コード例 #1
function initialize()
    $line = array();
    $merchantArray = array();
    $handle = @fopen('./litle_SDK_config.ini', "w");
    if ($handle) {
        print "Welcome to Litle PHP_SDK" . PHP_EOL;
        print "Please input your user name: ";
        $line['user'] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
        print "Please input your password: "******"Please input your merchantId: ";
        $line['currency_merchant_map ']['DEFAULT'] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
        print "Please choose Litle url from the following list (example: 'cert') or directly input another URL: \nsandbox => https://www.testlitle.com/sandbox/communicator/online \ncert => https://cert.litle.com/vap/communicator/online \nprecert => https://precert.litle.com/vap/communicator/online \nproduction1 => https://payments.litle.com/vap/communicator/online \nproduction2 => https://payments2.litle.com/vap/communicator/online" . PHP_EOL;
        $url = urlMapper(trim(fgets(STDIN)));
        $line['url'] = $url;
        print "Please input the proxy, if no proxy hit enter key: ";
        $line['proxy'] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
        writeConfig($line, $handle);
        fwrite($handle, "version = 8.10" . PHP_EOL);
        fwrite($handle, "timeout =  65" . PHP_EOL);
        fwrite($handle, "reportGroup = planets" . PHP_EOL);
    print "The Litle configuration file has been generated, the file is located in the lib directory" . PHP_EOL;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Config.php プロジェクト: ErwanLeroux/Shaarli
 * Milestone 0.9 - shaarli/Shaarli#41: options.php is not supported anymore.
 * ==> if user is loggedIn, merge its content with config.php, then delete options.php.
 * @param array $config     contains all configuration fields.
 * @param bool  $isLoggedIn true if user is logged in.
 * @return void
function mergeDeprecatedConfig($config, $isLoggedIn)
    $config_file = $config['config']['CONFIG_FILE'];
    if (is_file($config['config']['DATADIR'] . '/options.php') && $isLoggedIn) {
        include $config['config']['DATADIR'] . '/options.php';
        // Load GLOBALS into config
        foreach ($GLOBALS as $key => $value) {
            $config[$key] = $value;
        $config['config']['CONFIG_FILE'] = $config_file;
        writeConfig($config, $isLoggedIn);
        unlink($config['config']['DATADIR'] . '/options.php');
コード例 #3
ファイル: Setup.php プロジェクト: huynp/Critical
function initialize()
    $line = array();
    $merchantArray = array();
    $handle = @fopen('./litle_SDK_config.ini', "w");
    if ($handle) {
        print "Welcome to Litle PHP_SDK" . PHP_EOL;
        print "Please input your user name: ";
        $line['user'] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
        print "Please input your password: "******"Please input your merchantId: ";
        $line['currency_merchant_map ']['DEFAULT'] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
        print "Please choose Litle url from the following list (example: 'sandbox') or directly input another URL: \nsandbox => https://www.testlitle.com/sandbox/communicator/online \npostlive => https://postlive.litle.com/vap/communicator/online \ntransact-postlive => https://transact-postlive.litle.com/vap/communicator/online \nproduction => https://payments.litle.com/vap/communicator/online \nproduction-transact => https://transact.litle.com/vap/communicator/online \nprelive => https://prelive.litle.com/vap/communicator/online \ntransact-prelive => https://transact-prelive.litle.com/vap/communicator/online" . PHP_EOL;
        $url = UrlMapper::getUrl(trim(fgets(STDIN)));
        $line['url'] = $url;
        print "Please input the proxy, if no proxy hit enter key: ";
        $line['proxy'] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
        print "Batch processing saves files to disk. \n";
        print "Please input a directory to save these files. If you are not using batch processing, you may hit enter. ";
        $dir = trim(fgets(STDIN));
        $line['batch_requests_path'] = $dir;
        $line['litle_requests_path'] = $dir;
        print "Please input your SFTP username. If you are not using SFTP, you may hit enter. ";
        $line['sftp_username'] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
        print "Please input your SFTP password. If you are not using SFTP, you may hit enter. ";
        $line['sftp_password'] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
        print "Please input the URL for batch processing. If you are not using batch processing, you may hit enter. ";
        $line['batch_url'] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
        print "Please input the port for stream batch delivery. If you are not using stream batch delivery, you may hit enter. ";
        $line['tcp_port'] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
        print "Please input the timeout (in seconds) for stream batch delivery. If you are not using stream batch delivery, you may hit enter. ";
        $line['tcp_timeout'] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
        # ssl should be usd by default
        $line['tcp_ssl'] = '1';
        $line['print_xml'] = '0';
        writeConfig($line, $handle);
        fwrite($handle, "timeout =  65" . PHP_EOL);
        fwrite($handle, "reportGroup = Default Report Group" . PHP_EOL);
    print "The Litle configuration file has been generated, the file is located in the lib directory" . PHP_EOL;
コード例 #4
    function install(&$Page, $fields)
        global $warnings;
        $database_connection_error = false;
        try {
            $db = new MySQL();
            $db->connect($fields['database']['host'], $fields['database']['username'], $fields['database']['password'], $fields['database']['port']);
            $tables = $db->fetch(sprintf("SHOW TABLES FROM `%s` LIKE '%s'", mysql_escape_string($fields['database']['name']), mysql_escape_string($fields['database']['prefix']) . '%'));
        } catch (DatabaseException $e) {
            $database_connection_error = true;
        ## Invalid path
        if (!@is_dir(rtrim($fields['docroot'], '/') . '/symphony')) {
            $Page->log->pushToLog("Configuration - Bad Document Root Specified: " . $fields['docroot'], E_NOTICE, true);
            define("kENVIRONMENT_WARNING", true);
            if (!defined("ERROR")) {
                define("ERROR", 'no-symphony-dir');
        } elseif (is_file(rtrim($fields['docroot'], '/') . '/.htaccess')) {
            $Page->log->pushToLog("Configuration - Existing '.htaccess' file found: " . $fields['docroot'] . '/.htaccess', E_NOTICE, true);
            define("kENVIRONMENT_WARNING", true);
            if (!defined("ERROR")) {
                define("ERROR", 'existing-htaccess');
        } elseif (is_dir(rtrim($fields['docroot'], '/') . '/workspace') && !is_writable(rtrim($fields['docroot'], '/') . '/workspace')) {
            $Page->log->pushToLog("Configuration - Workspace folder not writable: " . $fields['docroot'] . '/workspace', E_NOTICE, true);
            define("kENVIRONMENT_WARNING", true);
            if (!defined("ERROR")) {
                define("ERROR", 'no-write-permission-workspace');
        } elseif (!is_writable(rtrim($fields['docroot'], '/'))) {
            $Page->log->pushToLog("Configuration - Root folder not writable: " . $fields['docroot'], E_NOTICE, true);
            define("kENVIRONMENT_WARNING", true);
            if (!defined("ERROR")) {
                define("ERROR", 'no-write-permission-root');
        } elseif ($database_connection_error) {
            $Page->log->pushToLog("Configuration - Could not establish database connection", E_NOTICE, true);
            define("kDATABASE_CONNECTION_WARNING", true);
            if (!defined("ERROR")) {
                define("ERROR", 'no-database-connection');
        } elseif (version_compare($db->fetchVar('version', 0, "SELECT VERSION() AS `version`;"), '4.1', '<')) {
            $version = $db->fetchVar('version', 0, "SELECT VERSION() AS `version`;");
            $Page->log->pushToLog('Configuration - MySQL Version is not correct. ' . $version . ' detected.', E_NOTICE, true);
            define("kDATABASE_VERSION_WARNING", true);
            $warnings['database-incorrect-version'] = __('Symphony requires <code>MySQL 4.1</code> or greater to work, however version <code>%s</code> was detected. This requirement must be met before installation can proceed.', array($version));
            if (!defined("ERROR")) {
                define("ERROR", 'database-incorrect-version');
        } elseif (!$db->select($fields['database']['name'])) {
            $Page->log->pushToLog("Configuration - Database '" . $fields['database']['name'] . "' Not Found", E_NOTICE, true);
            define("kDATABASE_CONNECTION_WARNING", true);
            if (!defined("ERROR")) {
                define("ERROR", 'no-database-connection');
        } elseif (is_array($tables) && !empty($tables)) {
            $Page->log->pushToLog("Configuration - Database table prefix clash with '" . $fields['database']['name'] . "'", E_NOTICE, true);
            define("kDATABASE_PREFIX_WARNING", true);
            if (!defined("ERROR")) {
                define("ERROR", 'database-table-clash');
        } elseif (trim($fields['user']['username']) == '') {
            $Page->log->pushToLog("Configuration - No username entered.", E_NOTICE, true);
            define("kUSER_USERNAME_WARNING", true);
            if (!defined("ERROR")) {
                define("ERROR", 'user-no-username');
        } elseif (trim($fields['user']['password']) == '') {
            $Page->log->pushToLog("Configuration - No password entered.", E_NOTICE, true);
            define("kUSER_PASSWORD_WARNING", true);
            if (!defined("ERROR")) {
                define("ERROR", 'user-no-password');
        } elseif ($fields['user']['password'] != $fields['user']['confirm-password']) {
            $Page->log->pushToLog("Configuration - Passwords did not match.", E_NOTICE, true);
            define("kUSER_PASSWORD_WARNING", true);
            if (!defined("ERROR")) {
                define("ERROR", 'user-password-mismatch');
        } elseif (trim($fields['user']['firstname']) == '' || trim($fields['user']['lastname']) == '') {
            $Page->log->pushToLog("Configuration - Did not enter First and Last names.", E_NOTICE, true);
            define("kUSER_NAME_WARNING", true);
            if (!defined("ERROR")) {
                define("ERROR", 'user-no-name');
        } elseif (!preg_match('/^\\w(?:\\.?[\\w%+-]+)*@\\w(?:[\\w-]*\\.)+?[a-z]{2,}$/i', $fields['user']['email'])) {
