function wpr_linksharepost($keyword, $num, $start, $optional = "", $comments = "") { global $wpdb, $wpr_table_templates; if ($keyword == "") { // If keyword is empty return error $return["error"]["module"] = "Linkshare"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("No keyword specified.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $template = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT content FROM " . $wpr_table_templates . " WHERE type = 'linkshare'"); if ($template == false || empty($template)) { // If module template is empty return error $return["error"]["module"] = "Linkshare"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No template"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("Module Template does not exist or could not be loaded.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $x = 0; $itemcontent = array(); $pxml = wpr_linksharerequest($keyword, $num, $start); // Send API request if (!empty($pxml["error"])) { return $pxml; } if ($pxml === False) { $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Linkshare"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "Request fail"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("API request could not be sent.", "wprobot"); return $itemcontent; } else { if (isset($pxml->item)) { foreach ($pxml->item as $item) { $unique = $item->sku; $title = $item->productname; $merchantname = $item->merchantname; $shortdesc = $item->description->short; $longdesc = $item->description->long; if (strlen($shortdesc) > strlen($longdesc)) { $longdesc = $shortdesc; } $longdesc = htmlspecialchars_decode($longdesc); //echo html_entity_decode($longdesc); $url = $item->linkurl; $cat = $item->category->primary; $thumb = $item->imageurl; $price = "\$ " . number_format($item->price, 2, '.', ''); if ($thumb != "") { $thumbnail = '<a href="' . $url . '" rel="nofollow"><img style="float:left;margin: 0 20px 10px 0;" src="' . $thumb . '" /></a>'; } else { $thumbnail = ''; } $content = $template; $content = wpr_random_tags($content); $content = str_replace("{thumbnail}", $thumbnail, $content); $content = str_replace("{imageurl}", $thumb, $content); $content = str_replace("{title}", $title, $content); $content = str_replace("{summary}", $shortdesc, $content); $content = str_replace("{description}", $longdesc, $content); $content = str_replace("{category}", $cat, $content); $content = str_replace("{price}", $price, $content); $content = str_replace("{url}", $url, $content); $content = str_replace("{keyword}", $keyword, $content); $content = str_replace("{merchant}", $merchantname, $content); if (function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) { $content = wpr_translate_partial($content); } if (function_exists("wpr_rewrite_partial")) { $content = wpr_rewrite_partial($content, $options); } $customfield = array(); $customfield["linksharetitle"] = $title; $customfield["linksharethumbnail"] = $thumb; $customfield["linkshareprice"] = $price; $customfield["lsmerchant"] = $merchantname; $itemcontent[$x]["unique"] = $unique; $itemcontent[$x]["title"] = $title; $itemcontent[$x]["content"] = $content; $itemcontent[$x]["customfield"] = $customfield; $x++; } if (empty($itemcontent)) { // Return error if no content has been found. $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Linkshare"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Linkshare items found.", "wprobot"); return $itemcontent; } else { return $itemcontent; } } else { if (isset($pxml->Errors)) { // Check for API error messages in results and if found return them. $message = __('There was a problem with your API request. This is the error returned:', "wprobot") . ' <b>' . $pxml->Errors->ErrorText . '</b>'; $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Linkshare"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "API fail"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = $message; return $itemcontent; } else { // Return error if no content has been found. $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Linkshare"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Linkshare items found.", "wprobot"); return $itemcontent; } } } }
function wpr_rsspost($keyword="",$num,$start,$url,$comments="") { global $wpdb, $wpr_table_templates; $template = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT content FROM " . $wpr_table_templates . " WHERE type = 'rss'"); if($template == false || empty($template)) { $return["error"]["module"] = "RSS"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No template"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("Module Template does not exist or could not be loaded.","wprobot"); return $return; } $options = unserialize(get_option("wpr_options")); $kw = $keyword; $url = trim($url); $url2 = urldecode($url); $start = 0; $found = 0; if ( function_exists('curl_init') ) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/4.0; Microsoft Windows) KHTML/4.0.80 (like Gecko)"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url2); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60); $response = curl_exec($ch); if (!$response) { $return["error"]["module"] = "RSS"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "cURL Error"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("cURL Error Number ","wprobot").curl_errno($ch).": ".curl_error($ch); return $return; } curl_close($ch); } else { $response = @file_get_contents($url2); if (!$response) { $return["error"]["module"] = "RSS"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "cURL Error"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("cURL is not installed on this server!","wprobot"); return $return; } } $therss = @simplexml_load_string($response); if (!$therss){ $therss = @simplexml_load_file($url); } //echo "<pre>".print_r($therss)."</pre>"; if (empty($therss)) { $return["error"]["module"] = "RSS"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "RSS Error"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("RSS Feed could not be loaded or is empty!","wprobot"); return $return; } $posts = array(); if(isset($therss->entry)) {$fee = $therss->entry;$ffr="blogger";} elseif(isset($therss->channel->item)) {$fee = $therss->channel->item;} elseif(isset($therss->item)) {$fee = $therss->item;} else {$fee = "stop";} if($ffr=="blogger") { $ctitle = $therss->title; } else { $ctitle = $therss->channel->title; $clink = $therss->channel->link; $cdesc = $therss->channel->description; } if($fee == "stop") { $return["error"]["module"] = "RSS"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "Invalid Feed"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("Invalid Feed","wprobot"); return $return; } else { foreach ($fee as $item) { $allabort = 0; $abort = 0; //print_r($item); $title = $item->title; $title = preg_replace('/[\r\n\s]+/xms', ' ', trim($title)); $title = strip_tags($title); $guid = $item->guid; $gattr = $guid->attributes(); if($gattr['isPermaLink'] != "false" && !empty($guid)) {$unguid = $guid;} else {$unguid = "";} if($ffr=="blogger") { $link = $item->link; $descr = $item->summary; $fullcontent = $item->content; $date = $item->published; if($kw != "" && $options['wpr_rss_filter']=='yes') { $kw = str_replace('"', '', $kw); $kws = explode(" AND ", $kw); //print_r($kws); foreach($kws as $kwx) { $kw2 = " ".$kwx." "; //echo $kw2."<br>"; $c1 = stripos($fullcontent, $kw2); $c2 = stripos($descr, $kw2); $c3 = stripos($title, $kw2); if($c1 != false || $c2 != false || $c3 != false) { //echo "keyword was found<br>"; $abort = 0; } else { //echo "keyword was not found<br>"; $abort = 1; $allabort = 1; } } } foreach ($item->link as $link) { $attr = $link->attributes(); if($link['rel'] == "replies" && $link['type'] == "application/atom+xml") {$commentRss = $link['href'];} if($link['rel'] == "alternate") {$sourcelink = $link['href']; } //echo $sourcelink . "<br><br>"; print_r($link); } } else { $sourcelink = $item->link; $descr = $item->description; $date = $item->pubDate; $dc = $item->children(""); $creator = (string) $dc->creator; $ccc = $item->children(""); $fullcontent = (string)trim($ccc->encoded); if($kw != "" && $options['wpr_rss_filter']=='yes') { $kw = str_replace('"', '', $kw); $kws = explode(" AND ", $kw); //print_r($kws); foreach($kws as $kwx) { $kw2 = " ".$kwx." "; //echo $kw2."<br>"; $c1 = stripos($fullcontent, $kw2); $c2 = stripos($descr, $kw2); $c3 = stripos($title, $kw2); if($c1 != false || $c2 != false || $c3 != false) { //echo "keyword was found<br>"; $abort = 0; } else { //echo "keyword was not found<br>"; $abort = 1; $allabort = 1; } } } $wfw = $item->children(""); $commentRss = $wfw->commentRss; $enclosure = $item->enclosure["url"]; $media = $item->children(''); if($media->player) { $attrs = $media->player->attributes(); $mediaplayer = $attrs['url']; } if($media->content) { $attrs = $media->content->attributes(); $mediacontent = $attrs['url']; $mediatype = $attrs['type']; $mediaheight = $attrs['height']; $mediawidth = $attrs['width']; $video =' <object width="'.$mediawidth.'" height="'.$mediaheight.'"> <param name="movie" value="'.$mediacontent.'"></param> <embed src="'.$mediacontent.'" type="'.$mediatype.'" width="'.$mediawidth.'" height="'.$mediaheight.'"></embed> </object>'; } if($media->thumbnail) { $attrs = $media->thumbnail[0]->attributes(); $mediathumbnail = $attrs['url']; } } if(!empty($unguid)) {$uid = $unguid;} else {$uid = $sourcelink;} if($abort == 0 && $allabort == 0 && !wpr_check_unique($uid)) { $source = '<a rel="nofollow" href="'.$sourcelink.'">'.$ctitle.'</a>'; if($fullcontent != "" && $options['wpr_rss_content']=='full') {$content = $fullcontent;} else {$content = $descr;} if ($options['wpr_rss_striplinks']=='yes') {$content = wpr_strip_selected_tags($content, array('a','iframe','script'));} if($options['wpr_rss_content']=='trunc') {$content = substr($content,0,350). "...";} $post = $template; $post = wpr_random_tags($post); $content = str_replace("$", "$ ", $content); $content = str_replace("\n\r", " ", $content); $content = str_replace("\n", " ", $content); $post = str_replace("{content}", $content, $post); $post = str_replace("{source}", $source, $post); $post = str_replace("{author}", $creator, $post); $noqkeyword = str_replace('"', '', $keyword); $post = str_replace("{keyword}", $noqkeyword, $post); $post = str_replace("{Keyword}", ucwords($noqkeyword), $post); $post = str_replace("{url}", $sourcelink, $post); $post = str_replace("{title}", $title, $post); $post = str_replace("{mediacontent}", $video, $post); $post = str_replace("{mediathumbnail}", $mediathumbnail, $post); $post = str_replace("{enclosure}", $enclosure, $post); if(function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) { $post = wpr_translate_partial($post); } if(function_exists("wpr_rewrite_partial")) { $post = wpr_rewrite_partial($post,$options); } if(!empty($mediathumbnail)) {$customfield = $mediathumbnail;} elseif(!empty($enclosure)) {$customfield = $enclosure;} else {$customfield = "";} $customfield2 = array(); $customfield2["rsstitle"] = $title; $customfield2["rssmediacontent"] = $video; $customfield2["rssenclosure"] = $enclosure; $customfield2["rsssource"] = $sourcelink; $customfield2["rssimage"] = $customfield; $posts[$found]["unique"] = $uid; $posts[$found]["title"] = $title; $posts[$found]["content"] = $post; $posts[$found]["customfield"] = $customfield2; $found++; } if ($found==$num){break;} } } //print_r($posts); if($found > 0) { return $posts; } elseif($abort == 1) { // error: no posts found for keywords $posts["error"]["module"] = "RSS"; $posts["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $posts["error"]["message"] = __("No post found in RSS feed for keyword $kw","wprobot"); return $posts; } elseif($found == 0) { // error: no posts found $posts["error"]["module"] = "RSS"; $posts["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $posts["error"]["message"] = __("No unposted RSS items found!","wprobot"); return $posts; } elseif(empty($posts)) { // error: no posts found $posts["error"]["module"] = "RSS"; $posts["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $posts["error"]["message"] = __("No items found in this feed!","wprobot"); return $posts; } else { // error: no posts found $posts["error"]["module"] = "RSS"; $posts["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $posts["error"]["message"] = __("No items found in this feed!","wprobot"); return $posts; } }
function wpr_pressreleasepost($keyword, $num, $start, $optional = "", $comments = "") { global $wpdb, $wpr_table_templates; if ($keyword == "") { $return["error"]["module"] = "Press Release"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("No keyword specified.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $template = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT content FROM " . $wpr_table_templates . " WHERE type = 'pressrelease'"); if ($template == false || empty($template)) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Press Release"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No template"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("Module Template does not exist or could not be loaded.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $options = unserialize(get_option("wpr_options")); $posts = array(); $keyword2 = $keyword; $keyword = str_replace(" ", "+", $keyword); $keyword = urlencode($keyword); $blist[] = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/4.0; Microsoft Windows) KHTML/4.0.80 (like Gecko)"; $blist[] = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.92; Microsoft Windows) KHTML/3.92.0 (like Gecko)"; $blist[] = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Windows-Media-Player/; InfoPath.2"; $blist[] = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; Dealio Deskball 3.0)"; $blist[] = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; NeosBrowser; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)"; $ua = $blist[array_rand($blist)]; $page = $start / 25; $page = (string) $page; $page = explode(".", $page); $page = (int) $page[0]; $page++; if ($page == 0) { $page = 1; } $prep = floor($start / 25); $numb = $start - $prep * 25; $search_url = "{$keyword}&start={$page}"; // make the cURL request to $search_url if (function_exists('curl_init')) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Firefox (WindowsXP) - Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20070725 Firefox/'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $search_url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 45); $html = curl_exec($ch); if (!$html) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Press Release"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "cURL Error"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("cURL Error Number ", "wprobot") . curl_errno($ch) . ": " . curl_error($ch); return $return; } curl_close($ch); } else { $html = @file_get_contents($search_url); if (!$html) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Press Release"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "cURL Error"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("cURL is not installed on this server!", "wprobot"); return $return; } } // parse the html into a DOMDocument $dom = new DOMDocument(); @$dom->loadHTML($html); // Grab Product Links $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); $paras = $xpath->query("//div[@id='releases']//h3//a"); $x = 0; $end = $numb + $num; if ($end > $paras->length) { $end = $paras->length; } if ($end == 0 || $end == $numb) { $posts["error"]["module"] = "Press Release"; $posts["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $posts["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) pressreleases found.", "wprobot"); return $posts; } for ($i = $numb; $i < $end; $i++) { $para = $paras->item($i); if ($para == '' | $para == null) { $posts["error"]["module"] = "Press Release"; $posts["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $posts["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) pressreleases found.", "wprobot"); return $posts; } else { $target_url = $para->getAttribute('href'); // make the cURL request to $search_url if (function_exists('curl_init')) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Firefox (WindowsXP) - Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20070725 Firefox/'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $target_url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 45); $html = curl_exec($ch); if (!$html) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Press Release"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "cURL Error"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("cURL Error Number ", "wprobot") . curl_errno($ch) . ": " . curl_error($ch); return $return; } curl_close($ch); } else { $html = @file_get_contents($target_url); if (!$html) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Press Release"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "cURL Error"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("cURL is not installed on this server!", "wprobot"); return $return; } } // parse the html into a DOMDocument $dom = new DOMDocument(); @$dom->loadHTML($html); // Grab Press Release Title $xpath1 = new DOMXPath($dom); $paras1 = $xpath1->query("//h1[@class='title']"); $para1 = $paras1->item(0); $title = $para1->textContent; // Grab Press Release Summary $xpath1 = new DOMXPath($dom); $paras1 = $xpath1->query("//h2[@class='subtitle']"); $para1 = $paras1->item(0); $summary = $para1->textContent; // Grab Press Release Thumbnail $xpath1 = new DOMXPath($dom); $paras1 = $xpath1->query("//div/div[@class='mediaBox']/div/img[@class='newsImage']"); $para1 = $paras1->item(0); if (isset($para1)) { $imgurl = $para1->getAttribute('src'); } if (!empty($imgurl)) { $thumbnail = '<img style="float:left;margin: 0 20px 10px 0;" src="' . $imgurl . '" />'; } else { $thumbnail = ""; } // Grab Press Release $xpath2 = new DOMXPath($dom); //$paras2 = $xpath2->query("//div/div[@class='fullWidth floatLeft dottedTop']"); $paras2 = $xpath2->query("//div/div[@class='one content']/div[@class='fullWidth floatLeft dottedTop']"); $para2 = $paras2->item(0); $string = $dom->saveXml($para2); // $string = preg_replace('#\#\#\#(.*)#smiU', '', $string); // $string = preg_replace('Share: (.*)#smiU', '', $string); // $string = preg_replace('#PRWeb News Center(.*)#smiU', '', $string); // $string = preg_replace('#Create Account(.*)#smiU', '', $string); // $string = preg_replace('#(.*)Printer Friendly Version#smiU', '', $string); // $string = preg_replace('#<h1 class="h1">(.*)</h1>#smiU', '', $string); $string = preg_replace('#<div(.*)<p class="releaseDateline">#smiU', '', $string); $string = preg_replace('#<div(.*)</div>#smiU', '', $string); $string = preg_replace('#<p style=\\"text-align: center; font-weight: bold; clear: both;\\">(.*)</p>#smiU', '', $string); $string = preg_replace('#<p style=\\"text-align: center; font-weight: bold;clear:both\\">(.*)</p>#smiU', '', $string); $string = str_replace("clear:both", "", $string); $string = str_replace("clear: both", "", $string); $string = str_replace("]]>", '', $string); $string = str_replace('xml:lang="en" lang="en" xmlns="">', '', $string); $string = strip_tags($string, '<p><strong><b><br><i><img>'); $string = str_replace("\$", "\$ ", $string); //$string = utf8_decode($string); if (function_exists('iconv')) { $string = iconv('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1//IGNORE', $string); } $pressreleasebody = $string; $pos2 = strpos($string, "301 Moved"); if ($pos2 !== false) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Press Release"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "IncNum"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("Press release has been deleted or moved and was skipped.", "wprobot"); return $return; } if (empty($pressreleasebody)) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Press Release"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No Content"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("No press release found.", "wprobot"); return $return; } //$title = utf8_decode($title); if (function_exists('iconv')) { $summary = iconv('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1//IGNORE', $summary); } if (function_exists('iconv')) { $title = iconv('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1//IGNORE', $title); } $post = $template; $post = wpr_random_tags($post); $post = str_replace("{pressrelease}", $pressreleasebody, $post); $post = str_replace("{summary}", $summary, $post); $post = str_replace("{thumbnail}", $thumbnail, $post); $noqkeyword = str_replace('"', '', $keyword2); $post = str_replace("{keyword}", $noqkeyword, $post); $post = str_replace("{Keyword}", ucwords($noqkeyword), $post); $post = str_replace("{title}", $title, $post); $post = str_replace("{url}", $target_url, $post); if (function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) { $post = wpr_translate_partial($post); } if (function_exists("wpr_rewrite_partial")) { $post = wpr_rewrite_partial($post, $options); } $posts[$x]["unique"] = $target_url; $posts[$x]["title"] = $title; $posts[$x]["content"] = $post; $x++; } } return $posts; }
