コード例 #1
ファイル: images.php プロジェクト: pemiu01/wppaintbrush
 * Security checks for image upload form
 * @since 0.1
function wppb_image_upload_form_check()
    // Check nonce - security protection to prevent creation and deletion of files by untrusted users
    if (!empty($_POST) and check_admin_referer('wppb_upload_image', 'image')) {
        // Upload file
        $data = $_FILES['upload_file'];
        if ('' != $data['name']) {
            $ext = substr(strrchr($data['name'], '.'), 1);
            // Grab extension
            $ext = strtolower($ext);
            // Convert extension to lower case
            // Spit an error out when not an image - would be better to send admin notice instead
            if ($ext != 'jpeg' and $ext != 'jpg' and $ext != 'gif' and $ext != 'png') {
                die('Only jpg, gif or png files are allowed to be uploaded!');
                // Kill execution so they get to see the error
            // Save file to disk
            add_filter('upload_dir', 'wppb_image_uploads_folder');
            $overrides = array('test_form' => false);
            $file = wp_handle_upload($data, $overrides);
            remove_filter('upload_dir', 'wppb_image_uploads_folder');
        // Delete file
        if (isset($_POST['delete_file'])) {
            unlink(wppb_storage_folder('images') . '/' . $_POST['delete_file']);
コード例 #2
 * wppb_export_zip()
 * @description Zips the templates into a regular WordPress theme
 * @since       0.8.1
function wppb_export_zip()
    // Theme specs.
    $name = get_bloginfo('name');
    $folder = sanitize_title(get_bloginfo('name'));
    // Set current userinfo (allows us to grab the current author names later on)
    global $current_user;
    // Headers for theme files
    function pixopoint_theme_header($title, $name)
        return '<?php
 * @package WordPress
 * @subpackage ' . $name . '
 * ' . $title . '

    // Removes pointless opening and closing of PHP tags
    function pixopoint_remove_openclose_php($input)
        return str_replace('?><?php', '', $input);
    // Creating data file
    $options = get_option(WPPB_SETTINGS);
    foreach ($options as $name2 => $key) {
        $data .= WPPB_BLOCK_SPLITTER;
        $data .= WPPB_NAME_SPLIT_START . $name2 . WPPB_NAME_SPLIT_END;
        $data .= $key;
    $options = get_option(WPPB_DESIGNER_SETTINGS);
    $data .= 'paintbrush_designer';
    $data .= WPPB_NAME_SPLIT_END;
    foreach ($options as $name2 => $key) {
        $data .= $name2;
        $data .= '|';
        $data .= $key;
        $data .= '}';
    // Create CSS
    $css = '/*
	Theme Name: ' . $name . '
	Theme URI: ' . home_url() . '
	Description: ' . get_bloginfo('description') . '
	Author: ' . $current_user->user_firstname . ' ' . $current_user->user_lastname . ' (' . $current_user->display_name . ')
	Version: ' . (100 + get_wppb_option('version')) / 100 . '

