/** * returns the tax label * @access public * * @since 3.7 * @param $checkout (unused) * @return string Tax Included or Tax */ function wpsc_display_tax_label($checkout = false) { global $wpsc_cart; if (wpsc_tax_isincluded()) { return __('Tax Included', 'wp-e-commerce'); } else { return __('Tax', 'wp-e-commerce'); } }
function wpsc_display_tax_label($checkout = false) { global $wpsc_cart; if (wpsc_tax_isincluded()) { if ($checkout) { return sprintf(__('Tax Included (%s%%)', 'wpsc'), $wpsc_cart->tax_percentage); } else { return __('Tax Included', 'wpsc'); } } else { return __('Tax', 'wpsc'); } }
/** * Cart Total Widget * * Can be used to display the cart total excluding shipping, tax or coupons. * * @since * * @return string The subtotal price of the cart, with a currency sign. */ function wpsc_cart_total_widget($shipping = true, $tax = true, $coupons = true) { global $wpsc_cart; $total = $wpsc_cart->calculate_subtotal(); if ($shipping) { $total += $wpsc_cart->calculate_total_shipping(); } if ($tax && wpsc_tax_isincluded() == false) { $total += $wpsc_cart->calculate_total_tax(); } if ($coupons) { $total -= $wpsc_cart->coupons_amount; } if (get_option('add_plustax') == 1) { return wpsc_currency_display($wpsc_cart->calculate_subtotal()); } else { return wpsc_currency_display($total); } }
/** * construct value array method, converts the data gathered by the base class code to something acceptable to the gateway * @access public */ function construct_value_array() { //$collected_gateway_data $paypal_vars = array(); // Store settings to be sent to paypal $data = array(); $data['USER'] = get_option('paypal_pro_username'); $data['PWD'] = get_option('paypal_pro_password'); $data['SIGNATURE'] = get_option('paypal_pro_signature'); $data['VERSION'] = "52.0"; $data['METHOD'] = "DoDirectPayment"; $data['PAYMENTACTION'] = "Sale"; $data['RETURNFMFDETAILS'] = "1"; // optional - return fraud management filter data $data['CURRENCYCODE'] = $this->get_paypal_currency_code(); // Basic Cart Data $data['INVNUM'] = $this->cart_data['session_id']; $data['NOTIFYURL'] = add_query_arg('gateway', 'wpsc_merchant_paypal_pro', $this->cart_data['notification_url']); $data['IPADDRESS'] = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; if ($this->cart_data['billing_address']['country'] == 'UK') { $this->cart_data['billing_address']['country'] = 'GB'; } // Billing Data $data['FIRSTNAME'] = $this->cart_data['billing_address']['first_name']; $data['LASTNAME'] = $this->cart_data['billing_address']['last_name']; $data['EMAIL'] = $this->cart_data['email_address']; $data['STREET'] = $this->cart_data['billing_address']['address']; $data['CITY'] = $this->cart_data['billing_address']['city']; $data['STATE'] = $this->cart_data['billing_address']['state']; $data['COUNTRYCODE'] = $this->cart_data['billing_address']['country']; $data['ZIP'] = $this->cart_data['billing_address']['post_code']; // Shipping Data $data['SHIPTONAME'] = $this->cart_data['shipping_address']['first_name'] . " " . $this->cart_data['shipping_address']['last_name']; $data['SHIPTOSTREET'] = $this->cart_data['shipping_address']['address']; $data['SHIPTOCITY'] = $this->cart_data['shipping_address']['city']; // Check the state for internal numeric ID and trap it if (is_numeric($this->cart_data['shipping_address']['state'])) { $this->cart_data['shipping_address']['state'] = wpsc_get_state_by_id($this->cart_data['shipping_address']['state'], 'code'); } if ($this->cart_data['shipping_address']['country'] == 'UK') { $this->cart_data['shipping_address']['country'] = 'GB'; } $data['SHIPTOSTATE'] = $this->cart_data['shipping_address']['state']; $data['SHIPTOCOUNTRY'] = $this->cart_data['shipping_address']['country']; $data['SHIPTOZIP'] = $this->cart_data['shipping_address']['post_code']; // Credit Card Data $data['CREDITCARDTYPE'] = $_POST['cctype']; $data['ACCT'] = str_replace(array(' ', '-'), '', $_POST['card_number']); $data['EXPDATE'] = $_POST['expiry']['month'] . $_POST['expiry']['year']; $data['CVV2'] = $_POST['card_code']; // Ordered Items // Cart Item Data $i = $item_total = 0; $tax_total = wpsc_tax_isincluded() ? 0 : $this->cart_data['cart_tax']; $shipping_total = $this->convert($this->cart_data['base_shipping']); foreach ($this->cart_items as $cart_row) { $data['L_NAME' . $i] = apply_filters('the_title', $cart_row['name']); $data['L_AMT' . $i] = $this->convert($cart_row['price']); $data['L_NUMBER' . $i] = $i; $data['L_QTY' . $i] = $cart_row['quantity']; $shipping_total += $this->convert($cart_row['shipping']); $item_total += $this->convert($cart_row['price']) * $cart_row['quantity']; $i++; } if ($this->cart_data['has_discounts']) { $discount_value = $this->convert($this->cart_data['cart_discount_value']); $coupon = new wpsc_coupons($this->cart_data['cart_discount_data']); // free shipping if ($coupon->is_percentage == 2) { $shipping_total = 0; $discount_value = 0; } elseif ($discount_value >= $item_total) { $discount_value = $item_total - 0.01; $shipping_total -= 0.01; } $data["L_NAME{$i}"] = _x('Coupon / Discount', 'PayPal Pro Item Name for Discounts', 'wpsc'); $data["L_AMT{$i}"] = -$discount_value; $data["L_NUMBER{$i}"] = $i; $data["L_QTY{$i}"] = 1; $item_total -= $discount_value; } // Cart totals $data['ITEMAMT'] = $this->format_price($item_total); $data['SHIPPINGAMT'] = $this->format_price($shipping_total); $data['TAXAMT'] = $this->convert($tax_total); $data['AMT'] = $data['ITEMAMT'] + $data['SHIPPINGAMT'] + $data['TAXAMT']; $this->collected_gateway_data = apply_filters('wpsc_paypal_pro_gateway_data_array', $data, $this->cart_items); }
/** * Calculate total price method * * @access public * * @return float returns the price as a floating point value */ function calculate_total_price() { // Calculate individual component that comprise the cart total $subtotal = $this->calculate_subtotal(); $shipping = $this->calculate_total_shipping(); // Get tax only if it is included $tax = !wpsc_tax_isincluded() ? $this->calculate_total_tax() : 0.0; // Get coupon amount, note that no matter what float precision this // coupon amount is, it's always saved to the database with rounded // value anyways $coupons_amount = round($this->coupons_amount, 2); // Calculate the total $total = $subtotal > $coupons_amount ? $subtotal - $coupons_amount + $shipping + $tax : $tax + $shipping; // Filter total $total = apply_filters('wpsc_calculate_total_price', $total, $subtotal, $shipping, $tax, $coupons_amount, $this); // Set variable and return $this->total_price = $total; return $total; }
