コード例 #1
ファイル: show.php プロジェクト: GolfinhoPvP/lokorez
 function __construct()
     $variables = new Variables();
     $connect = new Connect($variables->dbHost, $variables->dbUser, $variables->dbPassword, $variables->dbName);
     $xkey = "fmsfmsfms";
     if (!$connect->start()) {
         echo "Impossible to star connection in Sigin.";
     if (!($result = $connect->execute("SELECT matricula, senha, codigo_fol FROM Cadastros ORDER BY matricula"))) {
         echo "Impossible to execute MySQL query.";
     while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
         echo "Matricula: " . zkl($xkey, $row["matricula"]) . ", senha: " . base64_decode($row["senha"]) . ", folha: " . $row["codigo_fol"] . "<br/>";
コード例 #2
ファイル: Handler.class.php プロジェクト: GolfinhoPvP/lokorez
 function execute()
     $toFix = false;
     $archiveDBFname = $this->path;
     $variables = new Variables();
     $MySQLconnect = new Connect($variables->dbHost, $variables->dbUser, $variables->dbPassword, $variables->dbName);
     if (!($DFBconnect = dbase_open($archiveDBFname, 0))) {
         //only reading
         return false;
     //Connection to DBF error
     //get number of rows of dbf table
     $numRows = dbase_numrecords($DFBconnect);
     //get number of files of dbf table
     $numFields = dbase_numfields($DFBconnect);
     //the DBF registers begins with 1
     for ($x = 1; $x <= $numRows; $x++) {
         $DBFrow = dbase_get_record($DFBconnect, $x);
         //Get DBF archive rows
         $this->DB[$x - 1] = $DBFrow;
     /*$host_ftp = "localhost";
     		$user_ftp = "root";
     		$pass_ftp = "";
     		// Faz a conexão com o Servidor
     		$ftp_con = ftp_connect($host_ftp);
     		// Efetua o login com o usuário e senha informados
     		$ftp_log = ftp_login($ftp_con,$user_ftp,$pass_ftp);
     		// Deleta o arquivo informado
     		if(!ftp_delete($ftp_con, $archiveDBFname))
     			die("ERRO CRITICO FTP!");
     		// Encerramos a conexão de FTP previamente estabelecida
     		$temp = stat($archiveDBFname);
     			die("ERRO CRITICO!");
     if (!$MySQLconnect->start()) {
         echo "Impossible to star connection in Handler.";
     if (strlen($this->folhaType) > 0) {
         $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($MySQLconnect->execute("SELECT codigo_fol FROM Folhas where nome='{$this->folhaType}'"));
         $code = $row["codigo_fol"];
     for ($x = 0; $x < $numRows; $x++) {
         switch ($this->tableId) {
             case "dcr":
                 $aux = array("INSERT INTO Cargos (cargo, descricao_cargo , tipo, vencimento) VALUES ('" . $this->DB[$x][0] . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][1])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][2] . "', " . $this->DB[$x][3] . ")");
             case "dlt":
                 $aux = array("INSERT INTO Lotacoes (lotacao, descricao_lotacao , secretaria) VALUES ('" . $this->DB[$x][0] . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][1])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][2])) . "')");
             case "especial":
                 $aux = array("INSERT INTO Especialidades (codigo_esp, descricao_especialidade , cargo) VALUES ('" . $this->DB[$x][0] . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][1])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][2] . "')");
             case "eventos":
                 $aux = array("INSERT INTO Eventos (codigo_eve, descricao_evento, IRRF, IPMT, FAL, FIXO, TEMP, valor_eve, GRAT, FGTS, desconto, nivel_eve, INSS) VALUES ('" . $this->DB[$x][0] . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][1])) . "',  '" . $this->DB[$x][2] . "',  '" . $this->DB[$x][3] . "',  '" . $this->DB[$x][4] . "',  '" . $this->DB[$x][5] . "',  '" . $this->DB[$x][6] . "',  " . $this->DB[$x][7] . ",  '" . $this->DB[$x][8] . "',  '" . $this->DB[$x][9] . "',  " . $this->DB[$x][10] . ", '" . $this->DB[$x][11] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][12] . "')");
             case "cadastro":
                 $date = explode("-", $_SESSION["day"]);
                 $query = "SELECT * FROM Cadastros WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "' AND codigo_fol=" . $code;
                 $result = $MySQLconnect->execute($query);
                 $cont = $MySQLconnect->counterResult($result);
                 if ($code == 1) {
                     if ($cont > 0) {