function wpr_twitterpost($keyword, $num, $start, $optional = "", $comments = "") { global $wpdb, $wpr_table_templates; $options = unserialize(get_option("wpr_options")); if ($keyword == "") { // If keyword is empty return error $return["error"]["module"] = "Twitter"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("No keyword specified.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $template = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT content FROM " . $wpr_table_templates . " WHERE type = 'twitter'"); if ($template == false || empty($template)) { // If module template is empty return error $return["error"]["module"] = "Twitter"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No template"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("Module Template does not exist or could not be loaded.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $x = 0; $itemcontent = array(); $pxml = wpr_twitterrequest($keyword, $num, $start); // Send API request if (!empty($pxml["error"])) { return $pxml; } if ($pxml === False) { $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Twitter"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "Request fail"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("API request could not be sent.", "wprobot"); return $itemcontent; } else { if (isset($pxml->entry)) { foreach ($pxml->entry as $news) { $title = $news->title; $summary = $news->content; if ($options['wpr_twitter_striplinks'] == 'yes') { $summary = wpr_strip_selected_tags($summary, array('a', 'iframe', 'script')); } $authorurl = $news->author->uri; $authorname = $news->author->name; $date = $news->published; $author = "<a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"{$authorurl}\">{$authorname}</a><br/><br/>"; $content = $template; $content = wpr_random_tags($content); $content = str_replace("{title}", $title, $content); $content = str_replace("{tweet}", $summary, $content); $content = str_replace("{author}", $author, $content); $content = str_replace("{authorname}", $authorname, $content); $content = str_replace("{authorurl}", $authorurl, $content); $content = str_replace("{date}", $date, $content); $noqkeyword = str_replace('"', '', $keyword); $content = str_replace("{keyword}", $noqkeyword, $content); $content = str_replace("{Keyword}", ucwords($noqkeyword), $content); if (function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) { $content = wpr_translate_partial($content); } if (function_exists("wpr_rewrite_partial")) { $content = wpr_rewrite_partial($content, $options); } $itemcontent[$x]["unique"] = $news->id; $itemcontent[$x]["title"] = $title; $itemcontent[$x]["content"] = $content; $x++; } if (empty($itemcontent)) { // Return error if no content has been found. $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Twitter"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Twitter items found.", "wprobot"); return $itemcontent; } else { return $itemcontent; } } else { if (isset($pxml->Message)) { // Check for API error messages in results and if found return them. $message = __('There was a problem with your API request. This is the error returned:', "wprobot") . ' <b>' . $pxml->Message . '</b>'; $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Twitter"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "API fail"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = $message; return $itemcontent; } else { // Return error if no content has been found. $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Twitter"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Twitter items found.", "wprobot"); return $itemcontent; } } } }
function wpr_plrpost($keyword, $num, $start, $optional = "", $comments = "") { global $wpdb, $wpr_table_templates, $wpr_cache; /*if($keyword == "") { $return["error"]["module"] = "Yahoo News"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("No keyword specified.","wprobot"); return $return; } */ $options = unserialize(get_option("wpr_options")); $template = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT content FROM " . $wpr_table_templates . " WHERE type = 'plr'"); if ($template == false || empty($template)) { $template = "{article}"; } $wpr_saveurl = WPR_URLPATH . "plr"; $folder = $wpr_cache . "/"; $plrcontent = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $filename = wpr_plr_randomfile($folder, 'txt|pdf'); //echo $filename . "<br>"; $output = ""; $title = ""; $file = fopen($filename, "r"); if (empty($file) || $file == false) { $plrcontent["error"]["module"] = "PLR"; $plrcontent["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $plrcontent["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) PLR items found.", "wprobot"); return $plrcontent; } while (!feof($file)) { if (empty($title)) { $title = fgets($file, 4096); } $output = $output . fgets($file, 4096); //read file line by line into variable } fclose($file); //$output = utf8_encode($output); if (function_exists('iconv')) { $output = iconv('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1//IGNORE', $output); } //echo $title . "<br>"; //echo $output . "<br>"; if (!empty($output) && !empty($title)) { // Keyword filter $kw = $keyword; if ($kw != "" && $options['wpr_plr_filter'] == 'yes') { $kw = str_replace('"', '', $kw); $kws = explode(" AND ", $kw); //print_r($kws); foreach ($kws as $kwx) { $kw2 = " " . $kwx . " "; //echo $kw2."<br>"; $c1 = stripos($output, $kw2); $c2 = stripos($title, $kw2); if ($c1 != false || $c2 != false) { //echo "keyword was found<br>"; $abort = 0; } else { //echo "keyword was not found<br>"; $plrcontent["error"]["module"] = "PLR"; $plrcontent["error"]["reason"] = "IncNum"; $plrcontent["error"]["message"] = __("File skipped because filter keyword was not found.", "wprobot"); return $plrcontent; } } } $content = $template; $content = wpr_random_tags($content); $content = str_replace("{article}", $output, $content); $content = str_replace("{title}", $title, $content); $noqkeyword = str_replace('"', '', $keyword); $content = str_replace("{keyword}", $noqkeyword, $content); $content = str_replace("{Keyword}", ucwords($noqkeyword), $content); if (function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) { $content = wpr_translate_partial($content); } if (function_exists("wpr_rewrite_partial")) { $content = wpr_rewrite_partial($content, $options); } $ren = rename($filename, $filename . "2"); if ($ren == true) { } else { } $plrcontent[$i]["unique"] = rand(1, 10000); $plrcontent[$i]["title"] = $title; $plrcontent[$i]["content"] = $content; } } if (empty($plrcontent)) { $plrcontent["error"]["module"] = "PLR"; $plrcontent["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $plrcontent["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) PLR items found.", "wprobot"); return $plrcontent; } else { return $plrcontent; } }
function wpr_youtubepost($keyword, $num, $start, $optional = "", $getcomments) { global $wpdb, $wpr_table_templates; if ($keyword == "") { $return["error"]["module"] = "Youtube"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("No keyword specified.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $template = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT content FROM " . $wpr_table_templates . " WHERE type = 'youtube'"); if ($template == false || empty($template)) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Youtube"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No template"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("Module Template does not exist or could not be loaded.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $options = unserialize(get_option("wpr_options")); $pxml = wpr_youtuberequest($keyword, $num, $start); if (!empty($pxml["error"])) { return $pxml; } $videos = array(); $x = 0; if ($pxml === False) { $videos["error"]["module"] = "Youtube"; $videos["error"]["reason"] = "API fail"; $videos["error"]["message"] = __("Youtube API request did not work.", "wprobot"); return $videos; } else { if (isset($pxml->entry)) { foreach ($pxml->entry as $entry) { $media = $entry->children(''); $title = $media->group->title; $description = $media->group->description; $attrs = $media->group->thumbnail[0]->attributes(); $thumbnail = '<img alt="' . $title . '" src="' . $attrs['url'] . '" />'; $thumbnailurl = $attrs['url']; //$yt = $entry->children(''); //$attrs = $yt->statistics->attributes(); //$viewCount = $attrs['viewCount']; $yt = $media->children(''); $videoid = $yt->videoid; $gd = $entry->children(''); if ($gd->rating) { $attrs = $gd->rating->attributes(); $rating = round($attrs['average'], 2); } else { $rating = 0; } $attrs = $media->group->player->attributes(); $playerUrl = $attrs['url']; $gd = $entry->children(''); if ($gd->comments->feedLink) { $attrs = $gd->comments->feedLink->attributes(); $commentsUrl = $attrs['href']; $commentsCount = $attrs['countHint']; } if (empty($options['wpr_yt_width'])) { $options['wpr_yt_width'] = "425"; } if (empty($options['wpr_yt_height'])) { $options['wpr_yt_height'] = "355"; } // 425 // 355 $video = ' <object width="' . $options['wpr_yt_width'] . '" height="' . $options['wpr_yt_height'] . '"> <param name="movie" value="' . $videoid . '?fs=1"></param> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param> <embed src="' . $videoid . '?fs=1&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="' . $options['wpr_yt_width'] . '" height="' . $options['wpr_yt_height'] . '" allowfullscreen="true"></embed> </object>'; //$video ='<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" style="width:'.$options['wpr_yt_width'].'px;height:'.$options['wpr_yt_height'].'px;" data="'.$videoid.'"> //<param name="movie" value="'.$videoid.'" /> //</object>'; if ($options['wpr_yt_striplinks_desc'] == 'yes') { $description = wpr_strip_selected_tags($description, array('a', 'iframe', 'script')); } $vid = $template; $vid = wpr_random_tags($vid); // Comments $commentspost = ""; preg_match('#\\{comments(.*)\\}#iU', $vid, $rmatches); if ($rmatches[0] != false || $getcomments == 1) { $comments = wpr_yt_getcomments($commentsUrl, $commentsCount); } if ($rmatches[0] != false && !empty($comments)) { $cnum = substr($rmatches[1], 1); for ($i = 0; $i < $commentsCount; $i++) { if ($i == $cnum) { break; } else { $commentspost .= "<p><b>Comment by " . $comments[$i]["author"] . "</b><br/>" . $comments[$i]["content"] . "</p>"; } } $vid = str_replace($rmatches[0], $commentspost, $vid); } $vid = str_replace("{description}", $description, $vid); $vid = str_replace("{thumbnail}", $thumbnail, $vid); //$vid = str_replace("{viewcount}", $viewCount, $vid); $vid = str_replace("{rating}", $rating, $vid); $noqkeyword = str_replace('"', '', $keyword); $vid = str_replace("{keyword}", $noqkeyword, $vid); $vid = str_replace("{Keyword}", ucwords($noqkeyword), $vid); $vid = str_replace("{video}", $video, $vid); $vid = str_replace("{title}", $title, $vid); $vid = str_replace("{url}", "" . $videoid, $vid); if (function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) { $vid = wpr_translate_partial($vid); } if (function_exists("wpr_rewrite_partial")) { $vid = wpr_rewrite_partial($vid, $options); } $customfield = array(); $customfield["youtubetitle"] = $title; $customfield["video"] = $videoid; $customfield["youtubethumbnail"] = $thumbnailurl; $customfield["youtuberating"] = $rating; $videos[$x]["unique"] = $videoid; $videos[$x]["title"] = $title; $videos[$x]["content"] = $vid; $videos[$x]["comments"] = $comments; $videos[$x]["customfield"] = $customfield; $x++; } if (empty($videos)) { $videos["error"]["module"] = "Youtube"; $videos["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $videos["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Youtube videos found.", "wprobot"); return $videos; } else { return $videos; } } else { $videos["error"]["module"] = "Youtube"; $videos["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $videos["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Youtube videos found.", "wprobot"); return $videos; } } }
function wpr_yelppost($keyword, $num, $start, $optional = "", $comments = "") { global $wpdb, $wpr_table_templates; $end = $start + $num; if ($keyword == "") { // If keyword is empty return error $return["error"]["module"] = "Yelp"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("No keyword specified.", "wprobot"); return $return; } if ($start >= 20) { // If keyword is empty return error $return["error"]["module"] = "Yelp"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("No more content: The Yelp API does only return the first 20 results for any keyword.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $template = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT content FROM " . $wpr_table_templates . " WHERE type = 'yelp'"); if ($template == false || empty($template)) { // If module template is empty return error $return["error"]["module"] = "Yelp"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No template"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("Module Template does not exist or could not be loaded.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $x = 0; $yy = 0; $itemcontent = array(); $pxml = wpr_yelprequest($keyword, $num, $start); // Send API request if (is_array($pxml) && isset($pxml["error"])) { return $pxml; } if ($pxml === False) { $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Yelp"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "Request fail"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("API request could not be sent.", "wprobot"); return $itemcontent; } else { if (isset($pxml->businesses)) { foreach ($pxml->businesses as $item) { if ($yy >= $start && $yy < $end) { $title = $item->name; $url = $item->url; $address1 = $item->address1; $address2 = $item->address2; $address3 = $item->address3; $address = $address1 . "<br/>" . $address2 . "<br/>" . $address3 . "<br/>"; $city = $item->city; $phone = $item->phone; $photo_url = $item->photo_url; $avg_rating = $item->avg_rating; $review_count = $item->review_count; $reviews = array(); if (isset($item->reviews)) { $r = 0; foreach ($item->reviews as $review) { $reviews[$r]["author"] = $review->user_name; $reviews[$r]["rating"] = $review->rating; $rtemplate = "<i>Review by {author}</i><br/>{content}<br/><b>Rating: {rating}</b><br/><br/>"; $rtemplate = str_replace("{content}", strip_tags($review->text_excerpt, '<br><strong>'), $rtemplate); $rtemplate = str_replace("{rating}", $review->rating, $rtemplate); $rtemplate = str_replace("{author}", $review->user_name, $rtemplate); $reviews[$r]["content"] = $rtemplate; $r++; } } $source = "Read more on <a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"{$url}\">{$source}</a><br/><br/>"; if ($photo_url != "") { $thumbnail = '<a href="' . $url . '" rel="nofollow"><img style="float:left;margin: 0 20px 10px 0;" src="' . $photo_url . '" /></a>'; } else { $thumbnail = ''; } $content = $template; $content = wpr_random_tags($content); $content = str_replace("{thumbnail}", $thumbnail, $content); $content = str_replace("{title}", $title, $content); $content = str_replace("{rating}", $avg_rating, $content); $content = str_replace("{reviewscount}", $review_count, $content); $content = str_replace("{url}", $url, $content); $content = str_replace("{keyword}", $keyword, $content); $content = str_replace("{address}", $address1, $content); $content = str_replace("{city}", $city, $content); // reviews $reviewspost = ""; $reviewsnum = $review_count; preg_match('#\\{reviews(.*)\\}#iU', $content, $rmatches); if ($rmatches[0] == false) { } elseif (empty($reviews)) { $content = str_replace($rmatches[0], $reviewspost, $content); } else { $reviewnum = substr($rmatches[1], 1); for ($i = 0; $i < $reviewnum; $i++) { if ($i == $reviewsnum || $i == 3) { break; } else { $reviewspost .= $reviews[$i]["content"]; } } $content = str_replace($rmatches[0], $reviewspost, $content); } if (function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) { $content = wpr_translate_partial($content); } if (function_exists("wpr_rewrite_partial")) { $content = wpr_rewrite_partial($content, $options); } $itemcontent[$x]["unique"] = $item->id; $itemcontent[$x]["title"] = $title; $itemcontent[$x]["content"] = $content; $x++; } $yy++; } if (empty($itemcontent)) { // Return error if no content has been found. $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Yelp"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Yelp items found.", "wprobot"); return $itemcontent; } else { return $itemcontent; } } else { if (isset($pxml->message->text) && $pxml->message->code != 0) { // Check for API error messages in results and if found return them. $message = __('There was a problem with your API request. This is the error returned by Yelp:', "wprobot") . ' <b>' . $pxml->message->code . ': ' . $pxml->message->text . '</b>'; $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Yelp"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "API fail"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = $message; return $itemcontent; } else { // Return error if no content has been found. $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Yelp"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Yelp items found.", "wprobot"); return $itemcontent; } } } }