            $Page->log->pushToLog("Configuration - Invalid email address supplied.", E_NOTICE, true);
            define("kUSER_EMAIL_WARNING", true);
            if (!defined("ERROR")) {
                define("ERROR", 'user-invalid-email');
        } else {
            $config = $fields;
            $kDOCROOT = rtrim($config['docroot'], '/');
            $database = array_map("trim", $fields['database']);
            if (!isset($database['host']) || $database['host'] == "") {
                $database['host'] = "localhost";
            if (!isset($database['port']) || $database['port'] == "") {
                $database['port'] = "3306";
            if (!isset($database['prefix']) || $database['prefix'] == "") {
                $database['prefix'] = "sym_";
            $install_log = $Page->log;
            $start = time();
            $install_log->writeToLog(CRLF . '============================================', true);
            $install_log->writeToLog('INSTALLATION PROCESS STARTED (' . DateTimeObj::get('c') . ')', true);
            $install_log->writeToLog('============================================', true);
            $install_log->pushToLog("MYSQL: Establishing Connection...", E_NOTICE, true, false);
            $db = new MySQL();
            if (!$db->connect($database['host'], $database['username'], $database['password'], $database['port'])) {
                define('_INSTALL_ERRORS_', "There was a problem while trying to establish a connection to the MySQL server. Please check your settings.");
                $install_log->pushToLog("Failed", E_NOTICE, true, true, true);
                installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
            } else {
                $install_log->pushToLog("Done", E_NOTICE, true, true, true);
            $install_log->pushToLog("MYSQL: Selecting Database '" . $database['name'] . "'...", E_NOTICE, true, false);
            if (!$db->select($database['name'])) {
                define('_INSTALL_ERRORS_', "Could not connect to specified database. Please check your settings.");
                $install_log->pushToLog("Failed", E_NOTICE, true, true, true);
                installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
            } else {
                $install_log->pushToLog("Done", E_NOTICE, true, true, true);
            $conf = getDynamicConfiguration();
            if ($conf['database']['runtime_character_set_alter'] == '1') {
            $install_log->pushToLog("MYSQL: Importing Table Schema...", E_NOTICE, true, false);
            $error = NULL;
            if (!fireSql($db, getTableSchema(), $error, $config['database']['high-compatibility'] == 'yes' ? 'high' : 'normal')) {
                define('_INSTALL_ERRORS_', "There was an error while trying to import data to the database. MySQL returned: {$error}");
                $install_log->pushToLog("Failed", E_ERROR, true, true, true);
                installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
            } else {
                $install_log->pushToLog("Done", E_NOTICE, true, true, true);
            $author_sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO  `tbl_authors` (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`id` , \n\t\t\t\t\t\t`username` , \n\t\t\t\t\t\t`password` , \n\t\t\t\t\t\t`first_name` , \n\t\t\t\t\t\t`last_name` , \n\t\t\t\t\t\t`email` , \n\t\t\t\t\t\t`last_seen` , \n\t\t\t\t\t\t`user_type` , \n\t\t\t\t\t\t`primary` , \n\t\t\t\t\t\t`default_section` , \n\t\t\t\t\t\t`auth_token_active`\n\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t1,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'%s',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tMD5('%s'),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'%s',  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t'%s',  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t'%s', \n\t\t\t\t\t\tNULL ,  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t'developer',  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t'yes',  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t'6',  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t'no'\n\t\t\t\t\t);", $db->cleanValue($config['user']['username']), $db->cleanValue($config['user']['password']), $db->cleanValue($config['user']['firstname']), $db->cleanValue($config['user']['lastname']), $db->cleanValue($config['user']['email']));
            $install_log->pushToLog("MYSQL: Creating Default Author...", E_NOTICE, true, false);
            if (!$db->query($author_sql)) {
                $error = $db->getLastError();
                define('_INSTALL_ERRORS_', "There was an error while trying create the default author. MySQL returned: " . $error['num'] . ': ' . $error['msg']);
                $install_log->pushToLog("Failed", E_ERROR, true, true, true);
                installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
            } else {
                $install_log->pushToLog("Done", E_NOTICE, true, true, true);
            $conf = array();
            if (@is_dir($fields['docroot'] . '/workspace')) {
                foreach (getDynamicConfiguration() as $group => $settings) {
                    if (!is_array($conf['settings'][$group])) {
                        $conf['settings'][$group] = array();
                    $conf['settings'][$group] = array_merge($conf['settings'][$group], $settings);
            } else {
                $conf['settings']['admin']['max_upload_size'] = '5242880';
                $conf['settings']['symphony']['pagination_maximum_rows'] = '17';
                $conf['settings']['symphony']['allow_page_subscription'] = '1';
                $conf['settings']['symphony']['lang'] = defined('__LANG__') ? __LANG__ : 'en';
                $conf['settings']['symphony']['pages_table_nest_children'] = 'no';
                $conf['settings']['log']['archive'] = '1';
                $conf['settings']['log']['maxsize'] = '102400';
                $conf['settings']['image']['cache'] = '1';
                $conf['settings']['image']['quality'] = '90';
                $conf['settings']['database']['driver'] = 'mysql';
                $conf['settings']['database']['character_set'] = 'utf8';
                $conf['settings']['database']['character_encoding'] = 'utf8';
                $conf['settings']['database']['runtime_character_set_alter'] = '1';
                $conf['settings']['public']['display_event_xml_in_source'] = 'no';
            $conf['settings']['symphony']['version'] = kVERSION;
            $conf['settings']['symphony']['cookie_prefix'] = 'sym-';
            $conf['settings']['general']['useragent'] = 'Symphony/' . kVERSION;
            $conf['settings']['general']['sitename'] = strlen(trim($config['general']['sitename'])) > 0 ? $config['general']['sitename'] : __('Website Name');
            $conf['settings']['file']['write_mode'] = $config['permission']['file'];
            $conf['settings']['directory']['write_mode'] = $config['permission']['directory'];
            $conf['settings']['database']['host'] = $database['host'];
            $conf['settings']['database']['port'] = $database['port'];
            $conf['settings']['database']['user'] = $database['username'];
            $conf['settings']['database']['password'] = $database['password'];
            $conf['settings']['database']['db'] = $database['name'];
            $conf['settings']['database']['tbl_prefix'] = $database['prefix'];
            $conf['settings']['region']['time_format'] = $config['region']['time_format'];
            $conf['settings']['region']['date_format'] = $config['region']['date_format'];
            $conf['settings']['region']['timezone'] = $config['region']['timezone'];
            ## Create Manifest directory structure
            $install_log->pushToLog("WRITING: Creating 'manifest' folder (/manifest)", E_NOTICE, true, true);
            if (!GeneralExtended::realiseDirectory($kDOCROOT . '/manifest', $conf['settings']['directory']['write_mode'])) {
                define('_INSTALL_ERRORS_', "Could not create 'manifest' directory. Check permission on the root folder.");
                $install_log->pushToLog("ERROR: Creation of 'manifest' folder failed.", E_ERROR, true, true);
                installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
            $install_log->pushToLog("WRITING: Creating 'logs' folder (/manifest/logs)", E_NOTICE, true, true);
            if (!GeneralExtended::realiseDirectory($kDOCROOT . '/manifest/logs', $conf['settings']['directory']['write_mode'])) {
                define('_INSTALL_ERRORS_', "Could not create 'logs' directory. Check permission on /manifest.");
                $install_log->pushToLog("ERROR: Creation of 'logs' folder failed.", E_ERROR, true, true);
                installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
            $install_log->pushToLog("WRITING: Creating 'cache' folder (/manifest/cache)", E_NOTICE, true, true);
            if (!GeneralExtended::realiseDirectory($kDOCROOT . '/manifest/cache', $conf['settings']['directory']['write_mode'])) {
                define('_INSTALL_ERRORS_', "Could not create 'cache' directory. Check permission on /manifest.");
                $install_log->pushToLog("ERROR: Creation of 'cache' folder failed.", E_ERROR, true, true);
                installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
            $install_log->pushToLog("WRITING: Creating 'tmp' folder (/manifest/tmp)", E_NOTICE, true, true);
            if (!GeneralExtended::realiseDirectory($kDOCROOT . '/manifest/tmp', $conf['settings']['directory']['write_mode'])) {
                define('_INSTALL_ERRORS_', "Could not create 'tmp' directory. Check permission on /manifest.");
                $install_log->pushToLog("ERROR: Creation of 'tmp' folder failed.", E_ERROR, true, true);
                installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
            $install_log->pushToLog("WRITING: Configuration File", E_NOTICE, true, true);
            if (!writeConfig($kDOCROOT . '/manifest/', $conf, $conf['settings']['file']['write_mode'])) {
                define('_INSTALL_ERRORS_', "Could not write config file. Check permission on /manifest.");
                $install_log->pushToLog("ERROR: Writing Configuration File Failed", E_ERROR, true, true);
                installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
            $rewrite_base = trim(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '/');
            if (strlen($rewrite_base) > 0) {
                $rewrite_base .= '/';
            $htaccess = '
### Symphony 2.0.x ###
Options +FollowSymlinks

