function wurfl_admin_delete() { if (!xarSecurityCheck('ManageWurfl')) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('name', 'str:1', $name, 'wurfl_wurfl', XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('itemid', 'int', $data['itemid'], '', XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('confirm', 'str:1', $data['confirm'], false, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } $data['object'] = DataObjectMaster::getObject(array('name' => $name)); $data['object']->getItem(array('itemid' => $data['itemid'])); $data['tplmodule'] = 'wurfl'; $data['authid'] = xarSecGenAuthKey('wurfl'); if ($data['confirm']) { // Check for a valid confirmation key if (!xarSecConfirmAuthKey()) { return; } // Delete the item $item = $data['object']->deleteItem(); // Jump to the next page xarController::redirect(xarModURL('wurfl', 'admin', 'view')); return true; } return $data; }
function calendar_admin_add_event() { // Security check if (!xarSecurityCheck('Admincalendar')) { return; } // Generate a one-time authorisation code for this operation $data = xarMod::apiFunc('calendar', 'admin', 'get_calendars'); $data['authid'] = xarSecGenAuthKey(); $data['default_cal'] = unserialize(xarModVars::get('calendar', 'default_cal')); // Variables from phpIcalendar $data['updatebutton'] = xarVarPrepForDisplay(xarML('Create event')); //TODO: should I include this stuff? --amoro /* $hooks = xarModCallHooks('module', 'modifyconfig', 'calendar', array('module' => 'calendar')); if (empty($hooks)) { $data['hooks'] = ''; } elseif (is_array($hooks)) { $data['hooks'] = join('', $hooks); } else { $data['hooks'] = $hooks; } */ // Return the template variables defined in this function return $data; }
function wurfl_admin_modifyconfig() { // Security Check if (!xarSecurityCheck('AdminWurfl')) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('phase', 'str:1:100', $phase, 'modify', XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED, XARVAR_PREP_FOR_DISPLAY)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('tab', 'str:1:100', $data['tab'], 'general', XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } $data['module_settings'] = xarMod::apiFunc('base', 'admin', 'getmodulesettings', array('module' => 'wurfl')); $data['module_settings']->setFieldList('items_per_page, use_module_alias, module_alias_name, enable_short_urls'); $data['module_settings']->getItem(); switch (strtolower($phase)) { case 'modify': default: switch ($data['tab']) { case 'general': break; case 'tab2': break; case 'tab3': break; default: break; } break; case 'update': // Confirm authorisation code if (!xarSecConfirmAuthKey()) { return; } switch ($data['tab']) { case 'general': $isvalid = $data['module_settings']->checkInput(); if (!$isvalid) { return xarTplModule('wurfl', 'admin', 'modifyconfig', $data); } else { $itemid = $data['module_settings']->updateItem(); } break; case 'tab2': break; case 'tab3': break; default: break; } xarController::redirect(xarModURL('wurfl', 'admin', 'modifyconfig', array('tab' => $data['tab']))); // Return return true; break; } $data['authid'] = xarSecGenAuthKey(); return $data; }
/** * Import an object definition or an object item from XML */ function publications_admin_importpubtype($args) { if (!xarSecurityCheck('AdminPublications')) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('import', 'isset', $import, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('xml', 'isset', $xml, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } extract($args); $data = array(); $data['menutitle'] = xarML('Dynamic Data Utilities'); $data['warning'] = ''; $data['options'] = array(); $basedir = 'modules/publications'; $filetype = 'xml'; $files = xarModAPIFunc('dynamicdata', 'admin', 'browse', array('basedir' => $basedir, 'filetype' => $filetype)); if (!isset($files) || count($files) < 1) { $files = array(); $data['warning'] = xarML('There are currently no XML files available for import in "#(1)"', $basedir); } if (!empty($import) || !empty($xml)) { if (!xarSecConfirmAuthKey()) { return; } if (!empty($import)) { $found = ''; foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file == $import) { $found = $file; break; } } if (empty($found) || !file_exists($basedir . '/' . $file)) { $msg = xarML('File not found'); throw new BadParameterException(null, $msg); } $ptid = xarModAPIFunc('publications', 'admin', 'importpubtype', array('file' => $basedir . '/' . $file)); } else { $ptid = xarModAPIFunc('publications', 'admin', 'importpubtype', array('xml' => $xml)); } if (empty($ptid)) { return; } $data['warning'] = xarML('Publication type #(1) was successfully imported', $ptid); } natsort($files); array_unshift($files, ''); foreach ($files as $file) { $data['options'][] = array('id' => $file, 'name' => $file); } $data['authid'] = xarSecGenAuthKey(); return $data; }
