function RXTX() { $unix = new unix(); $Cache = unserialize(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/RXTX.array")); $ifconfig = $unix->find_program("ifconfig"); exec("{$ifconfig} -a 2>&1", $results); foreach ($results as $line) { $line = trim($line); if ($line == null) { continue; } if (preg_match("#^([a-z0-9]+)\\s+Link#", $line, $re)) { $Interface = $re[1]; continue; } if (preg_match("#RX bytes:([0-9]+).*?TX bytes:([0-9]+)#", $line, $re)) { $ARRAY[$Interface]["RX"] = $re[1]; $ARRAY[$Interface]["TX"] = $re[2]; continue; } } $q = new influx(); $q = new postgres_sql(); $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $hostname = $unix->hostname_g(); while (list($Interface, $array) = each($ARRAY)) { $RX = $array["RX"]; $TX = $array["TX"]; $OLD_RX = intval($Cache[$Interface]["RX"]); $OLD_TX = intval($Cache[$Interface]["TX"]); if ($OLD_RX > $RX) { continue; } if ($OLD_TX > $TX) { continue; } $RX_NEW = $RX - $OLD_RX; $TX_NEW = $TX - $OLD_TX; if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "{$Interface} Rec:" . xFormatBytes($RX_NEW / 1024) . " Trans:" . xFormatBytes($TX_NEW / 1024) . "\n"; } $q->QUERY_SQL("INSERT INTO ethrxtx (zdate,tx,rx,eth,proxyname) VALUES ('{$date}','{$TX_NEW}','{$RX_NEW}','{$Interface}','{$hostname}')"); } @file_put_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/RXTX.array", serialize($ARRAY)); }
function RXTX() { $unix = new unix(); $Cache = unserialize(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/RXTX.array")); $ifconfig = $unix->find_program("ifconfig"); exec("{$ifconfig} -a 2>&1", $results); foreach ($results as $line) { $line = trim($line); if ($line == null) { continue; } if (preg_match("#^([a-z0-9]+)\\s+Link#", $line, $re)) { $Interface = $re[1]; continue; } if (preg_match("#RX bytes:([0-9]+).*?TX bytes:([0-9]+)#", $line, $re)) { $ARRAY[$Interface]["RX"] = $re[1]; $ARRAY[$Interface]["TX"] = $re[2]; continue; } } $q = new influx(); while (list($Interface, $array) = each($ARRAY)) { $RX = $array["RX"]; $TX = $array["TX"]; $OLD_RX = intval($Cache[$Interface]["RX"]); $OLD_TX = intval($Cache[$Interface]["TX"]); if ($OLD_RX > $RX) { continue; } if ($OLD_TX > $TX) { continue; } $RX_NEW = $RX - $OLD_RX; $TX_NEW = $TX - $OLD_TX; if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "{$Interface} Rec:" . xFormatBytes($RX_NEW / 1024) . " Trans:" . xFormatBytes($TX_NEW / 1024) . "\n"; } $INFLX["fields"]["TX"] = $TX_NEW; $INFLX["fields"]["RX"] = $RX_NEW; $INFLX["tags"]["ETH"] = $Interface; $INFLX["tags"]["proxyname"] = $unix->hostname_g(); $q->insert("ethrxtx", $INFLX); $INFLX = array(); } @file_put_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/RXTX.array", serialize($ARRAY)); }
function DownloadByRange($URI, $EXPECTED_SIZE = 0, $LocalFile = null) { $HTTP_CODE = 0; $Time = null; if (!isset($GLOBALS["WindowsUpdateCachingDir"])) { $GLOBALS["WindowsUpdateCachingDir"] = @file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/WindowsUpdateCachingDir"); if ($GLOBALS["WindowsUpdateCachingDir"] == null) { $GLOBALS["WindowsUpdateCachingDir"] = "/home/squid/WindowsUpdate"; } } $WindowsUpdateBandwidthPartial = intval(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/WindowsUpdateBandwidthPartial")); $WindowsUpdateUseLocalProxy = intval(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/WindowsUpdateUseLocalProxy")); $WindowsUpdateInterface = @file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/WindowsUpdateInterface"); if ($WindowsUpdateBandwidthPartial == 0) { $WindowsUpdateBandwidthPartial = 512; } if ($EXPECTED_SIZE == 0) { $EXPECTED_SIZE = GetTargetedSize($URI); } $EXPECTED_SIZE_TEXT = xFormatBytes($EXPECTED_SIZE / 1024); $BaseNameOfFile = basename($URI); $unix = new unix(); $curl = $unix->find_program("curl"); $rm = $unix->find_program("rm"); $mv = $unix->find_program("mv"); $TempDir = "{$GLOBALS["WindowsUpdateCachingDir"]}/Partials/" . md5($URI); $TempFile = "{$TempDir}/FILE"; if (is_file($TempFile)) { $size = @filesize($TempFile); } @mkdir($TempDir, 0755, true); $WorkingPort = $SquidMgrListenPort = intval(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/SquidMgrListenPort")); @unlink("{$TempDir}/stderr.txt"); $f[] = "{$curl} --location"; if ($WindowsUpdateUseLocalProxy == 1) { events("Downloading {$BaseNameOfFile} Proxy:{$WorkingPort}", __LINE__); $f[] = "--proxy{$WorkingPort} --url \"{$URI}\""; } if ($WindowsUpdateInterface != null) { $INTERFACES = $unix->NETWORK_ALL_INTERFACES(); $ipaddr = $INTERFACES[$WindowsUpdateInterface]["IPADDR"]; if ($ipaddr == "") { $ipaddr = null; } if ($ipaddr != null) { events("Downloading {$BaseNameOfFile} Interface:{$ipaddr}", __LINE__); $f[] = "--interface {$ipaddr}"; } } $f[] = "--show-error --write-out \"RRRR:%{http_code} TTT:%{time_total}\""; $f[] = "--stderr {$TempDir}/stderr.txt"; $f[] = "--output \"{$TempFile}\""; $f[] = "--continue-at -"; $f[] = "--limit-rate {$WindowsUpdateBandwidthPartial}K"; $f[] = "--url \"{$URI}\""; $f[] = "2>&1"; $cmd = @implode(" ", $f); if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "{$cmd}\n"; } $T1 = time(); events("Downloading {$BaseNameOfFile} {$EXPECTED_SIZE_TEXT} limit:{$WindowsUpdateBandwidthPartial}Kb/s", __LINE__); exec($cmd, $results); $stderr = trim(@file_get_contents("{$TempDir}/stderr.txt")); if ($stderr != null) { while (list($num, $val) = each($results)) { if (preg_match("#RRRR:(.+?)\\s+TTT:(.+)#", $val, $re)) { $HTTP_CODE = $re[1]; $Time = $re[2]; continue; } events("INFO: {$val}", __LINE__); } if (intval($HTTP_CODE) != 200) { if (preg_match("#Resuming transfer from byte position\\s+([0-9]+)#", $stderr, $re)) { events("Downloading {$BaseNameOfFile} stopped duration:{$Time} HTTP Code:{$HTTP_CODE} and resuming position at : {$re[1]} (" . xFormatBytes($re[1] / 1024) . ")", __LINE__); return false; } events("Failed: duration:{$Time} {$BaseNameOfFile} with error {$HTTP_CODE} «{$stderr}»", __LINE__); return false; } } $size = @filesize($TempFile); $size_text = xFormatBytes($size); events("INFO: {$BaseNameOfFile} ({$size_text}) HTTP Code:{$HTTP_CODE} Duration:{$Time}", __LINE__); if ($size < $EXPECTED_SIZE) { events("Warning: {$BaseNameOfFile} {$size} is not {$EXPECTED_SIZE} (broken download) retry next time", __LINE__); return false; } events("INFO: {$BaseNameOfFile} move to {$LocalFile}", __LINE__); @mkdir(dirname($LocalFile)); $cmd = "{$mv} \"{$TempFile}\" \"{$LocalFile}\""; exec($cmd, $output, $return_val); if ($return_val == 0) { events("Success: Retranslate {$BaseNameOfFile} to target directory", __LINE__); if (is_dir($TempDir)) { shell_exec("{$rm} -rf {$TempDir}"); } return true; } else { events("Failed: {$BaseNameOfFile}, unable to move to target directory!", __LINE__); return false; } }
function delete($path) { if (is_file($path)) { $size = @filesize($path); events("INFO: Remove {$path} (" . xFormatBytes($size / 1024) . ")", __LINE__); @unlink($path); } $sql = "DELETE FROM windowsupdate WHERE `localpath`='{$path}'"; $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $q->QUERY_SQL($sql); if (!$q->ok) { events("FATAL: MySQL error {$q->mysql_error}", __LINE__); return; } events("INFO: Remove {$path} fro MySQL Done", __LINE__); }