db_exec($dbh, $sql); } } elseif (isset($_POST['itemtypeid']) && $_GET['id'] == "new" && isvalidfrm()) { //ok, save new item //find a new ID //handle file uploads $photofn = ""; $manualfn = ""; foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { if (!is_array($v)) { ${$k} = trim($v); } } $purchasedate2 = ymd2sec($purchasedate); // mktime(0, 0, 0, $x[1], $x[0], $x[2]); $mend = ymd2sec($maintend); if ($switchid == "") { $switchid = "NULL"; } if ($usize == "") { $usize = "NULL"; } if ($locationid == "") { $locationid = "NULL"; } if ($locareaid == "") { $locareaid = "NULL"; } if ($rackid == "") { $rackid = "NULL"; }
} else { require_once "../init.php"; } //print_r($_POST); //form submit if (isset($_POST['eventid'])) { $eventid = $_POST['eventid']; foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { ${$k} = $v; } if ($eventid == "new") { $sql = "INSERT into contractevents " . " (contractid,siblingid , startdate , enddate, description) " . " VALUES ('{$contractid}','{$ev_siblingid}','" . ymd2sec($ev_startdate) . "','" . ymd2sec($ev_enddate) . "','{$ev_description}') "; db_exec($dbh, $sql, 0, 0, $lastid); //echo "Added $lastid, $ev_startdate"; } elseif (is_numeric($eventid)) { $sql = "UPDATE contractevents " . " SET siblingid='{$ev_siblingid}', startdate='" . ymd2sec($ev_startdate) . "',enddate='" . ymd2sec($ev_enddate) . "',description='{$ev_description}' " . " WHERE id='{$eventid}'"; db_exec($dbh, $sql, 0, 0, $lastid); //echo "UPDATED $eventid"; } } elseif (isset($_POST['deleventid'])) { $sql = "DELETE FROM contractevents WHERE id='{$_POST['deleventid']}'"; db_exec($dbh, $sql); //echo "DELETED ".$_POST['deleventid']; } ?> <!-- print contract events table --> <table width='100%' class='tbl2 brdr sortable' id='eventslisttbl'> <thead> <tr><th style='width:40px;'><?php te("Edit"); ?>
if (isset($_POST['description'])) { $nrows = count($_POST['id']); //number of rows for ($rn = 0; $rn < $nrows; $rn++) { $id = $_POST['id'][$rn]; if ($id == "new" && strlen($_POST['description'][$rn]) > 1) { //new item -- insert if (empty($_POST['actiondate'][$rn])) { $adate = time(); } else { $adate = ymd2sec($_POST['actiondate'][$rn]); } $sql = "INSERT into actions " . "(itemid, actiondate,description,invoiceinfo,isauto,entrydate) " . " values (" . "{$itemid}," . $adate . "," . "'" . $_POST['description'][$rn] . "'," . "'" . $_POST['invoiceinfo'][$rn] . "',0," . time() . ")"; } elseif ($id != "new") { //existing item -- update $sql = "UPDATE actions set " . " actiondate=" . ymd2sec($_POST['actiondate'][$rn]) . ", " . " description='" . $_POST['description'][$rn] . "', " . " invoiceinfo='" . $_POST['invoiceinfo'][$rn] . "', " . " isauto=0" . " WHERE id={$id}"; } else { continue; } $r = db_exec($dbh, $sql); } //for } //if if (!isset($_GET['itemid']) || !strlen($_GET['itemid'])) { echo "{$scriptname}: wrong arguments"; exit; } $itemid = $_GET['itemid']; $sql = "SELECT * from actions where itemid={$itemid} order by actiondate"; /// make db query
} //echo "$nlinks DELETED ".$_GET['delfid']; echo "<script>window.location='{$scriptname}?action={$action}&id={$id}'</script> "; echo "<br><a href='{$scriptname}?action={$action}&id={$id}'>Go here</a></body></html>"; exit; } if (isset($_POST['id'])) { //if we came from a post (save) then update invoice $id = $_POST['id']; $description = $_POST['description']; //don't accept empty fields if (empty($vendorid) || empty($buyerid) || !strlen($number) || !strlen($date)) { echo "\n<br><b>Some mandatory fields are missing.</b><br><a href='javascript:history.go(-1);'>Go back</a>\n</body></html>"; exit; } $d = ymd2sec($date); if ($_POST['id'] == "new") { //if we came from a post (save) then add invoice $sql = "INSERT into invoices (vendorid,buyerid,number,description,date)" . " VALUEs ('{$vendorid}','{$buyerid}','{$number}','{$description}','{$d}')"; db_exec($dbh, $sql, 0, 0, $lastid); $lastid = $dbh->lastInsertId(); print "\n<br><b>Added Invoice <a href='{$scriptname}?action={$action}&id={$lastid}'>{$lastid}</a></b><br>\n"; echo "<script>window.location='{$scriptname}?action={$action}&id={$lastid}'</script> "; //go to the new invoice $id = $lastid; } else { $sql = "UPDATE invoices SET vendorid='{$vendorid}', buyerid='{$buyerid}', " . " number='{$number}', description='{$description}', date='{$d}' WHERE id={$id}"; db_exec($dbh, $sql); } //SAVE ASSOCIATIONS //update item - invoice links