function calendar_admin_view_calendars() { // Security check if (!xarSecurityCheck('Admincalendar')) { return; } // Generate a one-time authorisation code for this operation $data['authid'] = xarSecGenAuthKey(); $data['default_cal'] = unserialize(xarModVars::get('calendar', 'default_cal')); // Return the template variables defined in this function $data['calendars'] = xarMod::apiFunc('calendar', 'user', 'getall'); return $data; }
function calendar_admin_add_calendars() { // Security check // if (!xarSecurityCheck('AddCalendar',0,'Calendar')) return; if (!xarVarFetch('calid', 'int:0:', $calid, '0', XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('calname', 'str', $calname, '', XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } $data = xarMod::apiFunc('calendar', 'admin', 'get_calendars'); // Generate a one-time authorisation code for this operation $data['authid'] = xarSecGenAuthKey(); $data['default_cal'] = unserialize(xarModVars::get('calendar', 'default_cal')); $data['addbutton'] = xarVarPrepForDisplay(xarML('Add calendar')); $data['message'] = xarVarPrepForDisplay(xarML('Created calendar with name "#(1)", ID #(2)', $calname, $calid)); $data['calid'] = $calid; return $data; }
function wurfl_admin_new() { if (!xarSecurityCheck('AddWurfl')) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('name', 'str', $name, 'wurfl_wurfl', XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('confirm', 'bool', $data['confirm'], false, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } $data['object'] = DataObjectMaster::getObject(array('name' => $name)); $data['tplmodule'] = 'wurfl'; $data['authid'] = xarSecGenAuthKey('wurfl'); if ($data['confirm']) { // we only retrieve 'preview' from the input here - the rest is handled by checkInput() if (!xarVarFetch('preview', 'str', $preview, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } // Check for a valid confirmation key if (!xarSecConfirmAuthKey()) { return; } // Get the data from the form $isvalid = $data['object']->checkInput(); if (!$isvalid) { // Bad data: redisplay the form with error messages return xarTplModule('wurfl', 'admin', 'new', $data); } else { // Good data: create the item $itemid = $data['object']->createItem(); // Jump to the next page xarController::redirect(xarModURL('wurfl', 'admin', 'view')); return true; } } return $data; }
function wurfl_admin_modify() { if (!xarSecurityCheck('EditWurfl')) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('name', 'str', $name, 'wurfl_wurfl', XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('itemid', 'int', $data['itemid'], 0, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('confirm', 'bool', $data['confirm'], false, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } $data['object'] = DataObjectMaster::getObject(array('name' => $name)); $data['object']->getItem(array('itemid' => $data['itemid'])); $data['tplmodule'] = 'wurfl'; $data['authid'] = xarSecGenAuthKey('wurfl'); if ($data['confirm']) { // Check for a valid confirmation key if (!xarSecConfirmAuthKey()) { return; } // Get the data from the form $isvalid = $data['object']->checkInput(); if (!$isvalid) { // Bad data: redisplay the form with error messages return xarTplModule('wurfl', 'admin', 'modify', $data); } else { // Good data: create the item $itemid = $data['object']->updateItem(array('itemid' => $data['itemid'])); // Jump to the next page xarController::redirect(xarModURL('wurfl', 'admin', 'view')); return true; } } return $data; }
