コード例 #1
function wppa_get_related_data()
    global $wpdb;
    $pagid = wppa_get_the_id();
    $data = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `post_content` FROM `" . $wpdb->posts . "` WHERE `ID` = " . $pagid);
    $data = str_replace(array(' ', ',', '.', "\t", "\r", "0", "x0B", "\n"), ';', $data);
    $data = strip_tags($data);
    $data = strip_shortcodes($data);
    $data = wppa_sanitize_tags($data, true);
    $data = trim($data, "; \t\n\r\v");
    return $data;
コード例 #2
function wppa_get_share_html($id, $key = '', $js = true, $single = false)
    global $wppa_locale;
    $p = wppa_get_the_id();
    $p_void = explode(',', wppa_opt('sm_void_pages'));
    if (!empty($p_void) && in_array($p, $p_void)) {
        return '';
    $do_it = false;
    if (!wppa('is_slideonly') || $key == 'lightbox') {
        if (wppa_switch('share_on') && !wppa_in_widget()) {
            $do_it = true;
        if (wppa_switch('share_on_widget') && wppa_in_widget()) {
            $do_it = true;
        if (wppa_switch('share_on_lightbox')) {
            $do_it = true;
    if (!$do_it) {
        return '';
    // The share url
    if (wppa_in_widget()) {
        if (wppa_opt('widget_sm_linktype') == 'home') {
            $share_url = home_url();
        } else {
            $share_url = get_permalink(wppa_get_the_landing_page('widget_sm_linkpage', __('Social media landing page', 'wp-photo-album-plus')));
            $alb = wppa_get_photo_item($id, 'album');
            $oc = wppa_opt('widget_sm_linkpage_oc');
            $share_url .= '?wppa-album=' . $alb . '&wppa-photo=' . $id . '&wppa-cover=0&wppa-occur=' . $oc;
            if (wppa_switch('share_single_image') || $single) {
                $share_url .= '&wppa-single=1';
    } else {
        $share_url = wppa_get_image_page_url_by_id($id, wppa_switch('share_single_image'));
        $share_url = str_replace('&', '&', $share_url);
    $share_url = wppa_convert_to_pretty(wppa_encrypt_url($share_url), 'nonames');
    // Protect url against making relative
    $share_url = wppa_protect_relative($share_url);
    // The share title
    $photo_name = wppa_get_photo_name($id);
    // The share description
    $photo_desc = wppa_html(wppa_get_photo_desc($id));
    $photo_desc = strip_shortcodes(wppa_strip_tags($photo_desc, 'all'));
    // The default description
    $site = str_replace('&', __('and', 'wp-photo-album-plus'), get_bloginfo('name'));
    $see_on_site = sprintf(__('See this image on %s', 'wp-photo-album-plus'), $site);
    // The share image. Must be the fullsize image for facebook.
    // If you take the thumbnail, facebook takes a different image at random.
