コード例 #1
 function quote($method = '')
     global $order, $shipping_weight;
     $calc_weight = $shipping_weight;
     $error = false;
     $dest_country = $order->delivery['country']['iso_code_2'];
         } else {
             $calc_weight = $calc_weight - MODULE_SHIPPING_CHINAPOSTREGISTERED_BASIS_WEIGHT;
         $shipping_method = MODULE_SHIPPING_CHINAPOSTREGISTERED_TEXT_WAY . ' ' . $dest_country . ' (' . number_format($shipping_weight, 2) . MODULE_SHIPPING_CHINAPOSTREGISTERED_TEXT_UNITS . ') ';
         //modified by john 2010-06-30
         //for better calculate with currency
         $error = true;
     $this->quotes = array('id' => $this->code, 'module' => MODULE_SHIPPING_CHINAPOSTREGISTERED_TEXT_TITLE, 'methods' => array(array('id' => $this->code, 'title' => $shipping_method, 'cost' => $shipping_cost)));
     if ($this->tax_class > 0) {
         $this->quotes['tax'] = zen_get_tax_rate($this->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']);
     if (zen_not_null($this->icon)) {
         $this->quotes['icon'] = zen_image($this->icon, $this->title);
     if ($error == true) {
     return $this->quotes;
コード例 #2
ファイル: SagepayBasket.php プロジェクト: zencart/sagepay
  * @param $order
  * @return string
 public static function getCartContents($order)
     $countLines = 1;
     $shipping = number_format($order->info['shipping_cost'], 2, '.', '');
     $shippingtax = number_format($order->info['shipping_tax'], 2, '.', '');
     $totalshipping = number_format($shipping + $shippingtax, 2, '.', '');
     $shippingStr = ":Shipping:---:" . $shipping . ":" . $shippingtax . ":" . $totalshipping . ":" . $totalshipping;
     $products = $_SESSION['cart']->get_products();
     $productLines = '';
     for ($i = 0, $n = sizeof($products); $i < $n; $i++) {
         $desc = str_replace(":", "", $order->products[$i]['name']);
         $qty = $order->products[$i]['qty'];
         $price = $order->products[$i]['price'] + $_SESSION['cart']->attributes_price($products[$i]['id']);
         $tax = $price / 100 * zen_get_tax_rate($products[$i]['tax_class_id']);
         $tax = number_format($tax, 2, '.', '');
         $finalPrice = $price + $tax;
         $finalPrice = number_format($finalPrice, 2, '.', '');
         $lineTotal = $qty * $finalPrice;
         $lineTotal = number_format($lineTotal, 2, '.', '');
         $line = ":" . $desc . ":" . $qty . ":" . $price . ":" . $tax . ":" . $finalPrice . ":" . $lineTotal;
         $productLines .= $line;
     return $countLines . $productLines . $shippingStr;
コード例 #3
 function quote($method = '')
     global $order, $shipping_weight;
     $error = false;
     $dest_country = $order->delivery['country']['iso_code_2'];
         //hkpost  weight as gram g.
         $shipping_cost = MODULE_SHIPPING_HKPOSTREGISTERED_COST_UNIT * $shipping_weight;
         //$shipping_method = MODULE_SHIPPING_HKPOSTREGISTERED_TEXT_WAY . ' ' . $dest_country . ' ('.number_format($shipping_weight,2).MODULE_SHIPPING_HKPOSTREGISTERED_TEXT_UNITS.')';
         //############################for better calculate with currency#########################
         //modified by john 2010-06-30 2/3
         $error = true;
     $this->quotes = array('id' => $this->code, 'module' => MODULE_SHIPPING_HKPOSTREGISTERED_TEXT_TITLE, 'methods' => array(array('id' => $this->code, 'title' => $shipping_method, 'cost' => $shipping_cost)));
     if ($this->tax_class > 0) {
         $this->quotes['tax'] = zen_get_tax_rate($this->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']);
     if (zen_not_null($this->icon)) {
         $this->quotes['icon'] = zen_image($this->icon, $this->title);
     if ($error == true) {
     return $this->quotes;
コード例 #4
 function quote($method = '')
     global $order;
     if ($this->enabled) {
         $excluded_array = explode(',', MODULE_SHIPPING_PREFERRED_SHIPPING_EXCLUDED_PRODUCTS);
         $products_in_cart_array = explode(',', $_SESSION['cart']->get_product_id_list());
         echo var_dump($products_in_cart_array);
         foreach ($products_in_cart_array as $product_in_cart) {
             $base_product_in_cart = substr($product_in_cart, 0, strpos($product_in_cart, ':'));
             if (in_array($base_product_in_cart, $excluded_array)) {
                 $this->enabled = false;
         if ($_SESSION['cart']->show_total() < MODULE_SHIPPING_PREFERRED_SHIPPING_MIN_ORDER) {
             $this->enabled = false;
     if ($this->enabled) {
         $this->quotes = array('id' => $this->code, 'module' => MODULE_SHIPPING_PREFERRED_SHIPPING_TEXT_TITLE, 'methods' => array(array('id' => $this->code, 'title' => MODULE_SHIPPING_PREFERRED_SHIPPING_TEXT_WAY, 'cost' => '0.00')));
         if ($this->tax_class > 0) {
             $this->quotes['tax'] = zen_get_tax_rate($this->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']);
         if (zen_not_null($this->icon)) {
             $this->quotes['icon'] = zen_image($this->icon, $this->title);
     return $this->quotes;
コード例 #5
ファイル: supersaver.php プロジェクト: bitweaver/commerce
 function quote($pShipHash = array())
     global $order, $currencies;
     $this->quotes['id'] = $this->code;
     $this->quotes['module'] = tra('SuperSaver Shipping');
     $this->quotes['icon'] = $this->icon;
     if (!empty($min) && $order->subtotal < MODULE_SHIPPING_SUPERSAVER_MIN) {
         $this->quotes['error'] = tra('You must spend at least ' . $currencies->format(MODULE_SHIPPING_SUPERSAVER_MIN) . ' to get SuperSaver Shipping.') . ' <a href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART) . '">' . tra('Update Cart') . '</a>';
     } elseif (!empty($max) && $order->subtotal > MODULE_SHIPPING_SUPERSAVER_MAX) {
         // no quote for you!
         $this->quotes['error'] = tra('SuperSaver Shipping only applies to orders up to ' . $currencies->format(MODULE_SHIPPING_SUPERSAVER_MAX)) . ' <a href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART) . '">' . tra('Update Cart') . '</a>';
     } else {
         $this->quotes['note'] = tra(MODULE_SHIPPING_SUPERSAVER_DESC);
         if (SHIPPING_ORIGIN_COUNTRY == $order->delivery['country']['countries_id'] && MODULE_SHIPPING_SUPERSAVER_DOMESTIC == 'True') {
             $this->quotes['methods'] = array(array('id' => $this->code, 'title' => trim($desc), 'code' => 'supersaver', 'cost' => MODULE_SHIPPING_SUPERSAVER_DOMESTIC_COST + MODULE_SHIPPING_SUPERSAVER_HANDLING));
         } elseif (MODULE_SHIPPING_SUPERSAVER_INTL == 'True') {
             $this->quotes['methods'] = array(array('id' => $this->code, 'title' => trim($desc), 'code' => 'supersaverintl', 'cost' => MODULE_SHIPPING_SUPERSAVER_INTL_COST + MODULE_SHIPPING_SUPERSAVER_HANDLING));
         if ($this->tax_class > 0) {
             $this->quotes['tax'] = zen_get_tax_rate($this->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['countries_id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']);
     return $this->quotes;
 function convert_product_attributes_result($attributes_values, $load_option_name = true, $can_operate = false)
     if ($load_option_name) {
         $attributes_values->fields['products_options_name'] = zen_options_name($attributes_values->fields['options_id']);
         $attributes_values->fields['products_options_values_name'] = zen_values_name($attributes_values->fields['options_values_id']);
     $attributes_values->fields['products_display_price'] = $attributes_values->fields['price_prefix'] . $attributes_values->fields['options_values_price'];
     $attributes_values->fields['products_attributes_display_weight'] = $attributes_values->fields['products_attributes_weight_prefix'] . $attributes_values->fields['products_attributes_weight'];
     require_once DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'currencies.php';
     $currencies = new currencies();
     $attributes_price_final = zen_get_attributes_price_final($attributes_values->fields["products_attributes_id"], 1, $attributes_values, 'false');
     $attributes_price_final_value = $attributes_price_final;
     $attributes_price_final = $currencies->display_price($attributes_price_final, zen_get_tax_rate(1), 1);
     $attributes_price_final_onetime = zen_get_attributes_price_final_onetime($attributes_values->fields["products_attributes_id"], 1, $attributes_values);
     $attributes_price_final_onetime = $currencies->display_price($attributes_price_final_onetime, zen_get_tax_rate(1), 1);
     $new_attributes_price = '';
     if ($attributes_values->fields["attributes_discounted"]) {
         $new_attributes_price = zen_get_attributes_price_final($attributes_values->fields["products_attributes_id"], 1, '', 'false');
         $new_attributes_price = zen_get_discount_calc($attributes_values->fields['products_id'], true, $new_attributes_price);
         if ($new_attributes_price != $attributes_price_final_value) {
             $new_attributes_price = '|' . $currencies->display_price($new_attributes_price, zen_get_tax_rate(1), 1);
         } else {
             $new_attributes_price = '';
     $attributes_values->fields['attributes_display_price_final'] = $attributes_price_final . $new_attributes_price . ' ' . $attributes_price_final_onetime;
     // status
     $attributes_values->fields['products_status'] = "";
     foreach ($this->statuses as $type => $icon_info) {
         $attributes_values->fields['products_status'] .= self::make_status_link($attributes_values->fields, $type, $icon_info['color'], $icon_info['alt'], $can_operate);
     return $attributes_values->fields;
コード例 #7
ファイル: storepickup.php プロジェクト: bitweaver/commerce
 function quote($pShipHash = array())
     global $order;
     $this->quotes = array('id' => $this->code, 'module' => MODULE_SHIPPING_STOREPICKUP_TEXT_TITLE, 'methods' => array(array('id' => $this->code, 'code' => $this->code, 'title' => MODULE_SHIPPING_STOREPICKUP_TEXT_WAY, 'cost' => MODULE_SHIPPING_STOREPICKUP_COST)));
     if ($this->tax_class > 0) {
         $this->quotes['tax'] = zen_get_tax_rate($this->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['countries_id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']);
     if (zen_not_null($this->icon)) {
         $this->quotes['icon'] = $this->icon;
     return $this->quotes;
コード例 #8
 function quote($method = '')
     global $order;
     $this->quotes = array('id' => $this->code, 'module' => MODULE_SHIPPING_FREESHIPPER_TEXT_TITLE, 'methods' => array(array('id' => $this->code, 'title' => MODULE_SHIPPING_FREESHIPPER_TEXT_WAY, 'cost' => MODULE_SHIPPING_FREESHIPPER_COST + MODULE_SHIPPING_FREESHIPPER_HANDLING)));
     if ($this->tax_class > 0) {
         $this->quotes['tax'] = zen_get_tax_rate($this->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']);
     if (zen_not_null($this->icon)) {
         $this->quotes['icon'] = zen_image($this->icon, $this->title);
     return $this->quotes;
コード例 #9
ファイル: item.php プロジェクト: wwxgitcat/zencart_v1.0
 function quote($method = '')
     global $order, $total_count;
     // adjusted count for free shipping
     $item_total_count = $total_count - $_SESSION['cart']->free_shipping_items();
     $this->quotes = array('id' => $this->code, 'module' => MODULE_SHIPPING_ITEM_TEXT_TITLE, 'methods' => array(array('id' => $this->code, 'title' => MODULE_SHIPPING_ITEM_TEXT_WAY, 'cost' => MODULE_SHIPPING_ITEM_COST * $item_total_count + MODULE_SHIPPING_ITEM_HANDLING)));
     if ($this->tax_class > 0) {
         $this->quotes['tax'] = zen_get_tax_rate($this->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']);
     if (zen_not_null($this->icon)) {
         $this->quotes['icon'] = zen_image($this->icon, $this->title);
     return $this->quotes;
コード例 #10
ファイル: item.php プロジェクト: bitweaver/commerce
 function quote($pShipHash = array())
     global $order, $total_count;
     // adjusted count for free shipping
     //      $total_count = $total_count - $gBitCustomer->mCart->in_cart_check('product_is_free','1');
     //      $total_count = $total_count - $gBitCustomer->mCart->in_cart_check('product_is_always_free_ship','1');
     $total_count = $total_count - $gBitCustomer->mCart->free_shipping_items();
     $this->quotes = array('id' => $this->code, 'module' => MODULE_SHIPPING_ITEM_TEXT_TITLE, 'methods' => array(array('id' => $this->code, 'title' => MODULE_SHIPPING_ITEM_TEXT_WAY, 'cost' => MODULE_SHIPPING_ITEM_COST * $total_count + MODULE_SHIPPING_ITEM_HANDLING)));
     if ($this->tax_class > 0) {
         $this->quotes['tax'] = zen_get_tax_rate($this->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['countries_id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']);
     if (zen_not_null($this->icon)) {
         $this->quotes['icon'] = $this->icon;
     return $this->quotes;
コード例 #11
ファイル: ems.php プロジェクト: andychang88/daddy-store.com
 function quote($method = '')
     global $order, $shipping_weight;
     $calc_weight = $shipping_weight;
     $error = false;
     $dest_country = $order->delivery['country']['iso_code_2'];
         if ($calc_weight <= MODULE_SHIPPING_EMS_BASIS_WEIGHT) {
         } else {
             $calc_weight = $calc_weight - MODULE_SHIPPING_EMS_BASIS_WEIGHT;
             $shipping_cost = ceil($calc_weight / MODULE_SHIPPING_EMS_REST_WEIGHT_UNIT) * MODULE_SHIPPING_EMS_REST_WEIGHT_UNIT_FEE;
             $shipping_cost = MODULE_SHIPPING_EMS_BASIS_WEIGHT_FEE + $shipping_cost + MODULE_SHIPPING_EMS_HANDLING_FEE;
         /*$shipping_method = MODULE_SHIPPING_EMS_TEXT_WAY . ' ' .