function CallShortcutExpressCheckout($paymentAmount, $currencyCodeType, $paymentType, $returnURL, $cancelURL) { global $wpdb; $nvpstr = ''; $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_PAYMENTACTION=" . $paymentType; $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&RETURNURL=" . $returnURL; $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&CANCELURL=" . $cancelURL; $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CURRENCYCODE=" . $currencyCodeType; $data = array(); if (!isset($this->cart_data['shipping_address']['first_name']) && !isset($this->cart_data['shipping_address']['last_name'])) { $this->cart_data['shipping_address']['first_name'] = $this->cart_data['billing_address']['first_name']; $this->cart_data['shipping_address']['last_name'] = $this->cart_data['billing_address']['last_name']; } if ($this->cart_data['shipping_address']['country'] == 'UK') { $this->cart_data['shipping_address']['country'] = 'GB'; } $data += array('PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTONAME' => $this->cart_data['shipping_address']['first_name'] . ' ' . $this->cart_data['shipping_address']['last_name'], 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTOSTREET' => $this->cart_data['shipping_address']['address'], 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTOCITY' => $this->cart_data['shipping_address']['city'], 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE' => $this->cart_data['shipping_address']['country'], 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTOZIP' => $this->cart_data['shipping_address']['post_code']); if (!empty($this->cart_data['shipping_address']['state'])) { $data += array('PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTOSTATE' => $this->cart_data['shipping_address']['state']); } $i = 0; $item_total = 0; $tax_total = 0; $shipping_total = 0; $is_free_shipping = false; if ($this->cart_data['has_discounts'] && (double) $this->cart_data['cart_discount_value'] > 0) { $coupon = new wpsc_coupons($this->cart_data['cart_discount_coupon']); $is_free_shipping = $coupon->is_free_shipping(); } foreach ($this->cart_items as $cart_item) { $data["L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME{$i}"] = urlencode(apply_filters('the_title', $cart_item['name'])); $data["L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT{$i}"] = $this->convert($cart_item['price']); $data["L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NUMBER{$i}"] = $i; $data["L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY{$i}"] = $cart_item['quantity']; $item_total += $this->convert($cart_item['price']) * $cart_item['quantity']; $shipping_total += $cart_item['shipping']; $i++; } //if we have a discount then include a negative amount with that discount // in php 0.00 = true so we will change that here if ($this->cart_data['cart_discount_value'] == 0.0) { $this->cart_data['cart_discount_value'] = 0; } $discount_value = $this->convert($this->cart_data['cart_discount_value']); if ($this->cart_data['cart_discount_value'] && !$is_free_shipping) { // if item total < discount amount, leave at least 0.01 unit in item total, then subtract // 0.01 from shipping as well if (!$is_free_shipping && $discount_value >= $item_total) { $discount_value = $item_total - 0.01; $shipping_total -= 0.01; } $item_total -= $discount_value; $data["L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME{$i}"] = "Discount / Coupon"; $data["L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT{$i}"] = -$discount_value; $data["L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NUMBER{$i}"] = $i; $data["L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY{$i}"] = 1; } $data["PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMAMT"] = $this->format_price($item_total); if ($discount_value && $is_free_shipping) { $data["PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPPINGAMT"] = 0; } else { $data["PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPPINGAMT"] = $this->convert($this->cart_data['base_shipping'] + $shipping_total); } $total = $data["PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMAMT"] + $data["PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPPINGAMT"]; if (!wpsc_tax_isincluded()) { $data["PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TAXAMT"] = $this->convert($this->cart_data['cart_tax']); $total += $data["PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TAXAMT"]; } // adjust total amount in case we had to round up after converting currency // or discount calculation if ($total != $paymentAmount) { $paymentAmount = $total; } $data["PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT"] = $paymentAmount; if (count($data) >= 4) { $temp_data = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $temp_data[] = $key . "=" . $value; } $nvpstr = $nvpstr . "&" . implode("&", $temp_data); } wpsc_update_customer_meta('paypal_express_currency_code_type', $currencyCodeType); wpsc_update_customer_meta('paypal_express_payment_type', $paymentType); $resArray = paypal_hash_call("SetExpressCheckout", $nvpstr); $ack = strtoupper($resArray["ACK"]); if ($ack == "SUCCESS") { $token = urldecode($resArray["TOKEN"]); wpsc_update_customer_meta('paypal_express_token', $token); } return $resArray; }
function wpsc_display_sales_log_index() { ?> <div class="wrap"> <?php //screen_icon(); ?> <h2><?php echo wp_specialchars(__('Sales', 'wpsc')); ?> </h2> <?php //START OF PURCHASE LOG DEFAULT VIEW ?> <?php if (isset($_GET['view_purchlogs_by']) || isset($_GET['view_purchlogs_by_status'])) { wpsc_change_purchlog_view($_GET['view_purchlogs_by'], $_GET['view_purchlogs_by_status']); } if (!isset($_REQUEST['purchaselog_id'])) { $columns = array('cb' => '<input type="checkbox" />', 'date' => 'Date', 'name' => '', 'amount' => 'Amount', 'details' => 'Details', 'status' => 'Status', 'delete' => 'Delete', 'track' => 'Track'); register_column_headers('display-sales-list', $columns); ///// start of update message section ////// //$fixpage = get_option('siteurl').'/wp-admin/admin.php?page='.WPSC_FOLDER.'/wpsc-admin/purchlogs_upgrade.php'; $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); // we put the closed postboxes array into the product data to propagate it to each form without having it global. $dashboard_data['closed_postboxes'] = (array) get_usermeta($current_user->ID, 'closedpostboxes_store_page_wpscsalelogs'); // exit('<pre>'.print_r($dashboard_data,true).'</pre>'); // $dashboard_data['hidden_postboxes'] = (array)get_usermeta( $current_user->ID, 'metaboxhidden_store_page_wpsc-edit-products'); $fixpage = get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsc-sales-logs&subpage=upgrade-purchase-logs'; if (isset($_GET['skipped']) || isset($_GET['updated']) || isset($_GET['deleted']) || isset($_GET['locked'])) { ?> <div id="message" class="updated fade"><p> <?php if (isset($_GET['updated']) && (int) $_GET['updated']) { printf(__ngettext('%s Purchase Log updated.', '%s Purchase Logs updated.', $_GET['updated']), number_format_i18n($_GET['updated'])); unset($_GET['updated']); } if (isset($_GET['skipped']) && (int) $_GET['skipped']) { unset($_GET['skipped']); } if (isset($_GET['locked']) && (int) $_GET['locked']) { printf(__ngettext('%s product not updated, somebody is editing it.', '%s products not updated, somebody is editing them.', $_GET['locked']), number_format_i18n($_GET['locked'])); unset($_GET['locked']); } if (isset($_GET['deleted']) && (int) $_GET['deleted']) { printf(__ngettext('%s Purchase Log deleted.', '%s Purchase Logs deleted.', $_GET['deleted']), number_format_i18n($_GET['deleted'])); unset($_GET['deleted']); } //$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = remove_query_arg( array('locked', 'skipped', 'updated', 'deleted','wpsc_downloadcsv','rss_key','start_timestamp','end_timestamp','email_buyer_id'), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ); ?