/** * Do some user finance data changes * * @param array $changeParams * * @return array */ protected function changeUserFinance($changeParams) { $result = array(); if (isset($changeParams['customerid'])) { if (isset($this->allUserData[$changeParams['customerid']])) { if (isset($changeParams['value'])) { if (zb_checkMoney($changeParams['value'])) { $paymentNotes = isset($changeParams['comment']) ? $changeParams['comment'] : ''; zb_CashAdd($changeParams['customerid'], $changeParams['value'], 'add', 1, $paymentNotes); $result = array('result' => 'ok'); } else { $result = array('result' => 'error', 'error' => $this->errorNotices['EX_BAD_MONEY_FORMAT'] . ': ' . $changeParams['value']); } } else { $result = array('result' => 'error', 'error' => $this->errorNotices['EX_PARAM_MISSED'] . ': value'); } } else { $result = array('result' => 'error', 'error' => $this->errorNotices['EX_USER_NOT_EXISTS'] . ': ' . $changeParams['customerid']); } } else { $result = array('result' => 'error', 'error' => $this->errorNotices['EX_PARAM_MISSED'] . ': customer_id'); } return $result; }
/** * * @return void/error notice */ public function catchCreateRequest() { $result = ''; if (wf_CheckPost(array('newschedlogin', 'newschedaction', 'newscheddate'))) { $date = $_POST['newscheddate']; $action = $_POST['newschedaction']; $param = $_POST['newschedparam']; $note = $_POST['newschednote']; $login = $_POST['newschedlogin']; if (zb_checkDate($date)) { switch ($action) { //this action types requires non empty parameter case 'addcash': if ($param) { if (zb_checkMoney($param)) { $this->createTask($date, $login, $action, $param, $note); } else { $result = __('Wrong format of a sum of money to pay'); } } else { $result = __('No all of required fields is filled'); } break; case 'corrcash': if ($param) { if (zb_checkMoney($param)) { $this->createTask($date, $login, $action, $param, $note); } else { $result = __('Wrong format of a sum of money to pay'); } } else { $result = __('No all of required fields is filled'); } break; case 'setcash': if ($param) { if (zb_checkMoney($param)) { $this->createTask($date, $login, $action, $param, $note); } else { $result = __('Wrong format of a sum of money to pay'); } } else { $result = __('No all of required fields is filled'); } break; case 'credit': if ($param >= 0) { if (zb_checkMoney($param)) { $this->createTask($date, $login, $action, $param, $note); } else { $result = __('Wrong format of a sum of money to pay'); } } else { $result = __('No all of required fields is filled'); } break; case 'creditexpire': if ($param) { if (zb_checkDate($param)) { $this->createTask($date, $login, $action, $param, $note); } else { $result = __('Wrong date format'); } } else { $result = __('No all of required fields is filled'); } break; case 'tariffchange': if ($param) { $this->createTask($date, $login, $action, $param, $note); } else { $result = __('No all of required fields is filled'); } break; case 'tagadd': if ($param) { $this->createTask($date, $login, $action, $param, $note); } else { $result = __('No all of required fields is filled'); } break; case 'tagdel': if ($param) { $this->createTask($date, $login, $action, $param, $note); } else { $result = __('No all of required fields is filled'); } break; //for this task types parameter may be empty //for this task types parameter may be empty case 'freeze': $this->createTask($date, $login, $action, $param, $note); break; case 'unfreeze': $this->createTask($date, $login, $action, $param, $note); break; case 'reset': $this->createTask($date, $login, $action, $param, $note); break; case 'setspeed': $this->createTask($date, $login, $action, $param, $note); break; case 'down': $this->createTask($date, $login, $action, $param, $note); break; case 'undown': $this->createTask($date, $login, $action, $param, $note); break; case 'ao': $this->createTask($date, $login, $action, $param, $note); break; case 'unao': $this->createTask($date, $login, $action, $param, $note); break; } } else { $result = __('Wrong date format'); } } else { $result = __('Something went wrong'); } return $result; }