           $dest_country . ' ('.number_format($shipping_weight,2).MODULE_SHIPPING_EMS_TEXT_UNITS.') ';*/
         $shipping_method = MODULE_SHIPPING_EMS_TEXT_WAY;
         //############################for better calculate with currency#########################
         //modified by john 2010-06-30 1/3
         $shipping_cost = $shipping_cost / (defined('MODULE_SHIPPING_EMS_EXCHANGE_RATE') ? MODULE_SHIPPING_EMS_EXCHANGE_RATE : 1);
         $enable_countries = split('[,]', MODULE_SHIPPING_EMS_ENABLED_COUNTRIES);
         if (is_array($enable_countries) && !in_array($dest_country, $enable_countries)) {
             $error = true;
     $this->quotes = array('id' => $this->code, 'module' => MODULE_SHIPPING_EMS_TEXT_TITLE, 'methods' => array(array('id' => $this->code, 'title' => $shipping_method, 'cost' => $shipping_cost)));
     if ($this->tax_class > 0) {
         $this->quotes['tax'] = zen_get_tax_rate($this->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']);
     if (zen_not_null($this->icon)) {
         $this->quotes['icon'] = zen_image($this->icon, $this->title);
     if ($error == true) {
         $this->quotes['error'] = MODULE_SHIPPING_EMS_NOT_DISPATCH_TO_TEXT . ' ' . $dest_country;
     return $this->quotes;
コード例 #12
 function quote($method = '')
     global $order, $shipping_weight, $shipping_num_boxes;
     $dest_country = $order->delivery['country']['iso_code_2'];
     $dest_zone = 0;
     $error = false;
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->num_zones; $i++) {
         $countries_table = constant('MODULE_SHIPPING_ZONES_COUNTRIES_' . $i);
         $country_zones = split("[,]", $countries_table);
         if (in_array($dest_country, $country_zones)) {
             $dest_zone = $i;
     if ($dest_zone == 0) {
         $error = true;
     } else {
         $shipping = -1;
         $zones_cost = constant('MODULE_SHIPPING_ZONES_COST_' . $dest_zone);
         $zones_table = split("[:,]", $zones_cost);
         $size = sizeof($zones_table);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i += 2) {
             if (MODULE_SHIPPING_ZONES_METHOD == 'Weight') {
                 if ($shipping_weight <= $zones_table[$i]) {
                     $shipping = $zones_table[$i + 1];
                     switch (SHIPPING_BOX_WEIGHT_DISPLAY) {
                         case 0:
                             $show_box_weight = '';
                         case 1:
                             $show_box_weight = ' (' . $shipping_num_boxes . ' ' . TEXT_SHIPPING_BOXES . ')';
                         case 2:
                             $show_box_weight = ' (' . number_format($shipping_weight * $shipping_num_boxes, 2) . MODULE_SHIPPING_ZONES_TEXT_UNITS . ')';
                             $show_box_weight = ' (' . $shipping_num_boxes . ' x ' . number_format($shipping_weight, 2) . MODULE_SHIPPING_ZONES_TEXT_UNITS . ')';
                     //              $shipping_method = MODULE_SHIPPING_ZONES_TEXT_WAY . ' ' . $dest_country . (SHIPPING_BOX_WEIGHT_DISPLAY >= 2 ? ' : ' . $shipping_weight . ' ' . MODULE_SHIPPING_ZONES_TEXT_UNITS : '');
                     $shipping_method = MODULE_SHIPPING_ZONES_TEXT_WAY . ' ' . $dest_country . $show_box_weight;
             } else {
                 // shipping adjustment
                 if ($_SESSION['cart']->show_total() - $_SESSION['cart']->free_shipping_prices() <= $zones_table[$i]) {
                     $shipping = $zones_table[$i + 1];
                     $shipping_method = MODULE_SHIPPING_ZONES_TEXT_WAY . ' ' . $dest_country;
         if ($shipping == -1) {
             $shipping_cost = 0;
             $shipping_method = MODULE_SHIPPING_ZONES_UNDEFINED_RATE;
         } else {
             if (MODULE_SHIPPING_ZONES_METHOD == 'Weight') {
                 $shipping_cost = $shipping * $shipping_num_boxes + constant('MODULE_SHIPPING_ZONES_HANDLING_' . $dest_zone);
             } else {
                 // don't charge per box when done by Price
                 $shipping_cost = $shipping + constant('MODULE_SHIPPING_ZONES_HANDLING_' . $dest_zone);
     $this->quotes = array('id' => $this->code, 'module' => MODULE_SHIPPING_ZONES_TEXT_TITLE, 'methods' => array(array('id' => $this->code, 'title' => $shipping_method, 'cost' => $shipping_cost)));
     if ($this->tax_class > 0) {
         $this->quotes['tax'] = zen_get_tax_rate($this->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']);
     if (zen_not_null($this->icon)) {
         $this->quotes['icon'] = zen_image($this->icon, $this->title);
     if ($error == true) {
         $this->quotes['error'] = MODULE_SHIPPING_ZONES_INVALID_ZONE;
     return $this->quotes;
            echo $quantityDiscount['show_qty'];
            if (!isset($_SESSION['customer_id']) && $key + 1 > SHOW_PRICE_QTY_MAX_GROUP) {
			   <td><a rel="nofollow" href="<?php 
                echo zen_href_link(FILENAME_LOGIN, '', 'SSL');
            } else {
                echo $currencies->display_price($quantityDiscount['discounted_price'], zen_get_tax_rate($products_tax_class_id));
            		if ($discount_col_cnt == $disc_cnt && !($key == sizeof($quantityDiscount))) {
        /*if ($disc_cnt < $columnCount) {
        			<td align="center" colspan="<?php echo ($columnCount+1 - $disc_cnt)+1; ?>">&nbsp;  </td>
コード例 #14
        <td class="smallText" align="center"><?php 
                    echo ($attributes_values->fields["attributes_required"] == '0' ? '<a href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_ATTRIBUTES_CONTROLLER, 'action=set_flag_attributes_required' . '&attributes_id=' . $attributes_values->fields["products_attributes_id"] . (isset($_GET['option_page']) ? '&option_page=' . $_GET['option_page'] . '&' : '') . (isset($_GET['value_page']) ? '&value_page=' . $_GET['value_page'] . '&' : '') . (isset($_GET['attribute_page']) ? '&attribute_page=' . $_GET['attribute_page'] : '') . '&products_filter=' . $products_filter . '&current_category_id=' . $current_category_id) . '" onClick="divertClick(this.href);return false;">' . zen_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'icon_red_off.gif', LEGEND_ATTRIBUTES_REQUIRED) . '</a>' : '<a href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_ATTRIBUTES_CONTROLLER, 'action=set_flag_attributes_required' . '&attributes_id=' . $attributes_values->fields["products_attributes_id"] . (isset($_GET['option_page']) ? '&option_page=' . $_GET['option_page'] . '&' : '') . (isset($_GET['value_page']) ? '&value_page=' . $_GET['value_page'] . '&' : '') . (isset($_GET['attribute_page']) ? '&attribute_page=' . $_GET['attribute_page'] : '') . '&products_filter=' . $products_filter . '&current_category_id=' . $current_category_id) . '" onClick="divertClick(this.href);return false;">' . zen_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'icon_red_on.gif', LEGEND_ATTRIBUTES_REQUIRED)) . '</a>';
                $new_attributes_price = '';
                if ($attributes_values->fields["attributes_discounted"]) {
                    $new_attributes_price = zen_get_attributes_price_final($attributes_values->fields["products_attributes_id"], 1, '', 'false');
                    $new_attributes_price = zen_get_discount_calc($products_filter, true, $new_attributes_price);
                    if ($new_attributes_price != $attributes_price_final_value) {
                        $new_attributes_price = '|' . $currencies->display_price($new_attributes_price, zen_get_tax_rate($product_check->fields['products_tax_class_id']), 1);
                    } else {
                        $new_attributes_price = '';
            <td align="right" class="smallText"><?php 
                echo $attributes_price_final . $new_attributes_price . ' ' . $attributes_price_final_onetime;
                if ($action != '') {
            <td width='120' align="center" class="smallText">&nbsp;</td>
                } else {
コード例 #15
 function _build_attributes_array($build_stocked, $build_nonstocked)
     global $languages_id;
     global $currencies;
     global $cart;
     global $db;
     if (!($build_stocked | $build_nonstocked)) {
         return null;
     if ($build_stocked && $build_nonstocked) {
         $stocked_where = "";
     } elseif ($build_stocked) {
         $stocked_where = "and popt.products_options_track_stock = 1";
     } elseif ($build_nonstocked) {
         $stocked_where = "and popt.products_options_track_stock = 0";
     $products_options_name_query = "select distinct popt.products_options_id, popt.products_options_name, popt.products_options_track_stock, popt.products_options_images_style, popt.products_options_type from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS . " popt, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES . " patrib where patrib.products_id = :products_id: and popt.products_options_id = patrib.options_id and popt.language_id = :languages_id: :stocked_where: order by popt.products_options_sort_order";
     $products_options_name_query = $db->bindVars($products_options_name_query, ':products_id:', $this->products_id, 'integer');
     $products_options_name_query = $db->bindVars($products_options_name_query, ':languages_id:', $_SESSION['languages_id'], 'integer');
     $products_options_name_query = $db->bindVars($products_options_name_query, ':stocked_where:', $stocked_where, 'passthru');
     $products_options_name = $db->Execute($products_options_name_query);
     $attributes = array();
     while (!$products_options_name->EOF) {
         $products_options_array = array();
         $products_options_query = "select pov.products_options_values_id, pov.products_options_values_name, pa.options_values_price, pa.price_prefix from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES . " pa, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS_VALUES . " pov where pa.products_id = :products_id: and pa.options_id = :products_options_id: and pa.options_values_id = pov.products_options_values_id and pov.language_id = :languages_id: order by pa.products_options_sort_order";
         $products_options_query = $db->bindVars($products_options_query, ':products_id:', $this->products_id, 'integer');
         $products_options_query = $db->bindVars($products_options_query, ':languages_id:', $_SESSION['languages_id'], 'integer');
         $products_options_query = $db->bindVars($products_options_query, ':products_options_id:', $products_options_name->fields['products_options_id'], 'integer');
         $products_options = $db->Execute($products_options_query);
         while (!$products_options->EOF) {
             /**** AGF - add logic to format colours ******/
             $value_name = $products_options->fields['products_options_values_name'];
             //if ( $products_options_name['products_options_name'] = 'Color' ) {
             // $value_name="<span class=\"col" . $value_name . "\">" . $value_name . "</span>";
             $products_options_array[] = array('id' => $products_options->fields['products_options_values_id'], 'text' => $value_name);
             /**** AGF - end of new logic ******/
             // AGF commented out +/- amount to show actual price
             if ($products_options->fields['options_values_price'] != '0') {
                 $products_options_array[sizeof($products_options_array) - 1]['text'] .= ' (' . $products_options->fields['price_prefix'] . $currencies->display_price($products_options->fields['options_values_price'], zen_get_tax_rate($this->products_tax_class_id)) . ')';
             /// Start of Changes- display actual prices instead of +/- Actual Price Pull Down v1.2.3a
             $new_price ? $original_price = $new_price : ($original_price = $this->products_original_price);
             //// check if set special price note $this variable
             $option_price = $products_options->fields['options_values_price'];
             if ($products_options->fields['price_prefix'] == "-") {
                 $show_price = 0.0 + $original_price - $option_price;
                 // force float (in case) using the 0.0;
             } else {
                 $show_price = 0.0 + $original_price + $option_price;
                 // force float (in case) using the 0.0;
             $products_options_array[sizeof($products_options_array) - 1]['text'] .= ' ';
             // note $this variable //HW: THIS WAS BROKEN - tax class ID was being used as the tax rate.. so a fixed 8 percent in my case.
             // End Of MOD
         if (isset($_GET['products_id']) && zen_not_null($_GET['products_id']) && isset($_SESSION['cart']->contents[$_GET['products_id']]['attributes'][$products_options_name->fields['products_options_id']])) {
             $selected = $_SESSION['cart']->contents[$_GET['products_id']]['attributes'][$products_options_name->fields['products_options_id']];
         } else {
             $selected = 0;
         $attributes[] = array('oid' => $products_options_name->fields['products_options_id'], 'oname' => $products_options_name->fields['products_options_name'], 'oimgstyle' => $products_options_name->fields['products_options_images_style'], 'ovals' => $products_options_array, 'otype' => $products_options_name->fields['products_options_type'], 'default' => $selected);
     return $attributes;
コード例 #16
  * Prepare subtotal and line-item detail content to send to PayPal
 function getLineItemDetails()
     global $order, $currencies, $order_totals, $order_total_modules;
     $optionsST = array();
     $optionsLI = array();
     $onetimeSum = 0;
     $onetimeTax = 0;
     $creditsApplied = 0;
     $creditsTax_applied = 0;
     $sumOfLineItems = 0;
     $sumOfLineTax = 0;
     // prepare subtotals
     for ($i = 0, $n = sizeof($order_totals); $i < $n; $i++) {
         if ($order_totals[$i]['code'] == 'ot_subtotal') {
             $optionsST['ITEMAMT'] = round($order_totals[$i]['value'], 2);
         if ($order_totals[$i]['code'] == 'ot_tax') {
             $optionsST['TAXAMT'] = round($order_totals[$i]['value'], 2);
         if ($order_totals[$i]['code'] == 'ot_shipping') {
             $optionsST['SHIPPINGAMT'] = round($order_totals[$i]['value'], 2);
         if ($order_totals[$i]['code'] == 'ot_total') {
             $optionsST['AMT'] = round($order_totals[$i]['value'], 2);
         $optionsST['HANDLINGAMT'] = 0;
         global ${$order_totals[$i]['code']};
         if (isset(${$order_totals[$i]['code']}->credit_class) && ${$order_totals[$i]['code']}->credit_class == true) {
             $creditsApplied += round($order_totals[$i]['value'], 2);
         // treat all other OT's as if they're related to handling fees
         if (!in_array($order_totals[$i]['code'], array('ot_total', 'ot_subtotal', 'ot_tax', 'ot_shipping')) && !(isset(${$order_totals[$i]['code']}->credit_class) && ${$order_totals[$i]['code']}->credit_class == true)) {
             $optionsST['HANDLINGAMT'] += $order_totals[$i]['value'];
     // Move shipping tax amount from Tax subtotal into Shipping subtotal for submission to PayPal
     $module = substr($_SESSION['shipping']['id'], 0, strpos($_SESSION['shipping']['id'], '_'));
     if (zen_not_null($order->info['shipping_method'])) {
         if ($GLOBALS[$module]->tax_class > 0) {
             $shipping_tax_basis = !isset($GLOBALS[$module]->tax_basis) ? STORE_SHIPPING_TAX_BASIS : $GLOBALS[$module]->tax_basis;
             $shippingOnBilling = zen_get_tax_rate($GLOBALS[$module]->tax_class, $order->billing['country']['id'], $order->billing['zone_id']);
             $shippingOnDelivery = zen_get_tax_rate($GLOBALS[$module]->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']);
             if ($shipping_tax_basis == 'Billing') {
                 $shipping_tax = $shippingOnBilling;
             } elseif ($shipping_tax_basis == 'Shipping') {
                 $shipping_tax = $shippingOnDelivery;
             } else {
                 if (STORE_ZONE == $order->billing['zone_id']) {
                     $shipping_tax = $shippingOnBilling;
                 } elseif (STORE_ZONE == $order->delivery['zone_id']) {
                     $shipping_tax = $shippingOnDelivery;
                 } else {
                     $shipping_tax = 0;
             $taxAdjustmentForShipping = zen_calculate_tax($order->info['shipping_cost'], $shipping_tax);
             $optionsST['SHIPPINGAMT'] += $taxAdjustmentForShipping;
             $optionsST['TAXAMT'] -= $taxAdjustmentForShipping;
     // loop thru all products to display quantity and price. Appends *** if out-of-stock.
     for ($i = 0, $n = sizeof($order->products), $k = 0; $i < $n; $i++, $k++) {
         $optionsLI["L_NUMBER{$k}"] = $order->products[$i]['model'];
         $optionsLI["L_QTY{$k}"] = (int) $order->products[$i]['qty'];
         $optionsLI["L_NAME{$k}"] = $order->products[$i]['name'];
         $optionsLI["L_NAME{$k}"] .= zen_get_products_stock($order->products[$i]['id']) - $order->products[$i]['qty'] < 0 ? STOCK_MARK_PRODUCT_OUT_OF_STOCK : '';
         // if there are attributes, loop thru them and add to description
         if (isset($order->products[$i]['attributes']) && sizeof($order->products[$i]['attributes']) > 0) {
             for ($j = 0, $n2 = sizeof($order->products[$i]['attributes']); $j < $n2; $j++) {
                 $optionsLI["L_NAME{$k}"] .= "\n " . $order->products[$i]['attributes'][$j]['option'] . ': ' . $order->products[$i]['attributes'][$j]['value'];
             // end loop
         // endif attribute-info
         $optionsLI["L_AMT{$k}"] = $order->products[$i]['final_price'];
         $optionsLI["L_TAXAMT{$k}"] = zen_calculate_tax($order->products[$i]['final_price'], $order->products[$i]['tax']);
         // track one-time charges
         if ($order->products[$i]['onetime_charges'] != 0) {
             $onetimeSum += $order->products[$i]['onetime_charges'];
             $onetimeTax += zen_calculate_tax($order->products[$i]['onetime_charges'], $order->products[$i]['tax']);
         // Replace & and = with * if found.