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

	RewriteEngine on
	RewriteBase /' . $rewrite_base . '

	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} favicon.ico [NC]
	RewriteRule .* - [S=14]	

	RewriteRule ^image\\/(.+\\.(jpg|gif|jpeg|png|bmp))$ extensions/jit_image_manipulation/lib/image.php?param=$1 [L,NC]

	### CHECK FOR TRAILING SLASH - Will ignore files
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/$
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(.*)/$
	RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1/ [L,R=301]

	RewriteRule ^symphony\\/?$ index.php?mode=administration&%{QUERY_STRING} [NC,L]

	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f	
	RewriteRule ^symphony(\\/(.*\\/?))?$ index.php?symphony-page=$1&mode=administration&%{QUERY_STRING}	[NC,L]

	### FRONTEND REWRITE - Will ignore files and folders
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
	RewriteRule ^(.*\\/?)$ index.php?symphony-page=$1&%{QUERY_STRING}	[L]
            $install_log->pushToLog("CONFIGURING: Frontend", E_NOTICE, true, true);
            if (!GeneralExtended::writeFile($kDOCROOT . "/.htaccess", $htaccess, $conf['settings']['file']['write_mode'])) {
                define('_INSTALL_ERRORS_', "Could not write .htaccess file. Check permission on " . $kDOCROOT);
                $install_log->pushToLog("ERROR: Writing .htaccess File Failed", E_ERROR, true, true);
                installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
            if (@(!is_dir($fields['docroot'] . '/workspace'))) {
                ### Create the workspace folder structure
                $install_log->pushToLog("WRITING: Creating 'workspace' folder (/workspace)", E_NOTICE, true, true);
                if (!GeneralExtended::realiseDirectory($kDOCROOT . '/workspace', $conf['settings']['directory']['write_mode'])) {
                    define('_INSTALL_ERRORS_', "Could not create 'workspace' directory. Check permission on the root folder.");
                    $install_log->pushToLog("ERROR: Creation of 'workspace' folder failed.", E_ERROR, true, true);
                    installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
                $install_log->pushToLog("WRITING: Creating 'data-sources' folder (/workspace/data-sources)", E_NOTICE, true, true);
                if (!GeneralExtended::realiseDirectory($kDOCROOT . '/workspace/data-sources', $conf['settings']['directory']['write_mode'])) {
                    define('_INSTALL_ERRORS_', "Could not create 'workspace/data-sources' directory. Check permission on the root folder.");
                    $install_log->pushToLog("ERROR: Creation of 'workspace/data-sources' folder failed.", E_ERROR, true, true);
                    installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
                $install_log->pushToLog("WRITING: Creating 'events' folder (/workspace/events)", E_NOTICE, true, true);
                if (!GeneralExtended::realiseDirectory($kDOCROOT . '/workspace/events', $conf['settings']['directory']['write_mode'])) {
                    define('_INSTALL_ERRORS_', "Could not create 'workspace/events' directory. Check permission on the root folder.");
                    $install_log->pushToLog("ERROR: Creation of 'workspace/events' folder failed.", E_ERROR, true, true);
                    installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
                $install_log->pushToLog("WRITING: Creating 'pages' folder (/workspace/pages)", E_NOTICE, true, true);
                if (!GeneralExtended::realiseDirectory($kDOCROOT . '/workspace/pages', $conf['settings']['directory']['write_mode'])) {
                    define('_INSTALL_ERRORS_', "Could not create 'workspace/pages' directory. Check permission on the root folder.");
                    $install_log->pushToLog("ERROR: Creation of 'workspace/pages' folder failed.", E_ERROR, true, true);
                    installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
                $install_log->pushToLog("WRITING: Creating 'utilities' folder (/workspace/utilities)", E_NOTICE, true, true);
                if (!GeneralExtended::realiseDirectory($kDOCROOT . '/workspace/utilities', $conf['settings']['directory']['write_mode'])) {
                    define('_INSTALL_ERRORS_', "Could not create 'workspace/utilities' directory. Check permission on the root folder.");
                    $install_log->pushToLog("ERROR: Creation of 'workspace/utilities' folder failed.", E_ERROR, true, true);
                    installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
            } else {
                $install_log->pushToLog("MYSQL: Importing Workspace Data...", E_NOTICE, true, false);
                $error = NULL;
                if (!fireSql($db, getWorkspaceData(), $error, $config['database']['high-compatibility'] == 'yes' ? 'high' : 'normal')) {
                    define('_INSTALL_ERRORS_', "There was an error while trying to import data to the database. MySQL returned: {$error}");
                    $install_log->pushToLog("Failed", E_ERROR, true, true, true);
                    installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
                } else {
                    $install_log->pushToLog("Done", E_NOTICE, true, true, true);
            if (@(!is_dir($fields['docroot'] . '/extensions'))) {
                $install_log->pushToLog("WRITING: Creating 'campfire' folder (/extensions)", E_NOTICE, true, true);
                if (!GeneralExtended::realiseDirectory($kDOCROOT . '/extensions', $conf['settings']['directory']['write_mode'])) {
                    define('_INSTALL_ERRORS_', "Could not create 'extensions' directory. Check permission on the root folder.");
                    $install_log->pushToLog("ERROR: Creation of 'extensions' folder failed.", E_ERROR, true, true);
                    installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
            $install_log->pushToLog("Installation Process Completed In " . max(1, time() - $start) . " sec", E_NOTICE, true);
            installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
            redirect('http://' . rtrim(str_replace('http://', '', _INSTALL_DOMAIN_), '/') . '/symphony/');
コード例 #5
ファイル: install.php プロジェクト: JoseCOCA/baudprint
     if ($error != '') {
     } else {
         if (isset($config['admin_username'])) {
             setTmpConfig('step', STEP_FINALISE);
     // Finally check if everything is set up properly and tell the user so
     // write real config file
     $page_title = $language['title_finished'];
     if ($error != '') {
     // delete temp config + created test images!!
     $files_to_remove = array('albums/combined_generated.jpg', 'albums/giftest_generated.gif', 'albums/giftest_generated.jpg', 'albums/jpgtest_generated.jpg', 'albums/pngtest_generated.jpg', 'albums/pngtest_generated.png', 'albums/scaled_generated.jpg', 'albums/texttest_generated.jpg', 'include/config.tmp.php');
     foreach ($files_to_remove as $file) {
         if (is_file($file)) {
コード例 #6
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: CoryZ40/templateblocks
function validateInput()
    global $db, $html;
    // do a check by step
    if ($_REQUEST['step'] == '2') {
        $db_details = $db->testConnection($_REQUEST['database_server'], $_REQUEST['database_name'], $_REQUEST['database_user'], $_REQUEST['database_password']);
        if (!$db_details) {
            echo $html['Error']['Database_Details'];
    // update the config file if all is well
コード例 #7
ファイル: ConfigTest.php プロジェクト: Eragos/Shaarli
  * Test mergeDeprecatedConfig while being logged in without options file.
 public function testMergeDeprecatedConfigNoFile()
     writeConfig(self::$_configFields, true);
     mergeDeprecatedConfig(self::$_configFields, true);
     include self::$_configFields['config']['CONFIG_FILE'];
     $this->assertEquals(self::$_configFields['login'], $GLOBALS['login']);
コード例 #8
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: archcidburnziso/Bilboplanet
function install()
    global $core;
    // On free.fr host, make sure the /sessions directory exists, otherwise login will not work.
    if (endsWith($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], '.free.fr') && !is_dir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/sessions')) {
        mkdir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/sessions', 0705);
    if ($core->auth->sessionExists() && !empty($_POST['setlogin'])) {
        $tz = 'UTC';
        if (!empty($_POST['continent']) && !empty($_POST['city'])) {
            if (isTZvalid($_POST['continent'], $_POST['city'])) {
                $tz = $_POST['continent'] . '/' . $_POST['city'];
        $GLOBALS['timezone'] = $tz;
        // Everything is ok, let's create config file.
        $GLOBALS['login'] = $core->auth->userID();
        $GLOBALS['salt'] = sha1(uniqid('', true) . '_' . mt_rand());
        // Salt renders rainbow-tables attacks useless.
        $GLOBALS['hash'] = sha1($core->auth->userToken() . $GLOBALS['login'] . $GLOBALS['salt']);
        $GLOBALS['title'] = empty($_POST['title']) ? 'Shared links on ' . htmlspecialchars(indexUrl()) : $_POST['title'];
        echo '<script language="JavaScript">alert("Shaarli is now configured !");document.location=\'\';</script>';
    // Display config form:
    list($timezone_form, $timezone_js) = templateTZform();
    $timezone_html = '';
    if ($timezone_form != '') {
        $timezone_html = '<tr><td valign="top"><b>Timezone:</b></td><td>' . $timezone_form . '</td></tr>';
    $PAGE = new pageBuilder();
    $PAGE->assign('login_html', $core->auth->userID());
    $PAGE->assign('timezone_html', $timezone_html);
    $PAGE->assign('timezone_js', $timezone_js);
コード例 #9
ファイル: update.php プロジェクト: hardkap/pritlog
function performProcess()
    global $blogPath;
    echo '<p>Starting the process ... </p>';
    echo '<p><strong>CONGRATULATIONS !! Your Pritlog installation has been updated to the 0.811</strong></p>';
    echo '<p><a href="' . $blogPath . '">Home page</a></p>';
コード例 #10
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: birdofpray70/Shaarli
function install()
    // On free.fr host, make sure the /sessions directory exists, otherwise login will not work.
    if (endsWith($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], '.free.fr') && !is_dir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/sessions')) {
