コード例 #1
ファイル: style.css.php プロジェクト: unisexx/drtooth
								'background-image'        => ( ( wm_option( 'design-footer-bg-img-url-highdpi' ) || wm_option( 'design-footer-bg-pattern' ) ) ) ? ( wm_css_background( 'design-footer-', array( 'out' => 'image', 'high-dpi' => true ) ) ) : ( '' ),
								'-webkit-background-size' => ( ( wm_option( 'design-footer-bg-img-url-highdpi' ) || wm_option( 'design-footer-bg-pattern' ) ) ) ? ( wm_css_background( 'design-footer-', array( 'out' => 'size' ) ) ) : ( '' ),
								'-moz-background-size'    => ( ( wm_option( 'design-footer-bg-img-url-highdpi' ) || wm_option( 'design-footer-bg-pattern' ) ) ) ? ( wm_css_background( 'design-footer-', array( 'out' => 'size' ) ) ) : ( '' ),
								'background-size'         => ( ( wm_option( 'design-footer-bg-img-url-highdpi' ) || wm_option( 'design-footer-bg-pattern' ) ) ) ? ( wm_css_background( 'design-footer-', array( 'out' => 'size' ) ) ) : ( '' ),

					//bottom panel - credits (option prefix: bottom)
							'selector' => '.bottom-wrap',
							'indent'   => "\t\t",
							'styles'   => array(
								'background-image'        => ( ( wm_option( 'design-bottom-bg-img-url-highdpi' ) || wm_option( 'design-bottom-bg-pattern' ) ) ) ? ( wm_css_background( 'design-bottom-', array( 'out' => 'image', 'high-dpi' => true ) ) ) : ( '' ),
								'-webkit-background-size' => ( ( wm_option( 'design-bottom-bg-img-url-highdpi' ) || wm_option( 'design-bottom-bg-pattern' ) ) ) ? ( wm_css_background( 'design-bottom-', array( 'out' => 'size' ) ) ) : ( '' ),
								'-moz-background-size'    => ( ( wm_option( 'design-bottom-bg-img-url-highdpi' ) || wm_option( 'design-bottom-bg-pattern' ) ) ) ? ( wm_css_background( 'design-bottom-', array( 'out' => 'size' ) ) ) : ( '' ),
								'background-size'         => ( ( wm_option( 'design-bottom-bg-img-url-highdpi' ) || wm_option( 'design-bottom-bg-pattern' ) ) ) ? ( wm_css_background( 'design-bottom-', array( 'out' => 'size' ) ) ) : ( '' ),

					'custom' => '}' //end of responsive rules

		); // /$customStyles

	//Generate CSS output
		if ( ! empty( $customStyles ) && 2 === intval( get_option( WM_THEME_SETTINGS . '-installed' ) ) ) {
			$outStyles = '';
コード例 #2
ファイル: core.php プロジェクト: unisexx/drtooth
		function wm_heading( $list = null, $wrap = null ) {
			if ( is_page_template( 'page-template/construction.php' ) || is_404() )

			global $post, $page, $paged, $wp_query;

			if ( ! isset( $paged ) )
				$paged = 0;
			if ( ! isset( $page ) )
				$page = 0;

			$shopPageId = ( class_exists( 'Woocommerce' ) && is_shop() && function_exists( 'woocommerce_get_page_id' ) ) ? ( woocommerce_get_page_id( 'shop' ) ) : ( null );

			$authorInfo   = '';
			$blogPageId   = ( is_home() ) ? ( get_option( 'page_for_posts' ) ) : ( null );
			$subheading   = ( ! is_archive() ) ? ( wm_meta_option( 'subheading', $blogPageId ) ) : ( '' );
			$headingAlign = wm_meta_option( 'main-heading-alignment', $blogPageId );

			if ( is_search() && ! is_home() && ! class_exists( 'Woocommerce' ) )
				$subheading = sprintf( __( 'Number of items found: %s', 'lespaul_domain' ), $wp_query->found_posts );

			if ( is_author() && 2 > $paged ) {
				$userID = $wp_query->query_vars['author'];

				$authorDescription = get_the_author_meta( 'description', $userID );

				if ( $authorDescription ) {
					$authorDescription = '<div class="desc">' . $authorDescription . '</div>';

