function countevents($events, $start, $end) { $eventscount = 0; foreach ($events as $event) { $startday = xetadodb_date("d", $event['Time']); $startmonth = xetadodb_date("m", $event['Time']); $startyear = xetadodb_date("Y", $event['Time']); $starthour = xetadodb_date("H", $event['Time']); $startminute = xetadodb_date("i", $event['Time']); $endday = xetadodb_date("d", $event['Timeend']); $endmonth = xetadodb_date("m", $event['Timeend']); $endyear = xetadodb_date("Y", $event['Timeend']); $endhour = xetadodb_date("H", $event['Timeend']); $endminute = xetadodb_date("i", $event['Timeend']); $eventstart = xetadodb_mktime($starthour, $startminute, 0, $startmonth, $startday, $startyear); $eventend = xetadodb_mktime($endhour, $endminute, 0, $endmonth, $endday, $endyear); if ($eventstart <= $start && $eventend >= $start || $eventstart >= $start && $eventstart <= $end || $eventend >= $start && $eventend <= $end) { $eventscount++; } } return $eventscount; }
function tsmonth($timestamp, $useadodbtime, $dateoptions) { $timeshift = isset($dateoptions[1]) ? $dateoptions[1] : '-0'; $day = $useadodbtime == '1' ? xetadodb_date("d", $timestamp) : date("d", $timestamp); $month = $this->month($timestamp, $useadodbtime, $dateoptions) + $timeshift; $year = $this->year($timestamp, $useadodbtime, $dateoptions); if (substr($timeshift, 0, 1) == '-') { return $useadodbtime == '1' ? xetadodb_mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year) : mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year); } else { return $useadodbtime == '1' ? xetadodb_mktime(23, 59, 59, $month, $day, $year) : mktime(23, 59, 59, $month, $day, $year); } }
function getdatas() { global $modx; $resource_id = $modx->resource->get('id'); $now = time(); $month = abs($this->bloxconfig['month']); $year = $this->bloxconfig['year']; $timestart = xetadodb_mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 01, $year); $timeend = $this->xettcal->get_ts_monthend($timestart); $timestampstart = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', $timestart); //umwandlung zu mysql-dateformat $timestampend = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', $timeend); $category = $this->bloxconfig['custom']['category']; $sync_list = isset($_REQUEST['sync_list']) ? $_REQUEST['sync_list'] : 0; unset($_GET['sync_list']); if ($sync_list) { $_GET['tsmonth'] = $timestart; unset($_GET['tsday']); unset($_GET['tsweek']); } $listmode = 'upcoming'; if (isset($_GET['tsday'])) { $listmode = 'dayevents'; unset($_GET['tsmonth']); unset($_GET['tsweek']); } if (isset($_GET['tsmonth'])) { $listmode = 'monthevents'; unset($_GET['tsday']); unset($_GET['tsweek']); } if (isset($_GET['tsweek'])) { $listmode = 'weekevents'; unset($_GET['tsday']); unset($_GET['tsmonth']); } $listmode = isset($_REQUEST['listmode']) ? $_REQUEST['listmode'] : $listmode; unset($_GET['listmode']); //Monatsevents laden $limit = 0; $events = $this->getEvents($timestampstart, $timestampend, $limit, $category); //$events = addCustomFields($mxCalApp, $events); $timestampfirstday = xetadodb_mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 01, $year); $limit = 0; switch ($listmode) { case 'dayevents': $timestamp = (int) $_GET['tsday']; $d = xetadodb_date("d", $timestamp); $m = xetadodb_date("m", $timestamp); $y = xetadodb_date("Y", $timestamp); $tseventlist = xetadodb_mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $d, $y); $timestampend = $this->xettcal->get_ts_dayend($tseventlist); break; case 'weekevents': $timestamp = (int) $_GET['tsweek']; $tseventlist = $this->xettcal->get_ts_weekstart($timestamp); $timestampend = $this->xettcal->get_ts_weekend($tseventlist); break; case 'monthevents': $timestamp = (int) $_GET['tsmonth']; $d = xetadodb_date("d", $timestamp); $m = xetadodb_date("m", $timestamp); $y = xetadodb_date("Y", $timestamp); $tseventlist = xetadodb_mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, '01', $y); $timestampend = $this->xettcal->get_ts_monthend($tseventlist); break; case 'upcoming': default: $timestamp = $now; $d = xetadodb_date("d", $timestamp); $m = xetadodb_date("m", $timestamp); $y = xetadodb_date("Y", $timestamp); $tseventlist = xetadodb_mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $d, $y); $timestampend = xetadodb_mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $d, $y + 1); $limit = array('limit' => $this->bloxconfig['limit'], 'offset' => $this->bloxconfig['offset']); break; } $timestampstart = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', $tseventlist); //umwandlung zu mysql-dateformat $timestampend = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', $timestampend); $listevents = $this->getEvents($timestampstart, $timestampend, $limit, $category); $numRows = $modx->getPlaceholder('total'); //Kategorien laden $cat_rows = array(); $c = $modx->newQuery('migxCalendarCategories'); $c->where(array('published' => 1)); if ($collection = $modx->getCollection('migxCalendarCategories', $c)) { foreach ($collection as $object) { $cat_row = $object->toArray(); $cat_rows[] = $cat_row; } } $cat_row = array(); $cat_row['id'] = '0'; $cat_row['name'] = 'Alle'; $cat_rows[] = $cat_row; $categories = array(); foreach ($cat_rows as $category) { $link['category'] = $modx->getOption('id', $category, 0); $category['cat_link'] = $this->helpers->smartModxUrl($resource_id, null, $link); $current = (int) $modx->getOption('category', $_GET, 0); $category['active_class'] = $current == $link['category'] ? 'active' : ''; $categories[] = $category; } $cal = $this->xettcal->getMonthCal($year, $month); $bloxdatas = $this->xettcal->makeMonthArray($this->bloxconfig, $cal, array(), $events); //$bloxdatas['innerrows']['month'][0]['innerrows']['monthevents'] = $events; $bloxdatas['innerrows']['eventlist'] = $listevents; $bloxdatas['innerrows']['category'] = $categories; //echo '<pre>' . print_r($this->bloxconfig, true) . '</pre>'; //echo '<pre>' . print_r($bloxdatas, true) . '</pre>'; unset($_GET['tsmonth']); unset($_GET['tsweek']); unset($_GET['tsday']); $link = array(); $link['tsday'] = time(); $bloxdatas['link_today'] = $this->helpers->smartModxUrl($resource_id, null, $link); $link = array(); $link['tsweek'] = time(); $bloxdatas['link_thisweek'] = $this->helpers->smartModxUrl($resource_id, null, $link); $link = array(); $link['tsmonth'] = time(); $bloxdatas['link_thismonth'] = $this->helpers->smartModxUrl($resource_id, null, $link); $link = array(); $link['listmode'] = 'upcoming'; $bloxdatas['link_upcoming'] = $this->helpers->smartModxUrl($resource_id, null, $link); require_once $this->bloxconfig['absolutepath'] . 'inc/Pagination.php'; $p = new Pagination(array('per_page' => $this->bloxconfig['limit'], 'num_links' => $this->bloxconfig['numLinks'], 'cur_page' => $this->bloxconfig['page'], 'total_rows' => $numRows, 'page_query_string' => $this->bloxconfig['pageVarKey'], 'use_page_numbers' => true)); $bloxdatas['pagination'] = $p->create_links(); //$bloxdatas['innerrows']['row'] = $rows; if ($this->bloxconfig['debug']) { //echo '<pre>' . print_r($bloxdatas, true) . '</pre>'; //echo '---------------------------------------'; //echo '<pre>' . print_r($rows, true) . '</pre>'; } return $bloxdatas; }