/** * import pictures into publications */ function publications_admin_importpictures() { if (!xarSecurityCheck('AdminPublications')) { return; } // Get parameters if (!xarVarFetch('basedir', 'isset', $basedir, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('baseurl', 'isset', $baseurl, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('thumbnail', 'isset', $thumbnail, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('filelist', 'isset', $filelist, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('refresh', 'isset', $refresh, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('ptid', 'isset', $ptid, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('title', 'isset', $title, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('summary', 'isset', $summary, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('content', 'isset', $content, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('usefilemtime', 'isset', $usefilemtime, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('cids', 'isset', $cids, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('test', 'isset', $test, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('import', 'isset', $import, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } // Initialise the template variables $data = array(); if (!isset($baseurl)) { $data['baseurl'] = sys::code() . 'modules/publications/xarimages/'; } else { $data['baseurl'] = $baseurl; } if (!isset($basedir)) { $data['basedir'] = realpath($data['baseurl']); } else { $data['basedir'] = realpath($basedir); } if (!isset($thumbnail)) { $data['thumbnail'] = 'tn_'; } else { $data['thumbnail'] = $thumbnail; } $data['filelist'] = xarModAPIFunc('publications', 'admin', 'browse', array('basedir' => $data['basedir'], 'filetype' => '(gif|jpg|jpeg|png)')); // try to match the thumbnails with the pictures $data['thumblist'] = array(); if (!empty($data['thumbnail'])) { foreach ($data['filelist'] as $file) { // for subdir/myfile.jpg $fileparts = pathinfo($file); // jpg $extension = $fileparts['extension']; // subdir $dirname = $fileparts['dirname']; // myfile $basename = $fileparts['basename']; $basename = preg_replace("/\\.{$extension}/", '', $basename); if (!empty($dirname) && $dirname != '.') { $thumb = $dirname . '/' . $data['thumbnail'] . $basename; } else { $thumb = $data['thumbnail'] . $basename; } // subdir/tn_file.jpg if (in_array($thumb . '.' . $extension, $data['filelist'])) { $data['thumblist'][$file] = $thumb . '.' . $extension; // subdir/tn_file_jpg.jpg } elseif (in_array($thumb . '_' . $extension . '.' . $extension, $data['filelist'])) { $data['thumblist'][$file] = $thumb . '_' . $extension . '.' . $extension; // subdir/tn_file.jpg.jpg } elseif (in_array($thumb . '.' . $extension . '.' . $extension, $data['filelist'])) { $data['thumblist'][$file] = $thumb . '.' . $extension . '.' . $extension; } } if (count($data['thumblist']) > 0) { $deletelist = array_values($data['thumblist']); $data['filelist'] = array_diff($data['filelist'], $deletelist); } } if (isset($refresh) || isset($test) || isset($import)) { // Confirm authorisation code if (!xarSecConfirmAuthKey()) { return; } } $data['authid'] = xarSecGenAuthKey(); // Get current publication types $pubtypes = xarModAPIFunc('publications', 'user', 'get_pubtypes'); // Set default pubtype to Pictures (if it exists) if (!isset($ptid) && isset($pubtypes[5])) { $ptid = 5; $title = 'title'; $summary = 'summary'; $content = 'body'; } $data['pubtypes'] = $pubtypes; $data['fields'] = array(); $data['cats'] = array(); if (!empty($ptid)) { $data['ptid'] = $ptid; $pubfields = xarModAPIFunc('publications', 'user', 'getpubfields'); $pubfieldtypes = xarModAPIFunc('publications', 'user', 'getpubfieldtypes'); $pubfieldformats = xarModAPIFunc('publications', 'user', 'getpubfieldformats'); foreach ($pubfields as $field => $dummy) { if (($pubfieldtypes[$field] == 'text' || $pubfieldtypes[$field] == 'string') && !empty($pubtypes[$ptid]['config'][$field]['label']) && $pubtypes[$ptid]['config'][$field]['format'] != 'fileupload') { $data['fields'][$field] = $pubtypes[$ptid]['config'][$field]['label'] . ' [' . $pubfieldformats[$pubtypes[$ptid]['config'][$field]['format']] . ']'; } } $catlist = array(); $rootcats = xarModAPIFunc('categories', 'user', 'getallcatbases', array('module' => 'publications', 'itemtype' => $ptid)); foreach ($rootcats as $catid) { $catlist[$catid['category_id']] = 1; } $seencid = array(); if (isset($cids) && is_array($cids)) { foreach ($cids as $catid) { if (!empty($catid)) { $seencid[$catid] = 1; } } } $cids = array_keys($seencid); foreach (array_keys($catlist) as $catid) { $data['cats'][] = xarModAPIFunc('categories', 'visual', 'makeselect', array('cid' => $catid, 'return_itself' => true, 'select_itself' => true, 'values' => &$seencid, 'multiple' => 1)); } } $data['selected'] = array(); if (!isset($refresh) && isset($filelist) && is_array($filelist) && count($filelist) > 