コード例 #1
ファイル: comment.php プロジェクト: arobbins/sblog
  * Use this method to prevent excluding something that was not configured by FakerPress
  * @param  array|int|\WP_Comment $comment The ID for the Post or the Object
  * @return bool
 public static function delete($comment)
     if (is_array($comment)) {
         $deleted = array();
         foreach ($comment as $id) {
             $id = $id instanceof \WP_Comment ? $id->comment_ID : $id;
             if (!is_numeric($id)) {
             $deleted[$id] = self::delete($id);
         return $deleted;
     if (is_numeric($comment)) {
         $comment = \WP_Comment::get_instance($comment);
     if (!$comment instanceof \WP_Comment) {
         return false;
     $flag = (bool) get_comment_meta($comment->comment_ID, self::$flag, true);
     if (true !== $flag) {
         return false;
     return wp_delete_comment($comment->comment_ID, true);
コード例 #2
ファイル: form.php プロジェクト: Byrlyne/anspress
 public function delete_comment()
     $args = $args = explode('-', sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['args']));
     if (!ap_user_can_delete_comment($args[0])) {
         $result = array('status' => false, 'message' => __('You do not have permission to delete this comment', 'ap'));
     $action = 'delete-comment-' . $args[0];
     if (wp_verify_nonce($args[1], $action)) {
         $comment = get_comment($args[0]);
         $delete = wp_delete_comment($args[0], true);
         if ($delete) {
             $post_type = get_post_type($comment->comment_post_ID);
             do_action('ap_after_delete_comment', $comment, $post_type);
             if ($post_type == 'question') {
                 ap_do_event('delete_comment', $comment, 'question');
             } elseif ($post_type == 'answer') {
                 ap_do_event('delete_comment', $comment, 'answer');
         $result = array('status' => true, 'message' => __('Comment deleted successfully', 'ap'));
コード例 #3
ファイル: admin-options.php プロジェクト: nmedia82/rotary
function rotary_set_default_pages()
    //delete sample post
    //delete sample comment
    //delete sample page
    if (!get_page_by_title('Member Information')) {
        $args = array('post_name' => 'member-information', 'post_title' => 'Member Information', 'post_type' => 'page', 'post_status' => 'publish');
    if (!get_page_by_title('About')) {
        $args = array('post_name' => 'about', 'post_title' => 'About', 'post_type' => 'page', 'post_status' => 'publish');
    if (!get_page_by_title('Home')) {
        $args = array('post_name' => 'home', 'post_title' => 'Home', 'post_type' => 'page', 'post_status' => 'publish');
    if (!get_page_by_title('Posts')) {
        $args = array('post_name' => 'posts', 'post_title' => 'Posts', 'post_type' => 'page', 'post_status' => 'publish');
コード例 #4
function bp_groupblog_blog_defaults($blog_id)
    global $bp, $wp_rewrite;
    // only apply defaults to groupblog blogs
    if (bp_is_groups_component()) {
        // get the site options
        $options = get_site_option('bp_groupblog_blog_defaults_options');
        foreach ((array) $options as $key => $value) {
            update_option($key, $value);
        // override default themes
        if (!empty($options['theme'])) {
            // we want something other than the default theme
            $values = explode("|", $options['theme']);
            switch_theme($values[0], $values[1]);
        // groupblog bonus options
        if (strlen($options['default_cat_name']) > 0) {
            global $wpdb;
            $cat = $options['default_cat_name'];
            $slug = str_replace(' ', '-', strtolower($cat));
            $results = $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE {$wpdb->terms} SET name = %s, slug = %s  WHERE term_id = 1", $cat, $slug));