' . get_wppb_option('css');
    // Creating array of require CSS classes
    $css_requirements = array('.alignleft', '.aligncenter', '.alignright', '.wp-caption', '.wp-caption-text', '.gallery-caption', '.sticky', '.bypostauthor');
    // Creating reminder string
    foreach ($css_requirements as $needle) {
        if (strpos($css, $needle) === false) {
            $css_reminder .= $needle . ', ';
    // Finalizing CSS advice for style.css file
    if ($css_reminder) {
        $css = $css . "\n\n/* You have not included some useful CSS classes. We recommend you include the " . $css_reminder . " CSS classes in your theme */";
    // Setting background image URLs to correct folder
    $css = str_replace(wppb_storage_folder('images', 'url') . '/', 'images/', $css);
    // Load template files
    $files = array($folder . '/data.tpl' => $data, $folder . '/functions.php' => pixopoint_remove_openclose_php(pixopoint_theme_header('Functions', $name) . '<?php ' . wppb_functions_dot_php()), $folder . '/license.txt' => file_get_contents(get_template_directory() . '/license.txt'), $folder . '/style.css' => $css);
    // Function for adding extra templates to the zip file
    function wppb_add_template_to_zip($template, $title, $name, $files, $folder)
        if ('' != get_wppb_option($template)) {
            $files[$folder . '/' . $template . '.php'] = pixopoint_theme_header($title, $name) . pixopoint_remove_openclose_php(do_shortcode(get_wppb_option($template)));
        return $files;
    // Plowing through and adding each of the optional template files
    $files = wppb_add_template_to_zip('footer', 'Footer', $name, $files, $folder);
    $files = wppb_add_template_to_zip('index', 'Index', $name, $files, $folder);
    $files = wppb_add_template_to_zip('front_page', 'Front Page', $name, $files, $folder);
    $files = wppb_add_template_to_zip('home', 'Blog', $name, $files, $folder);
    $files = wppb_add_template_to_zip('page', 'Page', $name, $files, $folder);
    $files = wppb_add_template_to_zip('page_template_1', 'Page template 1', $name, $files, $folder);
    $files = wppb_add_template_to_zip('page_template_2', 'Page template 2', $name, $files, $folder);
    $files = wppb_add_template_to_zip('single', 'Single', $name, $files, $folder);
    $files = wppb_add_template_to_zip('archive', 'Archive', $name, $files, $folder);
    $files = wppb_add_template_to_zip('comments', 'Comments', $name, $files, $folder);
    // Add embedded fonts
    foreach ( wppb_embeddable_fonts() as $font => $details ) {
    	if ( 'on' == get_wppb_option( 'fontembed_' . $font ) ) {
    		$font_dir = str_replace( 'wppb_INTERNAL_FONT_', get_template_directory() . '/fonts', $details['url'] ); // 
    		if ( $details['url'] != $font_dir )
    		$files[$folder . '/footer.php'] = $files[$folder . '/footer.php'] . file_get_contents( get_template_directory() . '/footer.php' );
    // Adding actual header and footers in (header does not use wppb_add_template_to_zip() since it messes up the PHPDoc comment at top of template file
    $files[$folder . '/header.php'] = pixopoint_theme_header('header', $name) . file_get_contents(get_template_directory() . '/header.php') . pixopoint_remove_openclose_php(do_shortcode(get_wppb_option('header')));
    $files[$folder . '/header.php'] = str_replace("<?php eval( '?>' . do_shortcode( get_wppb_option( 'header' ) ) . '<?php ' ); ?>", '', $files[$folder . '/header.php']);
    $files[$folder . '/footer.php'] = $files[$folder . '/footer.php'] . file_get_contents(get_template_directory() . '/footer.php');
    $files[$folder . '/footer.php'] = str_replace("<?php eval( '?>' . do_shortcode( get_wppb_option( 'footer' ) ) . '<?php ' ); ?>", '', $files[$folder . '/footer.php']);
    // Load image files
    $file_list = wppb_settings_list_files(wppb_storage_folder('images') . '/');
    // Grab list of  files in folder
    foreach ($file_list as $file) {
        $files[$folder . '/images/' . $file] = file_get_contents(wppb_storage_folder('images') . '/' . $file);
    // Load scripts files
    $files[$folder . '/scripts/html5.js'] = file_get_contents(get_template_directory() . '/scripts/html5.js');
    // Dropdown menus
    if ('on' == get_wppb_option('script_menu')) {
        $files[$folder . '/scripts/menu.js'] = file_get_contents(get_template_directory() . '/scripts/menu.js');
    // Anything slider jQuery plugin
    if ('on' == get_wppb_option('script_anythingslider')) {
        $files[$folder . '/scripts/jquery.easing.1.2.js'] = file_get_contents(get_template_directory() . '/scripts/jquery.easing.1.2.js');
        $files[$folder . '/scripts/jquery.anythingslider.js'] = file_get_contents(get_template_directory() . '/scripts/jquery.anythingslider.js');
        $files[$folder . '/scripts/anythingslider.init.js'] = file_get_contents(get_template_directory() . '/scripts/anythingslider.init.js');
    // Create zip file
    $zip = new ZipArchive();
    $rand = rand();
    $zip->open('temp' . $rand . '.tmp', ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE);
    if ($files) {
        foreach ($files as $localname => $source) {
            if (is_file($source)) {
                $zip->addFile($source, $localname);
            } else {
                $zip->addFromString($localname, $source);
    // Downloading zip
    header('Content-type: application/zip');
    // File header
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $folder . '.zip"');
    // File header
    readfile('temp' . $rand . '.tmp');
    // Read temporary file from disk
    unlink('temp' . $rand . '.tmp');
    // Delete temporary file
    // Kill execution since all done now
コード例 #3
ファイル: js.php プロジェクト: pemiu01/wppaintbrush
function wppb_inline_scripts()
    $wppb_design_settings = get_option(WPPB_DESIGNER_SETTINGS);
    // Setting potentially empty variable
    if (empty($wppb_design_settings['design'])) {
        $wppb_design_settings['design'] = '';
    } else {
        $wppb_design_settings['design'] = sanitize_title($wppb_design_settings['design']);
    // Bug fix for existing poorly labelled designs
<script type="text/javascript">