> </p></div> <?php } if (get_option('wpsc_purchaselogs_fixed') == false || wpsc_check_uniquenames()) { ?> <div class='error' style='padding:8px;line-spacing:8px;'><span ><?php _e('When upgrading the WP e-Commerce Plugin from 3.6.* to 3.7 it is required that you associate your Checkout form fields with the new Purchase Logs system. To do so please.'); ?> <a href='<?php echo $fixpage; ?> '>Click Here</a></span></div> <?php } ///// end of update message section ////// ?> <div id='dashboard-widgets' style='min-width: 825px;'> <!-- <div class='inner-sidebar'> <div class='meta-box-sortables'> <?php //if(IS_WP27){ // display_ecomm_rss_feed(); //} ?> </div> </div> --> <?php /* end of sidebar start of main column */ ?> <div id='post-body' class='has-sidebar metabox-holder' style='width:95%;'> <div id='dashboard-widgets-main-content-wpsc' class='has-sidebar-content'> <?php if (function_exists('fetch_feed')) { ?> <div class='postbox <?php echo array_search('wpsc_getshopped_news', $dashboard_data['closed_postboxes']) !== false ? 'closed' : ''; ?> ' id="wpsc_getshopped_news"> <h3 class='hndle'> <span><?php _e('GetShopped News', 'wpsc'); ?> </span> <br class='clear'/> </h3> <div class='inside'> <?php // exit('Data:<pre>'.print_r($dashboard_data,true).'</pre>'); $rss = fetch_feed('http://getshopped.org/category/wp-e-commerce-plugin/'); $args = array('show_author' => 1, 'show_date' => 1, 'show_summary' => 1, 'items' => 3); wp_widget_rss_output($rss, $args); ?> </div> </div> <?php } // add_meta_box("wpsc_getshopped_news", __('GetShopped News', 'wpsc'), "wpsc_getshopped_news_meta_box", "wpsc"); // do_meta_boxes('wpsc','advanced',null); if (function_exists('wpsc_right_now')) { echo wpsc_right_now($dashboard_data['closed_postboxes']); } wp_nonce_field('closedpostboxes', 'closedpostboxesnonce', false); ?> </div><br /> <div id='wpsc_purchlog_searchbox'> <?php wpsc_purchaselogs_searchbox(); ?> </div><br /> <?php wpsc_purchaselogs_displaylist(); ?> </div> </div> <?php } else { //NOT IN GENERIC PURCHASE LOG PAGE, IN DETAILS PAGE PER PURCHASE LOG if (isset($_GET['cleared']) || isset($_GET['cleared'])) { ?> <div id="message" class="updated fade"><p> <?php if (isset($_GET['cleared']) && $_GET['cleared'] == true) { printf(__ngettext('Downloads for this log have been released.', 'Downloads for this log have been released.', $_GET['cleared']), $_GET['cleared']); unset($_GET['cleared']); } if (isset($_GET['sent']) && (int) $_GET['sent']) { printf(__ngettext('Receipt has been resent ', 'Receipt has been resent ', $_GET['sent']), $_GET['sent']); unset($_GET['sent']); } ?> </p></div> <?php } //$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = remove_query_arg( array('locked', 'skipped', 'updated', 'deleted','cleared'), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ); ?> <?php $page_back = remove_query_arg(array('locked', 'skipped', 'updated', 'deleted', 'purchaselog_id'), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if (wpsc_tax_isincluded() == false) { $taxlabel = 'Tax'; } else { $taxlabel = 'Tax Included'; } $columns = array('title' => 'Name', 'sku' => 'SKU', 'quantity' => 'Quantity', 'price' => 'Price', 'shipping' => 'Shipping', 'tax' => $taxlabel, 'total' => 'Total'); register_column_headers('display-purchaselog-details', $columns); ?> <div id='post-body' class='has-sidebar' style='width:95%;'> <?php if (wpsc_has_purchlog_shipping()) { ?> <div id='wpsc_shipping_details_box'> <h3><?php _e('Shipping Details'); ?> </h3> <p><strong><?php echo wpsc_display_purchlog_shipping_name(); ?> </strong></p> <p> <?php echo wpsc_display_purchlog_shipping_address(); ?> <br /> <?php echo wpsc_display_purchlog_shipping_city(); ?> <br /> <?php echo wpsc_display_purchlog_shipping_state_and_postcode(); ?> <br /> <?php echo wpsc_display_purchlog_shipping_country(); ?> <br /> </p> <strong><?php _e('Shipping Options'); ?> </strong> <p> <?php _e('Shipping Method:'); ?> <?php echo wpsc_display_purchlog_shipping_method(); ?> <br /> <?php _e('Shipping Option:'); ?> <?php echo wpsc_display_purchlog_shipping_option(); ?> <br /> <?php if (wpsc_purchlogs_has_tracking()) { ?> <?php _e('Tracking ID:'); ?> <?php echo wpsc_purchlogitem_trackid(); ?> <br /> <?php _e('Shipping Status:'); ?> <?php echo wpsc_purchlogitem_trackstatus(); ?> <br /> <?php _e('Track History:'); ?> <?php echo wpsc_purchlogitem_trackhistory(); ?> <?php } ?> </p> </div> <?php } ?> <div id='wpsc_billing_details_box'> <h3><?php _e('Billing Details'); ?> </h3> <p><strong><?php _e('Purchase Log Date:'); ?> </strong><?php echo wpsc_purchaselog_details_date(); ?> </p> <p><strong><?php _e('Purchase Number:'); ?> </strong><?php echo wpsc_purchaselog_details_purchnumber(); ?> </p> <p><strong><?php _e('Buyers Name:'); ?> </strong><?php echo wpsc_display_purchlog_buyers_name(); ?> </p> <p><strong><?php _e('Address:'); ?> </strong><?php echo wpsc_display_purchlog_buyers_address(); ?> </p> <p><strong><?php _e('Phone:'); ?> </strong><?php echo wpsc_display_purchlog_buyers_phone(); ?> </p> <p><strong><?php _e('Email:'); ?> </strong><a href="mailto:<?php echo wpsc_display_purchlog_buyers_email(); ?> ?subject=Message From '<?php echo get_option('siteurl'); ?> '"><?php echo wpsc_display_purchlog_buyers_email(); ?> </a></p> <p><strong><?php _e('Payment Method:'); ?> </strong><?php echo wpsc_display_purchlog_paymentmethod(); ?> </p> <?php if (wpsc_display_purchlog_display_howtheyfoundus()) { ?> <p><strong><?php _e('How User Found Us:'); ?> </strong><?php echo wpsc_display_purchlog_howtheyfoundus(); ?> </p> <?php } ?> </div> <div id='wpsc_items_ordered'> <br /> <h3><?php _e('Items Ordered'); ?> </h3> <table class="widefat" cellspacing="0"> <thead> <tr> <?php print_column_headers('display-purchaselog-details'); ?> </tr> </thead> <tfoot> <tr> <?php ?> <?php// print_column_headers('display-purchaselog-details', false); ?> </tr> </tfoot> <tbody> <?php wpsc_display_purchlog_details(); ?> <tr> </tr> <tr class="wpsc_purchaselog_start_totals"> <td colspan="5"> <?php if (wpsc_purchlog_has_discount_data()) { ?> <?php _e('Coupon Code'); ?> : <?php echo wpsc_display_purchlog_discount_data(); ?> <?php } ?> </td> <th><?php _e('Discount'); ?> </th> <td><?php echo wpsc_display_purchlog_discount(); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='5'></td> <th><?php _e('Shipping'); ?> </th> <td><?php echo wpsc_display_purchlog_shipping(); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='5'></td> <th><?php _e('Total'); ?