0) { foreach ($filelist as $file) { if (!empty($file) && in_array($file, $data['filelist'])) { $data['selected'][$file] = 1; } } } if (isset($title) && isset($data['fields'][$title])) { $data['title'] = $title; } if (isset($summary) && isset($data['fields'][$summary])) { $data['summary'] = $summary; } if (isset($content) && isset($data['fields'][$content])) { $data['content'] = $content; } if (empty($usefilemtime)) { $data['usefilemtime'] = 0; } else { $data['usefilemtime'] = 1; } if (isset($data['ptid']) && isset($data['content']) && count($data['selected']) > 0 && (isset($test) || isset($import))) { // TODO: allow changing the order of import + editing the titles etc. before creating the publications $data['logfile'] = ''; foreach (array_keys($data['selected']) as $file) { $curfile = realpath($basedir . '/' . $file); if (!file_exists($curfile) || !is_file($curfile)) { continue; } $filename = $file; if (empty($baseurl)) { $imageurl = $file; } elseif (substr($baseurl, -1) == '/') { $imageurl = $baseurl . $file; } else { $imageurl = $baseurl . '/' . $file; } if (!empty($data['thumblist'][$file])) { if (empty($baseurl)) { $thumburl = $data['thumblist'][$file]; } elseif (substr($baseurl, -1) == '/') { $thumburl = $baseurl . $data['thumblist'][$file]; } else { $thumburl = $baseurl . '/' . $data['thumblist'][$file]; } } else { $thumburl = ''; } $article = array('title' => ' ', 'summary' => '', 'body' => '', 'notes' => '', 'pubdate' => empty($usefilemtime) ? time() : filemtime($curfile), 'state' => 2, 'ptid' => $data['ptid'], 'cids' => $cids, 'pubtype_id' => $data['ptid'], 'owner' => xarUserGetVar('id'), 'id' => 0); if (!empty($data['title']) && !empty($filename)) { $article[$data['title']] = $filename; } if (!empty($data['summary']) && !empty($thumburl)) { $article[$data['summary']] = $thumburl; } if (!empty($data['content']) && !empty($imageurl)) { $article[$data['content']] = $imageurl; } if (isset($test)) { // preview the first file as a test $data['preview'] = xarModFunc('publications', 'user', 'display', array('article' => $article, 'preview' => true)); break; } else { $id = xarModAPIFunc('publications', 'admin', 'create', $article); if (empty($id)) { return; // throw back } else { $data['logfile'] .= xarML('File #(1) was imported as #(2) #(3)', $curfile, $pubtypes[$data['ptid']]['description'], $id); $data['logfile'] .= '<br />'; } } } } // Return the template variables defined in this function return $data; }
/** * manage publication types (all-in-one function for now) */ function publications_admin_importpages() { if (!xarSecurityCheck('AdminPublications')) { return; } // Get parameters if (!xarVarFetch('basedir', 'isset', $basedir, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('filelist', 'isset', $filelist, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('refresh', 'isset', $refresh, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('ptid', 'isset', $ptid, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('content', 'isset', $content, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('title', 'isset', $title, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('cids', 'isset', $cids, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('filterhead', 'isset', $filterhead, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('filtertail', 'isset', $filtertail, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('findtitle', 'isset', $findtitle, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('numrules', 'isset', $numrules, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('search', 'isset', $search, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('replace', 'isset', $replace, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('test', 'isset', $test, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('import', 'isset', $import, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } // Initialise the template variables $data = array(); if (empty($basedir)) { $data['basedir'] = realpath(sys::code() . 