/** * Creates new tariff in database * * @return void/string on error */ public function tariffCreate() { $result = ''; if (wf_CheckPost(array('newtariffname', 'newtarifffee', 'newtariffserviceid'))) { $nameF = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['newtariffname']); $feeF = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['newtarifffee']); $serviceidF = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['newtariffserviceid']); $primary = wf_CheckPost(array('newtariffprimary')) ? 1 : 0; $freePeriod = wf_CheckPost(array('newtarifffreeperiod')) ? 1 : 0; if (zb_checkMoney($feeF)) { $query = "INSERT INTO `mg_tariffs` (`id`,`name`,`fee`,`serviceid`,`primary`,`freeperiod`) VALUES "; $query .= "(NULL,'" . $nameF . "','" . $feeF . "','" . $serviceidF . "','" . $primary . "','" . $freePeriod . "')"; nr_query($query); $newId = simple_get_lastid('mg_tariffs'); log_register('MEGOGO TARIFF CREATE [' . $newId . '] `' . $_POST['newtariffname'] . '` FEE `' . $_POST['newtarifffee'] . '`'); } else { $result = $this->messages->getStyledMessage(__('Wrong format of a sum of money to pay'), 'error'); } } else { $result = $this->messages->getStyledMessage(__('No all of required fields is filled'), 'error'); } return $result; }
if (cfr('CREDIT')) { if (isset($_GET['username'])) { $login = vf($_GET['username']); $alterconf = $ubillingConfig->getAlter(); $credit_limit = $alterconf['STRICT_CREDIT_LIMIT']; // change credit if need if (isset($_POST['newcredit'])) { $rawCredit = $_POST['newcredit']; if (isset($alterconf['NEGATIVE_CREDIT_ALLOWED'])) { $credit = $alterconf['NEGATIVE_CREDIT_ALLOWED'] ? $rawCredit : vf($rawCredit); } else { $credit = vf($rawCredit); } //checking money format if (zb_checkMoney($credit)) { //credit limit check if ($credit_limit != 'DISABLED') { if ($credit <= $credit_limit) { $billing->setcredit($login, $credit); log_register('CHANGE Credit (' . $login . ') ON ' . $credit); } } else { $billing->setcredit($login, $credit); log_register('CHANGE Credit (' . $login . ') ON ' . $credit); } rcms_redirect("?module=creditedit&username=" . $login); } else { show_error(__('Wrong format of money sum')); } }
<?php if (cfr('CASH')) { if (isset($_GET['username'])) { $alter = $ubillingConfig->getAlter(); $login = vf($_GET['username']); // Change finance state if need: if (isset($_POST['newcash'])) { // Init $cash = $_POST['newcash']; $operation = vf($_POST['operation']); $cashtype = vf($_POST['cashtype']); $note = isset($_POST['newpaymentnote']) ? mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['newpaymentnote']) : ''; // Empty cash hotfix: if ($cash != '') { if (zb_checkMoney($cash)) { if (isset($alter['SIGNUP_PAYMENTS']) && !empty($alter['SIGNUP_PAYMENTS'])) { zb_CashAddWithSignup($login, $cash, $operation, $cashtype, $note); } else { zb_CashAdd($login, $cash, $operation, $cashtype, $note); } rcms_redirect("?module=addcash&username=" . $login); } else { show_window('', wf_modalOpened(__('Error'), __('Wrong format of a sum of money to pay'), '400', '200')); log_register('BALANCEADDFAIL (' . $login . ') WRONG SUMM `' . $cash . '`'); } } else { show_window('', wf_modalOpened(__('Error'), __('You have not completed the required amount of money to deposit into account. We hope next time you will be more attentive.'), '400', '150')); log_register('BALANCEADDFAIL (' . $login . ') EMPTY SUMM `' . $cash . '`'); } }