コード例 #1
  * widget function.
  * @see WP_Widget
  * @param array $args
  * @param array $instance
 public function widget($args, $instance)
     global $_chosen_attributes, $wpdb, $wp, $woocommerce;
     if (is_search()) {
     if (!is_post_type_archive('product') && !is_tax($_attributes_array)) {
     if (sizeof(WC()->query->unfiltered_product_ids) == 0) {
         // None shown - return
     $link = yit_get_woocommerce_layered_nav_link();
     // All current filters
     if ($_chosen_attributes) {
         foreach ($_chosen_attributes as $name => $data) {
             // Remove pa_ and sanitize
             $filter_name = sanitize_title(str_replace('pa_', '', $name));
             if (!empty($data['terms'])) {
                 $link = add_query_arg('filter_' . $filter_name, implode(',', $data['terms']), $link);
             if ($data['query_type'] == 'or') {
                 $link = add_query_arg('query_type_' . $filter_name, 'or', $link);
     $title = $instance['pierry-variation-filter-title'];
     $field = $instance['pierry-variation-filter-field'];
     $this_key = 'meta_' . $field;
     $this_key_values = array();
     foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
         if (strpos($key, 'meta_') === 0) {
             if ($key != $this_key) {
                 // add all other metas as is
                 $link = add_query_arg($key, urlencode($value), $link);
             } else {
                 // extract values
                 $this_key_values = explode(",", $value);
     $is_chosen_class = 'chosen';
     echo $before_widget;
     $title = html_entity_decode(apply_filters('widget_title', $title));
     if (!empty($title)) {
         echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;
     $found = false;
     $data = $this->get_meta_values($field);
     echo '<ul class="yith-wcan-list yith-wcan" >';
     foreach ($data as $value) {
         $products_with_meta = $this->get_products_with_meta($field, '"' . $value . '"');
         $this_link = $link;
         $this_values = array_merge($this_key_values);
         if (($idx = array_search(esc_sql($value), $this_values)) !== false) {
             $option_is_set = true;
             $class = "class='{$is_chosen_class}'";
             // remove this value from array
         } else {
             $option_is_set = false;
             $class = '';
             $this_values[] = $value;
         if (sizeof($this_values) > 0) {
             $this_link = add_query_arg($this_key, urlencode(implode(",", $this_values)), $link);
         $count = sizeof(array_intersect($products_with_meta, $woocommerce->query->filtered_product_ids));
         if ($count > 0) {
             $found = true;
         echo '<li ' . $class . '>';
         echo $count > 0 || $option_is_set ? '<a href="' . esc_url(apply_filters('woocommerce_layered_nav_link', $this_link)) . '">' : '<span>';
         echo $value;
         echo $count > 0 || $option_is_set ? '</a>' : '</span>';
         if ($count != 0 && apply_filters("{$args['widget_id']}-show_product_count", true, $instance)) {
             echo ' <small class="count">' . $count . '</small><div class="clear"></div>';
         echo '</li>';
     echo '</ul>';
     echo $after_widget;
     if (!$found) {
         echo substr($before_widget, 0, strlen($before_widget) - 1) . ' style="display:none">' . $after_widget;
     } else {
         echo ob_get_clean();
コード例 #2
  * widget function.
  * @see WP_Widget
  * @param array $args
  * @param array $instance
 public function widget($args, $instance)
     global $_chosen_attributes, $wpdb, $wp, $woocommerce;
     if (is_search()) {
     if (!is_post_type_archive('product') && !is_tax($_attributes_array)) {
     $title = $instance['pierry-woo-price-filter-title'];
     $increment = $instance['pierry-woo-price-filter-increment'];
     $is_chosen_class = 'chosen';
     if (!is_post_type_archive('product') && !is_tax(get_object_taxonomies('product'))) {
     if (sizeof(WC()->query->unfiltered_product_ids) == 0) {
         // None shown - return
     $min_price = isset($_GET['min_price']) ? esc_attr($_GET['min_price']) : '';
     $max_price = isset($_GET['max_price']) ? esc_attr($_GET['max_price']) : '';
     list($min, $max) = $this->get_min_max_prices();
     $link = yit_get_woocommerce_layered_nav_link();
     // All current filters
     if ($_chosen_attributes) {
         foreach ($_chosen_attributes as $name => $data) {
             if ($name !== $taxonomy) {
                 // Exclude query arg for current term archive term
                 while (in_array($current_term, $data['terms'])) {
                     $key = array_search($current_term, $data);
                 // Remove pa_ and sanitize
                 $filter_name = sanitize_title(str_replace('pa_', '', $name));
                 if (!empty($data['terms'])) {
                     $link = add_query_arg('filter_' . $filter_name, implode(',', $data['terms']), $link);
                 if ($data['query_type'] == 'or') {
                     $link = add_query_arg('query_type_' . $filter_name, 'or', $link);
     if ($min == $max) {
     $price_start = $min;
     $price_end = $price_start + $increment;
     echo $before_widget;
     $title = html_entity_decode(apply_filters('widget_title', $title));
     if (!empty($title)) {
         echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;
     echo '<ul class="yith-wcan-list yith-wcan" >';
     while ($price_end <= $max || $price_start <= $max && $max <= $price_end) {
         // Get count based on current view - uses transients
         $transient_name = 'wc_ln_count_' . md5(sanitize_key($taxonomy) . sanitize_key($term->term_id));
         $_products_in_term = $this->get_products_in_price_range($price_start, $price_end);
         set_transient($transient_name, $_products_in_term);
         //$count = sizeof( array_intersect( $_products_in_term, $woocommerce->query->unfiltered_product_ids ) );
         $count = sizeof($_products_in_term) - 1;
         // Min/Max
         if ($min_price == $price_start && $max_price == $price_end) {
             $option_is_set = true;
             $class = "class='{$is_chosen_class}'";
             // do not add price parameters because click suppose to unselect them
             $this_link = $link;
         } else {
             $option_is_set = false;
             $class = '';
             // add price parametesr to link becouse link suppose to select them
