コード例 #1
function wplc_pro_admin_display_history()
    global $wpdb;
    global $wplc_tblname_chats;
    $results = $wpdb->get_results("\n\tSELECT *\n\tFROM {$wplc_tblname_chats}\n        WHERE `status` = 1\n        ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC\n\t");
    echo "\n       <form method=\"post\" >\n        <input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . __('Delete History', 'wplivechat') . "\" class='button' name=\"wplc-delete-chat-history\" /><br /><br />\n       </form>\n\n      <table class=\"wp-list-table widefat fixed \" cellspacing=\"0\">\n\t<thead>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<th scope='col' id='wplc_id_colum' class='manage-column column-id sortable desc'  style=''><span>" . __("Date", "wplivechat") . "</span></th>\n                <th scope='col' id='wplc_name_colum' class='manage-column column-name_title sortable desc'  style=''><span>" . __("Name", "wplivechat") . "</span></th>\n                <th scope='col' id='wplc_email_colum' class='manage-column column-email' style=\"\">" . __("Email", "wplivechat") . "</th>\n                <th scope='col' id='wplc_url_colum' class='manage-column column-url' style=\"\">" . __("URL", "wplivechat") . "</th>\n                <th scope='col' id='wplc_status_colum' class='manage-column column-status'  style=\"\">" . __("Status", "wplivechat") . "</th>\n                <th scope='col' id='wplc_action_colum' class='manage-column column-action sortable desc'  style=\"\"><span>" . __("Action", "wplivechat") . "</span></th>\n        </tr>\n\t</thead>\n        <tbody id=\"the-list\" class='list:wp_list_text_link'>\n        ";
    if (!$results) {
        echo "<tr><td></td><td>" . __("No chats available at the moment", "wplivechat") . "</td></tr>";
    } else {
        foreach ($results as $result) {
            $url = admin_url('admin.php?page=wplivechat-menu&action=history&cid=' . $result->id);
            $actions = "<a href='{$url}' class='button' title='" . __('View Chat History', 'wplivechat') . "' target='_BLANK' id=''>" . __('View Chat History', 'wplivechat') . "</a>";
            $trstyle = "style='height:30px;'";
            echo "<tr id=\"record_" . $result->id . "\" {$trstyle}>";
            echo "<td class='chat_id column-chat_d'>" . $result->timestamp . "</td>";
            echo "<td class='chat_name column_chat_name' id='chat_name_" . $result->id . "'><img src=\"http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/" . md5($result->email) . "?s=40\" /> " . $result->name . "</td>";
            echo "<td class='chat_email column_chat_email' id='chat_email_" . $result->id . "'><a href='mailto:" . $result->email . "' title='Email " . ".{$result->email}." . "'>" . $result->email . "</a></td>";
            echo "<td class='chat_name column_chat_url' id='chat_url_" . $result->id . "'>" . $result->url . "</td>";
            echo "<td class='chat_status column_chat_status' id='chat_status_" . $result->id . "'><strong>" . wplc_return_status($result->status) . "</strong></td>";
            echo "<td class='chat_action column-chat_action' id='chat_action_" . $result->id . "'>{$actions}</td>";
            echo "</tr>";
    echo "</table>";
コード例 #2
function wplc_hook_control_chat_history()
    global $wpdb;
    global $wplc_tblname_chats;
    if (isset($_GET['wplc_action']) && $_GET['wplc_action'] == 'remove_cid') {
        if (isset($_GET['cid'])) {
            if (isset($_GET['wplc_confirm'])) {
                //Confirmed - delete
                $delete_sql = "\n                    DELETE FROM {$wplc_tblname_chats}\n                    WHERE `id` = '" . intval($_GET['cid']) . "'\n                    AND (`status` = 1 OR `status` = 8)                   \n                    ";
                if ($wpdb->last_error) {
                    echo "<div class='update-nag' style='margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 5px;'>\n                        " . __("Error: Could not delete chat", "wp-livechat") . "<br>\n                      </div>";
                } else {
                    echo "<div class='update-nag' style='margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 5px;border-color:#67d552;'>\n                        " . __("Chat Deleted", "wp-livechat") . "<br>\n                      </div>";