                         $aux = array("UPDATE Cadastros SET cargo='" . $this->DB[$x][8] . "', lotacao='" . $this->DB[$x][1] . "', data_admissao='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][4]) . "', vinculo='" . $this->DB[$x][5] . "', previdencia'" . $this->DB[$x][7] . "', nivel='" . $this->DB[$x][9] . "', dep_imp_re='" . $this->DB[$x][11] . "', hora_sem='" . $this->DB[$x][13] . "', instrucao='" . $this->DB[$x][14] . "', data_afastamento='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][18]) . "', sindical='" . $this->DB[$x][19] . "', dp_sal_fam='" . $this->DB[$x][20] . "', hora_ponto='" . $this->DB[$x][21] . "', vale_transporte='" . $this->DB[$x][22] . "', data_promocao='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][24]) . "', tipo='" . $this->DB[$x][27] . "', situacao='" . $this->DB[$x][28] . "', descontar='" . $this->DB[$x][29] . "', receber='" . $this->DB[$x][30] . "', funcao='" . $this->DB[$x][31] . "', maior_360='" . $this->DB[$x][33] . "', prof_40h='" . $this->DB[$x][34] . "', vlt_ver='" . $this->DB[$x][35] . "', val_niv=" . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][36]) . ", data_FGTS='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][37]) . "', permanente='" . $this->DB[$x][38] . "', remuneracao_bruto=" . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][39]) . ", vencimento=" . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][40]) . ", flag='" . $this->DB[$x][41] . "', entrada='" . $this->DB[$x][42] . "', liquido=" . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][45]) . ", sobregrat='" . $this->DB[$x][46] . "', assistencia='" . $this->DB[$x][47] . "', medico='" . $this->DB[$x][48] . "', codigo_fol=" . $code . " WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "'", "UPDATE Pessoal SET nome='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][3])) . "', sexo='" . $this->DB[$x][12] . "', CPF='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][15])) . "', PIS_PASEP='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][16])) . "',  data_nascimento='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][17]) . "', ultimo_nome='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][32])) . "', codigo_fol=" . $code . " WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "'", "UPDATE RG SET identidade='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][25])) . "', orgao_expedidor='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][26])) . "', codigo_fol=" . $code . " WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "'", "UPDATE Inf_Bancaria SET conta='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][6])) . "', banco='" . $this->DB[$x][43] . "',  numero='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][44])) . "' WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "' AND codigo_fol=" . $code . "");
                     } else {
                         $aux = array("INSERT INTO Cadastros (matricula, cargo, lotacao, data_admissao, vinculo, previdencia, nivel, dep_imp_re, hora_sem, instrucao, data_afastamento, sindical, dp_sal_fam, hora_ponto, vale_transporte, data_promocao, tipo, situacao, descontar, receber, funcao, maior_360, prof_40h, vlt_ver, val_niv, data_FGTS, permanente, remuneracao_bruto, vencimento, flag, entrada, liquido, sobregrat, assistencia, medico, senha, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][8] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][1] . "', '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][4]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][5] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][7] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][9] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][11] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][13] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][14] . "', '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][18]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][19] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][20] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][21] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][22] . "', '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][24]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][27] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][28] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][29] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][30] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][31] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][33] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][34] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][35] . "', " . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][36]) . ", '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][37]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][38] . "', " . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][39]) . ", " . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][40]) . ", '" . $this->DB[$x][41] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][42] . "', " . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][45]) . ", '" . $this->DB[$x][46] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][47] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][48] . "', '" . $this->passwordMaker() . "', " . $code . ")", "INSERT INTO Pessoal (matricula, nome, sexo, CPF, PIS_PASEP, data_nascimento, ultimo_nome, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][3])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][12] . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][15])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][16])) . "',  '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][17]) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][32])) . "', " . $code . ")", "INSERT INTO RG (matricula, identidade, orgao_expedidor, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][25])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][26])) . "', " . $code . ")", "INSERT INTO Inf_Bancaria (matricula, conta, banco, numero, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][6])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][43] . "',  '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][44])) . "', " . $code . ")");