         $optionsLI["L_NAME{$k}"] = str_replace(array('&', '='), '*', $optionsLI["L_NAME{$k}"]);
         $optionsLI["L_NAME{$k}"] = zen_clean_html($optionsLI["L_NAME{$k}"], 'strong');
         // reformat properly
         $optionsLI["L_NUMBER{$k}"] = substr($optionsLI["L_NUMBER{$k}"], 0, 127);
         $optionsLI["L_NAME{$k}"] = substr($optionsLI["L_NAME{$k}"], 0, 127);
         $optionsLI["L_AMT{$k}"] = $optionsLI["L_AMT{$k}"];
         $optionsLI["L_TAXAMT{$k}"] = round($optionsLI["L_TAXAMT{$k}"], 2);
     // end for loopthru all products
     if ($onetimeSum > 0) {
         $optionsLI["L_NUMBER{$k}"] = $k;
         $optionsLI["L_NAME{$k}"] = 'One-Time Charges';
         $optionsLI["L_AMT{$k}"] = $onetimeSum;
         $optionsLI["L_TAXAMT{$k}"] = $onetimeTax;
         $optionsLI["L_QTY{$k}"] = 1;
     // handle discounts such as gift certificates and coupons
     if ($creditsApplied > 0) {
         $optionsST['HANDLINGAMT'] -= $creditsApplied;
     // add all one-time charges
     $optionsST['ITEMAMT'] += $onetimeSum;
     //ensure things are not negative
     $optionsST['HANDLINGAMT'] = abs(strval($optionsST['HANDLINGAMT']));
     // ensure all numbers are non-negative
     if (is_array($optionsST)) {
         foreach ($optionsST as $key => $value) {
             $optionsST[$key] = abs(strval($value));
     if (is_array($optionsLI)) {
         foreach ($optionsLI as $key => $value) {
             if (strstr($key, 'AMT')) {
                 $optionsLI[$key] = abs(strval($value));
     // subtotals have to add up to AMT
     // Thus, if there is a discrepancy, make adjustment to HANDLINGAMT:
     $st = $optionsST['ITEMAMT'] + $optionsST['TAXAMT'] + $optionsST['SHIPPINGAMT'] + $optionsST['HANDLINGAMT'];
     if ($st != $optionsST['AMT']) {
         $optionsST['HANDLINGAMT'] += strval($optionsST['AMT'] - $st);
     /*  //PayPal API spec contradicts itself ... and apparently neither of these "requirements" are enforced. 
         //Thus skipping this section for now:
         // according to API specs, these cannot be set if they contain zero values, so unset if they are zero:
         if ($optionsST['TAXAMT'] == 0)      unset($optionsST['TAXAMT']);
         if ($optionsST['SHIPPINGAMT'] == 0) unset($optionsST['SHIPPINGAMT']);
         if ($optionsST['HANDLINGAMT'] == 0) unset($optionsST['HANDLINGAMT']);
         // set missing subtotals if they are zero values, since all must be submitted
         if (!isset($optionsST['TAXAMT']))      $optionsST['TAXAMT'] = 0;
         if (!isset($optionsST['SHIPPINGAMT'])) $optionsST['SHIPPINGAMT'] = 0;
         if (!isset($optionsST['HANDLINGAMT'])) $optionsST['HANDLINGAMT'] = 0;
     // Since the PayPal spec cannot handle mathematically mismatched values caused by one-time charges,
     // must drop line-item details if any one-time charges apply to this order:
     // if there are any discounts in this order, do NOT supply line-item details
     if ($onetimeSum > 0) {
         $optionsLI = array();
     // Do sanity check -- if any of the line-item subtotal math doesn't add up properly, skip line-item details,
     // so that the order can go through even though PayPal isn't being flexible to handle Zen Cart's diversity
     for ($j = 0; $j < $k; $j++) {
         $itemAMT = $optionsLI["L_AMT{$j}"];
         $itemTAX = $optionsLI["L_TAXAMT{$j}"];
         $itemQTY = $optionsLI["L_QTY{$j}"];
         $sumOfLineItems += $itemQTY * $itemAMT;
         $sumOfLineTax += round($itemQTY * $itemTAX, 2);
     if ((double) $optionsST['ITEMAMT'] != (double) strval($sumOfLineItems)) {
         $optionsLI = array();
         $this->zcLog('getLineItemDetails 1', 'Order Subtotal does not match sum of line-item prices. Line-item-details skipped.' . "\n" . (double) $optionsST['ITEMAMT'] . ' ' . (double) $sumOfLineItems);
         //die('ITEMAMT != $sumOfLineItems ' . $optionsST['ITEMAMT'] . ' ' . $sumOfLineItems);
     if ((double) $optionsST['TAXAMT'] != (double) strval($sumOfLineTax)) {
         $optionsLI = array();
         $this->zcLog('getLineItemDetails 2', 'Tax Subtotal does not match sum of taxes for line-items. Line-item-details skipped.' . "\n" . $optionsST['TAXAMT'] . ' ' . $sumOfLineTax);
         //die('TAXAMT != $sumofLineTax ' . $optionsST['TAXAMT'] . ' ' . $sumOfLineTax);
     $this->zcLog('getLineItemDetails 3', 'LineItemDetails: ' . "\n" . ($creditsApplied ? 'Credits apply to this order, so all line-item details are NOT being submitted. Thus, the following data is REDUNDANT' . "\n" : '') . 'Details:' . print_r(array_merge($optionsST, $optionsLI), true) . "\n\n" . 'DEFAULT_CURRENCY = ' . DEFAULT_CURRENCY . "\nSESSION['currency'] = " . $_SESSION['currency'] . "\n" . "order->info['currency'] = " . $order->info['currency'] . "\n\$currencies->currencies[\$_SESSION['currency']]['value'] = " . $currencies->currencies[$_SESSION['currency']]['value'] . "\n" . print_r($currencies, true));
     // if not default currency, do not send subtotals or line-item details
     if (DEFAULT_CURRENCY != $order->info['currency']) {
         $this->zcLog('getLineItemDetails 4', 'Not using default currency. Thus, no line-item details can be submitted.');
         return array();
     if ($currencies->currencies[$_SESSION['currency']]['value'] != 1) {
         $this->zcLog('getLineItemDetails 5', 'currency val not equal to 1.0000 - cannot proceed without coping with currency conversions. Aborting line-item details.');
         return array();
     // if there are any discounts in this order, do not supply subtotals or line-item details
     if (strval($creditsApplied) > 0) {
         return array();
     //$this->zcLog('getLineItemDetails 6', 'no credits - okay');
     // if subtotals are not adding up correctly, then skip sending any line-item or subtotal details to PayPal
     $st = round(strval($optionsST['ITEMAMT'] + $optionsST['TAXAMT'] + $optionsST['SHIPPINGAMT'] + $optionsST['HANDLINGAMT']), 2);
     $stDiff = strval($optionsST['AMT'] - $st);
     $stDiffRounded = strval(abs($st) - abs(round($optionsST['AMT'], 2)));
     // tidy up all values so that they comply with proper format (number_format(xxxx,2) for PayPal US use )
         if (is_array($optionsST)) {
             foreach ($optionsST as $key => $value) {
                 $optionsST[$key] = number_format(abs($value), 2);
         if (is_array($optionsLI)) {
             foreach ($optionsLI as $key => $value) {
                 if (strstr($key, 'AMT')) {
                     $optionsLI[$key] = number_format(abs($value), 2);
     $this->zcLog('getLineItemDetails 7', 'checking subtotals... ' . "\nitemamt: " . $optionsST['ITEMAMT'] . "\ntaxamt: " . $optionsST['TAXAMT'] . "\nshippingamt: " . $optionsST['SHIPPINGAMT'] . "\nhandlingamt: " . $optionsST['HANDLINGAMT'] . "\n-------------------\nsubtotal: " . number_format($st, 2) . "\nAMT: " . $optionsST['AMT'] . "\n-------------------\ndifference: " . $stDiff . '  (abs+rounded: ' . $stDiffRounded . ')');
     if ($stDiffRounded != 0) {
         return array();
     //die('bad subtotals'); //return array();
     $this->zcLog('getLineItemDetails 8', 'subtotals balance - okay');
     if (abs($optionsST['HANDLINGAMT']) == 0) {
     // Send Subtotal and LineItem results back to be submitted to PayPal
     return array_merge($optionsST, $optionsLI);
コード例 #17
  * Prepare subtotal and line-item detail content to send to PayPal
 function getLineItemDetails($restrictedCurrency)
     global $order, $currencies, $order_totals, $order_total_modules;
     // if not default currency, do not send subtotals or line-item details
     if (DEFAULT_CURRENCY != $order->info['currency'] || $restrictedCurrency != DEFAULT_CURRENCY) {
         $this->zcLog('getLineItemDetails 1', 'Not using default currency. Thus, no line-item details can be submitted.');
         return array();
     if ($currencies->currencies[$_SESSION['currency']]['value'] != 1 || $currencies->currencies[$order->info['currency']]['value'] != 1) {
         $this->zcLog('getLineItemDetails 2', 'currency val not equal to 1.0000 - cannot proceed without coping with currency conversions. Aborting line-item details.');
         return array();
     $optionsST = array();
     $optionsLI = array();
     $optionsNB = array();
     $numberOfLineItemsProcessed = 0;
     $creditsApplied = 0;
     $surcharges = 0;
     $sumOfLineItems = 0;
     $sumOfLineTax = 0;
     $optionsST['AMT'] = 0;
     $optionsST['ITEMAMT'] = 0;
     $optionsST['TAXAMT'] = 0;
     $optionsST['SHIPPINGAMT'] = 0;
     $optionsST['SHIPDISCAMT'] = 0;
     $optionsST['HANDLINGAMT'] = 0;
     $optionsST['INSURANCEAMT'] = 0;
     $flagSubtotalsUnknownYet = true;
     $subTotalLI = 0;
     $subTotalTax = 0;
     $subTotalShipping = 0;
     $subtotalPRE = array('no data');
     $discountProblemsFlag = FALSE;
     $flag_treat_as_partial = FALSE;
     if (sizeof($order_totals)) {
         // prepare subtotals
         for ($i = 0, $n = sizeof($order_totals); $i < $n; $i++) {
             if ($order_totals[$i]['code'] == '') {
             if (in_array($order_totals[$i]['code'], array('ot_total', 'ot_subtotal', 'ot_tax', 'ot_shipping')) || strstr($order_totals[$i]['code'], 'insurance')) {
                 if ($order_totals[$i]['code'] == 'ot_shipping') {
                     $optionsST['SHIPPINGAMT'] = round($order_totals[$i]['value'], 2);
                 if ($order_totals[$i]['code'] == 'ot_total') {
                     $optionsST['AMT'] = round($order_totals[$i]['value'], 2);
                 if ($order_totals[$i]['code'] == 'ot_tax') {
                     $optionsST['TAXAMT'] = round($order_totals[$i]['value'], 2);
                 if ($order_totals[$i]['code'] == 'ot_subtotal') {
                     $optionsST['ITEMAMT'] = round($order_totals[$i]['value'], 2);
                 if (strstr($order_totals[$i]['code'], 'insurance')) {
                     $optionsST['INSURANCEAMT'] += round($order_totals[$i]['value'], 2);
                 //$optionsST['SHIPDISCAMT'] = '';  // Not applicable
             } else {
                 // handle other order totals:
                 global ${$order_totals[$i]['code']};
                 if (substr($order_totals[$i]['text'], 0, 1) == '-' || isset(${$order_totals[$i]['code']}->credit_class) && ${$order_totals[$i]['code']}->credit_class == true) {
                     // handle credits
                     $creditsApplied += round($order_totals[$i]['value'], 2);
                 } else {
                     // treat all other OT's as if they're related to handling fees or other extra charges to be added/included
                     $surcharges += $order_totals[$i]['value'];
         if ($creditsApplied > 0) {
             $optionsST['ITEMAMT'] -= $creditsApplied;
         if ($surcharges > 0) {
             $optionsST['ITEMAMT'] += $surcharges;
         // Handle tax-included scenario
         if (DISPLAY_PRICE_WITH_TAX == 'true') {
             $optionsST['TAXAMT'] = 0;
         $subtotalPRE = $optionsST;
         // Move shipping tax amount from Tax subtotal into Shipping subtotal for submission to PayPal, since PayPal applies tax to each line-item individually
         $module = substr($_SESSION['shipping']['id'], 0, strpos($_SESSION['shipping']['id'], '_'));
         if (zen_not_null($order->info['shipping_method']) && DISPLAY_PRICE_WITH_TAX != 'true') {
             if ($GLOBALS[$module]->tax_class > 0) {
                 $shipping_tax_basis = !isset($GLOBALS[$module]->tax_basis) ? STORE_SHIPPING_TAX_BASIS : $GLOBALS[$module]->tax_basis;
                 $shippingOnBilling = zen_get_tax_rate($GLOBALS[$module]->tax_class, $order->billing['country']['id'], $order->billing['zone_id']);
                 $shippingOnDelivery = zen_get_tax_rate($GLOBALS[$module]->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']);
                 if ($shipping_tax_basis == 'Billing') {
                     $shipping_tax = $shippingOnBilling;
                 } elseif ($shipping_tax_basis == 'Shipping') {
                     $shipping_tax = $shippingOnDelivery;
                 } else {
                     if (STORE_ZONE == $order->billing['zone_id']) {
                         $shipping_tax = $shippingOnBilling;
                     } elseif (STORE_ZONE == $order->delivery['zone_id']) {
                         $shipping_tax = $shippingOnDelivery;
                     } else {
                         $shipping_tax = 0;
                 $taxAdjustmentForShipping = zen_round(zen_calculate_tax($order->info['shipping_cost'], $shipping_tax), $currencies->currencies[$_SESSION['currency']]['decimal_places']);
                 $optionsST['SHIPPINGAMT'] += $taxAdjustmentForShipping;
                 $optionsST['TAXAMT'] -= $taxAdjustmentForShipping;
         $flagSubtotalsUnknownYet = $optionsST['SHIPPINGAMT'] + $optionsST['SHIPDISCAMT'] + $optionsST['AMT'] + $optionsST['TAXAMT'] + $optionsST['ITEMAMT'] + $optionsST['INSURANCEAMT'] == 0;
     } else {
         // if we get here, we don't have any order-total information yet because the customer has clicked Express before starting normal checkout flow
         // thus, we must make a note to manually calculate subtotals, rather than relying on the more robust order-total infrastructure
         $flagSubtotalsUnknownYet = TRUE;
     // loop thru all products to prepare details of quantity and price.
     for ($i = 0, $n = sizeof($order->products), $k = 0; $i < $n; $i++, $k++) {
         // PayPal won't accept zero-value line-items, so skip this entry if price is zero
         if ($order->products[$i]['final_price'] == 0) {
         $optionsLI["L_NUMBER{$k}"] = $order->products[$i]['model'];
         $optionsLI["L_NAME{$k}"] = $order->products[$i]['name'];
         // Append *** if out-of-stock.
