コード例 #1
ファイル: server.php プロジェクト: baznikin/hashtopus
                 $affec = mysqli_affected_rows($dblink);
                 if ($affec > 0) {
                 } else {
             } else {
             // everytime we pass statustimer
             if (time() >= $crack_cas + $statustimer) {
                 // update the cache
         // drop the temporary cache
         mysqli_query_wrapper($dblink, "DROP TABLE tmphlcracks");
 if ($errors == 0) {
     if ($cstate == 10) {
         // the chunk was manually interrupted
         mysqli_query_wrapper($dblink, "UPDATE chunks SET state=6 WHERE id={$cid}");
         echo "solve_nok" . $separator . "Chunk was manually interrupted.";
     } else {
         // just inform the agent about the results
         echo "solve_ok" . $separator . $cracked . $separator . $skipped;
         $taskdone = false;
         if ($rprog == $rtotal && $taskprog == $keyspace) {
             // chunk is done and the task has been fully dispatched
コード例 #2
ファイル: make_object.php プロジェクト: mndrwd/freedomeditor
 function make_object($strr, $aa = "main", $langarr = false, $cont = false, $inglue = "", $outglue = "", $temp2 = false)
     global $arr1timers;
     if (!is_array($arr1timers)) {
         $arr1timers = array();
     #  echo "TESTETE";die();
     global $_cfg, $exacts, $lang;
     $skipthiscacheload = false;
     if ($cont != false) {
         global ${$cont};
     $thiscfg =& $_cfg;
     if (!isset($strr)) {
         $strr = '';
     if ($cont != false) {
         $passcont = $cont;
         if (isset(${$passcont}[$aa]) && strlen(${$passcont}[$aa]) > 0) {
             $skipthiscacheload = true;
     } else {
         $passcont = false;
     if (!isset($thiscfg[$aa]['min-userlevel'])) {
         $thiscfg[$aa]['min-userlevel'] = 0;
     if (isset($thiscfg[$aa]['min-userlevel']) && $_SESSION[$_SESSION['rdmstring']] >= $thiscfg[$aa]['min-userlevel'] || is_array($exacts) && in_array($_SESSION[$_SESSION['rdmstring']], $exacts)) {
         #echo "# access granted";die();
         #echo "<pre>";print_r(${$passcont});
         # find cached
         #echo "<pre>";print_r($thiscfg);die();
         if (!isset($thiscfg[$aa]['cachelife'])) {
             $timeofmylife = 0;
         } elseif (!is_numeric($thiscfg[$aa]['cachelife'])) {
             $timeofmylife = 60;
         } else {
             $timeofmylife = $thiscfg[$aa]['cachelife'];
         #echo "<pre>";	print_r($thiscfg);  echo "<hr />";
         if (isset($thiscfg[$aa]['str']) && $strr != "") {
             #echo $thiscfg[$aa]['str']."<br />";
             #echo $thiscfg[$aa]['str']." -- $aa <br />";
             ##echo $thiscfg[$aa]['str']." ";
             $cache = gethe("cache", md5($thiscfg[$aa]['str'] . $lang), $timeofmylife);
         } else {
             $cache = false;
         #	if ($GLOBALS['dbg']==true){ echo $thiscfg[$aa]['str'].$lang.$aa." -->";}
         if ($cache == false || $cache == true && $skipthiscacheload == false) {
             if ($strr != "") {
                 $cache = $strr;
             } else {
                 if (isset($thiscfg[$aa]['tmpl_inp'])) {
                     $cache = gethe("tmpl", $thiscfg[$aa]['tmpl_inp'], $timeofmylife);
                 } else {
                     $cache = '';
             #	echo getcwd()."/".$thiscfg[$aa]['tmpl_inp'];
             if (function_exists("guilang") && is_array($langarr)) {
                 $cache = guilang($cache, $langarr, "{lang:", "/l}");
             #      echo "WTF";die();
             #echo $aa."<br /><pre>";print_r($thiscfg[$aa]);die();
             #if ($cont!=false && isset(${$passcont}[$aa])){echo "WTWF";die();}
             #echo ${$passcont}[$aa];die();
             if (isset($thiscfg[$aa]) && isset($thiscfg[$aa]['cnt_inp']) && strlen($thiscfg[$aa]['cnt_inp']) > 0) {
