コード例 #1
ファイル: xt_install.php プロジェクト: sunnybutani/webc
function xthreads_install()
    global $db, $cache, $plugins;
    $create_table_suffix = $db->build_create_table_collation();
    $dbtype = xthreads_db_type();
    switch ($dbtype) {
        case 'mysql':
            $engine = 'MyISAM';
            // try to see if a custom table engine is being used
            $query = $db->query('SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE "' . $db->table_prefix . 'threads"', true);
            if ($query) {
                $eng = $db->fetch_field($query, 'Engine');
                if (in_array(strtolower($eng), array('innodb', 'aria', 'xtradb'))) {
                    // only stick to common possibilities to avoid issues with exquisite setups
                    $engine = $eng;
            $create_table_suffix = ' ENGINE=' . $engine . $create_table_suffix;
            $auto_increment = ' auto_increment';
        case 'sqlite':
            $auto_increment = ' PRIMARY KEY';
        case 'pgsql':
            $auto_increment = '';
    if ($dbtype != 'mysql') {
        die('XThreads currently does not support database systems other than MySQL/i.');
    if (!$db->table_exists('threadfields_data')) {
        $db->write_query('CREATE TABLE ' . $db->table_prefix . 'threadfields_data (
			tid ' . xthreads_db_fielddef('int') . ' not null
			' . ($dbtype != 'sqlite' ? ', PRIMARY KEY (tid)' : '') . '
		)' . $create_table_suffix);
    if (!$db->table_exists('xtattachments')) {
        $db->write_query('CREATE TABLE ' . $db->table_prefix . 'xtattachments (
			aid ' . xthreads_db_fielddef('int') . ' not null' . $auto_increment . ',
			downloads ' . xthreads_db_fielddef('bigint') . ' not null default 0,
			tid ' . xthreads_db_fielddef('int') . ' not null,
			uid ' . xthreads_db_fielddef('int') . ' not null default 0,
			field varchar(50) not null default \'\',
			posthash varchar(50) not null default \'\',
			filename varchar(255) not null default \'\',
			uploadmime varchar(120) not null default \'\',
			filesize ' . xthreads_db_fielddef('bigint') . ' not null default 0,
			attachname varchar(120) not null default \'\',
			indir varchar(40) not null default \'\',
			md5hash ' . xthreads_db_fielddef('binary', 16) . ' default null,
			uploadtime ' . xthreads_db_fielddef('bigint') . ' not null default 0,
			updatetime ' . xthreads_db_fielddef('bigint') . ' not null default 0,
			thumbs text not null
			' . ($dbtype != 'sqlite' ? ',
				PRIMARY KEY (aid)
				' . ($dbtype != 'pg' ? ',
					KEY (tid),
					KEY (tid,uid),
					KEY (posthash),
					KEY (field)
				' : '') . '
			' : '') . '
		)' . $create_table_suffix);
    if (!$db->table_exists('threadfields')) {
        $fieldprops = xthreads_threadfields_props();
        $query = '';
        foreach ($fieldprops as $field => &$prop) {
            $query .= ($query ? ',' : '') . '`' . $field . '` ' . xthreads_db_fielddef($prop['db_type'], $prop['db_size'], $prop['db_unsigned']) . ' not null';
            if (isset($prop['default']) && $prop['db_type'] != 'text') {
                if ($prop['datatype'] == 'string') {
                    $query .= ' default \'' . $db->escape_string($prop['default']) . '\'';
                } elseif ($prop['datatype'] == 'double') {
                    $query .= ' default ' . (double) $prop['default'];
                } else {
                    $query .= ' default ' . (int) $prop['default'];
            if ($field == 'field' && $dbtype == 'sqlite') {
                $query .= ' PRIMARY KEY';
        $db->write_query('CREATE TABLE ' . $db->table_prefix . 'threadfields (
			' . $query . '
			' . ($dbtype != 'sqlite' ? ',
				PRIMARY KEY (field)
				' . ($dbtype != 'pg' ? ',
					KEY (disporder)
				' : '') . '
			' : '') . '
		)' . $create_table_suffix);
        // `allowsort` '.xthreads_db_numdef('tinyint').' not null default 0,
    foreach (array('grouping' => xthreads_db_fielddef('int') . ' not null default 0', 'firstpostattop' => xthreads_db_fielddef('tinyint') . ' not null default 0', 'inlinesearch' => xthreads_db_fielddef('tinyint') . ' not null default 0', 'tplprefix' => 'text not null', 'langprefix' => 'text not null', 'allow_blankmsg' => xthreads_db_fielddef('tinyint') . ' not null default 0', 'nostatcount' => xthreads_db_fielddef('tinyint') . ' not null default 0', 'fdcolspan_offset' => xthreads_db_fielddef('smallint', null, false) . ' not null default 0', 'settingoverrides' => 'text not null', 'postsperpage' => xthreads_db_fielddef('smallint') . ' not null default 0', 'hideforum' => xthreads_db_fielddef('tinyint') . ' not null default 0', 'hidebreadcrumb' => xthreads_db_fielddef('tinyint') . ' not null default 0', 'defaultfilter' => 'text not null', 'wol_announcements' => 'varchar(255) not null default \'\'', 'wol_forumdisplay' => 'varchar(255) not null default \'\'', 'wol_newthread' => 'varchar(255) not null default \'\'', 'wol_attachment' => 'varchar(255) not null default \'\'', 'wol_newreply' => 'varchar(255) not null default \'\'', 'wol_showthread' => 'varchar(255) not null default \'\'') as $field => $fdef) {