                 } else {
                     if ($code == 2) {
                         if ($cont > 0) {
                             $aux = array("UPDATE Cadastros SET cargo='" . $this->DB[$x][10] . "', lotacao='" . $this->DB[$x][1] . "', data_admissao='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][4]) . "', vinculo='" . $this->DB[$x][5] . "', previdencia'" . $this->DB[$x][7] . "', nivel='" . $this->DB[$x][11] . "', dep_imp_re='" . $this->DB[$x][13] . "', hora_sem='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][15])) . "', instrucao='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][16])) . "', data_afastamento='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][20]) . "', sindical='" . $this->DB[$x][21] . "', dp_sal_fam='" . $this->DB[$x][22] . "', hora_ponto='" . $this->DB[$x][23] . "', vale_transporte='" . $this->DB[$x][24] . "', data_promocao='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][26]) . "', tipo='" . $this->DB[$x][29] . "', situacao='" . $this->DB[$x][30] . "', descontar='" . $this->DB[$x][31] . "', receber='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][32])) . "', funcao='" . $this->DB[$x][33] . "', maior_360='" . $this->DB[$x][35] . "', prof_40h='" . $this->DB[$x][36] . "', vlt_ver='" . $this->DB[$x][37] . "', val_niv=0, data_FGTS='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][38]) . "', permanente='" . $this->DB[$x][40] . "', remuneracao_bruto=" . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][39]) . ", vencimento=0, flag='" . $this->DB[$x][41] . "', entrada='" . $this->DB[$x][42] . "', liquido=" . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][45]) . ", sobregrat='" . $this->DB[$x][8] . "', assistencia='" . $this->DB[$x][9] . "', medico='" . $this->DB[$x][46] . "', codigo_fol=" . $code . " WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "'", "UPDATE Pessoal SET nome='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][3])) . "', sexo='" . $this->DB[$x][14] . "', CPF='" . $this->DB[$x][17] . "', PIS_PASEP='" . $this->DB[$x][18] . "',  data_nascimento='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][19]) . "', ultimo_nome='" . $this->DB[$x][34] . "', codigo_fol=" . $code . " WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "'", "UPDATE RG SET identidade='" . $this->DB[$x][27] . "', orgao_expedidor='" . $this->DB[$x][28] . "', codigo_fol=" . $code . " WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "'", "UPDATE Inf_Bancaria SET conta='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][6])) . "', banco='" . $this->DB[$x][43] . "',  numero='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][44])) . "' WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "' AND codigo_fol=" . $code . "");
                         } else {
                             $aux = array("INSERT INTO Cadastros (matricula, cargo, lotacao, data_admissao, vinculo, previdencia, nivel, dep_imp_re, hora_sem, instrucao, data_afastamento, sindical, dp_sal_fam, hora_ponto, vale_transporte, data_promocao, tipo, situacao, descontar, receber, funcao, maior_360, prof_40h, vlt_ver, val_niv, data_FGTS, permanente, remuneracao_bruto, vencimento, flag, entrada, liquido, sobregrat, assistencia, medico, senha, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][10] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][1] . "', '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][4]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][5] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][7] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][11] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][13] . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][15])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][16])) . "', '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][20]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][21] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][22] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][23] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][24] . "', '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][26]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][29] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][30] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][31] . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][32])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][33] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][35] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][36] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][37] . "', 0, '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][38]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][40] . "', " . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][39]) . ", 0, '" . $this->DB[$x][41] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][42] . "', " . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][45]) . ", '" . $this->DB[$x][8] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][9] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][46] . "', '" . $this->passwordMaker() . "', " . $code . ")", "INSERT INTO Pessoal (matricula, nome, sexo, CPF, PIS_PASEP, data_nascimento, ultimo_nome, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][3])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][14] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][17] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][18] . "',  '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][19]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][34] . "', " . $code . ")", "INSERT INTO RG (matricula, identidade, orgao_expedidor, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][27] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][28] . "', " . $code . ")", "INSERT INTO Inf_Bancaria (matricula, conta, banco, numero, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][6])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][43] . "',  '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][44])) . "', " . $code . ")");
                     } else {
                         if ($code == 3) {
                             if ($cont > 0) {
                                 $aux = array("UPDATE Cadastros SET cargo='" . $this->DB[$x][8] . "', lotacao='" . $this->DB[$x][1] . "', data_admissao='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][4]) . "', vinculo='" . $this->DB[$x][5] . "', previdencia'" . $this->DB[$x][7] . "', nivel='" . $this->DB[$x][9] . "', dep_imp_re='" . $this->DB[$x][11] . "', hora_sem='" . $this->DB[$x][13] . "', instrucao='" . $this->DB[$x][14] . "', data_afastamento='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][18]) . "', sindical='" . $this->DB[$x][19] . "', dp_sal_fam='" . $this->DB[$x][20] . "', hora_ponto='" . $this->DB[$x][21] . "', vale_transporte='" . $this->DB[$x][22] . "', data_promocao='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][24]) . "', tipo='" . $this->DB[$x][27] . "', situacao='" . $this->DB[$x][30] . "', descontar='" . $this->DB[$x][31] . "', receber='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][32])) . "', funcao='" . $this->DB[$x][33] . "', maior_360='" . $this->DB[$x][35] . "', prof_40h='" . $this->DB[$x][36] . "', vlt_ver='" . $this->DB[$x][37] . "', 0, data_FGTS='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][44]) . "', permanente='" . $this->DB[$x][41] . "', remuneracao_bruto=" . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][42]) . ", 0, 'z', 'z', liquido=" . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][40]) . ", sobregrat='" . $this->DB[$x][43] . "', assistencia='" . $this->DB[$x][45] . "', 'z', codigo_fol=" . $code . " WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "'", "UPDATE Pessoal SET nome='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][3])) . "', sexo='" . $this->DB[$x][12] . "', CPF='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][15])) . "', PIS_PASEP='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][16])) . "',  data_nascimento='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][17]) . "', ultimo_nome='" . $this->DB[$x][34] . "', codigo_fol=" . $code . " WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "'", "UPDATE RG SET identidade='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][25])) . "', orgao_expedidor='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][26])) . "', codigo_fol=" . $code . " WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "'", "UPDATE Inf_Bancaria SET conta='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][6])) . "', banco='" . $this->DB[$x][38] . "',  numero='" . $this->DB[$x][39] . "' WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "' AND codigo_fol=" . $code . "");
                             } else {
