コード例 #1
							<div class='wpsc_loading_animation'>
								<img title="Loading" alt="Loading" src="<?php echo WPSC_URL ;?>/images/indicator.gif" class="loadingimage" />
								<?php echo __('Updating cart...', 'wpsc'); ?>
						<?php else : ?>
							<p class='soldout'><?php echo __('This product has sold out.', 'wpsc'); ?></p>
						<?php endif ; ?>
					<?php endif ; ?>
					<?php if((get_option('hide_addtocart_button') == 0) && (get_option('addtocart_or_buynow')=='1')) : ?>
						<?php echo wpsc_buy_now_button(wpsc_the_product_id()); ?>
					<?php endif ; ?>
					<?php echo wpsc_product_rater(); ?>
						if(function_exists('gold_shpcrt_display_gallery')) :					
							echo gold_shpcrt_display_gallery(wpsc_the_product_id());

						echo wpsc_also_bought(wpsc_the_product_id());
					<form onsubmit="submitform(this);return false;" action="<?php echo wpsc_this_page_url(); ?>" method="post" name="product_<?php echo wpsc_the_product_id(); ?>" id="product_extra_<?php echo wpsc_the_product_id(); ?>">
						<input type="hidden" value="<?php echo wpsc_the_product_id(); ?>" name="prodid"/>
						<input type="hidden" value="<?php echo wpsc_the_product_id(); ?>" name="item"/>
コード例 #2
    if (get_option('hide_addtocart_button') == 0 && get_option('addtocart_or_buynow') == '1') {
        echo wpsc_buy_now_button(wpsc_the_product_id());
    echo wpsc_product_rater();
    if (function_exists('gold_shpcrt_display_gallery')) {
        echo gold_shpcrt_display_gallery(wpsc_the_product_id());
					<form onsubmit="submitform(this);return false;" action="<?php 
    echo wpsc_this_page_url();
" method="post" name="product_<?php 
    echo wpsc_the_product_id();
コード例 #3
     $html_content .= '</div>';
 } elseif ($item_key == 'WPeC_sale_price') {
     $html_content .= '<div class="element element_' . $item_id . ' ' . $item_key . '"  >';
     $is_product = get_post_type(get_the_ID());
     $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins');
     if (in_array('wp-e-commerce/wp-shopping-cart.php', (array) $active_plugins) && $is_product == 'wpsc-product') {
         $html_content .= wpsc_the_product_price();
     $html_content .= '</div>';
 } elseif ($item_key == 'WPeC_rating_star') {
     $html_content .= '<div class="element element_' . $item_id . ' ' . $item_key . '"  >';
     $is_product = get_post_type(get_the_ID());
     $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins');
     if (in_array('wp-e-commerce/wp-shopping-cart.php', (array) $active_plugins) && $is_product == 'wpsc-product') {
         $html_content .= wpsc_product_rater();
     $html_content .= '</div>';
 } elseif ($item_key == 'WPeC_categories') {
     $html_content .= '<div class="element element_' . $item_id . ' ' . $item_key . '"  >';
     $is_product = get_post_type(get_the_ID());
     $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins');
     if (in_array('wp-e-commerce/wp-shopping-cart.php', (array) $active_plugins) && $is_product == 'wpsc-product') {
         $term_list = wp_get_post_terms($post->ID, 'wpsc_product_category', array("fields" => "all"));
         if ($term_list) {
             $html_term = '';
             foreach ($term_list as $term) {
                 $html_term .= '<a href="#">' . $term->name . '</a>, ';
                 //is the name of the price