        mkdir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/sessions', 0705);
    // This part makes sure sessions works correctly.
    // (Because on some hosts, session.save_path may not be set correctly,
    // or we may not have write access to it.)
    if (isset($_GET['test_session']) && (!isset($_SESSION) || !isset($_SESSION['session_tested']) || $_SESSION['session_tested'] != 'Working')) {
        // Step 2: Check if data in session is correct.
        echo '<pre>Sessions do not seem to work correctly on your server.<br>';
        echo 'Make sure the variable session.save_path is set correctly in your php config, and that you have write access to it.<br>';
        echo 'It currently points to ' . session_save_path() . '<br>';
        echo 'Check that the hostname used to access Shaarli contains a dot. On some browsers, accessing your server via a hostname like \'localhost\' or any custom hostname without a dot causes cookie storage to fail. We recommend accessing your server via it\'s IP address or Fully Qualified Domain Name.<br>';
        echo '<br><a href="?">Click to try again.</a></pre>';
    if (!isset($_SESSION['session_tested'])) {
        // Step 1 : Try to store data in session and reload page.
        $_SESSION['session_tested'] = 'Working';
        // Try to set a variable in session.
        header('Location: ' . index_url($_SERVER) . '?test_session');
        // Redirect to check stored data.
    if (isset($_GET['test_session'])) {
        // Step 3: Sessions are OK. Remove test parameter from URL.
        header('Location: ' . index_url($_SERVER));
    if (!empty($_POST['setlogin']) && !empty($_POST['setpassword'])) {
        $tz = 'UTC';
        if (!empty($_POST['continent']) && !empty($_POST['city'])) {
            if (isTimeZoneValid($_POST['continent'], $_POST['city'])) {
                $tz = $_POST['continent'] . '/' . $_POST['city'];
        $GLOBALS['timezone'] = $tz;
        // Everything is ok, let's create config file.
        $GLOBALS['login'] = $_POST['setlogin'];
        $GLOBALS['salt'] = sha1(uniqid('', true) . '_' . mt_rand());
        // Salt renders rainbow-tables attacks useless.
        $GLOBALS['hash'] = sha1($_POST['setpassword'] . $GLOBALS['login'] . $GLOBALS['salt']);
        $GLOBALS['title'] = empty($_POST['title']) ? 'Shared links on ' . escape(index_url($_SERVER)) : $_POST['title'];
        $GLOBALS['config']['ENABLE_UPDATECHECK'] = !empty($_POST['updateCheck']);
        try {
            writeConfig($GLOBALS, isLoggedIn());
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            error_log('ERROR while writing config file after installation.' . PHP_EOL . $e->getMessage());
            // TODO: do not handle exceptions/errors in JS.
            echo '<script>alert("' . $e->getMessage() . '");document.location=\'?\';</script>';
        echo '<script>alert("Shaarli is now configured. Please enter your login/password and start shaaring your links!");document.location=\'?do=login\';</script>';
    // Display config form:
    list($timezone_form, $timezone_js) = generateTimeZoneForm();
    $timezone_html = '';
    if ($timezone_form != '') {
        $timezone_html = '<tr><td><b>Timezone:</b></td><td>' . $timezone_form . '</td></tr>';
    $PAGE = new pageBuilder();
    $PAGE->assign('timezone_html', $timezone_html);
    $PAGE->assign('timezone_js', $timezone_js);
コード例 #11
ファイル: Updater.php プロジェクト: toneiv/Shaarli
  * Move deprecated options.php to config.php.
  * Milestone 0.9 (old versioning) - shaarli/Shaarli#41:
  *    options.php is not supported anymore.
 public function updateMethodMergeDeprecatedConfigFile()
     $config_file = $this->config['config']['CONFIG_FILE'];
     if (is_file($this->config['config']['DATADIR'] . '/options.php')) {
         include $this->config['config']['DATADIR'] . '/options.php';
         // Load GLOBALS into config
         foreach ($GLOBALS as $key => $value) {
             $this->config[$key] = $value;
         $this->config['config']['CONFIG_FILE'] = $config_file;
         writeConfig($this->config, $this->isLoggedIn);
         unlink($this->config['config']['DATADIR'] . '/options.php');
     return true;
コード例 #12
ファイル: install.php プロジェクト: symphonycms/symphony-1.7
    function install(&$Page, $fields)
        $db = new MySQL();
        $db->connect($fields['database']['host'], $fields['database']['username'], $fields['database']['password'], $fields['database']['port']);
        if ($db->isConnected()) {
            $tables = $db->fetch("SHOW TABLES FROM `" . $fields['database']['name'] . "` LIKE '" . mysql_escape_string($fields['database']['prefix']) . "%'");
        ## Invalid path
        if (!@is_dir(rtrim($fields['docroot'], '/') . '/symphony')) {
            $Page->log->pushToLog("Configuration - Bad Document Root Specified: " . $fields['docroot'], SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true);
            define("kENVIRONMENT_WARNING", true);
            if (!defined("ERROR")) {
                define("ERROR", 'no-symphony-dir');
        } elseif (is_file(rtrim($fields['docroot'], '/') . '/.htaccess')) {
            $Page->log->pushToLog("Configuration - Existing '.htaccess' file found: " . $fields['docroot'] . '/.htaccess', SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true);
            define("kENVIRONMENT_WARNING", true);
            if (!defined("ERROR")) {
                define("ERROR", 'existing-htaccess');
        } elseif (is_dir(rtrim($fields['docroot'], '/') . '/workspace') && !is_writable(rtrim($fields['docroot'], '/') . '/workspace')) {
            $Page->log->pushToLog("Configuration - Workspace folder not writable: " . $fields['docroot'] . '/workspace', SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true);
            define("kENVIRONMENT_WARNING", true);
            if (!defined("ERROR")) {
                define("ERROR", 'no-write-permission-workspace');
        } elseif (!is_writable(rtrim($fields['docroot'], '/'))) {
            $Page->log->pushToLog("Configuration - Root folder not writable: " . $fields['docroot'], SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true);
            define("kENVIRONMENT_WARNING", true);
            if (!defined("ERROR")) {
                define("ERROR", 'no-write-permission-root');
        } elseif (!$db->isConnected()) {
            $Page->log->pushToLog("Configuration - Could not establish database connection", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true);
            define("kDATABASE_CONNECTION_WARNING", true);
            if (!defined("ERROR")) {
                define("ERROR", 'no-database-connection');
        } elseif (!$db->select($fields['database']['name'])) {
            $Page->log->pushToLog("Configuration - Database '" . $fields['database']['name'] . "' Not Found", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true);
            define("kDATABASE_CONNECTION_WARNING", true);
            if (!defined("ERROR")) {
                define("ERROR", 'no-database-connection');
        } elseif (is_array($tables) && !empty($tables)) {
            $Page->log->pushToLog("Configuration - Database table prefix clash with '" . $fields['database']['name'] . "'", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true);
            define("kDATABASE_PREFIX_WARNING", true);
            if (!defined("ERROR")) {
                define("ERROR", 'database-table-clash');
        } elseif (trim($fields['user']['username']) == '') {
            $Page->log->pushToLog("Configuration - No username entered.", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true);
            define("kUSER_USERNAME_WARNING", true);
            if (!defined("ERROR")) {
                define("ERROR", 'user-no-username');
        } elseif (trim($fields['user']['password']) == '') {
            $Page->log->pushToLog("Configuration - No password entered.", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true);
            define("kUSER_PASSWORD_WARNING", true);
            if (!defined("ERROR")) {
                define("ERROR", 'user-no-password');
        } elseif ($fields['user']['password'] != $fields['user']['confirm-password']) {
            $Page->log->pushToLog("Configuration - Passwords did not match.", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true);
            define("kUSER_PASSWORD_WARNING", true);
            if (!defined("ERROR")) {
                define("ERROR", 'user-password-mismatch');
        } elseif (trim($fields['user']['firstname']) == '' || trim($fields['user']['lastname']) == '') {
            $Page->log->pushToLog("Configuration - Did not enter First and Last names.", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true);
            define("kUSER_NAME_WARNING", true);
            if (!defined("ERROR")) {
                define("ERROR", 'user-no-name');
        } elseif (!ereg('^[a-zA-Z0-9_\\.\\-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+\\.[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]+$', $fields['user']['email'])) {
            $Page->log->pushToLog("Configuration - Invalid email address supplied.", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true);
            define("kUSER_EMAIL_WARNING", true);
            if (!defined("ERROR")) {
                define("ERROR", 'user-invalid-email');
        } else {
            $config = $fields;
            $kDOCROOT = rtrim($config['docroot'], '/');
            $database = array_map("trim", $fields['database']);
            if (!isset($database['host']) || $database['host'] == "") {
                $database['host'] = "localhost";
            if (!isset($database['port']) || $database['port'] == "") {
                $database['port'] = "3306";
            if (!isset($database['prefix']) || $database['prefix'] == "") {
                $database['prefix'] = "sym_";
            $install_log = $Page->log;
            $start = time();
            $install_log->writeToLog(CRLF . '============================================', true);
            $install_log->writeToLog('INSTALLATION PROCESS STARTED (' . date("d.m.y H:i:s") . ')', true);
            $install_log->writeToLog('============================================', true);
            $db = new MySQL();
            $install_log->pushToLog("MYSQL: Establishing Connection...", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, false);