             $this_link = add_query_arg('min_price', $price_start, $link);
             $this_link = add_query_arg('max_price', $price_end, $this_link);
         $label = "{$price_start} &dash; {$price_end}";
         echo '<li ' . $class . '>';
         echo $count > 0 || $option_is_set ? '<a href="' . esc_url(apply_filters('woocommerce_layered_nav_link', $this_link)) . '">' : '<span>';
         echo $label;
         echo $count > 0 || $option_is_set ? '</a>' : '</span>';
         if ($count != 0 && apply_filters("{$args['widget_id']}-show_product_count", true, $instance)) {
             echo ' <small class="count">' . $count . '</small><div class="clear"></div>';
         echo '</li>';
         $price_start = $price_end;
         $price_end = $price_start + $increment;
     echo '</ul>';
     echo $after_widget;
コード例 #3
        function widget($args, $instance)
            global $_chosen_attributes, $woocommerce;
            $_attributes_array = yit_wcan_get_product_taxonomy();
            if (apply_filters('yith_wcan_is_search', is_search())) {
            if (apply_filters('yith_wcan_show_widget', !is_post_type_archive('product') && !is_tax($_attributes_array))) {
            if (defined('YITH_WCBR_PREMIUM_INIT') && YITH_WCBR_PREMIUM_INIT) {
                $this->brand_taxonomy = YITH_WCBR::$brands_taxonomy;
            $current_term = $_attributes_array && is_tax($_attributes_array) ? get_queried_object()->term_id : '';
            $current_tax = $_attributes_array && is_tax($_attributes_array) ? get_queried_object()->taxonomy : '';
            $title = apply_filters('yith_widget_title_ajax_navigation', isset($instance['title']) ? $instance['title'] : '', $instance, $this->id_base);
            $query_type = isset($instance['query_type']) ? $instance['query_type'] : 'and';
            $display_type = isset($instance['type']) ? $instance['type'] : 'list';
            $is_child_class = 'yit-wcan-child-terms';
            $is_chosen_class = 'chosen';
            $terms_type_list = isset($instance['display']) && ($display_type == 'list' || $display_type == 'select') ? $instance['display'] : 'all';
            $instance['attribute'] = empty($instance['attribute']) ? '' : $instance['attribute'];
            /* FIX TO WOOCOMMERCE 2.1 */
            if (function_exists('wc_attribute_taxonomy_name')) {
                $taxonomy = wc_attribute_taxonomy_name($instance['attribute']);
            } else {
                $taxonomy = $woocommerce->attribute_taxonomy_name($instance['attribute']);
            if (!taxonomy_exists($taxonomy)) {
            $taxonomy = apply_filters('yith_wcan_get_terms_params', $taxonomy, $instance, 'taxonomy_name');
            $terms_type_list = apply_filters('yith_wcan_get_terms_params', $terms_type_list, $instance, 'terms_type');
            $terms = yit_get_terms($terms_type_list, $taxonomy, $instance);
            if (count($terms) > 0) {
                $this->found = false;
                echo $before_widget;
                $title = html_entity_decode(apply_filters('widget_title', $title));
                if (!empty($title)) {
                    echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;
                // Force found when option is selected - do not force found on taxonomy attributes
                if (!$_attributes_array || !is_tax($_attributes_array)) {
                    if (is_array($_chosen_attributes) && array_key_exists($taxonomy, $_chosen_attributes)) {
                        $this->found = true;
                if (in_array($display_type, apply_filters('yith_wcan_display_type_list', array('list')))) {
                    // List display
                    echo "<ul class='yith-wcan-list yith-wcan'>";
                    foreach ($terms as $term) {
                        // Get count based on current view - uses transients
                        $transient_name = 'wc_ln_count_' . md5(sanitize_key($taxonomy) . sanitize_key($term->term_id));
                        //if ( false === ( $_products_in_term = get_transient( $transient_name ) ) ) {
                        $_products_in_term = get_objects_in_term($term->term_id, $taxonomy);
                        set_transient($transient_name, $_products_in_term);
                        $option_is_set = isset($_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]) && in_array($term->term_id, $_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms']);
                        $term_param = apply_filters('yith_wcan_term_param_uri', $term->term_id, $display_type, $term);
                        // If this is an AND query, only show options with count > 0
                        if ($query_type == 'and') {
                            $count = sizeof(array_intersect($_products_in_term, $woocommerce->query->filtered_product_ids));
                            // skip the term for the current archive
                            if ($current_term == $term_param) {
                            if ($count > 0 && $current_term !== $term_param) {
                                $this->found = true;
                            if (($terms_type_list == 'hierarchical' || $terms_type_list == 'tags' && $instance['display'] == 'hierarchical' || !yit_term_has_child($term, $taxonomy)) && $count == 0 && !$option_is_set) {
                            // If this is an OR query, show all options so search can be expanded
                        } else {
                            // skip the term for the current archive
                            if ($current_term == $term_param) {
                            $count = sizeof(array_intersect($_products_in_term, $woocommerce->query->unfiltered_product_ids));
                            if ($count > 0) {
                                $this->found = true;
                        $arg = apply_filters('yith_wcan_list_type_query_arg', 'filter_' . sanitize_title($instance['attribute']), $display_type, $term);
                        $current_filter = isset($_GET[$arg]) ? explode(apply_filters('yith_wcan_list_filter_operator', ',', $display_type), apply_filters("yith_wcan_list_filter_query_{$arg}", $_GET[$arg])) : array();
                        if (!is_array($current_filter)) {
                            $current_filter = array();
                        $current_filter = array_map('esc_attr', $current_filter);
                        if (!in_array($term_param, $current_filter)) {
                            $current_filter[] = $term_param;