                                 $aux = array("INSERT INTO Cadastros (matricula, cargo, lotacao, data_admissao, vinculo, previdencia, nivel, dep_imp_re, hora_sem, instrucao, data_afastamento, sindical, dp_sal_fam, hora_ponto, vale_transporte, data_promocao, tipo, situacao, descontar, receber, funcao, maior_360, prof_40h, vlt_ver, val_niv, data_FGTS, permanente, remuneracao_bruto, vencimento, flag, entrada, liquido, sobregrat, assistencia, medico, senha, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][8] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][1] . "', '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][4]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][5] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][7] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][9] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][11] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][13] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][14] . "', '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][18]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][19] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][20] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][21] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][22] . "', '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][24]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][27] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][30] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][31] . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][32])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][33] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][35] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][36] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][37] . "', 0, '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][44]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][41] . "', " . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][42]) . ", 0, 'z', 'z', " . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][40]) . ", '" . $this->DB[$x][43] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][45] . "', 'z', '" . $this->passwordMaker() . "', " . $code . ")", "INSERT INTO Pessoal (matricula, nome, sexo, CPF, PIS_PASEP, data_nascimento, ultimo_nome, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][3])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][12] . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][15])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][16])) . "',  '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][17]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][34] . "', " . $code . ")", "INSERT INTO RG (matricula, identidade, orgao_expedidor, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][25])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][26])) . "', " . $code . ")", "INSERT INTO Inf_Bancaria (matricula, conta, banco, numero, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][6])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][38] . "',  '" . $this->DB[$x][39] . "', " . $code . ")");
                         } else {
                             if ($code == 4) {
                                 if ($cont > 0) {
                                     $aux = array("UPDATE Cadastros SET cargo='" . $this->DB[$x][8] . "', lotacao='" . $this->DB[$x][1] . "', data_admissao='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][4]) . "', vinculo='" . $this->DB[$x][5] . "', previdencia'" . $this->DB[$x][7] . "', nivel='" . $this->DB[$x][9] . "', dep_imp_re='" . $this->DB[$x][11] . "', hora_sem='" . $this->DB[$x][13] . "', instrucao='" . $this->DB[$x][14] . "', data_afastamento='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][18]) . "', sindical='" . $this->DB[$x][19] . "', dp_sal_fam='" . $this->DB[$x][20] . "', hora_ponto='" . $this->DB[$x][21] . "', vale_transporte='" . $this->DB[$x][22] . "', data_promocao='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][24]) . "', tipo='" . $this->DB[$x][27] . "', situacao='" . $this->DB[$x][28] . "', descontar='" . $this->DB[$x][29] . "', receber='" . $this->DB[$x][30] . "', funcao='" . $this->DB[$x][31] . "', maior_360='" . $this->DB[$x][33] . "', prof_40h='" . $this->DB[$x][34] . "', vlt_ver='" . $this->DB[$x][35] . "', 0, data_FGTS='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][36]) . "', permanente='z', remuneracao_bruto=" . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][44]) . ", vencimento=0, flag='z', entrada='" . $this->DB[$x][37] . "', liquido=" . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][38]) . ", sobregrat='" . $this->DB[$x][41] . "', assistencia='" . $this->DB[$x][42] . "', medico='z', codigo_fol=" . $code . " WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "'", "UPDATE Pessoal SET nome='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][3])) . "', sexo='" . $this->DB[$x][12] . "', CPF='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][15])) . "', PIS_PASEP='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][16])) . "',  data_nascimento='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][17]) . "', ultimo_nome='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][32])) . "', codigo_fol=" . $code . " WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "'", "UPDATE RG SET identidade='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][25])) . "', orgao_expedidor='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][26])) . "', codigo_fol=" . $code . " WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "'", "UPDATE Inf_Bancaria SET conta='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][6])) . "', banco='" . $this->DB[$x][39] . "',  numero='" . $this->DB[$x][40] . "' WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "' AND codigo_fol=" . $code . "");
