コード例 #1
  * @usage Generate download link of a package
  * @param $package
  * @param int $embed
  * @param array $extras
  * @return string
 public static function downloadLink($ID, $embed = 0, $extras = array())
     global $wpdb, $current_user, $wpdm_download_icon, $wpdm_download_lock_icon, $btnclass;
     if (is_array($extras)) {
     $data = '';
     $package = self::Get($ID);
     $package['link_url'] = home_url('/?download=1&');
     $package['link_label'] = !isset($package['link_label']) || $package['link_label'] == '' ? __("Download", "wpdmpro") : $package['link_label'];
     //Change link label using a button image
     $package['link_label'] = apply_filters('wpdm_button_image', $package['link_label'], $package);
     $package['download_url'] = wpdm_download_url($package);
     if (\WPDM\Package::userDownloadLimitExceeded($package['ID'])) {
         $package['download_url'] = '#';
         $package['link_label'] = __('Download Limit Exceeded', 'wpdmpro');
     if (isset($package['expire_date']) && $package['expire_date'] != "" && strtotime($package['expire_date']) < time()) {
         $package['download_url'] = '#';
         $package['link_label'] = __('Download was expired on', 'wpdmpro') . " " . date_i18n(get_option('date_format') . " h:i A", strtotime($package['expire_date']));
         $package['download_link'] = "<a href='#'>{$package['link_label']}</a>";
         $package = apply_filters('wpdm_after_prepare_package_data', $package);
         return "<div class='alert alert-warning'><b>" . __('Download:', 'wpdmpro') . "</b><br/>{$package['link_label']}</div>";
     if (isset($package['publish_date']) && $package['publish_date'] != '' && strtotime($package['publish_date']) > time()) {
         $package['download_url'] = '#';
         $package['link_label'] = __('Download will be available from ', 'wpdmpro') . " " . date_i18n(get_option('date_format') . " h:i A", strtotime($package['publish_date']));
         $package['download_link'] = "<a href='#'>{$package['link_label']}</a>";
         $package = apply_filters('wpdm_after_prepare_package_data', $package);
         return "<div class='alert alert-warning'><b>" . __('Download:', 'wpdmpro') . "</b><br/>{$package['link_label']}</div>";
     $link_label = isset($package['link_label']) ? $package['link_label'] : __('Download', 'wpdmpro');
     $package['access'] = wpdm_allowed_roles($package['ID']);
     if ($package['download_url'] != '#') {
         $package['download_link'] = "<a class='wpdm-download-link wpdm-download-locked {$btnclass}' rel='nofollow' href='#' onclick=\"location.href='{$package['download_url']}';return false;\"><i class='{$wpdm_download_icon}'></i>{$link_label}</a>";
     } else {
         $package['download_link'] = "<div class='alert alert-warning'><b>" . __('Download:', 'wpdmpro') . "</b><br/>{$link_label}</div>";
     $caps = array_keys($current_user->caps);
     $role = array_shift($caps);
     $matched = is_array(@maybe_unserialize($package['access'])) && is_user_logged_in() ? array_intersect($current_user->roles, @maybe_unserialize($package['access'])) : array();
     $skiplink = 0;
     if (is_user_logged_in() && count($matched) <= 0 && !@in_array('guest', @maybe_unserialize($package['access']))) {
         $package['download_url'] = "#";
         $package['download_link'] = $package['download_link_extended'] = stripslashes(get_option('wpdm_permission_msg'));
         $package = apply_filters('wpdm_after_prepare_package_data', $package);
         if (get_option('_wpdm_hide_all', 0) == 1) {
             $package['download_link'] = $package['download_link_extended'] = 'blocked';
         return $package['download_link'];
     if (!@in_array('guest', @maybe_unserialize($package['access'])) && !is_user_logged_in()) {
         $loginform = wpdm_login_form(array('redirect' => get_permalink($package['ID'])));
         if (get_option('_wpdm_hide_all', 0) == 1) {
             return 'loginform';
         $package['download_url'] = home_url('/wp-login.php?redirect_to=' . urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
         $package['download_link'] = stripcslashes(str_replace(array("[loginform]", "[this_url]"), array($loginform, get_permalink($package['ID'])), get_option('wpdm_login_msg')));
         return get_option('__wpdm_login_form', 0) == 1 ? $loginform : $package['download_link'];
     $package = apply_filters('wpdm_before_apply_locks', $package);
     $package = apply_filters('wpdm_after_prepare_package_data', $package);
     $unqid = uniqid();
     if (!isset($package['quota']) || isset($package['quota']) && $package['quota'] > 0 && $package['quota'] > $package['download_count'] || $package['quota'] == 0) {
         $lock = 0;
         if ($package['password'] != '') {
             $lock = 'locked';
             $data = \WPDM\PackageLocks::AskPassword($package);
         $sociallock = "";
