "std" => "rounded", "options" => array('rounded' => __('Rounded Square', 'zn_framework'), 'square' => __('Square', 'zn_framework'), 'circle' => __('Circle', 'zn_framework'), 'special1' => __('Special shaped (needs bigger padding)', 'zn_framework')), "type" => "select", 'live' => array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid . ' .elm-social-icons', 'val_prepend' => 'sh--')), array("name" => __("Social icons Font-size", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the size of the social icons.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_size", "std" => "14", "type" => "slider", 'helpers' => array('min' => '10', 'max' => '100', 'step' => '1'), 'live' => array('type' => 'css', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid . ' .elm-sc-icon', 'css_rule' => 'font-size', 'unit' => 'px')), array("name" => __("Social icons padding inside", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the size of the social icons.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "icon_padding", "std" => "30", "type" => "slider", 'helpers' => array('min' => '0', 'max' => '200', 'step' => '1'), 'live' => array('type' => 'css', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid . ' .elm-sc-icon', 'css_rule' => 'padding', 'unit' => 'px')), array("name" => __("Social icons Distance (horizontal)", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the distance between the social icons.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "icon_distance", "std" => "3", "type" => "slider", 'helpers' => array('min' => '0', 'max' => '300', 'step' => '1'), 'live' => array('multiple' => array(array('type' => 'css', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid . ' .elm-social-icons>li', 'css_rule' => 'margin-left', 'unit' => 'px'), array('type' => 'css', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid . ' .elm-social-icons>li', 'css_rule' => 'margin-right', 'unit' => 'px')))), array("name" => __("Social Icons", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add Social Icons.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "single_sc", "std" => "", "type" => "group", "add_text" => __("Social Icon", 'zn_framework'), "remove_text" => __("Social Icon", 'zn_framework'), "group_sortable" => true, "element_title" => "sc_icon_title", "subelements" => array(array("name" => __("Icon title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can enter a title for this social icon.Please note that this is just\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfor your information as this text will not be visible on the site.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_icon_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Social icon link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter your desired link for the social icon. If this field is left\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tblank, the icon will not be linked.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_icon_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets()), array("name" => __("Social icon Background color", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select a background color for the icon (if you selected <strong>Colored</strong> or <strong>Colored on hover</strong> options)", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_icon_color", "std" => "#000000", "type" => "colorpicker"), array("name" => __("Social icon color", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select a color for the icon", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_icon_textcolor", "std" => "#ffffff", "type" => "colorpicker"), array("name" => __("Social icon", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select your desired social icon.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_icon_icon", "std" => "", "type" => "icon_list", 'class' => 'zn_full'))))), 'other' => array('title' => 'Other Options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'css_class', 'name' => 'CSS class', 'description' => 'Enter a css class that will be applied to this element. You can than edit the custom css, either in the Page builder\'s CUSTOM CSS (which is loaded only into that particular page), or in Kallyas options > Advanced > Custom CSS which will load the css into the entire website.', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))));
     return $options;
コード例 #5
ファイル: TH_ImageBox.php プロジェクト: rock1media/wordpress
  * This method is used to retrieve the configurable options of the element.
  * @return array The list of options that compose the element and then passed as the argument for the render() function
 function options()
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     $options = array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Image Box Title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Enter a title for your Image box", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "image_box_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Image Box Text", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a text that will appear inside your action Image button.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "image_box_text", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("name" => __("Image", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select an image that will appear above the title.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "image_box_image", "std" => "", "type" => "media", "alt" => true), array("name" => __("Image Box Style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select the style you want to use.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "image_box_style", "std" => "imgboxes_style1", "options" => array('imgboxes_style1' => __('Style 1', 'zn_framework'), 'style2' => __('Style 2', 'zn_framework'), 'style3' => __('Style 3', 'zn_framework'), 'style4' => __('Style 4 (since v4.0)', 'zn_framework')), "type" => "select"), array("name" => __("Image Box Title Style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select the style you want to use.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "image_box_title_style", "std" => "title_style_center", "options" => array('title_style_center' => __('Title Centered', 'zn_framework'), 'title_style_left' => __('Title Left', 'zn_framework'), 'title_style_bottom' => __('Title Left with border bottom', 'zn_framework')), "type" => "select", "dependency" => array('element' => 'image_box_style', 'value' => array('style4'))), array("name" => __("Link text", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Enter a that will appear as link over the image.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "image_box_link_text", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Image Box link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please choose the link you want to use for your Image box button.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "image_box_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets()))), 'other' => array('title' => 'Other Options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'css_class', 'name' => 'CSS class', 'description' => 'Enter a css class that will be applied to this element. You can than edit the custom css, either in the Page builder\'s CUSTOM CSS (which is loaded only into that particular page), or in Kallyas options > Advanced > Custom CSS which will load the css into the entire website.', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'help' => znpb_get_helptab(array('video' => 'http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#aKNFr7BfB5k', 'docs' => 'http://support.hogash.com/documentation/image-box/', 'copy' => $uid, 'general' => true)));
     return $options;
コード例 #6
ファイル: TH_ImageBox2.php プロジェクト: rock1media/wordpress
  * This method is used to retrieve the configurable options of the element.
  * @return array The list of options that compose the element and then passed as the argument for the render() function
 function options()
     $extra_options = array("name" => __("Images", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can add your images.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ib2_single", "std" => "", "type" => "group", "add_text" => __("Image", 'zn_framework'), "remove_text" => __("Image", 'zn_framework'), "group_sortable" => true, "element_img" => 'ib2_image', "subelements" => array(array("name" => __("Image", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select an image.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ib2_image", "std" => "", "type" => "media", "alt" => true), array("name" => __("Image Link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please choose the link you want to use.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ib2_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets()), array("name" => __("Image Width", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select the desired width for this image.The number 3 means the image will take\n\t\t\ta quarter of the space and 12 means it will take the full width of the page. Depending on the image sizes,\n\t\t\tyou can stack images one under the other.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ib2_width", "std" => "one-third", "options" => array('four' => __('3', 'zn_framework'), 'one-third' => __('4', 'zn_framework'), 'span5' => __('5', 'zn_framework'), 'eight' => __('6', 'zn_framework'), 'span7' => __('7', 'zn_framework'), 'two-thirds' => __('8', 'zn_framework'), 'twelve' => __('9', 'zn_framework'), 'span10' => __('10', 'zn_framework'), 'span11' => __('11', 'zn_framework'), 'sixteen' => __('12', 'zn_framework')), "type" => "select"), array("name" => __("Image Height", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select an image height. This option works only with the COVER option of the resize method.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ib2_image_height", "std" => "330", 'type' => 'slider', 'class' => 'zn_full', 'helpers' => array('min' => '50', 'max' => '500', 'step' => '5'))));
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     $options = array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Image Box Title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Enter a title for your Image box", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "image_box_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Resize Method", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("This option determines wether the images should be resized by a default 1170px grid column split; or, by a un resized but filled block with custom height.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ib2_resize_method", "std" => "default", "options" => array('no-resize' => __('No Resize', 'zn_framework'), 'default' => __('Default resize (grid formula)', 'zn_framework'), 'cover' => __('Cover ( No resize, cover image and custom image height).', 'zn_framework')), "type" => "select"), array("name" => __("Bottom Margins", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select an image height. This option works only with the COVER option of the resize method.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ib2_bottommargin", "std" => "20", 'type' => 'slider', 'class' => 'zn_full', 'helpers' => array('min' => '0', 'max' => '100', 'step' => '1')), $extra_options)), 'other' => array('title' => 'Other Options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'css_class', 'name' => 'CSS class', 'description' => 'Enter a css class that will be applied to this element. You can than edit the custom css, either in the Page builder\'s CUSTOM CSS (which is loaded only into that particular page), or in Kallyas options > Advanced > Custom CSS which will load the css into the entire website.', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'help' => znpb_get_helptab(array('video' => 'http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#NduGrZO1S4E', 'docs' => 'http://support.hogash.com/documentation/image-box/', 'copy' => $uid, 'general' => true)));
     return $options;
コード例 #7
ファイル: metaboxes.php プロジェクト: rock1media/wordpress
$zn_meta_elements[] = array('slug' => array('post_options', 'page_options', 'portfolio_options'), 'name' => __('Hide page subheader?', 'zn_framework'), 'description' => __('Chose yes if you want to hide the page sub-header ( including sliders ). Please note that this option will overwrite the option set in the admin panel', 'zn_framework'), 'id' => 'zn_zn_disable_subheader', 'std' => '', 'options' => array('' => __('Default - Set from theme options', 'zn_framework'), 'yes' => __('Yes', 'zn_framework'), 'no' => __('No', 'zn_framework')), 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'zn_full');
$zn_meta_elements[] = array('slug' => array('post_options', 'page_options', 'portfolio_options'), 'name' => __('Sub-header style', 'zn_framework'), 'description' => __('Choose what sub-header style to use.', 'zn_framework'), 'id' => 'zn_subheader_style', 'std' => 'zn_def_header_style', 'options' => WpkZn::getThemeHeaders(true), 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'zn_full');
$zn_meta_elements[] = array('slug' => array('page_options'), "name" => __("Boxed layout?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select whether or not you want to use Boxed layout or just use the\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdefault theme setting.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "zn_page_override_boxed_layout", "std" => "def", "options" => array('def' => __('Default', 'zn_framework'), 'yes' => __('Yes', 'zn_framework'), 'no' => __('No', 'zn_framework')), "type" => "zn_radio", 'class' => 'zn_full');
$zn_meta_elements[] = array('slug' => array('page_options'), "name" => __("Show Page Title?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Choose yes if you want to show the page title above the content.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "zn_page_title_show", "std" => "yes", "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "type" => "zn_radio", 'class' => 'zn_full');
$zn_meta_elements[] = array('slug' => array('page_options'), "name" => __("Alternative Page Title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Enter your desired title for this page. Please note that this title will appear on the\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttop-right of your header if you choose to use a page header.If this field is not completed, the normal page title\n\t\t\t\t\t\t will appear in both top-right part of the header as well as the normal location of page title.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "zn_page_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text", 'class' => 'zn_full');
$zn_meta_elements[] = array('slug' => array('page_options'), "name" => __("Page Subtitle", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Enter your desired subtitle for this page.Please note that the appearance of this subtitle is subject of default or custom options of the header part.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "zn_page_subtitle", "std" => "", "type" => "text", 'class' => 'zn_full');
$zn_meta_elements[] = array('slug' => array('portfolio_options'), "name" => __("Show Title?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Choose yes if you want to show the title above the content.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "zn_page_title_show", "std" => "yes", "type" => "zn_radio", "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), 'class' => 'zn_full');
$zn_meta_elements[] = array('slug' => array('portfolio_options'), "name" => __("Alternative Title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Enter your desired title for this page. Please note that this title will appear on the\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttop-right of your header if you choose to use a page header.If this field is not completed, the normal page title\n\t\t\t\t\t\twill appear in both top-right part of the header as well as the normal location of page title.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "zn_page_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text", 'class' => 'zn_full');
$zn_meta_elements[] = array('slug' => array('portfolio_options'), "name" => __("Subtitle", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Enter your desired subtitle for this page.Please note that the appearance of this subtitle is subject of default or custom options of the header part.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "zn_page_subtitle", "std" => "", "type" => "text", 'class' => 'zn_full');
$zn_meta_elements[] = array('slug' => array('portfolio_g_options'), "name" => __("Project Live Link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please choose the live url for this project.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "zn_sp_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets(array('modal_inline_dyn')));
$zn_meta_elements[] = array('slug' => array('portfolio_g_options'), "name" => __("Live link button text", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Enter your default text that will appear on the Live link. The default text is Project live preview", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "zn_sp_link_text", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "placeholder" => "eg: PROJECT LIVE PREVIEW");
/** PORTFOLIO Predefined fields **/
$zn_meta_elements[] = array('slug' => array('portfolio_g_options'), "name" => __("Client", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add the client that this project was made for.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "zn_sp_client", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "placeholder" => "eg: The Mega Company");
$zn_meta_elements[] = array('slug' => array('portfolio_g_options'), "name" => __("Project year", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please add the year the project was made", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "zn_sp_year", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "placeholder" => "eg: 2015");
$zn_meta_elements[] = array('slug' => array('portfolio_g_options'), "name" => __("Project services/role", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please add more details on what service you provided for this client, or what was your role. Separate with comma", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "zn_sp_services", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "placeholder" => "eg: design mockups, seo, marketing");
$zn_meta_elements[] = array('slug' => array('portfolio_g_options'), "name" => __("Project Collaborators", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter the collaborators for this project", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "zn_sp_col", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "placeholder" => "eg: John Doe, Big Agency Inc.");
/** PORTFOLIO Custom dynamic fields **/
// $zn_meta_elements[] = array (
// 					'slug' 			=> array( 'portfolio_g_options'),
// 					"name"        => __( "Add dyanmic custom rows?", 'zn_framework' ),
// 					"description" => __( "Select if you want to add as many custom rows as you want. To hide the other preset fields, simply leave them black.", 'zn_framework' ),
// 					"id"          => "sp_show_dyn_rows",
// 					"std"         => "",
// 					"value"         => "1",
// 					"type"        => "toggle2"
コード例 #8
  * This method is used to retrieve the configurable options of the element.
  * @return array The list of options that compose the element and then passed as the argument for the render() function
 function options()
     $testimonials = array("name" => __("Testimonials", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add testimonials.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "tst_single", "std" => "", "type" => "group", "max_items" => "4", "add_text" => __("Testimonial", 'zn_framework'), "remove_text" => __("Testimonial", 'zn_framework'), "group_sortable" => true, "element_title" => "tst_name", "element_img" => 'tst_img', "subelements" => array(array("name" => __("Name", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add the person's name.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "tst_name", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Position", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add the person's position.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "tst_position", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Testimonial Text", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add the testimonial text.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "tst_testimonial", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("name" => __("Stars", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add the person's name.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "tst_stars", "std" => "0", "type" => "select", "options" => array('0' => __('No stars', 'zn_framework'), '1' => __('1 Star', 'zn_framework'), '2' => __('2 Stars', 'zn_framework'), '3' => __('3 Stars', 'zn_framework'), '4' => __('4 Stars', 'zn_framework'), '5' => __('5 Stars', 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Image", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add the person's image.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "tst_img", "std" => "", "type" => "media"), array("name" => __("Testimonial layout", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select a layout.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "tst_layout", "std" => "normal", "type" => "select", "options" => array('normal' => __('Normal (text top; name and img down)', 'zn_framework'), 'reversed' => __('Reversed (text bottom; name and img top)', 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Testimonial Size", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select a size.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "tst_size", "std" => "1", "type" => "select", "options" => array('1' => __('1x', 'zn_framework'), '2' => __('2x', 'zn_framework'), '3' => __('3x', 'zn_framework'), '4' => __('4x', 'zn_framework'))), array('id' => 'top_margin', 'name' => 'Top margin', 'description' => 'Select the top margin ( in pixels ) for this section.', 'type' => 'slider', 'std' => '0', 'class' => 'zn_full', 'helpers' => array('min' => '0', 'max' => '100', 'step' => '1')), array('id' => 'bottom_margin', 'name' => 'Bottom margin', 'description' => 'Select the bottom margin ( in pixels ) for this section.', 'type' => 'slider', 'std' => '0', 'class' => 'zn_full', 'helpers' => array('min' => '0', 'max' => '100', 'step' => '1'))));
     $partners = array("name" => __("Partners", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add partners/logos.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "prt_single", "std" => "", "type" => "group", "add_text" => __("Logo", 'zn_framework'), "remove_text" => __("Logo", 'zn_framework'), "group_sortable" => true, "element_img" => 'prt_img', "subelements" => array(array("name" => __("Upload logo/image", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add the partners/client/logo image.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "prt_img", "std" => "", "type" => "media"), array("name" => __("Link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Link the partner?.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "prt_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets())));
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     $options = array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array("name" => sprintf(__("ID: %s", 'zn_framework'), $uid), "description" => sprintf(__("In case you need some custom styling use as a css selector <strong><em>.%s</em></strong> .", 'zn_framework'), $uid), "id" => "klt_uid", "std" => "", "type" => "zn_title", "class" => "zn_full"), array("name" => __("General text color theme", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the color theme for the texts", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "pts_color_theme", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => array('' => 'Inherit from Kallyas options > Color Options [Requires refresh]', 'light' => __('Light text and elements (default)', 'zn_framework'), 'dark' => __('Dark text and elements', 'zn_framework')), 'live' => array('multiple' => array(array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid, 'val_prepend' => 'testimonials-partners--'), array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid, 'val_prepend' => 'element-scheme--')))), $testimonials, array("name" => __("Partners/Clients side title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add a title (or not)", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "pts_ptitle", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), $partners)), 'other' => array('title' => 'Other Options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'css_class', 'name' => 'CSS class', 'description' => 'Enter a css class that will be applied to this element. You can than edit the custom css, either in the Page builder\'s CUSTOM CSS (which is loaded only into that particular page), or in Kallyas options > Advanced > Custom CSS which will load the css into the entire website.', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'help' => znpb_get_helptab(array('video' => 'http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#f0pUeZBtHao', 'docs' => 'http://support.hogash.com/documentation/partners-and-testimonials/', 'copy' => $uid, 'general' => true)));
     return $options;
コード例 #9
ファイル: TH_IconBox.php プロジェクト: rock1media/wordpress
  * This method is used to retrieve the configurable options of the element.
