コード例 #1
function shortcode_visitor_votes_callback($atts)
    $shortcode_html = NULL;
    //Avoid undefined variable outside is_singular && is_main_query
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('size' => 'large', 'postid' => FALSE), $atts));
    //If it's not specified use get_the_id
    if (!$postid) {
        $post_id = get_the_ID();
    } else {
        $post_id = $postid;
    $ajax_nonce_visitor = wp_create_nonce("yasr_nonce_insert_visitor_rating");
    $votes = yasr_get_visitor_votes($post_id);
    //always reference it
    $medium_rating = 0;
    //Avoid undefined variable
    if (!$votes) {
        $votes = 0;
        //Avoid undefined variable if there is not overall rating
        $votes_number = 0;
        //Avoid undefined variable
    } else {
        foreach ($votes as $user_votes) {
            $votes_number = $user_votes->number_of_votes;
            if ($votes_number != 0) {
                $medium_rating = $user_votes->sum_votes / $votes_number;
            } else {
                $medium_rating = 0;
    $medium_rating = round($medium_rating, 1);
    $stars_attribute = yasr_stars_size($size);
    $yasr_cookiename = 'yasr_visitor_vote_' . $post_id;
    if (isset($_COOKIE[$yasr_cookiename])) {
        $cookie_value = $_COOKIE[$yasr_cookiename];
        $cookie_value = (int) $cookie_value;
        if ($cookie_value > 5) {
            $cookie_value = 5;
        } elseif ($cookie_value < 1) {
            $cookie_value = 1;
    } else {
        $cookie_value = FALSE;
    $vote_if_user_already_rated = FALSE;
    $shortcode_html = "<div id=\"yasr_visitor_votes_{$post_id}\" class=\"yasr-visitor-votes\">";
    $span_after_rate_it = "";
    //if anonymous are allowed to vote
    if (YASR_ALLOWED_USER === 'allow_anonymous') {
        //I've to checl a logged in user that has already rated
        if (is_user_logged_in()) {
            $readonly = 'false';
            //Chek if a logged in user has already rated for this post
            $vote_if_user_already_rated = yasr_check_if_user_already_voted($post_id);
            //If user has already rated
            if ($vote_if_user_already_rated) {
                $span_after_rate_it = "<span class=\"yasr-small-block-bold\" id=\"yasr-already-voted-text\">" . __("You've already voted this article with", 'yet-another-stars-rating') . " {$vote_if_user_already_rated} </span>";
        } else {
            //if cookie exists
            if ($cookie_value) {
                $readonly = 'true';
                if (YASR_TEXT_BEFORE_STARS == 1 && YASR_CUSTOM_TEXT_USER_VOTED != '') {
                    $span_after_rate_it = $span_after_rate_it = "<span class=\"yasr-small-block-bold\" id=\"yasr-already-voted-text\">" . YASR_CUSTOM_TEXT_USER_VOTED . " </span>";
                } else {
                    $span_after_rate_it = "<span class=\"yasr-small-block-bold\" id=\"yasr-already-voted-text\">" . __("You've already voted this article with", 'yet-another-stars-rating') . " {$cookie_value} </span>";
            } else {
                $readonly = 'false';
    } elseif (YASR_ALLOWED_USER === 'logged_only') {
        //If user is logged in and can vote
        if (is_user_logged_in()) {
            $readonly = 'false';
            //REadonly is false if user is logged
            //Chek if a logged in user has already rated for this post
            $vote_if_user_already_rated = yasr_check_if_user_already_voted($post_id);
            if ($vote_if_user_already_rated) {
                $span_after_rate_it = "<span class=\"yasr-small-block-bold\" id=\"yasr-already-voted-text\">" . __("You've already voted this article with", 'yet-another-stars-rating') . " {$vote_if_user_already_rated} </span>";
        } else {
            $readonly = 'true';
            //readonly is true if user isn't logged
            $span_after_rate_it = __("You must sign in to vote", 'yet-another-stars-rating');
    if (YASR_VISITORS_STATS === 'yes') {
        $span_dashicon = "<span class=\"dashicons dashicons-chart-bar yasr-dashicons-visitor-stats \" id=\"yasr-total-average-dashicon-{$post_id}\" title=\"yasr-stats-dashicon\"></span>";
    } else {
        $span_dashicon = "";
        $text_before_star = str_replace('%total_count%', $votes_number, YASR_TEXT_BEFORE_VISITOR_RATING);
        $text_before_star = str_replace('%average%', $medium_rating, $text_before_star);
        $shortcode_html .= "<div class=\"yasr-container-custom-text-and-visitor-rating\">\n        <span id=\"yasr-custom-text-before-visitor-rating\">" . $text_before_star . "</span></div>";
        $text_after_star = str_replace('%total_count%', $votes_number, YASR_TEXT_AFTER_VISITOR_RATING);