                 $conttemp = gethe("cont", $thiscfg[$aa]['cnt_inp'] . $lang . $aa, $timeofmylife);
                 $temp =& $conttemp;
             } elseif ($cont != false && isset(${$passcont}[$aa])) {
                 $conttemp = ${$passcont}[$aa];
                 $temp = $conttemp;
                 #	echo ${$passcont}[$aa];#conttemp;
             #      echo "WTF";die();
             #	echo $conttemp;die();
             if (isset($thiscfg[$aa]['str']) && strstr($cache, $inglue . $thiscfg[$aa]['str'] . $outglue) && isset($conttemp)) {
                 $temp = str_replace($inglue . $thiscfg[$aa]['str'] . $outglue, $conttemp, $cache);
             } else {
                 #echo $cache."TWETWE";die();
                 $temp = $cache;
             #echo $thiscfg[$aa]['str']." <p />".$thiscfg[$aa]['cachable'];#die();
             #echo "WTF";die();
             # MARKER
             if (isset($thiscfg[$aa]) && isset($thiscfg[$aa]['cachable']) && $thiscfg[$aa]['cachable'] != "off" && isset($conttemp)) {
                 if (!isset($thiscfg[$aa]['cachelife']) || !is_numeric($thiscfg[$aa]['cachelife'])) {
                     $timeofmylife = 60;
                 } else {
                     $timeofmylife = $thiscfg[$aa]['cachelife'];
                 #echo $conttemp;
                 writecache($conttemp, md5($thiscfg[$aa]['str'] . $lang), $timeofmylife);
                 if ($GLOBALS['dbg'] == true) {
                     echo $conttemp . " writing ..<br />";
         } else {
             $temp = $cache;
             $conttemp = $temp;
             #	echo $temp;
         #$conttemp=str_replace($inglue.$thiscfg[$aa]['str'].$outglue, "", $conttemp);
         #      echo "WTF";die();
     } else {
         #access denied
         $temp = "";
         $do = 2;
     #echo $temp."TLATA";die();
     if (isset($do) && $do < 2 || !isset($do)) {
         $do = 0;
     if (isset($do) && $do == 0) {
         if ($temp2 == false) {
             $temp2 = $cache;
         #echo "<pre>";    print_r(${$passcont});    echo "</pre><hr />";
         foreach ($thiscfg as $name => $abcd) {
             # echo $name . "<pre>".print_r($abcd)."</pre><hr />";
             #	if ($GLOBALS['dbg']==true){
             #	echo strlen($temp2)." --". isset($abcd['str'])." -- ".strlen($abcd['str'])." -- ".$aa." -- ".$abcd['str']." -- ".strstr($temp2, $inglue.$abcd['str'].$outglue)."<br />";
             #	}
             #    echo ${$passcont}[$abcd['str']]." - ". $abcd['str']."<hr />";
             if (strlen($temp2) > 0 && isset($abcd['str']) && strlen($abcd['str']) > 0 && $aa != $abcd['str'] && strstr($temp2, $inglue . $abcd['str'] . $outglue) && isset(${$passcont}[$abcd['str']])) {
                 $do = 3;
                 #echo $aa." - ".$abcd['str']."<p />".$conttemp."<hr />";
                 $temp2 = str_replace($inglue . $abcd['str'] . $outglue, "", $temp2);
                 #echo $abcd['str']."H".$langarr."E".$passcont."H";
                 #	echo #${$passcont}[
                 #]."<hr />"
                 #	print_r(${$passcont});
                 #	die();
                 $arr[$inglue . $abcd['str'] . $outglue] = make_object(${$passcont}[$abcd['str']], $abcd['str'], $langarr, $passcont, $inglue, $outglue, $temp2);
                 #	echo "<hr /><pre>";
                 #	print_r($arr[$inglue.$abcd['str'].$outglue]);
         #  echo"<pre>";
         #print_r($arr);echo"<hr />";
         if (isset($arr) && is_array($arr)) {
             #    echo "LALALA";die();
             # print_r(array_keys($arr));
             $return = str_replace(array_keys($arr), array_values($arr), $strr);
         } else {
             $return = $temp;
     if (!isset($return)) {
         $return = $temp;
     #echo $return."<hr />";
     return $return;