  * @return array The list of options that compose the element and then passed as the argument for the render() function
 function options()
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     return array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Title text.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ibx_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Description", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Description text.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ibx_desc", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("name" => __("Link Type", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Link type of the icon box.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ibx_link_type", "std" => "0", "type" => "select", "options" => array('0' => __('No Link', 'zn_framework'), 'icon' => __('Link wrapping the Icon', 'zn_framework'), 'title' => __('Link wrapping the Title', 'zn_framework'), 'cta' => __('Call to action link', 'zn_framework'), 'icontitle' => __('Link wrapping both Icon and Title', 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("The link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add a link here. For call to action button, title is used as anchor text.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ibx_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets(), "dependency" => array('element' => 'ibx_link_type', 'value' => array('icon', 'title', 'cta', 'icontitle'))), array("name" => __("Icon Type", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Type of the icon.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ibx_type", "std" => "icon", "type" => "select", "options" => array('icon' => __('Font Icon', 'zn_framework'), 'img' => __('Image (PNG, JPG, SVG or even GIF)', 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Image Icon", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Upload an Icon Image.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ibx_image", "std" => "", "type" => "media", "dependency" => array('element' => 'ibx_type', 'value' => array('img'))), array("name" => __("Select Icon", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select an icon to display.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ibx_icon", "std" => "", "type" => "icon_list", 'class' => 'zn_full', "dependency" => array('element' => 'ibx_type', 'value' => array('icon'))))), 'styling' => array('title' => 'Style options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Shaped Background Icon?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Display the icon in a shape with hover effects? Available only for icon fonts to control the hover color.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ibx_shape", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => array('' => __('No', 'zn_framework'), 'sh-circle' => __('Yes - Circle with hover', 'zn_framework'), 'sh-square' => __('Yes - Square with hover', 'zn_framework')), "dependency" => array('element' => 'ibx_type', 'value' => array('icon')), 'live' => array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $this->data['uid'], 'val_prepend' => 'kl-iconbox--sh kl-iconbox--')), array("name" => __("Icon Color", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Color of the icon.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ibx_icon_color", "std" => "#343434", "type" => "colorpicker", "dependency" => array('element' => 'ibx_type', 'value' => array('icon')), 'live' => array('type' => 'css', 'css_class' => '.' . $this->data['uid'] . '.kl-iconbox--sh .kl-iconbox__icon', 'css_rule' => 'color', 'unit' => '')), array("name" => __("Shape Background Color", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Background Color of the shape behind the icon.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ibx_shape_color", "std" => "#dfdfdf", "type" => "colorpicker", "dependency" => array('element' => 'ibx_type', 'value' => array('icon')), 'live' => array('type' => 'css', 'css_class' => '.' . $this->data['uid'] . '.kl-iconbox--sh span.kl-iconbox__icon', 'css_rule' => 'background-color', 'unit' => '')), array("name" => __("Icon Hover Color", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Hover Color of the icon.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ibx_icon_color_hover", "std" => "#cd2122", "type" => "colorpicker", "dependency" => array('element' => 'ibx_type', 'value' => array('icon'))), array("name" => __("Shape Background Hover Color", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Hover background color of the shape behind the icon.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ibx_shape_color_hover", "std" => "#cd2122", "type" => "colorpicker", "dependency" => array('element' => 'ibx_type', 'value' => array('icon'))), array("name" => __("Icon Size", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the size of the icon.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ibx_size", "std" => "42", 'type' => 'slider', 'class' => 'zn_full', 'helpers' => array('min' => '10', 'max' => '400', 'step' => '1'), 'live' => array('type' => 'css', 'css_class' => '.' . $this->data['uid'] . ' span.kl-iconbox__icon', 'css_rule' => 'font-size', 'unit' => 'px'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'ibx_type', 'value' => array('icon'))), array("name" => __("Image Size", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the size of the image.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ibx_imgwidth", "std" => "100", 'type' => 'slider', 'class' => 'zn_full', 'helpers' => array('min' => '10', 'max' => '400', 'step' => '1'), 'live' => array('type' => 'css', 'css_class' => '.' . $this->data['uid'] . ' img.kl-iconbox__icon', 'css_rule' => 'max-width', 'unit' => 'px'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'ibx_type', 'value' => array('img'))), array("name" => __("Icon Padding (Shaped)", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the size of the icon.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ibx_shaped_padding", "std" => "22", 'type' => 'slider', 'class' => 'zn_full', 'helpers' => array('min' => '2', 'max' => '400', 'step' => '1'), 'live' => array('type' => 'css', 'css_class' => '.' . $this->data['uid'] . ' span.kl-iconbox__icon', 'css_rule' => 'padding', 'unit' => 'px'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'ibx_shape', 'value' => array('sh-circle', 'sh-square'))), array("name" => __("Box Alignment", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Alignment for the content inside the box.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ibx_alignment", "std" => "left", "type" => "select", "options" => array('left' => __('Align LEFT', 'zn_framework'), 'center' => __('Align CENTER', 'zn_framework'), 'right' => __('Align RIGHT', 'zn_framework')), 'live' => array('multiple' => array(array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $this->data['uid'], 'val_prepend' => 'kl-iconbox--align-'), array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $this->data['uid'], 'val_prepend' => 'text-')))), array('id' => 'ibx_color_theme', 'name' => 'Element Color Scheme', 'description' => 'Select the color scheme of this element', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => '', 'options' => array('' => 'Inherit from Kallyas options > Color Options [Requires refresh]', 'light' => 'Light (default)', 'dark' => 'Dark'), 'live' => array('multiple' => array(array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid, 'val_prepend' => 'kl-iconbox--theme-'), array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid, 'val_prepend' => 'element-scheme--')))), array("name" => __("Floated Style?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Is the box left or right floated? Don't confuse with alignment.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ibx_floated", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => array('' => __('No', 'zn_framework'), 'fleft' => __('Yes - Left floated', 'zn_framework'), 'fright' => __('Yes - Right floated', 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Title Top Margin", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the top margin of the title.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ibx_floated_topmarg", "std" => "0", 'type' => 'slider', 'class' => 'zn_full', "helpers" => array("step" => "1", "min" => "0", "max" => "100"), 'live' => array('type' => 'css', 'css_class' => '.' . $this->data['uid'] . ' .kl-iconbox__title', 'css_rule' => 'margin-top', 'unit' => 'px'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'ibx_floated', 'value' => array('fleft', 'fright'))), array("name" => __("Title settings", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Specify the typography properties for the title.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "title_typo", "std" => array('font-size' => '20px', 'font-family' => 'Open Sans', 'line-height' => '30px', 'font-style' => 'normal', 'font-weight' => '400'), 'supports' => array('size', 'font', 'style', 'line', 'color', 'weight'), "type" => "font"), array("name" => __("Title first?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Display the title first?", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ibx_titleorder", "std" => "", "value" => "1", "type" => "toggle2"), array("name" => __("Description text settings", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Specify the typography properties for the description text.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "desc_typo", "std" => array('font-size' => '13px', 'font-family' => 'Open Sans', 'line-height' => '24px', 'font-style' => 'normal', 'font-weight' => '400'), 'supports' => array('size', 'font', 'style', 'line', 'weight', 'color'), "type" => "font"), array("name" => __("Icon Opacity", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the opacity of the icon.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ibx_opacity", "std" => "100", 'type' => 'slider', 'class' => 'zn_full', "helpers" => array("step" => "5", "min" => "0", "max" => "100")))), 'stage_options' => array('title' => 'Hover stage options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("------- Hover Stage Points", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Use the feature to display a target point onto a Stage object element. First create the Stage element and customise it, then, copy the ID below.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ibstg_docs", "std" => "", "type" => "zn_title", "class" => "zn_full"), array("name" => __("Point Target Stage ID", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Copy the ID from the Stage element you want to add points to.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ibstg_point_stage", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "placeholder" => "ex: eluidbacf913d"), array("name" => __("Point Coordinates", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("This will add an animated dot onto the stage image with the X and Y coordinates you provide. In px add \"x, y\" coordinates - X being distance from left and Y distance from top.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ibstg_point", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "placeholder" => "ex: 100, 125"), array("name" => __("Point Tootip", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add a custom tooltip text. Leave empty if you don't want to display a tooltip.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ibstg_point_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text"))), 'appear_options' => array('title' => 'Appear options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Appear on scroll?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Start invisible and appear on scroll, when in viewport?", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ibx_appear", "std" => "", "value" => "1", "type" => "toggle2"), array("name" => __("Delay appearance (milliseconds)", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Delay the appearance? If multiple icon boxes, you can delay each one to appear sequentially. The numbers are in milliseconds.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ibx_appear_delay", "std" => "0", "type" => "slider", "helpers" => array("step" => "50", "min" => "0", "max" => "2500"), "dependency" => array('element' => 'ibx_appear', 'value' => array('1'))))), 'other' => array('title' => 'Other Options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'css_class', 'name' => 'CSS class', 'description' => 'Enter a css class that will be applied to this element. You can than edit the custom css, either in the Page builder\'s CUSTOM CSS (which is loaded only into that particular page), or in Kallyas options > Advanced > Custom CSS which will load the css into the entire website.', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'help' => znpb_get_helptab(array('video' => 'http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#F1ttWpjkKqQ', 'docs' => 'http://support.hogash.com/documentation/icon-box/', 'copy' => $uid, 'general' => true)));
コード例 #10
  * This method is used to retrieve the configurable options of the element.
  * @return array The list of options that compose the element and then passed as the argument for the render() function
 function options()
     $extra_options = array("name" => __("Slides", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can create your Flex Slider Slides.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "single_flex", "std" => "", "type" => "group", "add_text" => __("Slide", 'zn_framework'), "remove_text" => __("Slide", 'zn_framework'), "group_sortable" => true, "element_title" => "fs_slide_title", "subelements" => array(array("name" => __("Slide image", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select an image for this Slide", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "fs_slide_image", "std" => "", "type" => "media", 'class' => 'zn_full'), array("name" => __("Slide title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("This title will appear over the image", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "fs_slide_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Slide link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can add a link to your slide", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "fs_slide_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets()), array("name" => __("Slide label", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("This label will appear over the title.<br> <strong>Only for Modern style!</strong>", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "fs_slide_label", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Slide label color", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("The color that the label will have.<br> <strong>Only for Modern style!</strong>", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "fs_slide_label_color", "std" => "#cd2122", "type" => "colorpicker")));
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     return array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Slider height (px)", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add a height for the slider. Empty means automatic height.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "fs_height", "std" => "470", "type" => "text", "class" => "", "placeholder" => "ex: 470px"), array("name" => __("Slider style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select a style for the slider.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "fs_style", "std" => "classic", "type" => "select", "options" => array('calssic' => __('Classic', 'zn_framework'), 'modern' => __('Modern ( from v4.0+ )', 'zn_framework')), "class" => ""), array("name" => __("Slider Transition", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the desired transition that you want to use for this slider.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "fs_transition", "std" => "fade", "type" => "select", "options" => array('fade' => __('Fade', 'zn_framework'), 'crossfade' => __('Cross Fade', 'zn_framework'), 'slide' => __('Slide', 'zn_framework')), "class" => ""), array("name" => __("Slider Speed", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Adjust the speed between sliding timeout.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "fs_speed", "std" => "5000", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Autoplay carousel?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Does the carousel autoplay itself?", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_slider_autoplay", "std" => "1", "value" => "1", "type" => "toggle2"), array("name" => __("Slider Navigation", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Display arrows?", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "fs_nav", "std" => "1", "type" => "select", "options" => array('true' => __('Yes', 'zn_framework'), 'false' => __('No', 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Slider Bullets", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Display navigation bullets?.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "fs_bullets", "std" => "true", "type" => "select", "options" => array('true' => __('Yes', 'zn_framework'), 'false' => __('No', 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Show Thumbnails?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select if yes if you want to display thumbnails of images on the right side of the slider. Will replace bullets.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "fs_show_thumbs", "std" => "0", "type" => "select", "options" => array('1' => __('Yes', 'zn_framework'), '0' => __('No', 'zn_framework')), "class" => ""), array("name" => __("Shadow style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the desired shadow that you want to use for this slider.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "fs_shadow", "std" => "lifted", "type" => "select", "options" => array('' => __('No Shadow', 'zn_framework'), 'lifted' => __('Lifted', 'zn_framework')), "class" => ""))), 'slides' => array('title' => 'Slides configuration', 'options' => array($extra_options)), 'background' => array('title' => 'Background & Styles Options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Element Background Style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the background style you want to use for this slider. Please note that styles can be created from the unlimited headers options in the theme admin's page.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_header_style", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => WpkZn::getThemeHeaders(true), "class" => ""), array("name" => __("Background Source Type", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select the source type of the background.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "source_type", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => array('' => __("None (Will just rely on the background color (if any) )", 'zn_framework'), 'image' => __("Image", 'zn_framework'), 'video_self' => __("Self Hosted Video", 'zn_framework'), 'video_youtube' => __("Youtube Video", 'zn_framework'))), array('id' => 'background_image', 'name' => 'Background image', 'description' => 'Please choose a background image for this section.', 'type' => 'background', 'options' => array("repeat" => true, "position" => true, "attachment" => true, "size" => true), 'class' => 'zn_full', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('image'))), array("name" => __("Slide Video Youtube ID", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add an Youtube ID", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "source_vd_yt", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "placeholder" => "ex: tR-5AZF9zPI", "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_youtube'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_self_mp4', 'name' => 'Mp4 video source', 'description' => 'Add the MP4 video source for your local video', 'type' => 'media_upload', 'std' => '', 'data' => array('type' => 'video/mp4', 'button_title' => 'Add / Change mp4 video'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_self_ogg', 'name' => 'Ogg/Ogv video source', 'description' => 'Add the OGG video source for your local video', 'type' => 'media_upload', 'std' => '', 'data' => array('type' => 'video/ogg', 'button_title' => 'Add / Change ogg video'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_self_webm', 'name' => 'Webm video source', 'description' => 'Add the WEBM video source for your local video', 'type' => 'media_upload', 'std' => '', 'data' => array('type' => 'video/webm', 'button_title' => 'Add / Change webm video'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_vp', 'name' => 'Video poster', 'description' => 'Using this option you can add your desired video poster that will be shown on unsuported devices.', 'type' => 'media', 'std' => '', 'class' => 'zn_full', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_autoplay', 'name' => 'Autoplay video?', 'description' => 'Enable autoplay for video?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'source_vd_loop', 'name' => 'Loop video?', 'description' => 'Enable looping the video?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'source_vd_muted', 'name' => 'Start mute?', 'description' => 'Start the video with muted audio?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'source_vd_controls', 'name' => 'Video controls', 'description' => 'Enable video controls?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'source_vd_controls_pos', 'name' => 'Video controls position', 'description' => 'Video controls position in the slide', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'bottom-right', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("top-right" => __("top-right", 'zn_framework'), "top-left" => __("top-left", 'zn_framework'), "top-center" => __("top-center", 'zn_framework'), "bottom-right" => __("bottom-right", 'zn_framework'), "bottom-left" => __("bottom-left", 'zn_framework'), "bottom-center" => __("bottom-center", 'zn_framework'), "middle-right" => __("middle-right", 'zn_framework'), "middle-left" => __("middle-left", 'zn_framework'), "middle-center" => __("middle-center", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_sm"), array('id' => 'source_overlay', 'name' => 'Background colored overlay', 'description' => 'Add slide color overlay over the image or video to darken or enlight?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => '0', "options" => array("1" => __("Yes (Normal color)", 'zn_framework'), "2" => __("Yes (Horizontal gradient)", 'zn_framework'), "3" => __("Yes (Vertical gradient)", 'zn_framework'), "0" => __("No", 'zn_framework'))), array('id' => 'source_overlay_color', 'name' => 'Overlay background color', 'description' => 'Pick a color', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'std' => '#353535', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_overlay', 'value' => array('1', '2', '3'))), array('id' => 'source_overlay_opacity', 'name' => 'Overlay\'s opacity.', 'description' => 'Overlay background colors opacity level.', 'type' => 'slider', 'std' => '30', "helpers" => array("step" => "5", "min" => "0", "max" => "100"), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_overlay', 'value' => array('1', '2', '3'))), array('id' => 'source_overlay_color_gradient', 'name' => 'Overlay Gradient 2nd Bg. Color', 'description' => 'Pick a color', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'std' => '#353535', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_overlay', 'value' => array('2', '3'))), array('id' => 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac', 'name' => 'Gradient Overlay\'s 2nd Opacity.', 'description' => 'Overlay gradient 2nd background color opacity level.', 'type' => 'slider', 'std' => '30', "helpers" => array("step" => "5", "min" => "0", "max" => "100"), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_overlay', 'value' => array('2', '3'))), array("name" => __("Bottom masks override", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("The new masks are svg based, vectorial and color adapted. <br> <strong>Disclaimer:</strong> may now work perfectly for all elements!", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "hm_header_bmasks", "std" => "none", "type" => "select", "options" => array('none' => __('None, just rely on Background style.', 'zn_framework'), 'shadow' => __('Shadow Up', 'zn_framework'), 'shadow_ud' => __('Shadow Up and down', 'zn_framework'), 'mask1' => __('Raster Mask 1 (Old, not recommended)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask2' => __('Raster Mask 2 (Old, not recommended)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask3' => __('Vector Mask 3 CENTER (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask3 mask3l' => __('Vector Mask 3 LEFT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask3 mask3r' => __('Vector Mask 3 RIGHT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask4' => __('Vector Mask 4 CENTER (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask4 mask4l' => __('Vector Mask 4 LEFT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask4 mask4r' => __('Vector Mask 4 RIGHT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask5' => __('Vector Mask 5 (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask6' => __('Vector Mask 6 (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'))))), 'other' => array('title' => 'Other Options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'css_class', 'name' => 'CSS class', 'description' => 'Enter a css class that will be applied to this element. You can than edit the custom css, either in the Page builder\'s CUSTOM CSS (which is loaded only into that particular page), or in Kallyas options > Advanced > Custom CSS which will load the css into the entire website.', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'help' => znpb_get_helptab(array('video' => 'http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#YeqY8rqbI7Q', 'docs' => 'http://support.hogash.com/documentation/simple-slider/', 'copy' => $uid, 'general' => true)));
コード例 #11
ファイル: TH_ActionBox.php プロジェクト: rock1media/wordpress
  * This method is used to retrieve the configurable options of the element.