        if (strlen($options['default_link_cat']) > 0) {
            global $wpdb;
            $cat = $options['default_link_cat'];
            $slug = str_replace(' ', '-', strtolower($cat));
            $results = $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE {$wpdb->terms} SET name = %s, slug = %s  WHERE term_id = 2", $cat, $slug));
        if (isset($options['delete_first_post']) && $options['delete_first_post'] == 1) {
            global $wpdb;
            $statement = "UPDATE {$wpdb->posts} SET post_status = 'draft'  WHERE id = 1";
            $results = $wpdb->query($statement);
        if (isset($options['delete_first_comment']) && $options['delete_first_comment'] == 1) {
        if ($options['delete_blogroll_links'] == 1) {
            //delete Wordpress.com blogroll link
            //delete Wordpress.org blogroll link
        if ($options['redirectblog'] == 2) {
            $blog_page = array('comment_status' => 'closed', 'ping_status' => 'closed', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_name' => $options['pageslug'], 'post_title' => $options['pagetitle'], 'post_type' => 'page', 'post_content' => __('<p><strong>This page has been created automatically by the BuddyPress GroupBlog plugin.</strong></p><p>Please contact the site admin if you see this message instead of your blog posts. Possible solution: please advise your site admin to create the <a href="http://codex.wordpress.org/Pages#Creating_Your_Own_Page_Templates">page template</a> needed for the BuddyPress GroupBlog plugin.<p>', 'groupblog'));
            $blog_page_id = wp_insert_post($blog_page);
            if ($blog_page_id) {
                add_post_meta($blog_page_id, '_wp_page_template', 'blog.php');
            add_post_meta($blog_page_id, 'created_by_groupblog_dont_change', '1');
            // Set the Blog Reading Settings to load the template page as front page
            if ($options['deep_group_integration'] == 1) {
                update_option('show_on_front', 'page');
                update_option('page_on_front', $blog_page_id);
コード例 #5
ファイル: getCommentLink.php プロジェクト: nkeat12/dv
 public static function wpTearDownAfterClass()
     foreach (self::$comments as $c) {
         wp_delete_comment($c, true);
     wp_delete_post(self::$p, true);
コード例 #6
ファイル: comment.php プロジェクト: slaFFik/l10n-ru
  * Delete the comment corresponding to this container.
  * This will actually move the comment to the trash in newer versions of WP.
  * @return bool|WP_error
 function delete_wrapped_object()
     if (wp_delete_comment($this->container_id)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return new WP_Error('delete_failed', sprintf(__('Failed to delete comment %d', 'broken-link-checker'), $this->container_id));
コード例 #7
 function delete_comment_sync($activity_id, $comment_id)
     global $wpdb;
     $comment_id = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("select comment_id from {$wpdb->commentmeta} where meta_key = 'activity_id' and meta_value=%s", $comment_id));
     if ($comment_id) {
         wp_delete_comment($comment_id, true);
コード例 #8
 public static function wpTearDownAfterClass()
     foreach (self::$comment_ids as $comment_id) {
         wp_delete_comment($comment_id, true);
     wp_delete_post(self::$comment_post->ID, true);
     wp_delete_post(self::$draft_post->ID, true);
コード例 #9
 public function test_delete_comment_deletes_data()
     $this->assertEquals(1, $this->server_replica_storage->comment_count('approve'));
     wp_delete_comment($this->comment->comment_ID, true);
     // there should be no comments at all
     $this->assertEquals(0, $this->server_replica_storage->comment_count('approve'));
コード例 #10
ファイル: comment.php プロジェクト: netcon-source/wp-cli
  * Delete a comment.