         $optionsLI["L_NAME{$k}"] .= zen_get_products_stock($order->products[$i]['id']) - $order->products[$i]['qty'] < 0 ? STOCK_MARK_PRODUCT_OUT_OF_STOCK : '';
         // if there are attributes, loop thru them and add to description
         if (isset($order->products[$i]['attributes']) && sizeof($order->products[$i]['attributes']) > 0) {
             $optionsLI["L_DESC{$k}"] = '';
             for ($j = 0, $n2 = sizeof($order->products[$i]['attributes']); $j < $n2; $j++) {
                 $optionsLI["L_DESC{$k}"] .= "\n " . $order->products[$i]['attributes'][$j]['option'] . ': ' . $order->products[$i]['attributes'][$j]['value'];
             // end loop
         // endif attribute-info
         // check for rounding problems with taxes
         $m1 = zen_round($order->products[$i]['qty'] * $order->products[$i]['final_price'], $currencies->currencies[$_SESSION['currency']]['decimal_places']);
         $m2 = $order->products[$i]['qty'] * zen_round($order->products[$i]['final_price'], $currencies->currencies[$_SESSION['currency']]['decimal_places']);
         $n1 = $order->products[$i]['qty'] * zen_calculate_tax($order->products[$i]['final_price'], $order->products[$i]['tax']);
         $n2 = zen_calculate_tax($order->products[$i]['qty'] * $order->products[$i]['final_price'], $order->products[$i]['tax']);
         if ($m1 != $m2 || zen_round($n1, $currencies->currencies[$_SESSION['currency']]['decimal_places']) != zen_round($n2, $currencies->currencies[$_SESSION['currency']]['decimal_places'])) {
             $flag_treat_as_partial = true;
         // PayPal can't handle partial-quantity values, so fudge it here
         if ($flag_treat_as_partial || $order->products[$i]['qty'] != (int) $order->products[$i]['qty']) {
             $optionsLI["L_NAME{$k}"] = '(' . $order->products[$i]['qty'] . ' x ) ' . $optionsLI["L_NAME{$k}"];
             $optionsLI["L_AMT{$k}"] = zen_round($order->products[$i]['qty'] * $order->products[$i]['final_price'], $currencies->currencies[$_SESSION['currency']]['decimal_places']);
             $optionsLI["L_TAXAMT{$k}"] = zen_calculate_tax(zen_round($order->products[$i]['qty'] * $order->products[$i]['final_price'], $currencies->currencies[$_SESSION['currency']]['decimal_places']), $order->products[$i]['tax']);
             $optionsLI["L_QTY{$k}"] = 1;
         } else {
             $optionsLI["L_AMT{$k}"] = $order->products[$i]['final_price'];
             $optionsLI["L_QTY{$k}"] = $order->products[$i]['qty'];
             $optionsLI["L_TAXAMT{$k}"] = zen_calculate_tax(1 * $order->products[$i]['final_price'], $order->products[$i]['tax']);
         // For tax-included pricing, combine tax with price instead of treating separately:
         if (DISPLAY_PRICE_WITH_TAX == 'true') {
             $optionsLI["L_AMT{$k}"] += $optionsLI["L_TAXAMT{$k}"];
             $optionsLI["L_TAXAMT{$k}"] = 0;
         $subTotalLI += $optionsLI["L_QTY{$k}"] * $optionsLI["L_AMT{$k}"];
         $subTotalTax += $optionsLI["L_QTY{$k}"] * $optionsLI["L_TAXAMT{$k}"];
         // add line-item for one-time charges on this product
         if ($order->products[$i]['onetime_charges'] != 0) {
             $optionsLI["L_NAME{$k}"] = MODULES_PAYMENT_PAYPALWPP_LINEITEM_TEXT_ONETIME_CHARGES_PREFIX . substr(htmlentities($order->products[$i]['name'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 0, 120);
             $optionsLI["L_AMT{$k}"] = $order->products[$i]['onetime_charges'];
             $optionsLI["L_QTY{$k}"] = 1;
             $optionsLI["L_TAXAMT{$k}"] = zen_calculate_tax($order->products[$i]['onetime_charges'], $order->products[$i]['tax']);
             $subTotalLI += $order->products[$i]['onetime_charges'];
             $subTotalTax += $optionsLI["L_TAXAMT{$k}"];
         $numberOfLineItemsProcessed = $k;
     // end for loopthru all products
     // add line items for any surcharges added by order-total modules
     if ($surcharges > 0) {
         $k = $numberOfLineItemsProcessed;
         $optionsLI["L_AMT{$k}"] = $surcharges;
         $optionsLI["L_QTY{$k}"] = 1;
         $subTotalLI += $surcharges;
     // add line items for discounts such as gift certificates and coupons
     if ($creditsApplied > 0) {
         $k = $numberOfLineItemsProcessed;
         $optionsLI["L_AMT{$k}"] = -1 * $creditsApplied;
         $optionsLI["L_QTY{$k}"] = 1;
         $subTotalLI -= $creditsApplied;
     // Reformat properly
     for ($k = 0, $n = $numberOfLineItemsProcessed + 1; $k < $n; $k++) {
         // Replace & and = and % with * if found.
         $optionsLI["L_NAME{$k}"] = str_replace(array('&', '=', '%'), '*', $optionsLI["L_NAME{$k}"]);
         if (isset($optionsLI["L_DESC{$k}"])) {
             $optionsLI["L_DESC{$k}"] = str_replace(array('&', '=', '%'), '*', $optionsLI["L_DESC{$k}"]);
         if (isset($optionsLI["L_NUMBER{$k}"])) {
             $optionsLI["L_NUMBER{$k}"] = str_replace(array('&', '=', '%'), '*', $optionsLI["L_NUMBER{$k}"]);
         // Remove HTML markup if found
         $optionsLI["L_NAME{$k}"] = zen_clean_html($optionsLI["L_NAME{$k}"], 'strong');
         if (isset($optionsLI["L_DESC{$k}"])) {
             $optionsLI["L_DESC{$k}"] = zen_clean_html($optionsLI["L_DESC{$k}"], 'strong');
         // reformat properly according to API specs
         $optionsLI["L_NAME{$k}"] = substr($optionsLI["L_NAME{$k}"], 0, 127);
         if (isset($optionsLI["L_NUMBER{$k}"])) {
             $optionsLI["L_NUMBER{$k}"] = substr($optionsLI["L_NUMBER{$k}"], 0, 127);
         if (isset($optionsLI["L_DESC{$k}"]) && $optionsLI["L_DESC{$k}"] == '') {
         if (isset($optionsLI["L_DESC{$k}"])) {
             $optionsLI["L_DESC{$k}"] = substr($optionsLI["L_DESC{$k}"], 0, 127);
         if (isset($optionsLI["L_TAXAMT{$k}"]) && ($optionsLI["L_TAXAMT{$k}"] != '' || $optionsLI["L_TAXAMT{$k}"] > 0)) {
             $optionsLI["L_TAXAMT{$k}"] = round($optionsLI["L_TAXAMT{$k}"], 2);
      * PayPal says their math works like this:
      * a) ITEMAMT = L_AMTn * L_QTYn
      * b) TAXAMT = L_QTYn * L_TAXAMTn
     // Sanity Check of line-item subtotals
     for ($j = 0; $j < $k; $j++) {
         $itemAMT = $optionsLI["L_AMT{$j}"];
         $itemQTY = $optionsLI["L_QTY{$j}"];
         $itemTAX = isset($optionsLI["L_TAXAMT{$j}"]) ? $optionsLI["L_TAXAMT{$j}"] : 0;
         $sumOfLineItems += $itemQTY * $itemAMT;
         $sumOfLineTax += $itemQTY * $itemTAX;
     $sumOfLineItems = round($sumOfLineItems, 2);
     $sumOfLineTax = round($sumOfLineTax, 2);
     if ($sumOfLineItems == 0) {
         $sumOfLineTax = 0;
         $optionsLI = array();
         $discountProblemsFlag = TRUE;
         if ($optionsST['SHIPPINGAMT'] == $optionsST['AMT']) {
             $optionsST['SHIPPINGAMT'] = 0;
     // Sanity check -- if tax-included pricing is causing problems, remove the numbers and put them in a comment instead:
     $stDiffTaxOnly = strval($sumOfLineItems - $sumOfLineTax - round($optionsST['AMT'], 2)) + 0;
     if (DISPLAY_PRICE_WITH_TAX == 'true' && $stDiffTaxOnly == 0) {
         $optionsNB['DESC'] = 'Tax included in prices: ' . $sumOfLineTax . ' (' . $optionsST['TAXAMT'] . ') ';
         $optionsST['TAXAMT'] = 0;
         for ($k = 0, $n = $numberOfLineItemsProcessed + 1; $k < $n; $k++) {
             if (isset($optionsLI["L_TAXAMT{$k}"])) {
     // Do sanity check -- if any of the line-item subtotal math doesn't add up properly, skip line-item details,
     // so that the order can go through even though PayPal isn't being flexible to handle Zen Cart's diversity
     if (strval($subTotalTax) - strval($sumOfLineTax) > 0.02) {
         $this->zcLog('getLineItemDetails 3', 'Tax Subtotal does not match sum of taxes for line-items. Tax details are being removed from line-item submission data.' . "\n" . $sumOfLineTax . ' ' . $subTotalTax . print_r(array_merge($optionsST, $optionsLI), true));
         for ($k = 0, $n = $numberOfLineItemsProcessed + 1; $k < $n; $k++) {
             if (isset($optionsLI["L_TAXAMT{$k}"])) {
         $subTotalTax = 0;
         $sumOfLineTax = 0;
     // If coupons exist and there's a calculation problem, then it's likely that taxes are incorrect, so reset L_TAXAMTn values
     if ($creditsApplied > 0 && strval($optionsST['TAXAMT']) != strval($sumOfLineTax)) {
         $pre = $optionsLI;
         for ($k = 0, $n = $numberOfLineItemsProcessed + 1; $k < $n; $k++) {
             if (isset($optionsLI["L_TAXAMT{$k}"])) {
         $this->zcLog('getLineItemDetails 4', 'Coupons/Discounts have affected tax calculations, so tax details are being removed from line-item submission data.' . "\n" . $sumOfLineTax . ' ' . $optionsST['TAXAMT'] . "\n" . print_r(array_merge($optionsST, $pre, $optionsNB), true) . "\nAFTER:" . print_r(array_merge($optionsST, $optionsLI, $optionsNB), TRUE));
         $subTotalTax = 0;
         $sumOfLineTax = 0;
     if (TRUE) {
         // disable line-item tax details, leaving only TAXAMT subtotal as tax indicator
         for ($k = 0, $n = $numberOfLineItemsProcessed + 1; $k < $n; $k++) {
             if (isset($optionsLI["L_TAXAMT{$k}"])) {
     // check subtotals
     if (strval($optionsST['ITEMAMT']) > 0 && strval($subTotalLI) > 0 && strval($subTotalLI) != strval($optionsST['ITEMAMT']) || strval($subTotalLI) - strval($sumOfLineItems) != 0) {
         $this->zcLog('getLineItemDetails 5', 'Line-item subtotals do not add up properly. Line-item-details skipped.' . "\n" . (double) $sumOfLineItems . ' ' . (double) $subTotalTax . print_r(array_merge($optionsST, $optionsLI), true));
         $optionsLI = array();
     // check whether discounts are causing a problem
     if (strval($optionsST['ITEMAMT']) < 0) {
         $pre = array_merge($optionsST, $optionsLI);
         $optionsLI = array();
         $optionsST['ITEMAMT'] = $optionsST['AMT'];
         if ($optionsST['AMT'] < $optionsST['TAXAMT']) {
             $optionsST['TAXAMT'] = 0;
         if ($optionsST['AMT'] < $optionsST['SHIPPINGAMT']) {
             $optionsST['SHIPPINGAMT'] = 0;
         $discountProblemsFlag = TRUE;
         $this->zcLog('getLineItemDetails 6', 'Discounts have caused the subtotal to calculate incorrectly. Line-item-details cannot be submitted.' . "\nBefore:" . print_r($pre, TRUE) . "\nAfter:" . print_r(array_merge($optionsST, $optionsLI), true));
     // if AMT or ITEMAMT values are 0 (ie: certain OT modules disabled) or we've started express checkout without going through normal checkout flow, we have to get subtotals manually
     if ((!isset($optionsST['AMT']) || $optionsST['AMT'] == 0 || $flagSubtotalsUnknownYet == TRUE || $optionsST['ITEMAMT'] == 0) && $discountProblemsFlag != TRUE) {
         $optionsST['ITEMAMT'] = $sumOfLineItems;
         $optionsST['TAXAMT'] = $sumOfLineTax;
         if ($subTotalShipping > 0) {
             $optionsST['SHIPPINGAMT'] = $subTotalShipping;
         $optionsST['AMT'] = $sumOfLineItems + $optionsST['TAXAMT'] + $optionsST['SHIPPINGAMT'];
     $this->zcLog('getLineItemDetails 7 - subtotal comparisons', 'BEFORE line-item calcs: ' . print_r($subtotalPRE, true) . ($flagSubtotalsUnknownYet == TRUE ? 'Subtotals Unknown Yet' : '') . ' - AFTER doing line-item calcs: ' . print_r(array_merge($optionsST, $optionsLI, $optionsNB), true));
     // if subtotals are not adding up correctly, then skip sending any line-item or subtotal details to PayPal
     $stAll = round(strval($optionsST['ITEMAMT'] + $optionsST['TAXAMT'] + $optionsST['SHIPPINGAMT'] + $optionsST['SHIPDISCAMT'] + $optionsST['HANDLINGAMT'] + $optionsST['INSURANCEAMT']), 2);
     $stDiff = strval($optionsST['AMT'] - $stAll);
     $stDiffRounded = strval($stAll - round($optionsST['AMT'], 2)) + 0;
     // unset any subtotal values that are zero
     if (isset($optionsST['ITEMAMT']) && $optionsST['ITEMAMT'] == 0) {
     if (isset($optionsST['TAXAMT']) && $optionsST['TAXAMT'] == 0) {
     if (isset($optionsST['SHIPPINGAMT']) && $optionsST['SHIPPINGAMT'] == 0) {
     if (isset($optionsST['SHIPDISCAMT']) && $optionsST['SHIPDISCAMT'] == 0) {
     if (isset($optionsST['HANDLINGAMT']) && $optionsST['HANDLINGAMT'] == 0) {
     if (isset($optionsST['INSURANCEAMT']) && $optionsST['INSURANCEAMT'] == 0) {
     // tidy up all values so that they comply with proper format (number_format(xxxx,2) for PayPal US use )
     if (!defined('PAYPALWPP_SKIP_LINE_ITEM_DETAIL_FORMATTING') || PAYPALWPP_SKIP_LINE_ITEM_DETAIL_FORMATTING != 'true' || in_array($order->info['currency'], array('JPY', 'NOK'))) {
         if (is_array($optionsST)) {
             foreach ($optionsST as $key => $value) {
                 $optionsST[$key] = number_format($value, $order->info['currency'] == 'JPY' ? 0 : 2);
         if (is_array($optionsLI)) {
             foreach ($optionsLI as $key => $value) {
                 if (substr($key, 0, 8) == 'L_TAXAMT' && ($optionsLI[$key] == '' || $optionsLI[$key] == 0)) {
                 } else {
                     if (strstr($key, 'AMT')) {
                         $optionsLI[$key] = number_format($value, $order->info['currency'] == 'JPY' ? 0 : 2);
     $this->zcLog('getLineItemDetails 8', 'checking subtotals... ' . "\n" . print_r(array_merge(array('calculated total' => number_format($stAll, $order->info['currency'] == 'JPY' ? 0 : 2)), $optionsST), true) . "\n-------------------\ndifference: " . ($stDiff + 0) . '  (abs+rounded: ' . ($stDiffRounded + 0) . ')');
     if ($stDiffRounded != 0) {
         $this->zcLog('getLineItemDetails 9', 'Subtotals Bad. Skipping line-item/subtotal details');
         return array();
     $this->zcLog('getLineItemDetails 10', 'subtotals balance - okay');
     // Send Subtotal and LineItem results back to be submitted to PayPal
     return array_merge($optionsST, $optionsLI, $optionsNB);
コード例 #18
ファイル: header_php.php プロジェクト: happyxlq/lt_svn
            $attrArray[$option]['options_values_price'] = $attributes_values->fields['options_values_price'];
            $attrArray[$option]['price_prefix'] = $attributes_values->fields['price_prefix'];
    //end foreach [attributes]
    if (STOCK_CHECK == 'true') {
        $flagStockCheck = zen_check_stock($products[$i]['id'], $products[$i]['quantity']);
        if ($flagStockCheck == true) {
            $flagAnyOutOfStock = true;
    $linkProductsImage = zen_href_link(zen_get_info_page($products[$i]['id']), 'products_id=' . $products[$i]['id']);
    $linkProductsName = zen_href_link(zen_get_info_page($products[$i]['id']), 'products_id=' . $products[$i]['id']);
    $productsImage = IMAGE_SHOPPING_CART_STATUS == 1 ? zen_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $products[$i]['image'], $products[$i]['name'], IMAGE_SHOPPING_CART_WIDTH, IMAGE_SHOPPING_CART_HEIGHT) : '';
    $show_products_quantity_max = zen_get_products_quantity_order_max($products[$i]['id']);
    $showFixedQuantity = ($show_products_quantity_max == 1 or zen_get_products_qty_box_status($products[$i]['id']) == 0) ? true : false;
    //  $showFixedQuantityAmount = $products[$i]['quantity'] . zen_draw_hidden_field('products_id[]', $products[$i]['id']) . zen_draw_hidden_field('cart_quantity[]', 1);
    //  $showFixedQuantityAmount = $products[$i]['quantity'] . zen_draw_hidden_field('cart_quantity[]', 1);
    $showFixedQuantityAmount = $products[$i]['quantity'] . zen_draw_hidden_field('cart_quantity[]', $products[$i]['quantity']);
    $showMinUnits = zen_get_products_quantity_min_units_display($products[$i]['id']);
    $quantityField = zen_draw_input_field('cart_quantity[]', $products[$i]['quantity'], ' size="4"  onfocus="set_update_count(this);" onbeforepaste="clipboardData.setData(\'text\',clipboardData.getData(\'text\').replace(/[^\\d]/g,\'\'));update_count(this);" onkeyup="value=value.replace(/[^\\d]/g,\'\');update_count(this);" class="check_input_num" id="cart_quantity[]"');
    $buttonUpdate = ((SHOW_SHOPPING_CART_UPDATE == 1 or SHOW_SHOPPING_CART_UPDATE == 3) ? zen_image_submit(ICON_IMAGE_UPDATE, ICON_UPDATE_ALT) : '') . zen_draw_hidden_field('products_id[]', $products[$i]['id']);
    $productsPrice = $currencies->display_price($products[$i]['final_price'], zen_get_tax_rate($products[$i]['tax_class_id']), $products[$i]['quantity']) . ($products[$i]['onetime_charges'] != 0 ? '<br />' . $currencies->display_price($products[$i]['onetime_charges'], zen_get_tax_rate($products[$i]['tax_class_id']), 1) : '');
    $productsPriceEach = $currencies->display_price($products[$i]['final_price'], zen_get_tax_rate($products[$i]['tax_class_id']), 1) . ($products[$i]['onetime_charges'] != 0 ? '<br />' . $currencies->display_price($products[$i]['onetime_charges'], zen_get_tax_rate($products[$i]['tax_class_id']), 1) : '');
    $productArray[$i] = array('attributeHiddenField' => $attributeHiddenField, 'flagStockCheck' => $flagStockCheck, 'flagShowFixedQuantity' => $showFixedQuantity, 'linkProductsImage' => $linkProductsImage, 'linkProductsName' => $linkProductsName, 'productsImage' => $productsImage, 'productsName' => $productsName, 'showFixedQuantity' => $showFixedQuantity, 'showFixedQuantityAmount' => $showFixedQuantityAmount, 'showMinUnits' => $showMinUnits, 'quantityField' => $quantityField, 'buttonUpdate' => $buttonUpdate, 'productsPrice' => $productsPrice, 'productsPriceEach' => $productsPriceEach, 'rowClass' => $rowClass, 'buttonDelete' => $buttonDelete, 'checkBoxDelete' => $checkBoxDelete, 'id' => $products[$i]['id'], 'attributes' => $attrArray);
// end FOR loop
$flag_disable_footer = TRUE;
$flag_disable_header = TRUE;
// This should be last line of the script:
コード例 #19
ファイル: table.php プロジェクト: kirkbauer2/kirkzc
  * Enter description here...