  * @return array The list of options that compose the element and then passed as the argument for the render() function
 function options()
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     $options = array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array("name" => sprintf(__('<span data-clipboard-text="%s" data-tooltip="Click to copy ID to clipboard">Unique ID: %s</span> ', 'zn_framework'), $uid, $uid), "description" => sprintf(__('In case you need some custom styling use as a css class selector <span class="u-code" data-clipboard-text=".%s {  }" data-tooltip="Click to copy CSS class to clipboard">.%s</span> .', 'zn_framework'), $uid, $uid), "id" => "ibstg_uid", "std" => "", "type" => "zn_title", "class" => "zn_full zn_nomargin"), array("name" => __("Element Style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select the style you want to use.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ac_style", "std" => "style1", "options" => array('style1' => __('Style 1', 'zn_framework'), 'style2' => __('Style 2', 'zn_framework'), 'style3' => __('Style 3', 'zn_framework')), "type" => "select", 'live' => array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $this->data['uid'])), array("name" => __("Action Box Title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Enter a title for your action box", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "page_ac_title", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("name" => __("Action Box Subtitle", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Enter a subtitle for the action box", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "page_ac_subtitle", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array('id' => 'element_scheme', 'name' => 'Element Color Scheme', 'description' => 'Select the color scheme of this element', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => '', 'options' => array('' => 'Inherit from Kallyas options > Color Options [Requires refresh]', 'light' => 'Light (default)', 'dark' => 'Dark'), 'live' => array('multiple' => array(array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid, 'val_prepend' => 'actionbox--')))))), 'buttons' => array('title' => 'Button options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Action Box Button Text", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a text that will appear inside your action box button.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "page_ac_b_text", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Action Box link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please choose the link you want to use for your action box button.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "page_ac_b_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets()), array("name" => __("Primary Button Style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select a style for the button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "page_ac_b_link_style", "std" => "btn-lined", "type" => "select", "options" => array('btn-fullcolor' => __("Flat (main color)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-fullwhite' => __("Flat (white)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-fullblack' => __("Flat (black)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-lined' => __("Lined (light)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-lined lined-dark' => __("Lined (dark)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-lined lined-gray' => __("Lined (gray)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-lined lined-custom' => __("Lined (custom)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-lined lined-full-light' => __("Lined-Full (light)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-lined lined-full-dark' => __("Lined-Full (dark)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-lined btn-skewed' => __("Lined-Skewed (light)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-lined btn-skewed lined-dark' => __("Lined-Skewed (dark)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-lined btn-skewed lined-gray' => __("Lined-Skewed (gray)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-fullcolor btn-skewed' => __("Flat-Skewed (main color)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-fullwhite btn-skewed' => __("Flat-Skewed (white)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-fullblack btn-skewed' => __("Flat-Skewed (black)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-default' => __("Bootstrap - Default", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-primary' => __("Bootstrap - Primary", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-success' => __("Bootstrap - Success", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-info' => __("Bootstrap - Info", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-warning' => __("Bootstrap - Warning", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-danger' => __("Bootstrap - Danger", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-link' => __("Bootstrap - Link", 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Action Box Secondary Button Text", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a text that will appear inside your action box secondary button.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "page_ac_b_text2", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Action Box Secondary link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please choose the link you want to use for your action box secondary button.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "page_ac_b_link2", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets()), array("name" => __("Secondary Button Style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select a style for the button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "page_ac_b_link2_style", "std" => "btn-fullwhite", "type" => "select", "options" => array('btn-fullcolor' => __("Flat (main color)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-fullwhite' => __("Flat (white)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-fullblack' => __("Flat (black)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-lined' => __("Lined (light)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-lined lined-dark' => __("Lined (dark)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-lined lined-gray' => __("Lined (gray)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-lined lined-custom' => __("Lined (custom)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-lined lined-full-light' => __("Lined-Full (light)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-lined lined-full-dark' => __("Lined-Full (dark)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-lined btn-skewed' => __("Lined-Skewed (light)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-lined btn-skewed lined-dark' => __("Lined-Skewed (dark)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-lined btn-skewed lined-gray' => __("Lined-Skewed (gray)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-fullcolor btn-skewed' => __("Flat-Skewed (main color)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-fullwhite btn-skewed' => __("Flat-Skewed (white)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-fullblack btn-skewed' => __("Flat-Skewed (black)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-default' => __("Bootstrap - Default", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-primary' => __("Bootstrap - Primary", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-success' => __("Bootstrap - Success", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-info' => __("Bootstrap - Info", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-warning' => __("Bootstrap - Warning", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-danger' => __("Bootstrap - Danger", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-link' => __("Bootstrap - Link", 'zn_framework'))))), 'other' => array('title' => 'Other Options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'css_class', 'name' => 'CSS class', 'description' => 'Enter a css class that will be applied to this element. You can than edit the custom css, either in the Page builder\'s CUSTOM CSS (which is loaded only into that particular page), or in Kallyas options > Advanced > Custom CSS which will load the css into the entire website.', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'help' => znpb_get_helptab(array('video' => 'http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#PMwI-Jsy1Ck&list', 'docs' => 'http://support.hogash.com/documentation/action-box/', 'copy' => false, 'general' => true)));
     return $options;
コード例 #12
ファイル: cta-options.php プロジェクト: rock1media/wordpress

$desc = sprintf('%s ( <a href="%s" target="_blank" title="%s">%s</a>).', __('These options below are related to site\'s call to action button in header.', 'zn_framework'), esc_url('http://hogash.d.pr/1leyL'), __('Click to open screenshot', 'zn_framework'), __('Open screenshot', 'zn_framework'));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'cta_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __('HEADER\'S CALL TO ACTION BUTTON OPTIONS', 'zn_framework'), "description" => $desc, "id" => "info_title6", "type" => "zn_title", "class" => "zn_full zn-custom-title-large zn-toptabs-margin");
// Show Call to Action Button In header
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'cta_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Show Call to Action button in header", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please choose if you want to display the call to action button or not.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "head_show_cta", "std" => "no", "type" => "zn_radio", "options" => array("yes" => __("Show", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("Hide", 'zn_framework')));
// Style Call to Action Button In header
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'cta_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Call to Action button style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select a style.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "head_show_cta_style", "std" => "ribbon", "type" => "select", "options" => array("ribbon" => __("Ribbon style", 'zn_framework'), "lined" => __("Lined button (Not recommended, use Custom)", 'zn_framework'), "custom" => __("Custom Button ( Multiple )", 'zn_framework')));
// Add link to Call to Action Button
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'cta_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Set the link for the Call to Action button in header", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Set the URL to link the Call to Action button to.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "head_add_cta_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets(), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'head_show_cta_style', 'value' => array('ribbon', 'lined')));
// Set text for Call to Action Button In header
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'cta_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Set the text for the Call to Action button", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the text you want to display int the call to action button.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "head_set_text_cta", "type" => "text", "std" => __("<strong>FREE</strong>QUOTE", 'zn_framework'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'head_show_cta_style', 'value' => array('ribbon', 'lined')));
// BG Color
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'cta_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Select background color", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select Call to action (ribbon style) background color.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "wpk_cs_bg_color", "std" => '#cd2122', "type" => "colorpicker", 'dependency' => array('element' => 'head_show_cta_style', 'value' => array('ribbon', 'lined')));
// FG Color
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'cta_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Select text color", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select text color.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "wpk_cs_fg_color", "std" => '#fff', "type" => "colorpicker", 'dependency' => array('element' => 'head_show_cta_style', 'value' => array('ribbon', 'lined')));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'cta_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Hide button on mobiles?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Do you want to hide this button on mobile screens (-767px and below)", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cta_hide_xs", "std" => "", "value" => "1", "type" => "toggle2", 'dependency' => array('element' => 'head_show_cta_style', 'value' => array('ribbon', 'lined')));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'cta_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Buttons", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can add up to <strong>3 Buttons</strong>.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cta_custom", "std" => "", "type" => "group", "max_items" => 3, "element_title" => "cta_text", "add_text" => __("Button", 'zn_framework'), "remove_text" => __("Button", 'zn_framework'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'head_show_cta_style', 'value' => array('custom')), "subelements" => array(array("name" => __("Text", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Text inside the button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cta_text", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Attach a link to the button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cta_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets()), array("name" => __("Style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select a style for the button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cta_style", "std" => "btn-fullcolor", "type" => "select", "options" => zn_get_button_styles()), array("name" => __("Size", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select a size for the button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cta_size", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => array('' => __("Default", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-md' => __("Medium", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-sm' => __("Small", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-xs' => __("Extra small", 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Button Corners", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the button corners type for this button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cta_corners", "std" => "btn--rounded", "type" => "select", "options" => array('btn--rounded' => __("Smooth rounded corner", 'zn_framework'), 'btn--round' => __("Round corners", 'zn_framework'), 'btn--square' => __("Square corners", 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Add icon?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add an icon to the button?", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cta_icon_enable", "std" => "0", "value" => "1", "type" => "toggle2"), array("name" => __("Icon position", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the position of the icon", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cta_icon_pos", "std" => "before", "type" => "select", "options" => array('before' => __("Before text", 'zn_framework'), 'after' => __("After text", 'zn_framework')), "dependency" => array('element' => 'cta_icon_enable', 'value' => array('1'))), array("name" => __("Select icon", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select an icon to add to the button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cta_icon", "std" => "0", "type" => "icon_list", 'class' => 'zn_full', "dependency" => array('element' => 'cta_icon_enable', 'value' => array('1'))), array("name" => __("Hide button on mobiles?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Do you want to hide this button on mobile screens (-767px and below)", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cta_hide_xs", "std" => "0", "value" => "hidden-xs", "type" => "toggle2")), "class" => "");
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'cta_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __('<span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span> HELP:', 'zn_framework'), "description" => __('Below you can find quick access to documentation, video documentation or our support forum.', 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cto_title", "type" => "zn_title", "class" => "zn_full zn-custom-title-md zn-top-separator");
$admin_options[] = zn_options_video_link_option('http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#TuXcJu9jl7c', __('Click here to access video tutorial for this options section.', 'zn_framework'), array('slug' => 'cta_options', 'parent' => 'general_options'));
$admin_options[] = wp_parse_args(znpb_general_help_option('zn-admin-helplink'), array('slug' => 'cta_options', 'parent' => 'general_options'));
コード例 #13
ファイル: TH_InfoBox.php プロジェクト: rock1media/wordpress
  * This method is used to retrieve the configurable options of the element.
  * @return array The list of options that compose the element and then passed as the argument for the render() function
 function options()
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     $options = array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __('<strong style="font-size:120%">Warning!</strong>', 'zn_framework'), "description" => __('Since v4.x, <strong>this element is <em>deprecated</em> & <em>unsuported</em></strong>. It\'s not recommended to be used bucause at some point it\'ll be removed (now it\'s kept only for backwards compatibilty).<br> Instead, try to use a one of these elements (or combined): Section (to add background), 2 Columns (6 + 6), Title element/TextBox (onto the left column), Button Element (into the right column)', 'zn_framework'), 'type' => 'zn_message', 'id' => 'zn_error_notice', 'show_blank' => 'true', 'supports' => 'warning'), array("name" => __("Title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter the Info Box title", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ib_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Subtitle", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter the Info Box subtitle", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ib_subtitle", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Select style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the desired style for this element", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ib_style", "type" => "select", "std" => "style1", "options" => array('infobox1' => __('Style 1', 'zn_framework'), 'infobox2' => __('Style 2', 'zn_framework'), 'infobox3' => __('Style 3', 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Text color scheme", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the desired style for this element", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ib_theme_color", "type" => "select", "std" => "dark", "options" => array('dark' => __('Dark text color', 'zn_framework'), 'light' => __('Light text color', 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Select background color", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select a color to apply as background color.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ib_bgcolor", "std" => "#eee", "type" => "colorpicker", 'dependency' => array('element' => 'ib_style', 'value' => array('infobox3'))), array("name" => __("Select background image", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select an image to use as background image.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ib_bgimage", "std" => "", "type" => "background", 'class' => 'zn_full', 'options' => array("repeat" => true, "position" => true, "attachment" => true, "size" => true), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'ib_style', 'value' => array('infobox3'))), array("name" => __("Button 2 text", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a text that will appear as button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ib_button_text2", "std" => "", "type" => "text", 'dependency' => array('element' => 'ib_style', 'value' => array('infobox3'))), array("name" => __("Button 2 link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please choose the link you want to use.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ib_button_link2", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets(), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'ib_style', 'value' => array('infobox3'))), array("name" => __("Button text", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a text that will appear as button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ib_button_text", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Button link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please choose the link you want to use.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ib_button_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => array('_blank' => __("New window", 'zn_framework'), '_self' => __("Same window", 'zn_framework'))))), 'other' => array('title' => 'Other Options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'css_class', 'name' => 'CSS class', 'description' => 'Enter a css class that will be applied to this element. You can than edit the custom css, either in the Page builder\'s CUSTOM CSS (which is loaded only into that particular page), or in Kallyas options > Advanced > Custom CSS which will load the css into the entire website.', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'help' => znpb_get_helptab(array('video' => 'http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#LoGkTg6n6lg', 'docs' => 'http://support.hogash.com/documentation/info-box/', 'copy' => $uid, 'general' => true)));
     return $options;
コード例 #14
ファイル: TH_Buttons.php プロジェクト: rock1media/wordpress
  * This method is used to retrieve the configurable options of the element.
  * @return array The list of options that compose the element and then passed as the argument for the render() function
 function options()
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     $options = array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Element Alignment", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select the alignment of the button/s.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "el_alignment", "std" => "left", "options" => array('left' => __('Left (default)', 'zn_framework'), 'right' => __('Right', 'zn_framework'), 'center' => __('Center', 'zn_framework')), "type" => "select", 'live' => array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid, 'val_prepend' => 'text-')), array("name" => __("Button", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add Button.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "single_btn", "element_title" => "button_text", "std" => "", "type" => "group", "add_text" => __("Button", 'zn_framework'), "remove_text" => __("Button", 'zn_framework'), "group_sortable" => true, "subelements" => array(array("name" => __("Text", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Text inside the button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "button_text", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Attach a link to the button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "button_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets()), array("name" => __("Style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select a style for the button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "button_style", "std" => "btn-fullcolor", "type" => "select", "options" => zn_get_button_styles(), 'live' => array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid . ' .btn-element')), array("name" => __("Size", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select a size for the button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "button_size", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => array('' => __("Default", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-lg' => __("Large", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-md' => __("Medium", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-sm' => __("Small", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-xs' => __("Extra small", 'zn_framework')), 'live' => array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid . ' .btn-element')), array("name" => __("Button Corners", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the button corners type for this button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "button_corners", "std" => "btn--rounded", "type" => "select", "options" => array('btn--rounded' => __("Smooth rounded corner", 'zn_framework'), 'btn--round' => __("Round corners", 'zn_framework'), 'btn--square' => __("Square corners", 'zn_framework')), 'live' => array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid . ' .btn-element')), array("name" => __("Width", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select a size for the button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "button_width", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => array('' => __("Default", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-block btn-fullwidth' => __("Full width (100%)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-halfwidth' => __("Half width (50%)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-third' => __("One-Third width (33%)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-forth' => __("One-forth width (25%)", 'zn_framework')), 'live' => array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid . ' .btn-element')), array("name" => __("Make button as block?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Transform the button and make it a block?", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "button_block", "std" => "", "value" => "btn-block", "type" => "toggle2", 'live' => array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid . ' .btn-element')), array("name" => __("Margins", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add css margins to the buttons for distancing. The css syntax is [top right bottom left].", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "button_margin", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "placeholder" => "ex: 10px 10px 10px 10px"), array("name" => __("Add icon?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add an icon to the button?", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "button_icon_enable", "std" => "0", "value" => "1", "type" => "toggle2"), array("name" => __("Icon position", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the position of the icon", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "button_icon_pos", "std" => "before", "type" => "select", "options" => array('before' => __("Before text", 'zn_framework'), 'after' => __("After text", 'zn_framework')), "dependency" => array('element' => 'button_icon_enable', 'value' => array('1'))), array("name" => __("Select icon", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select an icon to add to the button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "button_icon", "std" => "0", "type" => "icon_list", 'class' => 'zn_full', "dependency" => array('element' => 'button_icon_enable', 'value' => array('1'))))))), 'other' => array('title' => 'Other Options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'css_class', 'name' => 'CSS class', 'description' => 'Enter a css class that will be applied to this element. You can than edit the custom css, either in the Page builder\'s CUSTOM CSS (which is loaded only into that particular page), or in Kallyas options > Advanced > Custom CSS which will load the css into the entire website.', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'help' => znpb_get_helptab(array('video' => 'http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#ZZa-J_ls8WY', 'docs' => 'http://support.hogash.com/documentation/buttons/', 'copy' => $uid, 'general' => true)));
     return $options;
コード例 #15
  * This method is used to retrieve the configurable options of the element.
  * @return array The list of options that compose the element and then passed as the argument for the render() function
 function options()
     $extra_options = array("name" => __("Logos", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can add your partners logos.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "partners_single", "std" => "", "type" => "group", "add_text" => __("Logo", 'zn_framework'), "remove_text" => __("Logo", 'zn_framework'), "group_sortable" => true, "element_img" => 'lp_single_logo', "subelements" => array(array("name" => __("Logo", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter the logo for this partner.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "lp_single_logo", "std" => "", "type" => "media", "alt" => true), array("name" => __("Logo Link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please choose the link you want to use.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "lp_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets())));
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     $options = array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter the title for this element.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "pl_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Title Style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select the style you want to use for this title.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "pl_title_style", "std" => "style1", "options" => array("style1" => __("Style 1", 'zn_framework'), "style2" => __("Style 2", 'zn_framework')), "type" => "select"), array('id' => 'autoscroll', "name" => __("Enable autoscroll ?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Choose if you want to autoscroll the logos or not.", 'zn_framework'), 'type' => 'toggle2', 'std' => 'no', 'value' => 'yes'), array('id' => 'element_scheme', 'name' => 'Element Color Scheme', 'description' => 'Select the color scheme of this element', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => '', 'options' => array('' => 'Inherit from Kallyas options > Color Options [Requires refresh]', 'light' => 'Light (default)', 'dark' => 'Dark'), 'live' => array('multiple' => array(array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid, 'val_prepend' => 'prtc--'), array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid, 'val_prepend' => 'element-scheme--')))), $extra_options)), 'other' => array('title' => 'Other Options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'css_class', 'name' => 'CSS class', 'description' => 'Enter a css class that will be applied to this element. You can than edit the custom css, either in the Page builder\'s CUSTOM CSS (which is loaded only into that particular page), or in Kallyas options > Advanced > Custom CSS which will load the css into the entire website.', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'help' => znpb_get_helptab(array('video' => 'http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#FI_0ex4KB84', 'docs' => 'http://support.hogash.com/documentation/partners-logos/', 'copy' => $uid, 'general' => true)));
     return $options;
コード例 #16
  * This method is used to retrieve the configurable options of the element.
