$aDepartments = file_get_departments('departments.txt'); $iGroups = count($aGroups); $iFirstname = count($aFirstname); $iLastname = count($aLastname); $iDepartments = count($aDepartments); global $sessionId; global $client; global $roleOperator; $t = new lime_test(570, new lime_output_color()); $t = new lime_test(7 + $iGroups * 2 + $iFirstname * 5 + $iDepartments * 2, new lime_output_color()); $t->diag('Reports To Test'); $t->is(function_exists('ws_open'), true, 'include wsClient.php'); $t->diag('WS WSDL URL ' . WS_WSDL_URL); $t->diag('WS_USER_ID ' . WS_USER_ID); $t->diag('WS_USER_PASS ' . WS_USER_PASS); ws_open(); $t->isa_ok($client, 'SoapClient', 'class SoapClient created'); //checking the groupList $groups = ws_groupList(); $t->is(count($groups->groups) >= 0, true, 'ws_groupList works fine'); $groupId = array(); foreach ($aGroups as $key => $val) { $groupId[] = group_exists($t, $groups, $val); } //checking roles $roles = ws_roleList(); $t->is(count($roles->roles) >= 2, true, 'ws_roleList works fine'); $roleOperator = ''; foreach ($roles->roles as $key => $val) { if ($val->name == 'PROCESSMAKER_OPERATOR') { $roleOperator = $val->guid;
$t->is($result->routing->delThread, 1, "delThread = 1"); $t->is($result->routing->delThreadStatus, 'OPEN', "delThreadStatus = OPEN"); $msg = trim(sprintf("Case Routed to: [0;31;32m%s[0m", $result->message)); $t->diag($msg); //getCaseInfo to get the current user $delIndex = 2; $res = ws_getCaseInfo($caseId, $delIndex); $t->is($res->status_code, 0, 'ws_getCaseInfo status_code = 0'); $routedUser = $res->currentUsers->userId; $routedUserName = $res->currentUsers->userName; $delIndex = $res->currentUsers->delIndex; $t->diag('ws_getCaseInfo Routed user is ' . $routedUser); $t->diag('ws_getCaseInfo Routed user is ' . $routedUserName); $t->is($res->caseStatus, 'TO_DO', 'ws_getCaseInfo caseStatus = ' . $res->caseStatus); //reassign this case to Mary $res = ws_open(); $result = ws_reassignCase($caseId, $delIndex, $routedUser, $user2Uid); $t->isa_ok($result, 'stdClass', 'executed ws_reassignCase'); if ($result->status_code == 0) { $t->is($result->status_code, 0, 'ws_reassignCase status_code = 0'); $t->diag('ws_reassignCase message: ' . $result->message); } else { $t->is($result->status_code, 30, 'ws_reassignCase status_code = 30'); $t->diag('ws_reassignCase message: ' . $result->message); } //update delIndex after reassign $res = ws_getCaseInfo($caseId, $delIndex); $t->is($res->status_code, 0, 'ws_getCaseInfo status_code = 0'); $routedUser = $res->currentUsers->userId; $routedUserName = $res->currentUsers->userName; $delIndex = $res->currentUsers->delIndex;