> </th> <td><?php echo wpsc_display_purchlog_totalprice(); ?> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div id='wpsc_purchlog_order_status'> <form action='' method='post'> <p><label for='<?php echo $_GET['purchaselog_id']; ?> '><?php _e('Order Status:'); ?> </label><select class='selector' name='<?php echo $_GET['purchaselog_id']; ?> ' title='<?php echo $_GET['purchaselog_id']; ?> ' > <?php while (wpsc_have_purch_items_statuses()) { wpsc_the_purch_status(); ?> <option value='<?php echo wpsc_the_purch_status_id(); ?> ' <?php echo wpsc_purchlog_is_checked_status(); ?> ><?php echo wpsc_the_purch_status_name(); ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select></p> </form> </div> <?php wpsc_purchlogs_custom_fields(); ?> <!-- Start Order Notes (by Ben) --> <?php wpsc_purchlogs_notes(); ?> <!-- End Order Notes (by Ben) --> <?php wpsc_custom_checkout_fields(); ?> </div> </div> <div id='wpsc_purchlogitems_links'> <h3><?php _e('Actions'); ?> </h3> <?php do_action('wpsc_purchlogitem_links_start'); ?> <?php if (wpsc_purchlogs_have_downloads_locked() != false) { ?> <img src='<?php echo WPSC_URL; ?> /images/lock_open.png' alt='clear lock icon' /> <a href='<?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '&wpsc_admin_action=clear_locks'; ?> '><?php echo wpsc_purchlogs_have_downloads_locked(); ?> </a><br /><br class='small' /> <?php } ?> <img src='<?php echo WPSC_URL; ?> /images/printer.png' alt='printer icon' /> <a href='<?php echo add_query_arg('wpsc_admin_action', 'wpsc_display_invoice'); ?> '><?php echo __('View Packing Slip', 'wpsc'); ?> </a> <br /><br class='small' /><img src='<?php echo WPSC_URL; ?> /images/email_go.png' alt='email icon' /> <a href='<?php echo add_query_arg('email_buyer_id', $_GET['purchaselog_id']); ?> '><?php echo __('Resend Receipt to Buyer', 'wpsc'); ?> </a> <br /><br class='small' /><a class='submitdelete' title='<?php echo attribute_escape(__('Delete this log')); ?> ' href='<?php echo wp_nonce_url("admin.php?wpsc_admin_action=delete_purchlog&purchlog_id=" . $_GET['purchaselog_id'], 'delete_purchlog_' . $_GET['purchaselog_id']); ?> ' onclick="if ( confirm(' <?php echo js_escape(sprintf(__("You are about to delete this log '%s'\n 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete."), wpsc_purchaselog_details_date())); ?> ') ) { return true;}return false;"><img src='<?php echo WPSC_URL . "/images/cross.png"; ?> ' alt='delete icon' /> <?php echo __('Remove this record', 'wpsc'); ?> </a> <br /><br class='small' />   <a href='<?php echo $page_back; ?> '><?php echo __('Go Back', 'wpsc'); ?> </a> <br /><br /> </div> </div> <br /> <?php } ?> </div> <?php }
function wpsc_is_tax_included() { return wpsc_tax_isincluded(); }
/** * construct value array method, converts the data gathered by the base class code to something acceptable to the gateway * @access private * @param boolean $aggregate Whether to aggregate the cart data or not. Defaults to false. * @return array $paypal_vars The paypal vars */ function _construct_value_array($aggregate = false) { global $wpdb, $wpsc_cart; $paypal_vars = array(); $add_tax = !wpsc_tax_isincluded(); $buy_now = defined('WPSC_PAYPAL_BUY_NOW') && WPSC_PAYPAL_BUY_NOW; $return_url = add_query_arg('sessionid', $this->cart_data['session_id'], $this->cart_data['transaction_results_url']); if ($buy_now) { $return_url = add_query_arg('wpsc_buy_now_return', 1, $return_url); } // Store settings to be sent to paypal $paypal_vars += array('business' => get_option('paypal_multiple_business'), 'return' => $return_url, 'cancel_return' => $this->cart_data['transaction_results_url'], 'rm' => '2', 'currency_code' => $this->get_paypal_currency_code(), 'lc' => $this->cart_data['store_currency'], 'no_note' => '1', 'charset' => 'utf-8'); // IPN data if (get_option('paypal_ipn') == 1) { $notify_url = $this->cart_data['notification_url']; $notify_url = add_query_arg('gateway', 'wpsc_merchant_paypal_standard', $notify_url); $notify_url = apply_filters('wpsc_paypal_standard_notify_url', $notify_url); $paypal_vars += array('notify_url' => $notify_url); } // Customer details $paypal_vars += array('email' => $this->cart_data['email_address'], 'first_name' => $this->cart_data['billing_address']['first_name'], 'last_name' => $this->cart_data['billing_address']['last_name'], 'address1' => $this->cart_data['billing_address']['address'], 'city' => $this->cart_data['billing_address']['city'], 'state' => isset($this->cart_data['billing_address']['state']) ? $this->cart_data['billing_address']['state'] : '', 'zip' => $this->cart_data['billing_address']['post_code'], 'country' => isset($this->cart_data['billing_address']['country']) ? $this->cart_data['billing_address']['country'] : ''); // Shipping if ((bool) get_option('paypal_ship') && !$buy_now) { $paypal_vars += array('address_override' => get_option('address_override'), 'no_shipping' => '0'); if ($paypal_vars['country'] == 'UK') { $paypal_vars['country'] = 'GB'; } } else { $paypal_vars += array('no_shipping' => '1'); } // Order settings to be sent to paypal $paypal_vars += array('invoice' => $this->cart_data['session_id']); if ($buy_now) { $paypal_vars['custom'] = 'buy_now'; } // Two cases: // - We're dealing with a subscription // - We're dealing with a normal cart if ($this->cart_data['is_subscription']) { $paypal_vars += array('cmd' => '_xclick-subscriptions'); $reprocessed_cart_data['shopping_cart'] = array('is_used' => false, 'price' => 0, 'length' => 1, 'unit' => 'd', 'times_to_rebill' => 1); $reprocessed_cart_data['subscription'] = array('is_used' => false, 'price' => 0, 'length' => 1, 'unit' => 'D', 'times_to_rebill' => 1); foreach ($this->cart_items as $cart_row) { if ($cart_row['is_recurring']) { $reprocessed_cart_data['subscription']['is_used'] = true; $reprocessed_cart_data['subscription']['price'] = $this->convert($cart_row['price']); $reprocessed_cart_data['subscription']['length'] = $cart_row['recurring_data']['rebill_interval']['length']; $reprocessed_cart_data['subscription']['unit'] = strtoupper($cart_row['recurring_data']['rebill_interval']['unit']); $reprocessed_cart_data['subscription']['times_to_rebill'] = $cart_row['recurring_data']['times_to_rebill']; } else { $item_cost = ($cart_row['price'] + $cart_row['shipping'] + $cart_row['tax']) * $cart_row['quantity']; if ($item_cost > 0) { $reprocessed_cart_data['shopping_cart']['price'] += $item_cost; $reprocessed_cart_data['shopping_cart']['is_used'] = true; } } $paypal_vars += array('item_name' => apply_filters('the_title', $cart_row['name']), 'src' => '1'); // This can be false, we don't need to have additional items in the cart/ if ($reprocessed_cart_data['shopping_cart']['is_used']) { $paypal_vars += array("a1" => $this->convert($reprocessed_cart_data['shopping_cart']['price']), "p1" => $reprocessed_cart_data['shopping_cart']['length'], "t1" => $reprocessed_cart_data['shopping_cart']['unit']); } // We need at least one subscription