  * @return array The list of options that compose the element and then passed as the argument for the render() function
 function options()
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     $extra_options = array("name" => __("CSS Panels", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can create your CSS3 Panels.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "single_css_panel", "std" => "", "type" => "group", "add_text" => __("Panel", 'zn_framework'), "remove_text" => __("Panel", 'zn_framework'), "group_sortable" => true, "element_title" => "panel_title", "subelements" => array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Panel image", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select an image for this Panel", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "panel_image", "std" => "", "type" => "media"), array("name" => __("Panel title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can enter a title that will appear on this panel.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "panel_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Title text size", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the size of the title.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "panel_title_size", "std" => "normal", "type" => "select", "options" => array('normal' => __("Normal", 'zn_framework'), 'bigger' => __("Huge", 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Panel Text", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can enter some that will appear on this panel, under the title.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "panel_text", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("name" => __("Primary Button", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Set the url & text of the button. Use title field as text inside the button.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "title_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets()), array("name" => __("Secondary Button", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Set the url & text of the button. Use title field as text inside the button.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sec_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets()))), 'style' => array('title' => 'Styling options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Title style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select title style", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "panel_title_style", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => array('' => __("No Background", 'zn_framework'), 'captiontitle--wbg' => __("White Background", 'zn_framework'), 'captiontitle--dbg' => __("Dark background", 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Text color theme", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the theme of the colors", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "panel_text_theme", "std" => "light", "type" => "select", "options" => array('light' => __("Light", 'zn_framework'), 'dark' => __(" Dark", 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Panel Content Position", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can choose where the panel content will be shown", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "panel_title_position", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => array('' => __("Normal (Bottom)", 'zn_framework'), 'upper' => __("Upper (Middle)", 'zn_framework'))), array('id' => 'panel__overlay', 'name' => 'Slide colored overlay', 'description' => 'Add slide color overlay over the image or video to darken or enlight?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => '0', "options" => array("1" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "0" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'panel__overlay_color', 'name' => 'Overlay background color', 'description' => 'Pick a color', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'std' => '#0da3be', "dependency" => array('element' => 'panel__overlay', 'value' => array('1'))), array('id' => 'panel__overlay_opacity', 'name' => 'Overlay\'s opacity.', 'description' => 'Overlay background colors opacity level.', 'type' => 'slider', 'std' => '50', "helpers" => array("step" => "5", "min" => "10", "max" => "100"), "dependency" => array('element' => 'panel__overlay', 'value' => array('1')))))));
     $options = array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Slider Height", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a numerical value in pixels for your slider height.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "css_height", "std" => "600", "type" => "text", "class" => ''), array("name" => __("Image Effect", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select an effect for normal and hover states.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "panel_effect", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => array('' => __("None", 'zn_framework'), 'anim--grayscale' => __("Grayscale Effect", 'zn_framework'), 'anim--blur' => __("Blur effect", 'zn_framework'), 'anim--grayscale anim--blur' => __("Grayscale & Blur Effect", 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Caption Effect", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Specify the caption effect.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "panel_caption_effect", "std" => "default", "type" => "select", "options" => array('default' => __("No effect, captions always visible", 'zn_framework'), 'fadein' => __("Hidden captions, fade in on hover", 'zn_framework'), 'fadeout' => __("Visible captions, fade out (hide) on hover", 'zn_framework'), 'slidein' => __("Hidden captions, slide in on hover", 'zn_framework'), 'slideout' => __("Visible captions, slide out on hover", 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Panel Resize on hover", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Resize the panel on hover?", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "panel_resize", "std" => "1", "type" => "select", "options" => array('1' => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), '0' => __("No", 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Use Flexbox?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Use Flexbox CSS as the default engine for the panel resizes.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "panel_flexbox", "std" => "1", "value" => "1", "type" => "toggle2"))), 'panels' => array('title' => 'CSS panels', 'options' => array($extra_options)), 'other' => array('title' => 'Other Options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'css_class', 'name' => 'CSS class', 'description' => 'Enter a css class that will be applied to this element. You can than edit the custom css, either in the Page builder\'s CUSTOM CSS (which is loaded only into that particular page), or in Kallyas options > Advanced > Custom CSS which will load the css into the entire website.', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'help' => znpb_get_helptab(array('video' => 'http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#t702hKJbbns', 'docs' => 'http://support.hogash.com/documentation/css3-panels/', 'copy' => $uid, 'general' => true)));
     return $options;
コード例 #17
ファイル: TH_StepsBox.php プロジェクト: rock1media/wordpress
  * This method is used to retrieve the configurable options of the element.
  * @return array The list of options that compose the element and then passed as the argument for the render() function
 function options()
     $extra_options = array("name" => __("Steps", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can create your desired Steps.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "steps_single", "std" => "", "type" => "group", "add_text" => __("Step", 'zn_framework'), "remove_text" => __("Step", 'zn_framework'), "group_sortable" => true, "element_title" => "stp_single_title", "subelements" => array(array("name" => __("Step Title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a title for this step.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "stp_single_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Box color", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Using this option you can define your own color for this step box. If left empty, the default colors will be used. Please note that this option only works in style 1.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "stp_box_color", "std" => "", "type" => "colorpicker"), array("name" => __("Step content", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a content for this step.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "stp_single_desc", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("name" => __("Icon type", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the icon type", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "stp_icontype", "type" => "select", "std" => "img", "options" => array('fonticon' => __('Font Icon', 'zn_framework'), 'img' => __('Image (Png, SVG etc.)', 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Icon color", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select the color for this icon.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "stp_icon_color", "std" => "", "type" => "colorpicker", "dependency" => array('element' => 'stp_icontype', 'value' => array('fonticon'))), array("name" => __("Step icon", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter an icon for this step.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "stp_single_icon", "std" => "", "type" => "media", "dependency" => array('element' => 'stp_icontype', 'value' => array('img'))), array("name" => __("Social icon", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select your desired social icon.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "stp_single_iconfont", "std" => "", "type" => "icon_list", 'class' => 'zn_full', "dependency" => array('element' => 'stp_icontype', 'value' => array('fonticon'))), array("name" => __("Step Icon Animation", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the desired animation for this step. Disabled in Style 2!!", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "stp_single_anim", "type" => "select", "std" => "tada", "options" => array('' => __('No animation', 'zn_framework'), 'tada' => __('Tada', 'zn_framework'), 'pulse' => __('Pulse', 'zn_framework'), 'fadeOutRightBig' => __('Fade Out Right Big', 'zn_framework')))));
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     $options = array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a title that will appear on the first box", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "stp_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Subtitle", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a subtitle that will appear on the first box", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "stp_subtitle", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Description", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a description that will appear on the first box", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "stp_desc", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("name" => __("Link Text", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a text that will appear as link in\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthe first box under the description.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "stp_text_link", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Bottom Link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please choose the link you want to use.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "stp_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets()), $extra_options)), 'styles' => array('title' => 'Style Options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Select style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please choose a style you want to use.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "stepsbox_style", "std" => "style1", "type" => "select", "options" => array('style1' => __("Style 1", 'zn_framework'), 'style2' => __("Style 2 (since v4.0)", 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Element Height", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the minimum height of the element.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "stp_height", "std" => "235", 'type' => 'slider', 'class' => 'zn_full', 'helpers' => array('min' => '50', 'max' => '800', 'step' => '1'), 'live' => array('type' => 'css', 'css_class' => '.' . $this->data['uid'] . ' .process_steps__height', 'css_rule' => 'min-height', 'unit' => 'px'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'stepsbox_style', 'value' => array('style2'))), array("name" => __("Right side background color", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select the right side background color.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "stp_bgcolor", "std" => "light", "type" => "select", "options" => array('light' => __("Light", 'zn_framework'), 'gray' => __("Gray", 'zn_framework'), 'dark' => __("Dark", 'zn_framework')), "dependency" => array('element' => 'stepsbox_style', 'value' => array('style2'))), array("name" => __("Icons Size", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the size of the icon.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "stp_size", "std" => "56", 'type' => 'slider', 'class' => 'zn_full', 'helpers' => array('min' => '10', 'max' => '200', 'step' => '1'), 'live' => array('type' => 'css', 'css_class' => '.' . $this->data['uid'] . ' .process_steps__step-icon', 'css_rule' => 'font-size', 'unit' => 'px')), array('id' => 'intro_bg_color', 'name' => 'Intro Column Background color', 'description' => 'Here you can override the background color for the intro column.', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'std' => '', 'live' => array('multiple' => array(array('type' => 'css', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid . ' .process_steps__intro', 'css_rule' => 'background-color', 'unit' => ''), array('type' => 'css', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid . ' .process_steps__intro:after', 'css_rule' => 'border-left-color', 'unit' => '')))), array('id' => 'intro_text_color', 'name' => 'Intro Column Text color', 'description' => 'Here you can override the text color for the intro column.', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'std' => '', 'live' => array('multiple' => array(array('type' => 'css', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid . ' .process_steps__intro', 'css_rule' => 'color', 'unit' => ''), array('type' => 'css', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid . ' .process_steps__intro-link', 'css_rule' => 'color', 'unit' => ''), array('type' => 'css', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid . ' .process_steps__intro-title::before', 'css_rule' => 'background-color', 'unit' => '')))))), 'other' => array('title' => 'Other Options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'css_class', 'name' => 'CSS class', 'description' => 'Enter a css class that will be applied to this element. You can than edit the custom css, either in the Page builder\'s CUSTOM CSS (which is loaded only into that particular page), or in Kallyas options > Advanced > Custom CSS which will load the css into the entire website.', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'help' => znpb_get_helptab(array('video' => 'http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#f4nKO-461X0', 'docs' => 'http://support.hogash.com/documentation/steps-box/', 'copy' => $uid, 'general' => true)));
     return $options;
コード例 #18
  * This method is used to retrieve the configurable options of the element.
  * @return array The list of options that compose the element and then passed as the argument for the render() function
 function options()
     $extra_options = array("name" => __("Features", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can add your shop features.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sf_single", "std" => "", "type" => "group", "add_text" => __("Feature", 'zn_framework'), "remove_text" => __("Feature", 'zn_framework'), "group_sortable" => true, "element_title" => "lp_single_line1", "subelements" => array(array("name" => __("Icon", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select an icon.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "lp_single_logo", "std" => "", "type" => "media"), array("name" => __("Line 1 text", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a text that will appear on the first line.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "lp_single_line1", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Line 2 text", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a text that will appear on the second line.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "lp_single_line2", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Feature Link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please choose the link you want to use.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "lp_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets())));
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     $options = array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __('<strong style="font-size:120%">Warning!</strong>', 'zn_framework'), "description" => __('Since v4.x, <strong>this element is <em>deprecated</em> & <em>unsuported</em></strong>. It\'s not recommended to be used bucause at some point it\'ll be removed (now it\'s kept only for backwards compatibilty).<br> Instead, try to use a combination of these elements: Section (to add background), 2 Columns (4 + 8), Title element (onto the left column), Icon boxes (into the right column)', 'zn_framework'), 'type' => 'zn_message', 'id' => 'zn_error_notice', 'show_blank' => 'true', 'supports' => 'warning'), array("name" => __("Title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter the title for this element.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sf_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), $extra_options)), 'other' => array('title' => 'Other Options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'css_class', 'name' => 'CSS class', 'description' => 'Enter a css class that will be applied to this element. You can than edit the custom css, either in the Page builder\'s CUSTOM CSS (which is loaded only into that particular page), or in Kallyas options > Advanced > Custom CSS which will load the css into the entire website.', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'help' => znpb_get_helptab(array('video' => 'http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#1ypiBcjZEB4', 'docs' => 'http://support.hogash.com/documentation/shop-features/', 'copy' => $uid, 'general' => true)));
     return $options;
コード例 #19
  * This method is used to retrieve the configurable options of the element.
  * @return array The list of options that compose the element and then passed as the argument for the render() function
 function options()
     $extra_options = array("name" => __("Slides", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can create your Portfolio Slider Slides.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "single_pslides", "std" => "", "type" => "group", "add_text" => __("Slide", 'zn_framework'), "remove_text" => __("Slide", 'zn_framework'), "group_sortable" => true, "element_title" => "ps_slide_title", "subelements" => array(array("name" => __("Slide title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("This title will appear as browser title", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ps_slide_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Slide link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can add a link to your slide", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ps_slide_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets()), array("name" => __("Front Image", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select an image that will appear on front", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ps_slide_image1", "std" => "", "type" => "media"), array("name" => __("Left Image", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select an image that will appear on left", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ps_slide_image2", "std" => "", "type" => "media"), array("name" => __("Right Image", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select an image that will appear on right", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ps_slide_image3", "std" => "", "type" => "media")));
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     $options = array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Enable fullscreen?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Do you want to display the static content as fullscreen?", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "psl_fullscreen", "std" => "0", "type" => "select", "options" => array('1' => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), '0' => __("No", 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Element Height", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("<strong><em>Please read!</em></strong><br>Enter a numeric value for the slider height. This option works if Fullscreen is disabled. If you don't add any height, the height will be automatically rely on the content inside the element. ", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_height", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "placeholder" => "ex: 600px", "class" => "zn_input_xs", 'dependency' => array('element' => 'psl_fullscreen', 'value' => array('0'))), array("name" => __("Slider Main Title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can enter a description that will appear above the slider.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ps_slider_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "class" => ''), array("name" => __("Slider Description", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can enter a description that will appear above the slider.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ps_slider_desc", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea", "class" => ''), array("name" => __("Sliding Direction", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the desired sliding direction.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ps_sliding_direction", "std" => "Vertical", "type" => "select", "options" => array("Horizontal" => __("Horizontal from right", 'zn_framework'), "horizontal psl--left" => __("Horizontal from left", 'zn_framework'), "Vertical" => __("Vertical", 'zn_framework')), "class" => ""), array("name" => __("Parallax scrolling effect?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Choose if you want the slider to have a scrolling effect on the slider.<br> <strong style=' color: #9B4F4F;'>This options works only if the slider is positioned at the very top opf the page!!</strong>", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ps_scrolling_effect", "std" => "0", "type" => "select", "options" => array("1" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "0" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"))), 'items' => array('title' => 'Add Items', 'options' => array($extra_options)), 'background' => array('title' => 'Background & Styles Options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Slider Background Style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the background style you want to use for this slider. Please note that styles\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcan be created from the unlimited headers options in the theme admin's page.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ps_header_style", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => WpkZn::getThemeHeaders(true), "class" => ""), array("name" => __("Background Source Type", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select the source type of the background.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "source_type", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => array('' => __("None (Will just rely on the background color (if any) )", 'zn_framework'), 'image' => __("Image", 'zn_framework'), 'video_self' => __("Self Hosted Video", 'zn_framework'), 'video_youtube' => __("Youtube Video", 'zn_framework'))), array('id' => 'background_image', 'name' => 'Background image', 'description' => 'Please choose a background image for this section.', 'type' => 'background', 'options' => array("repeat" => true, "position" => true, "attachment" => true, "size" => true), 'class' => 'zn_full', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('image'))), array("name" => __("Slide Video Youtube ID", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add an Youtube ID", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "source_vd_yt", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "placeholder" => "ex: tR-5AZF9zPI", "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_youtube'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_self_mp4', 'name' => 'Mp4 video source', 'description' => 'Add the MP4 video source for your local video', 'type' => 'media_upload', 'std' => '', 'data' => array('type' => 'video/mp4', 'button_title' => 'Add / Change mp4 video'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_self_ogg', 'name' => 'Ogg/Ogv video source', 'description' => 'Add the OGG video source for your local video', 'type' => 'media_upload', 'std' => '', 'data' => array('type' => 'video/ogg', 'button_title' => 'Add / Change ogg video'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_self_webm', 'name' => 'Webm video source', 'description' => 'Add the WEBM video source for your local video', 'type' => 'media_upload', 'std' => '', 'data' => array('type' => 'video/webm', 'button_title' => 'Add / Change webm video'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_vp', 'name' => 'Video poster', 'description' => 'Using this option you can add your desired video poster that will be shown on unsuported devices.', 'type' => 'media', 'std' => '', 'class' => 'zn_full', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_autoplay', 'name' => 'Autoplay video?', 'description' => 'Enable autoplay for video?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'source_vd_loop', 'name' => 'Loop video?', 'description' => 'Enable looping the video?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'source_vd_muted', 'name' => 'Start mute?', 'description' => 'Start the video with muted audio?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'source_vd_controls', 'name' => 'Video controls', 'description' => 'Enable video controls?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'source_vd_controls_pos', 'name' => 'Video controls position', 'description' => 'Video controls position in the slide', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'bottom-right', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("top-right" => __("top-right", 'zn_framework'), "top-left" => __("top-left", 'zn_framework'), "top-center" => __("top-center", 'zn_framework'), "bottom-right" => __("bottom-right", 'zn_framework'), "bottom-left" => __("bottom-left", 'zn_framework'), "bottom-center" => __("bottom-center", 'zn_framework'), "middle-right" => __("middle-right", 'zn_framework'), "middle-left" => __("middle-left", 'zn_framework'), "middle-center" => __("middle-center", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_sm"), array('id' => 'source_overlay', 'name' => 'Background colored overlay', 'description' => 'Add slide color overlay over the image or video to darken or enlight?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => '0', "options" => array("1" => __("Yes (Normal color)", 'zn_framework'), "2" => __("Yes (Horizontal gradient)", 'zn_framework'), "3" => __("Yes (Vertical gradient)", 'zn_framework'), "0" => __("No", 'zn_framework'))), array('id' => 'source_overlay_color', 'name' => 'Overlay background color', 'description' => 'Pick a color', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'std' => '#353535', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_overlay', 'value' => array('1', '2', '3'))), array('id' => 'source_overlay_opacity', 'name' => 'Overlay\'s opacity.', 'description' => 'Overlay background colors opacity level.', 'type' => 'slider', 'std' => '30', "helpers" => array("step" => "5", "min" => "0", "max" => "100"), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_overlay', 'value' => array('1', '2', '3'))), array('id' => 'source_overlay_color_gradient', 'name' => 'Overlay Gradient 2nd Bg. Color', 'description' => 'Pick a color', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'std' => '#353535', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_overlay', 'value' => array('2', '3'))), array('id' => 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac', 'name' => 'Gradient Overlay\'s 2nd Opacity.', 'description' => 'Overlay gradient 2nd background color opacity level.', 'type' => 'slider', 'std' => '30', "helpers" => array("step" => "5", "min" => "0", "max" => "100"), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_overlay', 'value' => array('2', '3'))), array("name" => __("Bottom masks override", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("The new masks are svg based, vectorial and color adapted. <br> <strong>Disclaimer:</strong> may now work perfectly for all elements!", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "hm_header_bmasks", "std" => "none", "type" => "select", "options" => array('none' => __('None, just rely on Background style.', 'zn_framework'), 'shadow' => __('Shadow Up', 'zn_framework'), 'shadow_ud' => __('Shadow Up and down', 'zn_framework'), 'mask1' => __('Raster Mask 1 (Old, not recommended)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask2' => __('Raster Mask 2 (Old, not recommended)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask3' => __('Vector Mask 3 CENTER (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask3 mask3l' => __('Vector Mask 3 LEFT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask3 mask3r' => __('Vector Mask 3 RIGHT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask4' => __('Vector Mask 4 CENTER (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask4 mask4l' => __('Vector Mask 4 LEFT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask4 mask4r' => __('Vector Mask 4 RIGHT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask5' => __('Vector Mask 5 (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask6' => __('Vector Mask 6 (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'))))), 'other' => array('title' => 'Other Options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'css_class', 'name' => 'CSS class', 'description' => 'Enter a css class that will be applied to this element. You can than edit the custom css, either in the Page builder\'s CUSTOM CSS (which is loaded only into that particular page), or in Kallyas options > Advanced > Custom CSS which will load the css into the entire website.', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'help' => znpb_get_helptab(array('video' => 'http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#1P0fu6T1GrU', 'docs' => 'http://support.hogash.com/documentation/portfolio-slider/', 'copy' => $uid, 'general' => true)));
     return $options;
コード例 #20
  * This method is used to retrieve the configurable options of the element.