'modules/publications'); } else { $data['basedir'] = realpath($basedir); } $data['filelist'] = xarModAPIFunc('publications', 'admin', 'browse', array('basedir' => $data['basedir'], 'filetype' => 'html?')); if (isset($refresh) || isset($test) || isset($import)) { // Confirm authorisation code if (!xarSecConfirmAuthKey()) { return; } } $data['authid'] = xarSecGenAuthKey(); // Get current publication types $pubtypes = xarModAPIFunc('publications', 'user', 'get_pubtypes'); $data['pubtypes'] = $pubtypes; $data['fields'] = array(); $data['cats'] = array(); if (!empty($ptid)) { $data['ptid'] = $ptid; $pubfields = xarModAPIFunc('publications', 'user', 'getpubfields'); $pubfieldtypes = xarModAPIFunc('publications', 'user', 'getpubfieldtypes'); $pubfieldformats = xarModAPIFunc('publications', 'user', 'getpubfieldformats'); foreach ($pubfields as $field => $dummy) { if (($pubfieldtypes[$field] == 'text' || $pubfieldtypes[$field] == 'string') && !empty($pubtypes[$ptid]['config'][$field]['label']) && $pubtypes[$ptid]['config'][$field]['format'] != 'fileupload') { $data['fields'][$field] = $pubtypes[$ptid]['config'][$field]['label'] . ' [' . $pubfieldformats[$pubtypes[$ptid]['config'][$field]['format']] . ']'; } } $catlist = array(); $rootcats = xarModAPIFunc('categories', 'user', 'getallcatbases', array('module' => 'publications', 'itemtype' => $ptid)); foreach ($rootcats as $catid) { $catlist[$catid['category_id']] = 1; } $seencid = array(); if (isset($cids) && is_array($cids)) { foreach ($cids as $catid) { if (!empty($catid)) { $seencid[$catid] = 1; } } } $cids = array_keys($seencid); foreach (array_keys($catlist) as $catid) { $data['cats'][] = xarModAPIFunc('categories', 'visual', 'makeselect', array('cid' => $catid, 'return_itself' => true, 'select_itself' => true, 'values' => &$seencid, 'multiple' => 1)); } } $data['selected'] = array(); if (!isset($refresh) && isset($filelist) && is_array($filelist) && count($filelist) > 0) { foreach ($filelist as $file) { if (!empty($file) && in_array($file, $data['filelist'])) { $data['selected'][$file] = 1; } } } if (isset($title) && isset($data['fields'][$title])) { $data['title'] = $title; } if (isset($content) && isset($data['fields'][$content])) { $data['content'] = $content; } if (!isset($filterhead)) { $data['filterhead'] = '#^.*<body[^>]*>#is'; } else { $data['filterhead'] = $filterhead; } if (!isset($filtertail)) { $data['filtertail'] = '#</body.*$#is'; } else { $data['filtertail'] = $filtertail; } if (!isset($findtitle)) { $data['findtitle'] = '#<title>(.*?)</title>#is'; } else { $data['findtitle'] = $findtitle; } if (!isset($numrules)) { $numrules = 3; } $data['search'] = array(); $data['replace'] = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $numrules; $i++) { if (isset($search[$i])) { $data['search'][$i] = $search[$i]; if (isset($replace[$i])) { $data['replace'][$i] = $replace[$i]; } else { $data['replace'][$i] = ''; } } else { $data['search'][$i] = ''; $data['replace'][$i] = ''; } } if (isset($data['ptid']) && isset($data['content']) && count($data['selected']) > 0 && (isset($test) || isset($import))) { $mysearch = array(); $myreplace = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $numrules; $i++) { if (!empty($data['search'][$i])) { $mysearch[] = $data['search'][$i]; if (!empty($data['replace'][$i])) { $myreplace[] = $data['replace'][$i]; } else { $myreplace[] = ''; } } } $data['logfile'] = ''; foreach (array_keys($data['selected']) as $file) { $curfile = realpath($basedir . '/' . $file); if (!file_exists($curfile) || !is_file($curfile)) { continue; } $page = @join('', file($curfile)); if (!empty($data['findtitle']) && preg_match($data['findtitle'], $page, $matches)) { $title = $matches[1]; } else { $title = ''; } if (!empty($data['filterhead'])) { $page = preg_replace($filterhead, '', $page); } if (!empty($data['filtertail'])) { $page = preg_replace($filtertail, '', $page); } if (count($mysearch) > 0) { $page = preg_replace($mysearch, $myreplace, $page); } $article = array('title' => ' ', 'summary' => '', 'body' => '', 'notes' => '', 'pubdate' => filemtime($curfile), 'state' => 2, 'ptid' => $data['ptid'], 'cids' => $cids, 'pubtype_id' => $data['ptid'], 'owner' => xarUserGetVar('id'), 'id' => 0); if (!empty($data['title']) && !empty($title)) { $article[$data['title']] = $title; } $article[$data['content']] = $page; if (isset($test)) { // preview the first file as a test $data['preview'] = xarModFunc('publications', 'user', 'display', array('article' => $article, 'preview' => true)); break; } else { $id = xarModAPIFunc('publications', 'admin', 'create', $article); if (empty($id)) { return; // throw back } else { $data['logfile'] .= xarML('File #(1) was imported as #(2) #(3)', $curfile, $pubtypes[$data['ptid']]['description'], $id); $data['logfile'] .= '<br />'; } } } } $data['filterhead'] = xarVarPrepForDisplay($data['filterhead']); $data['filtertail'] = xarVarPrepForDisplay($data['filtertail']); $data['findtitle'] = xarVarPrepForDisplay($data['findtitle']); for ($i = 0; $i < $numrules; $i++) { if (!empty($data['search'][$i])) { $data['search'][$i] = xarVarPrepForDisplay($data['search'][$i]); } if (!empty($data['replace'][$i])) { $data['replace'][$i] = xarVarPrepForDisplay($data['replace'][$i]); } } // Return the template variables defined in this function return $data; }