                                 } else {
                                     $aux = array("INSERT INTO Cadastros (matricula, cargo, lotacao, data_admissao, vinculo, previdencia, nivel, dep_imp_re, hora_sem, instrucao, data_afastamento, sindical, dp_sal_fam, hora_ponto, vale_transporte, data_promocao, tipo, situacao, descontar, receber, funcao, maior_360, prof_40h, vlt_ver, val_niv, data_FGTS, permanente, remuneracao_bruto, vencimento, flag, entrada, liquido, sobregrat, assistencia, medico, senha, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][8] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][1] . "', '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][4]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][5] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][7] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][9] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][11] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][13] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][14] . "', '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][18]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][19] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][20] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][21] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][22] . "', '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][24]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][27] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][28] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][29] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][30] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][31] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][33] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][34] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][35] . "', 0, '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][36]) . "', 'z', " . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][44]) . ", 0, 'z', '" . $this->DB[$x][37] . "', " . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][38]) . ", '" . $this->DB[$x][41] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][42] . "', 'z', '" . $this->passwordMaker() . "', " . $code . ")", "INSERT INTO Pessoal (matricula, nome, sexo, CPF, PIS_PASEP, data_nascimento, ultimo_nome, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][3])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][12] . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][15])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][16])) . "',  '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][17]) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][32])) . "', " . $code . ")", "INSERT INTO RG (matricula, identidade, orgao_expedidor, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][25])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][26])) . "', " . $code . ")", "INSERT INTO Inf_Bancaria (matricula, conta, banco, numero, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][6])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][39] . "',  '" . $this->DB[$x][40] . "', " . $code . ")");
             case "calculo":
                 $date = explode("-", $_SESSION["day"]);
                 $query = "SELECT * FROM Calculos WHERE matricula='" . $this->DB[$x][0] . "' AND fol_codigo=" . $code . " AND data BETWEEN '" . $date[2] . "-" . $date[1] . "-01' and '" . $date[2] . "-" . $date[1] . "-31' AND eve_codigo='" . $this->DB[$x][1] . "' AND valor='" . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][2]) . "'";
                 $result = $MySQLconnect->execute($query);
                 if ($MySQLconnect->counterResult($result) > 0) {
                     $aux = array("UPDATE Calculos SET valor=" . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][2]) . " WHERE matricula='" . $this->DB[$x][0] . "' AND fol_codigo=" . $code . " AND eve_codigo='" . $this->DB[$x][1] . "' AND data BETWEEN '" . $date[2] . "-" . $date[1] . "-01' and '" . $date[2] . "-" . $date[1] . "-31'");
                 } else {
                     $aux = array("INSERT INTO Calculos (valor, fol_codigo, eve_codigo, matricula, data) VALUES (" . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][2]) . ", " . $code . ", '" . $this->DB[$x][1] . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . $this->dateFormater2($_SESSION["day"]) . "')");
         /*foreach($aux as $query){
         			echo $query."<br>";
         foreach ($aux as $query) {