  * @return array The list of options that compose the element and then passed as the argument for the render() function
 function options()
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     $options = array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select the style you want to use.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "calloutbox_style", "std" => "style1", "options" => array('style1' => __('Style 1', 'zn_framework'), 'style2' => __('Style 2 (since v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'style3' => __('Style 3 (since v4.0)', 'zn_framework')), "type" => "select", 'live' => array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $this->data['uid'] . ' .circlehover')), array("name" => __("Main Title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Enter a title for your Call Out Banner element", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cab_main_title", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("name" => __("Secondary Title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Enter a secondary title for your Call Out Banner element", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cab_sec_title", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array('id' => 'element_scheme', 'name' => 'Element Color Scheme', 'description' => 'Select the color scheme of this element', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => '', 'options' => array('' => 'Inherit from Kallyas options > Color Options [Requires refresh]', 'light' => 'Light (default)', 'dark' => 'Dark'), 'live' => array('multiple' => array(array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid, 'val_prepend' => 'calloutbanner--'), array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid, 'val_prepend' => 'element-scheme--')))))), 'button' => array('title' => 'Button options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Button Text", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a text that will appear on the right button.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cab_button_text", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Button Hover Image", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select an image that will appear when\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\thovering the mouse over the button. If no image is chosen , the default OK image will be used", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cab_button_image", "std" => "", "type" => "media"), array("name" => __("Button link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please choose the link you want to use for your button.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cab_button_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets()))), 'other' => array('title' => 'Other Options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'css_class', 'name' => 'CSS class', 'description' => 'Enter a css class that will be applied to this element. You can than edit the custom css, either in the Page builder\'s CUSTOM CSS (which is loaded only into that particular page), or in Kallyas options > Advanced > Custom CSS which will load the css into the entire website.', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'help' => znpb_get_helptab(array('video' => 'http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#q-5UZku-5Jk', 'docs' => 'http://support.hogash.com/documentation/call-out-banner/', 'copy' => $uid, 'general' => true)));
     return $options;
コード例 #21
  * This method is used to retrieve the configurable options of the element.
  * @return array The list of options that compose the element and then passed as the argument for the render() function
 function options()
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     $options = array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Element Height", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("<strong><em>Please read!</em></strong><br>Enter a numeric value for the slider height. This option works if Fullscreen is disabled. If you don't add any height, the height will be automatically rely on the content inside the element. ", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_height", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "placeholder" => "ex: 600px", "class" => "zn_input_xs", 'dependency' => array('element' => 'sc_fullscreen', 'value' => array('0'))), array("name" => __("Enable fullscreen?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Do you want to display the static content as fullscreen?", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_fullscreen", "std" => "0", "type" => "select", "options" => array('1' => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), '0' => __("No", 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Enable scrolling effect?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Do you want to enable the scrolling effects? Might cause performance issues.<br> <strong style=' color: #9B4F4F;'>This options works only if the slider is positioned at the very top opf the page!!</strong>", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_scrolling", "std" => "0", "type" => "select", "options" => array('1' => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), '0' => __("No", 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Parallax Scrolling effect type?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the effect type", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_scrolling_type", "std" => "translate_op_scale", "type" => "select", "options" => array('translate_op_scale' => __("Translate + Fade + Scale", 'zn_framework'), 'translate_op' => __("Translate + Fade", 'zn_framework'), 'translate' => __("Translate", 'zn_framework')), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'sc_scrolling', 'value' => array('1'))), array("name" => __("Text", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter your desired text.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_sc", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("name" => __("Button Text", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a text that will appear as a button bellow your text.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_button_text", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Button Style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select a button style.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_button_style", "std" => "btn-fullcolor", "type" => "select", "options" => array('btn-fullcolor' => __("Flat", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-fullcolor btn-skewed' => __("Flat & Skewed", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-lined' => __("Lined", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-lined btn-skewed' => __("Lined & Skewed", 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Text color theme", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please choose a color theme.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_text_theme", "std" => "grayish", "type" => "select", "options" => array('light' => __("Light", 'zn_framework'), 'grayish' => __("Grayish (default)", 'zn_framework'), 'dark' => __("Dark", 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Button link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please choose the link you want to use for your button.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_button_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets()), array('id' => 'sc_fademask', 'name' => 'Enable Faded Mask?', 'description' => 'Add a faded mask at the bottom?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => '0', "options" => array("1" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "0" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'sc_fadeboxed', 'name' => 'Enable Boxed Mask?', 'description' => 'Enable Boxed Mask with content over Static content?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => '0', "options" => array("1" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "0" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs", "dependency" => array('element' => 'sc_fademask', 'value' => array('1'))))), 'background' => array('title' => 'Background & Styles Options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Element Background Style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the background style you want to use for this slider. Please note that styles can be created from the unlimited headers options in the theme admin's page.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_header_style", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => WpkZn::getThemeHeaders(true), "class" => ""), array("name" => __("Background Source Type", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select the source type of the background.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "source_type", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => array('' => __("None (Will just rely on the background color (if any) )", 'zn_framework'), 'image' => __("Image", 'zn_framework'), 'video_self' => __("Self Hosted Video", 'zn_framework'), 'video_youtube' => __("Youtube Video", 'zn_framework'))), array('id' => 'background_image', 'name' => 'Background image', 'description' => 'Please choose a background image for this section.', 'type' => 'background', 'options' => array("repeat" => true, "position" => true, "attachment" => true, "size" => true), 'class' => 'zn_full', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('image'))), array("name" => __("Slide Video Youtube ID", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add an Youtube ID", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "source_vd_yt", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "placeholder" => "ex: tR-5AZF9zPI", "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_youtube'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_self_mp4', 'name' => 'Mp4 video source', 'description' => 'Add the MP4 video source for your local video', 'type' => 'media_upload', 'std' => '', 'data' => array('type' => 'video/mp4', 'button_title' => 'Add / Change mp4 video'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_self_ogg', 'name' => 'Ogg/Ogv video source', 'description' => 'Add the OGG video source for your local video', 'type' => 'media_upload', 'std' => '', 'data' => array('type' => 'video/ogg', 'button_title' => 'Add / Change ogg video'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_self_webm', 'name' => 'Webm video source', 'description' => 'Add the WEBM video source for your local video', 'type' => 'media_upload', 'std' => '', 'data' => array('type' => 'video/webm', 'button_title' => 'Add / Change webm video'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_vp', 'name' => 'Video poster', 'description' => 'Using this option you can add your desired video poster that will be shown on unsuported devices.', 'type' => 'media', 'std' => '', 'class' => 'zn_full', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_autoplay', 'name' => 'Autoplay video?', 'description' => 'Enable autoplay for video?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'source_vd_loop', 'name' => 'Loop video?', 'description' => 'Enable looping the video?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'source_vd_muted', 'name' => 'Start mute?', 'description' => 'Start the video with muted audio?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'source_vd_controls', 'name' => 'Video controls', 'description' => 'Enable video controls?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'source_vd_controls_pos', 'name' => 'Video controls position', 'description' => 'Video controls position in the slide', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'bottom-right', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("top-right" => __("top-right", 'zn_framework'), "top-left" => __("top-left", 'zn_framework'), "top-center" => __("top-center", 'zn_framework'), "bottom-right" => __("bottom-right", 'zn_framework'), "bottom-left" => __("bottom-left", 'zn_framework'), "bottom-center" => __("bottom-center", 'zn_framework'), "middle-right" => __("middle-right", 'zn_framework'), "middle-left" => __("middle-left", 'zn_framework'), "middle-center" => __("middle-center", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_sm"), array('id' => 'source_overlay', 'name' => 'Background colored overlay', 'description' => 'Add slide color overlay over the image or video to darken or enlight?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => '0', "options" => array("1" => __("Yes (Normal color)", 'zn_framework'), "2" => __("Yes (Horizontal gradient)", 'zn_framework'), "3" => __("Yes (Vertical gradient)", 'zn_framework'), "0" => __("No", 'zn_framework'))), array('id' => 'source_overlay_color', 'name' => 'Overlay background color', 'description' => 'Pick a color', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'std' => '#353535', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_overlay', 'value' => array('1', '2', '3'))), array('id' => 'source_overlay_opacity', 'name' => 'Overlay\'s opacity.', 'description' => 'Overlay background colors opacity level.', 'type' => 'slider', 'std' => '30', "helpers" => array("step" => "5", "min" => "0", "max" => "100"), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_overlay', 'value' => array('1', '2', '3'))), array('id' => 'source_overlay_color_gradient', 'name' => 'Overlay Gradient 2nd Bg. Color', 'description' => 'Pick a color', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'std' => '#353535', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_overlay', 'value' => array('2', '3'))), array('id' => 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac', 'name' => 'Gradient Overlay\'s 2nd Opacity.', 'description' => 'Overlay gradient 2nd background color opacity level.', 'type' => 'slider', 'std' => '30', "helpers" => array("step" => "5", "min" => "0", "max" => "100"), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_overlay', 'value' => array('2', '3'))))), 'other' => array('title' => 'Other Options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'css_class', 'name' => 'CSS class', 'description' => 'Enter a css class that will be applied to this element. You can than edit the custom css, either in the Page builder\'s CUSTOM CSS (which is loaded only into that particular page), or in Kallyas options > Advanced > Custom CSS which will load the css into the entire website.', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'help' => znpb_get_helptab(array('video' => 'http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#MrhHNfeZYrk', 'docs' => 'http://support.hogash.com/documentation/static-content-simple-text/', 'copy' => $uid, 'general' => true)));
     return $options;
コード例 #22
ファイル: TH_HoverBox.php プロジェクト: rock1media/wordpress
  * This method is used to retrieve the configurable options of the element.
  * @return array The list of options that compose the element and then passed as the argument for the render() function
 function options()
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     return array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a title for this box.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "hb_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Subtitle", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a subtitle for this box.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "hb_subtitle", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Description", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a description for this box.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "hb_desc", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("name" => __("Add Image", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select an image for this box.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "hb_icon", "std" => "", "type" => "media"), array("name" => __("Box Link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please choose the link you want to use.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "hb_link", "std" => "#", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets()))), 'style_options' => array('title' => 'Style options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Hover Box Style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select the style you want to use.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "hover_box_style", "std" => "hover-box", "options" => array('hover-box' => __('Default Style', 'zn_framework'), 'hover-box-2' => __('Right side Image (since v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'hover-box-3' => __('Background-image (since v4.0)', 'zn_framework')), "type" => "select"), array("name" => __("Content Style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the desired alignment for the content", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "hb_align", "type" => "select", "std" => "style1", "options" => array('zn_fill_class' => __('Normal', 'zn_framework'), 'centered' => __('Centered', 'zn_framework')), 'live' => array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $this->data['uid'])), array("name" => __("Remove right margin?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please choose if you don't want a right margin.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "hb_rmmargin", "std" => "1", "type" => "select", "options" => array('1' => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), '0' => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "dependency" => array('element' => 'hover_box_style', 'value' => array('hover-box-2'))))), 'color_options' => array('title' => 'Color options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Box Background-color", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select a color.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "hb_bgcolor", "std" => "#969696", "type" => "colorpicker", 'live' => array('type' => 'css', 'css_class' => '.' . $this->data['uid'], 'css_rule' => 'background-color', 'unit' => '')), array("name" => __("Box text color", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select a color.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "hb_textcolor", "std" => "#fff", "type" => "colorpicker", 'live' => array('type' => 'css', 'css_class' => '.' . $this->data['uid'], 'css_rule' => 'color', 'unit' => '')), array("name" => __("Box HOVER Background-color", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select a color.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "hb_bgcolor_hover", "std" => "#cd2122", "type" => "colorpicker"), array("name" => __("Box HOVER text color", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select a color.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "hb_textcolor_hover", "std" => "#fff", "type" => "colorpicker"))), 'other' => array('title' => 'Other Options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'css_class', 'name' => 'CSS class', 'description' => 'Enter a css class that will be applied to this element. You can than edit the custom css, either in the Page builder\'s CUSTOM CSS (which is loaded only into that particular page), or in Kallyas options > Advanced > Custom CSS which will load the css into the entire website.', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'help' => znpb_get_helptab(array('video' => 'http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#BSnIKXeP7Jc', 'docs' => 'http://support.hogash.com/documentation/hover-box/', 'copy' => $uid, 'general' => true)));
コード例 #23
  * This method is used to retrieve the configurable options of the element.