product, // If this is not true, something is rather wrong. if ($reprocessed_cart_data['subscription']['is_used']) { $paypal_vars += array("a3" => $this->convert($reprocessed_cart_data['subscription']['price']), "p3" => $reprocessed_cart_data['subscription']['length'], "t3" => $reprocessed_cart_data['subscription']['unit']); // If the srt value for the number of times to rebill is not greater than 1, // paypal won't accept the transaction. if ($reprocessed_cart_data['subscription']['times_to_rebill'] > 1) { $paypal_vars += array('srt' => $reprocessed_cart_data['subscription']['times_to_rebill']); } } } // end foreach cart item } else { if ($buy_now) { $paypal_vars['cmd'] = '_xclick'; } else { $paypal_vars += array('upload' => '1', 'cmd' => '_ext-enter', 'redirect_cmd' => '_cart'); } $free_shipping = false; $coupon = wpsc_get_customer_meta('coupon'); if ($coupon) { $coupon = new wpsc_coupons($coupon); $free_shipping = $coupon->is_free_shipping(); } if ($this->cart_data['has_discounts'] && $free_shipping) { $handling = 0; } else { $handling = $this->cart_data['base_shipping']; } $tax_total = 0; if ($add_tax) { $tax_total = $this->cart_data['cart_tax']; } // Set base shipping $paypal_vars += array('handling_cart' => $this->convert($handling)); // Stick the cart item values together here $i = 1; if (!$buy_now) { if (!$aggregate) { foreach ($this->cart_items as $cart_row) { $item_number = get_post_meta($cart_row['product_id'], '_wpsc_sku', true); if (!$item_number) { $item_number = $cart_row['product_id']; } $paypal_vars += array("item_name_{$i}" => apply_filters('the_title', $cart_row['name']), "amount_{$i}" => $this->convert($cart_row['price']), "quantity_{$i}" => $cart_row['quantity'], "item_number_{$i}" => $item_number); if (!$free_shipping) { $paypal_vars += array("shipping_{$i}" => $this->convert($cart_row['shipping'] / $cart_row['quantity']), "shipping2_{$i}" => $this->convert($cart_row['shipping'] / $cart_row['quantity']), "handling_{$i}" => ''); } if ($add_tax && !empty($cart_row['tax'])) { $tax_total += $cart_row['tax']; } ++$i; } if ($this->cart_data['has_discounts'] && !$free_shipping) { $paypal_vars['discount_amount_cart'] = $this->convert($this->cart_data['cart_discount_value']); $subtotal = $wpsc_cart->calculate_subtotal(); if ($this->cart_data['cart_discount_value'] >= $wpsc_cart->calculate_subtotal()) { $paypal_vars['discount_amount_cart'] = $this->convert($subtotal) - 0.01; if (!empty($paypal_vars['handling_cart'])) { $paypal_vars['handling_cart'] -= 0.01; } } } } else { $paypal_vars['item_name_' . $i] = __("Your Shopping Cart", 'wp-e-commerce'); $paypal_vars['amount_' . $i] = $this->convert($this->cart_data['total_price']) - $this->convert($this->cart_data['base_shipping']); $paypal_vars['quantity_' . $i] = 1; $paypal_vars['shipping_' . $i] = 0; $paypal_vars['shipping2_' . $i] = 0; $paypal_vars['handling_' . $i] = 0; } $paypal_vars['tax_cart'] = $aggregate ? 0 : $this->convert($tax_total); } else { $cart_row = $this->cart_items[0]; $item_number = get_post_meta($cart_row['product_id'], '_wpsc_sku', true); $paypal_vars += array('item_name' => apply_filters('the_title', $cart_row['name']), 'item_number' => $item_number, 'amount' => $this->convert($cart_row['price']), 'quantity' => $cart_row['quantity'], 'handling' => $this->convert($handling)); } } $paypal_vars = apply_filters('wpsc_paypal_standard_post_data', $paypal_vars); $paypal_vars['bn'] = 'WPeC_Cart_WPS'; return $paypal_vars; }
/** * save to database method * @access public * * @param integer purchase log id */ function save_to_db($purchase_log_id) { global $wpdb, $wpsc_shipping_modules; if ($method === null) { $method = $this->cart->selected_shipping_method; } if (method_exists($wpsc_shipping_modules[$method], "get_item_shipping")) { $shipping = $wpsc_shipping_modules[$this->cart->selected_shipping_method]->get_item_shipping($this); } if ($this->cart->has_total_shipping_discount()) { $shipping = 0; } if ($this->apply_tax == true && wpsc_tax_isincluded() == false) { if (is_numeric($this->custom_tax_rate)) { $tax_rate = $this->custom_tax_rate; } else { $tax_rate = $this->cart->tax_percentage; } $tax = $this->unit_price * ($tax_rate / 100); } else { $tax = 0; $tax_rate = 0; } $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO `" . WPSC_TABLE_CART_CONTENTS . "` (`prodid`, `name`, `purchaseid`, `price`, `pnp`,`tax_charged`, `gst`, `quantity`, `donation`, `no_shipping`, `custom_message`, `files`, `meta`) VALUES ('%d', '%s', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%d', '0', '%s', '%s', NULL)", $this->product_id, $this->product_name, $purchase_log_id, $this->unit_price, (double) $shipping, (double) $tax, (double) $tax_rate, $this->quantity, $this->is_donation, $this->custom_message, serialize($this->custom_file))); $cart_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS `id` FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_CART_CONTENTS . "` LIMIT 1"); foreach ((array) $this->variation_data as $variation_row) { $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO `" . WPSC_TABLE_CART_ITEM_VARIATIONS . "` ( `cart_id` , `variation_id` , `value_id` ) VALUES ( '" . $cart_id . "', '" . $variation_row['variation_id'] . "', '" . $variation_row['id'] . "' );"); } $downloads = get_option('max_downloads'); if ($this->is_downloadable == true) { //$product_files = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT `meta_value` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCTMETA."` WHERE `product_id` = '".$this->product_id."' AND `meta_key` = 'product_files'", ARRAY_A); //$product_files = unserialize($product_files["meta_value"]); $product_files = get_product_meta($this->product_id, 'product_files'); if ($this->file_id != null) { // if the file is downloadable, check that the file is real if ($wpdb->get_var("SELECT `id` FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_FILES . "` WHERE `id` IN ('{$this->file_id}')")) { $unique_id = sha1(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO `" . WPSC_TABLE_DOWNLOAD_STATUS . "` (`product_id` , `fileid` , `purchid` , `cartid`, `uniqueid`, `downloads` , `active` , `datetime` ) VALUES ( '{$this->product_id}', '{$this->file_id}', '{$purchase_log_id}', '{$cart_id}', '{$unique_id}', '{$downloads}', '0', NOW( ));"); } } else { foreach ($product_files as $file) { // if the file is downloadable, check that the file is real if ($wpdb->get_var("SELECT `id` FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_FILES . "` WHERE `id` IN ('{$file}')")) { $unique_id = sha1(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO `" . WPSC_TABLE_DOWNLOAD_STATUS . "` (`product_id` , `fileid` , `purchid` , `cartid`, `uniqueid`, `downloads` , `active` , `datetime` ) VALUES ( '{$this->product_id}', '{$file}', '{$purchase_log_id}', '{$cart_id}', '{$unique_id}', '{$downloads}', '0', NOW( ));"); } } } } do_action('wpsc_save_cart_item', $cart_id, $this->product_id); }