                        $link = yit_get_woocommerce_layered_nav_link();
                        // All current filters
                        if ($_chosen_attributes) {
                            foreach ($_chosen_attributes as $name => $data) {
                                if ($name !== $taxonomy) {
                                    // Exclude query arg for current term archive term
                                    while (in_array($current_term, $data['terms'])) {
                                        $key = array_search($current_term, $data);
                                    // Remove pa_ and sanitize
                                    $filter_name = sanitize_title(str_replace('pa_', '', $name));
                                    if (!empty($data['terms'])) {
                                        $link = add_query_arg('filter_' . $filter_name, implode(',', $data['terms']), $link);
                                    if ($data['query_type'] == 'or') {
                                        $link = add_query_arg('query_type_' . $filter_name, 'or', $link);
                        // Min/Max
                        if (isset($_GET['min_price'])) {
                            $link = add_query_arg('min_price', $_GET['min_price'], $link);
                        if (isset($_GET['max_price'])) {
                            $link = add_query_arg('max_price', $_GET['max_price'], $link);
                        if (isset($_GET['product_tag']) && $display_type != 'tags') {
                            $link = add_query_arg('product_tag', urlencode($_GET['product_tag']), $link);
                        if (isset($_GET[$this->brand_taxonomy])) {
                            $brands = get_term_by('slug', $_GET[$this->brand_taxonomy], $this->brand_taxonomy);
                            if ($brands->term_id != $term->term_id) {
                                $link = add_query_arg($this->brand_taxonomy, urlencode($brands->slug), $link);
                        if (isset($_GET['product_cat'])) {
                            $categories_filter_operator = 'and' == $query_type ? '+' : ',';
                            $_chosen_categories = explode($categories_filter_operator, urlencode($_GET['product_cat']));
                            $link = add_query_arg('product_cat', implode(apply_filters('yith_wcan_categories_filter_operator', $categories_filter_operator, $display_type), $_chosen_categories), $link);
                        if (isset($_GET['product_cat'])) {
                            $categories_filter_operator = 'and' == $query_type ? '+' : ',';
                            $_chosen_categories = explode($categories_filter_operator, urlencode($_GET['product_cat']));
                            $link = add_query_arg('product_cat', implode(apply_filters('yith_wcan_categories_filter_operator', $categories_filter_operator, $display_type), $_chosen_categories), $link);
                        $check_for_current_widget = isset($_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]) && is_array($_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms']) && in_array($term->term_id, $_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms']);
                        // Current Filter = this widget
                        if (apply_filters('yith_wcan_list_type_current_widget_check', $check_for_current_widget, $current_filter, $display_type, $term_param)) {
                            $class = ($terms_type_list == 'hierarchical' || $terms_type_list == 'tags' && $instance['display'] == 'hierarchical') && yit_term_is_child($term) ? "class='{$is_chosen_class}  {$is_child_class}'" : "class='{$is_chosen_class}'";
                            // Remove this term is $current_filter has more than 1 term filtered
                            if (sizeof($current_filter) > 1) {
                                $current_filter_without_this = array_diff($current_filter, array($term_param));
                                $link = add_query_arg($arg, implode(apply_filters('yith_wcan_list_filter_operator', ',', $display_type), $current_filter_without_this), $link);
                        } else {
                            $class = ($terms_type_list == 'hierarchical' || $terms_type_list == 'tags' && $instance['display'] == 'hierarchical') && yit_term_is_child($term) ? "class='{$is_child_class}'" : '';
                            $link = add_query_arg($arg, implode(apply_filters('yith_wcan_list_filter_operator', ',', $display_type), $current_filter), $link);
                        // Search Arg
                        if (get_search_query()) {
                            $link = add_query_arg('s', get_search_query(), $link);
                        // Post Type Arg
                        if (isset($_GET['post_type'])) {
                            $link = add_query_arg('post_type', $_GET['post_type'], $link);
                        $is_attribute = apply_filters('yith_wcan_is_attribute_check', true);
                        // Query type Arg
                        if ($is_attribute && $query_type == 'or' && !(sizeof($current_filter) == 1 && isset($_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms']) && is_array($_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms']) && in_array($term->term_id, $_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms']))) {
                            $link = add_query_arg('query_type_' . sanitize_title($instance['attribute']), 'or', $link);
                        echo '<li ' . $class . '>';
                        echo $count > 0 || $option_is_set ? '<a href="' . esc_url(apply_filters('woocommerce_layered_nav_link', $link)) . '">' : '<span>';
                        echo $term->name;
                        echo $count > 0 || $option_is_set ? '</a>' : '</span>';
                        if ($count != 0 && apply_filters("{$args['widget_id']}-show_product_count", true, $instance)) {
                            echo ' <small class="count">' . $count . '</small><div class="clear"></div></li>';
                    echo "</ul>";
                } elseif ($display_type == 'select') {
                    $dropdown_label = __('Filters:', 'yith-woocommerce-ajax-navigation');

                    <a class="yit-wcan-select-open" href="#"><?php 
                    echo apply_filters('yith_wcan_dropdown_default_label', $dropdown_label);

                    // Select display