            $db = new MySQL();
            if (!$db->connect($database['host'], $database['username'], $database['password'], $database['port'])) {
                define("_INSTALL_ERRORS_", "There was a problem while trying to establish a connection to the MySQL server. Please check your settings.");
                $install_log->pushToLog("Failed", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, true, true);
                installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
            } else {
                $install_log->pushToLog("Done", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, true, true);
            $install_log->pushToLog("MYSQL: Selecting Database '" . $database['name'] . "'...", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, false);
            if (!$db->select($database['name'])) {
                define("_INSTALL_ERRORS_", "Could not connect to specified database. Please check your settings.");
                $install_log->pushToLog("Failed", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, true, true);
                installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
            } else {
                $install_log->pushToLog("Done", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, true, true);
            $install_log->pushToLog("MYSQL: Creating Tables...", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, false);
            $error = NULL;
            if (!fireSql($db, getTableSchema(), $error, $config['database']['high-compatibility'] == 'yes' ? 'high' : 'normal')) {
                define("_INSTALL_ERRORS_", "There was an error while trying to create tables in the database. MySQL returned: {$error}");
                $install_log->pushToLog("Failed", SYM_LOG_ERROR, true, true, true);
                installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
            } else {
                $install_log->pushToLog("Done", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, true, true);
            $author_sql = "INSERT INTO `tbl_authors` " . "(username, password, firstname, lastname, email, superuser, owner, textformat) " . "VALUES (" . "'" . $config['user']['username'] . "', " . "'" . md5($config['user']['password']) . "', " . "'" . $config['user']['firstname'] . "', " . "'" . $config['user']['lastname'] . "', " . "'" . $config['user']['email'] . "', " . "'1', '1', 'simplehtml' )";
            $error = NULL;
            $db->query($author_sql, $error);
            if (!empty($error)) {
                define("_INSTALL_ERRORS_", "There was an error while trying create the default author. MySQL returned: {$error}");
                $install_log->pushToLog("Failed", SYM_LOG_ERROR, true, true, true);
                installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
            } else {
                $install_log->pushToLog("Done", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, true, true);
            $conf = array();
            $conf['define'] = array('DOCROOT' => $kDOCROOT, 'DOMAIN' => str_replace("http://", "", _INSTALL_DOMAIN_));
            $conf['require'] = array($kDOCROOT . '/symphony/lib/boot/bundle.php');
            $conf['settings']['admin']['max_upload_size'] = '5242880';
            $conf['settings']['admin']['handle_length'] = '50';
            $conf['settings']['filemanager']['filetype_restriction'] = 'bmp, jpg, gif, png, doc, rtf, pdf, zip';
            $conf['settings']['filemanager']['enabled'] = 'yes';
            $conf['settings']['filemanager']['log_all_upload_attempts'] = 'yes';
            $conf['settings']['symphony']['build'] = kBUILD;
            $conf['settings']['symphony']['acct_server'] = kSUPPORT_SERVER;
            $conf['settings']['symphony']['update'] = '5';
            $conf['settings']['symphony']['lastupdatecheck'] = time();
            $conf['settings']['symphony']['prune_logs'] = '1';
            $conf['settings']['symphony']['allow_page_subscription'] = '1';
            $conf['settings']['symphony']['strict_section_field_validation'] = '1';
            $conf['settings']['symphony']['allow_primary_field_handles_to_change'] = '1';
            $conf['settings']['symphony']['pagination_maximum_rows'] = '17';
            $conf['settings']['symphony']['cookie_prefix'] = 'sym_';
            $conf['settings']['xsl']['exclude-parameter-declarations'] = 'off';
            if ($config['theme'] == 'yes') {
                $conf['settings']['general']['sitename'] = 'Symphony Web Publishing System';
            } else {
                $conf['settings']['general']['sitename'] = 'Website Name';
            $conf['settings']['general']['useragent'] = 'Symphony/' . kBUILD;
            $conf['settings']['image']['cache'] = '1';
            $conf['settings']['image']['quality'] = '70';
            $conf['settings']['file']['extend_timeout'] = 'off';
            $conf['settings']['file']['write_mode'] = $config['permission']['file'];
            $conf['settings']['directory']['write_mode'] = $config['permission']['directory'];
            $conf['settings']['database']['driver'] = 'MySQL';
            $conf['settings']['database']['host'] = $database['host'];
            $conf['settings']['database']['port'] = $database['port'];
            $conf['settings']['database']['user'] = $database['username'];
            $conf['settings']['database']['password'] = $database['password'];
            $conf['settings']['database']['db'] = $database['name'];
            $conf['settings']['database']['tbl_prefix'] = $database['prefix'];
            $conf['settings']['database']['character_set'] = 'utf8';
            $conf['settings']['database']['character_encoding'] = 'utf8';
            $conf['settings']['database']['runtime_character_set_alter'] = '0';
            $conf['settings']['public']['status'] = 'online';
            $conf['settings']['public']['caching'] = 'on';
            $conf['settings']['public']['excerpt-length'] = '100';
            $conf['settings']['region']['time_zone'] = '10';
            $conf['settings']['region']['time_format'] = 'g:i a';
            $conf['settings']['region']['date_format'] = 'j F Y';
            $conf['settings']['region']['dst'] = 'no';
            $conf['settings']['workspace']['config_checksum'] = '';
            $conf['settings']['commenting']['allow-by-default'] = 'on';
            $conf['settings']['commenting']['email-notify'] = 'off';
            $conf['settings']['commenting']['allow-duplicates'] = 'off';
            $conf['settings']['commenting']['maximum-allowed-links'] = '3';
            $conf['settings']['commenting']['banned-words'] = '';
            $conf['settings']['commenting']['banned-words-replacement'] = '*****';
            $conf['settings']['commenting']['hide-spam-flagged'] = 'on';
            $conf['settings']['commenting']['formatting-type'] = 'simplehtml';
            $conf['settings']['commenting']['add-nofollow'] = 'off';
            $conf['settings']['commenting']['convert-urls'] = 'off';
            $conf['settings']['commenting']['check-referer'] = 'on';
            $conf['settings']['commenting']['nuke-spam'] = 'on';
            $conf['settings']['commenting']['ip-blacklist'] = '';
            ## Create Manifest directory structure
            $install_log->pushToLog("WRITING: Creating 'manifest' folder (/manifest)", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, true);
            if (!GeneralExtended::realiseDirectory($kDOCROOT . '/manifest', $conf['settings']['directory']['write_mode'])) {
                define("_INSTALL_ERRORS_", "Could not create 'manifest' directory. Check permission on the root folder.");
                $install_log->pushToLog("ERROR: Creation of 'manifest' folder failed.", SYM_LOG_ERROR, true, true);
                installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
            $install_log->pushToLog("WRITING: Creating 'logs' folder (/manifest/logs)", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, true);
            if (!GeneralExtended::realiseDirectory($kDOCROOT . '/manifest/logs', $conf['settings']['directory']['write_mode'])) {
                define("_INSTALL_ERRORS_", "Could not create 'logs' directory. Check permission on /manifest.");
                $install_log->pushToLog("ERROR: Creation of 'logs' folder failed.", SYM_LOG_ERROR, true, true);
                installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
            $install_log->pushToLog("WRITING: Creating 'cache' folder (/manifest/cache)", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, true);
            if (!GeneralExtended::realiseDirectory($kDOCROOT . '/manifest/cache', $conf['settings']['directory']['write_mode'])) {
                define("_INSTALL_ERRORS_", "Could not create 'cache' directory. Check permission on /manifest.");
                $install_log->pushToLog("ERROR: Creation of 'cache' folder failed.", SYM_LOG_ERROR, true, true);
                installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
            $install_log->pushToLog("WRITING: Creating 'tmp' folder (/manifest/tmp)", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, true);
            if (!GeneralExtended::realiseDirectory($kDOCROOT . '/manifest/tmp', $conf['settings']['directory']['write_mode'])) {
                define("_INSTALL_ERRORS_", "Could not create 'tmp' directory. Check permission on /manifest.");
                $install_log->pushToLog("ERROR: Creation of 'tmp' folder failed.", SYM_LOG_ERROR, true, true);
                installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
            $install_log->pushToLog("WRITING: Configuration File", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, true);
            if (!writeConfig($kDOCROOT . "/manifest/", $conf, $conf['settings']['file']['write_mode'])) {
                define("_INSTALL_ERRORS_", "Could not write config file. Check permission on /manifest.");
                $install_log->pushToLog("ERROR: Writing Configuration File Failed", SYM_LOG_ERROR, true, true);
                installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
            $rewrite_base = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
            $rewrite_base = trim($rewrite_base, '/');
            if ($rewrite_base != "") {
                $rewrite_base .= '/';
            $htaccess = '
### Symphony 1.7 - Do not edit ###