  * @param unknown_type $method
  * @return unknown
 function quote($method = '')
     global $order, $shipping_weight, $shipping_num_boxes, $total_count;
     // shipping adjustment
         case 'price':
             $order_total = $_SESSION['cart']->show_total() - $_SESSION['cart']->free_shipping_prices();
         case 'weight':
             $order_total = $shipping_weight;
         case 'item':
             $order_total = $total_count - $_SESSION['cart']->free_shipping_items();
     $order_total_amount = $_SESSION['cart']->show_total() - $_SESSION['cart']->free_shipping_prices();
     $table_cost = preg_split("/[:,]/", MODULE_SHIPPING_TABLE_COST);
     $size = sizeof($table_cost);
     for ($i = 0, $n = $size; $i < $n; $i += 2) {
         if (round($order_total, 9) <= $table_cost[$i]) {
             if (strstr($table_cost[$i + 1], '%')) {
                 $shipping = $table_cost[$i + 1] / 100 * $order_total_amount;
             } else {
                 $shipping = $table_cost[$i + 1];
     if (MODULE_SHIPPING_TABLE_MODE == 'weight') {
         $shipping = $shipping * $shipping_num_boxes;
         // show boxes if weight
             case 0:
                 $show_box_weight = '';
             case 1:
                 $show_box_weight = ' (' . $shipping_num_boxes . ' ' . TEXT_SHIPPING_BOXES . ')';
             case 2:
                 $show_box_weight = ' (' . number_format($shipping_weight * $shipping_num_boxes, 2) . TEXT_SHIPPING_WEIGHT . ')';
                 $show_box_weight = ' (' . $shipping_num_boxes . ' x ' . number_format($shipping_weight, 2) . TEXT_SHIPPING_WEIGHT . ')';
     $this->quotes = array('id' => $this->code, 'module' => MODULE_SHIPPING_TABLE_TEXT_TITLE . $show_box_weight, 'methods' => array(array('id' => $this->code, 'title' => MODULE_SHIPPING_TABLE_TEXT_WAY, 'cost' => $shipping + (MODULE_SHIPPING_TABLE_HANDLING_METHOD == 'Box' ? MODULE_SHIPPING_TABLE_HANDLING * $shipping_num_boxes : MODULE_SHIPPING_TABLE_HANDLING))));
     if ($this->tax_class > 0) {
         $this->quotes['tax'] = zen_get_tax_rate($this->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']);
     if (zen_not_null($this->icon)) {
         $this->quotes['icon'] = zen_image($this->icon, $this->title);
     return $this->quotes;
コード例 #20
ファイル: ot_shipping.php プロジェクト: kirkbauer2/kirkzc
 function ot_shipping()
     global $order, $currencies;
     $this->code = 'ot_shipping';
     $this->output = array();
             case 'national':
                 if ($order->delivery['country_id'] == STORE_COUNTRY) {
                     $pass = true;
             case 'international':
                 if ($order->delivery['country_id'] != STORE_COUNTRY) {
                     $pass = true;
             case 'both':
                 $pass = true;
                 $pass = false;
         if ($pass == true && $order->info['total'] - $order->info['shipping_cost'] >= MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_SHIPPING_FREE_SHIPPING_OVER) {
             $order->info['shipping_method'] = $this->title;
             $order->info['total'] -= $order->info['shipping_cost'];
             $order->info['shipping_cost'] = 0;
     $module = isset($_SESSION['shipping']) && isset($_SESSION['shipping']['id']) ? substr($_SESSION['shipping']['id'], 0, strpos($_SESSION['shipping']['id'], '_')) : '';
     if (is_object($order) && zen_not_null($order->info['shipping_method'])) {
         if ($GLOBALS[$module]->tax_class > 0) {
             if (!isset($GLOBALS[$module]->tax_basis)) {
                 $shipping_tax_basis = STORE_SHIPPING_TAX_BASIS;
             } else {
                 $shipping_tax_basis = $GLOBALS[$module]->tax_basis;
             if ($shipping_tax_basis == 'Billing') {
                 $shipping_tax = zen_get_tax_rate($GLOBALS[$module]->tax_class, $order->billing['country']['id'], $order->billing['zone_id']);
                 $shipping_tax_description = zen_get_tax_description($GLOBALS[$module]->tax_class, $order->billing['country']['id'], $order->billing['zone_id']);
             } elseif ($shipping_tax_basis == 'Shipping') {
                 $shipping_tax = zen_get_tax_rate($GLOBALS[$module]->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']);
                 $shipping_tax_description = zen_get_tax_description($GLOBALS[$module]->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']);
             } else {
                 if (STORE_ZONE == $order->billing['zone_id']) {
                     $shipping_tax = zen_get_tax_rate($GLOBALS[$module]->tax_class, $order->billing['country']['id'], $order->billing['zone_id']);
                     $shipping_tax_description = zen_get_tax_description($GLOBALS[$module]->tax_class, $order->billing['country']['id'], $order->billing['zone_id']);
                 } elseif (STORE_ZONE == $order->delivery['zone_id']) {
                     $shipping_tax = zen_get_tax_rate($GLOBALS[$module]->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']);
                     $shipping_tax_description = zen_get_tax_description($GLOBALS[$module]->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']);
                 } else {
                     $shipping_tax = 0;
             $shipping_tax_amount = zen_calculate_tax($order->info['shipping_cost'], $shipping_tax);
             $order->info['shipping_tax'] += $shipping_tax_amount;
             $order->info['tax'] += $shipping_tax_amount;
             $order->info['tax_groups']["{$shipping_tax_description}"] += zen_calculate_tax($order->info['shipping_cost'], $shipping_tax);
             $order->info['total'] += zen_calculate_tax($order->info['shipping_cost'], $shipping_tax);
             $_SESSION['shipping_tax_description'] = $shipping_tax_description;
             $_SESSION['shipping_tax_amount'] = $shipping_tax_amount;
             if (DISPLAY_PRICE_WITH_TAX == 'true') {
                 $order->info['shipping_cost'] += zen_calculate_tax($order->info['shipping_cost'], $shipping_tax);
         if ($_SESSION['shipping']['id'] == 'free_free') {
             $order->info['shipping_method'] = FREE_SHIPPING_TITLE;
             $order->info['shipping_cost'] = 0;
コード例 #21
  * Method to calculate cart totals(price and weight)
  * @return void
  * @global object access to the db object
 function calculate()
     global $db, $currencies;
     $this->total = 0;
     $this->weight = 0;
     $this->total_before_discounts = 0;
     $decimalPlaces = $currencies->get_decimal_places($_SESSION['currency']);
     // shipping adjustment
     $this->free_shipping_item = 0;
     $this->free_shipping_price = 0;
     $this->free_shipping_weight = 0;
     $this->download_count = 0;
     if (!is_array($this->contents)) {
         return 0;
     // By default, Price Factor is based on Price and is called from function zen_get_attributes_price_factor
     // Setting a define for ATTRIBUTES_PRICE_FACTOR_FROM_SPECIAL to 1 to calculate the Price Factor from Special rather than Price switches this to be based on Special, if it exists
     while (list($products_id, ) = each($this->contents)) {
         $total_before_discounts = 0;
         $freeShippingTotal = $productTotal = $totalOnetimeCharge = $totalOnetimeChargeNoDiscount = 0;
         $qty = $this->contents[$products_id]['qty'];
         // products price
         // Dual Pricing start
         $product_query = "select products_id, products_price, products_price_w, products_tax_class_id, products_weight,\n/* Dual Pricing end */\n                          products_priced_by_attribute, product_is_always_free_shipping, products_discount_type, products_discount_type_from,\n                          products_virtual, products_model\n                          from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . "\n                          where products_id = '" . (int) $products_id . "'";
         if ($product = $db->Execute($product_query)) {
             $prid = $product->fields['products_id'];
             $products_tax = zen_get_tax_rate($product->fields['products_tax_class_id']);
             // Dual Pricing start
             if ($_SESSION['customer_id']) {
                 $customers_id = $_SESSION['customer_id'];
                 $customer_check = $db->Execute("select * from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " where customers_id = '{$customers_id}'");
                 if ($customer_check->fields['customers_whole'] != "0") {
                     $i = $customer_check->fields['customers_whole'];
                     $products_price_array = $product->fields['products_price_w'];
                     $productsprice = explode("-", $products_price_array);
                     $products_price = (double) $productsprice[$i];
                     if ($products_price == '0' || $products_price == '') {
                         $products_price = (double) $productsprice[0];
                     if ($products_price == '0') {
                         $products_price = $product->fields['products_price'];
                 } else {
                     $products_price = $product->fields['products_price'];
             } else {
                 $products_price = $product->fields['products_price'];
             // Dual Pricing end
             // adjusted count for free shipping
             if ($product->fields['product_is_always_free_shipping'] != 1 and $product->fields['products_virtual'] != 1) {
                 $products_weight = $product->fields['products_weight'];
             } else {
                 $products_weight = 0;
             $special_price = zen_get_products_special_price($prid);
             if ($special_price and $product->fields['products_priced_by_attribute'] == 0) {
                 $products_price = $special_price;
             } else {
                 $special_price = 0;
             if (zen_get_products_price_is_free($product->fields['products_id'])) {
                 // no charge
                 $products_price = 0;
             // adjust price for discounts when priced by attribute
             if ($product->fields['products_priced_by_attribute'] == '1' and zen_has_product_attributes($product->fields['products_id'], 'false')) {
                 // reset for priced by attributes
                 //            $products_price = $products->fields['products_price'];
                 if ($special_price) {
                     $products_price = $special_price;
                 } else {
                     $products_price = $product->fields['products_price'];
             } else {
                 // discount qty pricing
                 if ($product->fields['products_discount_type'] != '0') {
                     $products_price = zen_get_products_discount_price_qty($product->fields['products_id'], $qty);
             // shipping adjustments for Product
             if ($product->fields['product_is_always_free_shipping'] == 1 or $product->fields['products_virtual'] == 1 or preg_match('/^GIFT/', addslashes($product->fields['products_model']))) {
                 $this->free_shipping_item += $qty;
                 $freeShippingTotal += $products_price;
                 $this->free_shipping_weight += $qty * $product->fields['products_weight'];
             //        $this->total += zen_round(zen_add_tax($products_price, $products_tax),$currencies->get_decimal_places($_SESSION['currency'])) * $qty;
             $productTotal += $products_price;
             $this->weight += $qty * $products_weight;
             // calculate Product Price without Specials, Sales or Discounts
             $total_before_discounts += $product->fields['products_price'];
         $adjust_downloads = 0;
         // attributes price
         $savedProductTotal = $productTotal;
         $attributesTotal = 0;
         if (isset($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'])) {
             while (list($option, $value) = each($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'])) {
                 $productTotal = 0;
                 products_attributes_id, options_values_price, price_prefix,
                 attributes_display_only, product_attribute_is_free,
                 $attribute_price_query = "select *\n                                      from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES . "\n                                      where products_id = '" . (int) $prid . "'\n                                      and options_id = '" . (int) $option . "'\n                                      and options_values_id = '" . (int) $value . "'";
                 $attribute_price = $db->Execute($attribute_price_query);
                 // Dual Pricing start
                 if ($_SESSION['customer_id']) {
                     $customers_id = $_SESSION['customer_id'];
                     $customer_check = $db->Execute("select * from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " where customers_id = '{$customers_id}'");
                     if ($customer_check->fields['customers_whole'] != "0") {
                         $i = $customer_check->fields['customers_whole'];
                         $options_value_price = (double) $attribute_price->fields['options_values_price_w'];
                     } else {
                         $options_value_price = $attribute_price->fields['options_values_price'];
                 } else {
                     $options_value_price = $attribute_price->fields['options_values_price'];
                 // Dual Pricing end
                 $new_attributes_price = 0;
                 // calculate Product Price without Specials, Sales or Discounts
                 //          $new_attributes_price_before_discounts = 0;
                 $discount_type_id = '';
                 $sale_maker_discount = '';
                 // bottom total
                 //            if ($attribute_price->fields['product_attribute_is_free']) {
                 if ($attribute_price->fields['product_attribute_is_free'] == '1' and zen_get_products_price_is_free((int) $prid)) {
                     // no charge for attribute
                 } else {
                     // + or blank adds
                     if ($attribute_price->fields['price_prefix'] == '-') {
                         // appears to confuse products priced by attributes
                         if ($product->fields['product_is_always_free_shipping'] == '1' or $product->fields['products_virtual'] == '1') {
                             $shipping_attributes_price = zen_get_discount_calc($product->fields['products_id'], $attribute_price->fields['products_attributes_id'], $attribute_price->fields['options_values_price'], $qty);
                             $freeShippingTotal -= $shipping_attributes_price;
                         if ($attribute_price->fields['attributes_discounted'] == '1') {
                             // calculate proper discount for attributes
                             $new_attributes_price = zen_get_discount_calc($product->fields['products_id'], $attribute_price->fields['products_attributes_id'], $attribute_price->fields['options_values_price'], $qty);
                             $productTotal -= $new_attributes_price;
                         } else {
                             $productTotal -= $attribute_price->fields['options_values_price'];
                         // calculate Product Price without Specials, Sales or Discounts
                         //            $this->total_before_discounts -= $attribute_price->fields['options_values_price'];
                         $total_before_discounts -= $attribute_price->fields['options_values_price'];
                     } else {
                         // appears to confuse products priced by attributes
                         if ($product->fields['product_is_always_free_shipping'] == '1' or $product->fields['products_virtual'] == '1') {
                             $shipping_attributes_price = zen_get_discount_calc($product->fields['products_id'], $attribute_price->fields['products_attributes_id'], $attribute_price->fields['options_values_price'], $qty);
                             $freeShippingTotal += $shipping_attributes_price;
                         if ($attribute_price->fields['attributes_discounted'] == '1') {
                             // calculate proper discount for attributes
                             $new_attributes_price = zen_get_discount_calc($product->fields['products_id'], $attribute_price->fields['products_attributes_id'], $attribute_price->fields['options_values_price'], $qty);
                             // Dual Pricing start
                             //$productTotal += $new_attributes_price;
                             if ($_SESSION['customer_id']) {
                                 if ($customer_check->fields['customers_whole'] != "0") {
                                     $new_attributes_price = zen_get_discount_calc($product->fields['products_id'], $attribute_price->fields['products_attributes_id'], $attribute_price->fields['options_values_price_w'], $qty);
                             $this->total += $qty * zen_add_tax($new_attributes_price, $products_tax);
                             // Dual Pricing end
                         } else {
                             $productTotal += $attribute_price->fields['options_values_price'];