         $extralocks = '';
         $extralocks = apply_filters("wpdm_download_lock", $extralocks, $package);
         if (is_array($extralocks) && $extralocks['lock'] === 'locked') {
             if (isset($extralocks['type']) && $extralocks['type'] == 'social') {
                 $sociallock .= $extralocks['html'];
             } else {
                 $data .= $extralocks['html'];
             $lock = 'locked';
         if ($sociallock != "") {
             $data .= "<div class='panel panel-default'><div class='panel-heading'>" . __("Like or Share to Download", "wpdmpro") . "</div><div class='panel-body wpdm-social-locks text-center'>{$sociallock}</div></div>";
         if ($lock === 'locked') {
             $popstyle = isset($popstyle) && in_array($popstyle, array('popup', 'pop-over')) ? $popstyle : 'pop-over';
             if ($embed == 1) {
                 $adata = "</strong><table class='table all-locks-table' style='border:0px'><tr><td style='padding:5px 0px;border:0px;'>" . $data . "</td></tr></table>";
             } else {
                 $dataattrs = $popstyle == 'pop-over' ? 'data-title="<button type=button id=\'close\' class=\'btn btn-link btn-xs pull-right po-close\' style=\'margin-top:-4px;margin-right:-10px\'><i class=\'fa fa-times text-danger\'></i></button> ' . __('Download', 'wpdmpro') . ' ' . $package['title'] . '"' : 'data-toggle="modal" data-target="#pkg_' . $package['ID'] . "_" . $unqid . '"';
                 $adata = '<a href="#pkg_' . $package['ID'] . "_" . $unqid . '" ' . $dataattrs . ' class="wpdm-download-link wpdm-download-locked ' . $popstyle . ' ' . $btnclass . '"><i class=\'' . $wpdm_download_lock_icon . '\'></i>' . $package['link_label'] . '</a>';
                 if ($popstyle == 'pop-over') {
                     $adata .= '<div class="modal fade"><div class="row all-locks"  id="pkg_' . $package['ID'] . "_" . $unqid . '">' . $data . '</div></div>';
                 } else {
                     $adata .= '<div class="modal fade" role="modal" id="pkg_' . $package['ID'] . "_" . $unqid . '"><div class="modal-dialog"><div class="modal-content"><div class="modal-header"><strong style="margin:0px;font-size:12pt">' . __('Download') . '</strong></div><div class="modal-body">' . $data . '</div><div class="modal-footer text-right"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-sm" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button></div></div></div></div>';
             $data = $adata;
         if ($lock !== 'locked') {
             $data = $package['download_link'];
     } else {
         $data = __("Download limit exceeded!", 'wpdmpro');
     return $data;
コード例 #2
 * Process Download Request
function wpdm_downloadnow()
    global $wpdb, $current_user, $wp_query;
    if (!isset($wp_query->query_vars['wpdmdl']) && !isset($_GET['wpdmdl'])) {
    $id = isset($_GET['wpdmdl']) ? (int) $_GET['wpdmdl'] : (int) $wp_query->query_vars['wpdmdl'];
    if ($id <= 0) {
    $key = array_key_exists('_wpdmkey', $_GET) ? $_GET['_wpdmkey'] : '';
    $key = $key == '' && array_key_exists('_wpdmkey', $wp_query->query_vars) ? $wp_query->query_vars['_wpdmkey'] : $key;
    $key = preg_replace("/[^_a-z|A-Z|0-9]/i", "", $key);
    $key = "__wpdmkey_" . $key;
    $package = get_post($id, ARRAY_A);
    $package['ID'] = $package['ID'];
    $package = array_merge($package, wpdm_custom_data($package['ID']));
    if (isset($package['files'])) {
        $package['files'] = maybe_unserialize($package['files']);
    } else {
        $package['files'] = array();
    //$package = wpdm_setup_package_data($package);
    $package['access'] = wpdm_allowed_roles($id);
    if (is_array($package)) {
        $role = @array_shift(@array_keys($current_user->caps));
        $cpackage = apply_filters('before_download', $package);
        $lock = '';
        $package = $cpackage ? $cpackage : $package;
        if (isset($package['email_lock']) && $package['email_lock'] == 1) {
            $lock = 'locked';
        if (isset($package['password_lock']) && $package['password_lock'] == 1) {
            $lock = 'locked';
        if (isset($package['gplusone_lock']) && $package['gplusone_lock'] == 1) {
            $lock = 'locked';
        if (isset($package['facebooklike_lock']) && $package['facebooklike_lock'] == 1) {
            $lock = 'locked';
        if (isset($package['tweet_lock']) && $package['tweet_lock'] == 1) {
            $lock = 'locked';
        if ($lock !== 'locked') {
            $lock = apply_filters('wpdm_check_lock', $id, $lock);
        if (isset($_GET['masterkey']) && esc_attr($_GET['masterkey']) == $package['masterkey']) {
            $lock = 0;
        $limit = $key ? (int) trim(get_post_meta($package['ID'], $key, true)) : 0;
        if ($limit <= 0 && $key != '') {
            delete_post_meta($package['ID'], $key);
        } else {
            if ($key != '') {