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
	RewriteEngine on
	RewriteBase /' . $rewrite_base . '

	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} favicon.ico [NC]
	RewriteRule .* - [S=14]

	RewriteRule ^image/([0-9]+)\\/([0-9]+)\\/(0|1)\\/([a-fA-f0-9]{1,6})\\/external/([\\W\\w]+)\\.(jpg|gif|jpeg|png|bmp)$   /' . $rewrite_base . 'symphony/image.php?width=$1&height=$2&crop=$3&bg=$4&_f=$5.$6&external=true [L]
	RewriteRule ^image/external/([\\W\\w]+)\\.(jpg|gif|jpeg|png|bmp)$   /' . $rewrite_base . 'symphony/image.php?width=0&height=0&crop=0&bg=0&_f=$1.$2&external=true [L]

	RewriteRule ^image/([0-9]+)\\/([0-9]+)\\/(0|1)\\/([a-fA-f0-9]{1,6})\\/external/(.*)\\.(jpg|gif|jpeg|png|bmp)$   /' . $rewrite_base . 'symphony/image.php?width=$1&height=$2&crop=$3&bg=$4&_f=$5.$6&external=true [L]
	RewriteRule ^image/external/(.*)\\.(jpg|gif|jpeg|png|bmp)$  /' . $rewrite_base . 'symphony/image.php?width=0&height=0&crop=0&bg=0&_f=$1.$2&external=true [L]

	RewriteRule ^image/([0-9]+)\\/([0-9]+)\\/(0|1)\\/([a-fA-f0-9]{1,6})\\/([\\W\\w]+)\\.(jpg|gif|jpeg|png|bmp)$   /' . $rewrite_base . 'symphony/image.php?width=$1&height=$2&crop=$3&bg=$4&_f=$5.$6 	[L]
	RewriteRule ^image/([\\W\\w]+)\\.(jpg|gif|jpeg|png|bmp)$   /' . $rewrite_base . 'symphony/image.php?width=0&height=0&crop=0&bg=0&_f=$1.$2 	[L]

	RewriteRule ^image/([0-9]+)\\/([0-9]+)\\/(0|1)\\/([a-fA-f0-9]{1,6})\\/(.*)\\.(jpg|gif|jpeg|png|bmp)$   /' . $rewrite_base . 'symphony/image.php?width=$1&height=$2&crop=$3&bg=$4&_f=$5.$6 	[L]
	RewriteRule ^image/(.*)\\.(jpg|gif|jpeg|png|bmp)$   /' . $rewrite_base . 'symphony/image.php?width=0&height=0&crop=0&bg=0&_f=$1.$2 	[L]

	### CHECK FOR TRAILING SLASH - Will ignore files
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/' . trim($rewrite_base, '/') . '$
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(.*)/$
	RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /' . $rewrite_base . '$1/ [L,R=301]

	### MAIN REWRITE - This will ignore directories
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
	RewriteRule ^(.*)\\/$ /' . $rewrite_base . 'index.php?page=$1&%{QUERY_STRING}	[L]