             if (!$MySQLconnect->execute($query)) {
                 /*echo $query."<br>";
                 $toFix = true;
                 $this->DB[$x][$numFields] = "true";
             } else {
                 $this->DB[$x][$numFields] = "false";
     if ($toFix and $this->tableId != "cadastro" and $this->tableId != "calculo") {
         $this->fixProblems($numFields, $numRows);
     } else {
         header("Location: ../importDocuments.php?upl=true&tab={$this->tableId}");
コード例 #3
    function printCC($connect)
        $c = $this->dateCounterDiff($this->date1, $this->date2);
        $date = explode("-", $this->date1);
        echo '<table><tr><td><a href="../index.php">Clique aqui para gerar novos contracheques</a></td><td width="250"><p onclick="javascript: window.print();" align="center">Imprimir<br/><img src="../images/impressora.png" width="35" height="35" style="cursor:pointer";/></p></td><td><a href="../actions/Logout.class.php">Desconectar<img src="../images/desconectar.png" width="36" height="36" /></a></td></tr></table><br/>';
        $cont = 0;
        for ($x = 0; $x < $c; $x++) {
            if (!($result = $connect->execute("SELECT * FROM Calculos cl INNER JOIN Cadastros cd ON cl.matricula = cd.matricula INNER JOIN Lotacoes lo ON cd.lotacao = lo.lotacao INNER JOIN Cargos cg ON cd.cargo = cg.cargo INNER JOIN Pessoal ps\tON cd.matricula = ps.matricula INNER JOIN Eventos ev ON cl.eve_codigo = ev.codigo_eve WHERE cl.matricula = '" . $_SESSION["user"] . "' AND cl.data BETWEEN '" . $date[2] . "-" . $date[1] . "-01' and '" . $date[2] . "-" . $date[1] . "-31' ORDER BY cl.eve_codigo"))) {
                echo "Impossible to execute MySQL query.";
            if ($connect->counterResult($result) < 1) {
                if ($date[1] == 12) {
                    $date[1] = "01";
                    $date[2] += 1;
                } else {
                    $date[1] += 1;
            } else {
            $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
            $infos["x"] = "***";
            $infos["nome"] = zkl($this->xkey, $row["nome"]);
            $infos["matricula"] = zkl($this->xkey, $row["matricula"]);
            $infos["lotacao"] = $row["lotacao"];
            $infos["descricao_secretaria"] = zkl($this->xkey, $row["descricao_lotacao"]);
            $infos["descricao_cargo"] = zkl($this->xkey, $row["descricao_cargo"]);
            $infos["nivel"] = $row["nivel"];
            $infos["CPF"] = zkl($this->xkey, $row["CPF"]);
            $infos["PIS_PASEP"] = zkl($this->xkey, $row["PIS_PASEP"]);
            $infos["data_nascimento"] = $row["data_nascimento"];
            $infos["data_admissao"] = $row["data_admissao"];
            $infos["dp_sal_fan"] = $row["dp_sal_fan"];
            $infos["dep_imp_re"] = $row["dep_imp_re"];
            $infos["proventos"] = 0;
            $infos["descontos"] = 0;
            $infos["liquido"] = 0;
            $infos[0] = $row["eve_codigo"];
            $infos[1] = zkl($this->xkey, $row["descricao_evento"]);
            $infos[2] = $row["valor"];
            $today = getdate();
            $infos["date"] = $today["mday"] . "/" . $today["mon"] . "/" . $today["year"];
            $z = 3;
            $loop = 1;
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
                $infos[$z++] = $row["eve_codigo"];
                $infos[$z++] = zkl($this->xkey, $row["descricao_evento"]);
                $infos[$z++] = $row["valor"];
            $w = 0;
            for ($y = 0; $y < ($z + 1) / 3; $y++) {
                if ($infos[$w + $y * 2] < 500) {
                    $infos["proventos"] += $infos[$w + $y * 2 + 2];
                } else {
                    $infos["descontos"] += $infos[$w + $y * 2 + 2];
            $contP = $contD = $m = 0;
            for ($y = 0; $y < $loop; $y++) {
                if ($infos[$m] < 500) {
                } else {
                $m += 3;
            if ($contP > $contD) {
                $loop = $contP + 1;
            } else {
                if ($contD > $contP) {
                    $loop = $contD + 1;
                } else {
                    $loop = $contD + 1;
            $infos["liquido"] = $infos["proventos"] - $infos["descontos"];
            echo '<style type="text/css">
	border-top-style: ridge;
	border-right-style: ridge;
	border-bottom-style: ridge;
	border-left-style: ridge;
	border-top-width: medium;
	border-right-width: medium;
	border-bottom-width: medium;
	border-left-width: medium;
.style2 {
	font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
	font-weight: bold;
	font-size: 14px;
.words3 {
	font-size: 9px;
	font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
            // 595, 842
            echo '<table width="595" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="table">
    <td width="638" class="style1"><table width="586">
      <td width="73"><div align="center"><img src="../images/brasao_bw.png" width="59" height="71" /></div></td>