function wpr_amazonpost($keywords, $count, $start, $optional, $comments = "") { global $wpdb, $wpr_table_templates; $searchindex = $optional[0]; $browsenode = $optional[1]; if ($searchindex == "") { $searchindex = "All"; } if ($keywords == "" && $browsenode == "") { $return["error"]["module"] = "Amazon"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("No keyword or BrowseNode specified.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $start2 = $start / 10; $start2 = (string) $start2; $start2 = explode(".", $start2); $page = (int) $start2[0]; $page++; $cnum = (int) $start2[1]; $template = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT content FROM " . $wpr_table_templates . " WHERE type = 'amazon'"); if ($template == false || empty($template)) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Amazon"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No template"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("Module Template does not exist or could not be loaded.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $imagepath = WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/' . str_replace(basename(__FILE__), "", plugin_basename(__FILE__)); $imagepath = str_replace("/modules/", "/images/", $imagepath); $options = unserialize(get_option("wpr_options")); $public_key = $options['wpr_aa_apikey']; $private_key = $options['wpr_aa_secretkey']; $affid = $options['wpr_aa_affkey']; $added_post = 0; $return = array(); $site = $options['wpr_aa_site']; if ($site == "us") { $site = "com"; } if ($site == "uk") { $site = ""; } if ($browsenode == "") { $browsenode = 0; } while ($added_post < $count) { if ($searchindex == "All") { $pxml = wpr_aws_request($site, array("Operation" => "ItemSearch", "AssociateTag" => $affid, "Keywords" => $keywords, "SearchIndex" => $searchindex, "MerchantId" => "All", "ItemPage" => $page, "ReviewSort" => "-HelpfulVotes", "TruncateReviewsAt" => "5000", "IncludeReviewsSummary" => "False", "ResponseGroup" => "Large"), $public_key, $private_key); } elseif ($browsenode != 0) { $pxml = wpr_aws_request($site, array("Operation" => "ItemSearch", "AssociateTag" => $affid, "SearchIndex" => $searchindex, "Keywords" => $keywords, "BrowseNode" => $browsenode, "MerchantId" => "All", "ItemPage" => $page, "ReviewSort" => "-HelpfulVotes", "TruncateReviewsAt" => "5000", "IncludeReviewsSummary" => "False", "ResponseGroup" => "Large"), $public_key, $private_key); } else { $pxml = wpr_aws_request($site, array("Operation" => "ItemSearch", "AssociateTag" => $affid, "Keywords" => $keywords, "SearchIndex" => $searchindex, "MerchantId" => "All", "ItemPage" => $page, "ReviewSort" => "-HelpfulVotes", "TruncateReviewsAt" => "5000", "IncludeReviewsSummary" => "False", "ResponseGroup" => "Large"), $public_key, $private_key); } if (!empty($pxml["error"])) { return $pxml; } //echo "<pre>";print_r($pxml);echo "</pre>"; if ($count <= 10) { $count_this = $count; } else { $count_this = 10; } $rr = 0; $yy = 1; if (!$pxml) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Amazon"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "Request fail"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("API request could not be sent.", "wprobot"); return $return; } if (isset($pxml->Error)) { $message = '<p>' . __("There was a problem with your Amazon API request. This is the error Amazon returned:", "wprobot") . '</p> <p><i><b>' . $pxml->Error->Code . ':</b> ' . $pxml->Error->Message . '</i></p>'; $return["error"]["module"] = "Amazon"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "API fail"; $return["error"]["message"] = $message; return $return; } if (isset($pxml->Items->Request->Errors->Error->Code)) { $message = '<p>' . __("There was a problem with your Amazon API request. This is the error Amazon returned:", "wprobot") . '</p> <p><i><b>' . $pxml->Items->Request->Errors->Error->Code . ':</b> ' . $pxml->Items->Request->Errors->Error->Message . '</i></p>'; $return["error"]["module"] = "Amazon"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "API fail"; $return["error"]["message"] = $message; return $return; } if (!$pxml->Items->Item) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Amazon"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) products found for this keyword.", "wprobot"); return $return; } foreach ($pxml->Items->Item as $item) { if ($yy >= $cnum) { $skipit = 0; $skip = $options["wpr_aa_skip"]; if ($skip == "noimg" || $skip == "nox") { if (empty($item->MediumImage->URL) && empty($item->SmallImage->URL)) { $skipit = 1; } } if ($skip == "nodesc" || $skip == "nox") { if (empty($item->EditorialReviews->EditorialReview->Content)) { $skipit = 1; } } /* if($skipit == 1 && $count == 1) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Amazon"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("Product skipped because no image and/or description was found.","wprobot"); return $return; }*/ if ($rr < $count_this && $skipit == 0) { $desc = ""; if (isset($item->EditorialReviews->EditorialReview)) { foreach ($item->EditorialReviews->EditorialReview as $descs) { $desc .= $descs->Content; } } $elength = $options['wpr_aa_excerptlength']; if ($elength != 'full') { $desc = strip_tags($desc, '<br>'); $desc = substr($desc, 0, $elength); } $features = ""; if (isset($item->ItemAttributes->Feature)) { $features = "<ul>"; foreach ($item->ItemAttributes->Feature as $feature) { $posx = strpos($feature, "href="); if ($posx === false) { $features .= "<li>" . $feature . "</li>"; } } $features .= "</ul>"; } $timg = $item->MediumImage->URL; if ($timg == "") { $timg = $item->SmallImage->URL; } $thumbnail = '<a href="' . $item->DetailPageURL . '" rel="nofollow"><img style="float:left;margin: 0 20px 10px 0;" src="' . $timg . '" alt="' . $item->ItemAttributes->Title . '" /></a>'; $link = '<a href="' . $item->DetailPageURL . '" rel="nofollow">' . $item->ItemAttributes->Title . '</a>'; // REVIEWS - Replace for Nov 11 API Change $product_review = $item->CustomerReviews->IFrameURL; $reviewsiframe = '<iframe style="margin-top: 10px;" src="' . $product_review . '" width="100%" height="450px"><p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p></iframe>'; $revcontent = file_get_contents($product_review); if (preg_match('~<body[^>]*>(.*?)</body>~si', $revcontent, $body)) { $reviewsnoiframe = str_replace('class="crVotingButtons">', "", $body[1]); } else { $reviewsnoiframe = ""; } $price = str_replace("\$", "\$ ", $item->OfferSummary->LowestNewPrice->FormattedPrice); $listprice = str_replace("\$", "\$ ", $item->ItemAttributes->ListPrice->FormattedPrice); if ($price == "Too low to display" || $price == "Price too low to display") { $price = $listprice; } if (empty($listprice) && !empty($price)) { $listprice = $price; } if (empty($price) && !empty($listprice)) { $price = $listprice; } $content = $template; preg_match('#\\[has_reviews\\](.*)\\[/has_reviews\\]#smiU', $template, $check); if ($check[0] != false) { if (empty($item->CustomerReviews->TotalReviews)) { $content = str_replace($check[0], "", $content); } } $content = str_replace(array("[has_reviews]", "[/has_reviews]"), "", $content); preg_match('#\\[has_listprice\\](.*)\\[/has_listprice\\]#smiU', $template, $matches); //print_r($matches); if ($matches[0] != false) { if (empty($listprice)) { $content = str_replace($matches[0], "", $content); } } $content = str_replace(array("[has_listprice]", "[/has_listprice]"), "", $content); $asin = $item->ASIN; $content = wpr_random_tags($content); $content = str_replace("{title}", $item->ItemAttributes->Title, $content); $content = str_replace("{description}", $desc, $content); $content = str_replace("{features}", $features, $content); $content = str_replace("{thumbnail}", $thumbnail, $content); $content = str_replace("{smallimage}", $item->SmallImage->URL, $content); $content = str_replace("{mediumimage}", $item->MediumImage->URL, $content); $content = str_replace("{largeimage}", $item->LargeImage->URL, $content); $content = str_replace("{buynow}", '<a href="' . $item->DetailPageURL . '" rel="nofollow"><img src="' . $imagepath . 'buynow-small.gif" /></a>', $content); $content = str_replace("{buynow-big}", '<a href="' . $item->DetailPageURL . '" rel="nofollow"><img src="' . $imagepath . 'buynow-big.gif" /></a>', $content); $content = str_replace("{buynow-ger}", '<a href="' . $item->DetailPageURL . '" rel="nofollow"><img src="' . $imagepath . 'buynow-ger.gif" /></a>', $content); $content = str_replace("{price}", $price, $content); $content = str_replace("{listprice}", $listprice, $content); $savings = str_replace("\$ ", "", $listprice) - str_replace("\$ ", "", $price); $content = str_replace("{savings}", $savings, $content); //$discount = (($listprice - $price) / $listprice) * 100; //print_r($item); $discount = round((int) $savings / $item->ItemAttributes->ListPrice->FormattedPrice * 100); $content = str_replace("{discount}", $discount, $content); $content = str_replace("{url}", $item->DetailPageURL, $content); $content = str_replace("{avgrating}", $item->CustomerReviews->AverageRating, $content); $content = str_replace("{reviewsnum}", $item->CustomerReviews->TotalReviews, $content); $noqkeyword = str_replace('"', '', $keywords); $content = str_replace("{keyword}", $noqkeyword, $content); $content = str_replace("{Keyword}", ucwords($noqkeyword), $content); $content = str_replace("{link}", $link, $content); $content = str_replace("{asin}", $asin, $content); $content = str_replace("{price-updating}", '[wpramaprice asin="' . $asin . '"]', $content); // rating if (strpos($content, "{rating}") != false) { $image = wpr_star_rating($item->CustomerReviews->AverageRating); $content = str_replace("{rating}", $image, $content); } // reviews $content = str_replace("{reviews-url}", $product_review, $content); //$content = str_replace("{reviews-iframe}", $reviewsiframe, $content); $content = str_replace("{reviews-iframe}", '[wpramareviews asin="' . $asin . '"]', $content); $content = str_replace("{reviews-noiframe}", $reviewsnoiframe, $content); preg_match('#\\{reviews(.*)\\}#iU', $content, $rmatches); if ($rmatches[0] == false) { } else { $content = str_replace($rmatches[0], '[wpramareviews asin="' . $asin . '"]', $content); } // split reviews into comments $dom = new DOMDocument(); @$dom->loadHTML($reviewsnoiframe); $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); $paras = $xpath->query("//table[@class='crIFrameReviewList']//tr/td/div"); $reviews = array(); for ($y = 0; $y < $paras->length; $y++) { //$paras->length $para = $paras->item($y); $review = $dom->saveXml($para); //$review = str_replace('', "", $review); //$review = str_replace('', "", $review); $review = str_replace('Permalink', "", $review); $review = str_replace('Report abuse', "", $review); $review = str_replace('See all my reviews', "", $review); $review = str_replace('<img src="" width="70" align="absmiddle" alt="(REAL NAME)" height="15" border="0" />', "", $review); //$review = preg_replace('#<div style="padding-top: 10px; clear: both; width: 100%;">(.*)<div class="reply">#smiU', '<div><div>', $review); $reviews[$y]["content"] = $review; } $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); $paras = $xpath->query("//table[@class='crIFrameReviewList']//tr/td/div/div[3]/div/div/a/span"); for ($y = 0; $y < $paras->length; $y++) { //$paras->length $para = $paras->item($y); $author = $para->textContent; // $dom->saveXml($para); $reviews[$y]["author"] = $author; } //print_r($reviews); if (function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) { $content = wpr_translate_partial($content); } if (function_exists("wpr_rewrite_partial")) { $content = wpr_rewrite_partial($content, $options); } if (!empty($item->MediumImage->URL)) { $largestimage = $item->MediumImage->URL; } elseif (!empty($item->SmallImage->URL)) { $largestimage = $item->SmallImage->URL; } elseif (!empty($item->LargeImage->URL)) { $largestimage = $item->LargeImage->URL; } $customfield = array(); $customfield["amazontitle"] = $item->ItemAttributes->Title; $customfield["amazonthumbnail"] = $largestimage; $customfield["amazonthumbnaillarge"] = $item->LargeImage->URL; $customfield["amazonprice"] = $price; $customfield["amazonlink"] = $item->DetailPageURL; $customfield["amazonasin"] = $asin; $customfield["asin"] = $asin; $customfield["amazonrating"] = $item->CustomerReviews->AverageRating; $customfield["amazonlistprice"] = $listprice; $single = array(); $single["unique"] = $asin; $single["title"] = $item->ItemAttributes->Title; if ($options['wpr_aa_shortcode'] == "Yes") { $single["content"] = '[wpramazon asin="' . $asin . '"]'; } else { $single["content"] = $content; } $single["comments"] = $reviews; $single["customfield"] = $customfield; $added_post = $added_post + 1; array_push($return, $single); $rr++; } } $yy++; } $page++; $cnum = 0; } return $return; }
function wpr_articlepost($keyword, $num, $start, $optional = "", $comments = "") { global $wpdb, $wpr_table_templates; if ($keyword == "") { $return["error"]["module"] = "Article"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("No keyword specified.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $template = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT content FROM " . $wpr_table_templates . " WHERE type = 'article'"); if ($template == false || empty($template)) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Article"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No template"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("Module Template does not exist or could not be loaded.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $posts = array(); $options = unserialize(get_option("wpr_options")); $proxy == ""; if ($options["wpr_trans_use_proxies"] == "yes") { $proxies = str_replace("\r", "", $options["wpr_trans_proxies"]); $proxies = explode("\n", $proxies); $rand = array_rand($proxies); list($proxy, $proxytype, $proxyuser) = explode("|", $proxies[$rand]); } $keyword2 = $keyword; $keyword = str_replace(" ", "+", $keyword); $keyword = urlencode($keyword); $blist[] = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/4.0; Microsoft Windows) KHTML/4.0.80 (like Gecko)"; $blist[] = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.92; Microsoft Windows) KHTML/3.92.0 (like Gecko)"; $blist[] = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Windows-Media-Player/; InfoPath.2"; $blist[] = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; Dealio Deskball 3.0)"; $blist[] = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; NeosBrowser; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)"; $ua = $blist[array_rand($blist)]; // SOURCE $source = array(); if ($options['wpr_eza_source_ab'] == 1 || $options['wpr_eza_source'] == "ab" || $options['wpr_eza_source'] == "rand") { $source[] = "ab"; } if ($options['wpr_eza_source_goa'] == 1 || $options['wpr_eza_source'] == "goa" || $options['wpr_eza_source'] == "rand") { $source[] = "goa"; } if ($options['wpr_eza_source_buk'] == 1 || $options['wpr_eza_source'] == "buk" || $options['wpr_eza_source'] == "rand") { $source[] = "buk"; } if ($options['wpr_eza_source_ezm'] == 1 || $options['wpr_eza_source'] == "ezm" || $options['wpr_eza_source'] == "rand") { $source[] = "ezm"; } $rand_key = array_rand($source); if ($source[$rand_key] == "ab") { $options['wpr_eza_source'] = "ab"; } elseif ($source[$rand_key] == "goa") { $options['wpr_eza_source'] = "goa"; } elseif ($source[$rand_key] == "buk") { $options['wpr_eza_source'] = "buk"; } elseif ($source[$rand_key] == "ezm") { $options['wpr_eza_source'] = "ezm"; } //print_r($source);echo "source: ".$rand_key . " ". $options['wpr_eza_source'] . "\n"; /*if($options["wpr_eza_source"] == "rand") { $rand = rand(0,3); if($rand == 0) {$options["wpr_eza_source"] = "buk"; } elseif($rand == 1) {$options["wpr_eza_source"] = "goa"; } elseif($rand == 2) {$options["wpr_eza_source"] = "ezm"; } else {$options["wpr_eza_source"] = "ab";} }*/ if ($options["wpr_eza_source"] == "buk") { return wpr_bukisapost($keyword, $num, $start, $optional, $comments, $options, $template, $ua, $proxy, $proxytype, $proxyuser); } elseif ($options["wpr_eza_source"] == "goa") { return wpr_goarticlepost($keyword, $num, $start, $optional, $comments, $options, $template, $ua, $proxy, $proxytype, $proxyuser); } elseif ($options["wpr_eza_source"] == "ezm") { return wpr_ezinemarkpost($keyword, $num, $start, $optional, $comments, $options, $template, $ua, $proxy, $proxytype, $proxyuser); } if (empty($start)) { $start = 0; } $search_url = "{$keyword}&index={$start}"; // // make the cURL request to $search_url if (function_exists('curl_init')) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $ua); if ($proxy != "") { //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy); if ($proxyuser) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $proxyuser); } if ($proxytype == "socks") { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, CURLPROXY_SOCKS5); } } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $search_url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 45); $html = curl_exec($ch); if (!$html) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Article"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "cURL Error"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("cURL Error Number ", "wprobot") . curl_errno($ch) . ": " . curl_error($ch); return $return; } curl_close($ch); } else { $html = @file_get_contents($search_url); if (!$html) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Article"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "cURL Error"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("cURL is not installed on this server!", "wprobot"); return $return; } } // parse the html into a DOMDocument $dom = new DOMDocument(); @$dom->loadHTML($html); // Grab Product Links $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); $paras = $xpath->query("//div/h3/a"); $x = 0; $end = $num; if ($paras->length == 0) { $posts["error"]["module"] = "Article"; $posts["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $posts["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) articles found.", "wprobot"); return $posts; } if ($end > $paras->length) { $end = $paras->length; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $end; $i++) { $para = $paras->item($i); if (empty($para)) { $posts["error"]["module"] = "Article"; $posts["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $posts["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) articles found.", "wprobot"); return $posts; } else { $target_url = "" . $para->getAttribute('href'); // $target_url = "" . $para->getAttribute('href'); // make the cURL request to $search_url if (function_exists('curl_init')) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $ua); if ($proxy != "") { //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy); if ($proxyuser) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $proxyuser); } if ($proxytype == "socks") { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, CURLPROXY_SOCKS5); } } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $target_url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 45); $html = curl_exec($ch); if (!$html) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Article"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "cURL Error"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("cURL Error Number ", "wprobot") . curl_errno($ch) . ": " . curl_error($ch); return $return; } curl_close($ch); } else { $html = @file_get_contents($target_url); if (!$html) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Article"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "cURL Error"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("cURL is not installed on this server!", "wprobot"); return $return; } } // parse the html into a DOMDocument $dom = new DOMDocument(); @$dom->loadHTML($html); // Grab Article Title $xpath1 = new DOMXPath($dom); $paras1 = $xpath1->query("//div/h1"); $para1 = $paras1->item(0); $title = $para1->textContent; // Grab Article $xpath2 = new DOMXPath($dom); $paras2 = $xpath2->query("//div[@id='article-content']"); $para2 = $paras2->item(0); $string = $dom->saveXml($para2); //$string = preg_replace('#<div class="articles">(.*)</div>#smiU', '', $string); //$string = preg_replace('#<a title="(.*)" href="/authors/(.*)</a>#smiU', '', $string); //$string = preg_replace('#<strong>(.*)</strong>#smiU', '', $string); $string = strip_tags($string, '<p><strong><b><a><br>'); $string = str_replace(" ", "", $string); $string = str_replace("]]>", "", $string); $string = str_replace("\$", "\$ ", $string); if ($options['wpr_eza_striplinks'] == 'yes') { $string = wpr_strip_selected_tags($string, array('a', 'iframe', 'script')); } $articlebody .= $string . ' '; // Grab Ressource Box $xpath3 = new DOMXPath($dom); $paras3 = $xpath3->query("//div[@id='article-resource']"); //$para = $paras->item(0); $ressourcetext = ""; for ($y = 0; $y < $paras3->length; $y++) { //$paras->length $para3 = $paras3->item($y); $ressourcetext .= $dom->saveXml($para3); } $xpath2 = new DOMXPath($dom); $paras2 = $xpath2->query("//div[@id='article-body']/p"); $para2 = $paras2->item(0); $ressourcetext .= str_replace('href="', 'href="', $dom->saveXml($para2)); $title = utf8_decode($title); // Split into Pages if ($options['wpr_eza_split'] == "yes") { $articlebody = wordwrap($articlebody, $options['wpr_eza_splitlength'], "<!--nextpage-->"); } $post = $template; $post = wpr_random_tags($post); $post = str_replace("{article}", $articlebody, $post); $post = str_replace("{authortext}", $ressourcetext, $post); $noqkeyword = str_replace('"', '', $keyword2); $post = str_replace("{keyword}", $noqkeyword, $post); $post = str_replace("{Keyword}", ucwords($noqkeyword), $post); $post = str_replace("{title}", $title, $post); $post = str_replace("{url}", $target_url, $post); if (function_exists("wpr_rewrite_partial")) { $post = wpr_rewrite_partial($post, $options); } if (function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) { $post = wpr_translate_partial($post); } $posts[$x]["unique"] = $target_url; $posts[$x]["title"] = $title; $posts[$x]["content"] = $post; $x++; } } return $posts; }