DirectoryIndex index.php
IndexIgnore *

            $install_log->pushToLog("CONFIGURING: Frontend", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, true);
            if (!GeneralExtended::writeFile($kDOCROOT . "/.htaccess", $htaccess, $conf['settings']['file']['write_mode'])) {
                define("_INSTALL_ERRORS_", "Could not write .htaccess file. Check permission on " . $kDOCROOT);
                $install_log->pushToLog("ERROR: Writing .htaccess File Failed", SYM_LOG_ERROR, true, true);
                installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
            if (@is_file($fields['docroot'] . '/workspace/workspace.conf')) {
                $install_log->pushToLog("CONFIGURING: Importing Workspace", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, false);
                if (!fireSql($db, file_get_contents($fields['docroot'] . '/workspace/workspace.conf') . getDefaultTableData(), $error, $config['database']['high-compatibility'] == 'yes' ? 'high' : 'normal')) {
                    define("_INSTALL_ERRORS_", "There was an error while trying to import the workspace data. MySQL returned: {$error}");
                    $install_log->pushToLog("Failed", SYM_LOG_ERROR, true, true, true);
                    installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
                } else {
                    $install_log->pushToLog("Done", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, true, true);
            } elseif (@(!is_dir($fields['docroot'] . '/workspace'))) {
                ### Create the workspace folder structure
                $install_log->pushToLog("WRITING: Creating 'workspace' folder (/workspace)", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, true);
                if (!GeneralExtended::realiseDirectory($kDOCROOT . '/workspace', $conf['settings']['directory']['write_mode'])) {
                    define("_INSTALL_ERRORS_", "Could not create 'workspace' directory. Check permission on the root folder.");
                    $install_log->pushToLog("ERROR: Creation of 'workspace' folder failed.", SYM_LOG_ERROR, true, true);
                    installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
                $install_log->pushToLog("WRITING: Creating 'data-sources' folder (/workspace/data-sources)", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, true);
                if (!GeneralExtended::realiseDirectory($kDOCROOT . '/workspace/data-sources', $conf['settings']['directory']['write_mode'])) {
                    define("_INSTALL_ERRORS_", "Could not create 'workspace/data-sources' directory. Check permission on the root folder.");
                    $install_log->pushToLog("ERROR: Creation of 'workspace/data-sources' folder failed.", SYM_LOG_ERROR, true, true);
                    installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
                $install_log->pushToLog("WRITING: Creating 'events' folder (/workspace/events)", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, true);
                if (!GeneralExtended::realiseDirectory($kDOCROOT . '/workspace/events', $conf['settings']['directory']['write_mode'])) {
                    define("_INSTALL_ERRORS_", "Could not create 'workspace/events' directory. Check permission on the root folder.");
                    $install_log->pushToLog("ERROR: Creation of 'workspace/events' folder failed.", SYM_LOG_ERROR, true, true);
                    installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
                $install_log->pushToLog("WRITING: Creating 'masters' folder (/workspace/masters)", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, true);
                if (!GeneralExtended::realiseDirectory($kDOCROOT . '/workspace/masters', $conf['settings']['directory']['write_mode'])) {
                    define("_INSTALL_ERRORS_", "Could not create 'workspace/masters' directory. Check permission on the root folder.");
                    $install_log->pushToLog("ERROR: Creation of 'workspace/masters' folder failed.", SYM_LOG_ERROR, true, true);
                    installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
                $install_log->pushToLog("WRITING: Creating 'pages' folder (/workspace/pages)", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, true);
                if (!GeneralExtended::realiseDirectory($kDOCROOT . '/workspace/pages', $conf['settings']['directory']['write_mode'])) {
                    define("_INSTALL_ERRORS_", "Could not create 'workspace/pages' directory. Check permission on the root folder.");
                    $install_log->pushToLog("ERROR: Creation of 'workspace/pages' folder failed.", SYM_LOG_ERROR, true, true);
                    installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
                $install_log->pushToLog("WRITING: Creating 'text-formatters' folder (/workspace/text-formatters)", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, true);
                if (!GeneralExtended::realiseDirectory($kDOCROOT . '/workspace/text-formatters', $conf['settings']['directory']['write_mode'])) {
                    define("_INSTALL_ERRORS_", "Could not create 'workspace/text-formatters' directory. Check permission on the root folder.");
                    $install_log->pushToLog("ERROR: Creation of 'workspace/text-formatters' folder failed.", SYM_LOG_ERROR, true, true);
                    installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
                $install_log->pushToLog("WRITING: Creating 'upload' folder (/workspace/upload)", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, true);
                if (!GeneralExtended::realiseDirectory($kDOCROOT . '/workspace/upload', $conf['settings']['directory']['write_mode'])) {
                    define("_INSTALL_ERRORS_", "Could not create 'workspace/upload' directory. Check permission on the root folder.");
                    $install_log->pushToLog("ERROR: Creation of 'workspace/upload' folder failed.", SYM_LOG_ERROR, true, true);
                    installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
                $install_log->pushToLog("WRITING: Creating 'utilities' folder (/workspace/utilities)", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, true);
                if (!GeneralExtended::realiseDirectory($kDOCROOT . '/workspace/utilities', $conf['settings']['directory']['write_mode'])) {
                    define("_INSTALL_ERRORS_", "Could not create 'workspace/utilities' directory. Check permission on the root folder.");
                    $install_log->pushToLog("ERROR: Creation of 'workspace/utilities' folder failed.", SYM_LOG_ERROR, true, true);
                    installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
            if (@(!is_dir($fields['docroot'] . '/campfire'))) {
                $install_log->pushToLog("WRITING: Creating 'campfire' folder (/campfire)", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, true);
                if (!GeneralExtended::realiseDirectory($kDOCROOT . '/campfire', $conf['settings']['directory']['write_mode'])) {
                    define("_INSTALL_ERRORS_", "Could not create 'campfire' directory. Check permission on the root folder.");
                    $install_log->pushToLog("ERROR: Creation of 'campfire' folder failed.", SYM_LOG_ERROR, true, true);
                    installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
            $install_log->pushToLog("Installation Process Completed In " . max(1, time() - $start) . " sec", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true);
            installResult($Page, $install_log, $start);
            GeneralExtended::redirect('http://' . rtrim(str_replace('http://', '', _INSTALL_DOMAIN_), '/') . '/symphony/');
コード例 #13
        $trigger = sprintf("%s\t%s", $fnName, implode(' ', $fnPieces));
        if (!empty($fnPieces)) {
            $contents = $fnName;
            foreach ($fnPieces as $n => $p) {
                $contents .= sprintf(' ${%d:%s}', $n + 1, $p);
            $config['completions'][] = array('trigger' => $trigger, 'contents' => $contents);
        } else {
            $config['completions'][] = $fnName;
function addApi(&$config)
    $root = getNamespaces();
    foreach ($root as $ns => $href) {
        $fns = getNamespaceFunctions($ns, $href);
        addNamespaceFunctionsToConfig($config, $ns, $fns);
function writeConfig($config, $filename)
    $file = fopen($filename, 'w');
    fwrite($file, json_encode($config));
$config = array('scope' => 'source.clojure source.symbol.clojure', 'completions' => array());
writeConfig($config, 'riemann.sublime-completions');
コード例 #14
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: l3dlp-forks/Shaarli
function install()
    // On free.fr host, make sure the /sessions directory exists, otherwise login will not work.
    if (endsWith($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], '.free.fr') && !is_dir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/sessions')) {
        mkdir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/sessions', 0705);
    // This part makes sure sessions works correctly.
    // (Because on some hosts, session.save_path may not be set correctly,
    // or we may not have write access to it.)
    if (isset($_GET['test_session']) && (!isset($_SESSION) || !isset($_SESSION['session_tested']) || $_SESSION['session_tested'] != 'Working')) {
        // Step 2: Check if data in session is correct.
        echo '<pre>Sessions do not seem to work correctly on your server.<br>';
        echo 'Make sure the variable session.save_path is set correctly in your php config, and that you have write access to it.<br>';
        echo 'It currently points to ' . session_save_path() . '<br><br><a href="?">Click to try again.</a></pre>';
    if (!isset($_SESSION['session_tested'])) {
        // Step 1 : Try to store data in session and reload page.
        $_SESSION['session_tested'] = 'Working';
        // Try to set a variable in session.
        header('Location: ' . indexUrl() . '?test_session');
        // Redirect to check stored data.
    if (isset($_GET['test_session'])) {
        // Step 3: Sessions are ok. Remove test parameter from URL.
        header('Location: ' . indexUrl());
    if (!empty($_POST['setlogin']) && !empty($_POST['setpassword'])) {
        $tz = 'UTC';
        if (!empty($_POST['continent']) && !empty($_POST['city'])) {
            if (isTZvalid($_POST['continent'], $_POST['city'])) {
                $tz = $_POST['continent'] . '/' . $_POST['city'];
        $GLOBALS['timezone'] = $tz;
        // Everything is ok, let's create config file.
        $GLOBALS['login'] = $_POST['setlogin'];
        $GLOBALS['salt'] = sha1(uniqid('', true) . '_' . mt_rand());
        // Salt renders rainbow-tables attacks useless.
        $GLOBALS['hash'] = sha1($_POST['setpassword'] . $GLOBALS['login'] . $GLOBALS['salt']);
        $GLOBALS['title'] = empty($_POST['title']) ? 'Shared links on ' . htmlspecialchars(indexUrl()) : $_POST['title'];
        echo '<script language="JavaScript">alert("Shaarli is now configured. Please enter your login/password and start shaaring your links !");document.location=\'?do=login\';</script>';
    // Display config form:
    list($timezone_form, $timezone_js) = templateTZform();
    $timezone_html = '';
    if ($timezone_form != '') {