                update_post_meta($package['ID'], $key, $limit - 1);
        $matched = is_array(@maybe_unserialize($package['access'])) && is_user_logged_in() ? array_intersect($current_user->roles, @maybe_unserialize($package['access'])) : array();
        if ($id != '' && is_user_logged_in() && count($matched) < 1 && !@in_array('guest', $package['access']) || !is_user_logged_in() && !@in_array('guest', $package['access']) && $id != '') {
            wpdm_download_data("permission-denied.txt", __("You don't have permission to download this file", 'wpdmpro'));
        } else {
            if ($lock === 'locked' && $limit <= 0) {
                if ($key != '') {
                    wpdm_download_data("link-expired.txt", __("Download link is expired. Please get new download link.", 'wpdmpro'));
                } else {
                    wpdm_download_data("invalid-link.txt", __("Download link is expired or not valid. Please get new download link.", 'wpdmpro'));
            } else {
                if ($package['ID'] > 0) {
                    include "wpdm-start-download.php";
    } else {
        wpdm_notice(__("Invalid download link.", 'wpdmpro'));
コード例 #3
  * @usage Callback function for [file_list_extended] tag
  * @param $file
  * @return string
  * @usage Generate file list with preview
 public static function Box($file)
     global $current_user;
     $file['files'] = maybe_unserialize($file['files']);
     $fhtml = '';
     $idvdl = \WPDM\Package::isSingleFileDownloadAllowed($file['ID']);
     //isset($file['individual_file_download']) ? $file['individual_file_download'] : 0;
     $pd = isset($file['publish_date']) && $file['publish_date'] != "" ? strtotime($file['publish_date']) : 0;
     $xd = isset($file['expire_date']) && $file['expire_date'] != "" ? strtotime($file['expire_date']) : 0;
     $cur = is_user_logged_in() ? $current_user->roles : array('guest');
     $_SESSION['wpdmfilelistcd_' . $file['ID']] = 1;
     if ($xd > 0 && $xd < time() || $pd > 0 && $pd > time()) {
         $idvdl = 0;
     $dir = isset($file['package_dir']) ? $file['package_dir'] : '';
     $dfiles = array();
     if ($dir != '') {
         $dfiles = wpdm_get_files($dir, false);
     $file['access'] = wpdm_allowed_roles($file['ID']);
     if (count($file['files']) > 0 || count($dfiles) > 0) {
         $fileinfo = isset($file['fileinfo']) ? $file['fileinfo'] : array();
         $pwdlock = isset($file['password_lock']) ? $file['password_lock'] : 0;
         //Check if any other lock option apllied for this package
         $olock = wpdm_is_locked($file['ID']) ? 1 : 0;
         $swl = 0;
         if (!isset($file['quota']) || $file['quota'] <= 0) {
             $file['quota'] = 9999999999999;
         if (is_user_logged_in()) {
             $cur[] = 'guest';
         if (!isset($file['access']) || count($file['access']) == 0 || !wpdm_user_has_access($file['ID']) || wpdm_is_download_limit_exceed($file['ID']) || $file['quota'] <= $file['download_count']) {
             $olock = 1;
         $pwdcol = $dlcol = '';
         if ($pwdlock && $idvdl) {
             $pwdcol = "<th>" . __("Password", "wpdmpro") . "</th>";
         if ($idvdl && ($pwdlock || !$olock)) {
             $dlcol = "<th align=center>" . __("Download", "wpdmpro") . "</th>";
             $swl = 1;
         $allfiles = is_array($file['files']) ? $file['files'] : array();
         //$allfiles = array_merge($allfiles, $dfiles);
         $fhtml = "<div class='row' id='xfilelist'>";
         if (is_array($allfiles)) {
             foreach ($allfiles as $fileID => $sfile) {
                 $fhtml .= "<div class='col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-6'><div class='panel panel-default'>";
                 $ind = \WPDM_Crypt::Encrypt($sfile);
                 if (!isset($fileinfo[$sfile]) || !@is_array($fileinfo[$sfile])) {
                     $fileinfo[$sfile] = array();
                 if (!@is_array($fileinfo[$fileID])) {
                     $fileinfo[$fileID] = array();
                 $filePass = isset($fileinfo[$sfile]['password']) ? $fileinfo[$sfile]['password'] : (isset($fileinfo[$fileID]['password']) ? $fileinfo[$fileID]['password'] : '');
                 $fileTitle = isset($fileinfo[$sfile]['title']) && $fileinfo[$sfile]['title'] != '' ? $fileinfo[$sfile]['title'] : (isset($fileinfo[$fileID]['title']) && $fileinfo[$fileID]['title'] != '' ? $fileinfo[$fileID]['title'] : preg_replace("/([0-9]+)_/", "", wpdm_basename($sfile)));
                 if ($filePass == '' && $pwdlock) {
                     $filePass = $file['password'];
                 $fhtml .= "<div class='panel-heading ttip' title='{$fileTitle}'>{$fileTitle}</div>";
                 $imgext = array('png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif');
                 $ext = explode(".", $sfile);
                 $ext = end($ext);
                 $ext = strtolower($ext);