function wpr_eventfulpost($keyword, $num, $start, $optional = "", $comments = "") { global $wpdb, $wpr_table_templates; $options = unserialize(get_option("wpr_options")); if ($keyword == "") { // If keyword is empty return error $return["error"]["module"] = "Eventful"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("No keyword specified.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $template = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT content FROM " . $wpr_table_templates . " WHERE type = 'eventful'"); if ($template == false || empty($template)) { // If module template is empty return error $return["error"]["module"] = "Eventful"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No template"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("Module Template does not exist or could not be loaded.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $x = 0; $itemcontent = array(); $pxml = wpr_eventfulrequest($keyword, $num, $start, $options); // Send API request if (!empty($pxml["error"])) { return $pxml; } if ($pxml === False) { $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Eventful"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "Request fail"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("API request could not be sent.", "wprobot"); return $itemcontent; } else { if (isset($pxml->events)) { foreach ($pxml->events->event as $item) { $attrs = $item->attributes(); $uid = $attrs['id']; $title = $item->title; $description = trim($item->description); $url = $item->url; $start_time = $item->start_time; $stop_time = $item->stop_time; $venue_name = $item->venue_name; $venue_url = $item->venue_url; $venue_address = $item->venue_address; $city_name = $item->city_name; $country_name = $item->country_name; $content = $template; $content = wpr_random_tags($content); $content = str_replace("{title}", $title, $content); $content = str_replace("{description}", $description, $content); $content = str_replace("{url}", $url, $content); $content = str_replace("{keyword}", $keyword, $content); $content = str_replace("{begin}", $start_time, $content); $content = str_replace("{end}", $stop_time, $content); $content = str_replace("{venuename}", $venue_name, $content); $content = str_replace("{venueurl}", $venue_url, $content); $content = str_replace("{venueaddress}", $venue_address, $content); $content = str_replace("{city}", $city_name, $content); $content = str_replace("{country}", $country_name, $content); if (function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) { $content = wpr_translate_partial($content); } if (function_exists("wpr_rewrite_partial")) { $content = wpr_rewrite_partial($content, $options); } if ("yes" == $options['wpr_eventful_skip'] && empty($description) && $num == 1) { $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Eventful"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("Event skipped because of empty description.", "wprobot"); return $itemcontent; } $itemcontent[$x]["unique"] = $uid; $itemcontent[$x]["title"] = $title; $itemcontent[$x]["content"] = $content; $x++; } if (empty($itemcontent)) { // Return error if no content has been found. $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Eventful"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Yahoo news items found.", "wprobot"); return $itemcontent; } else { return $itemcontent; } } else { if (isset($pxml->description)) { // Check for API error messages in results and if found return them. $message = __('There was a problem with your API request. This is the error returned:', "wprobot") . ' <b>' . $pxml->description . '</b>'; $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Eventful"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "API fail"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = $message; return $itemcontent; } else { // Return error if no content has been found. $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Eventful"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Eventful items found.", "wprobot"); return $itemcontent; } } } }
function wpr_flickrpost($keyword, $num, $start, $optional = "", $getcomments) { global $wpdb, $wpr_table_templates; if ($keyword == "") { $return["error"]["module"] = "Flickr"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("No keyword specified.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $options = unserialize(get_option("wpr_options")); $width = $options["wpr_fl_width"]; $apikey = trim($options["wpr_fl_apikey"]); $cont = $options["wpr_fl_content"]; $sort = $options["wpr_fl_sort"]; $license = $options["wpr_fl_license"]; $template = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT content FROM " . $wpr_table_templates . " WHERE type = 'flickr' AND name = 'standard'"); if ($template == false || empty($template)) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Flickr"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No template"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("Module Template does not exist or could not be loaded.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $pxml = wpr_flickrrequest($keyword, $apikey, $cont, $sort, $license, $start, $num); if (!empty($pxml["error"])) { return $pxml; } //echo "<br/>---FLICKR---<br/>";print_r($pxml);echo "<br/>---FLICKR---<br/>"; $end = $start + $num; //$i = 0; $x = 0; $photos = array(); if ($pxml === False) { $photos["error"]["module"] = "Flickr"; $photos["error"]["reason"] = "API fail"; $photos["error"]["message"] = __("Flickr API request did not work.", "wprobot"); return $photos; } else { if (isset($pxml->err)) { $message = '<p>' . __("There was a problem with your Flickr API request. This is the error Flickr returned:", "wprobot") . '</p> <p><i><b>' . $pxml->err['code'] . ':</b> ' . $pxml->err['msg'] . '</i></p>'; $photos["error"]["module"] = "Flickr"; $photos["error"]["reason"] = "API fail"; $photos["error"]["message"] = $message; return $photos; } if (isset($pxml->photos->photo)) { foreach ($pxml->photos->photo as $photo) { //if($i >= $start && $i <= $end) { // PROBLEM HERE ???!!! $title = $photo['title']; $date = $photo['datetaken']; $owner = $photo['ownername']; $urlt = $photo['url_t']; $urls = $photo['url_s']; $urlm = $photo['url_m']; $urlo = $photo['url_o']; //$description = $photo['description']; $description = $photo->description; $ownerid = $photo['owner']; $photoid = $photo['id']; if ($options["wpr_fl_size"] == "small") { $img = '<img alt="' . $keyword . '" src="' . $urls . '" width="' . $width . '"/><br/>'; } elseif ($options["wpr_fl_size"] == "med") { $img = '<img alt="' . $keyword . '" src="' . $urlm . '" width="' . $width . '"/><br/>'; } else { $img = '<img alt="' . $keyword . '" src="' . $urlo . '" width="' . $width . '"/><br/>'; } $link = '' . $ownerid . '/' . $photoid; $photo = $template; $photo = wpr_random_tags($photo); // Comments $commentspost = ""; preg_match('#\\{comments(.*)\\}#iU', $photo, $rmatches); if ($rmatches[0] != false || $getcomments == 1) { $comments = wpr_fl_getcomments($photoid, $apikey); } if ($rmatches[0] != false && !empty($comments)) { $cnum = substr($rmatches[1], 1); for ($i = 0; $i < count($comments); $i++) { if ($i == $cnum) { break; } else { $commentspost .= "<p><b>Comment by " . $comments[$i]["author"] . "</b><br/>" . $comments[$i]["content"] . "</p>"; } } $photo = str_replace($rmatches[0], $commentspost, $photo); } $photo = str_replace("{image}", $img, $photo); $photo = str_replace("{date}", $date, $photo); $photo = str_replace("{owner}", $owner, $photo); $photo = str_replace("{url}", $link, $photo); $photo = str_replace("{keyword}", $keyword, $photo); $photo = str_replace("{description}", $description, $photo); $photo = str_replace("{title}", $title, $photo); if (function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) { $photo = wpr_translate_partial($photo); } if (function_exists("wpr_rewrite_partial")) { $photo = wpr_rewrite_partial($photo, $options); } $customfield = array(); $customfield["flickrtitle"] = $title; $customfield["flickrimage"] = $urlm; $customfield["flickrowner"] = $owner; $photos[$x]["unique"] = $photoid; $photos[$x]["title"] = $title; $photos[$x]["content"] = $photo; $photos[$x]["comments"] = $comments; $photos[$x]["customfield"] = $customfield; $x++; //} //$i++; } if (empty($photos)) { $photos["error"]["module"] = "Flickr"; $photos["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $photos["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Flickr images found.", "wprobot"); return $photos; } else { return $photos; } } else { $photos["error"]["module"] = "Flickr"; $photos["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $photos["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Flickr images found.", "wprobot"); return $photos; } } }
function wpr_post($camp_id, $keyword = "", $retry = 1, $manual = 0) { global $wpdb, $wpr_table_campaigns, $wpr_table_posts, $wpr_table_errors; if ($retry > 0) { $retrymsg = " <b>(" . __("Retry", "wprobot") . " {$retry})</b>"; } else { $retrymsg = ""; } $time = current_time('mysql'); $errors = array(); $options = unserialize(get_option("wpr_options")); $result = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM " . $wpr_table_campaigns . " WHERE id = '{$camp_id}'"); if ($result->pause == 1 && $manual == 0) { return false; } // select KEYWORD $keywords = unserialize($result->keywords); if (!$keyword) { if (empty($keywords)) { // SAVE and DISPLAY error $esql = "INSERT INTO " . $wpr_table_errors . " ( campaign, keyword, module, reason, message, time ) VALUES"; $esql .= " ( '{$camp_id}', '{$keyword}', '', 'Inactive', " . __("'Post skipped because no keywords were found in the campaign.{$retrymsg}'", 'wprobot') . ", '{$time}' );"; $results = $wpdb->query($esql); return false; } // REMOVE KEYWORDS WHERE SKIPPED = 5 (better way without loop?) $keywords2 = $keywords; foreach ($keywords as $key => $keyword) { if ($keyword["skipped"] >= $options['wpr_err_disable'] && !$keyword["feed"]) { unset($keywords2[$key]); } } //echo "<pre>";print_r($keywords2);echo "</pre>"; //$keywords = array_values($keywords); $rnd = array_rand($keywords2); $keyword = $keywords[$rnd][0]; if ($rnd === "" || $keyword === "" && !empty($keyword["feed"]) || !is_numeric($rnd)) { // SAVE and DISPLAY error $esql = "INSERT INTO " . $wpr_table_errors . " ( campaign, keyword, module, reason, message, time ) VALUES"; $esql .= " ( '{$camp_id}', '{$keyword}', '', 'Inactive', " . __("'No active keywords or feeds for this campaign, possibly because they were disabled due to repeated errors. Check the status and reenable them on the campaign detail page.{$retrymsg}'", 'wprobot') . ", '{$time}' );"; $results = $wpdb->query($esql); return false; } } else { foreach ($keywords as $key => $kw) { if ($kw[0] == $keyword) { $rnd = $key; } } } $keywordsbackup = $keywords[$rnd]; // select CATEGORY $categories = unserialize($result->categories); if (!empty($categories[0]["id"])) { $categories = wpr_transform_cats($categories); } $catarray = array(); if (count($categories) == 1) { foreach ($categories[0] as $cats) { $catarray[] = $cats["id"]; } //$category = $categories[0]["id"]; } else { foreach ($categories[$rnd] as $cats) { $catarray[] = $cats["id"]; } //$category = $categories[$rnd]["id"]; } // select TEMPLATE $templates = unserialize($result->templates); $i = 1; foreach ($templates as $tchance) { $tch[$i] = $templates[$i]["chance"]; $i++; } $random = rand(1, 100); foreach ($tch as $name => $chance) { $luck += $chance; if ($random <= $luck && empty($templatenum)) { $templatenum = $name; } } $template = $templates[$templatenum]["content"]; $templateexcerpt = substr(strip_tags($template), 0, 130); $templateusedmsg = '<a target="_blank" class="tooltip" href="#">?<span>' . __('The template used for this post was: <strong>Post Template ', "wprobot") . $templatenum . __('</strong>, starting with:<br/>', "wprobot") . $templateexcerpt . __('<br/><br/><strong>If there was an error please check the associated module messages directly below this one!</strong>', "wprobot") . '</span></a>'; // Wordpress action hook do_action('wpr_before_post', $insert); $content = $template; //echo $template."<br>"; $noqkeyword = str_replace('"', '', $keyword); $content = str_replace("{keyword}", $noqkeyword, $content); $content = str_replace("{Keyword}", ucwords($noqkeyword), $content); $content = str_replace("{title}", $title, $content); $catreplace = get_category_link($catarray[0]); if (!is_wp_error($catreplace)) { $content = str_replace("{catlink}", $catreplace, $content); } else { $content = str_replace("{catlink}", "", $content); } // AMAZON preg_match_all('#\\{amazonlist(.*)\\}#iU', $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); if ($matches) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $match[1] = substr($match[1], 1); if ($match[1]) { $amanum = $match[1]; } else { $amanum = 1; } $amalist = wpr_amazon_getlist($keywords[$rnd][0], $amanum); if (isset($amalist["error"]) && is_array($amalist)) { $errors[] = $amalist["error"]; $content = str_replace($match[0], "", $content); } $content = str_replace($match[0], $amalist, $content); } } // THUMBNAIL preg_match_all('#\\{thumbnail(.*)\\}#iU', $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); if ($matches) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $match[1] = substr($match[1], 1); if ($match[1]) { $tkw = $match[1]; } else { $tkw = $keywords[$rnd][0]; } $thumbnail = wpr_flickr_getthumbnail($tkw); if (!empty($thumbnail["error"])) { $errors[] = $thumbnail["error"]; } $content = str_replace($match[0], $thumbnail[0]["content"], $content); } } // RANDOM Tags $content = wpr_random_tags($content); $title = $templates[$templatenum]["title"]; $noqkeyword = str_replace('"', '', $keyword); $title = str_replace("{keyword}", $noqkeyword, $title); $title = str_replace("{Keyword}", ucwords($noqkeyword), $title); if (!empty($keywords[$rnd]["alternative"])) { $ll = 1; foreach ($keywords[$rnd]["alternative"] as $alternative) { $content = str_replace("{keyword{$ll}}", $alternative, $content); $title = str_replace("{keyword{$ll}}", $alternative, $title); $ll++; } } // RANDOM Tags $title = wpr_random_tags($title); $raz[0] = "{"; $raz[1] = "}"; preg_match_all("/\\" . $raz[0] . "[^\\" . $raz[1] . "]+\\" . $raz[1] . "/s", $content, $matches); $counts = array_count_values($matches[0]); //echo $counts["{amazon}"]; $wpr_modulesnum = count($matches[0]); if ($wpr_modulesnum <= 0) { // SAVE and DISPLAY error $esql = "INSERT INTO " . $wpr_table_errors . " ( campaign, keyword, module, reason, message, time ) VALUES"; $esql .= " ( '{$camp_id}', '{$keyword}', '', 'Inactive', " . __("'Post skipped because no modules were found in the template.{$retrymsg}'", 'wprobot') . ", '{$time}' );"; $results = $wpdb->query($esql); return false; } $usql = "INSERT INTO " . $wpr_table_posts . " ( campaign, keyword, module, unique_id, time ) VALUES"; // Get Content for each Module // ["content"] = Content of the item (replaced module template code) // ["title"] = Title of the item (i.e. Product title) // ["unique"] = Unique ID (i.e. ASIN) // ["comments"] = Possible comment content of the item (i.e. reviews) $contents = array(); $commentsarray = array(); $titleerror = 0; $duplicatecount = 0; $errorcount = 0; $replacecount = 0; foreach ($counts as $module => $count) { $modulname = str_replace(array("{", "}"), "", $module); $function = "wpr_" . $modulname . "post"; $optional = ""; $comments = ""; switch ($modulname) { case "amazon": $optional = array($result->amazon_department, $keywords[$rnd]["node"]); break; case "ebay": $optional = $result->ebay_cat; break; case "flickr": $comments = $templates[$templatenum]["comments"]["{$modulname}"]; break; case "youtube": $comments = $templates[$templatenum]["comments"]["{$modulname}"]; break; case "yahooanswers": $optional = $result->yahoo_cat; $comments = $templates[$templatenum]["comments"]["{$modulname}"]; break; case "rss": $optional = $keywords[$rnd]["feed"]; break; } // GET CONTENT if (function_exists($function)) { $contents["{$modulname}"] = $function($keyword, $count, $keywords[$rnd][1]["{$modulname}"], $optional, $comments); if (!empty($contents["{$modulname}"]["error"])) { $errors[] = $contents["{$modulname}"]["error"]; $errorcount = $errorcount + 1 * $counts["{" . $modulname . "}"]; } } else { $title = str_replace("{" . $modulname . "title}", "", $title); $errors[] = array("module" => ucwords($modulname), "reason" => "Not Installed", "message" => __("{$modulname} is not installed on this weblog and has been skipped.", 'wprobot')); $errorcount = $errorcount + 1; } //print_r($contents); // KEYWORD REPLACE if ($replacecount == 0 && !empty($contents["{$modulname}"][0]["title"]) && $options['wpr_replace_keyword'] == 1) { $keyword = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/", '', $contents["{$modulname}"][0]["title"]); $replacecount = 1; } // CONTENT REPLACE ${$modulname} = 0; $dupl = 0; foreach ($matches[0] as $element) { if ($element == "{" . $modulname . "}") { $unique = $contents["{$modulname}"][${$modulname}]["unique"]; if ($unique != "" || $modulname == "ebay") { $dcheck = wpr_check_unique($unique); //echo "CHECK".$dcheck; if ($options['wpr_check_unique_old'] == "Yes") { $dcheck2 = wpr_check_unique_old($contents["{$modulname}"][${$modulname}]["title"]); } else { $dcheck2 = false; } if ($dcheck == false && $dcheck2 == false) { $content = preg_replace('/\\{' . $modulname . '\\}/', $contents["{$modulname}"][${$modulname}]["content"], $content, 1); if (!isset($contents["{$modulname}"]["error"])) { $unique = $wpdb->escape($unique); $ekeyword = $wpdb->escape($keyword); $usql .= " ( '{$camp_id}', '{$ekeyword}', '{$modulname}', '{$unique}', '{$time}' ),"; } if ($templates[$templatenum]["comments"]["{$modulname}"] == 1) { $commentsarray[] = $contents["{$modulname}"][${$modulname}]["comments"]; } if (!empty($contents["{$modulname}"][${$modulname}]["comments"]) && $modulname == "articlebuilder") { $commentsarray[] = $contents["{$modulname}"][${$modulname}]["comments"]; } } else { // DUPLICATE POST $dupl = 1; $duplicatecount++; $content = preg_replace('/\\{' . $modulname . '\\}/', "", $content, 1); $errors[] = array("module" => ucwords($modulname), "reason" => "Duplicate", "message" => __("Skipping ", 'wprobot') . ucwords($modulname) . __(" module because the content has already been posted.", 'wprobot')); $errorcount = $errorcount + 1; } } //echo "------------DEBUG START------------<br/>"; //echo $dupl." DUPLICATE<br/>"; //echo $contents["$modulname"]["error"]." ERROR<br/>"; //echo $counts["{".