/** * tax total function, no parameters * * @uses wpsc_cart * * @return float the total weight of the cart */ function wpsc_cart_tax($format_for_display = true) { global $wpsc_cart; $cart_tax = $format_for_display ? '' : 0; if (_wpsc_verify_global_cart_has_been_initialized(__FUNCTION__)) { if ($format_for_display) { if (!wpsc_tax_isincluded()) { $cart_tax = wpsc_currency_display($wpsc_cart->calculate_total_tax()); } else { $cart_tax = '(' . wpsc_currency_display($wpsc_cart->calculate_total_tax()) . ')'; } } else { $cart_tax = $wpsc_cart->calculate_total_tax(); } } return $cart_tax; }
function wpsc_purchaselog_details_tax() { global $purchlogitem, $wpsc_cart; // exit('<pre>'.print_r($purchlogitem->purchitem, true).'</pre>'); if (wpsc_tax_isincluded() == false) { return nzshpcrt_currency_display($purchlogitem->purchitem->tax_charged, true); } else { //exit('<pre>'.print_r($purchlogitem,true).'</pre>'); if ($purchlogitem->purchitem->notax == 0) { if ($purchlogitem->purchitem->price == null && $id != null) { foreach ((array) $purchlogitem->allcartcontent as $cartcontent) { //exit('<pre>'.print_r($cartcontent, true).'</pre>'); if ($cartcontent->prodid == $id && $cartcontent->notax == 1) { return '-'; } } $price = $id; } else { $price = $purchlogitem->purchitem->price; } $tax = $price / (100 + $wpsc_cart->tax_percentage) * $wpsc_cart->tax_percentage; $tax = $wpsc_cart->process_as_currency($tax); return $tax . ' (' . $wpsc_cart->tax_percentage . '%)'; } else { // $tax = 0; return '-'; } } }
function wpsc_packing_slip($purchase_id) { global $wpdb, $purchlogitem, $wpsc_cart, $purchlog; if (isset($_REQUEST['purchaselog_id'])) { $purchlogitem = new wpsc_purchaselogs_items((int) $_REQUEST['purchaselog_id']); } $purch_sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS . "` WHERE `id`='" . $purchase_id . "'"; $purch_data = $wpdb->get_row($purch_sql, ARRAY_A); //echo "<p style='padding-left: 5px;'><strong>".__('Date', 'wpsc')."</strong>:".date("jS M Y", $purch_data['date'])."</p>"; $cartsql = "SELECT * FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_CART_CONTENTS . "` WHERE `purchaseid`=" . $purchase_id . ""; $cart_log = $wpdb->get_results($cartsql, ARRAY_A); $j = 0; if ($cart_log != null) { echo "<div class='packing_slip'>\n\r"; echo apply_filters('wpsc_packing_slip_header', '<h2>' . __('Packing Slip', 'wpsc') . "</h2>\n\r"); echo "<strong>" . __('Order', 'wpsc') . " #</strong> " . $purchase_id . "<br /><br />\n\r"; echo "<table>\n\r"; /* $form_sql = "SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_SUBMITED_FORM_DATA."` WHERE `log_id` = '".(int)$purchase_id."'"; $input_data = $wpdb->get_results($form_sql,ARRAY_A); */ echo "<tr class='heading'><td colspan='2'><strong>Billing Info</strong></td></tr>"; foreach ((array) $purchlogitem->userinfo as $userinfo) { if ($userinfo['unique_name'] != 'billingcountry') { echo "<tr><td>" . $userinfo['name'] . ": </td><td>" . $userinfo['value'] . "</td></tr>"; } else { $userinfo['value'] = maybe_unserialize($userinfo['value']); if (is_array($userinfo['value'])) { if (!empty($userinfo['value'][1]) && !is_numeric($userinfo['value'][1])) { echo "<tr><td>State: </td><td>" . $userinfo['value'][1] . "</td></tr>"; } elseif (is_numeric($userinfo['value'][1])) { echo "<tr><td>State: </td><td>" . wpsc_get_state_by_id($userinfo['value'][1], 'name') . "</td></tr>"; } if (!empty($userinfo['value'][0])) { echo "<tr><td>Country: </td><td>" . $userinfo['value'][0] . "</td></tr>"; } } else { echo "<tr><td>" . $userinfo['name'] . ": </td><td>" . $userinfo['value'] . "</td></tr>"; } } } echo "<tr class='heading'><td colspan='2'><strong>Shipping Info</strong></td></tr>"; foreach ((array) $purchlogitem->shippinginfo as $userinfo) { if ($userinfo['unique_name'] != 'shippingcountry' && $userinfo['unique_name'] != 'shippingstate') { echo "<tr><td>" . $userinfo['name'] . ": </td><td>" . $userinfo['value'] . "</td></tr>"; } elseif ($userinfo['unique_name'] == 'shippingcountry') { $userinfo['value'] = maybe_unserialize($userinfo['value']); if (is_array($userinfo['value'])) { if (!empty($userinfo['value'][1]) && !is_numeric($userinfo['value'][1])) { echo "<tr><td>State: </td><td>" . $userinfo['value'][1] . "</td></tr>"; } elseif (is_numeric($userinfo['value'][1])) { echo "<tr><td>State: </td><td>" . wpsc_get_state_by_id($userinfo['value'][1], 'name') . "</td></tr>"; } if (!empty($userinfo['value'][0])) { echo "<tr><td>Country: </td><td>" . $userinfo['value'][0] . "</td></tr>"; } } else { echo "<tr><td>" . $userinfo['name'] . ": </td><td>" . $userinfo['value'] . "</td></tr>"; } } elseif ($userinfo['unique_name'] == 'shippingstate') { if (!empty($userinfo['value']) && !is_numeric($userinfo['value'])) { echo "<tr><td>" . $userinfo['name'] . ": </td><td>" . $userinfo['value'] . "</td</tr>>"; } elseif (is_numeric($userinfo['value'])) { echo "<tr><td>State: </td><td>" . wpsc_get_state_by_id($userinfo['value'], 'name') . "</td></tr>"; } } } // echo('<pre>'.print_r($purchlogitem,true).'</pre>'); /* foreach($input_data as $input_row) { $rekeyed_input[$input_row['form_id']] = $input_row; } if($input_data != null) { $form_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_CHECKOUT_FORMS."` WHERE `active` = '1'",ARRAY_A); // exit('<pre>'.print_r($purch_data, true).'</pre>'); foreach($form_data as $form_field) { switch($form_field['type']) { case 'country': $delivery_region_count = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(`regions`.`id`) FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_REGION_TAX."` AS `regions` INNER JOIN `".WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST."` AS `country` ON `country`.`id` = `regions`.`country_id` WHERE `country`.`isocode` IN('".$wpdb->escape( $purch_data['billing_country'])."')"); if(is_numeric($purch_data['billing_region']) && ($delivery_region_count > 0)) { echo " <tr><td>".__('State', 'wpsc').":</td><td>".wpsc_get_region($purch_data['billing_region'])."</td></tr>\n\r"; } echo " <tr><td>".wp_kses($form_field['name'], array() ).":</td><td>".wpsc_get_country($purch_data['billing_country'])."</td></tr>\n\r"; break; case 'delivery_country': echo " <tr><td>".$form_field['name'].":</td><td>".wpsc_get_country($purch_data['shipping_country'])."</td></tr>\n\r"; break; case 'heading': echo " <tr><td colspan='2'><strong>".wp_kses($form_field['name'], array()).":</strong></td></tr>\n\r"; break; default: if($form_field['unique_name'] == 'shippingstate'){ echo " <tr><td>".wp_kses($form_field['name'], array() ).":</td><td>".wpsc_get_region($purch_data['shipping_region'])."</td></tr>\n\r"; }else{ echo " <tr><td>".wp_kses($form_field['name'], array() ).":</td><td>".htmlentities(stripslashes($rekeyed_input[$form_field['id']]['value']), ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8')."</td></tr>\n\r"; } break; } } } else { echo " <tr><td>".__('Name', 'wpsc').":</td><td>".$purch_data['firstname']." ".$purch_data['lastname']."</td></tr>\n\r"; echo " <tr><td>".