                         // calculate Product Price without Specials, Sales or Discounts
                         $total_before_discounts += $attribute_price->fields['options_values_price'];
                     // eof: attribute price
                     // adjust for downloads
                     // adjust products price
                     $check_attribute = $attribute_price->fields['products_attributes_id'];
                     $sql = "select *\n                      from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES_DOWNLOAD . "\n                      where products_attributes_id = '" . $check_attribute . "'";
                     $check_download = $db->Execute($sql);
                     if ($check_download->RecordCount()) {
                         // count number of downloads
                         $this->download_count += $check_download->RecordCount() * $qty;
                         // do not count download as free when set to product/download combo
                         if ($adjust_downloads == 1 and $product->fields['product_is_always_free_shipping'] != 2) {
                             $freeShippingTotal += $products_price;
                             $this->free_shipping_item += $qty;
                         // adjust for attributes price
                         $freeShippingTotal += $new_attributes_price;
                         //die('I SEE B ' . $this->free_shipping_price);
                     //  echo 'I SEE ' . $this->total . ' vs ' . $this->free_shipping_price . ' items: ' . $this->free_shipping_item. '<br>';
                     // calculate additional attribute charges
                     $chk_price = zen_get_products_base_price($products_id);
                     $chk_special = zen_get_products_special_price($products_id, false);
                     // products_options_value_text
                     if (zen_get_attributes_type($attribute_price->fields['products_attributes_id']) == PRODUCTS_OPTIONS_TYPE_TEXT) {
                         $text_words = zen_get_word_count_price($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes_values'][$attribute_price->fields['options_id']], $attribute_price->fields['attributes_price_words_free'], $attribute_price->fields['attributes_price_words']);
                         $text_letters = zen_get_letters_count_price($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes_values'][$attribute_price->fields['options_id']], $attribute_price->fields['attributes_price_letters_free'], $attribute_price->fields['attributes_price_letters']);
                         $productTotal += $text_letters;
                         $productTotal += $text_words;
                         if ($product->fields['product_is_always_free_shipping'] == 1 or $product->fields['products_virtual'] == 1 or preg_match('/^GIFT/', addslashes($product->fields['products_model']))) {
                             $freeShippingTotal += $text_letters;
                             $freeShippingTotal += $text_words;
                         // calculate Product Price without Specials, Sales or Discounts
                         $total_before_discounts += $text_letters;
                         $total_before_discounts += $text_words;
                     // attributes_price_factor
                     $added_charge = 0;
                     if ($attribute_price->fields['attributes_price_factor'] > 0) {
                         //echo 'products_id: ' . $product->fields['products_id'] . ' Prices ' . '$chk_price: ' . $chk_price . ' $chk_special: ' . $chk_special . ' attributes_price_factor:' . $attribute_price->fields['attributes_price_factor'] . ' attributes_price_factor_offset: ' . $attribute_price->fields['attributes_price_factor_offset'] . '<br>';
                         $added_charge = zen_get_attributes_price_factor($chk_price, $chk_special, $attribute_price->fields['attributes_price_factor'], $attribute_price->fields['attributes_price_factor_offset']);
                         $productTotal += $added_charge;
                         if ($product->fields['product_is_always_free_shipping'] == 1 or $product->fields['products_virtual'] == 1 or preg_match('/^GIFT/', addslashes($product->fields['products_model']))) {
                             $freeShippingTotal += $added_charge;
                         // calculate Product Price without Specials, Sales or Discounts
                         $added_charge = zen_get_attributes_price_factor($chk_price, $chk_price, $attribute_price->fields['attributes_price_factor'], $attribute_price->fields['attributes_price_factor_offset']);
                         $total_before_discounts += $added_charge;
                     // attributes_qty_prices
                     $added_charge = 0;
                     if ($attribute_price->fields['attributes_qty_prices'] != '') {
                         $added_charge = zen_get_attributes_qty_prices_onetime($attribute_price->fields['attributes_qty_prices'], $qty);
                         $productTotal += $added_charge;
                         if ($product->fields['product_is_always_free_shipping'] == 1 or $product->fields['products_virtual'] == 1 or preg_match('/^GIFT/', addslashes($product->fields['products_model']))) {
                             $freeShippingTotal += $added_charge;
                         // calculate Product Price without Specials, Sales or Discounts
                         $added_charge = zen_get_attributes_qty_prices_onetime($attribute_price->fields['attributes_qty_prices'], 1);
                         $total_before_discounts += $attribute_price->fields['options_values_price'] + $added_charge;
                     //// one time charges
                     // attributes_price_onetime
                     if ($attribute_price->fields['attributes_price_onetime'] > 0) {
                         $totalOnetimeCharge += $attribute_price->fields['attributes_price_onetime'];
                         // calculate Product Price without Specials, Sales or Discounts
                         $totalOnetimeChargeNoDiscount += $attribute_price->fields['attributes_price_onetime'];
                     // attributes_price_factor_onetime
                     $added_charge = 0;
                     if ($attribute_price->fields['attributes_price_factor_onetime'] > 0) {
                         $chk_price = zen_get_products_base_price($products_id);
                         $chk_special = zen_get_products_special_price($products_id, false);
                         $added_charge = zen_get_attributes_price_factor($chk_price, $chk_special, $attribute_price->fields['attributes_price_factor_onetime'], $attribute_price->fields['attributes_price_factor_onetime_offset']);
                         $totalOnetimeCharge += $added_charge;
                         // calculate Product Price without Specials, Sales or Discounts
                         $added_charge = zen_get_attributes_price_factor($chk_price, $chk_price, $attribute_price->fields['attributes_price_factor_onetime'], $attribute_price->fields['attributes_price_factor_onetime_offset']);
                         $totalOnetimeChargeNoDiscount += $added_charge;
                     // attributes_qty_prices_onetime
                     $added_charge = 0;
                     if ($attribute_price->fields['attributes_qty_prices_onetime'] != '') {
                         $chk_price = zen_get_products_base_price($products_id);
                         $chk_special = zen_get_products_special_price($products_id, false);
                         $added_charge = zen_get_attributes_qty_prices_onetime($attribute_price->fields['attributes_qty_prices_onetime'], $qty);
                         $totalOnetimeCharge += $added_charge;
                         // calculate Product Price without Specials, Sales or Discounts
                         $added_charge = zen_get_attributes_qty_prices_onetime($chk_price, $chk_price, $attribute_price->fields['attributes_price_factor_onetime'], $attribute_price->fields['attributes_price_factor_onetime_offset']);
                         $totalOnetimeChargeNoDiscount += $added_charge;
                 $attributesTotal += zen_round($productTotal, $decimalPlaces);
             // eof while
         // attributes price
         $productTotal = $savedProductTotal + $attributesTotal;
         // attributes weight
         if (isset($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'])) {
             while (list($option, $value) = each($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'])) {
                 $attribute_weight_query = "select products_attributes_weight, products_attributes_weight_prefix\n                                       from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES . "\n                                       where products_id = '" . (int) $prid . "'\n                                       and options_id = '" . (int) $option . "'\n                                       and options_values_id = '" . (int) $value . "'";
                 $attribute_weight = $db->Execute($attribute_weight_query);
                 // adjusted count for free shipping
                 if ($product->fields['product_is_always_free_shipping'] != 1) {
                     $new_attributes_weight = $attribute_weight->fields['products_attributes_weight'];
                 } else {
                     $new_attributes_weight = 0;
                 // shipping adjustments for Attributes
                 if ($product->fields['product_is_always_free_shipping'] == 1 or $product->fields['products_virtual'] == 1 or preg_match('/^GIFT/', addslashes($product->fields['products_model']))) {
                     if ($attribute_weight->fields['products_attributes_weight_prefix'] == '-') {
                         $this->free_shipping_weight -= $qty * $attribute_weight->fields['products_attributes_weight'];
                     } else {
                         $this->free_shipping_weight += $qty * $attribute_weight->fields['products_attributes_weight'];
                 // + or blank adds
                 if ($attribute_weight->fields['products_attributes_weight_prefix'] == '-') {
                     $this->weight -= $qty * $new_attributes_weight;
                 } else {
                     $this->weight += $qty * $new_attributes_weight;
         // attributes weight
         // uncomment for odd shipping requirements needing this:
               // if 0 weight defined as free shipping adjust for functions free_shipping_price and free_shipping_item
               if (($product->fields['products_weight'] == 0 && ORDER_WEIGHT_ZERO_STATUS == 1) && !($product->fields['products_virtual'] == 1) && !(preg_match('/^GIFT/', addslashes($product->fields['products_model']))) && !($product->fields['product_is_always_free_shipping'] == 1)) {
                 $freeShippingTotal += $products_price;
                 $this->free_shipping_item += $qty;
         //echo 'shopping_cart class Price: ' . $productTotal . ' qty: ' . $qty . '<br>';
         $this->total += zen_round(zen_add_tax($productTotal, $products_tax), $decimalPlaces) * $qty;
         $this->total += zen_round(zen_add_tax($totalOnetimeCharge, $products_tax), $decimalPlaces);
         $this->free_shipping_price += zen_round(zen_add_tax($freeShippingTotal, $products_tax), $decimalPlaces) * $qty;
         if ($product->fields['product_is_always_free_shipping'] == 1 or $product->fields['products_virtual'] == 1 or preg_match('/^GIFT/', addslashes($product->fields['products_model']))) {
             $this->free_shipping_price += zen_round(zen_add_tax($totalOnetimeCharge, $products_tax), $decimalPlaces);
         // calculate Product Price without Specials, Sales or Discounts
         //echo 'Product Attribute before: ' . $new_attributes_price_before_discounts . '<br>';
         $total_before_discounts = $total_before_discounts * $qty;
         $total_before_discounts += $totalOnetimeChargeNoDiscount;
         $this->total_before_discounts += $total_before_discounts;
コード例 #22
             define('TOP_HEAD_H1_TITLE', str_replace('"', '', $meta_category_name));
         // CUSTOM META TAGS
     // EOF
 case 'product_reviews_info_OFF':
     $sql = "select rd.reviews_text, r.reviews_rating, r.reviews_id, r.customers_name, p.products_id, p.products_price, p.products_tax_class_id, p.products_model, pd.products_name, p.product_is_free from " . TABLE_REVIEWS . " r, " . TABLE_REVIEWS_DESCRIPTION . " rd, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd where r.reviews_id = '" . (int) $_GET['reviews_id'] . "' and r.reviews_id = rd.reviews_id and rd.languages_id = '" . (int) $_SESSION['languages_id'] . "' and r.products_id = p.products_id and p.products_status = 1 and p.products_id = pd.products_id and pd.language_id = '" . (int) $_SESSION['languages_id'] . "'";
     $review_metatags = $db->Execute($sql);
     if ($review_metatags->EOF) {
         $meta_tags_over_ride = true;
     } else {
         if (META_TAG_INCLUDE_PRICE == '1') {
             if ($review_metatags->fields['product_is_free'] != '1') {
                 $meta_products_price = zen_get_products_actual_price($review_metatags->fields['products_id']);
                 $meta_products_price = SECONDARY_SECTION . $currencies->display_price($meta_products_price, zen_get_tax_rate($review_metatags->fields['products_tax_class_id']));
             } else {
                 $meta_products_price = SECONDARY_SECTION . META_TAG_PRODUCTS_PRICE_IS_FREE_TEXT;
         } else {
             $meta_products_price = '';
         if (zen_not_null($review_metatags->fields['products_model'])) {
             $meta_products_name = $review_metatags->fields['products_name'] . ' [' . $review_metatags->fields['products_model'] . ']';
         } else {
             $meta_products_name = $review_metatags->fields['products_name'];
         $meta_products_name = zen_clean_html($meta_products_name);
         $review_text_metatags = substr(strip_tags(stripslashes($review_metatags->fields['reviews_text'])), 0, 60);
         $reviews_rating_metatags = SUB_TITLE_RATING . ' ' . sprintf(TEXT_OF_5_STARS, $review_metatags->fields['reviews_rating']);
         define('META_TAG_TITLE', str_replace('"', '', $meta_products_name . $meta_products_price . PRIMARY_SECTION . TITLE . TERTIARY_SECTION . NAVBAR_TITLE));
コード例 #23
 function calculate_tax_deduction($amount, $od_amount, $method, $finalise = false)
     global $order;
     $tax_address = zen_get_tax_locations();
     switch ($method) {
         case 'Standard':
             $ratio1 = zen_round($od_amount / $amount, 2);
             $tod_amount = 0;
             while (list($key, $value) = each($order->info['tax_groups'])) {
                 $tax_rate = zen_get_tax_rate_from_desc($key, $tax_address['country_id'], $tax_address['zone_id']);
                 $total_net += $tax_rate * $value;
             if ($od_amount > $total_net) {
                 $od_amount = $total_net;
             while (list($key, $value) = each($order->info['tax_groups'])) {
                 $tax_rate = zen_get_tax_rate_from_desc($key, $tax_address['country_id'], $tax_address['zone_id']);
                 $net = $tax_rate * $value;
                 if ($net > 0) {
                     $god_amount = $value * $ratio1;
                     $tod_amount += $god_amount;
                     if ($finalise) {
                         $order->info['tax_groups'][$key] = $order->info['tax_groups'][$key] - $god_amount;
             if ($finalise) {
                 $order->info['tax'] -= $tod_amount;
             if ($finalise) {
                 $order->info['total'] -= $tod_amount;
         case 'Credit Note':
             $tax_rate = zen_get_tax_rate($this->tax_class, $tax_address['country_id'], $tax_address['zone_id']);
             $tax_desc = zen_get_tax_description($this->tax_class, $tax_address['country_id'], $tax_address['zone_id']);
             $tod_amount = $this->deduction / (100 + $tax_rate) * $tax_rate;
             if ($finalise) {
                 $order->info['tax_groups'][$tax_desc] -= $tod_amount;
             if ($finalise) {
                 $order->info['tax'] -= $tod_amount;
             if ($finalise) {
                 $order->info['total'] -= $tod_amount;
     return $tod_amount;
コード例 #24
ファイル: ot_group_pricing.php プロジェクト: R-Future/zencart
 function calculate_deductions($order_total)
     global $db, $order;
     $od_amount = array();
     if ($order_total == 0) {
         return $od_amount;
     $orderTotal = $this->get_order_total();
     $orderTotalTax = $orderTotal['tax'];
     $taxGroups = $orderTotal['taxGroups'];
     $group_query = $db->Execute("select customers_group_pricing from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " where customers_id = '" . (int) $_SESSION['customer_id'] . "'");
     if ($group_query->fields['customers_group_pricing'] != '0') {
         $group_discount = $db->Execute("select group_name, group_percentage from " . TABLE_GROUP_PRICING . "\n                                      where group_id = '" . (int) $group_query->fields['customers_group_pricing'] . "'");
         $gift_vouchers = $_SESSION['cart']->gv_only();