  * @return array The list of options that compose the element and then passed as the argument for the render() function
 function options()
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     $options = array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => __('General options', 'zn_framework'), 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Element Height", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("<strong><em>Please read!</em></strong><br>Enter a numeric value for the slider height. This option works if Fullscreen is disabled. If you don't add any height, the height will be automatically rely on the content inside the element. ", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_height", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "placeholder" => "ex: 600px", "class" => "zn_input_xs", 'dependency' => array('element' => 'sc_fullscreen', 'value' => array('0'))), array("name" => __("Enable fullscreen?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Do you want to display the static content as fullscreen?", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_fullscreen", "std" => "0", "type" => "select", "options" => array('1' => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), '0' => __("No", 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Enable scrolling effect?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Do you want to enable the scrolling effects? Might cause performance issues.<br> <strong style=' color: #9B4F4F;'>This options works only if the slider is positioned at the very top opf the page!!</strong>", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_scrolling", "std" => "0", "type" => "select", "options" => array('1' => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), '0' => __("No", 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Parallax Scrolling effect type?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the effect type", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_scrolling_type", "std" => "translate_op_scale", "type" => "select", "options" => array('translate_op_scale' => __("Translate + Fade + Scale", 'zn_framework'), 'translate_op' => __("Translate + Fade", 'zn_framework'), 'translate' => __("Translate", 'zn_framework')), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'sc_scrolling', 'value' => array('1'))), array("name" => __("Main title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a main title.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_slide_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Subtitle", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a subtitle", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_slide_subtitle", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Button Main Text", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a main text for this button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_slide_m_button", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Button Link Text", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a text that will appear on the right side of the button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_slide_l_text", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Button link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a link that will appear on the right side of the button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_slide_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets()))), 'background' => array('title' => 'Background & Styles Options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Element Background Style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the background style you want to use for this slider. Please note that styles can be created from the unlimited headers options in the theme admin's page.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_header_style", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => WpkZn::getThemeHeaders(true), "class" => ""), array("name" => __("Background Source Type", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select the source type of the background.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "source_type", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => array('' => __("None (Will just rely on the background color (if any) )", 'zn_framework'), 'image' => __("Image", 'zn_framework'), 'video_self' => __("Self Hosted Video", 'zn_framework'), 'video_youtube' => __("Youtube Video", 'zn_framework'))), array('id' => 'background_image', 'name' => 'Background image', 'description' => 'Please choose a background image for this section.', 'type' => 'background', 'options' => array("repeat" => true, "position" => true, "attachment" => true, "size" => true), 'class' => 'zn_full', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('image'))), array("name" => __("Slide Video Youtube ID", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add an Youtube ID", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "source_vd_yt", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "placeholder" => "ex: tR-5AZF9zPI", "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_youtube'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_self_mp4', 'name' => 'Mp4 video source', 'description' => 'Add the MP4 video source for your local video', 'type' => 'media_upload', 'std' => '', 'data' => array('type' => 'video/mp4', 'button_title' => 'Add / Change mp4 video'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_self_ogg', 'name' => 'Ogg/Ogv video source', 'description' => 'Add the OGG video source for your local video', 'type' => 'media_upload', 'std' => '', 'data' => array('type' => 'video/ogg', 'button_title' => 'Add / Change ogg video'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_self_webm', 'name' => 'Webm video source', 'description' => 'Add the WEBM video source for your local video', 'type' => 'media_upload', 'std' => '', 'data' => array('type' => 'video/webm', 'button_title' => 'Add / Change webm video'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_vp', 'name' => 'Video poster', 'description' => 'Using this option you can add your desired video poster that will be shown on unsuported devices.', 'type' => 'media', 'std' => '', 'class' => 'zn_full', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_autoplay', 'name' => 'Autoplay video?', 'description' => 'Enable autoplay for video?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'source_vd_loop', 'name' => 'Loop video?', 'description' => 'Enable looping the video?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'source_vd_muted', 'name' => 'Start mute?', 'description' => 'Start the video with muted audio?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'source_vd_controls', 'name' => 'Video controls', 'description' => 'Enable video controls?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'source_vd_controls_pos', 'name' => 'Video controls position', 'description' => 'Video controls position in the slide', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'bottom-right', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("top-right" => __("top-right", 'zn_framework'), "top-left" => __("top-left", 'zn_framework'), "top-center" => __("top-center", 'zn_framework'), "bottom-right" => __("bottom-right", 'zn_framework'), "bottom-left" => __("bottom-left", 'zn_framework'), "bottom-center" => __("bottom-center", 'zn_framework'), "middle-right" => __("middle-right", 'zn_framework'), "middle-left" => __("middle-left", 'zn_framework'), "middle-center" => __("middle-center", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_sm"), array('id' => 'source_overlay', 'name' => 'Background colored overlay', 'description' => 'Add slide color overlay over the image or video to darken or enlight?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => '0', "options" => array("1" => __("Yes (Normal color)", 'zn_framework'), "2" => __("Yes (Horizontal gradient)", 'zn_framework'), "3" => __("Yes (Vertical gradient)", 'zn_framework'), "0" => __("No", 'zn_framework'))), array('id' => 'source_overlay_color', 'name' => 'Overlay background color', 'description' => 'Pick a color', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'std' => '#353535', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_overlay', 'value' => array('1', '2', '3'))), array('id' => 'source_overlay_opacity', 'name' => 'Overlay\'s opacity.', 'description' => 'Overlay background colors opacity level.', 'type' => 'slider', 'std' => '30', "helpers" => array("step" => "5", "min" => "0", "max" => "100"), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_overlay', 'value' => array('1', '2', '3'))), array('id' => 'source_overlay_color_gradient', 'name' => 'Overlay Gradient 2nd Bg. Color', 'description' => 'Pick a color', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'std' => '#353535', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_overlay', 'value' => array('2', '3'))), array('id' => 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac', 'name' => 'Gradient Overlay\'s 2nd Opacity.', 'description' => 'Overlay gradient 2nd background color opacity level.', 'type' => 'slider', 'std' => '30', "helpers" => array("step" => "5", "min" => "0", "max" => "100"), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_overlay', 'value' => array('2', '3'))), array("name" => __("Bottom masks override", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("The new masks are svg based, vectorial and color adapted. <br> <strong>Disclaimer:</strong> may now work perfectly for all elements!", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "hm_header_bmasks", "std" => "none", "type" => "select", "options" => array('none' => __('None, just rely on Background style.', 'zn_framework'), 'shadow' => __('Shadow Up', 'zn_framework'), 'shadow_ud' => __('Shadow Up and down', 'zn_framework'), 'mask1' => __('Raster Mask 1 (Old, not recommended)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask2' => __('Raster Mask 2 (Old, not recommended)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask3' => __('Vector Mask 3 CENTER (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask3 mask3l' => __('Vector Mask 3 LEFT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask3 mask3r' => __('Vector Mask 3 RIGHT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask4' => __('Vector Mask 4 CENTER (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask4 mask4l' => __('Vector Mask 4 LEFT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask4 mask4r' => __('Vector Mask 4 RIGHT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask5' => __('Vector Mask 5 (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask6' => __('Vector Mask 6 (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'))))), 'tab_advanced' => array('title' => __('Advanced', 'zn_framework'), 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Month field", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter the name for the month field that holds the month when the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t url to the endpoint is generated.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_month_field", "std" => "", "type" => "text", 'placeholder' => 'm'), array("name" => __("Day field", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter the name for the day field that holds the day when the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t url to the endpoint is generated.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_day_field", "std" => "", "type" => "text", 'placeholder' => 'd'), array("name" => __("Nights field", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter the name for the nights field that holds the nights when the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t url to the endpoint is generated.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_nights_field", "std" => "", "type" => "text", 'placeholder' => 'n'), array("name" => __("Guests field", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter the name for the guests field that holds the guests when the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t url to the endpoint is generated.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_guests_field", "std" => "", "type" => "text", 'placeholder' => 'g'), array("name" => __("Endpoint URL", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter the link to the endpoint which will display the search\n\t\t\t\t\t\tresults based on the retrieved values. Ex: http://your.endpoint.url/", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_endpoint_url", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => array('_self' => __("Same window", 'zn_framework'), '_blank' => __("New window", 'zn_framework'))))), 'other' => array('title' => 'Other Options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'css_class', 'name' => 'CSS class', 'description' => 'Enter a css class that will be applied to this element. You can than edit the custom css, either in the Page builder\'s CUSTOM CSS (which is loaded only into that particular page), or in Kallyas options > Advanced > Custom CSS which will load the css into the entire website.', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'help' => znpb_get_helptab(array('video' => 'http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#Hv9y1Qa_5Tw', 'docs' => 'http://support.hogash.com/documentation/static-content-reservation-form/', 'copy' => $uid, 'general' => true)));
     return $options;
コード例 #24
ファイル: TH_StepsBox4.php プロジェクト: rock1media/wordpress
  * This method is used to retrieve the configurable options of the element.
  * @return array The list of options that compose the element and then passed as the argument for the render() function
 function options()
     $extra_options = array("name" => __("Steps", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can create your desired steps.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "steps_single4", "std" => "", "type" => "group", "add_text" => __("Step", 'zn_framework'), "remove_text" => __("Step", 'zn_framework'), "group_sortable" => true, "element_title" => "stp_single_title", "subelements" => array(array("name" => __("Step Title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a title for this step.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "stp_single_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Step content", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a content for this step.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "stp_single_desc", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("name" => __("Step link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a link that will be added to the icon.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "stp_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets()), array("name" => __("Step icon", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select your desired icon that will appear on the step circle.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "vts_tab_icon", "std" => "", "type" => "icon_list", 'class' => 'zn_full')));
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     $options = array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Steps Box 4 Style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select the style you want to use.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "stepsbox_style", "std" => "style1", "options" => array('style1' => __('Number', 'zn_framework'), 'style2' => __('Icon', 'zn_framework')), "type" => "select"), array("name" => __("Title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a title that will appear on over the boxes", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "stp_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array('id' => 'element_scheme', 'name' => 'Element Color Scheme', 'description' => 'Select the color scheme of this element', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => '', 'options' => array('' => 'Inherit from Kallyas options > Color Options [Requires refresh]', 'light' => 'Light (default)', 'dark' => 'Dark'), 'live' => array('multiple' => array(array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid, 'val_prepend' => 'stepsbox4--'), array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid, 'val_prepend' => 'element-scheme--')))), $extra_options)), 'other' => array('title' => 'Other Options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'css_class', 'name' => 'CSS class', 'description' => 'Enter a css class that will be applied to this element. You can than edit the custom css, either in the Page builder\'s CUSTOM CSS (which is loaded only into that particular page), or in Kallyas options > Advanced > Custom CSS which will load the css into the entire website.', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'help' => znpb_get_helptab(array('video' => 'http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#XT0Vyy3Q8-w', 'docs' => 'http://support.hogash.com/documentation/steps-box/', 'copy' => $uid, 'general' => true)));
     return $options;
コード例 #25
  * This method is used to retrieve the configurable options of the element.
  * @return array The list of options that compose the element and then passed as the argument for the render() function
 function options()
     $extra_options = array("name" => __("Slides", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can create your Laptop Slider Slides.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "single_lslides", "std" => "", "type" => "group", "add_text" => __("Slide", 'zn_framework'), "remove_text" => __("Slide", 'zn_framework'), "group_sortable" => true, "element_title" => "ls_slide_title", "subelements" => array(array("name" => __("Slide image", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select an image for this Slide", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ls_slide_image", "std" => "", "type" => "media"), array("name" => __("Slide title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("This title will appear on the left side.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ls_slide_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Slide Description", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("This description will appear on the left side.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ls_slide_desc", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("name" => __("Primary Button", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can add data for the primary button. In case the general slider style is 'Just Laptop', this link will be used to add a link to the title of the slide.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ls_slide_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets()), array("name" => __("Secondary Button", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can add data for the secondary button.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ls_slide_link_sec", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets())));
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     $options = array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Enable fullscreen?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Do you want to display the static content as fullscreen?", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ls_fullscreen", "std" => "0", "type" => "select", "options" => array('1' => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), '0' => __("No", 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Slider Title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can enter a main title that will appear above the slider.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ls_slider_desc", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea", "class" => ''), array("name" => __("Slider Display", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select how to display the slider.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ls_slider_display", "std" => "laptop", "type" => "select", "options" => array('laptop' => __("Just laptop", 'zn_framework'), 'lapt_desc' => __("Laptop with ITEMS description", 'zn_framework'), 'lapt_slider_desc' => __("Laptop with SLIDER details", 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Main title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("This title will appear on the left side.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ls_slide_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "dependency" => array('element' => 'ls_slider_display', 'value' => array('lapt_slider_desc'))), array("name" => __("Main Description", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("This description will appear on the left side.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ls_slide_desc", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea", "dependency" => array('element' => 'ls_slider_display', 'value' => array('lapt_slider_desc'))), array("name" => __("Primary Button", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can add data for the primary button. In case the general slider style is 'Just Laptop', this link will be used to add a link to the title of the slide.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ls_slide_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets(), "dependency" => array('element' => 'ls_slider_display', 'value' => array('lapt_slider_desc'))), array("name" => __("Secondary Button", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can add data for the secondary button.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ls_slide_link_sec", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets(), "dependency" => array('element' => 'ls_slider_display', 'value' => array('lapt_slider_desc'))), array('id' => 'ls_slide_bullets', 'name' => 'Enable bullets?', 'description' => 'Enable bullets for the slides?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => '1', "options" => array("1" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "0" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'ls_slide_arrows', 'name' => 'Enable Control Arrows?', 'description' => 'Enable next & prev arrows?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => '1', "options" => array("1" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "0" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'enable_autoplay', 'name' => 'Enable Auto play ?', 'description' => 'Select if you want to autoplay the slider', 'type' => 'toggle2', 'std' => 'yes', 'value' => 'yes'), array("name" => __("Transition Timeout", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Enter a numeric value automatic timeout between slides (default: 5000)", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ls_trans", "std" => "5000", "type" => "text", "class" => "zn_input_xs", 'dependency' => array('element' => 'enable_autoplay', 'value' => array('yes'))), array("name" => __("Text Theme Colors", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the color theming. Perhaps you want a light background with dark text or viceversa.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ls_theme_color", "std" => "light", "type" => "select", "options" => array('light' => __("Light", 'zn_framework'), 'dark' => __("Dark", 'zn_framework'))))), 'items' => array('title' => 'Add slides', 'options' => array($extra_options)), 'background' => array('title' => 'Background & Styles Options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Element Background Style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the background style you want to use for this slider. Please note that styles can be created from the unlimited headers options in the theme admin's page.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ls_header_style", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => WpkZn::getThemeHeaders(true), "class" => ""), array("name" => __("Background Source Type", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select the source type of the background.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "source_type", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => array('' => __("None (Will just rely on the background color (if any) )", 'zn_framework'), 'image' => __("Image", 'zn_framework'), 'video_self' => __("Self Hosted Video", 'zn_framework'), 'video_youtube' => __("Youtube Video", 'zn_framework'))), array('id' => 'background_image', 'name' => 'Background image', 'description' => 'Please choose a background image for this section.', 'type' => 'background', 'options' => array("repeat" => true, "position" => true, "attachment" => true, "size" => true), 'class' => 'zn_full', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('image'))), array("name" => __("Slide Video Youtube ID", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add an Youtube ID", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "source_vd_yt", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "placeholder" => "ex: tR-5AZF9zPI", "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_youtube'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_self_mp4', 'name' => 'Mp4 video source', 'description' => 'Add the MP4 video source for your local video', 'type' => 'media_upload', 'std' => '', 'data' => array('type' => 'video/mp4', 'button_title' => 'Add / Change mp4 video'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_self_ogg', 'name' => 'Ogg/Ogv video source', 'description' => 'Add the OGG video source for your local video', 'type' => 'media_upload', 'std' => '', 'data' => array('type' => 'video/ogg', 'button_title' => 'Add / Change ogg video'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_self_webm', 'name' => 'Webm video source', 'description' => 'Add the WEBM video source for your local video', 'type' => 'media_upload', 'std' => '', 'data' => array('type' => 'video/webm', 'button_title' => 'Add / Change webm video'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_vp', 'name' => 'Video poster', 'description' => 'Using this option you can add your desired video poster that will be shown on unsuported devices.', 'type' => 'media', 'std' => '', 'class' => 'zn_full', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_autoplay', 'name' => 'Autoplay video?', 'description' => 'Enable autoplay for video?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'source_vd_loop', 'name' => 'Loop video?', 'description' => 'Enable looping the video?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'source_vd_muted', 'name' => 'Start mute?', 'description' => 'Start the video with muted audio?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'source_vd_controls', 'name' => 'Video controls', 'description' => 'Enable video controls?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'source_vd_controls_pos', 'name' => 'Video controls position', 'description' => 'Video controls position in the slide', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'bottom-right', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("top-right" => __("top-right", 'zn_framework'), "top-left" => __("top-left", 'zn_framework'), "top-center" => __("top-center", 'zn_framework'), "bottom-right" => __("bottom-right", 'zn_framework'), "bottom-left" => __("bottom-left", 'zn_framework'), "bottom-center" => __("bottom-center", 'zn_framework'), "middle-right" => __("middle-right", 'zn_framework'), "middle-left" => __("middle-left", 'zn_framework'), "middle-center" => __("middle-center", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_sm"), array('id' => 'source_overlay', 'name' => 'Background colored overlay', 'description' => 'Add slide color overlay over the image or video to darken or enlight?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => '0', "options" => array("1" => __("Yes (Normal color)", 'zn_framework'), "2" => __("Yes (Horizontal gradient)", 'zn_framework'), "3" => __("Yes (Vertical gradient)", 'zn_framework'), "0" => __("No", 'zn_framework'))), array('id' => 'source_overlay_color', 'name' => 'Overlay background color', 'description' => 'Pick a color', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'std' => '#353535', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_overlay', 'value' => array('1', '2', '3'))), array('id' => 'source_overlay_opacity', 'name' => 'Overlay\'s opacity.', 'description' => 'Overlay background colors opacity level.', 'type' => 'slider', 'std' => '30', "helpers" => array("step" => "5", "min" => "0", "max" => "100"), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_overlay', 'value' => array('1', '2', '3'))), array('id' => 'source_overlay_color_gradient', 'name' => 'Overlay Gradient 2nd Bg. Color', 'description' => 'Pick a color', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'std' => '#353535', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_overlay', 'value' => array('2', '3'))), array('id' => 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac', 'name' => 'Gradient Overlay\'s 2nd Opacity.', 'description' => 'Overlay gradient 2nd background color opacity level.', 'type' => 'slider', 'std' => '30', "helpers" => array("step" => "5", "min" => "0", "max" => "100"), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_overlay', 'value' => array('2', '3'))), array('id' => 'source_mask', 'name' => 'Add bottom mask?', 'description' => 'Add a bottom mask?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => '1', "options" => array("1" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "0" => __("No", 'zn_framework'))))), 'other' => array('title' => 'Other Options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'css_class', 'name' => 'CSS class', 'description' => 'Enter a css class that will be applied to this element. You can than edit the custom css, either in the Page builder\'s CUSTOM CSS (which is loaded only into that particular page), or in Kallyas options > Advanced > Custom CSS which will load the css into the entire website.', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'help' => znpb_get_helptab(array('video' => 'http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#tyNiHoWQsUE', 'docs' => 'http://support.hogash.com/documentation/laptop-slider/', 'copy' => $uid, 'general' => true)));
     return $options;
コード例 #26
  * This method is used to retrieve the configurable options of the element.
