コード例 #1
  * Process the submitted dequeue movie list
  * Post IDs should be valid Movies CPT IDs. The method will return
  * an array of Post IDs if no error occured, a WP_Error instance
  * containing all errors if any.
  * @since    1.0
  * @param    array    $movies Array of movies Post IDs to dequeue
  * @return   array|WP_Error    Array of update movies Post IDs if no error occured, or WP_Error
 private static function dequeue_movies($movies)
     $response = array();
     $errors = new WP_Error();
     if (is_null($movies) || !is_array($movies)) {
         $errors->add('invalid', __('Invalid movie list submitted.', 'wpmovielibrary'));
         return $errors;
     $response = wpmoly_ajax_filter(array(__CLASS__, 'dequeue_movie'), array($movies), $loop = true);
     return $response;
コード例 #2
  * Process the submitted movie list
  * This method can be used through an AJAX callback; in this case
  * the nonce check is already done in callback so we only check
  * for nonce we're not doing AJAX. List is exploded by comma and
  * fed to import_movie() to create import drafts.
  * If AJAX, the function echo a status message and simply dies.
  * If no AJAX, ir returns false on failure, and a status message
  * on success.
  * @since    1.0
  * @param    array    $movies Array of movie titles to import
  * @return   mixed
 private static function import_movies($movies)
     $errors = new WP_Error();
     $response = array();
     $movies = explode(',', $movies);
     $movies = array_map(__CLASS__ . '::prepare_movie_import', $movies);
     if (is_null($movies) || !is_array($movies)) {
         $errors->add('invalid', __('Invalid movie list submitted.', 'wpmovielibrary'));
         return $errors;
     $response = wpmoly_ajax_filter(array(__CLASS__, 'import_movie'), array($movies), $loop = true);
     WPMOLY_Cache::clean_transient('clean', $force = true);
     return $response;