         $discount = ($orderTotal['total'] - $gift_vouchers) * $group_discount->fields['group_percentage'] / 100;
         //      echo "discout = $discount<br>";
         $od_amount['total'] = round($discount, 2);
         $ratio = $od_amount['total'] / $order_total;
          * when calculating the ratio add some insignificant values to stop divide by zero errors
         switch ($this->calculate_tax) {
             case 'None':
                 if ($this->include_tax) {
                     foreach ($order->info['tax_groups'] as $key => $value) {
                         $od_amount['tax_groups'][$key] = $order->info['tax_groups'][$key] * $ratio;
             case 'Standard':
                 if ($od_amount['total'] >= $order_total) {
                     $ratio = 1;
                 $adjustedTax = $orderTotalTax * $ratio;
                 if ($order->info['tax'] == 0) {
                     return $od_amount;
                 $ratioTax = $orderTotalTax != 0 ? $adjustedTax / $orderTotalTax : 0;
                 $tax_deduct = 0;
                 foreach ($taxGroups as $key => $value) {
                     $od_amount['tax_groups'][$key] = $value * $ratioTax;
                     $tax_deduct += $od_amount['tax_groups'][$key];
                 $od_amount['tax'] = $tax_deduct;
             case 'Credit Note':
                 $tax_rate = zen_get_tax_rate($this->tax_class);
                 $od_amount['tax'] = zen_calculate_tax($od_amount['total'], $tax_rate);
                 $tax_description = zen_get_tax_description($this->tax_class);
                 $od_amount['tax_groups'][$tax_description] = $od_amount['tax'];
     return $od_amount;
コード例 #25
$products_model = $product_info->fields['products_model'];
$products_description = $product_info->fields['products_description'];
if ($product_info->fields['products_image'] == '' and PRODUCTS_IMAGE_NO_IMAGE_STATUS == '1') {
    $products_image = PRODUCTS_IMAGE_NO_IMAGE;
} else {
    $products_image = $product_info->fields['products_image'];
$products_url = $product_info->fields['products_url'];
$products_date_available = $product_info->fields['products_date_available'];
$products_date_added = $product_info->fields['products_date_added'];
$products_manufacturer = $product_info->fields['manufacturers_name'];
$products_weight = $product_info->fields['products_weight'];
$products_quantity = $product_info->fields['products_quantity'];
$products_qty_box_status = $product_info->fields['products_qty_box_status'];
$products_quantity_order_max = $product_info->fields['products_quantity_order_max'];
$products_base_price = $currencies->display_price(zen_get_products_base_price((int) $_GET['products_id']), zen_get_tax_rate($product_info->fields['products_tax_class_id']));
$product_is_free = $product_info->fields['product_is_free'];
$products_tax_class_id = $product_info->fields['products_tax_class_id'];
$module_show_categories = PRODUCT_INFO_CATEGORIES;
$module_next_previous = PRODUCT_INFO_PREVIOUS_NEXT;
$products_id_current = (int) $_GET['products_id'];
$products_discount_type = $product_info->fields['products_discount_type'];
$products_discount_type_from = $product_info->fields['products_discount_type_from'];
 * Load product-type-specific main_template_vars
$prod_type_specific_vars_info = DIR_WS_MODULES . 'pages/' . $current_page_base . '/main_template_vars_product_type.php';
if (file_exists($prod_type_specific_vars_info)) {
    include_once $prod_type_specific_vars_info;
コード例 #26
ファイル: perweightunit.php プロジェクト: ZenMagick/zc-base
  * Obtain quote from shipping system/calculations
  * @param string $method
  * @return array
 function quote($method = '')
     global $order, $shipping_weight, $shipping_num_boxes;
     $total_weight_units = $shipping_weight;
     $this->quotes = array('id' => $this->code, 'module' => MODULE_SHIPPING_PERWEIGHTUNIT_TEXT_TITLE, 'methods' => array(array('id' => $this->code, 'title' => MODULE_SHIPPING_PERWEIGHTUNIT_TEXT_WAY, 'cost' => MODULE_SHIPPING_PERWEIGHTUNIT_COST * ($total_weight_units * $shipping_num_boxes) + (MODULE_SHIPPING_PERWEIGHTUNIT_HANDLING_METHOD == 'Box' ? MODULE_SHIPPING_PERWEIGHTUNIT_HANDLING * $shipping_num_boxes : MODULE_SHIPPING_PERWEIGHTUNIT_HANDLING))));
     if ($this->tax_class > 0) {
         $this->quotes['tax'] = zen_get_tax_rate($this->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']);
     if (zen_not_null($this->icon)) {
         $this->quotes['icon'] = zen_image($this->icon, $this->title);
     return $this->quotes;
コード例 #27
 function quote($pShipHash = array())
     global $order, $currency;
     $currencies = new currencies();
     $dest_country = $order->delivery['country']['countries_iso_code_2'];
     $dest_zone = 0;
     $error = false;
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->num_zones; $i++) {
         $countries_table = constant('MODULE_SHIPPING_SPECIALDELIVERY9AM_ZONES_COUNTRIES_' . $i);
         $country_zones = preg_split("#[,]#", $countries_table);
         if (in_array($dest_country, $country_zones)) {
             $dest_zone = $i;
     //12 FEB 04 MBeedell	NO specified country (or *) then use this zone for all shipping rates
     if ($dest_zone == 0) {
         for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->num_zones; $i++) {
             $countries_table = constant('MODULE_SHIPPING_SPECIALDELIVERY9AM_ZONES_COUNTRIES_' . $i);
             if ($countries_table == '' or $countries_table == '*') {
                 $dest_zone = $i;
     if ($dest_zone == 0) {
         $error = true;
     } else {
         $shipping = -1;
         //12 FEB 04 MBeedell	'glue' together the rates from the 10 cost data entry boxes
         $zones_cost = constant('MODULE_SHIPPING_SPECIALDELIVERY9AM_ZONES_COST0_' . $dest_zone) . ',' . constant('MODULE_SHIPPING_SPECIALDELIVERY9AM_ZONES_COST1_' . $dest_zone) . ',' . constant('MODULE_SHIPPING_SPECIALDELIVERY9AM_ZONES_COST2_' . $dest_zone) . ',' . constant('MODULE_SHIPPING_SPECIALDELIVERY9AM_ZONES_COST3_' . $dest_zone);
         $zones_table = preg_split("#[:,]#", $zones_cost);
         $size = sizeof($zones_table);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i += 2) {
             if ($shippingWeight <= $zones_table[$i]) {
                 $shipping = $zones_table[$i + 1];
                 //12 Feb 04 MBeedell - correctly format the total weight... if the weight exceeds the max
                 //  weight, then it is divided down over a number of separate packages - so the weight could end
                 //  up being a long fraction.
                 $sw_text = number_format($shippingWeight, 3, $currencies->currencies[DEFAULT_CURRENCY]['decimal_point'], $currencies->currencies[DEFAULT_CURRENCY]['thousands_point']);
                 $shipping_method = MODULE_SHIPPING_SPECIALDELIVERY9AM_TEXT_WAY . ' ' . $dest_country . ' : ' . $sw_text . ' ' . MODULE_SHIPPING_SPECIALDELIVERY9AM_TEXT_UNITS;
                 //12 Feb 04 MBeedell - if weight is over the max, then show the number of boxes being shipped
                 if ($shippingNumBoxes > 1) {
                     $sw_text = number_format($shippingNumBoxes, 0, $currency['decimal_point'], $currency['thousands_point']);
                     $sw_text = number_format($shippingWeight, 0, $currencies->currencies[DEFAULT_CURRENCY]['decimal_point'], $currencies->currencies[DEFAULT_CURRENCY]['thousands_point']);
                     $shipping_method = $shipping_method . ' in ' . $sw_text . ' boxes ';
         if ($shipping == -1) {
             $shipping_cost = 0;
             //$shipping_method = $zones_cost; 	   //12 FEB 04 MBeedell	useful for debug-print out the rates list!
         } else {
             $shipping_cost = $shipping * $shippingNumBoxes + constant('MODULE_SHIPPING_SPECIALDELIVERY9AM_ZONES_HANDLING_' . $dest_zone);
     $this->quotes = array('id' => $this->code, 'module' => '<b>special</b><span style="font-weight:normal">delivery</span>&reg; <span style="color:red">9:00am.</span>', 'methods' => array(array('id' => $this->code, 'title' => $shipping_method, 'cost' => $shipping_cost)));
     if ($this->tax_class > 0) {
         $this->quotes['tax'] = zen_get_tax_rate($this->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['countries_id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']);
     if (zen_not_null($this->icon)) {
         $this->quotes['icon'] = $this->icon;
     if ($error == true) {
     return $this->quotes;
コード例 #28
ファイル: ot_loworderfee.php プロジェクト: ygeneration666/ec
 function process()
     global $order, $currencies;
             case 'national':
                 if ($order->delivery['country_id'] == STORE_COUNTRY) {
                     $pass = true;
             case 'international':
                 if ($order->delivery['country_id'] != STORE_COUNTRY) {
                     $pass = true;
             case 'both':
                 $pass = true;
                 $pass = false;
         //        if ( ($pass == true) && ( ($order->info['total'] - $order->info['shipping_cost']) < MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_LOWORDERFEE_ORDER_UNDER) ) {
         if ($pass == true && $order->info['subtotal'] < MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_LOWORDERFEE_ORDER_UNDER) {
             $charge_it = 'true';
             $cart_content_type = $_SESSION['cart']->get_content_type();
             $gv_content_only = $_SESSION['cart']->gv_only();
             if ($cart_content_type == 'physical' or $cart_content_type == 'mixed') {
                 $charge_it = 'true';
             } else {
                 // check to see if everything is virtual, if so - skip the low order fee.
                 if ($cart_content_type == 'virtual' and MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_LOWORDERFEE_VIRTUAL == 'true') {
                     $charge_it = 'false';
                     if ($gv_content_only > 0 and MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_LOWORDERFEE_GV == 'false') {
                         $charge_it = 'true';
                 if ($gv_content_only > 0 and MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_LOWORDERFEE_GV == 'true') {
                     // check to see if everything is gift voucher, if so - skip the low order fee.
                     $charge_it = 'false';
                     if ($cart_content_type == 'virtual' and MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_LOWORDERFEE_VIRTUAL == 'false') {
                         $charge_it = 'true';
             if ($charge_it == 'true') {
                 $tax_address = zen_get_tax_locations();
                 $tax = zen_get_tax_rate(MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_LOWORDERFEE_TAX_CLASS, $tax_address['country_id'], $tax_address['zone_id']);
                 $tax_description = zen_get_tax_description(MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_LOWORDERFEE_TAX_CLASS, $tax_address['country_id'], $tax_address['zone_id']);
                 // calculate from flat fee or percentage
                 if (substr(MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_LOWORDERFEE_FEE, -1) == '%') {
                     $low_order_fee = $order->info['subtotal'] * (MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_LOWORDERFEE_FEE / 100);
                 } else {
                     $low_order_fee = MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_LOWORDERFEE_FEE;
                 $order->info['tax'] += zen_calculate_tax($low_order_fee, $tax);
                 $order->info['tax_groups']["{$tax_description}"] += zen_calculate_tax($low_order_fee, $tax);
                 $order->info['total'] += $low_order_fee + zen_calculate_tax($low_order_fee, $tax);
                 if (DISPLAY_PRICE_WITH_TAX == 'true') {
                     $low_order_fee += zen_calculate_tax($low_order_fee, $tax);
                 $this->output[] = array('title' => $this->title . ':', 'text' => $currencies->format($low_order_fee, true, $order->info['currency'], $order->info['currency_value']), 'value' => $low_order_fee);
コード例 #29
 function cart()
     global $db, $currencies;
     $decimals = $currencies->get_decimal_places($_SESSION['currency']);
     $this->content_type = $_SESSION['cart']->get_content_type();
     /* Dual Pricing start */
     $customer_address_query = "select c.customers_firstname, c.customers_lastname, c.customers_telephone, c.customers_whole,\n/* Dual Pricing end */\n                                    c.customers_email_address, ab.entry_company, ab.entry_street_address,\n                                    ab.entry_suburb, ab.entry_postcode, ab.entry_city, ab.entry_zone_id,\n                                    z.zone_name, co.countries_id, co.countries_name,\n                                    co.countries_iso_code_2, co.countries_iso_code_3,\n                                    co.address_format_id, ab.entry_state\n                                   from (" . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " c, " . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . " ab )\n                                   left join " . TABLE_ZONES . " z on (ab.entry_zone_id = z.zone_id)\n                                   left join " . TABLE_COUNTRIES . " co on (ab.entry_country_id = co.countries_id)\n                                   where c.customers_id = '" . (int) $_SESSION['customer_id'] . "'\n                                   and ab.customers_id = '" . (int) $_SESSION['customer_id'] . "'\n                                   and c.customers_default_address_id = ab.address_book_id";
     $customer_address = $db->Execute($customer_address_query);
     $shipping_address_query = "select ab.entry_firstname, ab.entry_lastname, ab.entry_company,\n                                    ab.entry_street_address, ab.entry_suburb, ab.entry_postcode,\n                                    ab.entry_city, ab.entry_zone_id, z.zone_name, ab.entry_country_id,\n                                    c.countries_id, c.countries_name, c.countries_iso_code_2,\n                                    c.countries_iso_code_3, c.address_format_id, ab.entry_state\n                                   from " . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . " ab\n                                   left join " . TABLE_ZONES . " z on (ab.entry_zone_id = z.zone_id)\n                                   left join " . TABLE_COUNTRIES . " c on (ab.entry_country_id = c.countries_id)\n                                   where ab.customers_id = '" . (int) $_SESSION['customer_id'] . "'\n                                   and ab.address_book_id = '" . (int) $_SESSION['sendto'] . "'";
     $shipping_address = $db->Execute($shipping_address_query);
     $billing_address_query = "select ab.entry_firstname, ab.entry_lastname, ab.entry_company,\n                                   ab.entry_street_address, ab.entry_suburb, ab.entry_postcode,\n                                   ab.entry_city, ab.entry_zone_id, z.zone_name, ab.entry_country_id,\n                                   c.countries_id, c.countries_name, c.countries_iso_code_2,\n                                   c.countries_iso_code_3, c.address_format_id, ab.entry_state\n                                  from " . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . " ab\n                                  left join " . TABLE_ZONES . " z on (ab.entry_zone_id = z.zone_id)\n                                  left join " . TABLE_COUNTRIES . " c on (ab.entry_country_id = c.countries_id)\n                                  where ab.customers_id = '" . (int) $_SESSION['customer_id'] . "'\n                                  and ab.address_book_id = '" . (int) $_SESSION['billto'] . "'";
     $billing_address = $db->Execute($billing_address_query);
     // set default tax calculation for not-logged-in visitors
     $taxCountryId = $taxZoneId = 0;
     // get tax zone info for logged-in visitors
     if (isset($_SESSION['customer_id']) && (int) $_SESSION['customer_id'] > 0) {
         $taxCountryId = $taxZoneId = -1;
         $tax_address_query = '';
         switch (STORE_PRODUCT_TAX_BASIS) {
             case 'Shipping':
                 $tax_address_query = "select ab.entry_country_id, ab.entry_zone_id\n                                from " . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . " ab\n                                left join " . TABLE_ZONES . " z on (ab.entry_zone_id = z.zone_id)\n                                where ab.customers_id = '" . (int) $_SESSION['customer_id'] . "'\n                                and ab.address_book_id = '" . (int) ($this->content_type == 'virtual' ? $_SESSION['billto'] : $_SESSION['sendto']) . "'";
             case 'Billing':
                 $tax_address_query = "select ab.entry_country_id, ab.entry_zone_id\n                                from " . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . " ab\n                                left join " . TABLE_ZONES . " z on (ab.entry_zone_id = z.zone_id)\n                                where ab.customers_id = '" . (int) $_SESSION['customer_id'] . "'\n                                and ab.address_book_id = '" . (int) $_SESSION['billto'] . "'";
             case 'Store':
                 if ($billing_address->fields['entry_zone_id'] == STORE_ZONE) {