					$authorWebsite = ( get_the_author_meta( 'user_url', $userID ) ) ? ( '<div class="website"><a href="' . esc_url( get_the_author_meta( 'user_url', $userID ) ) . '">' . __( "Visit author's website", 'lespaul_domain' ) . '</a></div>' ) : ( '' );
					$authorAvatar  = get_avatar( $userID, 180 );
					$authorName    = get_the_author_meta( 'display_name', $userID );

					$authorSocial = array();
					if ( get_the_author_meta( 'facebook', $userID ) )
						$authorSocial[] = '[social url="' . esc_url( get_the_author_meta( 'facebook', $userID ) ) . '" icon="Facebook" title="' . sprintf( __( '%s on Facebook', 'lespaul_domain' ), $authorName ) . '" size="m"]';
					if ( get_the_author_meta( 'googleplus', $userID ) )
						$authorSocial[] = '[social url="' . esc_url( get_the_author_meta( 'googleplus', $userID ) ) . '" icon="Google+" title="' . sprintf( __( '%s on Google+', 'lespaul_domain' ), $authorName ) . '" size="m" rel="me"]';
					if ( get_the_author_meta( 'twitter', $userID ) )
						$authorSocial[] = '[social url="' . esc_url( get_the_author_meta( 'twitter', $userID ) ) . '" icon="Twitter" title="' . sprintf( __( '%s on Twitter', 'lespaul_domain' ), $authorName ) . '" size="m"]';
					$authorSocial = ( ! empty( $authorSocial ) ) ? ( '<div class="socials">' . implode( ' ', $authorSocial ) . '</div>' ) : ( '' );

					$authorInfo = apply_filters( 'wm_default_content_filters', $authorAvatar . $authorDescription . $authorWebsite . $authorSocial );

			if ( is_attachment() && ! empty( $post->post_parent ) )
				$subheading = '<a href="' . get_permalink( $post->post_parent ) . '" title="' . esc_attr( sprintf( __( 'Return to %s', 'lespaul_domain' ), strip_tags( get_the_title( $post->post_parent ) ) ) ) . '">&laquo; ' . get_the_title( $post->post_parent ) . '</a>';

			//List title
			if ( isset( $list ) && $list ) {
				$out = '';

				if ( has_post_format( 'status' ) )
					$out .= ( get_the_title() ) ? ( get_the_title() ) : ( '' );
					$out .= ( get_the_title() ) ? ( '<a href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . get_the_title() . '</a>' ) : ( '' );

				$titleSticky = '';
				if ( is_sticky() )
					$titleSticky = ' title="' . __( 'This is featured post', 'lespaul_domain' ) . '"';

				$output =  ( $out ) ? ( '<h2 class="post-title"' . $titleSticky . '>' . $out . '</h2>' ) : ( '' );

				echo $output;

			//Main H1 title
			$out = '';
			if ( is_singular() || $blogPageId ) {
			//post or page

				$title = ( isset( $wrap ) && $wrap ) ? ( '<' . $wrap . '>' . get_the_title( $blogPageId ) . '</' . $wrap . '>' ) : ( get_the_title( $blogPageId ) );
				if ( 1 < $page )
					$out .= ( $title ) ? ( '<a href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . $title . '</a> <small>(part ' . $page . ')</small>' ) : ( '' );
					$out .= ( $title ) ? ( $title ) : ( '' );

			} elseif ( is_day() ) {
			//dayly archives

				$out .= sprintf( __( '<span>Daily Archives: </span>%s', 'lespaul_domain' ), get_the_date() );

			} elseif ( is_month() ) {
			//monthly archives

				$out .= sprintf( __( '<span>Monthly Archives: </span>%s', 'lespaul_domain' ), get_the_date( 'F Y' ) );

			} elseif ( is_year() ) {
			//yearly archives

				$out .= sprintf( __( '<span>Yearly Archives: </span>%s', 'lespaul_domain' ), get_the_date( 'Y' ) );

			} elseif ( is_author() ) {
			//author archive

				$userID = $wp_query->query_vars['author'];

				$out .= sprintf( __( '<span>Posts by </span>%s', 'lespaul_domain' ), get_the_author_meta( 'display_name', $userID ) );