                 $filepath = file_exists($sfile) ? $sfile : UPLOAD_DIR . $sfile;
                 $thumb = "";
                 if ($ext == '' || !file_exists(WPDM_BASE_DIR . 'assets/file-type-icons/' . $ext . '.png')) {
                     $ext = '_blank';
                 if (in_array($ext, $imgext)) {
                     $thumb = wpdm_dynamic_thumb($filepath, array(88, 88));
                 if ($thumb) {
                     $fhtml .= "<div class='panel-body text-center'><img class='file-thumb' src='{$thumb}' alt='{$fileTitle}' /></div><div class='panel-footer footer-info'>" . wpdm_file_size($sfile) . "</div><div class='panel-footer'>";
                 } else {
                     $fhtml .= "<div class='panel-body text-center'><img class='file-ico' src='" . WPDM_BASE_URL . 'assets/file-type-icons/' . $ext . '.png' . "' alt='{$fileTitle}' /></div><div class='panel-footer footer-info'>" . wpdm_file_size($sfile) . "</div><div class='panel-footer'>";
                 if ($swl) {
                     if ($filePass != '' && $pwdlock) {
                         $fhtml .= "<div class='input-group'><input  onkeypress='jQuery(this).removeClass(\"input-error\");' size=10 type='password' value='' id='pass_{$file['ID']}_{$ind}' placeholder='Password' name='pass' class='form-control input-sm inddlps' />";
                     if ($filePass != '' && $pwdlock) {
                         $fhtml .= "<span class='input-group-btn'><button class='inddl btn btn-primary btn-sm' file='{$sfile}' rel='" . wpdm_download_url($file) . "&ind=" . $ind . "' pass='******'ID']}_{$ind}'><i class='fa fa-download'></i></button></span></div>";
                     } else {
                         $fhtml .= "<a class='btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-block' href='" . wpdm_download_url($file) . "&ind=" . $ind . "'><span class='pull-left'><i class='fa fa-download'></i></span>&nbsp;" . __("Download", "wpdmpro") . "</a>";
                 $fhtml .= "</div></div></div>";
         if (is_array($dfiles)) {
             foreach ($dfiles as $ind => $sfile) {
                 $ind = \WPDM_Crypt::Encrypt($sfile);
                 $fhtml .= "<div class='col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-6'><div class='panel panel-default'>";
                 if (!isset($fileinfo[$sfile]) || !@is_array($fileinfo[$sfile])) {
                     $fileinfo[$sfile] = array();
                 if (!isset($fileinfo[$sfile]['password'])) {
                     $fileinfo[$sfile]['password'] = "";
                 if ($fileinfo[$sfile]['password'] == '' && $pwdlock) {
                     $fileinfo[$sfile]['password'] = $file['password'];
                 $ttl = isset($fileinfo[$sfile]['title']) && $fileinfo[$sfile]['title'] != "" ? $fileinfo[$sfile]['title'] : preg_replace("/([0-9]+)_/", "", wpdm_basename($sfile));
                 $cttl = is_dir($sfile) ? "<a href='#' class='wpdm-indir' data-dir='{$ttl}' data-pid='{$file['ID']}'>{$ttl}/</a>" : $ttl;
                 $fhtml .= "<div class='panel-heading ttip' title='{$ttl}'>{$cttl}</div>";
                 $imgext = array('png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif');
                 $ext = explode(".", $sfile);
                 $ext = end($ext);
                 $ext = strtolower($ext);
                 if (is_dir($sfile)) {
                     $ext = 'folder';
                 $filepath = file_exists($sfile) ? $sfile : UPLOAD_DIR . $sfile;
                 $thumb = "";
                 $showt = 1;
                 if (in_array($ext, $imgext) && apply_filters('file_list_extended_show_thumbs', $showt)) {
                     $thumb = wpdm_dynamic_thumb($filepath, array(88, 88));
                 $fticon = WPDM_BASE_URL . 'assets/file-type-icons/' . $ext . '.png';
                 if (!file_exists(WPDM_BASE_DIR . 'assets/file-type-icons/' . $ext . '.png')) {
                     $fticon = WPDM_BASE_URL . 'assets/file-type-icons/ini.png';
                 if ($thumb) {
                     $fhtml .= "<div class='panel-body text-center'><img class='file-thumb' src='{$thumb}' alt='{$ttl}' /></div><div class='panel-footer footer-info'>" . wpdm_file_size($sfile) . "</div><div class='panel-footer'>";
                 } else {
                     $fhtml .= "<div class='panel-body text-center'><img class='file-ico' src='" . $fticon . "' alt='{$ttl}' /></div><div class='panel-footer footer-info'>" . wpdm_file_size($sfile) . "</div><div class='panel-footer'>";
                 if ($swl) {
                     $fileinfo[$sfile]['password'] = $fileinfo[$sfile]['password'] == '' ? $file['password'] : $fileinfo[$sfile]['password'];
                     if ($fileinfo[$sfile]['password'] != '' && $pwdlock && !is_dir($sfile)) {
                         $fhtml .= "<div class='input-group'><input  onkeypress='jQuery(this).removeClass(\"input-error\");' size=10 type='password' value='' id='pass_{$file['ID']}_{$ind}' placeholder='Password' name='pass' class='form-control input-sm inddlps' />";