function xetadodb_strftime($fmt, $ts = false, $is_gmt = false) { global $xetadodb_DATE_LOCALE; if (!defined('xetadodb_TEST_DATES')) { if (abs($ts) <= 0x7fffffff) { // check if number in 32-bit signed range if (!defined('xetadodb_NO_NEGATIVE_TS') || $ts >= 0) { // if windows, must be +ve integer return $is_gmt ? @gmstrftime($fmt, $ts) : @strftime($fmt, $ts); } } } if (empty($xetadodb_DATE_LOCALE)) { /* $tstr = strtoupper(gmstrftime('%c',31366800)); // 30 Dec 1970, 1 am $sep = substr($tstr,2,1); $hasAM = strrpos($tstr,'M') !== false; */ # see for reasoning, and changelog for version 0.24 $dstr = gmstrftime('%x', 31366800); // 30 Dec 1970, 1 am $sep = substr($dstr, 2, 1); $tstr = strtoupper(gmstrftime('%X', 31366800)); // 30 Dec 1970, 1 am $hasAM = strrpos($tstr, 'M') !== false; $xetadodb_DATE_LOCALE = array(); $xetadodb_DATE_LOCALE[] = strncmp($tstr, '30', 2) == 0 ? 'd' . $sep . 'm' . $sep . 'y' : 'm' . $sep . 'd' . $sep . 'y'; $xetadodb_DATE_LOCALE[] = $hasAM ? 'h:i:s a' : 'H:i:s'; } $inpct = false; $fmtdate = ''; for ($i = 0, $max = strlen($fmt); $i < $max; $i++) { $ch = $fmt[$i]; if ($ch == '%') { if ($inpct) { $fmtdate .= '%'; $inpct = false; } else { $inpct = true; } } else { if ($inpct) { $inpct = false; switch ($ch) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case 'E': case 'O': /* ignore format modifiers */ $inpct = true; break; case 'a': $fmtdate .= 'D'; break; case 'A': $fmtdate .= 'l'; break; case 'h': case 'b': $fmtdate .= 'M'; break; case 'B': $fmtdate .= 'F'; break; case 'c': $fmtdate .= $xetadodb_DATE_LOCALE[0] . $xetadodb_DATE_LOCALE[1]; break; case 'C': $fmtdate .= '\\C?'; break; // century // century case 'd': $fmtdate .= 'd'; break; case 'D': $fmtdate .= 'm/d/y'; break; case 'e': $fmtdate .= 'j'; break; case 'g': $fmtdate .= '\\g?'; break; //? //? case 'G': $fmtdate .= '\\G?'; break; //? //? case 'H': $fmtdate .= 'H'; break; case 'I': $fmtdate .= 'h'; break; case 'j': $fmtdate .= '?z'; $parsej = true; break; // wrong as j=1-based, z=0-basd // wrong as j=1-based, z=0-basd case 'm': $fmtdate .= 'm'; break; case 'M': $fmtdate .= 'i'; break; case 'n': $fmtdate .= "\n"; break; case 'p': $fmtdate .= 'a'; break; case 'r': $fmtdate .= 'h:i:s a'; break; case 'R': $fmtdate .= 'H:i:s'; break; case 'S': $fmtdate .= 's'; break; case 't': $fmtdate .= "\t"; break; case 'T': $fmtdate .= 'H:i:s'; break; case 'u': $fmtdate .= '?u'; $parseu = true; break; // wrong strftime=1-based, date=0-based // wrong strftime=1-based, date=0-based case 'U': $fmtdate .= '?U'; $parseU = true; break; // wrong strftime=1-based, date=0-based // wrong strftime=1-based, date=0-based case 'x': $fmtdate .= $xetadodb_DATE_LOCALE[0]; break; case 'X': $fmtdate .= $xetadodb_DATE_LOCALE[1]; break; case 'w': $fmtdate .= '?w'; $parseu = true; break; // wrong strftime=1-based, date=0-based // wrong strftime=1-based, date=0-based case 'W': $fmtdate .= '?W'; $parseU = true; break; // wrong strftime=1-based, date=0-based // wrong strftime=1-based, date=0-based case 'y': $fmtdate .= 'y'; break; case 'Y': $fmtdate .= 'Y'; break; case 'Z': $fmtdate .= 'T'; break; } } else { if ('A' <= $ch && $ch <= 'Z' || 'a' <= $ch && $ch <= 'z') { $fmtdate .= "\\" . $ch; } else { $fmtdate .= $ch; } } } } //echo "fmt=",$fmtdate,"<br>"; if ($ts === false) { $ts = time(); } $ret = xetadodb_date($fmtdate, $ts, $is_gmt); return $ret; }