			} elseif ( is_category() ) {
			//category archive

				$out .= sprintf( __( '<span>Posts in </span>%s', 'lespaul_domain' ), single_cat_title( '', false ) );

			} elseif ( is_tag() ) {
			//tag archive

				$out .= sprintf( __( '<span>Posts Tagged as </span>%s', 'lespaul_domain' ), single_tag_title( '', false ) );

			} elseif ( is_search() ) {

				$out .= sprintf( __( '<span>Search results for </span>%s', 'lespaul_domain' ), get_search_query() );

			} elseif ( is_tax( 'project-category' ) ) {
			//custom taxonomy

				$portfolioPage   = wm_option( 'general-breadcrumbs-portfolio-page' );
				$portfolioPageID = wm_page_slug_to_id( $portfolioPage );
				$portfolioPage   = ( $portfolioPageID ) ? ( get_the_title( $portfolioPageID ) . ' / ' ) : ( '' );

				$out .= $portfolioPage . $wp_query->queried_object->name;

			} else {
			//other situations

				$out .= ( wm_option( 'pages-default-archives-title' ) ) ? ( wm_option( 'pages-default-archives-title' ) ) : ( '' );


			//WooCommerce titles
				if ( class_exists( 'Woocommerce' ) && ! $out ) {
					global $shop_page_title;
					$shop_page = get_post( woocommerce_get_page_id( 'shop' ) );
					$out = apply_filters( 'the_title', ( $shop_page_title = get_option( 'woocommerce_shop_page_title' ) )  ? $shop_page_title : $shop_page->post_title );

			$out .= ( 1 < $paged ) ? ( ' <small>(page ' . $paged . ')</small>' ) : ( '' );

			//post, page title and subtitle display
			$class = $classContainer = '';
			if ( wm_meta_option( 'no-heading', $blogPageId ) || ! $out ) {
				$class           = ( ( is_singular() || is_home() ) && $subheading ) ? ( 'invisible' ) : ( '' );
				$classContainer .= ( ( is_singular() || is_home() ) && ! $subheading ) ? ( ' invisible' ) : ( ' visible' );
			} else {
				$classContainer .= ' visible';

			if ( $shopPageId ) {
				$subheading = wm_meta_option( 'subheading', $shopPageId );
				if ( wm_meta_option( 'no-heading', $shopPageId ) ) {
					$class           = ( $subheading ) ? ( 'invisible' ) : ( '' );
					$classContainer .= ( ! $subheading ) ? ( ' invisible' ) : ( ' visible' );
				$headingAlign = wm_meta_option( 'main-heading-alignment', $shopPageId );

			$subtitleH2      = ( $subheading ) ? ( '<h2 class="subtitle">' . do_shortcode( $subheading ) . '</h2>' ) : ( '' );
			$subtitleH2      = ( $authorInfo ) ? ( '<div class="authorinfo">' . $authorInfo . '</div>' ) : ( $subtitleH2 );
			$classContainer .= ( $subtitleH2 ) ? ( ' has-subtitle' ) : ( '' );
			$wrapper         = $wrapperEnd = '';

			//main heading background color class
			$classContainer .= ( wm_css_background( 'design-main-heading-' ) ) ? ( ' set-bg' ) : ( '' );
			$classContainer .= ( $headingAlign ) ? ( ' text-' . $headingAlign ) : ( ' text-' . wm_option( 'design-main-heading-alignment' ) );

			if ( ! wm_meta_option( 'main-heading-icon', $blogPageId ) || is_archive() || is_search() ) {
				$headingIcon = '';
			} else {
				$headingIcon     = '<i class="' . wm_meta_option( 'main-heading-icon', $blogPageId ) . '"></i>';
				$classContainer .= ' has-icon';
			if ( $shopPageId ) {
				$headingIcon     = '<i class="' . wm_meta_option( 'main-heading-icon', $shopPageId ) . '"></i>';
				$classContainer .= ' has-icon';

			//wrapper width
			$classContainer .= wm_element_width( 'mainheading' );

			//CSS3 animations
			$classContainer .= ( ! wm_option( 'design-no-animation-heading' ) ) ? ( ' animated' ) : ( '' );

			$before = '<header id="main-heading" class="main-heading wrap clearfix' . $classContainer . '"><div class="no-overflow"><div class="wrap-inner"><div class="twelve pane">';
			$after  = '</div></div></div></header>';