                    echo "<div class='yith-wcan-select-wrapper'>";
                    echo "<ul class='yith-wcan-select yith-wcan'>";
                    foreach ($terms as $term) {
                        // Get count based on current view - uses transients
                        $transient_name = 'wc_ln_count_' . md5(sanitize_key($taxonomy) . sanitize_key($term->term_id));
                        //if ( false === ( $_products_in_term = get_transient( $transient_name ) ) ) {
                        $_products_in_term = get_objects_in_term($term->term_id, $taxonomy);
                        set_transient($transient_name, $_products_in_term);
                        $option_is_set = isset($_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]) && in_array($term->term_id, $_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms']);
                        // If this is an AND query, only show options with count > 0
                        if ($query_type == 'and') {
                            $count = sizeof(array_intersect($_products_in_term, $woocommerce->query->filtered_product_ids));
                            // skip the term for the current archive
                            if ($current_term == $term->term_id) {
                            if ($count > 0 && $current_term !== $term->term_id) {
                                $this->found = true;
                            if (($terms_type_list != 'hierarchical' || !yit_term_has_child($term, $taxonomy)) && $count == 0 && !$option_is_set) {
                            // If this is an OR query, show all options so search can be expanded
                        } else {
                            // skip the term for the current archive
                            if ($current_term == $term->term_id) {
                            $count = sizeof(array_intersect($_products_in_term, $woocommerce->query->unfiltered_product_ids));
                            if ($count > 0) {
                                $this->found = true;
                        $arg = 'filter_' . urldecode(sanitize_title($instance['attribute']));
                        $current_filter = isset($_GET[$arg]) ? explode(',', $_GET[$arg]) : array();
                        if (!is_array($current_filter)) {
                            $current_filter = array();
                        $current_filter = array_map('esc_attr', $current_filter);
                        if (!in_array($term->term_id, $current_filter)) {
                            $current_filter[] = $term->term_id;
                        $link = yit_get_woocommerce_layered_nav_link();
                        // All current filters
                        if ($_chosen_attributes) {
                            foreach ($_chosen_attributes as $name => $data) {
                                if ($name !== $taxonomy) {
                                    // Exclude query arg for current term archive term
                                    while (in_array($current_term, $data['terms'])) {
                                        $key = array_search($current_term, $data);
                                    // Remove pa_ and sanitize
                                    $filter_name = urldecode(sanitize_title(str_replace('pa_', '', $name)));
                                    if (!empty($data['terms'])) {
                                        $link = add_query_arg('filter_' . $filter_name, implode(',', $data['terms']), $link);
                                    if ($data['query_type'] == 'or') {
                                        $link = add_query_arg('query_type_' . $filter_name, 'or', $link);
                        // Min/Max
                        if (isset($_GET['min_price'])) {
                            $link = add_query_arg('min_price', $_GET['min_price'], $link);
                        if (isset($_GET['max_price'])) {
                            $link = add_query_arg('max_price', $_GET['max_price'], $link);
                        if (isset($_GET['product_tag'])) {
                            $link = add_query_arg('product_tag', urlencode($_GET['product_tag']), $link);
                        if (isset($_GET[$this->brand_taxonomy])) {
                            $brands = get_term_by('name', $_GET[$this->brand_taxonomy], $this->brand_taxonomy);
                            if ($brands->term_id != $term->term_id) {
                                $link = add_query_arg($this->brand_taxonomy, urlencode($brands->slug), $link);
                        if (isset($_GET['product_cat'])) {
                            $categories_filter_operator = 'and' == $query_type ? '+' : ',';
                            $_chosen_categories = explode($categories_filter_operator, urlencode($_GET['product_cat']));
                            $link = add_query_arg('product_cat', implode(apply_filters('yith_wcan_categories_filter_operator', $categories_filter_operator, $display_type), $_chosen_categories), $link);
                        // Current Filter = this widget
                        if (isset($_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]) && is_array($_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms']) && in_array($term->term_id, $_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms'])) {
                            $class = $terms_type_list == 'hierarchical' && yit_term_is_child($term) ? "class='{$is_chosen_class}  {$is_child_class}'" : "class='{$is_chosen_class}'";
                            // Remove this term is $current_filter has more than 1 term filtered
                            if (sizeof($current_filter) > 1) {
                                $current_filter_without_this = array_diff($current_filter, array($term->term_id));
                                $link = add_query_arg($arg, implode(',', $current_filter_without_this), $link);
                        } else {
                            $class = $terms_type_list == 'hierarchical' && yit_term_is_child($term) ? "class='{$is_child_class}'" : '';
                            $link = add_query_arg($arg, implode(',', $current_filter), $link);
                        // Search Arg
                        if (get_search_query()) {
                            $link = add_query_arg('s', get_search_query(), $link);
                        // Post Type Arg
                        if (isset($_GET['post_type'])) {
                            $link = add_query_arg('post_type', $_GET['post_type'], $link);
