コード例 #1
function eStore_aweber_new_signup_user($full_target_list_name, $fname, $lname, $email_to_subscribe)
    eStore_payment_debug("Attempting to signup the user via AWeber API", true);
    $wp_eStore_config = WP_eStore_Config::getInstance();
    $eStore_aweber_access_keys = $wp_eStore_config->getValue('eStore_aweber_access_keys');
    if (empty($eStore_aweber_access_keys['consumer_key'])) {
        eStore_payment_debug("Missing AWeber access keys! You need to first make a conntect before you can use this API", false);
    if (!class_exists('AWeberAPI')) {
        //TODO - change the class name to "eStore_AWeberAPI" to avoid conflict with others
        include_once 'lib/auto-responder/aweber_api/aweber_api.php';
        eStore_payment_debug("AWeber API library inclusion succeeded.", true);
    } else {
        eStore_payment_debug("AWeber API library is already included from another plugin.", true);
    $aweber = new AWeberAPI($eStore_aweber_access_keys['consumer_key'], $eStore_aweber_access_keys['consumer_secret']);
    $account = $aweber->getAccount($eStore_aweber_access_keys['access_key'], $eStore_aweber_access_keys['access_secret']);
    //Get Aweber account
    $account_id = $account->id;
    $mylists = $account->lists;
    eStore_payment_debug("AWeber account retrieved. Account ID: " . $account_id, true);
    $target_list_name = str_replace("@aweber.com", "", $full_target_list_name);
    eStore_payment_debug("Attempting to signup the user to the AWeber list: " . $target_list_name, true);
    $list_name_found = false;
    foreach ($mylists as $list) {
        if ($list->name == $target_list_name) {
            $list_name_found = true;
            try {
                //Create a subscriber
                $params = array('email' => $email_to_subscribe, 'name' => $fname . ' ' . $lname);
                $subscribers = $list->subscribers;
                $new_subscriber = $subscribers->create($params);
                eStore_payment_debug("User with email address " . $email_to_subscribe . " was added to the AWeber list: " . $target_list_name, true);
            } catch (Exception $exc) {
                eStore_payment_debug("Failed to complete the AWeber signup! Error Details Below.", false);
                wp_eStore_write_debug_array($exc, true);
    if (!$list_name_found) {
        eStore_payment_debug("Error! Could not find the AWeber list (" . $full_target_list_name . ") in your AWeber Account! Please double check your list name value for typo.", false);
コード例 #2
function wp_eStore_handle_retrieve_cart_action($action)
    eStore_payment_debug('Processing retrieve cart action...', true);
    $cart_id = strip_tags($_REQUEST['cart_id']);
    if (empty($cart_id)) {
        eStore_payment_debug('Error! Cart ID is empty! Cannot process this request', false);
        echo json_encode(array('reply_action' => $action, 'status' => 'error', 'code' => 'ESTORE_AJAX_01', 'details' => 'Cart ID is empty!'));
    eStore_payment_debug('Retrieving previously saved cart... Cart ID: ' . $cart_id, true);
    $eStore_cart = wp_eStore_get_cart_details_from_db($cart_id);
    if ($eStore_cart === "-1") {
        eStore_payment_debug('Error! Failed to retrieve cart for the given cart ID!', false);
        echo json_encode(array('reply_action' => $action, 'status' => 'error', 'code' => 'ESTORE_AJAX_02', 'details' => 'Failed to retrieve cart for the given cart ID!'));
    eStore_payment_debug('Loading cart into session...', true);
    wp_eStore_write_debug_array($_SESSION['eStore_cart'], true);
    echo json_encode(array('reply_action' => $action, 'status' => 'success', 'ID' => $cart_id));