			$mainHeadingTag = ( ! is_front_page() ) ? ( '1' ) : ( '2' );
			if ( is_front_page() )
				$class .= ' h1-style';
			if ( $class )
				$class = ' class="' . trim( $class ) . '"';

			echo $before . $wrapper . $headingIcon . '<h' . $mainHeadingTag . $class . '>' . $out . '</h' . $mainHeadingTag . '>' . $subtitleH2 . $wrapperEnd . $after;
コード例 #3
ファイル: header.php プロジェクト: unisexx/drtooth
	$topbarClasses = '';
	if ( wm_option( 'header-top-bar-fixed' ) )
		$topbarClasses = ' fixed';

	echo "\r\n\r\n" . '<div id="top-bar" class="clearfix top-bar' . $topbarClasses . '"><div class="wrap' . wm_element_width( 'toppanel' ) . '"><div class="wrap-inner"><div class="twelve pane clearfix">' . "\r\n" . '<!-- TOP BAR -->' . "\r\n" . '<a class="invisible" href="#nav-main">' . __( 'Go to main navigation', 'lespaul_domain' ) . '</a>' . "\r\n";

	wm_sidebar( 'top-bar-widgets', 'widgets', 2 ); //restricted to 2 widgets

	echo '<!-- /top-bar --></div></div></div></div>' . "\r\n\r\n\r\n";

//header classes
$headerClasses  = '';
$headerClasses .= ( wm_css_background( 'design-header-' ) ) ? ( ' set-bg' ) : ( '' );
$headerClasses .= wm_option( 'header-navigation-position' );

<header id="header" class="clearfix header<?php echo $headerClasses; ?>"><div class="wrap<?php wm_element_width( 'header', true ); ?>"><?php //Header has to be done this way for option of fixed header ?>
if ( ! is_page_template( 'page-template/construction.php' ) && ' nav-top' === wm_option( 'header-navigation-position' ) )
	//display only when top navigation header layout used and not Under construction template
	get_template_part( 'nav' );

<?php do_action( 'wm_before_header' ); ?>

<!-- HEADER -->
<div class="wrap-inner">
	<div class="twelve pane clearfix">
コード例 #4
ファイル: login-addon.css.php プロジェクト: unisexx/drtooth
	$out = '';

	//$loginError = ( wm_option( 'security-login-error' ) ) ? ( '#login_error {display: none}' ) : ( '' );

	//Array of custom styles from admin panel
		$customStyles = array(

				'selector' => 'html, body.login',
				'styles' => array(
					'height' => '100%',
					'background' => wm_css_background( 'branding-login-' ),