$modulname."}"]." FIRST COUNT<br/>"; //echo $$modulname." SECOND COUNT<br/>"; // TITLE REPLACE $titlecheck = strpos($title, "{" . $modulname . "title}"); $titlecheck2 = strpos($title, "{title}"); $modulecheckvar = ${$modulname} + 1; if ($titlecheck !== false || $titlecheck2 !== false) { if ($counts["{" . $modulname . "}"] > $modulecheckvar && $dupl == 1 || $counts["{" . $modulname . "}"] > $modulecheckvar && !empty($contents["{$modulname}"]["error"])) { // Dont Replace Title because there is another title module item } elseif ($counts["{" . $modulname . "}"] <= $modulecheckvar && $dupl == 1) { // Title Duplicate $titleduplicate = 1; } elseif ($counts["{" . $modulname . "}"] <= $modulecheckvar && !empty($contents["{$modulname}"]["error"]) || $counts["{" . $modulname . "}"] <= $modulecheckvar && empty($contents["{$modulname}"][0]["title"])) { // Title Error $titleerror = 1; } else { // Replace Title $title = str_replace("{" . $modulname . "title}", $contents["{$modulname}"][${$modulname}]["title"], $title); $title = str_replace("{title}", $contents["{$modulname}"][${$modulname}]["title"], $title); } } ${$modulname}++; } } if ($contents["{$modulname}"]["error"]["reason"] == "IncNum") { $incnum = 1; } else { $incnum = 0; } // INCREASE NUMS if (empty($contents["{$modulname}"]["error"]) || $contents["{$modulname}"]["error"]["reason"] == "IncNum") { // don't increase NUMs if ERROR for module $keywords[$rnd][1]["{$modulname}"] = $keywords[$rnd][1]["{$modulname}"] + ${$modulname}; // RESET POST COUNT if ($keywords[$rnd][1]["{$modulname}"] > $options['wpr_resetcount'] && $options['wpr_resetcount'] != "no") { $keywords[$rnd][1]["{$modulname}"] = 0; } if ($modulename == "ebay" && $keywords[$rnd][1]["{$modulname}"] > 50) { $keywords[$rnd][1]["{$modulname}"] = 0; } } $content = str_replace("{" . $modulname . "}", "", $content); } // check ERRORS //$errorsnum = count($errors); $errorsnum = $errorcount; $skip = 0; if (!empty($keywords[$rnd]["feed"])) { $errkeyword = "Feed"; } elseif (!empty($keywords[$rnd]["node"])) { $errkeyword = "Node:" . $keywords[$rnd]["node"]; } else { $errkeyword = $wpdb->escape($keyword); } // EXCLUDE KEYWORDS Check $options["wpr_global_exclude"] $excludeskip = 0; $excludes = unserialize($result->excludekws); $globals = str_replace("\r", "", $options["wpr_global_exclude"]); $globals = explode("\n", $globals); $excludes = array_merge($excludes, $globals); if (!empty($excludes)) { foreach ($excludes as $exclude) { if ($exclude != "" && $exclude != " ") { $excheck = stripos($content, $exclude); $texcheck = stripos($title, $exclude); if ($excheck === false && $texcheck === false) { } else { $excludeskip = 1; $errors = array(); $errors[] = array("module" => "", "reason" => "Exclude", "message" => __("Skipping post because exclude keyword {$exclude} was found.{$retrymsg} {$templateusedmsg}", 'wprobot'), "time" => "{$time}"); break; } } } } if ($excludeskip == 0) { // MARK KEYWORD AS yellow, orange, etc $wpr_modulessuccess = $wpr_modulesnum - $errorsnum; $duplsuccess = $wpr_modulesnum - $duplicatecount; if ($duplicatecount > $options["wpr_err_maxerr"] || $duplsuccess < $options["wpr_err_minmod"] || $titleduplicate == 1) { // DUPLICATE ERROR - WiTHOUT skipped INCREASE $errors[] = array("module" => "", "reason" => "Duplicate Content", "message" => __("Skipping post to prevent duplicate content.", 'wprobot') . "{$retrymsg} {$templateusedmsg}", "time" => "{$time}"); $skip = 1; } elseif ($titleerror == 1) { if ($incnum != 1) { $keywords[$rnd] = $keywordsbackup; } $keywords[$rnd]["skipped"] = $keywords[$rnd]["skipped"] + 1; $errors[] = array("module" => "", "reason" => "Post skipped", "message" => __("Skipping post because the main module (title module) returned an error.", 'wprobot') . "{$retrymsg} {$templateusedmsg}", "time" => "{$time}"); $skip = 1; } elseif ($errorsnum > $options["wpr_err_maxerr"] || $wpr_modulessuccess < $options["wpr_err_minmod"]) { if ($incnum != 1) { $keywords[$rnd] = $keywordsbackup; } $keywords[$rnd]["skipped"] = $keywords[$rnd]["skipped"] + 1; $errors[] = array("module" => "", "reason" => "Post skipped", "message" => __("Skipping post because too many module errors were encountered.", 'wprobot') . "{$retrymsg} {$templateusedmsg}", "time" => "{$time}"); $skip = 1; } else { $keywords[$rnd]["skipped"] = 0; } } // SAVE ERRORS if ($errorsnum > 0 || $excludeskip == 1 || $titleerror == 1) { $esql = "INSERT INTO " . $wpr_table_errors . " ( campaign, keyword, module, reason, message, time ) VALUES"; foreach ($errors as $error) { $error["message"] = $wpdb->escape($error["message"]); $esql .= " ( '{$camp_id}', '{$errkeyword}', '" . $error["module"] . "', '" . $error["reason"] . "', '" . $error["message"] . "', '{$time}' ),"; } $esql = substr_replace($esql, ";", -1); $results = $wpdb->query($esql); } // SKIP if EXCLUDE found, errors > MAXERRORS or modules < MINMODULES if ($excludeskip == 1 || $skip == 1) { // - update campaign entry with new NUMS $keywords = serialize($keywords); $keywords = $wpdb->escape($keywords); $sql = "UPDATE " . $wpr_table_campaigns . " SET `keywords` = '" . $keywords . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $camp_id . "'"; $results = $wpdb->query($sql); return false; } // SAVE IMAGES /*if($options['wpr_save_images'] == "Yes") { $allimages = wpr_findimages($content); $imageurls = $allimages[2]; if(sizeof($imageurls)) { foreach($imageurls as $oldurl) { if(strpos($oldurl, plugin_basename( dirname(__FILE__) )) === false) { $newurl = wpr_saveimage($oldurl,$keyword); if($newurl) {$content = str_replace($oldurl, $newurl, $content);} } } } } */ // TRANSLATION if (function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) { $title = wpr_translate_partial($title); } $translation = unserialize($result->translation); if ($translation["chance"] >= rand(1, 100)) { if ($translation["from"] != "no" && $translation["to1"] != "no") { $translationcontent = wpr_translate($content, $translation["from"], $translation["to1"], $translation["to2"], $translation["to3"]); //print_r($translationcontent); if ($options["wpr_trans_titles"] == "yes") { $translationtitle = wpr_translate($title, $translation["from"], $translation["to1"], $translation["to2"], $translation["to3"]); } if (!empty($translationcontent["error"]["reason"])) { $esql = "INSERT INTO " . $wpr_table_errors . " ( campaign, keyword, module, reason, message, time ) VALUES"; $esql .= " ( '{$camp_id}', '{$errkeyword}', 'Translation', '" . $translationcontent["error"]["reason"] . "', '" . $translationcontent["error"]["message"] . "', '{$time}' );"; $results = $wpdb->query($esql); if ($options['wpr_trans_fail'] == "skip") { $esql = "INSERT INTO " . $wpr_table_errors . " ( campaign, keyword, module, reason, message, time ) VALUES"; $esql .= " ( '{$camp_id}', '{$errkeyword}', '', 'Post skipped', '" . __("Skipping post because translation failed ", "wprobot") . "{$retrymsg} {$templateusedmsg}', '{$time}' );"; $results = $wpdb->query($esql); return false; } } elseif (empty($translationcontent)) { $esql = "INSERT INTO " . $wpr_table_errors . " ( campaign, keyword, module, reason, message, time ) VALUES"; $esql .= " ( '{$camp_id}', '{$errkeyword}', 'Translation', 'Translation Failed', '" . __("The post could not be translated.", "wprobot") . "', '{$time}' );"; $results = $wpdb->query($esql); if ($options['wpr_trans_fail'] == "skip") { $esql = "INSERT INTO " . $wpr_table_errors . " ( campaign, keyword, module, reason, message, time ) VALUES"; $esql .= " ( '{$camp_id}', '{$errkeyword}', '', 'Post skipped', '" . __("Skipping post because translation failed ", "wprobot") . "{$retrymsg} {$templateusedmsg}', '{$time}' );"; $results = $wpdb->query($esql); return false; } } else { $content = $translationcontent; if ($options["wpr_trans_titles"] == "yes" && empty($translationtitle["error"]["reason"])) { $title = $translationtitle; } if ($translation["comments"] == 1) { $transcomments = 1; } else { $transcomments = 0; } } } } $yahoocat = unserialize($result->yahoo_cat); if (!is_array($yahoocat)) { $yahoocat = array(); $yahoocat["rw"] = 0; $yahoocat["ps"] = $result->yahoo_cat; $yahoocat["a"] = ""; } // REWRITE if ($yahoocat["rw"] == 1) { $rewrite_use = $options['wpr_rewrite_use']; $rewrite_titles = $options['wpr_tbs_rewrite_title']; $rw_options = get_option('allrewriters_settings'); if (empty($rw_options)) { $esql = "INSERT INTO " . $wpr_table_errors . " ( campaign, keyword, module, reason, message, time ) VALUES"; $esql .= " ( '{$camp_id}', '{$errkeyword}', 'Rewriter', 'Rewriter', 'Rewriter settings are empty! Please go to the All Rewriters page to set them up.', '{$time}' );"; $results = $wpdb->query($esql); } else { if ($rewrite_use == "chain") { if (!empty($rw_options["general"]["options"]["chain"][1]) && !empty($rw_options["general"]["options"]["chain"][2])) { foreach ($rw_options["general"]["options"]["chain"] as $ch => $chfunc) { if (!empty($chfunc)) { $result = $chfunc($content); if (is_array($result) && !empty($result["error"])) { $esql = "INSERT INTO " . $wpr_table_errors . " ( campaign, keyword, module, reason, message, time ) VALUES"; $esql .= " ( '{$camp_id}', '{$errkeyword}', 'Chain Rewrite', 'Chain Rewrite', '" . $result["error"] . "', '{$time}' );"; $results = $wpdb->query($esql); } else { $content = $result; } } } } else { $esql = "INSERT INTO " . $wpr_table_errors . " ( campaign, keyword, module, reason, message, time ) VALUES"; $esql .= " ( '{$camp_id}', '{$errkeyword}', 'Chain Rewrite', 'Chain Rewrite', 'Please set up your rewriting chain on the All Rewriters settings page under <i>Settings > All Rewriters</i> first', '{$time}' );"; $results = $wpdb->query($esql); } } elseif ($rewrite_use == "rand" || empty($rewrite_use)) { // get random active rewriter $active_rw = array(); foreach ($rw_options as $module => $moduledata) { if (1 == $moduledata["enabled"]) { $active_rw[] = $module; } } $rand_key = array_rand($active_rw); $sel_rw = $active_rw[$rand_key]; } else { $sel_rw = $rewrite_use; } $rw_func = $rw_options[$sel_rw]["function"]; if (!empty($rw_func) && function_exists($rw_func)) { $result = $rw_func($content); if (is_array($result) && !empty($result["error"])) { $esql = "INSERT INTO " . $wpr_table_errors . " ( campaign, keyword, module, reason, message, time ) VALUES"; $esql .= " ( '{$camp_id}', '{$errkeyword}', '" . $rw_options[$sel_rw]["name"] . "', '" . $rw_options[$sel_rw]["name"] . "', '" . $result["error"] . "', '{$time}' );"; $results = $wpdb->query($esql); } else { $content = $result; } //echo "RW: $sel_rw <br><br>RW FUNC: $rw_func <br><br> RESULT: $result"; if ($rewrite_titles == "Yes") { $rewritetitle = $rw_func($title); if (is_array($rewritetitle) && !empty($rewritetitle["error"])) { } else { $title = $rewritetitle; } } } elseif ($rewrite_use != "chain") { $esql = "INSERT INTO " . $wpr_table_errors . " ( campaign, keyword, module, reason, message, time ) VALUES"; $esql .= " ( '{$camp_id}', '{$errkeyword}', 'Rewriter', 'Rewriter', 'Rewriter Function not found! Please install our free All Rewriter plugin to use rewriting with WP Robot!', '{$time}' );"; $results = $wpdb->query($esql); } } } if (function_exists("wpr_rewrite_partial")) { $content = wpr_rewrite_partial($content, $options); } // REPLACES $replaces = unserialize($result->replacekws); if (!empty($replaces)) { foreach ($replaces as $replace) { if ($replace["chance"] >= rand(1, 100)) { $replace["from"] = trim($replace["from"]); $replace["to"] = trim($replace["to"]); if ($replace["code"] == "1") { $content = str_replace($replace["from"], $replace["to"], $content); $title = str_replace($replace["from"], $replace["to"], $title); } else { $content = str_replace(" " . $replace["from"], " " . $replace["to"], $content); $title = str_replace(" " . $replace["from"], " " . $replace["to"], $title); } } } } // Wordpress action hook do_action('wpr_before_post_save', $content, $title, $catarray); // INSERT POST into db $insert = wpr_insertpost($content, $title, $catarray, $yahoocat["ps"], $yahoocat["a"], "", "", $yahoocat["pt"]); if (is_wp_error($insert)) { $errormessage = $insert->get_error_message(); // SAVE and DISPLAY error $esql = "INSERT INTO " . $wpr_table_errors . " ( campaign, keyword, module, reason, message, time ) VALUES"; $esql .= " ( '{$camp_id}', '{$errkeyword}', '', 'Insert failed', " . __("'Wordpress Error: ", 'wprobot') . "{$errormessage} {$retrymsg} {$templateusedmsg}', '{$time}' );"; $results = $wpdb->query($esql); return false; } elseif (isset($insert)) { // - update campaign entry with new NUMS $posts_created = $result->posts_created + 1; $keywords[$rnd][1]["total"] = $keywords[$rnd][1]["total"] + 1; $keywords = serialize($keywords); $keywords = $wpdb->escape($keywords); $sql = "UPDATE " . $wpr_table_campaigns . " SET `keywords` = '" . $keywords . "', `posts_created` = '" . $posts_created . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $camp_id . "'"; $results = $wpdb->query($sql); // - SAVE IMAGES if ($options['wpr_save_images'] == "Yes") { $resultimgs = wpr_save_all_images($content, $keyword, $insert); $attachments = get_posts(array('numberposts' => '1', 'post_parent' => $insert, 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => 'image', 'order' => 'ASC')); if (sizeof($attachments) > 0) { set_post_thumbnail($insert, $attachments[0]->ID); } } // - save UNIQUE IDS to post table $usql = substr_replace($usql, ";", -1); $results = $wpdb->query($usql); // - insert COMMENTS wpr_insertcomments($insert, $commentsarray, "", $transcomments, $translation); // - insert CUSTOM FIELDS //if($counts["{amazon}"] > 0) { // add_post_meta($insert, 'ma_amazonpost', $contents["amazon"][0]["unique"]); //} //add_post_meta($insert, 'wpr_keyword', $keyword); $customfield = unserialize($result->customfield); if (isset($customfield["name"])) { $customfields = array(); $customfields[1]["name"] = $customfield["name"]; $customfields[1]["value"] = $customfield["value"]; $customfield = $customfields; } if ($yahoocat["t"] == 1 || !empty($customfield)) { if (!empty($contents["amazon"][0]["customfield"]["amazonthumbnail"])) { $ximage = $contents["amazon"][0]["customfield"]["amazonthumbnail"]; } elseif (!empty($contents["commissionjunction"][0]["customfield"]["cjthumbnail"])) { $ximage = $contents["commissionjunction"][0]["customfield"]["cjthumbnail"]; } elseif (!empty($contents["rss"][0]["customfield"]["rssimage"])) { $ximage = $contents["rss"][0]["customfield"]["rssimage"]; } elseif (!empty($contents["flickr"][0]["customfield"]["flickrimage"])) { $ximage = $contents["flickr"][0]["customfield"]["flickrimage"]; } elseif (!empty($thumbnail[0]["customfield"]["thumbnail"])) { $ximage = $thumbnail[0]["customfield"]["thumbnail"]; } elseif (!empty($contents["youtube"][0]["customfield"]["youtubethumbnail"])) { $ximage = $contents["youtube"][0]["customfield"]["youtubethumbnail"]; } elseif (!empty($contents["oodle"][0]["customfield"]["oodlethumbnail"])) { $ximage = $contents["oodle"][0]["customfield"]["oodlethumbnail"]; } elseif (!empty($contents["shopzilla"][0]["customfield"]["shopzillathumbnail"])) { $ximage = $contents["shopzilla"][0]["customfield"]["shopzillathumbnail"]; } elseif (!empty($contents["avantlink"][0]["customfield"]["avantlinkthumbnail"])) { $ximage = $contents["avantlink"][0]["customfield"]["avantlinkthumbnail"]; } elseif (!empty($contents["pressrelease"][0]["customfield"]["prthumbnail"])) { $ximage = $contents["pressrelease"][0]["customfield"]["prthumbnail"]; } else { $ximage = ""; } if ($options['wpr_save_images'] == "Yes" && !empty($ximage)) { if (strpos($ximage, plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__))) === false) { $newurl = wpr_saveimage($ximage, $keyword); if ($newurl) { $ximage = $newurl; } } } $blogurl = get_bloginfo("url"); $yimage = str_replace($blogurl . "/", "", $newurl); //echo $ximage."<br>"; } for ($i = 1; $i <= count($customfield); $i++) { $cfname = $wpdb->escape($customfield[$i]["name"]); $cfcontent = $customfield[$i]["value"]; if ($cfcontent != "" && $cfname != "") { $cfcontent = wpr_random_tags($cfcontent); $cfcontent = str_replace("{image}", $ximage, $cfcontent); $cfcontent = str_replace("{image-relative}", $yimage, $cfcontent); $cfcontent = str_replace("{keyword}", $keyword, $cfcontent); // NEW CUSTOM FIELD REPLACE foreach ($contents as $content) { if (!empty($content[0]["customfield"])) { foreach ($content[0]["customfield"] as $key => $value) { $cfcontent = str_replace("{" . $key . "}", $value, $cfcontent); } } } $cfcontent = preg_replace('#\\{(.*)\\}#smiU', '', $cfcontent); //$cfcontent = $wpdb->escape($cfcontent); if (!empty($cfcontent)) { add_post_meta($insert, $cfname, $cfcontent); } } } // Post Thumbnails /*if($yahoocat["t"] == 1 && !empty($ximage)) { $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $zimage = str_replace($upload_dir['baseurl']. "/","",$ximage); //echo $zimage." ZIMAGE<br>"; $post_thumbnail = wpr_insertpost($content,$title,$catarray,$yahoocat["ps"],$yahoocat["a"],$zimage,$insert); if(isset($post_thumbnail)) { add_post_meta($post_thumbnail, "_wp_attached_file", $zimage); list($width, $height) = getimagesize($ximage); $wpameta = array( "file" => $zimage, "width" => $width, "height" => $height, "sizes" => array( "thumbnail" => array( 'file' => $zimage, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'mime-type' => 'image/jpeg' ), "post-thumbnail" => array( 'file' => $zimage, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'mime-type' => 'image/jpeg' ) ) ); //print_r($wpameta); add_post_meta($post_thumbnail, "_wp_attachment_metadata", $wpameta); add_post_meta($insert, "_thumbnail_id", $post_thumbnail); } }*/ // Wordpress action hook do_action('wpr_after_post', $insert); // - display success message IN OTHER FUNCTION $esql = "INSERT INTO " . $wpr_table_errors . " ( campaign, keyword, module, reason, message, time ) VALUES"; $esql .= " ( '{$camp_id}', '{$errkeyword}', '', 'Post created', " . __("'The post has been created successfully.", 'wprobot') . "{$retrymsg} {$templateusedmsg}'" . ", '{$time}' );"; $results = $wpdb->query($esql); return true; } else { // SAVE and DISPLAY error $esql = "INSERT INTO " . $wpr_table_errors . " ( campaign, keyword, module, reason, message, time ) VALUES"; $esql .= " ( '{$camp_id}', '{$errkeyword}', '', 'Insert failed', " . __("'The post could not be inserted into the Wordpress database.", 'wprobot') . "{$retrymsg} {$templateusedmsg}', '{$time}' );"; $results = $wpdb->query($esql); return false; } }