                        // Query type Arg
                        if ($query_type == 'or' && !(sizeof($current_filter) == 1 && isset($_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms']) && is_array($_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms']) && in_array($term->term_id, $_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms']))) {
                            $link = add_query_arg('query_type_' . sanitize_title($instance['attribute']), 'or', $link);
                        echo '<li ' . $class . '>';
                        echo $count > 0 || $option_is_set ? '<a data-type="select" href="' . esc_url(apply_filters('woocommerce_layered_nav_link', $link)) . '">' : '<span>';
                        echo $term->name;
                        echo $count > 0 || $option_is_set ? '</a>' : '</span>';
                        echo '</li>';
                    echo "</ul>";
                    echo "</div>";
                } elseif ($display_type == 'color') {
                    // List display
                    echo "<ul class='yith-wcan-color yith-wcan yith-wcan-group'>";
                    foreach ($terms as $term) {
                        // Get count based on current view - uses transients
                        $transient_name = 'wc_ln_count_' . md5(sanitize_key($taxonomy) . sanitize_key($term->term_id));
                        //if ( false === ( $_products_in_term = get_transient( $transient_name ) ) ) {
                        $_products_in_term = get_objects_in_term($term->term_id, $taxonomy);
                        set_transient($transient_name, $_products_in_term);
                        $option_is_set = isset($_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]) && in_array($term->term_id, $_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms']);
                        // If this is an AND query, only show options with count > 0
                        if ($query_type == 'and') {
                            $count = sizeof(array_intersect($_products_in_term, $woocommerce->query->filtered_product_ids));
                            // skip the term for the current archive
                            if ($current_term == $term->term_id) {
                            if ($count > 0 && $current_term !== $term->term_id) {
                                $this->found = true;
                            if ($count == 0 && !$option_is_set) {
                            // If this is an OR query, show all options so search can be expanded
                        } else {
                            // skip the term for the current archive
                            if ($current_term == $term->term_id) {
                            $count = sizeof(array_intersect($_products_in_term, $woocommerce->query->unfiltered_product_ids));
                            if ($count > 0) {
                                $this->found = true;
                        $arg = 'filter_' . sanitize_title($instance['attribute']);
                        $current_filter = isset($_GET[$arg]) ? explode(',', $_GET[$arg]) : array();
                        if (!is_array($current_filter)) {
                            $current_filter = array();
                        $current_filter = array_map('esc_attr', $current_filter);
                        if (!in_array($term->term_id, $current_filter)) {
                            $current_filter[] = $term->term_id;
                        $link = yit_get_woocommerce_layered_nav_link();
                        // All current filters
                        if ($_chosen_attributes) {
                            foreach ($_chosen_attributes as $name => $data) {
                                if ($name !== $taxonomy) {
                                    // Exclude query arg for current term archive term
                                    while (in_array($current_term, $data['terms'])) {
                                        $key = array_search($current_term, $data);
                                    // Remove pa_ and sanitize
                                    $filter_name = sanitize_title(str_replace('pa_', '', $name));
                                    if (!empty($data['terms'])) {
                                        $link = add_query_arg('filter_' . $filter_name, implode(',', $data['terms']), $link);
                                    if ($data['query_type'] == 'or') {
                                        $link = add_query_arg('query_type_' . $filter_name, 'or', $link);
                        // Min/Max
                        if (isset($_GET['min_price'])) {
                            $link = add_query_arg('min_price', $_GET['min_price'], $link);
                        if (isset($_GET['max_price'])) {
                            $link = add_query_arg('max_price', $_GET['max_price'], $link);
                        if (isset($_GET['product_tag'])) {
                            $link = add_query_arg('product_tag', urlencode($_GET['product_tag']), $link);
                        if (isset($_GET[$this->brand_taxonomy])) {
                            $brands = get_term_by('name', $_GET[$this->brand_taxonomy], $this->brand_taxonomy);
                            if ($brands->term_id != $term->term_id) {
                                $link = add_query_arg($this->brand_taxonomy, urlencode($brands->slug), $link);
                        if (isset($_GET['product_cat'])) {
                            $categories_filter_operator = 'and' == $query_type ? '+' : ',';
                            $_chosen_categories = explode($categories_filter_operator, urlencode($_GET['product_cat']));
                            $link = add_query_arg('product_cat', implode(apply_filters('yith_wcan_categories_filter_operator', $categories_filter_operator, $display_type), $_chosen_categories), $link);
                        // Current Filter = this widget
                        if (isset($_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]) && is_array($_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms']) && in_array($term->term_id, $_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms'])) {
                            $class = $terms_type_list == 'hierarchical' && yit_term_is_child($term) ? "class='{$is_chosen_class}  {$is_child_class}'" : "class='{$is_chosen_class}'";
                            // Remove this term is $current_filter has more than 1 term filtered