    $share_img = wppa_get_photo_url($id);
    // The icon size
    if (wppa_in_widget() && $key != 'lightbox' || $key == 'thumb') {
        $s = '16';
        $br = '2';
    } else {
        $s = wppa_opt('share_size');
        $br = ceil($s / 8);
    // qr code
    if (wppa_switch('share_qr') && $key != 'thumb') {
        $src = 'http://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/' . '?data=' . urlencode($share_url) . '&size=80x80' . '&color=' . trim(wppa_opt('qr_color'), '#') . '&bgcolor=' . trim(wppa_opt('qr_bgcolor'), '#');
        $qr = '<div style="float:left; padding:2px;" >' . '<img' . ' src="' . $src . '"' . ' title="' . esc_attr($share_url) . '"' . ' alt="' . __('QR code', 'wp-photo-album-plus') . '"' . ' />' . '</div>';
    } else {
        $qr = '';
    // twitter share button
    if (wppa_switch('share_twitter')) {
        $tweet = urlencode($see_on_site) . ': ';
        $tweet_len = strlen($tweet) + '1';
        $tweet .= urlencode($share_url);
        // find first '/' after 'http( s )://' rest doesnt count for twitter chars
        $url_len = strpos($share_url, '/', 8) + 1;
        $tweet_len += $url_len > 1 ? $url_len : strlen($share_url);
        $rest_len = 140 - $tweet_len;
        if (wppa_switch('show_full_name')) {
            if ($rest_len > strlen($photo_name)) {
                $tweet .= ' ' . urlencode($photo_name);
                $rest_len -= strlen($photo_name);
                $rest_len -= '2';
            } else {
                $tweet .= ' ' . urlencode(substr($photo_name, 0, $rest_len)) . '...';
                $rest_len -= strlen(substr($photo_name, 0, $rest_len));
                $rest_len -= '5';
        if ($photo_desc) {
            if ($rest_len > strlen($photo_desc)) {
                $tweet .= ': ' . urlencode($photo_desc);
            } elseif ($rest_len > 8) {
                $tweet .= ': ' . urlencode(substr($photo_desc, 0, $rest_len)) . '...';
        $tweet = urlencode($share_url);
        $tw = '<div class="wppa-share-icon" style="float:left; padding:0 2px;" >' . '<a' . ' title="' . sprintf(__('Tweet %s on Twitter', 'wp-photo-album-plus'), esc_attr($photo_name)) . '"' . ' href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=' . $tweet . '"' . ' target="_blank"' . ' >' . '<img' . ' src="' . wppa_get_imgdir() . 'twitter.png"' . ' style="height:' . $s . 'px;vertical-align:top;"' . ' alt="' . esc_attr(__('Share on Twitter', 'wp-photo-album-plus')) . '"' . ' />' . '</a>' . '</div>';
    } else {
        $tw = '';
    // Google
    if (wppa_switch('share_google')) {
        $go = '<div class="wppa-share-icon" style="float:left; padding:0 2px;" >' . '<a' . ' title="' . sprintf(__('Share %s on Google+', 'wp-photo-album-plus'), esc_attr($photo_name)) . '"' . ' href="https://plus.google.com/share?url=' . urlencode($share_url) . '"' . ' onclick="javascript:window.open( this.href, \\"\\", \\"menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=600,width=600\\" );return false;"' . ' target="_blank"' . ' >' . '<img' . ' src="' . wppa_get_imgdir() . 'google.png"' . ' style="height:' . $s . 'px;vertical-align:top;"' . ' alt="' . esc_attr(__('Share on Google+', 'wp-photo-album-plus')) . '"' . ' />' . '</a>' . '</div>';
    } else {
        $go = '';
    // Pinterest
    $desc = urlencode($see_on_site) . ': ' . urlencode($photo_desc);
    if (strlen($desc) > 500) {
        $desc = substr($desc, 0, 495) . '...';
    if (wppa_switch('share_pinterest')) {
        $pi = '<div class="wppa-share-icon" style="float:left; padding:0 2px;" >' . '<a' . ' title="' . sprintf(__('Share %s on Pinterest', 'wp-photo-album-plus'), esc_attr($photo_name)) . '"' . ' href="http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=' . urlencode($share_url) . '&media=' . urlencode(str_replace('/thumbs/', '/', $share_img)) . '&description=' . $desc . '"' . ' target="_blank"' . ' >' . '<img' . ' src="' . wppa_get_imgdir() . 'pinterest.png"' . ' style="height:' . $s . 'px;vertical-align:top;border-radius:' . $br . 'px;"' . ' alt="' . esc_attr(__('Share on Pinterest', 'wp-photo-album-plus')) . '"' . ' />' . '</a>' . '</div>';
    } else {
        $pi = '';
    // LinkedIn
    if (wppa_switch('share_linkedin') && $key != 'thumb' && $key != 'lightbox') {
        /* old style that does no longer work
        		$li = 	'<script' .
        					' type="text/javascript"' .
        					' src="//platform.linkedin.com/in.js"' .
        					' >' .
        					'lang: ' . $wppa_locale .
        				'</script>' .
        				'<script' .
        					' type="IN/Share"' .
        					' data-url="' . urlencode( $share_url ) . '"' .
        					' data-counter="top"' .