                     if ($fileinfo[$sfile]['password'] != '' && $pwdlock && !is_dir($sfile)) {
                         $fhtml .= "<span class='input-group-btn'><button class='inddl btn btn-primary btn-sm' file='{$sfile}' rel='" . wpdm_download_url($file) . "&ind=" . $ind . "' pass='******'ID']}_{$ind}'><i class='fa fa-download'></i></button></span></div>";
                     } else {
                         if (!is_dir($sfile)) {
                             $fhtml .= "<a class='btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-block' href='" . wpdm_download_url($file) . "&ind=" . $ind . "'><span class='pull-left'><i class='fa fa-download'></i></span>&nbsp;" . __("Download", "wpdmpro") . "</a>";
                         } else {
                             $fhtml .= "<a class='btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-block wpdm-indir' href='#'  data-dir='{$ttl}' data-pid='{$file['ID']}'><span class='pull-left'><i class='fa fa-folder'></i></span> &nbsp;" . __("Browse", "wpdmpro") . "</a>";
                 $fhtml .= "</div></div></div>";
         $fhtml .= "</div>";
         $siteurl = home_url('/');
         $fhtml .= "<script type='text/javascript' language='JavaScript'> jQuery('.inddl').click(function(){ var tis = this; jQuery.post('{$siteurl}',{wpdmfileid:'{$file['ID']}',wpdmfile:jQuery(this).attr('file'),actioninddlpvr:1,filepass:jQuery(jQuery(this).attr('pass')).val()},function(res){ res = res.split('|'); var ret = res[1]; if(ret=='error') jQuery(jQuery(tis).attr('pass')).addClass('input-error'); if(ret=='ok') location.href=jQuery(tis).attr('rel')+'&_wpdmkey='+res[2];});}); </script> ";
     return $fhtml;
コード例 #4
 * @usage Generate download link of a package
 * @param $package
 * @param int $embed
 * @param array $extras
 * @return string
function DownloadLink(&$package, $embed = 0, $extras = array())
    global $wpdb, $current_user, $wpdm_download_icon, $wpdm_download_lock_icon, $btnclass;
    if (is_array($extras)) {
    $data = '';
    $package['link_url'] = home_url('/?download=1&');
    $package['link_label'] = !isset($package['link_label']) || $package['link_label'] == '' ? __("Download", "wpdmpro") : $package['link_label'];
    //Change link label using a button image
    $package['link_label'] = apply_filters('wpdm_button_image', $package['link_label'], $package);
    $package['download_url'] = wpdm_download_url($package);
    if (wpdm_is_download_limit_exceed($package['ID'])) {
        $package['download_url'] = '#';
        $package['link_label'] = __('Download Limit Exceeded', 'wpdmpro');
    if (isset($package['expire_date']) && $package['expire_date'] != "" && strtotime($package['expire_date']) < time()) {
        $package['download_url'] = '#';
        $package['link_label'] = __('Download was expired on', 'wpdmpro') . " " . date_i18n(get_option('date_format') . " h:i A", strtotime($package['expire_date']));
        $package['download_link'] = "<a href='#'>{$package['link_label']}</a>";
        return "<div class='alert alert-warning'><b>" . __('Download:', 'wpdmpro') . "</b><br/>{$package['link_label']}</div>";
    if (isset($package['publish_date']) && $package['publish_date'] != '' && strtotime($package['publish_date']) > time()) {
        $package['download_url'] = '#';
        $package['link_label'] = __('Download will be available from ', 'wpdmpro') . " " . date_i18n(get_option('date_format') . " h:i A", strtotime($package['publish_date']));
        $package['download_link'] = "<a href='#'>{$package['link_label']}</a>";
        return "<div class='alert alert-warning'><b>" . __('Download:', 'wpdmpro') . "</b><br/>{$package['link_label']}</div>";
    $link_label = isset($package['link_label']) ? $package['link_label'] : __('Download', 'wpdmpro');
    $package['access'] = wpdm_allowed_roles($package['ID']);
    if ($package['download_url'] != '#') {
        $package['download_link'] = "<a class='wpdm-download-link wpdm-download-locked {$btnclass}' rel='nofollow' href='#' onclick=\"location.href='{$package['download_url']}';return false;\"><i class='{$wpdm_download_icon}'></i>{$link_label}</a>";
    } else {
        $package['download_link'] = "<div class='alert alert-warning'><b>" . __('Download:', 'wpdmpro') . "</b><br/>{$link_label}</div>";
    $caps = array_keys($current_user->caps);
    $role = array_shift($caps);
    $matched = is_array(@maybe_unserialize($package['access'])) && is_user_logged_in() ? array_intersect($current_user->roles, @maybe_unserialize($package['access'])) : array();
    $skiplink = 0;
    if (is_user_logged_in() && count($matched) <= 0 && !@in_array('guest', @maybe_unserialize($package['access']))) {
        $package['download_url'] = "#";