// Setting WP Paintbrush JS variables
var storage_folder = '<?php 
    echo wppb_storage_folder('images', 'url');
var design_folder = '<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
    echo $wppb_design_settings['design'];
var design_name = '<?php 
    echo $wppb_design_settings['design'];
var nonce_link = '<?php 
    echo wp_nonce_url(home_url(), 'wppb_editor');
var admin_url = '<?php 
    echo home_url();
var home_url = '<?php 
    echo home_url();

	// AJAX form submission
	function change_design(button) {
			type: 'POST',
			url: home_url+'/?change_theme='+button,
			data: {
				'wppb_nonce' : $("#wppb_nonce").val(),
			success: function(data, textStatus) {
				$( "#wppb-page-reload" ).dialog({width:250,minWidth:250,maxWidth:250,modal:true,autoOpen:true,});
			error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
				$( "#wppb-external-connection-failure" ).dialog({width:250,minWidth:250,maxWidth:250,modal:true,autoOpen:true,});
			dataType: 'html'

    // Output list of available designs
    foreach (wppb_available_themes() as $count => $design) {
        echo "\$('#myform" . $design['Folder'] . "').click(function() {change_design( '" . $design['Folder'] . "' );});\n";
	// AJAX form submission
	function option_get(button) {
		$("#wppb-css2").html('<div style="text-indent:0;"><img style="" src="'+admin_url+'images/wpspin_light.gif" /></div>');
			type: 'POST',
			url: home_url+'/?generator-css='+button,
			data: {
    // Set all AJAX options
    foreach (wppb_ajax_option_get() as $option) {
        echo '\'' . $option . '\':$("#' . $option . '").val(),' . "\n";
			success: function(data, textStatus) {
				switch(data) {
					case "Error: Couldn't connect to server":
					$( "#wppb-external-connection-failure" ).dialog({width:250,minWidth:250,maxWidth:250,modal:true,autoOpen:true,});
					$('#wppb-css3').html("Error: Couldn't connect to server");
			error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
				$( "#wppb-external-connection-failure" ).dialog({width:250,minWidth:250,maxWidth:250,modal:true,autoOpen:true,});
			dataType: 'html'
	$('#myformButton').click(function() {option_get( 'process' );});
	$('.myformSaver').click(function() {option_get( 'save' );});
	$('#myformPublish').click(function() {option_get( 'publish' );});
	$('#myformExport').click(function() {option_get( 'export' );});
	$('#ChangeHomeLayoutMagazine').click(function() {option_get( 'Magazine' );});
	$('#ChangeHomeLayoutNormal').click(function() {option_get( 'Normal' );});