                     $tax_address_query = "select ab.entry_country_id, ab.entry_zone_id\n                                  from " . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . " ab\n                                  left join " . TABLE_ZONES . " z on (ab.entry_zone_id = z.zone_id)\n                                  where ab.customers_id = '" . (int) $_SESSION['customer_id'] . "'\n                                  and ab.address_book_id = '" . (int) $_SESSION['billto'] . "'";
                 } else {
                     $tax_address_query = "select ab.entry_country_id, ab.entry_zone_id\n                                  from " . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . " ab\n                                  left join " . TABLE_ZONES . " z on (ab.entry_zone_id = z.zone_id)\n                                  where ab.customers_id = '" . (int) $_SESSION['customer_id'] . "'\n                                  and ab.address_book_id = '" . (int) ($this->content_type == 'virtual' ? $_SESSION['billto'] : $_SESSION['sendto']) . "'";
         if ($tax_address_query != '') {
             $tax_address = $db->Execute($tax_address_query);
             if ($tax_address->recordCount() > 0) {
                 $taxCountryId = $tax_address->fields['entry_country_id'];
                 $taxZoneId = $tax_address->fields['entry_zone_id'];
     $class =& $_SESSION['payment'];
     if (isset($_SESSION['cc_id'])) {
         $coupon_code_query = "select coupon_code\n                              from " . TABLE_COUPONS . "\n                              where coupon_id = '" . (int) $_SESSION['cc_id'] . "'";
         $coupon_code = $db->Execute($coupon_code_query);
     $this->info = array('order_status' => DEFAULT_ORDERS_STATUS_ID, 'currency' => $_SESSION['currency'], 'currency_value' => $currencies->currencies[$_SESSION['currency']]['value'], 'payment_method' => $GLOBALS[$class]->title, 'payment_module_code' => $GLOBALS[$class]->code, 'coupon_code' => $coupon_code->fields['coupon_code'], 'shipping_method' => isset($_SESSION['shipping']['title']) ? $_SESSION['shipping']['title'] : '', 'shipping_module_code' => isset($_SESSION['shipping']['id']) && strpos($_SESSION['shipping']['id'], '_') > 0 ? $_SESSION['shipping']['id'] : $_SESSION['shipping'], 'shipping_cost' => isset($_SESSION['shipping']['cost']) ? $_SESSION['shipping']['cost'] : 0, 'subtotal' => 0, 'shipping_tax' => 0, 'tax' => 0, 'total' => 0, 'tax_groups' => array(), 'comments' => isset($_SESSION['comments']) ? $_SESSION['comments'] : '', 'ip_address' => $_SESSION['customers_ip_address'] . ' - ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
     //echo $class;
     //echo $_SESSION['payment'];
     // this is set above to the module filename it should be set to the module title like Checks/Money Order rather than moneyorder
     if (isset(${$_SESSION['payment']}) && is_object(${$_SESSION['payment']})) {
     $this->info['payment_method'] = ${$_SESSION['payment']}->title;
     // bof: move below calculations
         if ($this->info['total'] == 0) {
             $this->info['order_status'] = DEFAULT_ORDERS_STATUS_ID;
           } else {
             $this->info['order_status'] = DEFAULT_ZERO_BALANCE_ORDERS_STATUS_ID;
         if (isset($GLOBALS[$class]) && is_object($GLOBALS[$class])) {
           if ( isset($GLOBALS[$class]->order_status) && is_numeric($GLOBALS[$class]->order_status) && ($GLOBALS[$class]->order_status > 0) ) {
             $this->info['order_status'] = $GLOBALS[$class]->order_status;
     // eof: move below calculations
     $this->customer = array('firstname' => $customer_address->fields['customers_firstname'], 'lastname' => $customer_address->fields['customers_lastname'], 'company' => $customer_address->fields['entry_company'], 'street_address' => $customer_address->fields['entry_street_address'], 'suburb' => $customer_address->fields['entry_suburb'], 'city' => $customer_address->fields['entry_city'], 'postcode' => $customer_address->fields['entry_postcode'], 'state' => zen_not_null($customer_address->fields['entry_state']) ? $customer_address->fields['entry_state'] : $customer_address->fields['zone_name'], 'zone_id' => $customer_address->fields['entry_zone_id'], 'country' => array('id' => $customer_address->fields['countries_id'], 'title' => $customer_address->fields['countries_name'], 'iso_code_2' => $customer_address->fields['countries_iso_code_2'], 'iso_code_3' => $customer_address->fields['countries_iso_code_3']), 'format_id' => (int) $customer_address->fields['address_format_id'], 'telephone' => $customer_address->fields['customers_telephone'], 'email_address' => $customer_address->fields['customers_email_address']);
     $this->delivery = array('firstname' => $shipping_address->fields['entry_firstname'], 'lastname' => $shipping_address->fields['entry_lastname'], 'company' => $shipping_address->fields['entry_company'], 'street_address' => $shipping_address->fields['entry_street_address'], 'suburb' => $shipping_address->fields['entry_suburb'], 'city' => $shipping_address->fields['entry_city'], 'postcode' => $shipping_address->fields['entry_postcode'], 'state' => zen_not_null($shipping_address->fields['entry_state']) ? $shipping_address->fields['entry_state'] : $shipping_address->fields['zone_name'], 'zone_id' => $shipping_address->fields['entry_zone_id'], 'country' => array('id' => $shipping_address->fields['countries_id'], 'title' => $shipping_address->fields['countries_name'], 'iso_code_2' => $shipping_address->fields['countries_iso_code_2'], 'iso_code_3' => $shipping_address->fields['countries_iso_code_3']), 'country_id' => $shipping_address->fields['entry_country_id'], 'format_id' => (int) $shipping_address->fields['address_format_id']);
     $this->billing = array('firstname' => $billing_address->fields['entry_firstname'], 'lastname' => $billing_address->fields['entry_lastname'], 'company' => $billing_address->fields['entry_company'], 'street_address' => $billing_address->fields['entry_street_address'], 'suburb' => $billing_address->fields['entry_suburb'], 'city' => $billing_address->fields['entry_city'], 'postcode' => $billing_address->fields['entry_postcode'], 'state' => zen_not_null($billing_address->fields['entry_state']) ? $billing_address->fields['entry_state'] : $billing_address->fields['zone_name'], 'zone_id' => $billing_address->fields['entry_zone_id'], 'country' => array('id' => $billing_address->fields['countries_id'], 'title' => $billing_address->fields['countries_name'], 'iso_code_2' => $billing_address->fields['countries_iso_code_2'], 'iso_code_3' => $billing_address->fields['countries_iso_code_3']), 'country_id' => $billing_address->fields['entry_country_id'], 'format_id' => (int) $billing_address->fields['address_format_id']);
     $index = 0;
     $products = $_SESSION['cart']->get_products();
     for ($i = 0, $n = sizeof($products); $i < $n; $i++) {
         if ($i / 2 == floor($i / 2)) {
             $rowClass = "rowEven";
         } else {
             $rowClass = "rowOdd";
         $taxRates = zen_get_multiple_tax_rates($products[$i]['tax_class_id'], $taxCountryId, $taxZoneId);
         $this->products[$index] = array('qty' => $products[$i]['quantity'], 'name' => $products[$i]['name'], 'model' => $products[$i]['model'], 'tax_groups' => $taxRates, 'tax_description' => zen_get_tax_description($products[$i]['tax_class_id'], $taxCountryId, $taxZoneId), 'price' => $products[$i]['price'], 'final_price' => zen_round($products[$i]['price'] + $_SESSION['cart']->attributes_price($products[$i]['id']), $decimals), 'onetime_charges' => $_SESSION['cart']->attributes_price_onetime_charges($products[$i]['id'], $products[$i]['quantity']), 'weight' => $products[$i]['weight'], 'products_priced_by_attribute' => $products[$i]['products_priced_by_attribute'], 'product_is_free' => $products[$i]['product_is_free'], 'products_discount_type' => $products[$i]['products_discount_type'], 'products_discount_type_from' => $products[$i]['products_discount_type_from'], 'id' => $products[$i]['id'], 'rowClass' => $rowClass);
         if (STORE_PRODUCT_TAX_BASIS == 'Shipping' && isset($_SESSION['shipping']['id']) && stristr($_SESSION['shipping']['id'], 'storepickup') == TRUE) {
             $taxRates = zen_get_multiple_tax_rates($products[$i]['tax_class_id'], STORE_COUNTRY, STORE_ZONE);
             $this->products[$index]['tax'] = zen_get_tax_rate($products[$i]['tax_class_id'], STORE_COUNTRY, STORE_ZONE);
         } else {
             $taxRates = zen_get_multiple_tax_rates($products[$i]['tax_class_id'], $taxCountryId, $taxZoneId);
             $this->products[$index]['tax'] = zen_get_tax_rate($products[$i]['tax_class_id'], $taxCountryId, $taxZoneId);
         $this->notify('NOTIFY_ORDER_CART_ADD_PRODUCT_LIST', array('index' => $index, 'products' => $products[$i]));
         if ($products[$i]['attributes']) {
             $subindex = 0;
             while (list($option, $value) = each($products[$i]['attributes'])) {
                 //clr 030714 Determine if attribute is a text attribute and change products array if it is.
                 if ($value == PRODUCTS_OPTIONS_VALUES_TEXT_ID){
                 $attr_value = $products[$i]['attributes_values'][$option];
                 } else {
                 $attr_value = $attributes->fields['products_options_values_name'];
                 $attributes_query = "select popt.products_options_name, poval.products_options_values_name,\n                                          pa.options_values_price, pa.price_prefix\n                                   from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS . " popt,\n                                        " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS_VALUES . " poval,\n                                        " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES . " pa\n                                   where pa.products_id = '" . (int) $products[$i]['id'] . "'\n                                   and pa.options_id = '" . (int) $option . "'\n                                   and pa.options_id = popt.products_options_id\n                                   and pa.options_values_id = '" . (int) $value . "'\n                                   and pa.options_values_id = poval.products_options_values_id\n                                   and popt.language_id = '" . (int) $_SESSION['languages_id'] . "'\n                                   and poval.language_id = '" . (int) $_SESSION['languages_id'] . "'";
                 $attributes = $db->Execute($attributes_query);
                 //clr 030714 Determine if attribute is a text attribute and change products array if it is.
                 if ($value == PRODUCTS_OPTIONS_VALUES_TEXT_ID) {
                     $attr_value = $products[$i]['attributes_values'][$option];
                 } else {
                     $attr_value = $attributes->fields['products_options_values_name'];
                 $this->products[$index]['attributes'][$subindex] = array('option' => $attributes->fields['products_options_name'], 'value' => $attr_value, 'option_id' => $option, 'value_id' => $value, 'prefix' => $attributes->fields['price_prefix'], 'price' => $attributes->fields['options_values_price']);
                 $this->notify('NOTIFY_ORDER_CART_ADD_ATTRIBUTE_LIST', array('index' => $index, 'subindex' => $subindex, 'products' => $products[$i], 'attributes' => $attributes));
         // add onetime charges here
         //$_SESSION['cart']->attributes_price_onetime_charges($products[$i]['id'], $products[$i]['quantity'])
          * Check for external tax handling code
         $this->use_external_tax_handler_only = FALSE;
         $this->notify('NOTIFY_ORDER_CART_EXTERNAL_TAX_HANDLING', array(), $index, $taxCountryId, $taxZoneId);
         if ($this->use_external_tax_handler_only == FALSE) {
              * Calculate taxes for this product
             $shown_price = zen_add_tax($this->products[$index]['final_price'] * $this->products[$index]['qty'], $this->products[$index]['tax']) + zen_add_tax($this->products[$index]['onetime_charges'], $this->products[$index]['tax']);
             $this->info['subtotal'] += $shown_price;
             $this->notify('NOTIFIY_ORDER_CART_SUBTOTAL_CALCULATE', array('shown_price' => $shown_price));
             // find product's tax rate and description
             $products_tax = $this->products[$index]['tax'];
             $products_tax_description = $this->products[$index]['tax_description'];
             // Dual Pricing start - no taxes for wholesale customers
             if ($customer_address->fields['customers_whole'] > 0) {
                 $products_tax = 0;
                 $this->products[$index]['tax'] = 0;
                 $tax_add = 0;
                 $this->products[$index]['tax_description'] = '';
             if ($customer_address->fields['customers_whole'] == 0) {
                 // Dual pricing end -  no taxes for wholesale customers
                 if (DISPLAY_PRICE_WITH_TAX == 'true') {
                     // calculate the amount of tax "inc"luded in price (used if tax-in pricing is enabled)
                     $tax_add = $shown_price - $shown_price / ($products_tax < 10 ? "1.0" . str_replace('.', '', $products_tax) : "1." . str_replace('.', '', $products_tax));
                 } else {
                     // calculate the amount of tax for this product (assuming tax is NOT included in the price)
                     //        $tax_add = zen_round(($products_tax / 100) * $shown_price, $currencies->currencies[$this->info['currency']]['decimal_places']);
                     $tax_add = $products_tax / 100 * $shown_price;
                 $this->info['tax'] += $tax_add;
                 foreach ($taxRates as $taxDescription => $taxRate) {
                     $taxAdd = zen_calculate_tax($this->products[$index]['final_price'] * $this->products[$index]['qty'], $taxRate) + zen_calculate_tax($this->products[$index]['onetime_charges'], $taxRate);
                     if (isset($this->info['tax_groups'][$taxDescription])) {
                         $this->info['tax_groups'][$taxDescription] += $taxAdd;
                     } else {
                         $this->info['tax_groups'][$taxDescription] = $taxAdd;
                 //Dual Pricing start -  no taxes for wholesale customers
             // Dual pricing end -  no taxes for wholesale customers
              * END: Calculate taxes for this product
     // Update the final total to include tax if not already tax-inc
     if (DISPLAY_PRICE_WITH_TAX == 'true') {
         $this->info['total'] = $this->info['subtotal'] + $this->info['shipping_cost'];
     } else {
         $this->info['total'] = $this->info['subtotal'] + $this->info['tax'] + $this->info['shipping_cost'];
     // moved to function create
         if ($this->info['total'] == 0) {
             $this->info['order_status'] = DEFAULT_ORDERS_STATUS_ID;
           } else {
             $this->info['order_status'] = DEFAULT_ZERO_BALANCE_ORDERS_STATUS_ID;
     if (isset($GLOBALS[$class]) && is_object($GLOBALS[$class])) {
         if (isset($GLOBALS[$class]->order_status) && is_numeric($GLOBALS[$class]->order_status) && $GLOBALS[$class]->order_status > 0) {
             $this->info['order_status'] = $GLOBALS[$class]->order_status;
コード例 #30
ファイル: ot_gv.php プロジェクト: promoweb/zc-v1-series
 function calculate_deductions($order_total)
     global $db, $order, $messageStack;
     $od_amount = array();
     $deduction = $this->calculate_credit($this->get_order_total());
     $od_amount['total'] = $deduction;
     switch ($this->calculate_tax) {
         case 'None':
             $remainder = $order->info['total'] - $od_amount['total'];
             $tax_deduct = $order->info['tax'] - $remainder;
             // division by 0
             if ($order->info['tax'] <= 0) {
                 $ratio_tax = 0;
             } else {
                 $ratio_tax = $tax_deduct / $order->info['tax'];
             $tax_deduct = 0;
                     if ($this->include_tax) {
                       foreach ($order->info['tax_groups'] as $key=>$value) {
                         $od_amount['tax_groups'][$key] = $order->info['tax_groups'][$key] * $ratio_tax;
                         $tax_deduct += $od_amount['tax_groups'][$key];
             $od_amount['tax'] = $tax_deduct;
         case 'Standard':
             if ($od_amount['total'] >= $order_total) {
                 $ratio = 1;
             } else {
                 $ratio = $od_amount['total'] / ($order_total - $order->info['tax']);
             $tax_deduct = 0;
             foreach ($order->info['tax_groups'] as $key => $value) {
                 $od_amount['tax_groups'][$key] = $order->info['tax_groups'][$key] * $ratio;
                 $tax_deduct += $od_amount['tax_groups'][$key];
             $od_amount['tax'] = $tax_deduct;
         case 'Credit Note':
             $od_amount['total'] = $deduction;
             $tax_rate = zen_get_tax_rate($this->tax_class);
             $od_amount['tax'] = zen_calculate_tax($deduction, $tax_rate);
             $tax_description = zen_get_tax_description($this->tax_class);
             $od_amount['tax_groups'][$tax_description] = $od_amount['tax'];
     return $od_amount;