        $package['download_link'] = $package['download_link_extended'] = stripslashes(get_option('wpdm_permission_msg'));
        $package = apply_filters('download_link', $package);
        if (get_option('_wpdm_hide_all', 0) == 1) {
            $package['download_link'] = $package['download_link_extended'] = 'blocked';
        return $package['download_link'];
    if (!@in_array('guest', @maybe_unserialize($package['access'])) && !is_user_logged_in()) {
        $loginform = wpdm_login_form(array('redirect' => get_permalink($package['ID'])));
        if (get_option('_wpdm_hide_all', 0) == 1) {
            return 'loginform';
        $package['download_url'] = home_url('/wp-login.php?redirect_to=' . urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
        $package['download_link'] = stripcslashes(str_replace(array("[loginform]", "[this_url]"), array($loginform, get_permalink($package['ID'])), get_option('wpdm_login_msg')));
        return get_option('__wpdm_login_form', 0) == 1 ? $loginform : $package['download_link'];
    $package = apply_filters('download_link', $package);
    $unqid = uniqid();
    if (!isset($package['quota']) || isset($package['quota']) && $package['quota'] > 0 && $package['quota'] > $package['download_count'] || $package['quota'] == 0) {
        $lock = 0;
        if (isset($package['password_lock']) && (int) $package['password_lock'] == 1 && $package['password'] != '') {
            $lock = 'locked';
            $data = \WPDM\PackageLocks::AskPassword($package);
        $sociallock = "";
        if (isset($package['email_lock']) && (int) $package['email_lock'] == 1) {
            $data .= \WPDM\PackageLocks::AskEmail($package);
            $lock = 'locked';
        if (isset($package['linkedin_lock']) && (int) $package['linkedin_lock'] == 1) {
            $lock = 'locked';
            $sociallock .= \WPDM\PackageLocks::LinkedInShare($package);
        if (isset($package['twitterfollow_lock']) && (int) $package['twitterfollow_lock'] == 1) {
            $lock = 'locked';
            $sociallock .= \WPDM\PackageLocks::TwitterFollow($package);
        if (isset($package['gplusone_lock']) && (int) $package['gplusone_lock'] == 1) {
            $lock = 'locked';
            $sociallock .= '<div id="wpdmslb-googleplus-' . $package['ID'] . '" class="wpdm-social-lock-box wpdmslb-googleplus">' . \WPDM\PackageLocks::GooglePlusOne($package, true) . '</div>';
        if (isset($package['tweet_lock']) && (int) $package['tweet_lock'] == 1) {
            $lock = 'locked';
            $sociallock .= '<div id="wpdmslb-tweet-' . $package['ID'] . '" class="wpdm-social-lock-box wpdmslb-tweet">' . \WPDM\PackageLocks::Tweet($package, true) . '</div>';
        if (isset($package['facebooklike_lock']) && (int) $package['facebooklike_lock'] == 1) {
            $lock = 'locked';
            $sociallock .= \WPDM\PackageLocks::FacebookLike($package, true);
        if (isset($package['captcha_lock']) && (int) $package['captcha_lock'] == 1) {
            $lock = 'locked';
            $sociallock .= \WPDM\PackageLocks::reCaptchaLock($package, true);
        $extralocks = '';
        $extralocks = apply_filters("wpdm_download_lock", $extralocks, $package);
        if (is_array($extralocks) && $extralocks['lock'] === 'locked') {
            if (isset($extralocks['type']) && $extralocks['type'] == 'social') {
                $sociallock .= $extralocks['html'];
            } else {
                $data .= $extralocks['html'];
            $lock = 'locked';
        if ($sociallock != "") {
            $data .= "<div class='panel panel-default'><div class='panel-heading'>" . __("Download", "wpdmpro") . "</div><div class='panel-body wpdm-social-locks text-center'>{$sociallock}</div></div>";
        if ($lock === 'locked') {
            $popstyle = isset($popstyle) && in_array($popstyle, array('popup', 'pop-over')) ? $popstyle : 'pop-over';
            if ($embed == 1) {
                $adata = "</strong><table class='table all-locks-table' style='border:0px'><tr><td style='padding:5px 0px;border:0px;'>" . $data . "</td></tr></table>";
            } else {
                $dataattrs = $popstyle == 'pop-over' ? 'data-title="<button type=button id=\'close\' class=\'btn btn-link btn-xs pull-right po-close\' style=\'margin-top:-4px;margin-right:-10px\'><i class=\'fa fa-times text-danger\'></i></button> ' . __('Download', 'wpdmpro') . ' ' . $package['title'] . '"' : 'data-toggle="modal" data-target="#pkg_' . $package['ID'] . "_" . $unqid . '"';
                $adata = '<a href="#pkg_' . $package['ID'] . "_" . $unqid . '" ' . $dataattrs . ' class="wpdm-download-link wpdm-download-locked ' . $popstyle . ' ' . $btnclass . '"><i class=\'' . $wpdm_download_lock_icon . '\'></i>' . $package['link_label'] . '</a>';
                if ($popstyle == 'pop-over') {
                    $adata .= '<div class="modal fade"><div class="row all-locks"  id="pkg_' . $package['ID'] . "_" . $unqid . '">' . $data . '</div></div>';