                            if (sizeof($current_filter) > 1) {
                                $current_filter_without_this = array_diff($current_filter, array($term->term_id));
                                $link = add_query_arg($arg, implode(',', $current_filter_without_this), $link);
                        } else {
                            $class = $terms_type_list == 'hierarchical' && yit_term_is_child($term) ? "class='{$is_child_class}'" : '';
                            $link = add_query_arg($arg, implode(',', $current_filter), $link);
                        // Search Arg
                        if (get_search_query()) {
                            $link = add_query_arg('s', get_search_query(), $link);
                        // Post Type Arg
                        if (isset($_GET['post_type'])) {
                            $link = add_query_arg('post_type', $_GET['post_type'], $link);
                        // Query type Arg
                        if ($query_type == 'or' && !(sizeof($current_filter) == 1 && isset($_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms']) && is_array($_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms']) && in_array($term->term_id, $_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms']))) {
                            $link = add_query_arg('query_type_' . sanitize_title($instance['attribute']), 'or', $link);
                        $term_id = yit_wcan_localize_terms($term->term_id, $taxonomy);
                        if (!empty($instance['colors'][$term_id])) {
                            $li_style = apply_filters("{$args['widget_id']}-li_style", 'background-color:' . $instance['colors'][$term_id] . ';', $instance);
                            echo '<li ' . $class . '>';
                            echo $count > 0 || $option_is_set ? '<a style="' . $li_style . '" href="' . esc_url(apply_filters('woocommerce_layered_nav_link', $link)) . '" title="' . $term->name . '" >' : '<span style="background-color:' . $instance['colors'][$term_id] . ';" >';
                            echo $term->name;
                            echo $count > 0 || $option_is_set ? '</a>' : '</span>';
                    echo "</ul>";
                } elseif ($display_type == 'label') {
                    // List display
                    echo "<ul class='yith-wcan-label yith-wcan yith-wcan-group'>";
                    foreach ($terms as $term) {
                        // Get count based on current view - uses transients
                        $transient_name = 'wc_ln_count_' . md5(sanitize_key($taxonomy) . sanitize_key($term->term_id));
                        //if ( false === ( $_products_in_term = get_transient( $transient_name ) ) ) {
                        $_products_in_term = get_objects_in_term($term->term_id, $taxonomy);
                        set_transient($transient_name, $_products_in_term);
                        $option_is_set = isset($_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]) && in_array($term->term_id, $_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms']);
                        // If this is an AND query, only show options with count > 0
                        if ($query_type == 'and') {
                            $count = sizeof(array_intersect($_products_in_term, $woocommerce->query->filtered_product_ids));
                            // skip the term for the current archive
                            if ($current_term == $term->term_id) {
                            if ($count > 0 && $current_term !== $term->term_id) {
                                $this->found = true;
                            if ($count == 0 && !$option_is_set) {
                            // If this is an OR query, show all options so search can be expanded
                        } else {
                            // skip the term for the current archive
                            if ($current_term == $term->term_id) {
                            $count = sizeof(array_intersect($_products_in_term, $woocommerce->query->unfiltered_product_ids));
                            if ($count > 0) {
                                $this->found = true;
                        $arg = 'filter_' . sanitize_title($instance['attribute']);
                        $current_filter = isset($_GET[$arg]) ? explode(',', $_GET[$arg]) : array();
                        if (!is_array($current_filter)) {
                            $current_filter = array();
                        $current_filter = array_map('esc_attr', $current_filter);
                        if (!in_array($term->term_id, $current_filter)) {
                            $current_filter[] = $term->term_id;
                        $link = yit_get_woocommerce_layered_nav_link();
                        // All current filters
                        if ($_chosen_attributes) {
                            foreach ($_chosen_attributes as $name => $data) {
                                if ($name !== $taxonomy) {
                                    // Exclude query arg for current term archive term
                                    while (in_array($current_term, $data['terms'])) {
                                        $key = array_search($current_term, $data);
                                    // Remove pa_ and sanitize
                                    $filter_name = sanitize_title(str_replace('pa_', '', $name));
                                    if (!empty($data['terms'])) {
                                        $link = add_query_arg('filter_' . $filter_name, implode(',', $data['terms']), $link);
                                    if ($data['query_type'] == 'or') {
                                        $link = add_query_arg('query_type_' . $filter_name, 'or', $link);
                        // Min/Max
                        if (isset($_GET['min_price'])) {
                            $link = add_query_arg('min_price', $_GET['min_price'], $link);
                        if (isset($_GET['max_price'])) {
                            $link = add_query_arg('max_price', $_GET['max_price'], $link);
                        if (isset($_GET['product_tag'])) {
                            $link = add_query_arg('product_tag', urlencode($_GET['product_tag']), $link);
                        if (isset($_GET[$this->brand_taxonomy])) {
                            $brands = get_term_by('name', $_GET[$this->brand_taxonomy], $this->brand_taxonomy);
