コード例 #1
function showMedia()
    global $chosenYears, $chosenRegionId, $chosenOrder;
    #--- Prepare conditions.
    $yearCondition = yearCondition();
    $regionCondition = regionCondition('competition');
    $orderCondition = $chosenOrder == 'date' ? "ORDER BY competition.year DESC,\n                                                         competition.month DESC,\n                                                         competition.day DESC" : "ORDER BY timestampDecided DESC";
    #--- Get data of the (matching) media items.
    $media = dbQuery("\n    SELECT media.*, competition.*, cellName, country.name AS countryName\n\n    FROM CompetitionsMedia media, Competitions competition, Countries country\n    WHERE 1\n      AND competition.id = competitionId\n      AND country.id = countryId\n      {$yearCondition}\n      {$regionCondition}\n      AND status = 'accepted'\n    {$orderCondition}, cellName\n  ");
    #--- Print the data.
    tableBegin('results', 6);
    #  tableCaption( false, spaced(array( eventName($chosenEventId), chosenRegionName(), $chosenYears )));
    tableHeader(explode('|', 'Insertion Date|Competition Date|Competition|Country, City|Type|Link'), array(5 => 'class="f"'));
    foreach ($media as $data) {
        #--- Print the empty row.
        if ($chosenOrder == 'submission') {
            $year = preg_replace('/-.*/', '', $timestampDecided);
        if (isset($previousYear) && $year != $previousYear) {
        $previousYear = $year;
        tableRow(array(preg_replace('/ .*/', '', $timestampDecided), competitionDate($data), competitionLink($competitionId, $cellName), "<b>{$countryName}</b>, {$cityName}", $type, externalLink($uri, $text)));
コード例 #2
function getCompetitions($sortList)
    global $chosenEventId, $chosenRegionId, $chosenPatternMysql;
    #--- Prepare stuff for the query.
    $eventCondition = "";
    $regionCondition = "";
    $nameCondition = "";
    if ($chosenEventId) {
        $eventCondition = "AND eventSpecs REGEXP '[[:<:]]{$chosenEventId}[[:>:]]'";
    $yearCondition = yearCondition();
    if ($chosenRegionId && $chosenRegionId != 'World') {
        $regionCondition = "AND (competition.countryId = '{$chosenRegionId}' OR continentId = '{$chosenRegionId}')";
    #TODP: remove the 'competition.' once we get countryId out of the Results table.
    foreach (explode(' ', $chosenPatternMysql) as $namePart) {
        $nameCondition .= " AND (competition.cellName like '%{$namePart}%' OR\n                             cityName             like '%{$namePart}%' OR\n                             venue                like '%{$namePart}%')";
    $orderBy = $sortList ? 'year DESC, month DESC, day DESC' : 'longitude, year, month, day';
    #--- Get data of the (matching) competitions.
    $competitions = dbQuery("\n    SELECT DISTINCT\n      competition.*,\n      country.name AS countryName\n    FROM\n      Competitions competition,\n      Countries    country\n    WHERE 1\n      AND country.id = countryId\n      AND showAtAll = 1\n      {$eventCondition}\n      {$yearCondition}\n      {$regionCondition}\n      {$nameCondition}\n    ORDER BY\n      {$orderBy}\n  ");
    #--- Return them
    return $competitions;
コード例 #3
function showResults()
    global $chosenEventId, $chosenRegionId, $chosenYears, $chosenShow, $chosenSingle, $chosenAverage;
    #--- Try the cache
    tryCache('event', $chosenEventId, preg_replace('/ /', '', $chosenRegionId), $chosenYears, preg_replace('/ /', '', $chosenShow), $chosenSingle, $chosenAverage);
    # Prepare stuff for the query.
    $eventCondition = eventCondition();
    $yearCondition = yearCondition();
    $regionCondition = regionCondition('result');
    $limitCondition = '';
    if (preg_match('/^10+/', $chosenShow, $matches)) {
        $limitNumber = $matches[0];
        $limitCondition = 'LIMIT ' . 2 * $limitNumber;
    $valueSource = $chosenAverage ? 'average' : 'best';
    $valueName = $chosenAverage ? 'Average' : 'Single';
    # Get results from database.
    if ($chosenShow == 'By Region') {
        require 'includes/events_regions.php';
    if ($chosenShow == '100 Results' || $chosenShow == '1000 Results') {
        require 'includes/events_results.php';
    } else {
        require 'includes/events_persons.php';
    # Show the table.
    $event = getEvent($chosenEventId);
    tableBegin('results', 6);
    tableCaption(true, spaced(array($event['name'], chosenRegionName(), $chosenYears, $chosenShow)));
    $headerSources = $chosenAverage ? 'Result Details' : '';
    tableHeader(explode('|', "Rank|Person|Result|Citizen of|Competition|{$headerSources}"), array(0 => "class='r'", 2 => "class='R2'", 5 => 'class="f"'));
    $ctr = 0;
    foreach ($results as $result) {
        $no = isset($previousValue) && $value == $previousValue ? '&nbsp;' : $ctr;
        if ($limitCondition && $no > $limitNumber) {
        tableRow(array($no, personLink($personId, $personName), formatValue($value, $event['format']), htmlEntities($countryName), competitionLink($competitionId, $competitionName), formatAverageSources($chosenAverage, $result, $event['format'])));
        $previousValue = $value;
    stopTimer("printing the table");
コード例 #4
function showRegionalRecordsHistory()
    global $chosenRegionId, $chosenHistory, $chosenMixHist;
    #--- Compute the region condition and the normal record name.
    if (preg_match('/^(world)?$/i', $chosenRegionId)) {
        $regionCondition = "AND recordName = 'WR'";
        $normalRecordName = '';
    } elseif (preg_match('/^_/', $chosenRegionId)) {
        $tmp = dbQuery("SELECT recordName FROM Continents WHERE id = '{$chosenRegionId}'");
        $normalRecordName = $tmp[0][0];
        $regionCondition = "AND recordName in ('WR', '{$normalRecordName}' ) AND continentId = '{$chosenRegionId}'";
    } else {
        $regionCondition = "AND (recordName <> '') AND (result.countryId = '{$chosenRegionId}')";
        $normalRecordName = 'NR';
    #--- Order: normal history or mixed?
    $order = $chosenHistory ? 'event.rank, type, value, year desc, month desc, day desc, roundId desc' : 'year desc, month desc, day desc, roundId desc, event.rank, type, value';
    #--- Get the results.
    $results = dbQuery("\n    SELECT\n      year, month, day,\n\n      event.id         eventId,\n      event.name       eventName,\n      event.cellName   eventCellName,\n\n      result.type      type,\n      result.value     value,\n      event.format     valueFormat,\n                       recordName,\n\n      result.personId   personId,\n      result.personName personName,\n\n      country.name     countryName,\n\n      competition.id   competitionId,\n      competition.cellName competitionName,\n\n      value1, value2, value3, value4, value5\n    FROM\n      (SELECT Results.*, 1 type, best    value, regionalSingleRecord  recordName FROM Results WHERE regionalSingleRecord<>'' UNION\n       SELECT Results.*, 2 type, average value, regionalAverageRecord recordName FROM Results WHERE regionalAverageRecord<>'') result,\n      Events event,\n      Competitions competition,\n      Countries country\n    WHERE " . randomDebug() . "\n      AND event.id = eventId\n      AND event.rank < 1000\n      AND competition.id = competitionId\n      AND country.id = result.countryId\n      {$regionCondition}\n      " . eventCondition() . yearCondition() . "\n    ORDER BY\n      {$order}\n  ");
    #--- Start the table
    if ($chosenHistory) {
        tableBegin('results', 7);
    } else {
        tableBegin('results', 9);
        tableHeader(explode('|', 'Date circa|Event|What|Single|Average|Person|Citizen of|Competition|Result Details'), array(3 => 'class="R2"', 4 => 'class="R2"', 8 => 'class="f"'));
    #--- Process the results.
    $currentEventId = false;
    foreach ($results as $result) {
        #--- Announce the event (only for normal history, not mixed)
        if ($chosenHistory && $eventId != $currentEventId) {
            $currentEventId = $eventId;
            tableCaptionNew(false, $eventId, eventLink($eventId, $eventName));
            tableHeader(explode('|', '|Single|Average|Person|Citizen of|Competition|Result Details'), array(1 => 'class="R2"', 2 => 'class="R2"', 6 => 'class="f"'));
        #--- Determine how to display the record name.
        if ($recordName != $normalRecordName) {
            $recordName = "<span style='color:#f93;font-weight:bold'>{$recordName}</span>";
        #--- Prepare the table row.
        $data = array($recordName, $type == 1 ? formatValue($value, $valueFormat) : '', $type == 2 ? formatValue($value, $valueFormat) : '', personLink($personId, $personName), $countryName, competitionLink($competitionId, $competitionName), formatAverageSources($type == 2, $result, $valueFormat));
        if ($chosenMixHist) {
            array_unshift($data, sprintf('%4d-%02d-%02d', $year, $month, $day), eventLink($eventId, $eventCellName));
        #--- Show the table row.
コード例 #5
function getCompetitions ( $sortList ) {
  global $chosenEventId, $chosenRegionId, $chosenPatternMysql;