echo "<b>Rack not deleted: Please remove items first from this rack<br></b>\n"; echo "<br><a href='javascript:history.go(-1);'>Go back</a>\n</body></html>"; exit; } else { delrack($delid, $dbh); echo "<script>document.location='{$scriptname}?action=listracks'</script>\n"; echo "<a href='{$scriptname}?action=listracks'>Go here</a>\n</body></html>"; exit; } } if (isset($_POST['id'])) { //if we came from a post (save), update the rack $id = $_POST['id']; $title = $_POST['title']; $type = $_POST['type']; $date = ymd2sec($_POST['date']); //don't accept empty fields if (empty($_POST['usize']) || empty($_POST['depth'])) { echo "<br><b>Some <span class='mandatory'> mandatory</span> fields are missing.</b><br>" . "<a href='javascript:history.go(-1);'>Go back</a></body></html>"; exit; } if ($_POST['id'] == "new") { //if we came from a post (save) the add software $sql = "INSERT into racks (locationid , usize , depth , comments,model,label, revnums , locareaid) " . " VALUES ('{$locationid}','{$usize}','{$depth}','{$comments}','{$model}','{$label}','{$revnums}','{$locareaid}')"; db_exec($dbh, $sql, 0, 0, $lastid); $lastid = $dbh->lastInsertId(); print "<br><b>Added Rack <a href='{$scriptname}?action={$action}&id={$lastid}'>{$lastid}</a></b><br>"; echo "<script>window.location='{$scriptname}?action={$action}&id={$lastid}'</script> "; //go to the new rack echo "\n</body></html>"; $id = $lastid;
function upload($file_id, $folder = "", $ftype, $title, $date, $id, $assoctable = "", $colname = "", $uploader = "") { global $dbh, $uploadErrors; if ($_FILES[$file_id]["error"] > 0) { $result = $uploadErrors[$_FILES[$file_id]["error"]]; return array('', $result); } if (!$_FILES[$file_id]['name']) { return array('', 'No file specified'); } if (!$_FILES[$file_id]['size']) { return array('', 'File is zero length'); } if (!is_numeric($ftype)) { return array('', "No type specified ({$ftype})"); } if (!strlen($title)) { return array('', 'No title specified'); } if (!strlen($date)) { return array('', 'No date specified'); } if (!strlen($assoctable)) { return array('', 'No table specified'); } if (!strlen($colname)) { return array('', 'No colname specified'); } if (!strlen($folder)) { return array('', 'No folder specified'); } $ftypestr = ftype2str($ftype, $dbh); $path_parts = pathinfo($_FILES[$file_id]["name"]); $fileext = $path_parts['extension']; $unique = substr(uniqid(), -4, 4); $filefn = "{$ftypestr}-" . validfn($title) . "-{$unique}.{$fileext}"; $filefn = strtolower($filefn); $uploadfile = $folder . $filefn; $result = ''; //Move the file from the stored location to the new location if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$file_id]['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) { $result = "Cannot upload the file '" . $_FILES[$file_id]['name'] . "'"; if (!file_exists($folder)) { $result .= " : Folder doesn't exist."; } elseif (!is_writable($folder)) { $result .= " : Folder not writable."; } elseif (!is_writable($uploadfile)) { $result .= " : File not writable."; } $filefn = ''; return array($filefn, $result); } //else file was written //chmod($uploadfile,0777);//Make it universally writable. //add file to files table $datesec = ymd2sec($date); $sql = "INSERT into files (type,title,date,fname,uploader,uploaddate) VALUES ({$ftype},'{$title}','{$datesec}','{$filefn}','{$uploader}','" . time() . "')"; db_exec($dbh, $sql); $lastid = $dbh->lastInsertId(); //make association $sql = "INSERT into {$assoctable} ({$colname},fileid) VALUES ({$id},{$lastid})"; db_exec($dbh, $sql); return array($filefn, $result); }
$_POST['ren_notes'] = preg_replace('/[\\|#]/', ' ', $_POST['ren_notes']); $_POST['ren_dateentered'] = preg_replace('/[\\|#]/', ' ', $_POST['ren_dateentered']); $_POST['ren_enteredby'] = preg_replace('/[\\|#]/', ' ', $_POST['ren_enteredby']); $row[$i] = implode("#", array($_POST['ren_enddatebefore'][$i], $_POST['ren_enddateafter'][$i], $_POST['ren_effectivedate'][$i], $_POST['ren_notes'][$i], $_POST['ren_dateentered'][$i], $_POST['ren_enteredby'][$i])); } $renewals = implode("|", $row); $title = $_POST['title']; $number = $_POST['number']; $typex = $_POST['typex']; $description = $_POST['description']; $comments = $_POST['comments']; $parentid = $_POST['parentid']; $totalcost = $_POST['totalcost']; $contractorid = $_POST['contractorid']; $startdate = ymd2sec($_POST['startdate']); $currentenddate = ymd2sec($_POST['currentenddate']); //don't accept empty mandatory fields $missing = ""; if (!strlen($title)) { $missing .= "<br><b>Title is missing.</b><br>"; } if (!strlen($number)) { $missing .= "<br><b>Number is missing.</b><br>"; } if (!strlen($typex)) { $missing .= "<br><b>Type is missing.</b><br>"; } if (!strlen($contractorid)) { $missing .= "<br><b>Contractor is missing.</b><br>"; } if (!strlen($startdate)) {