__('Address', 'wpsc').":</td><td>".$purch_data['address']."</td></tr>\n\r"; echo " <tr><td>".__('Phone', 'wpsc').":</td><td>".$purch_data['phone']."</td></tr>\n\r"; echo " <tr><td>".__('Email', 'wpsc').":</td><td>".$purch_data['email']."</td></tr>\n\r"; } */ if (get_option('payment_method') == 2) { $gateway_name = ''; foreach ($GLOBALS['nzshpcrt_gateways'] as $gateway) { if ($purch_data['gateway'] != 'testmode') { if ($gateway['internalname'] == $purch_data['gateway']) { $gateway_name = $gateway['name']; } } else { $gateway_name = "Manual Payment"; } } } // echo " <tr><td colspan='2'></td></tr>\n\r"; // echo " <tr><td>".__('Payment Method', 'wpsc').":</td><td>".$gateway_name."</td></tr>\n\r"; // //echo " <tr><td>".__('Purchase No.', 'wpsc').":</td><td>".$purch_data['id']."</td></tr>\n\r"; // echo " <tr><td>".__('How The Customer Found Us', 'wpsc').":</td><td>".$purch_data['find_us']."</td></tr>\n\r"; // $engrave_line = explode(",",$purch_data['engravetext']); // echo " <tr><td>".__('Engrave text', 'wpsc')."</td><td></td></tr>\n\r"; // echo " <tr><td>".__('Line 1', 'wpsc').":</td><td>".$engrave_line[0]."</td></tr>\n\r"; // echo " <tr><td>".__('Line 2', 'wpsc').":</td><td>".$engrave_line[1]."</td></tr>\n\r"; // if($purch_data['transactid'] != '') { // echo " <tr><td>".__('Transaction Id', 'wpsc').":</td><td>".$purch_data['transactid']."</td></tr>\n\r"; // } echo "</table>\n\r"; echo "<table class='packing_slip'>"; echo "<tr>"; echo " <th>" . __('Quantity', 'wpsc') . " </th>"; echo " <th>" . __('Name', 'wpsc') . "</th>"; echo " <th>" . __('Price', 'wpsc') . " </th>"; echo " <th>" . __('Shipping', 'wpsc') . " </th>"; echo "<th>" . wpsc_display_tax_label(false) . "</th>"; echo '</tr>'; $endtotal = 0; $all_donations = true; $all_no_shipping = true; $file_link_list = array(); // exit('<pre>'.print_r($cart_log,true).'</pre>'); foreach ($cart_log as $cart_row) { $purchlogitem->the_purch_item(); // exit('<pre>'.print_r, true).'</pre>'); $alternate = ""; $j++; if ($j % 2 != 0) { $alternate = "class='alt'"; } $productsql = "SELECT * FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST . "` WHERE `id`=" . $cart_row['prodid'] . ""; $product_data = $wpdb->get_results($productsql, ARRAY_A); $variation_sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_CART_ITEM_VARIATIONS . "` WHERE `cart_id`='" . $cart_row['id'] . "'"; $variation_data = $wpdb->get_results($variation_sql, ARRAY_A); $variation_count = count($variation_data); if ($variation_count > 1) { $variation_list = " ("; $i = 0; foreach ($variation_data as $variation) { if ($i > 0) { $variation_list .= ", "; } $value_id = $variation['value_id']; $value_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_VARIATION_VALUES . "` WHERE `id`='" . $value_id . "' LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A); $variation_list .= $value_data[0]['name']; $i++; } $variation_list .= ")"; } else { if ($variation_count == 1) { $value_id = $variation_data[0]['value_id']; $value_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_VARIATION_VALUES . "` WHERE `id`='" . $value_id . "' LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A); $variation_list = " (" . $value_data[0]['name'] . ")"; } else { $variation_list = ''; } } if ($cart_row['donation'] != 1) { $all_donations = false; } if ($cart_row['no_shipping'] != 1) { $shipping = $cart_row['pnp'] * $cart_row['quantity']; $total_shipping += $shipping; $all_no_shipping = false; } else { $shipping = 0; } $price = $cart_row['price'] * $cart_row['quantity']; $gst = $price - $price / (1 + $cart_row['gst'] / 100); if ($gst > 0) { $tax_per_item = $gst / $cart_row['quantity']; } echo "<tr {$alternate}>"; echo " <td>"; echo $cart_row['quantity']; echo " </td>"; echo " <td>"; echo $product_data[0]['name']; echo stripslashes($variation_list); echo " </td>"; echo " <td>"; echo nzshpcrt_currency_display($price, 1); echo " </td>"; echo " <td>"; echo nzshpcrt_currency_display($shipping, 1); echo " </td>"; echo '<td>'; if (wpsc_tax_isincluded()) { echo wpsc_purchaselog_details_tax(); } else { echo nzshpcrt_currency_display($cart_row['tax_charged'], 1); } echo '<td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo "</table>"; echo '<table class="packing-slip-totals">'; echo '<tr><th>Base Shipping</th><td>' . nzshpcrt_currency_display($purch_data['base_shipping'], 1) . '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><th>Total Shipping</th><td>' . nzshpcrt_currency_display($purch_data['base_shipping'] + $total_shipping, 1) . '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><th>Total Price</th><td>' . nzshpcrt_currency_display($purch_data['totalprice'], 1) . '</td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; echo "</div>\n\r"; } else { echo "<br />" . __('This users cart was empty', 'wpsc'); } }
function wpsc_options_general() { global $wpdb; ?> <form name='cart_options' id='cart_options' method='post' action=''> <div id="options_general"> <h2><?php _e('General Settings', 'wpsc'); ?> </h2> <?php /* wpsc_setting_page_update_notification displays the wordpress styled notifications */ wpsc_settings_page_update_notification(); ?> <table class='wpsc_options form-table'> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php echo __('Base Country/Region', 'wpsc'); ?> : </th> <td> <select name='wpsc_options[base_country]' onchange='submit_change_country();'> <?php echo country_list(get_option('base_country')); ?> </select> <span id='options_country'> <?php $region_list = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT `" . WPSC_TABLE_REGION_TAX . "`.* FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_REGION_TAX . "`, `" . WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST . "` WHERE `" . WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST . "`.`isocode` IN('" . get_option('base_country') . "') AND `" . WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST . "`.`id` = `" . WPSC_TABLE_REGION_TAX . "`.`country_id`", ARRAY_A); if ($region_list != null) { ?> <select name='wpsc_options[base_region]'> <?php foreach ($region_list as $region) { if (get_option('base_region') == $region['id']) { $selected = "selected='selected'"; } else { $selected = ""; } ?> <option value='<?php echo $region['id']; ?> ' <?php echo $selected; ?> ><?php echo $region['name']; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> <?php } ?> </span> <br /><?php echo __('Select your primary business location.', 'wpsc'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php echo __('Tax Settings', 'wpsc'); ?> :</th> <td> <span id='options_region'> <?php $country_data = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST . "` WHERE `isocode`='" . get_option('base_country') . "' LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A); echo $country_data['country']; $region_count = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_REGION_TAX . "`, `" . WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST . "` WHERE `" . WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST . "`.