            } else {
                echo "<div class='update-nag' style='margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 5px;'>\n                        " . __("Are you sure you would like to delete this chat?", "wp-livechat") . "<br>\n                        <a class='button' href='?page=wplivechat-menu-history&wplc_action=remove_cid&cid=" . $_GET['cid'] . "&wplc_confirm=1''>" . __("Yes", "wp-livechat") . "</a> <a class='button' href='?page=wplivechat-menu-history'>" . __("No", "wp-livechat") . "</a>\n                      </div>";
    $results = $wpdb->get_results("\n        SELECT *\n        FROM {$wplc_tblname_chats}\n        WHERE `status` = 1 OR `status` = 8\n        ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC\n      ");
    echo "\n       <form method=\"post\" >\n        <input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . __('Delete History', 'wplivechat') . "\" class='button' name=\"wplc-delete-chat-history\" /><br /><br />\n       </form>\n\n      <table class=\"wp-list-table widefat fixed \" cellspacing=\"0\">\n  <thead>\n  <tr>\n    <th scope='col' id='wplc_id_colum' class='manage-column column-id sortable desc'  style=''><span>" . __("Date", "wplivechat") . "</span></th>\n                <th scope='col' id='wplc_name_colum' class='manage-column column-name_title sortable desc'  style=''><span>" . __("Name", "wplivechat") . "</span></th>\n                <th scope='col' id='wplc_email_colum' class='manage-column column-email' style=\"\">" . __("Email", "wplivechat") . "</th>\n                <th scope='col' id='wplc_url_colum' class='manage-column column-url' style=\"\">" . __("URL", "wplivechat") . "</th>\n                <th scope='col' id='wplc_status_colum' class='manage-column column-status'  style=\"\">" . __("Status", "wplivechat") . "</th>\n                <th scope='col' id='wplc_action_colum' class='manage-column column-action sortable desc'  style=\"\"><span>" . __("Action", "wplivechat") . "</span></th>\n        </tr>\n  </thead>\n        <tbody id=\"the-list\" class='list:wp_list_text_link'>\n        ";
    if (!$results) {
        echo "<tr><td></td><td>" . __("No chats available at the moment", "wplivechat") . "</td></tr>";
    } else {
        foreach ($results as $result) {
            $url = admin_url('admin.php?page=wplivechat-menu&action=history&cid=' . $result->id);
            $url2 = admin_url('admin.php?page=wplivechat-menu&action=download_history&type=csv&cid=' . $result->id);
            $url3 = "?page=wplivechat-menu-history&wplc_action=remove_cid&cid=" . $result->id;
            $actions = "\n                <a href='{$url}' class='button' title='" . __('View Chat History', 'wplivechat') . "' target='_BLANK' id=''><i class='fa fa-eye'></i></a> <a href='{$url2}' class='button' title='" . __('Download Chat History', 'wplivechat') . "' target='_BLANK' id=''><i class='fa fa-download'></i></a> <a href='{$url3}' class='button'><i class='fa fa-trash-o'></i></a>      \n                ";
            $trstyle = "style='height:30px;'";
            echo "<tr id=\"record_" . $result->id . "\" {$trstyle}>";
            echo "<td class='chat_id column-chat_d'>" . $result->timestamp . "</td>";
            echo "<td class='chat_name column_chat_name' id='chat_name_" . $result->id . "'><img src=\"//www.gravatar.com/avatar/" . md5($result->email) . "?s=40\" /> " . $result->name . "</td>";
            echo "<td class='chat_email column_chat_email' id='chat_email_" . $result->id . "'><a href='mailto:" . $result->email . "' title='Email " . ".{$result->email}." . "'>" . $result->email . "</a></td>";
            echo "<td class='chat_name column_chat_url' id='chat_url_" . $result->id . "'>" . esc_url($result->url) . "</td>";
            echo "<td class='chat_status column_chat_status' id='chat_status_" . $result->id . "'><strong>" . wplc_return_status($result->status) . "</strong></td>";
            echo "<td class='chat_action column-chat_action' id='chat_action_" . $result->id . "'>{$actions}</td>";
            echo "</tr>";
    echo "</table>";