  * @synopsis <id> [--force]
 public function delete($args, $assoc_args)
     list($comment_id) = $args;
     if (wp_delete_comment($comment_id, isset($assoc_args['force']))) {
         WP_CLI::success("Deleted comment {$comment_id}.");
     } else {
         WP_CLI::error("Failed deleting comment {$comment_id}");
コード例 #11
  * Set default options
 function set_defaults()
     // Update options to wpdp
     foreach ($this->default_options as $name => $value) {
         update_option($name, $value);
     // Delete default post & comment
     wp_delete_post(1, true);
コード例 #12
ファイル: comment.php プロジェクト: rpeterson/wp-cli
  * Delete a comment
  * Example: wp comment delete 15 --force
  * @param array $args}
  * @param array $assoc_args
 public function delete($args, $assoc_args)
     $comment_id = WP_CLI::get_numeric_arg($args, 0, "Comment ID");
     // Boolean $force parameter to bypass trash and really delete
     $force = isset($assoc_args['force']) ? true : false;
     if (wp_delete_comment($comment_id, $force)) {
         WP_CLI::success("Deleted comment {$comment_id}.");
     } else {
         WP_CLI::error("Failed deleting comment {$comment_id}");
コード例 #13
function ecs_delete_comment()
    $return_val = 'false';
    if (is_numeric($_POST['comment_id'])) {
        $delete_comment = wp_delete_comment($_POST['comment_id'], true);
        if ($delete_comment) {
            $return_val = 'true';
    echo $return_val;
コード例 #14
  * Delete a comment
  * @param int $comment_id
  * @param bool $force_delete
 function delete($comment_id, $force_delete = false)
     do_action('cpm_comment_delete', $comment_id, $force_delete);
     //delete any file attached to it
     $files = get_comment_meta($comment_id, '_files', true);
     if ($files) {
         foreach ($files as $file_id) {
     //now delete the comment
     wp_delete_comment($comment_id, $force_delete);
コード例 #15
ファイル: comment-form.php プロジェクト: phongvan212/ctsv
  * Add query string to the comment redirect location
  * @param $location string location to redirect to after comment
  * @param $comment object comment object
  * @return string
 public static function redirect_fail_captcha_comment($location, $comment)
     if (!empty(self::$captcha_error)) {
         // delete the failed captcha comment
         // add failed query string for @parent::display_captcha to display error message
         $location = add_query_arg('captcha', 'failed', $location);
         // remove the obnoxious comment string i.e comment-15
         $deleted_comment_id = strstr($location, '#');
         $location = str_replace($deleted_comment_id, '#comments', $location);
     return $location;
コード例 #16
 public function delete_comment()
     if (!isset($_GET['_wpnonce']) || !wp_verify_nonce(sanitize_text_field($_GET['_wpnonce']), '_dwqa_delete_comment')) {
         wp_die(__('Are you cheating huh?', 'dwqa'));
     if (!dwqa_current_user_can('delete_comment')) {
         wp_die(__('You do not have permission to edit comment.', 'dwqa'));
     if (!isset($_GET['comment_id'])) {
         wp_die(__('Comment ID must be showed.', 'dwqa'));
     $comment = get_comment($_GET['comment_id']);
コード例 #17
function rotary_delete_announcement()
    $comment_id = $_REQUEST['comment_id'];
    //check again if I can delete this comment
    $user_can_delete = current_user_can('delete_others_announcements') || get_current_user_id() == $announcement->user_id || current_user_can('manage_options');
    if (!$user_can_delete) {
        $error = array('error' => 'You do not have permission to delete this announcment!');
        echo json_encode($error);
    if (wp_delete_comment($comment_id)) {
        echo json_encode(array('success' => 'Comment ' . $_REQUEST['comment_id'] . ' deleted'));
    } else {
        echo json_encode(array('error' => 'Comment ' . $_REQUEST['comment_id'] . ' could not be deleted'));
コード例 #18
  * Clean up shared fixtures.
  * @since 4.1.0
 public static function delete_shared_fixtures()
     foreach (self::$post_ids as $pid) {
         wp_delete_post($pid, true);
     foreach (self::$comment_ids as $cid) {
         wp_delete_comment($cid, true);
     foreach (self::$term_ids as $tid => $tax) {
         wp_delete_term($tid, $tax);
     self::$author_id = null;
     self::$post_ids = array();
     self::$comment_ids = array();
     self::$term_ids = array();
     self::$terms = array();
コード例 #19
 public function kkb_comment_delete($cid, $inputpwd)
     $comment = get_comment($cid);
     $entry_id = $comment->comment_post_ID;
     $controller = new kkbController();
     $post_id = $controller->getMeta($entry_id, 'guid');
     $board_id = $controller->getMeta($entry_id, 'board_id');
     if (is_user_logged_in()) {
         $user = wp_get_current_user();
         if ($controller->actionCommentPermission($board_id, $cid, 'delete') == true) {
             $status = wp_delete_comment($cid);
             if (!is_wp_error($status)) {
                 $result['status'] = 'success';
             } else {
                 $result['status'] = 'failed';
                 $result['message'] = __('삭제에 문제가 발생하였습니다.', 'kingkongboard');
         } else {
             $result['status'] = 'failed';
             $result['message'] = __('본인 댓글이 아닙니다.', 'kingkongboard');
     } else {
         if (!is_user_logged_in() && $inputpwd != null) {
             $pwd = get_comment_meta($cid, 'kkb_comment_password', true);
             if ($controller->actionCommentPermission($board_id, $cid, 'delete') == true && $pwd == md5($inputpwd)) {
                 $status = wp_delete_comment($cid);
                 if (!is_wp_error($status)) {
                     $result['status'] = 'success';
                     $result['url'] = add_query_arg(array('view' => 'read', 'id' => $entry_id), get_the_permalink($post_id));
                 } else {
                     $result['status'] = 'failed';
                     $result['message'] = __('삭제에 문제가 발생하였습니다.', 'kingkongboard');
             } else {
                 $result['status'] = 'failed';
                 $result['message'] = __('비밀번호가 일치하지 않습니다.', 'kingkongboard');
         } else {
             $result['status'] = 'check';
             $result['url'] = add_query_arg(array('view' => 'cmtcheck', 'cid' => $cid, 'id' => $comment->comment_post_ID, 'mod' => 'delete'), get_the_permalink($post_id));
     return $result;
コード例 #20
ファイル: theme-setup.php プロジェクト: beardon/okprop
    function ing_theme_setup()
        // First we check to see if our default theme settings have been applied.