        if (!$db->field_exists($field, 'forums')) {
            $db->write_query('ALTER TABLE ' . $db->table_prefix . 'forums ADD COLUMN xthreads_' . $field . ' ' . $fdef);
    // add indexes
    foreach (array('uid', 'lastposteruid', 'prefix', 'icon') as $afe) {
        if ($afe == 'uid') {
        // we won't remove this from the above array
        $db->write_query('ALTER TABLE `' . $db->table_prefix . 'threads` ADD KEY `xthreads_' . $afe . '` (`' . $afe . '`)', true);
    // increase size of sorting column
    $db->write_query('ALTER TABLE `' . $db->table_prefix . 'forums` MODIFY `defaultsortby` varchar(255) NOT NULL default \'\'');
    // check for xthreads_attachment.php supported URL type
    if (file_exists(MYBB_ROOT . 'xthreads_attach.php')) {
        // if not, our admin is a dufus
        $rand = 'aA0._|' . mt_rand();
        $rand_md5 = md5($rand);
        $baseurl = $GLOBALS['mybb']->settings['bburl'] . '/xthreads_attach.php';
        if (fetch_remote_file($baseurl . '/test/' . $rand) == $rand_md5) {
            define('XTHREADS_ATTACH_USE_QUERY', -1);
        } elseif (fetch_remote_file($baseurl . '?file=test/' . $rand) == $rand_md5) {
            define('XTHREADS_ATTACH_USE_QUERY', 1);
        } elseif (fetch_remote_file($baseurl . '?file=test|' . $rand) == $rand_md5) {
            define('XTHREADS_ATTACH_USE_QUERY', 2);
        // else, well, sucks for the user...
    xthreads_insert_templates(xthreads_new_templates(), -2);
    // admin permissions - default to all allow
    $query = $db->simple_select('adminoptions', 'uid,permissions');
    while ($adminopt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
        $perms = @unserialize($adminopt['permissions']);
        if (empty($perms)) {
        // inherited or just messed up
        $perms['config']['threadfields'] = 1;
        $db->update_query('adminoptions', array('permissions' => $db->escape_string(serialize($perms))), 'uid=' . $adminopt['uid']);
コード例 #2
ファイル: xt_admin.php プロジェクト: sammykumar/TheVRForums
function xthreads_vercheck()
    global $admin_session, $lang, $mybb;
    $upgrade_link = 'index.php?xthreads_upgrade=1&my_post_key=' . $mybb->post_code;
    if ($mybb->request_mode != 'post') {
        if ($qs = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) {
            $qs = preg_replace('~(^|&)my_post_key=.*?(&|$)~i', '$2', $qs);
            if ($qs[0] != '&') {
                $qs = '&' . $qs;
            $upgrade_link .= htmlspecialchars($qs);
    // whilst we're here, also check if evalcache file exists
    if (!file_exists(MYBB_ROOT . 'cache/xthreads_evalcache.php')) {
    if (!defined('XTHREADS_INSTALLED_VERSION')) {
        // 1.32 or older
        $info = @(include MYBB_ROOT . 'cache/xthreads.php');
        if (is_array($info)) {
            define('XTHREADS_INSTALLED_VERSION', $info['version']);
        } else {
            // can't retrieve info!
            // fallback
            // try to rewrite file if possible
            if (!$lang->xthreads_cachefile_rewritten) {
            if ($mybb->input['xthreads_upgrade'] && $mybb->input['my_post_key'] == $mybb->post_code) {
                $msg = array('message' => $lang->sprintf($lang->xthreads_cachefile_rewritten, XTHREADS_INSTALLED_VERSION), 'type' => 'success');
            } else {
                $msg = array('message' => $lang->sprintf($lang->xthreads_cachefile_missing, xthreads_format_version_number(XTHREADS_VERSION), $upgrade_link), 'type' => 'alert');
        // need to upgrade
        if (!$lang->xthreads_upgrade_done) {
        if ($mybb->input['xthreads_upgrade'] && $mybb->input['my_post_key'] == $mybb->post_code) {
            if (!file_exists(MYBB_ROOT . 'cache/xthreads.php')) {
                touch(MYBB_ROOT . 'cache/xthreads.php');
            if (is_writable(MYBB_ROOT . 'cache/xthreads.php')) {
                // perform upgrade
                $result = (require MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/xthreads/xt_upgrader.php');
                if ($result === true) {
                    $msg = array('message' => $lang->xthreads_upgrade_done, 'type' => 'success');
                } else {
                    $msg = array('message' => $lang->xthreads_upgrade_failed, 'type' => 'error');
                    if (is_string($result) && $result) {
                        $msg['message'] .= ' ' . $result;
            } else {
                $msg = array('message' => $lang->xthreads_upgrade_failed . $lang->xthreads_cachefile_not_writable, 'type' => 'error');
        } else {
            $msg = array('message' => $lang->sprintf($lang->xthreads_do_upgrade, xthreads_format_version_number(XTHREADS_VERSION), xthreads_format_version_number(XTHREADS_INSTALLED_VERSION), $upgrade_link), 'type' => 'alert');
    if ($msg) {
        if (isset($admin_session['data']['flash_message'])) {
            $admin_session['data']['flash_message']['message'] .= '</div><br /><div class="' . $msg['type'] . '">' . $msg['message'];
        } else {
            $admin_session['data']['flash_message'] =& $msg;