        					' >' .
        		if ( $js ) {
        			$li = str_replace( '<', '[', $li );
        // New style under development
        $li = '<div class="wppa-share-icon" style="float:left; padding:0 2px;" >' . '<a' . ' href="https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=' . urlencode($share_url) . '" >' . '<img src="' . wppa_get_imgdir() . 'linkedin.png" style="height:' . $s . 'px;vertical-align:top;" />' . '</a>' . '</div>';
    } else {
        $li = '';
    // Facebook
    $fb = '';
    $need_fb_init = false;
    $small = 'thumb' == $key;
    if ('lightbox' == $key) {
        if (wppa_switch('facebook_like') && wppa_switch('share_facebook')) {
            $lbs = 'max-width:62px; max-height:96px; overflow:show;';
        } else {
            $lbs = 'max-width:62px; max-height:64px; overflow:show;';
    } else {
        $lbs = '';
    // Share
    if (wppa_switch('share_facebook') && !wppa_switch('facebook_like')) {
        if ($small) {
            $fb .= '<div' . ' class="fb-share-button"' . ' style="float:left; padding:0 2px;"' . ' data-href="' . $share_url . '"' . ' data-type="icon"' . ' >' . '</div>';
        } else {
            $disp = wppa_opt('fb_display');
            if ('standard' == $disp) {
                $disp = 'button';
            $fb .= '<div' . ' class="fb-share-button"' . ' style="float:left; padding:0 2px; ' . $lbs . '"' . ' data-width="200"' . ' data-href="' . $share_url . '"' . ' data-type="' . $disp . '"' . ' >' . '</div>';
        $need_fb_init = true;
    // Like
    if (wppa_switch('facebook_like') && !wppa_switch('share_facebook')) {
        if ($small) {
            $fb .= '<div' . ' class="fb-like"' . ' style="float:left; padding:0 2px; "' . ' data-href="' . $share_url . '"' . ' data-layout="button"' . ' >' . '</div>';
        } else {
            $fb .= '<div' . ' class="fb-like"' . ' style="float:left; padding:0 2px; ' . $lbs . '"' . ' data-width="200"' . ' data-href="' . $share_url . '"' . ' data-layout="' . wppa_opt('fb_display') . '"' . ' >' . '</div>';
        $need_fb_init = true;
    // Like and share
    if (wppa_switch('facebook_like') && wppa_switch('share_facebook')) {
        if ($small) {
            $fb .= '<div' . ' class="fb-like"' . ' style="float:left; padding:0 2px; "' . ' data-href="' . $share_url . '"' . ' data-layout="button"' . ' data-action="like"' . ' data-show-faces="false"' . ' data-share="true"' . ' >' . '</div>';
        } else {
            $fb .= '<div' . ' class="fb-like"' . ' style="float:left; padding:0 2px; ' . $lbs . '"' . ' data-width="200"' . ' data-href="' . $share_url . '"' . ' data-layout="' . wppa_opt('fb_display') . '"' . ' data-action="like"' . ' data-show-faces="false"' . ' data-share="true"' . ' >' . '</div>';
        $need_fb_init = true;
    // Comments
    if (wppa_switch('facebook_comments') && !wppa_in_widget() && $key != 'thumb' && $key != 'lightbox') {
        $width = wppa('auto_colwidth') ? '100%' : wppa_get_container_width(true);
        if (wppa_switch('facebook_comments')) {
            $fb .= '<div style="clear:both;" ></div>' . '<div class="wppa-fb-comments-title" style="color:blue;" >' . __('Comment on Facebook:', 'wp-photo-album-plus') . '</div>';
            $fb .= '<div class="fb-comments" data-href="' . $share_url . '" data-width="' . $width . '"></div>';
            $need_fb_init = true;
    // Need init?
    if ($need_fb_init) {
        if ($js && $key != 'thumb') {
            $fb .= '[script>wppaFbInit();[/script>';
        } else {
            $fb .= '<script>wppaFbInit();</script>';
    return $qr . $tw . $go . $pi . $li . $fb . '<div style="clear:both"></div>';