function wpr_clickbankpost($keyword, $num, $start, $optional = "", $comments = "") { global $wpdb, $wpr_table_templates; if ($keyword == "") { $return["error"]["module"] = "Clickbank"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("No keyword specified.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $template = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT content FROM " . $wpr_table_templates . " WHERE type = 'clickbank'"); if ($template == false || empty($template)) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Clickbank"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No template"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("Module Template does not exist or could not be loaded.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $options = unserialize(get_option("wpr_options")); $affid = $options['wpr_cb_affkey']; if ($affid == '') { $affid = 'lun4tic'; } $keyword = str_replace('"', "", $keyword); $keyword = str_replace(" ", "+", $keyword); $search_url = "{$keyword}&firstResult={$start}"; $posts = array(); // make the cURL request to $search_url if (function_exists('curl_init')) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Firefox (WindowsXP) - Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20070725 Firefox/'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $search_url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 45); $html = curl_exec($ch); if (!$html) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Clickbank"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "cURL Error"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("cURL Error Number ", "wprobot") . curl_errno($ch) . ": " . curl_error($ch); return $return; } curl_close($ch); } else { $html = @file_get_contents($search_url); if (!$html) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Clickbank"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "cURL Error"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("cURL is not installed on this server!", "wprobot"); return $return; } } // parse the html into a DOMDocument $dom = new DOMDocument(); @$dom->loadHTML($html); $xpath1 = new DOMXPath($dom); $paras1 = $xpath1->query("//div[@id='results']//tr/td[@class='details']/h4/a"); for ($i = 0; $i < $paras1->length; $i++) { //$paras->length if ($i < $num) { $para1 = $paras1->item($i); $urlt = $para1->textContent; if ($urlt == '' | $urlt == null) { $posts["error"]["module"] = "Clickbank"; $posts["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $posts["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Clickbank products found.", "wprobot"); return $posts; } else { $url = $para1->getAttribute('href'); $url = str_replace("zzzzz", $affid, $url); $xpath2 = new DOMXPath($dom); $paras2 = $xpath2->query("//div[@id='results']//td[@class='details']//div[@class='description']"); $para2 = $paras2->item($i); $description = $para2->textContent; $xpath3 = new DOMXPath($dom); $paras3 = $xpath3->query("//div[@id='results']//td[@class='details']//h4/a"); $para3 = $paras3->item($i); $title = $para3->textContent; $link = '<a rel="nofollow" href="' . $url . '">' . $title . '</a>'; $ff = $options['wpr_cb_filter']; $stop = 0; if ($ff == "yes") { $pos = strpos($description, "Commission"); if ($pos !== false) { $stop = 1; } $pos = strpos($description, "commission"); if ($pos !== false) { $stop = 1; } $pos = strpos($description, "affiliate"); if ($pos !== false) { $stop = 1; } $pos = strpos($description, "Affiliate"); if ($pos !== false) { $stop = 1; } $pos = strpos($description, "affiliates"); if ($pos !== false) { $stop = 1; } } if ($stop == 0) { $post = $template; $post = wpr_random_tags($post); $post = str_replace("{link}", $link, $post); $post = str_replace("{description}", $description, $post); $post = str_replace("{url}", $url, $post); $noqkeyword = str_replace('"', '', $keyword); $post = str_replace("{keyword}", $noqkeyword, $post); $post = str_replace("{Keyword}", ucwords($noqkeyword), $post); $post = str_replace("{title}", $title, $post); if (function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) { $post = wpr_translate_partial($post); } if (function_exists("wpr_rewrite_partial")) { $post = wpr_rewrite_partial($post, $options); } $posts[$i]["unique"] = $title; $posts[$i]["title"] = $title; $posts[$i]["content"] = $post; } } } } if (empty($posts)) { $posts["error"]["module"] = "Clickbank"; $posts["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $posts["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Clickbank ads found.", "wprobot"); return $posts; } else { return $posts; } }
function wpr_bigcontentsearchpost($keyword,$num,$start) { if(empty($keyword)) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Big Content Search"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("No keyword specified.","wprobot"); return $return; } $options = unserialize(get_option("wpr_options")); $template = "{article}"; $x = 0; $bcontent = array();$uniques = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $num; $i++) { $pxml = wpr_bigcontentsearchrequest($keyword,$uniques); if(!empty($pxml->error_msg)) { $bcontent["error"]["module"] = "Big Content Search"; $bcontent["error"]["reason"] = "Request fail"; $bcontent["error"]["message"] = $pxml->error_msg; return $bcontent; } elseif ($pxml === False) { $bcontent["error"]["module"] = "Big Content Search"; $bcontent["error"]["reason"] = "Request fail"; $bcontent["error"]["message"] = __("API request could not be sent.","wprobot"); return $bcontent; } elseif (is_array($pxml) && !empty($pxml["error"]["message"])) { return $pxml; } elseif (isset($pxml->response->text)) { $title = $pxml->response->title; $text = $pxml->response->text; $unique = $pxml->response->uid; $content = $template; $content = wpr_random_tags($content); $content = str_replace("{article}", $text, $content); $content = str_replace("{title}", $title, $content); if(function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) { $content = wpr_translate_partial($content); } if(function_exists("wpr_rewrite_partial")) { $content = wpr_rewrite_partial($content,$options); } $bcontent[$x]["unique"] = $unique; $bcontent[$x]["title"] = $title; $bcontent[$x]["content"] = $content; $uniques[] = $unique; $x++; } } if(empty($bcontent)) { $bcontent["error"]["module"] = "Big Content Search"; $bcontent["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $bcontent["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Big Content Search items found.","wprobot"); return $bcontent; } else { return $bcontent; } }
function wpr_shareasalepost($keyword, $num, $start, $optional = "", $comments = "") { global $wpdb, $wpr_table_templates; $options = unserialize(get_option("wpr_options")); // Load WP Robot Options Array $affid = $options['wpr_shareasale_aff']; // If necessary retreive the API key from the options... if (empty($affid)) { $affid = "435192"; } if ($keyword == "") { // If keyword is empty return error $return["error"]["module"] = "Shareasale"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("No keyword specified.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $template = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT content FROM " . $wpr_table_templates . " WHERE type = 'shareasale'"); if ($template == false || empty($template)) { // If module template is empty return error $return["error"]["module"] = "Shareasale"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No template"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("Module Template does not exist or could not be loaded.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $x = 0; $itemcontent = array(); if (empty($start)) { $start = 1; } if (empty($num)) { $num = 1; } $total = $num + $start; if (($handle = fopen(WPR_URLPATH . "datafeed.csv", "r")) !== FALSE) { for ($i = 1; $i < $total; $i++) { if ($i >= $start && $x != $num) { $data = fgetcsv($handle, 0, "|"); $xxx = count($data); //echo "<p> $xxx fields in line $i: <br /></p>\n"; //print_r($data); $pid = $data[0]; $title = $data[1]; $url = str_replace("YOURUSERID", $affid, $data[4]); $thumb = $data[5]; $bigimage = $data[6]; $description = $data[11]; $merchant = $data[3]; $custom1 = $data[12]; $custom2 = $data[13]; $custom3 = $data[14]; $category = $data[9]; $manufacturer = $data[19]; $isbn = $data[24]; $status = $data[18]; $price = "\$ " . $data[7]; $listprice = "\$ " . $data[8]; if ($thumb != "") { $thumbnail = '<a href="' . $url . '" rel="nofollow"><img style="float:left;margin: 0 20px 10px 0;" src="' . $thumb . '" /></a>'; } else { $thumbnail = ''; } $abort = 0; if ($keyword != "" && $options['wpr_shareasale_filter'] == 'yes') { $keyword = str_replace('"', '', $keyword); $keywords = explode(" AND ", $keyword); foreach ($keywords as $kwx) { $kw2 = " " . $kwx . " "; //echo $kw2."<br/>"; $c2 = stripos($description, $kw2); $c3 = stripos($title, $kw2); if ($c2 != false || $c3 != false) { // echo "keyword was found $c2 $c3<br/>"; $abort = 0; } else { //echo "keyword was not found<br/>"; $abort = 1; } } } $content = $template; $content = wpr_random_tags($content); $content = str_replace("{thumbnail}", $thumbnail, $content); $content = str_replace("{title}", $title, $content); $content = str_replace("{bigimage}", $bigimage, $content); $content = str_replace("{description}", $description, $content); $content = str_replace("{url}", $url, $content); $content = str_replace("{keyword}", $keyword, $content); $content = str_replace("{merchant}", $merchant, $content); $content = str_replace("{custom1}", $custom1, $content); $content = str_replace("{custom2}", $custom2, $content); $content = str_replace("{custom3}", $custom3, $content); $content = str_replace("{category}", $category, $content); $content = str_replace("{manufacturer}", $manufacturer, $content); $content = str_replace("{isbn}", $isbn, $content); $content = str_replace("{status}", $status, $content); $content = str_replace("{price}", $price, $content); $content = str_replace("{listprice}", $listprice, $content); if (function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) { $content = wpr_translate_partial($content); } if (function_exists("wpr_rewrite_partial")) { $content = wpr_rewrite_partial($content, $options); } $customfield = array(); $customfield["custom1"] = $custom1; $customfield["custom2"] = $custom2; $customfield["custom3"] = $custom3; if (empty($pid)) { $pid = $i; } $itemcontent[$x]["unique"] = $pid; $itemcontent[$x]["title"] = $title; $itemcontent[$x]["content"] = $content; $itemcontent[$x]["customfield"] = $customfield; $x++; } else { $data = fgetcsv($handle, 0, "|"); //echo "<p> Skipping over line $i: <br /></p>\n"; } if ($abort == 1) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Shareasale"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "IncNum"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("Post skipped because your filter keyword has not been found in the datafeed entry.", "wprobot"); return $return; } if ($data === false) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Shareasale"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No datafeed"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("End of datafeed file reached.", "wprobot"); return $return; } } } else { $return["error"]["module"] = "Shareasale"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No datafeed"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("Datafeed file could not be opened or does not exist.", "wprobot"); return $return; } if (empty($itemcontent)) { // Return error if no content has been found. $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Shareasale"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Shareasale items found.", "wprobot"); return $itemcontent; } else { return $itemcontent; } }
function wpr_oodlepost($keyword, $num, $start, $optional = "", $comments = "") { global $wpdb, $wpr_table_templates; if ($keyword == "") { // If keyword is empty return error $return["error"]["module"] = "oodle"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("No keyword specified.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $template = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT content FROM " . $wpr_table_templates . " WHERE type = 'oodle'"); if ($template == false || empty($template)) { // If module template is empty return error $return["error"]["module"] = "oodle"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No template"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("Module Template does not exist or could not be loaded.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $x = 0; $itemcontent = array(); $pxml = wpr_oodlerequest($keyword, $num, $start); // Send API request if (!empty($pxml["error"])) { return $pxml; } if ($pxml === False) { $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "oodle"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "Request fail"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("API request could not be sent.", "wprobot"); return $itemcontent; } else { if (isset($pxml->listings->element)) { foreach ($pxml->listings->element as $item) { $title = $item->title; $listing = $item->body; $url = $item->url; $img = $item->images->element[0]->src; $address = $item->location->address; $city = $item->location->zip . " " . $item->location->name . ", " . $item->location->country; $lat = $item->location->latitude; $long = $item->location->longitude; $price = $item->attributes->price_display; $price = str_replace("\$", "\$ ", $price); $condition = $item->attributes->condition; $features = $item->attributes->features; $seller_type = $item->attributes->seller_type; $delivery = $item->attributes->delivery; if ($img != "") { $thumbnail = '<a href="' . $url . '" rel="nofollow"><img style="float:left;margin: 0 20px 10px 0;" src="' . $img . '" /></a>'; } else { $thumbnail = ''; } $content = $template; $content = wpr_random_tags($content); $content = str_replace("{thumbnail}", $thumbnail, $content); $content = str_replace("{title}", $title, $content); $content = str_replace("{content}", $listing, $content); $content = str_replace("{url}", $url, $content); $content = str_replace("{city}", $city, $content); $content = str_replace("{address}", $address, $content); $content = str_replace("{latitude}", $latitude, $content); $content = str_replace("{longitude}", $longitude, $content); $content = str_replace("{price}", $price, $content); $content = str_replace("{condition}", $condition, $content); $content = str_replace("{features}", $features, $content); $content = str_replace("{seller_type}", $seller_type, $content); $content = str_replace("{delivery}", $delivery, $content); $noqkeyword = str_replace('"', '', $keyword); $content = str_replace("{keyword}", $noqkeyword, $content); $content = str_replace("{Keyword}", ucwords($noqkeyword), $content); if (function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) { $content = wpr_translate_partial($content); } if (function_exists("wpr_rewrite_partial")) { $content = wpr_rewrite_partial($content, $options); } $customfield = array(); $customfield["oodletitle"] = $title; $customfield["oodleprice"] = $price; $customfield["oodlethumbnail"] = $img; if (!empty($listing)) { $itemcontent[$x]["unique"] = $item->id; $itemcontent[$x]["title"] = $title; $itemcontent[$x]["content"] = $content; $itemcontent[$x]["customfield"] = $customfield; } $x++; } if (empty($itemcontent)) { // Return error if no content has been found. $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "oodle"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) oodle items found.", "wprobot"); return $itemcontent; } else { return $itemcontent; } } else { if (isset($pxml->Message)) { // Check for API error messages in results and if found return them. $message = __('There was a problem with your API request. This is the error returned:', "wprobot") . ' <b>' . $pxml->Message . '</b>'; $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "oodle"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "API fail"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = $message; return $itemcontent; } else { // Return error if no content has been found. $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "oodle"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) oodle items found.", "wprobot"); return $itemcontent; } } } }
function wpr_itunespost($keyword, $num, $start, $optional = "", $comments = "") { global $wpdb, $wpr_table_templates; $options = unserialize(get_option("wpr_options")); $uid = $options['wpr_itunes_unique']; if ($keyword == "") { // If keyword is empty return error $return["error"]["module"] = "iTunes"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("No keyword specified.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $template = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT content FROM " . $wpr_table_templates . " WHERE type = 'itunes'"); if ($template == false || empty($template)) { // If module template is empty return error $return["error"]["module"] = "iTunes"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No template"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("Module Template does not exist or could not be loaded.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $x = 0; $r = 0; $itemcontent = array(); $pxml = wpr_itunesrequest($keyword, $num, $start, $options); // Send API request if (is_array($pxml) && isset($pxml["error"])) { return $pxml; } if ($pxml === False) { $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "iTunes"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "Request fail"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("API request could not be sent.", "wprobot"); return $itemcontent; } else { if (isset($pxml->results)) { foreach ($pxml->results as $item) { if ($r >= $start) { $artistName = $item->artistName; $collectionName = $item->collectionName; $trackId = $item->trackId; $collectionId = $item->collectionId; $trackName = $item->trackName; $artistViewUrl = $item->artistViewUrl; $collectionViewUrl = $item->collectionViewUrl; $trackViewUrl = $item->trackViewUrl; $previewUrl = $item->previewUrl; $artworkUrl30 = $item->artworkUrl30; $artworkUrl60 = $item->artworkUrl60; $artworkUrl100 = $item->artworkUrl100; $collectionPrice = $item->collectionPrice; $trackPrice = $item->trackPrice; $currency = $item->currency; $primaryGenreName = $item->primaryGenreName; if ($artworkUrl60 != "") { $thumbnail = '<a href="' . $collectionViewUrl . '" rel="nofollow"><img style="float:left;margin: 0 20px 10px 0;" src="' . $artworkUrl60 . '" /></a>'; } else { $thumbnail = ''; } $content = $template; $content = wpr_random_tags($content); $content = str_replace("{thumbnail}", $thumbnail, $content); $content = str_replace("{keyword}", $keyword, $content); $content = str_replace("{trackname}", $trackName, $content); $content = str_replace("{collectionname}", $collectionName, $content); $content = str_replace("{artistname}", $artistName, $content); $content = str_replace("{artworkUrl30}", $artworkUrl30, $content); $content = str_replace("{artworkUrl60}", $artworkUrl60, $content); $content = str_replace("{artworkUrl100}", $artworkUrl100, $content); $content = str_replace("{collectionPrice}", $collectionPrice, $content); $content = str_replace("{trackPrice}", $trackPrice, $content); $content = str_replace("{currency}", $currency, $content); $content = str_replace("{genre}", $primaryGenreName, $content); $content = str_replace("{artisturl}", $artistViewUrl, $content); $content = str_replace("{collectionurl}", $collectionViewUrl, $content); $content = str_replace("{trackurl}", $trackViewUrl, $content); $content = str_replace("{previewurl}", $previewUrl, $content); if (function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) { $content = wpr_translate_partial($content); } if (function_exists("wpr_rewrite_partial")) { $content = wpr_rewrite_partial($content, $options); } if ($uid == "track") { $uid2 = $trackId; } else { $uid2 = $collectionId; } $itemcontent[$x]["unique"] = $uid2; $itemcontent[$x]["title"] = $artistName . " - " . $trackName; $itemcontent[$x]["content"] = $content; $x++; } $r++; } if (empty($itemcontent)) { // Return error if no content has been found. $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "iTunes"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Yahoo news items found.", "wprobot"); return $itemcontent; } else { return $itemcontent; } } else { if (isset($pxml->Message)) { // Check for API error messages in results and if found return them. $message = __('There was a problem with your API request. This is the error returned:', "wprobot") . ' <b>' . $pxml->Message . '</b>'; $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "iTunes"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "API fail"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = $message; return $itemcontent; } else { // Return error if no content has been found. $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "iTunes"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) iTunes items found.", "wprobot"); return $itemcontent; } } } }