	$("#sidebar-layout-sortable, #sidebar-blocks-sortable").sortable({
		connectWith: ".sidebar-sortable-connect",
		update: function(){
			var pos = [];
			$('#sidebar-layout-sortable > li').each(function(i){
				pos[i] = $(this).attr('id');
			option_get( 'process' );

	// Image picker
	var $button,
	$ele = $('#wppb-image-uploads').dialog({
		width: 530,
		minWidth: 530,
		maxWidth: 530,
		title: 'Image picker',
		modal: false,
		autoOpen: false,
		open : function(event, ui){
				var image = $(this);
    $images = array('sidebar_background_image' => '.wrapper', 'footer_background_image' => 'footer div.footer', 'background_image' => 'body', 'maincontent_background_image' => '.wrapper #content', 'header_background_image' => 'header div.header', 'header_fullwidth_background_image' => 'header', 'header_searchbox_background_image' => 'header #search', 'header_logo_background_image' => 'header #logo', 'banner_image' => '#banner div.banner-image', 'menu1_hover_background_image' => 'nav#nav li:hover a', 'menu1_background_image' => 'nav#nav ul', 'menu1_fullwidth_background_image' => 'nav#nav', 'menu1_items_background_image' => 'nav#nav li', 'header_searchbox_text_background_image' => 'header #search input[type=text]', 'header_searchsubmit_text_background_image' => 'header #search input[type=submit]', 'footer_fullwidth_background_image' => 'footer');
    foreach ($images as $theid => $selector) {
        echo "\n\t\t\t\t\tvar filename=\$('#" . $theid, "').val().split('/');\n\t\t\t\t\tif('stored'==filename[0]){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('" . $selector . "').css({'background-image':'url('+storage_folder+'/'+filename[1]+')'});\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tif(design_name==filename[0]){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('" . $selector . "').css({'background-image':'url('+design_folder+'/'+filename[1]+')'});\n\t\t\t\t\t}";
		beforeClose: function(event,ui){
	$('.imagepickerbutton').click(function(){$button = $(this);$ele.dialog('open');});
コード例 #4
ファイル: admin_pages.php プロジェクト: pemiu01/wppaintbrush
 * Display list of uploaded images
 * @since 0.1
function wppb_display_images()
    $file_list = wppb_list_files(wppb_storage_folder('images'));
    if (is_array($file_list)) {
        foreach ($file_list as $file) {
            echo '<li>
				<a href="' . wppb_storage_folder('images', 'url') . '/' . $file . '">' . $file . '</a>
				<input class="delete_file" type="submit" name="delete_file" value="' . $file . '" />
				<br />
				<a href="' . wppb_storage_folder('images', 'url') . '/' . $file . '">
					<img src="' . wppb_storage_folder('images', 'url') . '/' . $file . '" class="uploaded-image" alt="" />
コード例 #5
ファイル: editor.php プロジェクト: pemiu01/wppaintbrush
function wppb_editor_content()
    // Bail out now if user not supposed to see admin panel
    if (!current_user_can('manage_options') || 'on' != get_option('wppb_designer_pane')) {
    // Setting defaults for "content_layout"
    $wppb_designer_settings = get_option(WPPB_DESIGNER_SETTINGS);
<div id="dialog" title="Theme Creator">
	<div id="loading-text">
		<img style="" src="<?php 
    echo WPPB_URL;
images/load.gif" alt="<?php 
    _e('Loading', 'wppb_lang');
" />
		<br />
    _e('One moment please. The WP Paintbrush editor is loading.', 'wppb_lang');
<div id="tab_wrapper">
<form id="wppb-editor-form" method="post" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data">
	<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="3000000" />
	<input type="hidden" id="copyright" name="copyright" value='<?php 
    echo $wppb_designer_settings['copyright'];
' />
	<input type="hidden" id="design" name="design" value='<?php 
    echo $wppb_designer_settings['design'];
' />
    wp_nonce_field('wppb_upload_image', 'image');
    wp_nonce_field('wppb_nonce', 'wppb_nonce');
	<div id="tabs" class="maintabber">
		<div id="tabs-navigation-wrapper">
    // Hook for adding new link