        $timezone_html = '<tr><td valign="top"><b>Timezone:</b></td><td>' . $timezone_form . '</td></tr>';
    $PAGE = new pageBuilder();
    $PAGE->assign('timezone_html', $timezone_html);
    $PAGE->assign('timezone_js', $timezone_js);
コード例 #15
         echo "<FONT COLOR=RED><B>Problems creating required tables were detected.</B> Please use the following error output to report a bug to http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=120663&atid=687790.<BR><BR>";
         for ($i = 0, $totalerr = count($sqlerror); $i < $totalerr; $i++) {
             echo "<B>Error " . $sqlerror[$i]["name"] . "</B>:  " . $sqlerror[$i]["error"] . "<BR>";
         echo "<BR> Please copy the above information into a new bugreport.<BR><BR></FONT>";
      * If requested, attempt to write a configuration file.
     if (isset($_POST["write_conf"]) ? strcmp($_POST["write_conf"], "checked") == 0 ? true : false : false) {
          * Hm, decide which username and password to put in the config file
         $cfgusername = $_POST["install_type"] == DB_USER_TABLES ? $_POST["newusername"] : $_POST["username"];
         $cfgpassword = $_POST["install_type"] == DB_USER_TABLES ? $_POST["newpassword"] : $_POST["password"];
         if (writeConfig($_POST["db_loc"], $cfgusername, $cfgpassword, $_POST["db_name"])) {
             echo "<B><FONT COLOR=BLUE>config.php written.</FONT></B><BR><BR>";
         } else {
             echo "<B><FONT COLOR=RED>Can't create config.php, more than likely write permission denied.</FONT></B><BR><BR>";
     } else {
         echo "This script did NOT attempt to write a configuration file to the server. You will need to rename config_sample.php to config.php manually.<BR><BR>";
     if ($tablescreated == count($query_list)) {
         echo "<B><FONT COLOR=BLUE>Installation appears to have completed. Delete install.php and/or upgrade.php from your web server. Refer to the INSTALL for the rest of the installation procedure.</FONT></B>";
     } else {
         echo "<B><FONT COLOR=RED>Installation appears to have had errors. Please check and try again, if needed.</FONT></B>";
 } else {
     echo "<BR><FONT COLOR=RED><B>Some fields were not filled out.</B></FONT> Correct the errors and try again.";
コード例 #16
ファイル: install.inc.php プロジェクト: noikiy/owaspbwa
         if (MDB2::isError($dblink_temp)) {
             echo "<p class=\"error\">Error when creating the database. Make sure you have the privileges to create a database and that a database with the same name doesn't exist.</p>";
             $errorCreatingDB = true;
 if (!$errorCreatingDB) {
     // test database connection information
     $conn_dsn = "{$dbtype}://{$dbuname}:{$dbpass}@{$dbhost}{$dbportStr}/{$dbname}";
     $dblink = MDB2::connect($conn_dsn);
     if (MDB2::isError($dblink)) {
         echo "<p class=\"error\">A connection cannot be established with the database.</p>";
     } else {
         writeConfig($table_prefix, $dbhost, $dbport, $dbuname, $dbpass, $dbname, $dbtype);
         $from_install = true;
         include '../conn.php';
         include '../includes/user.php';
         $user = new User();
         // Load the right shema structure
         switch ($dbtype) {
             case "mysqli":
             case "mysql":
                 $structure = "mysql";
             case "pgsql":
                 $structure = "pgsql";
         // Create the tables from the sql file (with the script from phpBB)
コード例 #17
ファイル: update.php プロジェクト: psychoticmeow/symphony-2
                    $table = '`tbl_entries_data_' . $id . '`';
                    $frontend->Database->query('ALTER TABLE ' . $table . ' CHANGE `author_id` `author_id` int(11) unsigned NULL');
            } catch (Exception $ex) {
        if (version_compare($existing_version, '2.2.2 Beta 1', '<')) {
            // Rename old variations of the query_caching configuration setting
            if (isset($settings['database']['disable_query_caching'])) {
                $settings['database']['query_caching'] = $settings['database']['disable_query_caching'] == "no" ? "on" : "off";
            // Add Session GC collection as a configuration parameter
            $settings['symphony']['session_gc_divisor'] = '10';
            // Save the manifest changes
            writeConfig(DOCROOT . '/manifest', $settings, $settings['file']['write_mode']);
        if (version_compare($existing_version, '2.2.2 Beta 2', '<')) {
            try {
                // Change Textareas to be MEDIUMTEXT columns
                $textarea_tables = $frontend->Database->fetchCol("field_id", "SELECT `field_id` FROM `tbl_fields_textarea`");
                foreach ($textarea_tables as $field) {
                    $frontend->Database->query(sprintf("ALTER TABLE `tbl_entries_data_%d` CHANGE `value` `value` MEDIUMTEXT, CHANGE `value_formatted` `value_formatted` MEDIUMTEXT", $field));
                    $frontend->Database->query(sprintf('OPTIMIZE TABLE `tbl_entries_data_%d`', $field));
            } catch (Exception $ex) {
        $sbl_version = $frontend->Database->fetchVar('version', 0, "SELECT `version` FROM `tbl_extensions` WHERE `name` = 'selectbox_link_field' LIMIT 1");
        $code = sprintf($shell, '				<h1>Update Symphony <em>Version ' . kVERSION . '</em><em><a href="' . kCHANGELOG . '">change log</a></em></h1>
				<h2>Update Complete</h2>
コード例 #18
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: hardkap/pritlog
function adminPageAdvancedSubmit()
    global $config, $lang, $theme_main;
    $do = 1;
    if (isset($_SESSION['logged_in']) && $_SESSION['logged_in'] && isset($_SESSION['isAdmin']) && $_SESSION['isAdmin']) {
        if (isset($_POST['metaDesc']) && trim($_POST['metaDesc']) != "") {
            $config['metaDescription'] = $_POST['metaDesc'];
        if (isset($_POST['metaKeywords']) && trim($_POST['metaKeywords']) != "") {
            $config['metaKeywords'] = $_POST['metaKeywords'];
        if (isset($_POST['commentsMaxLength']) && trim($_POST['commentsMaxLength']) != "") {
            $config['commentsMaxLength'] = $_POST['commentsMaxLength'];
        if (isset($_POST['commentsForbiddenAuthors']) && trim($_POST['commentsForbiddenAuthors']) != "") {
            $config['commentsForbiddenAuthors'] = $_POST['commentsForbiddenAuthors'];
        if (isset($_POST['statsDontLog']) && trim($_POST['statsDontLog']) != "") {
            $config['statsDontLog'] = $_POST['statsDontLog'];
        if (isset($_POST['entriesOnRSS']) && trim($_POST['entriesOnRSS']) != "") {
            $config['entriesOnRSS'] = $_POST['entriesOnRSS'];
        if (isset($_POST['entriesPerPage']) && trim($_POST['entriesPerPage']) != "") {
            $config['entriesPerPage'] = $_POST['entriesPerPage'];
        if (isset($_POST['menuEntriesLimit']) && trim($_POST['menuEntriesLimit']) != "") {
            $config['menuEntriesLimit'] = $_POST['menuEntriesLimit'];
        if (isset($_POST['timeoutDuration']) && trim($_POST['timeoutDuration']) != "") {
            $config['timeoutDuration'] = $_POST['timeoutDuration'];
        if (isset($_POST['limitLogins']) && trim($_POST['limitLogins']) != "") {
            $config['limitLogins'] = $_POST['limitLogins'];
        if ($_POST['sendMailComments'] == 1) {
            $config['sendMailWithNewComment'] = 1;
        } else {
            $config['sendMailWithNewComment'] = 0;
        if ($_POST['commentsSecurityCode'] == 1) {
            $config['commentsSecurityCode'] = 1;
        } else {
            $config['commentsSecurityCode'] = 0;
        if ($_POST['authorEditPost'] == 1) {
            $config['authorEditPost'] = 1;
        } else {
            $config['authorEditPost'] = 0;
        if ($_POST['authorDeleteComment'] == 1) {
            $config['authorDeleteComment'] = 1;
        } else {
            $config['authorDeleteComment'] = 0;
        if ($_POST['showCategoryCloud'] == 1) {
            $config['showCategoryCloud'] = 1;
        } else {
            $config['showCategoryCloud'] = 0;
        if ($_POST['allowRegistration'] == 1) {
            $config['allowRegistration'] = 1;
        } else {
            $config['allowRegistration'] = 0;
        if ($_POST['sendRegistMail'] == 1) {
            $config['sendRegistMail'] = 1;
        } else {
            $config['sendRegistMail'] = 0;
        if ($_POST['commentModerate'] == 1) {
            $config['commentModerate'] = 1;
        } else {
            $config['commentModerate'] = 0;
        if ($_POST['cleanUrl'] == 1) {
            $config['cleanUrl'] = 1;
        } else {
            $config['cleanUrl'] = 0;
        if (isset($_POST['menuLinks'])) {
            $config['menuLinks'] = $config['menuLinksOrig'] = str_replace("\r\n", ";", $_POST['menuLinks']);
        if (isset($_POST['ipBan'])) {
            $ipBanArray = explode("\r\n", $_POST['ipBan']);
            @sqlite_query($config['db'], "DELETE FROM ipban");
            foreach ($ipBanArray as $ipBan) {
                $ipBan = trim($ipBan);
                sqlite_query($config['db'], "INSERT INTO ipban (ip) VALUES ('{$ipBan}')");
        if (isset($_POST['blogLanguage'])) {
            $config['blogLanguage'] = $_POST['blogLanguage'];
        if (isset($_POST['theme'])) {
            $config['theme'] = $_POST['theme'];
        if (isset($_POST['privacy'])) {
            $config['privacy'] = $_POST['privacy'];
        return true;
    } else {
        return $lang['errorPasswordIncorrect'];
コード例 #19
ファイル: func.inc.php プロジェクト: mjrao/BugFree
 * 将数据库配置写入到文件
 * @param string $dbhost 数据库主机
 * @param string $dbname 数据库名
 * @param string $port 端口
 * @param string $dbuser 数据库用户名
 * @param string $dbpwd 数据库密码
 * @param string $dbprefix 数据库表前缀
 * @param string $configSampleFile 配置样本文件路经
 * @param string $configFile 配置文件路径
 * @return boolean $result 写入结果 
function setDBConfig($dbhost, $dbname, $port, $dbuser, $dbpwd, $dbprefix, $language, $configSampleFile, $configFile)
    $config = (require $configSampleFile);
    $config['components']['db']['connectionString'] = 'mysql:host=' . $dbhost . ';dbname=' . $dbname . ';port=' . $port;
    $config['components']['db']['username'] = $dbuser;
    $config['components']['db']['password'] = $dbpwd;
    $config['components']['db']['tablePrefix'] = $dbprefix;
    $config['language'] = $language;
    return writeConfig($config, $configFile);
コード例 #20
ファイル: admin.php プロジェクト: Multivit4min/GroupAssigner
             if (is_numeric($_POST['rulesacceptgroup'])) {
                 $rulesacceptgroup = $_POST['rulesacceptgroup'];
             } else {
                 $rulesacceptgroup = 0;
             if (empty($_POST['groupsdisallow'])) {
                 $groupsdisallow = '[]';
             } else {
                 $groupsdisallow = json_encode($_POST['groupsdisallow'], 1);
             if (empty($_POST['enablerules']) and !$_POST['enablerules']) {
                 $enablerules = false;
             } else {
                 $enablerules = true;
             if (!writeConfig(IP, QUERYPORT, SERVERPORT, QUERYUSER, QUERYPASS, QUERYDISPLAYNAME, ADMINPANEL_PASS, $maxgroups, $rulesacceptgroup, $groupsdisallow, RULES, $enablerules, GROUPS)) {
                 $error[] = array('danger', 'Error while writing Config File! Check Write Permissions!');
             } else {
 if (!empty($_GET['page'])) {
     switch ($_GET['page']) {
         case 'rules':
             $do = 'rules';
             $rules = json_decode(RULES);
         case 'ts3connection':