function wpr_articlebuilderpost($keyword,$num,$start) { $keyword = explode(">", $keyword); $category = str_replace('"', "", $keyword[0]); $kws = explode(",", $keyword[1]); if(empty($category)) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Article Builder"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("No keyword specified.","wprobot"); return $return; } $allcats = array("affiliate marketing","article marketing","email marketing","forex","home business","internet marketing","mobile marketing","network marketing","search engine optimization","social media marketing","credit cards","credit repair","insurance - auto","insurance - general","insurance - life","personal bankruptcy","personal finance","real estate - buying","real estate - commercial","stock market","acne","aging","allergies","anxiety","arthritis","asthma","back pain","beauty","cancer","cosmetic surgery","depression","diabetes","fitness","hair care","hair loss","hemorrhoids","insurance - health","juicing","memory","muscle building","nutrition","panic attacks","personal development","quit smoking","skin care","snoring","stress","teeth whitening","tinnitus","weight loss","cooking","dog training","gardening","home improvement","insurance - home owner's","landscaping","organic gardening","parenting","plumbing","pregnancy","fishing","golf","photography","travel","jewelry","real estate - selling","weddings","blogging","green energy","web design","web hosting","college","homeschooling","coupons","payday loans","coffee","sleep apnea","yeast infection","interior design","camping","video games","fashion","iphone"); if(!in_array($category, $allcats)) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Article Builder"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = __('Article Builder only supports a defined lists of categories which can be used as keywords in WP Robot. Please enter one of the following: "affiliate marketing","article marketing","email marketing","forex","home business","internet marketing","mobile marketing","network marketing","search engine optimization","social media marketing","credit cards","credit repair","insurance - auto","insurance - general","insurance - life","personal bankruptcy","personal finance","real estate - buying","real estate - commercial","stock market","acne","aging","allergies","anxiety","arthritis","asthma","back pain","beauty","cancer","cosmetic surgery","depression","diabetes","fitness","hair care","hair loss","hemorrhoids","insurance - health","juicing","memory","muscle building","nutrition","panic attacks","personal development","quit smoking","skin care","snoring","stress","teeth whitening","tinnitus","weight loss","cooking","dog training","gardening","home improvement","insurance - home owner\'s","landscaping","organic gardening","parenting","plumbing","pregnancy","fishing","golf","photography","travel","jewelry","real estate - selling","weddings","blogging","green energy","web design","web hosting"',"wprobot"); return $return; } $options = unserialize(get_option("wpr_options")); $template = "{article}"; $url = ''; $data = array(); $data['action'] = 'authenticate'; $data['format'] = 'php'; $data['username'] = $options['wpr_ab_email']; $data['password'] = $options['wpr_ab_pw']; $output = unserialize(wpr_ab_curl_post($url, $data, $info)); if($output['success']=='true'){ $session = $output['session']; $data = array(); $data['session'] = $session; $data['format'] = 'php'; $data['action'] = 'buildArticle'; $data['apikey'] = $apikey; $data['category'] = $category; $subs = ""; if(is_array($kws)) { foreach($kws as $kw) { $subs .= $kw . "\n"; } } $data['subtopics'] = $subs; $data['wordcount'] = $options['wpr_ab_wordcount']; $data['superspun'] = $options['wpr_ab_superspun']; //print_r($data); $posts = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $output = wpr_ab_curl_post($url, $data, $info); $output = unserialize($output); if($output['success']=='true'){ $arts = preg_split('/\r\n|\r|\n/', $output['output'], 2); $art = str_replace("\r", "<br>", str_replace("\n\n", "<p>", $arts[1])); $title = $arts[0]; $post = $template; $post = wpr_random_tags($post); $post = str_replace("{article}", $art, $post); if(function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) { $post = wpr_translate_partial($post); } if(function_exists("wpr_rewrite_partial")) { $post = wpr_rewrite_partial($post,$options); } $posts[$i]["unique"] = rand(0, 999999); $posts[$i]["title"] = $title; $posts[$i]["content"] = $post; } else { $return["error"]["module"] = "Article Builder"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = $output["error"]; return $return; } } if(empty($posts)) { $posts["error"]["module"] = "Article Builder"; $posts["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $posts["error"]["message"] = __("No Article Builder content found.","wprobot"); return $posts; } else { return $posts; } } else { $return["error"]["module"] = "Article Builder"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = $output["error"]; return $return; } }
function wpr_clickbankpost($keyword, $num, $start, $optional = "", $comments = "") { global $wpdb, $wpr_table_templates; if ($keyword == "") { $return["error"]["module"] = "Clickbank"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("No keyword specified.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $template = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT content FROM " . $wpr_table_templates . " WHERE type = 'clickbank'"); if ($template == false || empty($template)) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Clickbank"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No template"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("Module Template does not exist or could not be loaded.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $options = unserialize(get_option("wpr_options")); $affid = $options['wpr_cb_affkey']; if ($affid == '') { $affid = 'lun4tic'; } $keyword = str_replace('"', "", $keyword); $keyword = str_replace(" ", "+", $keyword); $page = $start / 50; $page = (string) $page; $page = explode(".", $page); $page = (int) $page[0]; $page++; if ($page == 0 || empty($page)) { $page = 1; } $prep = floor($start / 50); $numb = $start - $prep * 50; $search_url = "{$keyword}&firstResult={$start}"; $search_url = "{$keyword}&pg={$page}"; $wpr_cb_cat = $options['wpr_cb_cat']; if (!empty($wpr_cb_cat)) { $search_url .= "&cat=" . $wpr_cb_cat . ".all"; } $posts = array(); // make the cURL request to $search_url if (function_exists('curl_init')) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Firefox (WindowsXP) - Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20070725 Firefox/'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $search_url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 45); $html = curl_exec($ch); if (!$html) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Clickbank"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "cURL Error"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("cURL Error Number ", "wprobot") . curl_errno($ch) . ": " . curl_error($ch); return $return; } curl_close($ch); } else { $html = @file_get_contents($search_url); if (!$html) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Clickbank"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "cURL Error"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("cURL is not installed on this server!", "wprobot"); return $return; } } // parse the html into a DOMDocument $dom = new DOMDocument(); @$dom->loadHTML($html); $xpath1 = new DOMXPath($dom); $paras1 = $xpath1->query("//a[@class='a18 dblue']"); $end = $numb + $num; $x = 0; if ($paras1->length == 0) { $posts["error"]["module"] = "Clickbank"; $posts["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $posts["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Clickbank products found.", "wprobot"); return $posts; } if ($end > $paras1->length) { $end = $paras1->length; } for ($i = $numb; $i < $end; $i++) { //for ($i = $numb; $i < $paras1->length; $i++ ) { //$paras->length /*if($i < $num) { $para1 = $paras1->item($i); $urlt = $para1->textContent; if($urlt == '' | $urlt == null) { $posts["error"]["module"] = "Clickbank"; $posts["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $posts["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Clickbank products found.","wprobot"); return $posts; } else {*/ $xpath2 = new DOMXPath($dom); $paras2 = $xpath2->query("//span[@class='v13']"); $para2 = $paras2->item($i); $description = $para2->textContent; $xpath3 = new DOMXPath($dom); $paras3 = $xpath3->query("//a[@class='a18 dblue']"); $para3 = $paras3->item($i); $title = $para3->textContent; $url = $para3->getAttribute('href'); $url = explode("/id/", $url); $url = "http://" . $affid . "." . $url[1] . ""; $xpath4 = new DOMXPath($dom); $paras4 = $xpath4->query("//div[@class='screenshot']/a/img"); $para4 = $paras4->item($i); $thumbnail = $para4->getAttribute('src'); $link = '<a rel="nofollow" href="' . $url . '">' . $title . '</a>'; $image = '<a href="' . $url . '" rel="nofollow"><img style="float:left;margin: 0 20px 10px 0;" src="' . $thumbnail . '" alt="' . $title . '" /></a>'; $ff = $options['wpr_cb_filter']; $stop = 0; if ($ff == "yes") { $pos = strpos($description, "Commission"); if ($pos !== false) { $stop = 1; } $pos = strpos($description, "commission"); if ($pos !== false) { $stop = 1; } $pos = strpos($description, "affiliate"); if ($pos !== false) { $stop = 1; } $pos = strpos($description, "Affiliate"); if ($pos !== false) { $stop = 1; } $pos = strpos($description, "affiliates"); if ($pos !== false) { $stop = 1; } } if ($stop == 0) { $post = $template; $post = wpr_random_tags($post); $post = str_replace("{thumbnail}", $image, $post); $post = str_replace("{imageurl}", $thumbnail, $post); $post = str_replace("{link}", $link, $post); $post = str_replace("{description}", $description, $post); $post = str_replace("{url}", $url, $post); $noqkeyword = str_replace('"', '', $keyword); $post = str_replace("{keyword}", $noqkeyword, $post); $post = str_replace("{Keyword}", ucwords($noqkeyword), $post); $post = str_replace("{title}", $title, $post); if (function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) { $post = wpr_translate_partial($post); } if (function_exists("wpr_rewrite_partial")) { $post = wpr_rewrite_partial($post, $options); } $posts[$x]["unique"] = $title; $posts[$x]["title"] = $title; $posts[$x]["content"] = $post; $x++; } //} //} } if (empty($posts)) { $posts["error"]["module"] = "Clickbank"; $posts["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $posts["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Clickbank ads found.", "wprobot"); return $posts; } else { return $posts; } }
function wpr_shopzillapost($keyword, $num, $start, $optional = "", $comments = "") { global $wpdb, $wpr_table_templates; if ($keyword == "") { // If keyword is empty return error $return["error"]["module"] = "Shopzilla"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("No keyword specified.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $template = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT content FROM " . $wpr_table_templates . " WHERE type = 'shopzilla'"); if ($template == false || empty($template)) { // If module template is empty return error $return["error"]["module"] = "Shopzilla"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No template"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("Module Template does not exist or could not be loaded.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $x = 0; $itemcontent = array(); $pxml = wpr_shopzillarequest($keyword, $num, $start); // Send API request if (!empty($pxml["error"])) { return $pxml; } if ($pxml === False) { $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Shopzilla"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "Request fail"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("API request could not be sent.", "wprobot"); return $itemcontent; } else { if (isset($pxml->Products->Product)) { foreach ($pxml->Products->Product as $item) { $attrs = $item->attributes(); $id = $attrs['id']; $title = $item->title; $description = $item->description; $manufacturer = $item->manufacturer; $url = $item->url; $thumb = $item->Images->Image[0]; $detailurl = $item->detailUrl; $minprice = str_replace("\$", "\$ ", $item->PriceSet->minPrice); $maxprice = str_replace("\$", "\$ ", $item->PriceSet->maxPrice); if (isset($item->Offers->Offer)) { $offertable = '<table class="offertable">'; foreach ($item->Offers->Offer as $offer) { $offertable .= "<tr>"; $condition = $offer->condition; $offerurl = $offer->url; $price = str_replace("\$", "\$ ", $offer->price); $shipamount = str_replace("\$", "\$ ", $offer->shipAmount); $merchantname = $offer->merchantName; $merchantlogo = $offer->merchantLogoUrl; $offertable .= '<td style="padding:5px;"><a href="' . $offerurl . '" rel="nofollow"><strong>' . $merchantname . '</strong><br/><img src="' . $merchantlogo . '" /></a></td>'; // $offertable .= "<td>$merchantname</td>"; $offertable .= "<td style=\"padding:5px;\">{$price}"; if (!empty($shipamount)) { $offertable .= "<br/><small>+ {$shipamount} shipping</small>"; } $offertable .= "</td>"; $offertable .= "</tr>"; } $offertable .= "</table>"; } else { $offertable = ""; } if ($thumb != "") { $thumbnail = '<a href="' . $url . '" rel="nofollow"><img style="float:left;margin: 0 20px 10px 0;" src="' . $thumb . '" /></a>'; } else { $thumbnail = ''; } $content = $template; $content = wpr_random_tags($content); $content = str_replace("{thumbnail}", $thumbnail, $content); $content = str_replace("{title}", $title, $content); $content = str_replace("{description}", $description, $content); $content = str_replace("{manufacturer}", $manufacturer, $content); $content = str_replace("{url}", $url, $content); $content = str_replace("{detailurl}", $url, $content); $content = str_replace("{minprice}", $minprice, $content); $content = str_replace("{maxprice}", $maxprice, $content); $content = str_replace("{offers}", $offertable, $content); $noqkeyword = str_replace('"', '', $keyword); $content = str_replace("{keyword}", $noqkeyword, $content); $content = str_replace("{Keyword}", ucwords($noqkeyword), $content); if (function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) { $content = wpr_translate_partial($content); } if (function_exists("wpr_rewrite_partial")) { $content = wpr_rewrite_partial($content, $options); } $customfield = array(); $customfield["shopzillatitle"] = $title; $customfield["shopzillaprice"] = $minprice; $customfield["shopzillathumbnail"] = $thumb; $itemcontent[$x]["unique"] = $id; $itemcontent[$x]["title"] = $title; $itemcontent[$x]["content"] = $content; $itemcontent[$x]["customfield"] = $customfield; $x++; } if (empty($itemcontent)) { // Return error if no content has been found. $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Shopzilla"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Shopzilla items found.", "wprobot"); return $itemcontent; } else { return $itemcontent; } } else { if (isset($pxml->Products->Offer)) { // Check for API error messages in results and if found return them. $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Shopzilla"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "IncNum"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("Product skipped because Shopzilla returned no comparison data for it.", "wprobot"); return $itemcontent; } elseif (isset($pxml->Message)) { // Check for API error messages in results and if found return them. $message = __('There was a problem with your API request. This is the error returned:', "wprobot") . ' <b>' . $pxml->Message . '</b>'; $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Shopzilla"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "API fail"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = $message; return $itemcontent; } else { // Return error if no content has been found. $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Shopzilla"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Shopzilla items found.", "wprobot"); return $itemcontent; } } } }
function wpr_yahooanswerspost($keyword, $num, $start, $yapcat, $getcomments) { global $wpdb, $wpr_table_templates; if ($keyword == "") { $return["error"]["module"] = "Yahoo Answers"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("No keyword specified.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $options = unserialize(get_option("wpr_options")); $template = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT content FROM " . $wpr_table_templates . " WHERE type = 'yahooanswers'"); if ($template == false || empty($template)) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Yahoo Answers"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No template"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("Module Template does not exist or could not be loaded.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $pxml = wpr_yahooanswersrequest($keyword, $num, $start, $yapcat); if (!empty($pxml["error"])) { return $pxml; } $x = 0; $posts = array(); if ($pxml === False) { $posts["error"]["module"] = "Yahooanswers"; $posts["error"]["reason"] = "Request fail"; $posts["error"]["message"] = __("API request could not be sent.", "wprobot"); return $posts; } else { if (isset($pxml->Question)) { foreach ($pxml->Question as $question) { $attrs = $question->attributes(); $qid = $question['id']; $title = $question->Subject; $content = $question->Content; $url = $question->Link; $user = $question->UserNick; $answercount = $question->NumAnswers; if ($options['wpr_ya_striplinks_q'] == 'yes') { $content = wpr_strip_selected_tags($content, array('a', 'iframe', 'script')); } $post = $template; $post = wpr_random_tags($post); // Answers $answerpost = ""; preg_match('#\\{answers(.*)\\}#iU', $post, $rmatches); if ($rmatches[0] != false || $getcomments == 1) { $answers = wpr_yap_getanswers($qid, $answercount); } if ($rmatches[0] != false && !empty($answers)) { $answernum = substr($rmatches[1], 1); for ($i = 0; $i < $answercount; $i++) { if ($i == $answernum) { break; } else { $answerpost .= "<p><i>Answer by " . $answers[$i]["author"] . "</i><br/>" . $answers[$i]["content"] . "</p>"; // Remove posted answer from comments array unset($answers[$i]); } } $answers = array_values($answers); $post = str_replace($rmatches[0], $answerpost, $post); } else { $post = str_replace($rmatches[0], "", $post); } $content = str_replace("\$", "\$ ", $content); $post = str_replace("{question}", $content, $post); $noqkeyword = str_replace('"', '', $keyword); $post = str_replace("{keyword}", $noqkeyword, $post); $post = str_replace("{Keyword}", ucwords($noqkeyword), $post); $post = str_replace("{url}", $url, $post); $post = str_replace("{user}", $user, $post); $post = str_replace("{title}", $title, $post); if (function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) { $post = wpr_translate_partial($post); } if (function_exists("wpr_rewrite_partial")) { $post = wpr_rewrite_partial($post, $options); } $posts[$x]["unique"] = $qid; $posts[$x]["title"] = $title; $posts[$x]["content"] = $post; $posts[$x]["comments"] = $answers; $x++; } if (empty($posts)) { $posts["error"]["module"] = "Yahooanswers"; $posts["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $posts["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Yahoo Answers content found.", "wprobot"); return $posts; } else { return $posts; } } else { if (isset($pxml->Message)) { $message = __('There was a problem with your API request. This is the error Yahoo returned:', "wprobot") . ' <b>' . $pxml->Message . '</b>'; $posts["error"]["module"] = "Yahooanswers"; $posts["error"]["reason"] = "API fail"; $posts["error"]["message"] = $message; return $posts; } else { $posts["error"]["module"] = "Yahooanswers"; $posts["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $posts["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Yahoo Answers content found.", "wprobot"); return $posts; } } } }