        $text_after_star = str_replace('%average%', $medium_rating, $text_after_star);
        $span_text_after_star = "<span class=\"yasr-total-average-container\" id=\"yasr-total-average-text_{$post_id}\">" . $text_after_star . "</span>";
    } else {
        $span_text_after_star = "<span class=\"yasr-total-average-container\" id=\"yasr-total-average-text_{$post_id}\">\n                [" . __("Total: ", 'yet-another-stars-rating') . "{$votes_number} &nbsp; &nbsp;" . __("Average: ", 'yet-another-stars-rating') . "{$medium_rating}/5]\n            </span>";
    $shortcode_html .= "<div class=\"{$stars_attribute['class']}\" id=\"yasr_rateit_visitor_votes_{$post_id}\" data-postid=\"{$post_id}\" data-rateit-starwidth=\"{$stars_attribute['px_size']}\" data-rateit-starheight=\"{$stars_attribute['px_size']}\" data-rateit-value=\"{$medium_rating}\" data-rateit-step=\"1\" data-rateit-resetable=\"false\" data-rateit-readonly=\"{$readonly}\"></div>";
    $shortcode_html .= $span_dashicon;
    $shortcode_html .= $span_text_after_star;
    $shortcode_html .= $span_after_rate_it;
    $shortcode_html .= "</div>";
    wp_localize_script('yasrfront', "yasrVisitorsVotesData", array('voteIfUserAlredyRated' => $vote_if_user_already_rated, 'nonceVisitor' => $ajax_nonce_visitor));
    //IF show visitor votes in loop is disabled use is_singular && is_main query
    if (YASR_SHOW_VISITOR_VOTES_IN_LOOP === 'disabled') {
        if (is_singular() && is_main_query()) {
            return $shortcode_html;
    } elseif (YASR_SHOW_VISITOR_VOTES_IN_LOOP === 'enabled') {
        return $shortcode_html;
コード例 #2
function shortcode_visitor_votes_callback($atts)
    $shortcode_html = NULL;
    //Avoid undefined variable outside is_singular && is_main_query
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('size' => 'large', 'postid' => FALSE), $atts));
    //If it's not specified use get_the_id
    if (!$postid) {
        $post_id = get_the_ID();
    } else {
        $post_id = $postid;
    $ajax_nonce_visitor = wp_create_nonce("yasr_nonce_insert_visitor_rating");
    $votes = yasr_get_visitor_votes($post_id);
    //always reference it
    $medium_rating = 0;
    //Avoid undefined variable
    if (!$votes) {
        $votes = 0;
        //Avoid undefined variable if there is not overall rating
        $votes_number = 0;
        //Avoid undefined variable
    } else {
        foreach ($votes as $user_votes) {
            $votes_number = $user_votes->number_of_votes;
            if ($votes_number != 0) {
                $medium_rating = $user_votes->sum_votes / $votes_number;
            } else {
                $medium_rating = 0;
    $image = YASR_IMG_DIR . "/loader.gif";
    $loader_html = '<div id="loader-visitor-rating" >&nbsp; ' . __("Loading, please wait", "yasr") . ' <img src=' . "{$image}" . ' title="yasr-loader" alt="yasr-loader"></div>';
    $medium_rating = round($medium_rating, 1);
    $stars_attribute = yasr_stars_size($size);
    $yasr_cookiename = 'yasr_visitor_vote_' . $post_id;
    if (isset($_COOKIE[$yasr_cookiename])) {
        $cookie_value = $_COOKIE[$yasr_cookiename];
        $cookie_value = (int) $cookie_value;
        if ($cookie_value > 5) {
            $cookie_value = 5;
        } elseif ($cookie_value < 1) {
            $cookie_value = 1;
    } else {
        $cookie_value = FALSE;
    $vote_if_user_already_rated = FALSE;
    $shortcode_html = "<div id=\"yasr_visitor_votes_{$post_id}\" class=\"yasr-visitor-votes\">";
    $span_after_rate_it = "";
    //if anonymous are allowed to vote
    if (YASR_ALLOWED_USER === 'allow_anonymous') {
        //I've to checl a logged in user that has already rated
        if (is_user_logged_in()) {
            $readonly = 'false';
            //Chek if a logged in user has already rated for this post
            $vote_if_user_already_rated = yasr_check_if_user_already_voted();
            //If user has already rated
            if ($vote_if_user_already_rated) {
                $span_after_rate_it = "<span class=\"yasr-small-block-bold\" id=\"yasr-already-voted-text\">" . __("You've already voted this article with", "yasr") . " {$vote_if_user_already_rated} </span>";
        } else {
            //if cookie exists
            if ($cookie_value) {
                $readonly = 'true';
                if (YASR_TEXT_BEFORE_STARS == 1 && YASR_CUSTOM_TEXT_USER_VOTED != '') {
                    $span_after_rate_it = $span_after_rate_it = "<span class=\"yasr-small-block-bold\" id=\"yasr-already-voted-text\">" . YASR_CUSTOM_TEXT_USER_VOTED . " </span>";
                } else {
                    $span_after_rate_it = "<span class=\"yasr-small-block-bold\" id=\"yasr-already-voted-text\">" . __("You've already voted this article with", "yasr") . " {$cookie_value} </span>";