  #--- Prepare stuff for the query.
  $eventCondition = "";
  $regionCondition = "";
  $nameCondition = "";
  if( $chosenEventId )
    $eventCondition = "AND eventSpecs REGEXP '[[:<:]]${chosenEventId}[[:>:]]'";
  $yearCondition = yearCondition();
  if( $chosenRegionId  &&  $chosenRegionId != 'World' )
    $regionCondition = "AND (competition.countryId = '$chosenRegionId' OR continentId = '$chosenRegionId')"; #TODP: remove the 'competition.' once we get countryId out of the Results table.
  foreach( explode( ' ', $chosenPatternMysql ) as $namePart )
    $nameCondition .= " AND (competition.cellName like '%$namePart%' OR
                             cityName             like '%$namePart%' OR
                             venue                like '%$namePart%')";
  $orderBy = $sortList ? 'year DESC, month DESC, day DESC' : 'longitude, year, month, day';

  #--- Get data of the (matching) competitions.
  $competitions = dbQuery("
      country.name AS countryName
      Competitions competition,
      Countries    country
    WHERE 1
      AND country.id = countryId
      AND showAtAll = 1

  #--- Return them
  return $competitions;
function regionsGetCurrentRecordsQuery($valueId, $valueName)
    return "SELECT\n      '{$valueName}'     type,\n                       result.*,\n                       value,\n      event.name       eventName,\n      event.cellName   eventCellName,\n                       format,\n      country.name     countryName,\n      competition.cellName competitionName,\n                       rank, year, month, day\n    FROM\n      (SELECT eventId recordEventId, MIN(valueAndId) DIV 1000000000 value\n       FROM Concise{$valueName}Results\n       WHERE 1 " . regionCondition('') . eventCondition() . yearCondition() . "\n       GROUP BY eventId) record,\n      Results result,\n      Events event,\n      Countries country,\n      Competitions competition\n    WHERE " . randomDebug() . "\n\n      AND result.{$valueId} = value\n      " . regionCondition('result') . eventCondition() . yearCondition() . "\n\n      AND result.eventId = recordEventId\n      AND event.id       = result.eventId\n      AND country.id     = result.countryId\n      AND competition.id = result.competitionId\n      AND event.rank < 990";