                } else {
                    $adata .= '<div class="modal fade" role="modal" id="pkg_' . $package['ID'] . "_" . $unqid . '"><div class="modal-dialog"><div class="modal-content"><div class="modal-header"><strong style="margin:0px;font-size:12pt">' . __('Download') . '</strong></div><div class="modal-body">' . $data . '</div><div class="modal-footer text-right"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-sm" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button></div></div></div></div>';
            $data = $adata;
        if ($lock !== 'locked') {
            $data = $package['download_link'];
    } else {
        $data = __("Download limit exceeded!", 'wpdmpro');
    $nojspopup = "<script>\n\n\t\t\tjQuery(function(){\n\t\t\t\tvar url = location.href;\n\t\t\t\tvar ckid = url.split('ckid:');\n\t\t\t\tckid = ckid[1];\n\t\t\t\tconsole.log(jQuery.cookie('wpdm_getlink_data_'+ckid));\n\t\t\t\tif(url.indexOf('#nojs_popup') && jQuery.cookie('wpdm_getlink_data_'+ckid)!=null && jQuery.cookie('wpdm_getlink_data_'+ckid)!='') {\n\t\t\t\t\tvar jsn = jQuery.cookie('wpdm_getlink_data_'+ckid);\n\t\t\t\t\tjsn = jQuery.parseJSON(jsn);\n\t\t\t\t\tjQuery.cookie('wpdm_getlink_data_'+ckid,'');\n\t\t\t\t\tjQuery('body').prepend('<div style=\"display:none;color:#fff;position:fixed;z-index:99999999999;width:300px;right:20px;bottom:20px;border-radius:3px;background:rgba(231, 76, 60,0.9);padding:10px;text-align:center;\" class=\"wpdm-alert\">'+jsn.error.replace(/\\+/ig, ' ')+'</div>');\n\t\t\t\t\tjQuery('.wpdm-alert').slideDown();\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t</script>";
    //return str_replace(array("\r","\n"),"",$data);
    return $data;
コード例 #5
ファイル: wpdm-functions.php プロジェクト: RA2WP/RA2WP
 * @usage Check if current user has access to package or category
 * @param $id
 * @param string $type
 * @return bool
function wpdm_user_has_access($id, $type = 'package')
    global $current_user;
    $roles = wpdm_allowed_roles($id);
    $matched = is_user_logged_in() ? array_intersect($current_user->roles, $roles) : array();
    if (in_array('guest', $roles)) {
        return true;
    if (count($matched) > 0) {
        return true;
    return false;
コード例 #6
  * @usage Generate download link of a package
  * @param $package
  * @param int $embed
  * @param array $extras
  * @return string
 public static function downloadLink($ID, $embed = 0, $extras = array())
     global $wpdb, $current_user, $wpdm_download_icon, $wpdm_download_lock_icon, $btnclass;
     if (is_array($extras)) {
     $data = '';
     $package = self::Get($ID);
     $package['link_url'] = home_url('/?download=1&');
     $package['link_label'] = !isset($package['link_label']) || $package['link_label'] == '' ? __("Download", "wpdmpro") : $package['link_label'];
     //Change link label using a button image
     $package['link_label'] = apply_filters('wpdm_button_image', $package['link_label'], $package);
     $package['download_url'] = wpdm_download_url($package);
     if (\WPDM\Package::userDownloadLimitExceeded($package['ID'])) {
         $package['download_url'] = '#';
         $package['link_label'] = __('Download Limit Exceeded', 'wpdmpro');
     if (isset($package['expire_date']) && $package['expire_date'] != "" && strtotime($package['expire_date']) < time()) {
         $package['download_url'] = '#';
         $package['link_label'] = __('Download was expired on', 'wpdmpro') . " " . date_i18n(get_option('date_format') . " h:i A", strtotime($package['expire_date']));
         $package['download_link'] = $vars['download_link_extended'] = $vars['download_link_popup'] = "<a href='#'>{$package['link_label']}</a>";
         $package = apply_filters('wpdm_after_prepare_package_data', $package);
         return "<div class='alert alert-warning'><b>" . __('Download:', 'wpdmpro') . "</b><br/>{$package['link_label']}</div>";
     if (isset($package['publish_date']) && $package['publish_date'] != '' && strtotime($package['publish_date']) > time()) {
         $package['download_url'] = '#';
         $package['link_label'] = __('Download will be available from ', 'wpdmpro') . " " . date_i18n(get_option('date_format') . " h:i A", strtotime($package['publish_date']));
         $package['download_link'] = $vars['download_link_extended'] = $vars['download_link_popup'] = "<a href='#'>{$package['link_label']}</a>";
         $package = apply_filters('wpdm_after_prepare_package_data', $package);
         return "<div class='alert alert-warning'><b>" . __('Download:', 'wpdmpro') . "</b><br/>{$package['link_label']}</div>";
     $link_label = isset($package['link_label']) ? $package['link_label'] : __('Download', 'wpdmpro');
     $package['access'] = wpdm_allowed_roles($package['ID']);
     if ($package['download_url'] != '#') {