        $the_theme_status = get_option('theme_setup_status');
        // If the theme has not yet been used we want to run our default settings.
        if ($the_theme_status !== '1') {
            // Delete dummy post, page and comment.
            wp_delete_post(1, true);
            wp_delete_post(2, true);
            // Create pages
            $home_page = array('post_title' => 'Home', 'post_content' => 'Home Page Content.', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_author' => 1, 'post_type' => 'page');
            $blog_page = array('post_title' => 'Blog', 'post_content' => '', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_author' => 1, 'post_type' => 'page');
            $about_page = array('post_title' => 'About us', 'post_content' => 'Home Page Content.', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_author' => 1, 'post_type' => 'page');
            // Insert the pages into the database
            $home = wp_insert_post($home_page);
            $blog = wp_insert_post($blog_page);
            $about = wp_insert_post($about_page);
            // Setup Default WordPress settings
            $core_settings = array('avatar_default' => 'mystery', 'avatar_rating' => 'G', 'default_role' => 'subscriber', 'show_on_front' => 'page', 'page_on_front' => $home, 'page_for_posts' => $blog);
            foreach ($core_settings as $k => $v) {
                update_option($k, $v);
            ////////////////////// WRAP UP
            // Once done, we register our setting to make sure we don't duplicate everytime we activate.
            update_option('theme_setup_status', '1');
            // Lets let the admin know whats going on.
            $msg = '
		<div class="error">
			<p>The ' . get_option('current_theme') . 'theme has changed your WordPress default <a href="' . admin_url('options-general.php') . '" title="See Settings">settings</a> and deleted default posts & comments.</p>
            add_action('admin_notices', $c = create_function('', 'echo "' . addcslashes($msg, '"') . '";'));
        } elseif ($the_theme_status === '1' and isset($_GET['activated'])) {
            $msg = '
		<div class="updated">
			<p>The ' . get_option('current_theme') . ' theme was successfully re-activated.</p>
            add_action('admin_notices', $c = create_function('', 'echo "' . addcslashes($msg, '"') . '";'));
コード例 #21
ファイル: ajax-functions.php プロジェクト: KL-Kim/my-theme
function kt_delete_comment_callback()
    check_ajax_referer('_kt_ajax_check_nonce', 'nonce_field', TRUE);
    if (isset($_GET['post'])) {
        $comment_id = sanitize_text_field($_GET['post']);
        $user_id = get_current_user_id();
        $comment = get_comment($comment_id);
        if ($comment->user_id == $user_id) {
            if (wp_delete_comment($comment_id)) {
                $result = 'deleted';
            } else {
                $result = 'delete goes wrong';
        } else {
            $result = 'User do not match';
        echo $result;
    // this is required to terminate immediately and return a proper response
コード例 #22
ファイル: api.php プロジェクト: andreiRS/Radii8
function wpse_set_defaults($blog_id)
    global $json_api;
    $id = 'json_api_controllers';
    $required_controllers = explode(",", "categories,posts,user,projects,attachments");
    $available_controllers = $json_api->get_controllers();
    $active_controllers = explode(',', get_option($id, 'core'));
    $action = "activate";
    foreach ($required_controllers as $controller) {
        if (in_array($controller, $available_controllers)) {
            if ($action == 'activate' && !in_array($controller, $active_controllers)) {
                $active_controllers[] = $controller;
            } else {
                if ($action == 'deactivate') {
                    $index = array_search($controller, $active_controllers);
                    if ($index !== false) {
    $value = implode(',', $active_controllers);