function wpr_commissionjunctionpost($keyword, $num, $start, $optional = "", $comments = "") { global $wpdb, $wpr_table_templates; $buyUrl = "buy-url"; $imageUrl = "image-url"; $rPrice = "retail-price"; $sPrice = "sale-price"; $advertiserName = "advertiser-name"; $inStock = "in-stock"; $errormessage = "error-message"; if ($keyword == "") { // If keyword is empty return error $return["error"]["module"] = "Commission Junction"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("No keyword specified.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $template = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT content FROM " . $wpr_table_templates . " WHERE type = 'commissionjunction'"); if ($template == false || empty($template)) { // If module template is empty return error $return["error"]["module"] = "Commission Junction"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No template"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("Module Template does not exist or could not be loaded.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $x = 0; $itemcontent = array(); $pxml = wpr_commissionjunctionrequest($keyword, $num, $start); // Send API request //print_r($pxml); if (!empty($pxml["error"])) { return $pxml; } if ($pxml === False) { $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Commission Junction"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "Request fail"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("API request could not be sent.", "wprobot"); return $itemcontent; } else { if (isset($pxml->products->product)) { foreach ($pxml->products->product as $item) { $title = $item->name; $summary = $item->description; $url = $item->{$buyUrl}; $price = number_format($item->price, 2, '.', ''); $currency = $item->currency; $listprice = $item->{$rPrice}; if ($listprice == "0.0") { $listprice = ""; } $saleprice = $item->{$sPrice}; if ($saleprice == "0.0") { $saleprice = ""; } $img = $item->{$imageUrl}; $advert = $item->{$advertiserName}; $isinstock = $item->{$inStock}; $skipit = 0; $skip = $options["wpr_commissionjunction_skip"]; if ($skip == "noimg" || $skip == "nox") { if (empty($img)) { $skipit = 1; } } if ($skip == "nodesc" || $skip == "nox") { if (empty($summary)) { $skipit = 1; } } if (!empty($img)) { $thumbnail = '<a alt="' . $title . '" href="' . $url . '" rel="nofollow"><img style="float:left;width:150px;margin: 0 20px 10px 0;" src="' . $img . '" /></a>'; } else { $thumbnail = ''; } if ($skipit == 0) { $content = $template; $content = wpr_random_tags($content); $content = str_replace("{thumbnail}", $thumbnail, $content); $content = str_replace("{imageurl}", $img, $content); $content = str_replace("{title}", $title, $content); $content = str_replace("{description}", $summary, $content); $content = str_replace("{price}", $price, $content); $content = str_replace("{currency}", $currency, $content); $content = str_replace("{saleprice}", $saleprice, $content); $content = str_replace("{listprice}", $listprice, $content); $content = str_replace("{url}", $url, $content); $noqkeyword = str_replace('"', '', $keyword); $content = str_replace("{keyword}", $noqkeyword, $content); $content = str_replace("{Keyword}", ucwords($noqkeyword), $content); $content = str_replace("{advertiser}", $advert, $content); $content = str_replace("{instock}", $isinstock, $content); if (function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) { $content = wpr_translate_partial($content); } if (function_exists("wpr_rewrite_partial")) { $content = wpr_rewrite_partial($content, $options); } if (!empty($item->upc) && $item->upc != "") { $unique = $item->upc; } elseif (!empty($item->sku)) { $unique = $item->sku; } elseif (!empty($item->isbn)) { $unique = $item->isbn; } $customfield = array(); $customfield["cjtitle"] = $title; $customfield["cjthumbnail"] = $img; $customfield["cjprice"] = $saleprice; $customfield["cjlink"] = $url; $customfield["cjadvertiser"] = $advert; $itemcontent[$x]["unique"] = $unique; $itemcontent[$x]["title"] = $title; $itemcontent[$x]["content"] = $content; $itemcontent[$x]["customfield"] = $customfield; //print_r($itemcontent); } $x++; } if (empty($itemcontent)) { // Return error if no content has been found. $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Commission Junction"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) CJ products found.", "wprobot"); return $itemcontent; } else { return $itemcontent; } } else { if (isset($pxml->{$errormessage})) { // Check for API error messages in results and if found return them. $message = __('There was a problem with your API request. This is the error returned:', "wprobot") . ' <b>' . $pxml->{$errormessage} . '</b>'; $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Commission Junction"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "API fail"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = $message; return $itemcontent; } else { // Return error if no content has been found. $itemcontent["error"]["module"] = "Commission Junction"; $itemcontent["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $itemcontent["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) CJ products found.", "wprobot"); return $itemcontent; } } } }
function wpr_articlebuilderpost($keyword, $num, $start) { $keyword = explode(">", $keyword); $category = str_replace('"', "", $keyword[0]); $kws = explode(",", $keyword[1]); if (empty($category)) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Article Builder"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("No keyword specified.", "wprobot"); return $return; } /*$allcats = array(0 => "acid reflux", 1 => "acne", 2 => "acupuncture", 3 => "affiliate marketing", 4 => "aging", 5 => "allergies", 6 => "anxiety", 7 => "arthritis", 8 => "article marketing", 9 => "asthma", 10 => "auto repair", 11 => "back pain", 12 => "basketball", 13 => "beauty", 14 => "blogging", 15 => "camping", 16 => "cancer", 17 => "car shopping", 18 => "carpet cleaning", 19 => "cats", 20 => "coffee", 21 => "college", 22 => "cooking", 23 => "cosmetic surgery", 24 => "coupons", 25 => "credit cards", 26 => "credit repair", 27 => "debt consolidation", 28 => "dental care", 29 => "depression", 30 => "diabetes", 31 => "dog training", 32 => "dogs", 33 => "email marketing", 34 => "employment", 35 => "facebook marketing", 36 => "fashion", 37 => "fishing", 38 => "fitness", 39 => "forex", 40 => "furniture", 41 => "gardening", 42 => "gold", 43 => "golf", 44 => "green energy", 45 => "hair care", 46 => "hair loss", 47 => "hemorrhoids", 48 => "home business", 49 => "home improvement", 50 => "home security", 51 => "homeschooling", 52 => "insurance - auto", 53 => "insurance - general", 54 => "insurance - health", 55 => "insurance - home owner's", 56 => "insurance - life", 57 => "interior design", 58 => "internet marketing", 59 => "ipad", 60 => "iphone", 61 => "jewelry", 62 => "juicing", 63 => "landscaping", 64 => "lawyers", 65 => "massage", 66 => "memory", 67 => "mobile marketing", 68 => "muscle building", 69 => "network marketing", 70 => "nutrition", 71 => "online shopping", 72 => "organic gardening", 73 => "panic attacks", 74 => "parenting", 75 => "payday loans", 76 => "personal bankruptcy", 77 => "personal development", 78 => "personal finance", 79 => "personal injury", 80 => "pest control", 81 => "photography", 82 => "plumbing", 83 => "pregnancy", 84 => "quit smoking", 85 => "real estate - buying", 86 => "real estate - commercial", 87 => "real estate - selling", 88 => "roofing", 89 => "search engine optimization", 90 => "skin care", 91 => "sleep apnea", 92 => "snoring", 93 => "soccer", 94 => "social media marketing", 95 => "solar energy", 96 => "stock market", 97 => "stress", 98 => "teeth whitening", 99 => "tinnitus", 100 => "travel", 101 => "video games", 102 => "video marketing", 103 => "web design", 104 => "web hosting", 105 => "weddings", 106 => "weight loss", 107 => "wine", 108 => "yeast infection" ); foreach($allcats as $allcat) { $carr[$allcat] = $allcat; } print_r($carr); if(!in_array($category, $allcats)) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Article Builder"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = __('Article Builder only supports a defined lists of categories which can be used as keywords in WP Robot. Please enter one of the following: "affiliate marketing","article marketing","email marketing","forex","home business","internet marketing","mobile marketing","network marketing","search engine optimization","social media marketing","credit cards","credit repair","insurance - auto","insurance - general","insurance - life","personal bankruptcy","personal finance","real estate - buying","real estate - commercial","stock market","acne","aging","allergies","anxiety","arthritis","asthma","back pain","beauty","cancer","cosmetic surgery","depression","diabetes","fitness","hair care","hair loss","hemorrhoids","insurance - health","juicing","memory","muscle building","nutrition","panic attacks","personal development","quit smoking","skin care","snoring","stress","teeth whitening","tinnitus","weight loss","cooking","dog training","gardening","home improvement","insurance - home owner\'s","landscaping","organic gardening","parenting","plumbing","pregnancy","fishing","golf","photography","travel","jewelry","real estate - selling","weddings","blogging","green energy","web design","web hosting"',"wprobot"); return $return; }*/ $options = unserialize(get_option("wpr_options")); $template = "{article}"; $url = ''; $data = array(); $data['action'] = 'authenticate'; $data['format'] = 'php'; $data['username'] = $options['wpr_ab_email']; $data['password'] = $options['wpr_ab_pw']; $output = unserialize(wpr_ab_curl_post($url, $data, $info)); /*$session = $output['session']; $data = array(); $data['session'] = $session; $data['action'] = 'categories'; $data['format'] = 'php'; $asdf = unserialize(wpr_ab_curl_post($url, $data, $info)); print_r($asdf); */ if ($output['success'] == 'true') { $session = $output['session']; $data = array(); $data['session'] = $session; $data['action'] = 'categories'; $cats = wpr_ab_curl_post($url, $data, $info); if (strpos($cats, $category) === false) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Article Builder"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = __('Article Builder only supports a defined lists of categories which can be used as keywords in WP Robot. See <a href=""> for a list of supported keywords</a>.', "wprobot"); return $return; } $data = array(); $data['session'] = $session; $data['format'] = 'php'; $data['action'] = 'buildArticle'; $data['apikey'] = $apikey; $data['category'] = $category; $subs = ""; if (is_array($kws)) { foreach ($kws as $kw) { $subs .= $kw . "\n"; } } $data['subtopics'] = $subs; $data['wordcount'] = $options['wpr_ab_wordcount']; $data['superspun'] = $options['wpr_ab_superspun']; //print_r($data); $posts = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $output = wpr_ab_curl_post($url, $data, $info); $output = unserialize($output); if ($output['success'] == 'true') { $arts = preg_split('/\\r\\n|\\r|\\n/', $output['output'], 2); $art = str_replace("\r", "<br>", str_replace("\n\n", "<p>", $arts[1])); $title = $arts[0]; $post = $template; $post = wpr_random_tags($post); $post = str_replace("{article}", $art, $post); if (function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) { $post = wpr_translate_partial($post); } if (function_exists("wpr_rewrite_partial")) { $post = wpr_rewrite_partial($post, $options); } if ($options['wpr_ab_comments'] == 1) { $comments = array(); $cnum = rand(2, 5); for ($x = 1; $x <= $cnum; $x++) { $data = array(); $data['session'] = $session; $data['format'] = 'php'; $data['action'] = 'getTip'; $data['apikey'] = $apikey; $data['category'] = $category; //$data['keywords'] = $title; $data['superspun'] = $options['wpr_ab_superspun']; $coutput = wpr_ab_curl_post($url, $data, $info); $coutput = unserialize($coutput); if ($coutput['success'] == 'true') { $tip = $coutput['output']; $comments[$x]["author"] = $category . " tips " . rand(99, 9999); $comments[$x]["content"] = $tip; //$x++; } } //print_r($comments); } $posts[$i]["unique"] = rand(0, 999999); $posts[$i]["title"] = $title; $posts[$i]["content"] = $post; $posts[$i]["comments"] = $comments; } else { $return["error"]["module"] = "Article Builder"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = $output["error"]; return $return; } } if (empty($posts)) { $posts["error"]["module"] = "Article Builder"; $posts["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $posts["error"]["message"] = __("No Article Builder content found.", "wprobot"); return $posts; } else { return $posts; } } else { $return["error"]["module"] = "Article Builder"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = $output["error"]; return $return; } }
function wpr_yahoonewspost($keyword, $num, $start, $optional = "", $comments = "") { global $wpdb, $wpr_table_templates; if ($keyword == "") { $return["error"]["module"] = "Yahoo News"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("No keyword specified.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $template = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT content FROM " . $wpr_table_templates . " WHERE type = 'yahoonews'"); if ($template == false || empty($template)) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Yahoo News"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No template"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("Module Template does not exist or could not be loaded.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $x = 0; $newscontent = array(); $pxml = wpr_yahoonewsrequest($keyword, $num, $start); if (!empty($pxml["error"])) { return $pxml; } if ($pxml === False) { $newscontent["error"]["module"] = "Yahoonews"; $newscontent["error"]["reason"] = "Request fail"; $newscontent["error"]["message"] = __("API request could not be sent.", "wprobot"); return $newscontent; } else { if (isset($pxml->results->results)) { foreach ($pxml->results->results as $news) { // abstract, title, date, clickurl, source, language, ... $title = $news->title; $summary = $news->content; $url = $news->unescapedUrl; $source = $news->publisher; $sourceurl = $news->sourceurl; $language = $news->language; $date = $news->publishedDate; $thumb = $news->image->url; $source = "Read more on <a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"{$url}\">{$source}</a><br/><br/>"; if ($thumb != "") { $thumbnail = '<a href="' . $url . '" rel="nofollow"><img style="width:150px;float:left;margin: 0 20px 10px 0;" src="' . $thumb . '" /></a>'; } else { $thumbnail = ''; } $content = $template; $content = wpr_random_tags($content); $content = str_replace("{thumbnail}", $thumbnail, $content); $content = str_replace("{title}", $title, $content); $summary = strip_tags($summary); $summary = str_replace("\$", "\$ ", $summary); $content = str_replace("{summary}", $summary, $content); $content = str_replace("{source}", $source, $content); $content = str_replace("{url}", $url, $content); $content = str_replace("{date}", $date, $content); $content = str_replace("{sourceurl}", $sourceurl, $content); $content = str_replace("{language}", $language, $content); $noqkeyword = str_replace('"', '', $keyword); $content = str_replace("{keyword}", $noqkeyword, $content); $content = str_replace("{Keyword}", ucwords($noqkeyword), $content); if (function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) { $content = wpr_translate_partial($content); } if (function_exists("wpr_rewrite_partial")) { $content = wpr_rewrite_partial($content, $options); } $newscontent[$x]["unique"] = $url; $newscontent[$x]["title"] = $title; $newscontent[$x]["content"] = $content; $x++; } if (isset($pxml->description)) { $message = __('There was a problem with your API request. This is the error Yahoo returned:', "wprobot") . ' <b>' . $pxml->description . '</b>'; $newscontent["error"]["module"] = "Yahoonews"; $newscontent["error"]["reason"] = "API fail"; $newscontent["error"]["message"] = $message; return $newscontent; } elseif (empty($newscontent)) { $newscontent["error"]["module"] = "Yahoonews"; $newscontent["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $newscontent["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Yahoo news items found.", "wprobot"); return $newscontent; } else { return $newscontent; } } else { if (isset($pxml->description)) { $message = __('There was a problem with your API request. This is the error Yahoo returned:', "wprobot") . ' <b>' . $pxml->description . '</b>'; $newscontent["error"]["module"] = "Yahoonews"; $newscontent["error"]["reason"] = "API fail"; $newscontent["error"]["message"] = $message; return $newscontent; } else { $newscontent["error"]["module"] = "Yahoonews"; $newscontent["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $newscontent["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Yahoo news items found.", "wprobot"); return $newscontent; } } } }
function wpr_kontentmachinepost($keyword, $num, $start) { if (empty($keyword)) { $return["error"]["module"] = "Big Content Search"; $return["error"]["reason"] = "No keyword"; $return["error"]["message"] = __("No keyword specified.", "wprobot"); return $return; } $options = unserialize(get_option("wpr_options")); $template = "{article}"; $x = 0; $bcontent = array(); $pxml = wpr_kontentmachinerequest($keyword); if ($pxml->status == "error") { $bcontent["error"]["module"] = "Kontent Machine"; $bcontent["error"]["reason"] = "Request fail"; $bcontent["error"]["message"] = $pxml->message; return $bcontent; } elseif ($pxml === False) { $bcontent["error"]["module"] = "Kontent Machine"; $bcontent["error"]["reason"] = "Request fail"; $bcontent["error"]["message"] = __("API request could not be sent.", "wprobot"); return $bcontent; } elseif (is_array($pxml) && !empty($pxml["error"]["message"])) { return $pxml; } elseif ($pxml->status == "success") { foreach ($pxml->result as $article) { $article2 = explode("[/WP-TITLE]", $article); $title = str_replace("[WP-TITLE]", "", $article2[0]); $article2 = $article2[1]; $content = $template; $content = wpr_random_tags($content); $content = str_replace("{article}", $article2, $content); if (function_exists("wpr_translate_partial")) { $content = wpr_translate_partial($content); } if (function_exists("wpr_rewrite_partial")) { $content = wpr_rewrite_partial($content, $options); } $bcontent[$x]["unique"] = rand(0, 9999999); $bcontent[$x]["title"] = $title; $bcontent[$x]["content"] = $content; $x++; } } if (empty($bcontent)) { $bcontent["error"]["module"] = "Kontent Machine"; $bcontent["error"]["reason"] = "No content"; $bcontent["error"]["message"] = __("No (more) Kontent Machine items found.", "wprobot"); return $bcontent; } else { return $bcontent; } }