				'selector' => 'h1 a, #login h1 a',
				'styles'   => array(
					'background'              => wm_option( 'branding-login-logo', 'bgimg' ),
					'background-repeat'       => 'no-repeat',
					'background-position'     => '50% 50%',
					'-webkit-background-size' => 'auto',
					'-moz-background-size'    => 'auto',
					'background-size'         => 'auto',
					'display'                 => 'block',
					'width'                   => '310px',
					'height'                  => ( wm_option( 'branding-login-logo-height' ) ) ? ( absint( wm_option( 'branding-login-logo-height' ) ) . 'px' ) : ( '100px' ),
コード例 #5
ファイル: _custom-styles.php プロジェクト: pab44/pab44
 function wm_custom_styles($visual_editor = false)
     //Helper variables
     $output = '';
     $custom_styles = $helper = array();
     $helper = array('border_color' => 25, 'brighter_color' => 9, 'multiplier' => 2, 'button_color' => 'accent', 'darker_color' => -9, 'google_fonts' => wm_helper_var('google-fonts'), 'headings_color' => -68, 'line_height' => 1.62, 'prefix' => 'skin-', 'elements' => array('accent' => array('base' => '{p}a, {p}ul.hover-enlarge li:hover:before', 'hover-active' => '{p}a:hover, {p}a:active'), 'colored' => array('base' => '{p}, .wm-button{p}, button{p}, input[type="button"]{p}, input[type="submit"]{p}', 'border-left' => '.wm-call-to-action.cta-button-{p}', 'hover-active' => '.wm-button{p}:hover, button{p}:hover, input[type="button"]{p}:hover, input[type="submit"]{p}:hover, .wm-button{p}:active, button{p}:active, input[type="button"]{p}:active, input[type="submit"]{p}:active'), 'forms' => '{p} input[type="date"], {p} input[type="email"], {p} input[type="file"], {p} input[type="number"], {p} input[type="search"], {p} input[type="password"], {p} input[type="text"], {p} input[type="url"], {p} input[type="tel"], {p} select, {p} textarea', 'headings' => '{p} h1, {p} h2, {p} h3, {p} h4, {p} h5, {p} h6, {p} .h1, {p} .h2, {p} .h3, {p} .h4, {p} .h5, {p} .h6, {p} [class*="heading-style-"], {p} .no-icon-background .wm-iconbox-module .wm-content-module-element.image, {p} .no-icon-bg .wm-iconbox-module .wm-content-module-element.image', 'pagination' => array('base' => ', .wm-pagination a, .wm-pagination span, .bbp-pagination .bbp-pagination-links a, .bbp-pagination .bbp-pagination-links span, .woocommerce-pagination a, .woocommerce-pagination span', 'active' => ', .wm-pagination > span, .wm-pagination a:active, .wm-pagination .current, .bbp-pagination .bbp-pagination-links > span, .bbp-pagination .bbp-pagination-links a:active, .bbp-pagination .bbp-pagination-links .current, .woocommerce-pagination > span, .woocommerce-pagination a:active, .woocommerce-pagination .current'), 'shortcodes' => array('brighter-bg' => '{p} .wm-accordion .wm-item.active .wm-item-title, {p} .wm-posts-post.wm-posts-layout-default .meta, {p} .wm-posts-forum .meta, {p} .wm-posts-wm_staff .title, {p} .wm-price-header, {p} .wm-price-feature-row, {p} .wm-progress, {p} .wm-tabs .wm-tab-links li.active, {p} .wm-tabs.layout-top .wm-tab-links li.active, {p} .wm-tabs-items .wm-item, {p} .wm-table.type-striped tr.even th, {p} .wm-table.type-striped tr.even td, {p} .wm-table.type-bordered-striped tr.even th, {p} .wm-table.type-bordered-striped tr.even td, {p} .bypostauthor .comment-author .fn', 'brighter-border-bottom' => '{p} .wm-tabs .wm-tab-links li.active, {p} .wm-tabs.layout-top .wm-tab-links li.active', 'brighter-border-left' => '{p} div.wm-tabs.layout-right .wm-tab-links li.active', 'brighter-border-right' => '{p} div.wm-tabs.layout-left .wm-tab-links li.active', 'iconbox' => '{p}.wm-iconbox-module .font-icon', 'iconbox-link-color' => '{p}.wm-iconbox-module .font-icon a', 'iconbox-text-shadow' => '{p}.wm-iconbox-module.wm-content-module-item:hover .image i:before'), 'woocommerce' => array('buttons' => '.woocommerce a.button, .woocommerce button.button, .woocommerce input.button, .woocommerce-page a.button, .woocommerce-page button.button, .woocommerce-page input.button, .woocommerce-page #respond input#submit, .woocommerce-page a.button.alt, .woocommerce-page button.button.alt, .woocommerce-page input.button.alt, .woocommerce-page #respond input#submit.alt, .woocommerce-MyAccount-navigation .is-active a', 'buttons-hover-active' => '.woocommerce a.button:hover, .woocommerce button.button:hover, .woocommerce input.button:hover, .woocommerce-page a.button:hover, .woocommerce-page button.button:hover, .woocommerce-page input.button:hover, .woocommerce-page #respond input#submit:hover, .woocommerce-page a.button.alt:hover, .woocommerce-page button.button.alt:hover, .woocommerce-page input.button.alt:hover, .woocommerce-page #respond input#submit.alt:hover, .woocommerce a.button:active, .woocommerce button.button:active, .woocommerce input.button:active, .woocommerce-page a.button:active, .woocommerce-page button.button:active, .woocommerce-page input.button:active, .woocommerce-page #respond input#submit:active, .woocommerce-page a.button.alt:active, .woocommerce-page button.button.alt:active, .woocommerce-page input.button.alt:active, .woocommerce-page #respond input#submit.alt:active')), 'text_color' => 200, 'treshold' => class_exists('WM_Amplifier') ? apply_filters('wmhook_wmamp_' . 'wma_contrast_color' . '_default_treshold', 127) : 127, 'visual_editor' => $visual_editor);