    $option_exists = get_option($id, null) !== null;
    if ($option_exists) {
        update_option($id, $value);
    } else {
        add_option($id, $value);
    // Remove the default post & page
    wp_delete_post(1, true);
    wp_delete_post(2, true);
    // Remove the first comment
    wp_delete_comment(1, true);
    // add default categories
コード例 #23
 private static function delete_comment($sp_message, $sp_users, $post_id)
     $comment_deleted = false;
     $message_deleted_from_map = false;
     $message = new SpotIM_Message('delete', $sp_message, $sp_users, $post_id);
     if ($message->get_comment_id()) {
         $messages_ids = $message->get_message_and_children_ids_map();
         foreach ($messages_ids as $message_id => $comment_id) {
             $comment_deleted = wp_delete_comment($comment_id, true);
             if ($comment_deleted) {
                 $message_deleted_from_map = $message->delete_from_messages_map($message_id);
                 if (!!$message_deleted_from_map) {
             } else {
     } else {
         $comment_deleted = true;
         $message_deleted_from_map = true;
     return !!$comment_deleted && !!$message_deleted_from_map;
コード例 #24
  * Delete a comment.
  * @uses wp_delete_comment
  * @param int $id Post ID
  * @param int $comment Comment ID
  * @param boolean $force Skip trash
  * @return array
 public function delete_comment($id, $comment, $force = false)
     $comment = (int) $comment;
     if (empty($comment)) {
         return new WP_Error('json_comment_invalid_id', __('Invalid comment ID.'), array('status' => 404));
     $comment_array = get_comment($comment, ARRAY_A);
     if (empty($comment_array)) {
         return new WP_Error('json_comment_invalid_id', __('Invalid comment ID.'), array('status' => 404));
     if (!current_user_can('edit_comment', $comment_array['comment_ID'])) {
         return new WP_Error('json_user_cannot_delete_comment', __('Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this comment.'), array('status' => 401));
     $result = wp_delete_comment($comment_array['comment_ID'], $force);
     if (!$result) {
         return new WP_Error('json_cannot_delete', __('The comment cannot be deleted.'), array('status' => 500));
     if ($force) {
         return array('message' => __('Permanently deleted comment'));
     } else {
         // TODO: return a HTTP 202 here instead
         return array('message' => __('Deleted comment'));
コード例 #25
  * Delete a comment.
  * @uses wp_delete_comment
  * @param int $id Post ID
  * @param int $comment Comment ID
  * @param boolean $force Skip trash
  * @return array
 public function delete_comment($comment, $force = false)
     $comment = (int) $comment;
     if (empty($comment)) {
         json_error(BigAppErr::$comment['code'], BigAppErr::$comment['msg'], __lan("comment id invalid"));
     $comment_array = get_comment($comment, ARRAY_A);
     if (empty($comment_array)) {
         json_error(BigAppErr::$comment['code'], BigAppErr::$comment['msg'], __lan("comment id invalid"));
     $user_id = get_current_user_id();
     if ($user_id == 0) {
         json_error(BigAppErr::$login['code'], BigAppErr::$login['msg'], __lan("need login"));
     if (!current_user_can('edit_comment', $comment_array['comment_ID']) && $user_id != $comment_array['user_id']) {
         json_error(BigAppErr::$comment['code'], BigAppErr::$comment['msg'], __lan("no auth to delete comment "));
     $result = wp_delete_comment($comment_array['comment_ID'], $force);
     if (!$result) {
         json_error(BigAppErr::$comment['code'], BigAppErr::$comment['msg'], __lan("delete comment failed"));
     return array('message' => __('Deleted comment'), 'id' => $comment);
コード例 #26
 * Trashes or deletes an attachment.
 * When an attachment is permanently deleted, the file will also be removed.
 * Deletion removes all post meta fields, taxonomy, comments, etc. associated
 * with the attachment (except the main post).