      <td width="375"><div align="center" class="style2">Prefeitura Municipal de Teresina<br />
    Secretaria Municipal de Administra&ccedil;&atilde;o<br />
        <span class="style6"><br />
        <span class="words3">EMITIDO: ' . $infos["date"] . '</span></span></td>
      <td width="122"><div align="right"><img src="../images/fms_logo_bw.png" width="121" height="35" /></div></td>
    <td><div align="right" class="style2">CONTRACHEQUE
      <table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="words3">
        <td width="8%" >EMPRESA<br />
        <td width="13%">MATR&Iacute;CULA<br />
' . $infos['matricula'] . '</td>
        <td width="79%">NOME<br />
' . $infos['nome'] . '</td>
      <table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="words3">
          <td width="57%">CARGO<br />
          ' . $infos['descricao_cargo'] . '</td>
          <td width="43%">LOTA&ccedil;&Atilde;O<br />
          ' . $infos['descricao_secretaria'] . '</td>
      <table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="words3">
          <td width="8%">N&Iacute;VEL<br />
          ' . $infos['nivel'] . '</td>
          <td width="30%">CPF<br />
          ' . $infos['CPF'] . '</td>
          <td width="26%">PIS/PASEP<br />
          ' . $infos['PIS_PASEP'] . '.</td>
          <td width="18%">ADMISS&Atilde;O<br />
          ' . $infos['data_admissao'] . '</td>
          <td width="18%">NASCIMENTO<br />
          ' . $infos['data_nascimento'] . '</td>
      <table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="words3">
          <td width="6%">DP SF<br />
          ' . $infos['dp_sal_fan'] . '.</td>
          <td width="6%">DP IR<br />
          ' . $infos['dep_imp_re'] . '.</td>
          <td width="7%">BANCO<br />
          ' . $infos['x'] . '</td>
          <td width="11%">AG&Ecirc;NCIA<br />
          ' . $infos['x'] . '</td>
          <td width="12%">OPERA&ccedil;&Atilde;O<br />
          ' . $infos['x'] . '</td>
          <td width="27%">CONTA CORRENTE<br />
          ' . $infos['x'] . '</td>
          <td width="31%">REFER&Ecirc;NCIA PAGAMENTO<br />
          ' . $this->appDateMaker($date[0] . "-" . $date[1] . "-" . $date[2]) . '</td>
    <td><table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
        <td><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="words3">
            <td width="16%">C&Oacute;DIGO</td>
            <td width="61%">DESCRIMINA&Ccedil;&Atilde;O</td>
            <td width="23%">VALOR EM R$ </td>
            $h = 0;
            for ($y = 0; $y < $loop; $y++) {
                if ($y % 2 == 0) {
                    echo '<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#E1E1E1" class="words3">';
                } else {
                    echo '<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="words3">';
                if ($y >= $contP) {
                    echo '<tr><td width="16%">&nbsp;</td>
				<td width="61%">&nbsp;</td>
				<td width="23%">&nbsp;</td>
                } else {
                    echo '<td width="16%">' . $infos[$h++] . '</td>
				<td width="61%">' . $infos[$h++] . '</td>
				<td width="23%" align="right">' . $this->formatValue($infos[$h++]) . '</td>
            echo '</td>
        <td><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="words3">
            <td width="16%">C&Oacute;DIGO</td>
            <td width="61%">DESCRIMINA&Ccedil;&Atilde;O</td>
            <td width="23%">VALOR EM R$ </td>
            for ($y = 0; $y < $loop; $y++) {
                if ($y % 2 == 0) {
                    echo '<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#E1E1E1" class="words3">';
                } else {
                    echo '<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="words3">';
                if ($y >= $contD) {
                    echo '<tr><td width="16%">&nbsp;</td>
				<td width="61%">&nbsp;</td>
				<td width="23%">&nbsp;</td>
                } else {
                    echo '<td width="16%">' . $infos[$h++] . '</td>
				<td width="61%">' . $infos[$h++] . '</td>
				<td width="23%" align="right">' . $this->formatValue($infos[$h++]) . '</td>
            echo '</td>
    <td  class="words3">&nbsp;</td>
    <td><table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"  class="words3">
        <td>PROVENTOS<br />
          R$ ' . $this->formatValue($infos['proventos']) . '</td>
        <td>DESCONTOS<br />
          R$ ' . $this->formatValue($infos['descontos']) . '</td>
    <td><table width="100%" border="0"  class="words3">
        <td width="63%"><div align="right">L&Iacute;QUIDO:</div></td>
        <td width="37%">R$ ' . $this->formatValue($infos['liquido']) . '</td>
    <td><div align="right"><br />
      <br />
      <br />
      <span class="style2">Gerado via WEB. </span></div></td>
            if ($date[1] == 12) {
                $date[1] = "01";
                $date[2] += 1;
            } else {
                $date[1] += 1;
        if ($cont == 0) {
            header("Location: ../index.php?found=false");