`isocode` IN('" . get_option('base_country') . "') AND `" . WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST . "`.`id` = `" . WPSC_TABLE_REGION_TAX . "`.`country_id`"); if ($country_data['has_regions'] == 1) { ?> <a href='<?php echo add_query_arg(array('page' => 'wpsc-settings', 'isocode' => get_option('base_country'))); ?> '><?php echo $region_count; ?> Regions</a> <?php } else { ?> <input type='hidden' name='country_id' value='<?php echo $country_data['id']; ?> ' /> <input type='text' name='country_tax' class='tax_forms' maxlength='5' size='5' value='<?php echo $country_data['tax']; ?> ' />% <?php } ?> </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Tax Included in prices', 'wpsc'); ?> :</th> <td> <?php $tax_inprice0 = ''; $tax_inprice1 = ''; if (wpsc_tax_isincluded()) { $tax_inprice1 = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $tax_inprice0 = 'checked="checked"'; } ?> <input <?php echo $tax_inprice1; ?> type='radio' name='wpsc_options[tax_inprice]' value='1' id='tax_inprice1' /> <label for='tax_inprice1'><?php echo __('Yes', 'wpsc'); ?> </label> <input <?php echo $tax_inprice0; ?> type='radio' name='wpsc_options[tax_inprice]' value='0' id='tax_inprice0' /> <label for='tax_inprice1'><?php echo __('No', 'wpsc'); ?> </label> </td> </tr> <?php /* START OF TARGET MARKET SELECTION */ $countrylist = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT id,country,visible FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST . "` ORDER BY country ASC ", ARRAY_A); ?> <tr> <th scope="row"> <?php echo __('Target Markets', 'wpsc'); ?> : </th> <td> <?php // check for the suhosin module if (@extension_loaded('suhosin') && @ini_get('suhosin.post.max_vars') > 0 && @ini_get('suhosin.post.max_vars') < 500) { echo "<em>" . __("The Target Markets feature has been disabled because you have the Suhosin PHP extension installed on this server. If you need to use the Target Markets feature then disable the suhosin extension, if you can not do this, you will need to contact your hosting provider.\r\n\t\t\t", 'wpsc') . "</em>"; } else { ?> <span>Select: <a href='<?php echo add_query_arg(array('selected_all' => 'all')); ?> ' class='wpsc_select_all'>All</a> <a href='<?php echo add_query_arg(array('selected_all' => 'none')); ?> ' class='wpsc_select_none'>None</a></span><br /> <div id='resizeable' class='ui-widget-content multiple-select'> <?php foreach ((array) $countrylist as $country) { $country['country'] = htmlspecialchars($country['country']); if ($country['visible'] == 1) { ?> <input type='checkbox' name='countrylist2[]' value='<?php echo $country['id']; ?> ' checked='checked' /><?php echo $country['country']; ?> <br /> <?php } else { ?> <input type='checkbox' name='countrylist2[]' value='<?php echo $country['id']; ?> ' /><?php echo $country['country']; ?> <br /> <?php } } ?> </div><br /> Select the markets you are selling products to. <?php } ?> </td> </tr> </table> <h3 class="form_group"><?php echo __('Currency Settings', 'wpsc'); ?> :</h3> <table class='wpsc_options form-table'> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php echo __('Currency type', 'wpsc'); ?> :</th> <td> <select name='wpsc_options[currency_type]' onchange='getcurrency(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);'> <?php $currency_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST . "` ORDER BY `country` ASC", ARRAY_A); foreach ($currency_data as $currency) { if (get_option('currency_type') == $currency['id']) { $selected = "selected='selected'"; } else { $selected = ""; } ?> <option value='<?php echo $currency['id']; ?> ' <?php echo $selected; ?> ><?php echo htmlspecialchars($currency['country']); ?> (<?php echo $currency['currency']; ?> )</option> <?php } $currency_data = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT `symbol`,`symbol_html`,`code` FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST . "` WHERE `id`='" . get_option('currency_type') . "' LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A); if ($currency_data['symbol'] != '') { $currency_sign = $currency_data['symbol_html']; } else { $currency_sign = $currency_data['code']; } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php echo __('Currency sign location', 'wpsc'); ?> :</th> <td> <?php $currency_sign_location = get_option('currency_sign_location'); $csl1 = ""; $csl2 = ""; $csl3 = ""; $csl4 = ""; switch ($currency_sign_location) { case 1: $csl1 = "checked ='checked'"; break; case 2: $csl2 = "checked ='checked'"; break; case 3: $csl3 = "checked ='checked'"; break; case 4: $csl4 = "checked ='checked'"; break; } ?> <input type='radio' value='1' name='wpsc_options[currency_sign_location]' id='csl1' <?php echo $csl1; ?> /> <label for='csl1'>100<span id='cslchar1'><?php echo $currency_sign; ?> </span></label> <input type='radio' value='2' name='wpsc_options[currency_sign_location]' id='csl2' <?php echo $csl2; ?> /> <label for='csl2'>100 <span id='cslchar2'><?php echo $currency_sign; ?> </span></label> <input type='radio' value='3' name='wpsc_options[currency_sign_location]' id='csl3' <?php echo $csl3; ?> /> <label for='csl3'><span id='cslchar3'><?php echo $currency_sign; ?> </span>100</label> <input type='radio' value='4' name='wpsc_options[currency_sign_location]' id='csl4' <?php echo $csl4; ?> /> <label for='csl4'><span id='cslchar4'><?php echo $currency_sign; ?> </span> 100</label> </td> </tr> <tr> <?php $decimals = get_option('wpsc_hide_decimals'); switch ($decimals) { case '1': $decimal1 = 'checked="checked"'; break; case '0': default: $decimal2 = 'checked="checked"'; break; } ?> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Hide Decimals on Products Pages'); ?> </th> <td> <input type='radio' value='1' name='wpsc_options[wpsc_hide_decimals]' id='hide_decimals1' <?php echo $decimal1; ?> /> <label for='hide_decimals1'><?php _e('Yes'); ?> </label> <input type='radio' value='0' name='wpsc_options[wpsc_hide_decimals]' id='hide_decimals2' <?php echo $decimal2; ?> /> <label for='hide_decimals2'><?php _e('No'); ?> </label> </td> </tr> </table> <div class="submit"> <input type='hidden' name='wpsc_admin_action' value='submit_options' /> <?php wp_nonce_field('update-options', 'wpsc-update-options'); ?> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo __('Update »', 'wpsc'); ?> " name="updateoption"/> </div> </div> </form> <?php }
/** * calculate total price method * @access public * * @return float returns the price as a floating point value */ function calculate_total_price() { if ($this->total_price == null) { $total = $this->calculate_subtotal(); $total += $this->calculate_total_shipping(); if (wpsc_tax_isincluded() == false) { $total += $this->calculate_total_tax(); } $total -= $this->coupons_amount; $this->total_price = $total; } else { $total = $this->total_price; } if ($total < 0) { $wpsc_cart->coupons_amount += $total; $total = 0; } return $total; }