/** * Publications Module * * @package modules * @subpackage publications module * @category Third Party Xaraya Module * @version 2.0.0 * @copyright (C) 2011 Netspan AG * @license GPL {@link} * @author Marc Lutolf <*****@*****.**> */ function publications_admin_delete_pubtype() { if (!xarSecurityCheck('AdminPublications')) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('confirmed', 'int', $confirmed, NULL, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('itemid', 'str', $itemid, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('idlist', 'str', $idlist, NULL, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('returnurl', 'str', $returnurl, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!empty($itemid)) { $idlist = $itemid; } $ids = explode(',', trim($idlist, ',')); if (empty($idlist)) { if (isset($returnurl)) { xarController::redirect($returnurl); } else { xarController::redirect(xarModURL('publications', 'admin', 'view')); } } $data['message'] = ''; $data['itemid'] = $itemid; /*------------- Ask for Confirmation. If yes, action ----------------------------*/ sys::import('modules.dynamicdata.class.objects.master'); $pubtype = DataObjectMaster::getObject(array('name' => 'publications_types')); if (!isset($confirmed)) { $data['idlist'] = $idlist; if (count($ids) > 1) { $data['title'] = xarML("Delete Publication Types"); } else { $data['title'] = xarML("Delete Publication Type"); } $data['authid'] = xarSecGenAuthKey(); $items = array(); foreach ($ids as $i) { $pubtype->getItem(array('itemid' => $i)); $item = $pubtype->getFieldValues(); $items[] = $item; } $data['items'] = $items; $data['yes_action'] = xarModURL('publications', 'admin', 'delete_pubtype', array('idlist' => $idlist)); return xarTplModule('publications', 'admin', 'delete_pubtype', $data); } else { if (!xarSecConfirmAuthKey()) { return; } foreach ($ids as $id) { $itemid = $pubtype->deleteItem(array('itemid' => $id)); $data['message'] = "Publication Type deleted [ID {$id}]"; } if (isset($returnurl)) { xarController::redirect($returnurl); } else { xarController::redirect(xarModURL('publications', 'admin', 'view_pubtypes', $data)); } return true; } return true; }
function mailer_admin_modifyconfig() { // Security Check if (!xarSecurityCheck('AdminMailer')) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('phase', 'str:1:100', $phase, 'modify', XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED, XARVAR_PREP_FOR_DISPLAY)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('tab', 'str:1:100', $data['tab'], 'general', XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } switch (strtolower($phase)) { case 'modify': default: switch ($data['tab']) { case 'general': break; case 'tab2': break; case 'tab3': break; default: break; } break; case 'update': // Confirm authorisation code if (!xarSecConfirmAuthKey()) { return; } switch ($data['tab']) { case 'general': if (!xarVarFetch('itemsperpage', 'int', $itemsperpage, xarModVars::get('mailer', 'itemsperpage'), XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED, XARVAR_PREP_FOR_DISPLAY)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('shorturls', 'checkbox', $shorturls, false, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('modulealias', 'checkbox', $useModuleAlias, xarModVars::get('mailer', 'useModuleAlias'), XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('aliasname', 'str', $aliasname, xarModVars::get('mailer', 'aliasname'), XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } xarModVars::set('mailer', 'itemsperpage', $itemsperpage); xarModVars::set('mailer', 'SupportShortURLs', $shorturls); xarModVars::set('mailer', 'useModuleAlias', $useModuleAlias); xarModVars::set('mailer', 'aliasname', $aliasname); break; case 'tab2': break; case 'tab3': break; default: break; } xarController::redirect(xarModURL('mailer', 'admin', 'modifyconfig', array('tab' => $data['tab']))); // Return return true; break; } $data['authid'] = xarSecGenAuthKey(); return $data; }