 * The attachment is moved to the trash instead of permanently deleted unless trash
 * for media is disabled, item is already in the trash, or $force_delete is true.
 * @since 2.0.0
 * @uses $wpdb
 * @uses do_action() Calls 'delete_attachment' hook on Attachment ID.
 * @param int $post_id Attachment ID.
 * @param bool $force_delete Whether to bypass trash and force deletion. Defaults to false.
 * @return mixed False on failure. Post data on success.
function wp_delete_attachment($post_id, $force_delete = false)
    global $wpdb;
    if (!($post = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE ID = %d", $post_id)))) {
        return $post;
    if ('attachment' != $post->post_type) {
        return false;
    if (!$force_delete && EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS && MEDIA_TRASH && 'trash' != $post->post_status) {
        return wp_trash_post($post_id);
    delete_post_meta($post_id, '_wp_trash_meta_status');
    delete_post_meta($post_id, '_wp_trash_meta_time');
    $meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata($post_id);
    $backup_sizes = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_wp_attachment_backup_sizes', true);
    $file = get_attached_file($post_id);
    if (is_multisite()) {
    do_action('delete_attachment', $post_id);
    wp_delete_object_term_relationships($post_id, array('category', 'post_tag'));
    wp_delete_object_term_relationships($post_id, get_object_taxonomies($post->post_type));
    $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_key = '_thumbnail_id' AND meta_value = %d", $post_id));
    $comment_ids = $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare("SELECT comment_ID FROM {$wpdb->comments} WHERE comment_post_ID = %d", $post_id));
    if (!empty($comment_ids)) {
        do_action('delete_comment', $comment_ids);
        foreach ($comment_ids as $comment_id) {
            wp_delete_comment($comment_id, true);
        do_action('deleted_comment', $comment_ids);
    $post_meta_ids = $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare("SELECT meta_id FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE post_id = %d ", $post_id));
    if (!empty($post_meta_ids)) {
        do_action('delete_postmeta', $post_meta_ids);
        $in_post_meta_ids = "'" . implode("', '", $post_meta_ids) . "'";
        $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_id IN({$in_post_meta_ids})");
        do_action('deleted_postmeta', $post_meta_ids);
    do_action('delete_post', $post_id);
    $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE ID = %d", $post_id));
    do_action('deleted_post', $post_id);
    $uploadpath = wp_upload_dir();
    if (!empty($meta['thumb'])) {
        // Don't delete the thumb if another attachment uses it
        if (!$wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT meta_id FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_key = '_wp_attachment_metadata' AND meta_value LIKE %s AND post_id <> %d", '%' . $meta['thumb'] . '%', $post_id))) {
            $thumbfile = str_replace(basename($file), $meta['thumb'], $file);
            $thumbfile = apply_filters('wp_delete_file', $thumbfile);
            @unlink(path_join($uploadpath['basedir'], $thumbfile));
    // remove intermediate and backup images if there are any
    foreach (get_intermediate_image_sizes() as $size) {
        if ($intermediate = image_get_intermediate_size($post_id, $size)) {
            $intermediate_file = apply_filters('wp_delete_file', $intermediate['path']);
            @unlink(path_join($uploadpath['basedir'], $intermediate_file));
    if (is_array($backup_sizes)) {
        foreach ($backup_sizes as $size) {
            $del_file = path_join(dirname($meta['file']), $size['file']);
            $del_file = apply_filters('wp_delete_file', $del_file);
            @unlink(path_join($uploadpath['basedir'], $del_file));
    $file = apply_filters('wp_delete_file', $file);
    if (!empty($file)) {
    return $post;
コード例 #27
  * Delete a comment.
  * By default, the comment will be moved to the trash instead of deleted.
  * See {@link wp_delete_comment()} for more information on
  * this behavior.
