コード例 #1
function wsl_shortcode_handler($args)
    if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
コード例 #2


<br />


<p style="margin:10px;"> 
	This is a preview of what should be on the comments section. <strong>Please do not test it here!</strong>

<div style="width: 600px;background-color: #FFFFE0;border:1px solid #E6DB55; border-radius: 3px;padding: 10px;margin-left:10px;">

<br />

<h3>Custom integration</h3> 
<p style="margin:10px;"> 
WordPress Social Login will attempts to work with the default WordPress comment, login and registration forms. 

<ul style="list-style:disc inside;margin-left:25px;"> 
	<li>If you want to add the social login widget to another location in your theme, you can insert the following code in that location:
	<pre style="width: 440px;background-color: #FFFFE0;border:1px solid #E6DB55; border-radius: 3px;padding: 10px;margin-top:15px;margin-left:10px;"> &lt;?php do_action( 'wordpress_social_login' ); ?&gt; </pre> 
	<br />
function wsl_component_loginwidget_sidebar()
    // HOOKABLE:
<div class="postbox " id="linksubmitdiv"> 
	<div class="inside">
		<div id="submitlink" class="submitbox"> 
			<h3 style="cursor: default;"><?php 
    _wsl_e("What's This?", 'wordpress-social-login');
			<div id="minor-publishing">  
				<div id="misc-publishing-actions"> 
					<div style="padding:20px;padding-top:0px;">
						<h4 style="cursor: default;border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;font-size: 13px;"><?php 
    _wsl_e("Widget Customization", 'wordpress-social-login');

						<p style="margin:10px;font-size: 13px;" align="justify"> 
    _wsl_e("On this section you can fully customize <b>WordPress Social Login Widget</b> and define the way you want it to look and behave", 'wordpress-social-login');

						<p style="margin:10px;font-size: 13px;" align="justify"> 
    _wsl_e("<b>WordPress Social Login Widget</b> will be generated into the comments, login and register forms enabling your website vistors and customers to login via social networks", 'wordpress-social-login');

						<p style="margin:10px;"> 
    _wsl_e("If this widget does not show up on your custom theme or you want to add it somewhere else then refer to the next section", 'wordpress-social-login');

						<h4 style="cursor: default;border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;"><?php 
    _wsl_e("Custom integration", 'wordpress-social-login');

						<p style="margin:10px;"> 
    _wsl_e("If you want to add the social login widget to another location in your theme, you can insert the following code in that location", 'wordpress-social-login');
							<pre style="width: 380px;background-color: #FFFFE0;border:1px solid #E6DB55; border-radius: 3px;padding: 10px;margin-top:15px;margin-left:10px;"> &lt;?php do_action( 'wordpress_social_login' ); ?&gt; </pre> 
    _wsl_e("Or, for posts and pages", 'wordpress-social-login');
							<pre style="width: 380px;background-color: #EDEFF4;border:1px solid #6B84B4; border-radius: 3px;padding: 10px;margin-top:15px;margin-left:10px;">[wordpress_social_login]</pre> 

						<p style="margin:10px;"> 
    _wsl_e('<b>[wordpress_social_login]</b> shortcode can be used in combination with <a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/html-javascript-adder/" target="_blank">HTML Javascript Adder</a> plugin to be add WSL Widget to your website sidebar', 'wordpress-social-login');

						<p style="margin:10px;"> 
    _wsl_e('Also, if you are a developer or designer then you can customize it to your heart\'s content. For more inofmation refer to <b><a href="http://hybridauth.sourceforge.net/wsl/customize.html" target="_blank">User Guide</a></b>', 'wordpress-social-login');

						<h4 style="cursor: default;border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;"><?php 
    _wsl_e("Widget preview", 'wordpress-social-login');

						<p style="margin:10px;"> 
    _wsl_e("This is a preview of what should be on the comments area", 'wordpress-social-login');
    _wsl_e("Do not test it here", 'wordpress-social-login');
						<div style="width: 380px;background-color: #FFEBE8;border:1px solid #CC0000; border-radius: 3px;padding: 10px;margin-left:10px;">
    // HOOKABLE:
コード例 #4
function wsl_render_comment_form()
    if (comments_open() && !is_user_logged_in()) {