         $package['download_link'] = $vars['download_link_extended'] = $vars['download_link_popup'] = "<a class='wpdm-download-link wpdm-download-locked {$btnclass}' rel='nofollow' href='#' onclick=\"location.href='{$package['download_url']}';return false;\"><i class='{$wpdm_download_icon}'></i>{$link_label}</a>";
     } else {
         $package['download_link'] = "<div class='alert alert-warning'><b>" . __('Download:', 'wpdmpro') . "</b><br/>{$link_label}</div>";
     $caps = array_keys($current_user->caps);
     $role = array_shift($caps);
     $matched = is_array(@maybe_unserialize($package['access'])) && is_user_logged_in() ? array_intersect($current_user->roles, @maybe_unserialize($package['access'])) : array();
     $skiplink = 0;
     if (is_user_logged_in() && count($matched) <= 0 && !@in_array('guest', @maybe_unserialize($package['access']))) {
         $package['download_url'] = "#";
         $package['download_link'] = $vars['download_link_extended'] = $vars['download_link_popup'] = stripslashes(get_option('wpdm_permission_msg'));
         $package = apply_filters('wpdm_after_prepare_package_data', $package);
         if (get_option('_wpdm_hide_all', 0) == 1) {
             $package['download_link'] = $vars['download_link_extended'] = $vars['download_link_popup'] = 'blocked';
         return $package['download_link'];
     if (!@in_array('guest', @maybe_unserialize($package['access'])) && !is_user_logged_in()) {
         $loginform = wpdm_login_form(array('redirect' => get_permalink($package['ID'])));
         if (get_option('_wpdm_hide_all', 0) == 1) {
             return 'loginform';
         $package['download_url'] = home_url('/wp-login.php?redirect_to=' . urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
         $package['download_link'] = $vars['download_link_extended'] = $vars['download_link_popup'] = stripcslashes(str_replace(array("[loginform]", "[this_url]"), array($loginform, get_permalink($package['ID'])), get_option('wpdm_login_msg')));
         return get_option('__wpdm_login_form', 0) == 1 ? $loginform : $package['download_link'];
     $package = apply_filters('wpdm_before_apply_locks', $package);
     $package = apply_filters('wpdm_after_prepare_package_data', $package);
     $unqid = uniqid();
     if (!isset($package['quota']) || isset($package['quota']) && $package['quota'] > 0 && $package['quota'] > $package['download_count'] || $package['quota'] == 0) {
         $lock = 0;
         if (isset($package['password_lock']) && (int)$package['password_lock'] == 1 && $package['password'] != '') {
             $lock = 'locked';
             $data = \WPDM\PackageLocks::AskPassword($package);
         $sociallock = "";
         if (isset($package['email_lock']) && (int)$package['email_lock'] == 1) {
             $data .= \WPDM\PackageLocks::AskEmail($package);
             $lock = 'locked';
         if (isset($package['linkedin_lock']) && (int)$package['linkedin_lock'] == 1) {
             $lock = 'locked';
             $sociallock .= \WPDM\PackageLocks::LinkedInShare($package);
         if (isset($package['twitterfollow_lock']) && (int)$package['twitterfollow_lock'] == 1) {
             $lock = 'locked';
             $sociallock .= \WPDM\PackageLocks::TwitterFollow($package);
         if (isset($package['gplusone_lock']) && (int)$package['gplusone_lock'] == 1) {
             $lock = 'locked';
             $sociallock .= '<div id="wpdmslb-googleplus-'.$package['ID'].'" class="wpdm-social-lock-box wpdmslb-googleplus">' . \WPDM\PackageLocks::GooglePlusOne($package, true) . '</div>';
         if (isset($package['tweet_lock']) && (int)$package['tweet_lock'] == 1) {
             $lock = 'locked';
             $sociallock .= '<div id="wpdmslb-tweet-'.$package['ID'].'" class="wpdm-social-lock-box wpdmslb-tweet">' . \WPDM\PackageLocks::Tweet($package, true) . '</div>';
         if (isset($package['facebooklike_lock']) && (int)$package['facebooklike_lock'] == 1) {
             $lock = 'locked';
             $sociallock .=  \WPDM\PackageLocks::FacebookLike($package , true);
         if (isset($package['captcha_lock']) && (int)$package['captcha_lock'] == 1) {
             $lock = 'locked';
             $sociallock .=  \WPDM\PackageLocks::reCaptchaLock($package , true);
         $extralocks = '';
         $extralocks = apply_filters("wpdm_download_lock", $extralocks, $package);
         if (is_array($extralocks) && $extralocks['lock'] === 'locked') {
             if(isset($extralocks['type']) && $extralocks['type'] == 'social')
                 $sociallock .= $extralocks['html'];
                 $data .= $extralocks['html'];
             $lock = 'locked';
         $extras['embed'] = $embed;
         $data = self::activeLocks($package, $extras);
         if ($data != "") {
             return $data;
         $data = $package['download_link'];
     } else {
         $data = __("Download limit exceeded!", 'wpdmpro');
     return $data;