                            if ($brands->term_id != $term->term_id) {
                                $link = add_query_arg($this->brand_taxonomy, urlencode($brands->slug), $link);
                        if (isset($_GET['product_cat'])) {
                            $categories_filter_operator = 'and' == $query_type ? '+' : ',';
                            $_chosen_categories = explode($categories_filter_operator, urlencode($_GET['product_cat']));
                            $link = add_query_arg('product_cat', implode(apply_filters('yith_wcan_categories_filter_operator', $categories_filter_operator, $display_type), $_chosen_categories), $link);
                        // Current Filter = this widget
                        if (isset($_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]) && is_array($_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms']) && in_array($term->term_id, $_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms'])) {
                            $class = $terms_type_list == 'hierarchical' && yit_term_is_child($term) ? "class='{$is_chosen_class}  {$is_child_class}'" : "class='{$is_chosen_class}'";
                            // Remove this term is $current_filter has more than 1 term filtered
                            if (sizeof($current_filter) > 1) {
                                $current_filter_without_this = array_diff($current_filter, array($term->term_id));
                                $link = add_query_arg($arg, implode(',', $current_filter_without_this), $link);
                        } else {
                            $class = $terms_type_list == 'hierarchical' && yit_term_is_child($term) ? "class='{$is_child_class}'" : '';
                            $link = add_query_arg($arg, implode(',', $current_filter), $link);
                        // Search Arg
                        if (get_search_query()) {
                            $link = add_query_arg('s', get_search_query(), $link);
                        // Post Type Arg
                        if (isset($_GET['post_type'])) {
                            $link = add_query_arg('post_type', $_GET['post_type'], $link);
                        // Query type Arg
                        if ($query_type == 'or' && !(sizeof($current_filter) == 1 && isset($_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms']) && is_array($_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms']) && in_array($term->term_id, $_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms']))) {
                            $link = add_query_arg('query_type_' . sanitize_title($instance['attribute']), 'or', $link);
                        $term_id = yit_wcan_localize_terms($term->term_id, $taxonomy);
                        if (!empty($instance['labels'][$term_id])) {
                            echo '<li ' . $class . '>';
                            echo $count > 0 || $option_is_set ? '<a title="' . $term->name . '" href="' . esc_url(apply_filters('woocommerce_layered_nav_link', $link)) . '">' : '<span>';
                            echo $instance['labels'][$term_id];
                            echo $count > 0 || $option_is_set ? '</a>' : '</span>';
                    echo "</ul>";
                } else {
                    do_action("yith_wcan_widget_display_{$display_type}", $args, $instance, $display_type, $terms, $taxonomy);
                // End display type conditional
                echo $after_widget;
                if (!$this->found) {
                    echo substr($before_widget, 0, strlen($before_widget) - 1) . ' style="display:none">' . $after_widget;
                } else {
                    echo ob_get_clean();
 public function get_list_html($terms, $taxonomy, $query_type, $display_type, $instance, $terms_type_list, $current_term, $args, $is_child_class, $is_parent_class, $is_chosen_class, $level = 0)
     global $woocommerce, $_chosen_attributes;
     foreach ($terms as $parent_id => $term_ids) {
         $term = get_term_by('id', $parent_id, $taxonomy);
         $exclude = apply_filters('yith_wcan_exclude_terms', array(), $instance);
         $include = apply_filters('yith_wcan_include_terms', array(), $instance);
         $echo = false;
         if ('tags' == $instance['type']) {
             if ('exclude' == $instance['tags_list_query']) {
                 $echo = !in_array($term->term_id, $exclude);
             } elseif ('include' == $instance['tags_list_query']) {
                 $echo = in_array($term->term_id, $include);
         } else {
             $echo = true;
         $filter_by_tags_hierarchical = $terms_type_list == 'tags' && $instance['display'] == 'hierarchical';
         if ($echo) {
             // Get count based on current view - uses transients
             $transient_name = 'wc_ln_count_' . md5(sanitize_key($taxonomy) . sanitize_key($term->term_id));
             //if ( false === ( $_products_in_term = get_transient( $transient_name ) ) ) {
             $_products_in_term = get_objects_in_term($term->term_id, $taxonomy);
             set_transient($transient_name, $_products_in_term);
             $option_is_set = isset($_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]) && in_array($term->term_id, $_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms']);
             $term_param = apply_filters('yith_wcan_term_param_uri', $term->term_id, $display_type, $term);
             // If this is an AND query, only show options with count > 0
             if ($query_type == 'and') {
                 $count = sizeof(array_intersect($_products_in_term, $woocommerce->query->filtered_product_ids));
                 // skip the term for the current archive
                 if ($current_term == $term_param) {
                 if ($count > 0 && $current_term !== $term_param) {
                     $this->found = true;
                 if (!$filter_by_tags_hierarchical && ($terms_type_list == 'hierarchical' || !yit_term_has_child($term, $taxonomy)) && $count == 0 && !$option_is_set) {
                 // If this is an OR query, show all options so search can be expanded
             } else {
                 // skip the term for the current archive
                 if ($current_term == $term_param) {
                 $count = sizeof(array_intersect($_products_in_term, $woocommerce->query->unfiltered_product_ids));
                 if ($count > 0) {
                     $this->found = true;