/** * delete calendar from database */ function calendar_admin_delete_calendar() { // Get parameters if (!xarVarFetch('calid', 'id', $calid)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('confirm', 'checkbox', $confirm, false, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } // Get calendar information $calendar = xarMod::apiFunc('calendar', 'user', 'get', array('calid' => $calid)); if (!isset($calendar) || $calendar == false) { $msg = xarML('Unable to find #(1) item #(2)', 'Calendar', xarVarPrepForDisplay($calid)); throw new Exception($msg); } // Security check $input = array(); $input['calendar'] = $calendar; $input['mask'] = 'DeleteCalendars'; /* TODO: security if (!xarMod::apiFunc('calendar','user','checksecurity',$input)) { $msg = xarML('You have no permission to delete item #(1)', xarVarPrepForDisplay($calid)); throw new Exception($msg); } */ // Check for confirmation if (!$confirm) { $data = array(); // Specify for which item you want confirmation $data['calid'] = $calid; // Use articles user GUI function (not API) for preview if (!xarMod::load('calendar', 'user')) { return; } $data['preview'] = xarMod::guiFunc('calendar', 'user', 'display', array('calid' => $calid)); // Add some other data you'll want to display in the template $data['confirmtext'] = xarML('Confirm deleting this calendar'); $data['confirmlabel'] = xarML('Confirm'); // Generate a one-time authorisation code for this operation $data['authid'] = xarSecGenAuthKey(); // Return the template variables defined in this function return $data; } // Confirmation present if (!xarSecConfirmAuthKey()) { return; } // Pass to API if (!xarMod::apiFunc('calendar', 'admin', 'delete_calendar', array('calid' => $calid))) { return; } // Success xarSession::setVar('statusmsg', xarML('Calendar Deleted')); // Return to the original admin view $lastview = xarSession::getVar('Calendar.LastView'); if (isset($lastview)) { $lastviewarray = unserialize($lastview); if (!empty($lastviewarray['ptid']) && $lastviewarray['ptid'] == $ptid) { extract($lastviewarray); xarController::redirect(xarModURL('calendar', 'admin', 'view_calendars')); return true; } } xarController::redirect(xarModURL('calendar', 'admin', 'view_calendars')); return true; }
/** * Publications Module * * @package modules * @subpackage publications module * @category Third Party Xaraya Module * @version 2.0.0 * @copyright (C) 2011 Netspan AG * @license GPL {@link} * @author Marc Lutolf <*****@*****.**> */ function publications_admin_clone() { if (!xarSecurityCheck('ManagePublications')) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('name', 'isset', $objectname, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('ptid', 'isset', $ptid, NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('itemid', 'isset', $data['itemid'], NULL, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('confirm', 'int', $confirm, 0, XARVAR_DONT_SET)) { return; } if (empty($data['itemid'])) { return xarResponse::NotFound(); } // If a pubtype ID was passed, get the name of the pub object if (isset($ptid)) { $pubtypeobject = DataObjectMaster::getObject(array('name' => 'publications_types')); $pubtypeobject->getItem(array('itemid' => $ptid)); $objectname = $pubtypeobject->properties['name']->value; } if (empty($objectname)) { return xarResponse::NotFound(); } sys::import('modules.dynamicdata.class.objects.master'); $data['object'] = DataObjectMaster::getObject(array('name' => $objectname)); if (empty($data['object'])) { return xarResponse::NotFound(); } // Security if (!$data['object']->checkAccess('update')) { return xarResponse::Forbidden(xarML('Clone #(1) is forbidden', $object->label)); } $data['object']->getItem(array('itemid' => $data['itemid'])); $data['authid'] = xarSecGenAuthKey(); $data['name'] = $data['object']->properties['name']->value; $data['label'] = $data['object']->label; xarTplSetPageTitle(xarML('Clone Publication #(1) in #(2)', $data['itemid'], $data['label'])); if ($confirm) { if (!xarSecConfirmAuthKey()) { return; } // Get the name for the clone if (!xarVarFetch('newname', 'str', $newname, "", XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } if (empty($newname)) { $newname = $data['name'] . "_copy"; } if ($newname == $data['name']) { $newname = $data['name'] . "_copy"; } $newname = strtolower(str_ireplace(" ", "_", $newname)); // Create the clone $data['object']->properties['name']->setValue($newname); $data['object']->properties['id']->setValue(0); $cloneid = $data['object']->createItem(array('itemid' => 0)); // Create the clone's translations if (!xarVarFetch('clone_translations', 'int', $clone_translations, 0, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } if ($clone_translations) { // Get the info on all the objects to be cloned sys::import('xaraya.structures.query'); $tables = xarDB::getTables(); $q = new Query(); $q->addtable($tables['publications'], 'p'); $q->addtable($tables['publications_types'], 'pt'); $q->join('p.pubtype_id', ''); $q->eq('parent_id', $data['itemid']); $q->addfield(' AS id'); $q->addfield(' AS name'); $q->run(); // Clone each one foreach ($q->output() as $item) { $object = DataObjectMaster::getObject(array('name' => $item['name'])); $object->getItem(array('itemid' => $item['id'])); $object->properties['parent']->value = $cloneid; $object->properties['id']->value = 0; $object->createItem(array('itemid' => 0)); } } // Redirect if we came from somewhere else $current_listview = xarSession::getVar('publications_current_listview'); if (!empty($return_url)) { xarController::redirect($return_url); } elseif (!empty($current_listview)) { xarController::redirect($current_listview); } else { xarController::redirect(xarModURL('publications', 'user', 'view')); } return true; } return $data; }
function wurfl_admin_modifyconfig_utility() { // Security Check if (!xarSecurityCheck('AdminWurfl')) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('phase', 'str:1:100', $phase, 'modify', XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED, XARVAR_PREP_FOR_DISPLAY)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('tab', 'str:1:100', $data['tab'], 'wurfl_general', XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('tabmodule', 'str:1:100', $tabmodule, 'wurfl', XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } $hooks = xarModCallHooks('module', 'getconfig', 'wurfl'); if (!empty($hooks) && isset($hooks['tabs'])) { foreach ($hooks['tabs'] as $key => $row) { $configarea[$key] = $row['configarea']; $configtitle[$key] = $row['configtitle']; $configcontent[$key] = $row['configcontent']; } array_multisort($configtitle, SORT_ASC, $hooks['tabs']); } else { $hooks['tabs'] = array(); } $regid = xarMod::getRegID($tabmodule); switch (strtolower($phase)) { case 'modify': default: switch ($data['tab']) { case 'wurfl_general': break; case 'tab2': break; case 'tab3': break; default: break; } break; case 'update': // Confirm authorisation code if (!xarSecConfirmAuthKey()) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('items_per_page', 'int', $items_per_page, xarModVars::get('wurfl', 'items_per_page'), XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED, XARVAR_PREP_FOR_DISPLAY)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('shorturls', 'checkbox', $shorturls, false, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('modulealias', 'checkbox', $use_module_alias, xarModVars::get('wurfl', 'use_module_alias'), XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('module_alias_name', 'str', $module_alias_name, xarModVars::get('wurfl', 'module_alias_name'), XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('defaultmastertable', 'str', $defaultmastertable, xarModVars::get('wurfl', 'defaultmastertable'), XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('bar', 'str:1', $bar, 'Bar', XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } $modvars = array('defaultmastertable', 'bar'); if ($data['tab'] == 'wurfl_general') { xarModVars::set('wurfl', 'items_per_page', $items_per_page); xarModVars::set('wurfl', 'supportshorturls', $shorturls); xarModVars::set('wurfl', 'use_module_alias', $use_module_alias); xarModVars::set('wurfl', 'module_alias_name', $module_alias_name); foreach ($modvars as $var) { if (isset(${$var})) { xarModVars::set('wurfl', $var, ${$var}); } } } foreach ($modvars as $var) { if (isset(${$var})) { xarModItemVars::set('wurfl', $var, ${$var}, $regid); } } xarController::redirect(xarModURL('wurfl', 'admin', 'modifyconfig', array('tabmodule' => $tabmodule, 'tab' => $data['tab']))); // Return return true; break; } $data['hooks'] = $hooks; $data['tabmodule'] = $tabmodule; $data['authid'] = xarSecGenAuthKey(); return $data; }