    // Hook for adding new tabs

<!-- Farbtastic colour picker -->
<div id="farbtastic" title="Colour picker"><?php 
    _e('Colour picker', 'wppb_lang');

<!-- Image picker -->
<div id="wppb-image-uploads">
	<div id="wppb-images">
    wppb_list_images(wppb_storage_folder('images'), wppb_storage_folder('images', 'url'), 'display', 'stored');
    echo '<tr><td><h2 style="margin:20px 0 6px 0;">' . __(' Design images', 'wppb_lang') . '</h2></td></tr>';
    foreach (wppb_available_themes() as $count => $theme) {
        if ($theme['Folder'] == $wppb_designer_settings['design']) {
            if ('Internal' == $theme['Type']) {
                wppb_list_images(get_template_directory() . '/designs/' . $theme['Folder'] . '/images/', get_template_directory_uri() . '/designs/' . $theme['Folder'] . '/images/', '', $theme['Folder']);
    _e('Image uploads', 'wppb_lang');
    // If using WP 3.3 then make use of plup uploader (note use of query var to force major CSS changes in iframe)
    global $wp_version;
    if ($wp_version >= 3.3) {
        echo '<iframe src="' . admin_url() . '/media-new.php?wppb_frontenduploader=css" width="525" height="215"></iframe>';
    } else {
        echo '<p>' . __('Visit the <a href="http://localhost/wp/testing/wp-admin/themes.php?page=upload_images">image uploads page</a> to upload new images.', 'wppb_lang') . '</p>';


<!-- Connection failure dialog -->
<div id="wppb-external-connection-failure" title="<?php 
    _e('Dangit, we got an error!', 'wppb_lang');
    _e('Sorry, the server is having difficulties connecting to the CSS generator. Please try again.', 'wppb_lang');

<div id="wppb-page-reload" title="Page reloading!">
    _e('We need to reload the page to show the changes you just selected. One moment please ...', 'wppb_lang');


コード例 #6
ファイル: functions.php プロジェクト: pemiu01/wppaintbrush
if (!defined('WPPB_SETTINGS')) {
    define('WPPB_SETTINGS', 'wppb_settings');
// Label for option used to store template code in database
if (!defined('WPPB_DESIGNER_SETTINGS')) {
    define('WPPB_DESIGNER_SETTINGS', 'wppb_designer_settings');
// Label for option used to store designer settings in database
define('PIXOPOINT_SETTINGS_COPYRIGHT', 'Theme by <a href="http://wppaintbrush.com/">WPPaintbrush.com</a>');
// Copyright constant
define('WPPB_ADMIN_URL', get_template_directory_uri() . '/admin');
// Admin directory URL
define('WPPB_TEMPLATES_LABEL', 'Themes');
// Decides what label to give the templates page (for theme selection page - in development as an addon plugin)
define('WPPB_STORAGE_FOLDER', 'wppb_storage');
define('WPPB_STORAGE_IMAGES_FOLDER', wppb_storage_folder('images', 'url'));
define('WPPB_BLOCK_SPLITTER', "/* PixoPoint Template option */\n");
// Strings used to descriminate between differents bits in exported/imported files
define('WPPB_NAME_SPLIT_START', '[----');
// Strings used to descriminate between differents bits in exported/imported files
define('WPPB_NAME_SPLIT_END', "----]\n");
// Strings used to descriminate between differents bits in exported/imported files
 * Set widget suffixes
 * Currently uses numbers, but could easily incorporate text instead
 * @since 0.1
function wppb_settings_widgets_array()
    return array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);