             $arg = apply_filters('yith_wcan_list_type_query_arg', 'filter_' . sanitize_title($instance['attribute']), $display_type, $term);
             $current_filter = isset($_GET[$arg]) ? explode(apply_filters('yith_wcan_list_filter_operator', ',', $display_type), apply_filters("yith_wcan_list_filter_query_{$arg}", $_GET[$arg])) : array();
             if (!is_array($current_filter)) {
                 $current_filter = array();
             $current_filter = array_map('esc_attr', $current_filter);
             if (!in_array($term_param, $current_filter)) {
                 $current_filter[] = $term_param;
             $link = yit_get_woocommerce_layered_nav_link();
             // All current filters
             if ($_chosen_attributes) {
                 foreach ($_chosen_attributes as $name => $data) {
                     if ($name !== $taxonomy) {
                         // Exclude query arg for current term archive term
                         while (in_array($current_term, $data['terms'])) {
                             $key = array_search($current_term, $data);
                         // Remove pa_ and sanitize
                         $filter_name = sanitize_title(str_replace('pa_', '', $name));
                         if (!empty($data['terms'])) {
                             $link = add_query_arg('filter_' . $filter_name, implode(',', $data['terms']), $link);
                         if ($data['query_type'] == 'or') {
                             $link = add_query_arg('query_type_' . $filter_name, 'or', $link);
             // Min/Max
             if (isset($_GET['min_price'])) {
                 $link = add_query_arg('min_price', $_GET['min_price'], $link);
             if (isset($_GET['max_price'])) {
                 $link = add_query_arg('max_price', $_GET['max_price'], $link);
             if (isset($_GET['product_tag']) && $display_type != 'tags') {
                 $link = add_query_arg('product_tag', urlencode($_GET['product_tag']), $link);
             if (isset($_GET[$this->brand_taxonomy])) {
                 $brands = get_term_by('slug', $_GET[$this->brand_taxonomy], $this->brand_taxonomy);
                 if ($brands->term_id != $term->term_id) {
                     $link = add_query_arg($this->brand_taxonomy, urlencode($brands->slug), $link);
             if (isset($_GET['product_cat'])) {
                 $categories_filter_operator = 'and' == $query_type ? '+' : ',';
                 $_chosen_categories = explode($categories_filter_operator, urlencode($_GET['product_cat']));
                 $link = add_query_arg('product_cat', implode(apply_filters('yith_wcan_categories_filter_operator', $categories_filter_operator, $display_type), $_chosen_categories), $link);
             $check_for_current_widget = isset($_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]) && is_array($_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms']) && in_array($term->term_id, $_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms']);
             $class = '';
             // Current Filter = this widget
             if (apply_filters('yith_wcan_list_type_current_widget_check', $check_for_current_widget, $current_filter, $display_type, $term_param)) {
                 if ($terms_type_list == 'hierarchical' || $terms_type_list == 'tags' && $instance['display'] == 'hierarchical') {
                     $level_class = 'level-' . $level;
                     if (yit_term_is_child($term)) {
                         $class = "class='{$is_chosen_class}  {$is_child_class} {$level_class}'";
                     } elseif (yit_term_is_parent($term)) {
                         $class = "class='{$is_chosen_class}  {$is_parent_class} {$level_class}'";
                 } else {
                     $class = "class='{$is_chosen_class}'";
                 // Remove this term is $current_filter has more than 1 term filtered
                 if (sizeof($current_filter) > 1) {
                     $current_filter_without_this = array_diff($current_filter, array($term_param));
                     $link = add_query_arg($arg, implode(apply_filters('yith_wcan_list_filter_operator', ',', $display_type), $current_filter_without_this), $link);
             } else {
                 if ($terms_type_list == 'hierarchical' || $terms_type_list == 'tags') {
                     $level_class = 'level-' . $level;
                     if (yit_term_is_child($term)) {
                         $class = "class='{$is_child_class} {$level_class}'";
                     } elseif (yit_term_is_parent($term)) {
                         $class = "class='{$is_parent_class} {$level_class}'";
                 $link = add_query_arg($arg, implode(apply_filters('yith_wcan_list_filter_operator', ',', $display_type), $current_filter), $link);
             // Search Arg
             if (get_search_query()) {
                 $link = add_query_arg('s', get_search_query(), $link);
             // Post Type Arg
             if (isset($_GET['post_type'])) {
                 $link = add_query_arg('post_type', $_GET['post_type'], $link);
             $is_attribute = apply_filters('yith_wcan_is_attribute_check', true);
             // Query type Arg
             if ($is_attribute && $query_type == 'or' && !(sizeof($current_filter) == 1 && isset($_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms']) && is_array($_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms']) && in_array($term->term_id, $_chosen_attributes[$taxonomy]['terms']))) {
                 $link = add_query_arg('query_type_' . sanitize_title($instance['attribute']), 'or', $link);
             echo '<li ' . $class . '>';
             if ($count > 0 || $option_is_set) {
                 printf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url(apply_filters('woocommerce_layered_nav_link', $link)), $term->name);
             } else {
                 !$filter_by_tags_hierarchical && printf('<span>%s</span>', $term->name);
             if ($count != 0 && apply_filters("{$args['widget_id']}-show_product_count", true, $instance)) {
                 echo ' <small class="count">' . $count . '</small><div class="clear"></div></li>';
         if (!empty($term_ids) && is_array($term_ids)) {
             $temp_level = $level;
             $this->get_list_html($term_ids, $taxonomy, $query_type, $display_type, $instance, $terms_type_list, $current_term, $args, $is_child_class, $is_parent_class, $is_chosen_class, $temp_level);