            } else {
                $readonly = 'false';
    } elseif (YASR_ALLOWED_USER === 'logged_only') {
        //If user is logged in and can vote
        if (is_user_logged_in()) {
            $readonly = 'false';
            //REadonly is false if user is logged
            //Chek if a logged in user has already rated for this post
            $vote_if_user_already_rated = yasr_check_if_user_already_voted();
            if ($vote_if_user_already_rated) {
                $span_after_rate_it = "<span class=\"yasr-small-block-bold\" id=\"yasr-already-voted-text\">" . __("You've already voted this article with", "yasr") . " {$vote_if_user_already_rated} </span>";
        } else {
            $readonly = 'true';
            //readonly is true if user isn't logged
            $span_after_rate_it = __("You must sign to vote", "yasr");
    if (YASR_VISITORS_STATS === 'yes') {
        $span_dashicon = "<span class=\"dashicons dashicons-chart-bar yasr-dashicons-visitor-stats \" id=\"yasr-total-average-dashicon-{$post_id}\" title=\"yasr-stats-dashicon\"></span>";
    } else {
        $span_dashicon = "";
        $text_before_star = str_replace('%total_count%', $votes_number, YASR_TEXT_BEFORE_VISITOR_RATING);
        $text_before_star = str_replace('%average%', $medium_rating, $text_before_star);
        $shortcode_html .= "<div class=\"yasr-container-custom-text-and-visitor-rating\">\n        <span id=\"yasr-custom-text-before-visitor-rating\">" . $text_before_star . "</span></div>";
        $text_after_star = str_replace('%total_count%', $votes_number, YASR_TEXT_AFTER_VISITOR_RATING);
        $text_after_star = str_replace('%average%', $medium_rating, $text_after_star);
        $span_text_after_star = "<span class=\"yasr-total-average-container\" id=\"yasr-total-average-text_{$post_id}\">" . $text_after_star . "</span>";
    } else {
        $span_text_after_star = "<span class=\"yasr-total-average-container\" id=\"yasr-total-average-text_{$post_id}\">\n                [" . __("Total: ", "yasr") . "{$votes_number} &nbsp; &nbsp;" . __("Average: ", "yasr") . "{$medium_rating}/5]\n            </span>";
    $shortcode_html .= "<div class=\"{$stars_attribute['class']}\" id=\"yasr_rateit_visitor_votes_{$post_id}\" data-rateit-starwidth=\"{$stars_attribute['px_size']}\" data-rateit-starheight=\"{$stars_attribute['px_size']}\" data-rateit-value=\"{$medium_rating}\" data-rateit-step=\"1\" data-rateit-resetable=\"false\" data-rateit-readonly=\"{$readonly}\"></div>";
    $shortcode_html .= $span_dashicon;
    $shortcode_html .= $span_text_after_star;
    $shortcode_html .= $span_after_rate_it;
    $shortcode_html .= "</div>";
    $var_tooltip_values = __("bad, poor, ok, good, super", "yasr");
    $var_tooltip_values = json_encode($var_tooltip_values);
    $var_post_id = json_encode($post_id);
    $var_ajax_url = json_encode(admin_url('admin-ajax.php'));
    $var_size = json_encode($size);
    $var_logged_user = json_encode(is_user_logged_in());
    $var_vote_if_user_already_rated = json_encode($vote_if_user_already_rated);
    $var_loader_html = json_encode("{$loader_html}");
    $var_nonce_visitor = json_encode("{$ajax_nonce_visitor}");
    $var_visitor_stats_enabled = json_encode(YASR_VISITORS_STATS);
    $javascript = "\n\n    <script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\n        jQuery(document).ready(function() {\n\n            var stringTooltipValues = {$var_tooltip_values};\n            var arrayTooltipValues = stringTooltipValues.split(', ');\n            var postid = {$var_post_id};\n            var ajaxurl = {$var_ajax_url};\n            var size = {$var_size};\n            var loggedUser = {$var_logged_user};\n            var voteIfUserAlredyRated = {$var_vote_if_user_already_rated};\n            var loaderHtml = {$var_loader_html};\n            var nonceVisitor = {$var_nonce_visitor};\n                \n            yasrVisitorsVotes(arrayTooltipValues, postid, ajaxurl, size, loggedUser, voteIfUserAlredyRated, loaderHtml, nonceVisitor);\n\n            var visitorStatsEnabled = {$var_visitor_stats_enabled};\n\n            //If stats are enabled call the function \n            if (visitorStatsEnabled == 'yes') {\n                yasrDrawTipsProgress (postid, ajaxurl); \n            }\n\n        });\n\n    </script>\n\n    ";
    //IF show visitor votes in loop is disabled use is_singular && is_main query
    if (YASR_SHOW_VISITOR_VOTES_IN_LOOP === 'disabled') {
        if (is_singular() && is_main_query()) {
            return $shortcode_html . $javascript;
    } elseif (YASR_SHOW_VISITOR_VOTES_IN_LOOP === 'enabled') {
        return $shortcode_html . $javascript;