     $helper['google_fonts'][''] = '';
     $helper = apply_filters('wmhook_wm_custom_styles_helper', $helper);
      * Array of custom styles from admin panel
      * You can hook onto "wmhook_wm_custom_styles_use_custom_array" and disable the theme
      * default array preparation. Then just hook onto "wmhook_wm_custom_styles_array"
      * to create your own array.
     if (!apply_filters('wmhook_wm_custom_styles_use_custom_array', false)) {
         if (!$visual_editor) {
             $custom_styles = array('skin-css' => array('condition' => trim(wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'css')), 'custom' => '/* Custom skin styles */' . "\r\n\t\t" . wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'css')), 'layout' => array('custom' => '/* Layout */'), 'layout-' . 10 => array('selector' => '.boxed .website-container, .boxed .wrap, .wrap.boxed, .boxed.post-meta-layout .wrap, .wrap-inner', 'styles' => array('width' => wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'website-width', '', 'px'))), 'layout-' . 15 => array('selector' => '.fl-builder .fl-row-fixed-width', 'styles' => array('max-width' => absint(wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'website-width') - 2 * 60) . 'px')), 'layout-' . 20 => array('selector' => '.nav-main > ul > li', 'styles' => array('padding-top' => wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'nav-padding', '', 'px'), 'padding-bottom' => wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'nav-padding', '', 'px'))), 'colors' => array('custom' => '/* Accent color */'), 'colors-' . 10 => array('selector' => array($helper['elements']['accent']['base'] . ', .text-color-accent', ''), 'styles' => array('color' => wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'accent-color', 'color'))), 'colors-' . 20 => array('selector' => array($helper['elements']['accent']['hover-active'], ''), 'styles' => array('color' => wma_contrast_color(wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'accent-color'), 50))), 'colors-bg' => array('custom' => '/* Colors: Global backgrounds based on accent color */'), 'colors-bg-' . 10 => array('selector' => array('.header, #search-container input, .mobile-nav, .footer-widgets, ol > li:before, .next-prev-post-in-tax a, .wm-posts-wm_staff .wm-posts-item:hover .title, .content-section .custom-font-color .wm-posts-wm_staff .wm-posts-item:hover .title, .wm-posts-wm_projects.wm-posts-layout-default .wm-posts-item:hover, .wm-posts-wm_projects.wm-posts-layout-simple .wm-posts-item:hover .title, .wm-posts-post.wm-posts-layout-simple .wm-posts-item:hover .title, .floating-cart-switch, .floating-cart-switch:hover, .floating-cart-switch:active, .background-color-accent, .bg-color-accent, ' . $helper['elements']['shortcodes']['iconbox'] . $helper['elements']['pagination']['active'], ''), 'styles' => array('background' => wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'accent-color', 'color'), 'color' => wma_contrast_color(wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'accent-color'), $helper['text_color']))), 'colors-bg-' . 15 => array('selector' => '#search-container input::-webkit-input-placeholder', 'styles' => array('color' => wma_contrast_color(wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'accent-color'), $helper['text_color']))), 'colors-bg-' . 16 => array('selector' => '#search-container input::-moz-placeholder', 'styles' => array('color' => wma_contrast_color(wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'accent-color'), $helper['text_color']))), 'colors-bg-' . 17 => array('selector' => '#search-container input:-ms-input-placeholder', 'styles' => array('color' => wma_contrast_color(wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'accent-color'), $helper['text_color']))), 'colors-bg-' . 20 => array('selector' => '.topbar, .topbar-extra, .topbar-extra .topbar-extra-switch, .credits', 'styles' => array('background' => wma_alter_color_brightness(wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'accent-color'), $helper['darker_color']), 'color' => wma_contrast_color(wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 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                 if ($logo_id) {
                     $logo_height = wp_get_attachment_image_src($logo_id, 'full');
                     $logo_height = $logo_height[2];
                 } else {
                     $logo_height = explode('x', WM_DEFAULT_LOGO_SIZE);
                     $logo_height = $logo_height[1];
                 $logo_padding = wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'font-size-body') ? absint(wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'font-size-body')) : 14;