  * @since 2.7.0
  * @param array $args Method parameters. Contains:
  *  - blog_id (unused)
  *  - username
  *  - password
  *  - comment_id
  * @return bool|IXR_Error {@link wp_delete_comment()}
 public function wp_deleteComment($args)
     $username = $args[1];
     $password = $args[2];
     $comment_ID = (int) $args[3];
     if (!($user = $this->login($username, $password))) {
         return $this->error;
     if (!current_user_can('moderate_comments')) {
         return new IXR_Error(403, __('You are not allowed to moderate comments on this site.'));
     if (!get_comment($comment_ID)) {
         return new IXR_Error(404, __('Invalid comment ID.'));
     if (!current_user_can('edit_comment', $comment_ID)) {
         return new IXR_Error(403, __('You are not allowed to moderate comments on this site.'));
     /** This action is documented in wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php */
     do_action('xmlrpc_call', 'wp.deleteComment');
     $status = wp_delete_comment($comment_ID);
     if (true == $status) {
          * Fires after a comment has been successfully deleted via XML-RPC.
          * @since 3.4.0
          * @param int   $comment_ID ID of the deleted comment.
          * @param array $args       An array of arguments to delete the comment.
         do_action('xmlrpc_call_success_wp_deleteComment', $comment_ID, $args);
     return $status;
コード例 #28
ファイル: ajax-actions.php プロジェクト: hughnet/WordPress
 * Ajax handler for deleting a comment.
 * @since 3.1.0
function wp_ajax_delete_comment()
    $id = isset($_POST['id']) ? (int) $_POST['id'] : 0;
    if (!($comment = get_comment($id))) {
    if (!current_user_can('edit_comment', $comment->comment_ID)) {
    $status = wp_get_comment_status($comment);
    $delta = -1;
    if (isset($_POST['trash']) && 1 == $_POST['trash']) {
        if ('trash' == $status) {
        $r = wp_trash_comment($comment);
    } elseif (isset($_POST['untrash']) && 1 == $_POST['untrash']) {
        if ('trash' != $status) {
        $r = wp_untrash_comment($comment);
        if (!isset($_POST['comment_status']) || $_POST['comment_status'] != 'trash') {
            // undo trash, not in trash
            $delta = 1;
    } elseif (isset($_POST['spam']) && 1 == $_POST['spam']) {
        if ('spam' == $status) {
        $r = wp_spam_comment($comment);
    } elseif (isset($_POST['unspam']) && 1 == $_POST['unspam']) {
        if ('spam' != $status) {
        $r = wp_unspam_comment($comment);
        if (!isset($_POST['comment_status']) || $_POST['comment_status'] != 'spam') {
            // undo spam, not in spam
            $delta = 1;
    } elseif (isset($_POST['delete']) && 1 == $_POST['delete']) {
        $r = wp_delete_comment($comment);
    } else {
    if ($r) {
        // Decide if we need to send back '1' or a more complicated response including page links and comment counts
        _wp_ajax_delete_comment_response($comment->comment_ID, $delta);
コード例 #29
 function duplication_delete_comment($comment_id)
     global $wpdb;
     $original_comment = (bool) get_comment_meta($comment_id, '_icl_duplicate_of', true) === false;
     if ($original_comment) {
         $duplicates = $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare("SELECT comment_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   FROM {$wpdb->commentmeta}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   WHERE meta_key='_icl_duplicate_of'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   AND meta_value=%d", $comment_id));
         foreach ($duplicates as $dup) {
             wp_delete_comment($dup, true);
コード例 #30
ファイル: questions.php プロジェクト: callmeaatrey/zap-query
  * Delete a answer and child answers
  * @param int $id
  * @param bool $force_delete
  * @return bool $success
 public static function delete($id, $force_delete = false)
     $instance = self::get_instance();
     $answer = get_post($id);
     $question = get_post($answer->post_parent);
     $answer = QA_Answers::convert($answer);
     $question = QA_Questions::convert($question);
     /* also delete question likes */
     $comments = get_comments(array('post_id' => $id, 'parent' => 0, 'status' => 'approve', 'post_status' => 'publish'));
     if (is_array($comments) && count($comments) > 0) {
         foreach ($comments as $comment) {
             wp_delete_comment($comment->comment_ID, $force_delete);
     $success = $instance->_delete($id, $force_delete);
     if ($success) {
         //update answer count
         $count = et_count_user_posts($answer->post_author, 'answer');
         update_user_meta($answer->post_author, 'et_answer_count', $count);
         //update status answered for question:
         $is_best_answer = get_post_meta($id, 'et_is_best_answer', true);
         if ($is_best_answer) {
             delete_post_meta($question->ID, 'et_best_answer');
     return $success;