  * @return array The list of options that compose the element and then passed as the argument for the render() function
 function options()
     $mail_lists = array();
     $mailchimp_api = zget_option('mailchimp_api', 'general_options');
     if (!empty($mailchimp_api)) {
         if (!class_exists('MCAPI')) {
             include_once THEME_BASE . '/template_helpers/widgets/mailchimp/MCAPI.class.php';
         $api_key = $mailchimp_api;
         $mcapi = new MCAPI($api_key);
         $lists = $mcapi->lists();
         if (!empty($lists['data'])) {
             foreach ($lists['data'] as $key => $value) {
                 $mail_lists[$value['id']] = $value['name'];
     $extra_options = array("name" => __("Social Icons", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can add your desired social icons.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "single_ec_social", "std" => "", "type" => "group", "add_text" => __("Social Icon", 'zn_framework'), "remove_text" => __("Social Icon", 'zn_framework'), "group_sortable" => true, "element_title" => "sc_ec_social_title", "subelements" => array(array("name" => __("Icon title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can enter a title for this social icon.Please note that this is just for your\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinformation as this text will not be visible on the site.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_ec_social_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Social icon link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter your desired link for the social icon. If this field is left blank, the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ticon will not be linked.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_ec_social_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets()), array("name" => __("Social icon Background color", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select a background color for the icon (if you selected <strong>Colored</strong> or <strong>Colored on hover</strong> options)", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_ec_social_iconcolor", "std" => "#000", "type" => "colorpicker"), array("name" => __("Social icon", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select your desired social icon.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_ec_social_icon", "std" => "", "type" => "icon_list", 'class' => 'zn_full')));
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     $options = array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Element Height", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("<strong><em>Please read!</em></strong><br>Enter a numeric value for the slider height. This option works if Fullscreen is disabled. If you don't add any height, the height will be automatically rely on the content inside the element. ", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_height", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "placeholder" => "ex: 600px", "class" => "zn_input_xs", 'dependency' => array('element' => 'sc_fullscreen', 'value' => array('0'))), array("name" => __("Enable fullscreen?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Do you want to display the static content as fullscreen?", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_fullscreen", "std" => "0", "type" => "select", "options" => array('1' => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), '0' => __("No", 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Enable scrolling effect?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Do you want to enable the scrolling effects? Might cause performance issues.<br> <strong style=' color: #9B4F4F;'>This options works only if the slider is positioned at the very top opf the page!!</strong>", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_scrolling", "std" => "0", "type" => "select", "options" => array('1' => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), '0' => __("No", 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Parallax Scrolling effect type?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the effect type", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_scrolling_type", "std" => "translate_op_scale", "type" => "select", "options" => array('translate_op_scale' => __("Translate + Fade + Scale", 'zn_framework'), 'translate_op' => __("Translate + Fade", 'zn_framework'), 'translate' => __("Translate", 'zn_framework')), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'sc_scrolling', 'value' => array('1'))), array("name" => __("Title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a title.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_ec_title", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("name" => __("Video", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter the link for your desired video (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tyoutube or vimeo ).", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_ec_vime", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Video Description", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a description for this video that will appear above the video.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_ec_vid_desc", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("name" => __("Date", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can select the date until the countdown finishes.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_ec_date", "std" => "", "type" => "date_picker"), array("name" => __("Mailchimp List ID", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter your Mailchimp list id. In order to make Mailchimp work, you should\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\talso add your Mailchimp api key in the theme's admin page.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_ec_mlid", "std" => "", "type" => "select", 'options' => $mail_lists), array("name" => __("Use normal or colored social icons?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can choose to use the normal social icons or the colored version of each icon.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sc_ec_social_color", "std" => "normal", "type" => "select", "options" => array('normal' => __('Normal Icons', 'zn_framework'), 'colored' => __('Colored icons', 'zn_framework'), 'colored_hov' => __('Colored on Hover icons', 'zn_framework'), 'clean' => __('Clean icons', 'zn_framework'))))), 'background' => array('title' => 'Background & Styles Options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Element Background Style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the background style you want to use for this slider. Please note that styles can be created from the unlimited headers options in the theme admin's page.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_header_style", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => WpkZn::getThemeHeaders(true), "class" => ""), array("name" => __("Background Source Type", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select the source type of the background.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "source_type", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => array('' => __("None (Will just rely on the background color (if any) )", 'zn_framework'), 'image' => __("Image", 'zn_framework'), 'video_self' => __("Self Hosted Video", 'zn_framework'), 'video_youtube' => __("Youtube Video", 'zn_framework'))), array('id' => 'background_image', 'name' => 'Background image', 'description' => 'Please choose a background image for this section.', 'type' => 'background', 'options' => array("repeat" => true, "position" => true, "attachment" => true, "size" => true), 'class' => 'zn_full', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('image'))), array("name" => __("Slide Video Youtube ID", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add an Youtube ID", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "source_vd_yt", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "placeholder" => "ex: tR-5AZF9zPI", "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_youtube'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_self_mp4', 'name' => 'Mp4 video source', 'description' => 'Add the MP4 video source for your local video', 'type' => 'media_upload', 'std' => '', 'data' => array('type' => 'video/mp4', 'button_title' => 'Add / Change mp4 video'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_self_ogg', 'name' => 'Ogg/Ogv video source', 'description' => 'Add the OGG video source for your local video', 'type' => 'media_upload', 'std' => '', 'data' => array('type' => 'video/ogg', 'button_title' => 'Add / Change ogg video'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_self_webm', 'name' => 'Webm video source', 'description' => 'Add the WEBM video source for your local video', 'type' => 'media_upload', 'std' => '', 'data' => array('type' => 'video/webm', 'button_title' => 'Add / Change webm video'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_vp', 'name' => 'Video poster', 'description' => 'Using this option you can add your desired video poster that will be shown on unsuported devices.', 'type' => 'media', 'std' => '', 'class' => 'zn_full', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube'))), array('id' => 'source_vd_autoplay', 'name' => 'Autoplay video?', 'description' => 'Enable autoplay for video?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'source_vd_loop', 'name' => 'Loop video?', 'description' => 'Enable looping the video?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'source_vd_muted', 'name' => 'Start mute?', 'description' => 'Start the video with muted audio?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'source_vd_controls', 'name' => 'Video controls', 'description' => 'Enable video controls?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'source_vd_controls_pos', 'name' => 'Video controls position', 'description' => 'Video controls position in the slide', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'bottom-right', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("top-right" => __("top-right", 'zn_framework'), "top-left" => __("top-left", 'zn_framework'), "top-center" => __("top-center", 'zn_framework'), "bottom-right" => __("bottom-right", 'zn_framework'), "bottom-left" => __("bottom-left", 'zn_framework'), "bottom-center" => __("bottom-center", 'zn_framework'), "middle-right" => __("middle-right", 'zn_framework'), "middle-left" => __("middle-left", 'zn_framework'), "middle-center" => __("middle-center", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_sm"), array('id' => 'source_overlay', 'name' => 'Background colored overlay', 'description' => 'Add slide color overlay over the image or video to darken or enlight?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => '0', "options" => array("1" => __("Yes (Normal color)", 'zn_framework'), "2" => __("Yes (Horizontal gradient)", 'zn_framework'), "3" => __("Yes (Vertical gradient)", 'zn_framework'), "0" => __("No", 'zn_framework'))), array('id' => 'source_overlay_color', 'name' => 'Overlay background color', 'description' => 'Pick a color', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'std' => '#353535', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_overlay', 'value' => array('1', '2', '3'))), array('id' => 'source_overlay_opacity', 'name' => 'Overlay\'s opacity.', 'description' => 'Overlay background colors opacity level.', 'type' => 'slider', 'std' => '30', "helpers" => array("step" => "5", "min" => "0", "max" => "100"), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_overlay', 'value' => array('1', '2', '3'))), array('id' => 'source_overlay_color_gradient', 'name' => 'Overlay Gradient 2nd Bg. Color', 'description' => 'Pick a color', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'std' => '#353535', "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_overlay', 'value' => array('2', '3'))), array('id' => 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac', 'name' => 'Gradient Overlay\'s 2nd Opacity.', 'description' => 'Overlay gradient 2nd background color opacity level.', 'type' => 'slider', 'std' => '30', "helpers" => array("step" => "5", "min" => "0", "max" => "100"), "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_overlay', 'value' => array('2', '3'))), array("name" => __("Bottom masks override", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("The new masks are svg based, vectorial and color adapted. <br> <strong>Disclaimer:</strong> may now work perfectly for all elements!", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "hm_header_bmasks", "std" => "none", "type" => "select", "options" => array('none' => __('None, just rely on Background style.', 'zn_framework'), 'shadow' => __('Shadow Up', 'zn_framework'), 'shadow_ud' => __('Shadow Up and down', 'zn_framework'), 'mask1' => __('Raster Mask 1 (Old, not recommended)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask2' => __('Raster Mask 2 (Old, not recommended)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask3' => __('Vector Mask 3 CENTER (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask3 mask3l' => __('Vector Mask 3 LEFT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask3 mask3r' => __('Vector Mask 3 RIGHT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask4' => __('Vector Mask 4 CENTER (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask4 mask4l' => __('Vector Mask 4 LEFT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask4 mask4r' => __('Vector Mask 4 RIGHT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask5' => __('Vector Mask 5 (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask6' => __('Vector Mask 6 (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'))))), 'items' => array('title' => 'Add Icons', 'options' => array($extra_options)), 'other' => array('title' => 'Other Options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'css_class', 'name' => 'CSS class', 'description' => 'Enter a css class that will be applied to this element. You can than edit the custom css, either in the Page builder\'s CUSTOM CSS (which is loaded only into that particular page), or in Kallyas options > Advanced > Custom CSS which will load the css into the entire website.', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'help' => znpb_get_helptab(array('video' => 'http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#eH7M2AWz_OI', 'docs' => 'http://support.hogash.com/documentation/static-content-event-countdown/', 'copy' => $uid, 'general' => true)));
     return $options;
コード例 #27
  * This method is used to retrieve the configurable options of the element.
  * @return array The list of options that compose the element and then passed as the argument for the render() function
 function options()
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     $extra_options = array("name" => __("Slides", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can create your Fancy Slider Slides.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "single_fancy", "std" => "", "type" => "group", "add_text" => __("Slide", 'zn_framework'), "remove_text" => __("Slide", 'zn_framework'), "group_sortable" => true, "subelements" => array(array("name" => __("Slide image", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select an image for this Slide", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_slide_image", "std" => "", "type" => "media", 'class' => 'zn_full'), array("name" => __("Slide link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can add a link to your slide", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_slide_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets()), array("name" => __("Slide Color", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can choose a color for this slide.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_slide_color", "std" => '#699100', "type" => "colorpicker")));
     return array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Slides Height", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add a general height for the slides in px.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_slide_height", "std" => '600', "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Autoplay carousel?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Does the carousel autoplay itself?", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_slider_autoplay", "std" => "1", "value" => "1", "type" => "toggle2"), array("name" => __("Timout duration", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("The amount of milliseconds the carousel will pause", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_slider_timeout", "std" => "9000", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Choose Navigation type", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Choose either arrows or bullets", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_slider_nav", "std" => "nav", "type" => "select", "options" => array('none' => __('None', 'zn_framework'), 'nav' => __('Arrows navigation', 'zn_framework'), 'bullets' => __('Bullets', 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Move the controls inside?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("The option will reposition the controls (arrows or bullets) inside or outside the slider.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ww_slider_controlpos", "std" => "controls-inside", "value" => "controls-inside", "type" => "toggle2", 'live' => array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $this->data['uid'] . ' .zn_fancy_slider_container')), array("name" => __("Bottom masks override", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("The new masks are svg based, vectorial and color adapted.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "hm_header_bmasks", "std" => "shadow_ud", "type" => "select", "options" => array('none' => __('None, just rely on Background style.', 'zn_framework'), 'shadow' => __('Shadow Up', 'zn_framework'), 'shadow_ud' => __('Shadow Up and down', 'zn_framework'), 'mask1' => __('Raster Mask 1 (Old, not recommended)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask2' => __('Raster Mask 2 (Old, not recommended)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask3' => __('Vector Mask 3 CENTER (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask3 mask3l' => __('Vector Mask 3 LEFT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask3 mask3r' => __('Vector Mask 3 RIGHT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask4' => __('Vector Mask 4 CENTER (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask4 mask4l' => __('Vector Mask 4 LEFT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask4 mask4r' => __('Vector Mask 4 RIGHT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask5' => __('Vector Mask 5 (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask6' => __('Vector Mask 6 (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'))), array('id' => 'top_padding', 'name' => 'Top padding', 'description' => 'Select the top padding ( in pixels ) for this section.', 'type' => 'slider', 'std' => '0', 'class' => 'zn_full', 'helpers' => array('min' => '0', 'max' => '400', 'step' => '1'), 'live' => array('type' => 'css', 'css_class' => '.' . $this->data['uid'] . ' .kl-slideshow-inner', 'css_rule' => 'padding-top', 'unit' => 'px')), array('id' => 'bottom_padding', 'name' => 'Bottom padding', 'description' => 'Select the bottom padding ( in pixels ) for this section.', 'type' => 'slider', 'std' => '0', 'class' => 'zn_full', 'helpers' => array('min' => '0', 'max' => '400', 'step' => '1'), 'live' => array('type' => 'css', 'css_class' => '.' . $this->data['uid'] . ' .kl-slideshow-inner', 'css_rule' => 'padding-bottom', 'unit' => 'px')))), 'slides' => array('title' => 'Add slides', 'options' => array($extra_options)), 'other' => array('title' => 'Other Options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'css_class', 'name' => 'CSS class', 'description' => 'Enter a css class that will be applied to this element. You can than edit the custom css, either in the Page builder\'s CUSTOM CSS (which is loaded only into that particular page), or in Kallyas options > Advanced > Custom CSS which will load the css into the entire website.', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'help' => znpb_get_helptab(array('video' => 'http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#IGvmfvu5K-0', 'docs' => 'http://support.hogash.com/documentation/fancy-slider/', 'copy' => $uid, 'general' => true)));
コード例 #28
ファイル: TH_IosSlider.php プロジェクト: rock1media/wordpress
  * This method is used to retrieve the configurable options of the element.
  * @return array The list of options that compose the element and then passed as the argument for the render() function
 function options()
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     $extra_options = array("name" => __("Slides", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can create your iOS Slider Slides.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "single_iosslider", "std" => "", "type" => "group", "add_text" => __("Slide", 'zn_framework'), "remove_text" => __("Slide", 'zn_framework'), "group_sortable" => true, "element_title" => "scapt_title", "subelements" => array('has_tabs' => true, 'media' => array('title' => 'Slide media', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Slide Type", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select the slide type", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_slide_type", "std" => "image", "type" => "select", "options" => array('image' => __("Image", 'zn_framework'), 'video_self' => __("Self Hosted Video", 'zn_framework'), 'video_youtube' => __("Youtube Video", 'zn_framework'), 'embed_iframe' => __("Embed Iframe (Vimeo etc.)", 'zn_framework'))), array('id' => 'io_slide_vd_self_mp4', 'name' => 'Mp4 video source', 'description' => 'Add the MP4 video source for your local video', 'type' => 'media_upload', 'std' => '', 'data' => array('type' => 'video/mp4', 'button_title' => 'Add / Change mp4 video'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_type', 'value' => array('video_self'))), array('id' => 'io_slide_vd_self_ogg', 'name' => 'Ogg/Ogv video source', 'description' => 'Add the OGG video source for your local video', 'type' => 'media_upload', 'std' => '', 'data' => array('type' => 'video/ogg', 'button_title' => 'Add / Change ogg video'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_type', 'value' => array('video_self'))), array('id' => 'io_slide_vd_self_webm', 'name' => 'Webm video source', 'description' => 'Add the WEBM video source for your local video', 'type' => 'media_upload', 'std' => '', 'data' => array('type' => 'video/webm', 'button_title' => 'Add / Change webm video'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_type', 'value' => array('video_self'))), array('id' => 'io_slide_vd_vp', 'name' => 'Video poster', 'description' => 'Using this option you can add your desired video poster that will be shown on unsuported devices.', 'type' => 'media', 'std' => '', 'class' => 'zn_full', "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube'))), array('id' => 'io_slide_vd_autoplay', 'name' => 'Autoplay video?', 'description' => 'Enable autoplay for video?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube', 'embed_iframe')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'io_slide_vd_loop', 'name' => 'Loop video?', 'description' => 'Enable looping the video?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube', 'embed_iframe')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'io_slide_vd_muted', 'name' => 'Start mute?', 'description' => 'Start the video with muted audio?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'io_slide_vd_controls', 'name' => 'Video controls', 'description' => 'Enable video controls?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'yes', "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'io_slide_vd_controls_pos', 'name' => 'Video controls position', 'description' => 'Video controls position in the slide', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'bottom-right', "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_type', 'value' => array('video_self', 'video_youtube')), "options" => array("top-right" => __("top-right", 'zn_framework'), "top-left" => __("top-left", 'zn_framework'), "top-center" => __("top-center", 'zn_framework'), "bottom-right" => __("bottom-right", 'zn_framework'), "bottom-left" => __("bottom-left", 'zn_framework'), "bottom-center" => __("bottom-center", 'zn_framework'), "middle-right" => __("middle-right", 'zn_framework'), "middle-left" => __("middle-left", 'zn_framework'), "middle-center" => __("middle-center", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_sm"), array("name" => __("Slide Image", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select an image for this slide", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_slide_image", "std" => "", "type" => "media", "alt" => "yes", "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_type', 'value' => array('image'))), array("name" => __("Slide Image Vertical Position", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the vertical position of the image. Your image might be bigger in height than the actual slider's height so you can select which part should be visible", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_slide_image_vert_pos", "std" => "center", "type" => "select", "options" => array("top" => __("Top", 'zn_framework'), "center" => __("Center", 'zn_framework'), "bottom" => __("Bottom", 'zn_framework')), "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_type', 'value' => array('image'))), array("name" => __("Slide Video Youtube ID", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add an Youtube ID", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_slide_vd_yt", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "placeholder" => "ex: tR-5AZF9zPI", "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_type', 'value' => array('video_youtube'))), array("name" => __("Embed Iframe link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add a link", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "source_vd_embed_iframe", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "placeholder" => "ex: https://vimeo.com/17874452", "dependency" => array('element' => 'source_type', 'value' => array('embed_iframe'))), array('id' => 'io_slide_overlay', 'name' => 'Background colored overlay', 'description' => 'Add slide color overlay over the image or video to darken or enlight?', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => '0', "options" => array("1" => __("Yes (Normal color)", 'zn_framework'), "2" => __("Yes (Horizontal gradient)", 'zn_framework'), "3" => __("Yes (Vertical gradient)", 'zn_framework'), "0" => __("No", 'zn_framework'))), array('id' => 'io_slide_overlay_color', 'name' => 'Overlay background color', 'description' => 'Pick a color', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'std' => '#353535', "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_overlay', 'value' => array('1', '2', '3'))), array('id' => 'io_slide_overlay_opacity', 'name' => 'Overlay\'s opacity.', 'description' => 'Overlay background colors opacity level.', 'type' => 'slider', 'std' => '30', "helpers" => array("step" => "5", "min" => "0", "max" => "100"), "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_overlay', 'value' => array('1', '2', '3'))), array('id' => 'io_slide_overlay_color_gradient', 'name' => 'Overlay Gradient 2nd Bg. Color', 'description' => 'Pick a color', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'std' => '#353535', "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_overlay', 'value' => array('2', '3'))), array('id' => 'io_slide_overlay_color_gradient_opac', 'name' => 'Gradient Overlay\'s 2nd Opacity.', 'description' => 'Overlay gradient 2nd background color opacity level.', 'type' => 'slider', 'std' => '30', "helpers" => array("step" => "5", "min" => "0", "max" => "100"), "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_overlay', 'value' => array('2', '3'))))), 'caption' => array('title' => 'Slide caption', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Slide Caption Options", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "scapt_title", "std" => "", "type" => "zn_title", "class" => "zn-custom-title-xl"), array("name" => __("Slider Caption Style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the desired style for this slide. !!! STYLE PREVIEW LINK TO ADD !!!", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_slide_caption_style", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => array("style1" => __("Style 1", 'zn_framework'), "style2" => __("Style 2", 'zn_framework'), "style3" => __("Style 3", 'zn_framework'), "style3 s3ext" => __("Style 3s (since v4.0+)", 'zn_framework'), "style4" => __("Style 4 (since v4.0+)", 'zn_framework'), "style4 s4ext" => __("Style 4s (since v4.0+)", 'zn_framework'), "style5" => __("Style 5 (since v4.0+)", 'zn_framework'), "style6" => __("Style 6 (since v4.0+)", 'zn_framework')), "class" => ""), array("name" => __("POPUP Video Youtube ID", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add an Youtube ID to be displayed inside the popup", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_slide_s6_yt", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "placeholder" => "ex: tR-5AZF9zPI", "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_caption_style', 'value' => array('style6'))), array("name" => __("Slide main title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Enter a main title for this slide. Accepts HTML.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_slide_m_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "class" => "zn_input_xl"), array("name" => __("Add square box?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add a dark square box behind the main title?", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_slide_m_title_s5_sqbox", "std" => "0", "type" => "select", "options" => array("1" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "0" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs", "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_caption_style', 'value' => array('style5'))), array("name" => __("Add Separator Line?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add a fancy separator line under the main title?", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_slide_sep_line", "std" => "0", "type" => "select", "options" => array("1" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "0" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs", "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_caption_style', 'value' => array('style5'))), array("name" => __("Slide big title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Enter a title for this slide. Accepts HTML.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_slide_b_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "class" => "zn_input_xl", "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_caption_style', 'value' => array('style1', 'style2', 'style3', 'style3 s3ext', 'style4', 'style4 s4ext', 'style5'))), array("name" => __("Slide small title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Enter a small title for this slide. Accepts HTML.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_slide_s_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "class" => "zn_input_xl"), array("name" => __("Slide small top text", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Enter a text that will be displayed before the main title. Accepts HTML.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_slide_s_title_top", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "class" => "zn_input_xl", "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_caption_style', 'value' => array('style5'))), array("name" => __("Slide link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can add a link to your slide", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_slide_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets(), "class" => "zn_link_styled", "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_caption_style', 'value' => array('style1', 'style2', 'style3', 'style3 s3ext', 'style4', 'style4 s4ext', 'style5'))), array("name" => __("Slide link (secondary link)", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can add link for a second button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_slide_link2", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets(), "class" => "zn_link_styled", "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_caption_style', 'value' => array('style5'))), array("name" => __("Buttons sizes", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("You can select the sizes of the buttons", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_btn_sizes", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => array('' => __("Default", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-lg' => __("Large", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-md' => __("Medium", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-sm' => __("Small", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-xs' => __("Extra small", 'zn_framework')), "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_caption_style', 'value' => array('style3', 'style3 s3ext', 'style5'))), array("name" => __("Link Image?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select yes if you want to also link the slide image. Please note that by enabling this\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\toption, in Internet Explorer 8 the swipe function won't behave properly.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_slide_link_image", "std" => "no", "type" => "select", "options" => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs", "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_caption_style', 'value' => array('style1', 'style2', 'style3', 'style3 s3ext', 'style4', 'style4 s4ext', 'style5'))), array("name" => __("Slider Caption Entry Animation/Position", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the desired entry Animation/Position for this slide.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_slide_caption_pos", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => array("zn_def_anim_pos" => __("Slide from Left", 'zn_framework'), "fromright" => __("Slide from Right", 'zn_framework'), "zoomin" => __("Zoom In", 'zn_framework'), "sfb" => __("Slide from bottom", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "", "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_caption_style', 'value' => array('style1', 'style2', 'style3', 'style3 s3ext', 'style4', 'style4 s4ext', 'style5'))), array("name" => __("Slider Caption Horizontal Position", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the desired horizontal position for this slide. Center only works for Style 5 and 6.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_slide_caption_pos_horiz", "std" => "left", "type" => "select", "options" => array("aligncenter" => __("Center (Only for caption style 5 and 6)", 'zn_framework'), "alignleft" => __("Left (default)", 'zn_framework'), "alignright" => __("Right", 'zn_framework')), "class" => ""), array("name" => __("Slider Caption Vertical Position", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the desired vertical position for this\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t slide.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_slide_caption_pos_vert", "std" => "bottom", "type" => "select", "options" => array("top" => __("Top", 'zn_framework'), "bottom" => __("Bottom (default)", 'zn_framework'), "middle" => __("Middle", 'zn_framework')), "class" => ""), array("name" => __("Add image boxes?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("This feature will enable displaying multiple small images/thumbs.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_slide_imgboxes", "std" => "0", "type" => "select", "options" => array("1" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "0" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs", "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_caption_style', 'value' => array('style1', 'style2', 'style3', 'style3 s3ext', 'style4', 'style4 s4ext', 'style5'))), array("name" => __("Image Box 1", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select an image for this Image Box", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_slide_imgboxes_i1_src", "std" => "", "type" => "media", "alt" => "yes", "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_imgboxes', 'value' => array('1'))), array("name" => __("Image Box 1 - URL", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add an url for this Image Box", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_slide_imgboxes_i1_url", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets(), "class" => "zn_link_styled", "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_imgboxes', 'value' => array('1'))), array("name" => __("Image Box 2", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select an image for this Image Box", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_slide_imgboxes_i2_src", "std" => "", "type" => "media", "alt" => "yes", "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_imgboxes', 'value' => array('1'))), array("name" => __("Image Box 2 - URL", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add an url for this Image Box", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_slide_imgboxes_i2_url", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets(), "class" => "zn_link_styled", "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_imgboxes', 'value' => array('1'))), array("name" => __("Image Box 3", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select an image for this Image Box", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_slide_imgboxes_i3_src", "std" => "", "type" => "media", "alt" => "yes", "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_imgboxes', 'value' => array('1'))), array("name" => __("Image Box 3 - URL", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add an url for this Image Box", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_slide_imgboxes_i3_url", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets(), "class" => "zn_link_styled", "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_slide_imgboxes', 'value' => array('1')))))));
     return array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Fullscreen", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Chose wether the slider should be fixed height or fullscreen.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_s_s_fullscreen", "std" => "0", "type" => "select", "options" => array("1" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "0" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array("name" => __("Slider Height", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Enter a numeric value for the slider height.Please note that the value will be used\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tas percentage. The default value is 39%. This option works if Fullscreen is disabled.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_s_s_height", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "placeholder" => "39%", "class" => "zn_input_xs", "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_s_s_fullscreen', 'value' => array('0'))), array("name" => __("Autoplay?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Autoplay slider?", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_s_autoplay", "std" => "1", "value" => "1", "type" => "toggle2"), array("name" => __("Transition Speed", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Enter a numeric value for the transition speed (default: 5000)", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_s_trans", "std" => "5000", "type" => "text", "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array("name" => __("Slider Navigation", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Choose what type of navigation you want to use for your slide.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_s_navigation", "std" => "bullets", "type" => "select", "options" => array("bullets" => __("Bullets", 'zn_framework'), "bullets2" => __("Bullets Style 2 (since v4.0+)", 'zn_framework'), "thumbs" => __("Thumbnails", 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Enable Slide Dragging", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Enable Slides Dragging with your mouse cursor?", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_s_clickdrag", "std" => "1", "value" => "1", "type" => "toggle2"))), 'styling' => array('title' => 'Styles Options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Add Fade Effect?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Choose if you want to add a bottom fade effect to your slider.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_s_fade", "std" => "0", "type" => "select", "options" => array("1" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "0" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array('id' => 'io_s_fade_color', 'name' => 'Color for the fading background', 'description' => 'Pick a color', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'std' => '#f5f5f5', "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_s_fade', 'value' => array('1'))), array("name" => __("Use fixed width slider?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Choose if you want to use a full width slider or a fixed width one.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_s_width", "std" => "0", "type" => "select", "options" => array("0" => __("Full Width", 'zn_framework'), "1" => __("Fixed Width", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_sm"), array("name" => __("Relative Height for Fixed width slider", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("In case you select Fixed width, please specify if you want the slider to resize relatively to the width of the screen on smaller screen devices. Basically if you enable this, the slider will shrink itself vertically relative to width of the page.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_s_fixdwidth_relative", "std" => "", "value" => "ios--fw--relativeresp", "type" => "toggle2", "dependency" => array('element' => 'io_s_width', 'value' => array('1'))), array("name" => __("Use fixed position (scroll) slider?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Choose if you want your slider to be fixed on the page when you scroll down", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_s_scroll", "std" => "0", "type" => "select", "options" => array("1" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "0" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array("name" => __("Add scrolling effect?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Choose if you want the slider to have a scrolling effect on the entire slider and captions. The captions will fade while the slider will slowly move downwards upon scrolling.<br> <strong style=' color: #9B4F4F;'>This options works only if the slider is positioned at the very top opf the page!!</strong>", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_s_scrolling_effect", "std" => "0", "type" => "select", "options" => array("1" => __("Yes", 'zn_framework'), "0" => __("No", 'zn_framework')), "class" => "zn_input_xs"), array("name" => __("Slider Background Style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the background style you want to use for this slider. Please note that styles\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcan be created from the unlimited headers options in the theme admin's page.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "io_header_style", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => WpkZn::getThemeHeaders(true), "class" => "", 'live' => array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $this->data['uid'], 'val_prepend' => 'uh_')), array("name" => __("Bottom masks override", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("The new masks are svg based, vectorial and color adapted.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "hm_header_bmasks", "std" => "none", "type" => "select", "options" => array('none' => __('None, just rely on Background style.', 'zn_framework'), 'shadow' => __('Shadow Up', 'zn_framework'), 'shadow_ud' => __('Shadow Up and down', 'zn_framework'), 'mask1' => __('Raster Mask 1 (Old, not recommended)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask2' => __('Raster Mask 2 (Old, not recommended)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask3' => __('Vector Mask 3 CENTER (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask3 mask3l' => __('Vector Mask 3 LEFT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask3 mask3r' => __('Vector Mask 3 RIGHT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask4' => __('Vector Mask 4 CENTER (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask4 mask4l' => __('Vector Mask 4 LEFT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask4 mask4r' => __('Vector Mask 4 RIGHT (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask5' => __('Vector Mask 5 (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework'), 'mask6' => __('Vector Mask 6 (New! From v4.0)', 'zn_framework')), "dependency" => array('element' => 'bullets', 'value' => array('bullets', 'bullets2'))))), 'slides' => array('title' => 'Slides options', 'options' => array($extra_options)), 'other' => array('title' => 'Other Options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'css_class', 'name' => 'CSS class', 'description' => 'Enter a css class that will be applied to this element. You can than edit the custom css, either in the Page builder\'s CUSTOM CSS (which is loaded only into that particular page), or in Kallyas options > Advanced > Custom CSS which will load the css into the entire website.', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'help' => znpb_get_helptab(array('video' => 'http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#Hgwzjxw7ng4', 'docs' => 'http://support.hogash.com/documentation/ios-slider/', 'copy' => $uid, 'general' => true)));
コード例 #29
  * This method is used to retrieve the configurable options of the element.
  * @return array The list of options that compose the element and then passed as the argument for the render() function
 function options()
     $extra_options = array("name" => __("Pricing Tables", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can create your desired pricing tables.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "pricing_tables_single", "std" => "", "type" => "group", "add_text" => __("Pricing Table", 'zn_framework'), "remove_text" => __("Pricing Table", 'zn_framework'), "group_sortable" => true, "element_title" => "pt_single_title", "subelements" => array(array("name" => __("Featured", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select yes if you want this plan to be featured.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "pt_single_featured", 'type' => 'toggle2', 'std' => '', 'value' => 'no'), array("name" => __("Title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please specify title for this plan", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "pt_single_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Price", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select specify the price for this plan. Prices will use the dollar currency by default", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "pt_single_price", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Currency", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add the currency simbol you want to use", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "pt_single_currency", "std" => "\$", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Plan Period", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please specify the plan period", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "pt_single_plan_period", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Call to action button text", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please specify the call to action button text.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "pt_single_ca_btn_text", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Button link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please choose the link you want to use.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "pt_single_ca_btn_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets()), array("name" => __("Features", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please specify each feature on its own line", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "pt_single_features", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea")));
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     $options = array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Columns", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select the number of pricing tables to display.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "pt_num_items", "std" => "4", "options" => array('1' => 1, '2' => 2, '3' => 3, '4' => 4, '5' => 5), "type" => "select"), array("name" => __("Enable Feature Titles column?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("If you want the first column to contain the list of features titles, please enable this option.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "pt_feature_titles", 'type' => 'toggle2', 'std' => '', 'value' => 'yes'), array("name" => __("Feature Titles List", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please specify each feature on its own line, after each one pressing Enter key (or Return)", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "pt_feature_titles_features", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea", 'dependency' => array('element' => 'pt_feature_titles', 'value' => array('yes'))), array("name" => __("Colors", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select a color theme for the table elements.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "pt_color", 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'std' => '', 'live' => array('multiple' => array(array('type' => 'css', 'css_class' => '.' . $this->data['uid'] . ' .btn-fullcolor, .' . $this->data['uid'] . ' .plan-column.featured .subscription-price .inner-cell ', 'css_rule' => 'background-color', 'unit' => ''), array('type' => 'css', 'css_class' => '.' . $this->data['uid'] . ' .plan-column .plan-title', 'css_rule' => 'color', 'unit' => '')))), array("name" => __("Columns - Responsive Behaviour", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select the behaviour of the table for responsive view under 767px (devices). Normal will just display table columns one after another. Overflow will permit users to horizontally scroll the table. ", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "pt_resptype", 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'normal', 'options' => array('normal' => 'Normal', 'overflow' => 'Overflow Horizontally')), array('id' => 'element_scheme', 'name' => 'Element Color Scheme', 'description' => 'Select the color scheme of this element', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => '', 'options' => array('' => 'Inherit from Kallyas options > Color Options [Requires refresh]', 'light' => 'Light (default)', 'dark' => 'Dark'), 'live' => array('multiple' => array(array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid, 'val_prepend' => 'prt--'), array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid, 'val_prepend' => 'element-scheme--')))), $extra_options)), 'other' => array('title' => 'Other Options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'css_class', 'name' => 'CSS class', 'description' => 'Enter a css class that will be applied to this element. You can than edit the custom css, either in the Page builder\'s CUSTOM CSS (which is loaded only into that particular page), or in Kallyas options > Advanced > Custom CSS which will load the css into the entire website.', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'help' => znpb_get_helptab(array('video' => 'http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#nB-eNrqr_cQ', 'docs' => 'http://support.hogash.com/documentation/pricing-table/', 'copy' => $uid, 'general' => true)));
     return $options;
コード例 #30
ファイル: TH_TeamBox.php プロジェクト: rock1media/wordpress
  * This method is used to retrieve the configurable options of the element.
  * @return array The list of options that compose the element and then passed as the argument for the render() function
 function options()
     $extra_options = array("name" => __("Social Icons", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can add your desired social icons.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "single_team_social", "std" => "", "type" => "group", "add_text" => __("Icon", 'zn_framework'), "remove_text" => __("Icon", 'zn_framework'), "group_title" => "", "group_sortable" => true, "element_title" => "teb_social_title", "subelements" => array(array("name" => __("Icon title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can enter a title for this social icon.Please note that this is just for your information as this text will not be visible on the site.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "teb_social_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Social icon link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter your desired link for the social\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ticon. If this field is left blank, the icon will not be linked.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "teb_social_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => array('_blank' => __("New window", 'zn_framework'), '_self' => __("Same window", 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Social icon Background color", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select a background color for the icon (if you selected <strong>Colored</strong> or <strong>Colored on hover</strong> options)", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "teb_social_iconcolor", "std" => "#000", "type" => "colorpicker"), array("name" => __("Social icon", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select your desired social icon.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "teb_social_icon", "std" => "", "type" => "icon_list", 'class' => 'zn_full')));
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     $options = array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'element_scheme', 'name' => 'Element Color Scheme', 'description' => 'Select the color scheme of this element', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => '', 'options' => array('' => 'Inherit from Kallyas options > Color Options [Requires refresh]', 'light' => 'Light (default)', 'dark' => 'Dark'), 'live' => array('multiple' => array(array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid, 'val_prepend' => 'teambox--'), array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid, 'val_prepend' => 'element-scheme--')))), array('id' => 'team_style', 'name' => 'MemberBox style', 'description' => 'Select the style for this element', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'hover', 'options' => array('normal' => 'Simple', 'hover' => 'Hover details')), array("name" => __("Name", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a name for this team member", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "teb_name", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Position", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a position for this team member", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "teb_position", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Description", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter a description for this team member", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "teb_desc", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("name" => __("Member image", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select an image for this team member", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "teb_image", "std" => "", "type" => "media", "alt" => true), array("name" => __("Member image Width", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select the width of the image for this image", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "teb_image_sizew", "std" => "270", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Member image Height", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select the height of the image for this image", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "teb_image_sizeh", "std" => "270", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Image link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please choose the link you want to use for the image.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "teb_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets()), $extra_options)), 'other' => array('title' => 'Other Options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'css_class', 'name' => 'CSS class', 'description' => 'Enter a css class that will be applied to this element. You can than edit the custom css, either in the Page builder\'s CUSTOM CSS (which is loaded only into that particular page), or in Kallyas options > Advanced > Custom CSS which will load the css into the entire website.', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'help' => znpb_get_helptab(array('video' => 'http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#XOb_L7apg0o', 'docs' => 'http://support.hogash.com/documentation/team-box/', 'copy' => $uid, 'general' => true)));
     return $options;