                 $logo_padding = floor($logo_padding * ($helper['line_height'] + 0.6 + 0.6) / 2 + wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'nav-padding')) - $logo_height / 2 . 'px';
                 $custom_styles['layout-' . 29] = array('custom' => '/* Logo padding - centering logo in header */');
                 $custom_styles['layout-' . 30] = array('selector' => '.logo, h1.logo', 'styles' => array('padding-top' => $logo_padding));
         } else {
             //Visual editor styles
             $custom_styles = array('ve-' . 'colors' => array('custom' => '/* Global colors */'), 've-' . 'colors-' . 10 => array('selector' => 'a', 'styles' => array('color' => wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'accent-color', 'color'), 'color|2' => wma_contrast_color(wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'content-bg-color'), $helper['text_color'] - 50), 'color|3' => wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'content-accent-color', 'color'))), 've-' . 'colors-' . 20 => array('selector' => 'a:hover, a:active', 'styles' => array('color' => wma_contrast_color(wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'accent-color'), 50), 'color|2' => wma_contrast_color(wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'content-bg-color'), $helper['text_color'] - 50), 'color|3' => wma_contrast_color(wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'content-accent-color'), 50))), 've-' . 'colors-' . 30 => array('selector' => 'blockquote, blockquote.alignleft, blockquote.alignright', 'styles' => array('border-color' => wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'accent-color', 'color'), 'border-color|2' => wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'content-accent-color', 'color'))), 've-' . 'html' => array('custom' => '/* Background: HTML and body */'), 've-' . 'html-' . 10 => array('selector' => 'html, body', 'styles' => array('background' => wm_css_background(array('option_base' => $helper['prefix'] . 'content-')), 'color' => wma_contrast_color(wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'content-bg-color'), $helper['text_color']), 'color|2' => wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'content-color', 'color'), 'border-color' => wma_contrast_color(wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'content-bg-color'), $helper['border_color']), 'border-color|2' => wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'content-border-color', 'color'))), 've-' . 'typography' => array('custom' => '/* Typography */'), 've-' . 'fonts-body' => array('condition' => wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'font-body'), 'selector' => 'body', 'styles' => array('font-family' => '"' . $helper['google_fonts'][wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'font-body')] . '", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif', 'font-size' => wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'font-size-body', '', 'px'))), 've-' . 'fonts-headings' => array('condition' => wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'font-headings'), 'selector' => 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .h1, .h2, .h3, .h4, .h5, .h6, [class*="heading-style-"]', 'styles' => array('font-family' => '"' . $helper['google_fonts'][wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'font-headings')] . '", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif')), 've-' . 'fonts-size-h1' => array('selector' => 'h1, .h1, .heading-style-1, .no-sidebar.list-articles-short .list-articles .entry-title', 'styles' => array('font-size' => wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'font-size-h1', '', '%'))), 've-' . 'fonts-size-h2' => array('selector' => 'h2, .h2, .heading-style-2', 'styles' => array('font-size' => wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'font-size-h2', '', '%'))), 've-' . 'fonts-size-h3' => array('selector' => 'h3, .h3, .heading-style-3', 'styles' => array('font-size' => wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'font-size-h3', '', '%'))), 've-' . 'fonts-size-h4' => array('selector' => 'h4, h5, h6, .h4, .h5, .h6, .heading-style-4, .heading-style-5, .heading-style-6', 'styles' => array('font-size' => wm_option($helper['prefix'] . 'font-size-h4', '', '%'))));
             // /$custom_styles for visual editor
          * Theme version
         $custom_styles['version'] = array('custom' => '/* Using ' . WM_THEME_NAME . ' theme by WebMan - Oliver Juhas (' . WM_DEVELOPER_URL . '), version ' . WM_THEME_VERSION . '. CSS generated on ' . date('Y/m/d H:i, e') . '. */');
     // /wmhook_wm_custom_styles_use_custom_array
     //Filter custom styles array
     $custom_styles = apply_filters('wmhook_wm_custom_styles_array', $custom_styles, $helper);
     //Preparing output
     if (!empty($custom_styles)) {
         foreach ($custom_styles as $selector) {
             if (isset($selector['condition']) && !trim($selector['condition'])) {
             if (isset($selector['selector']) && $selector['selector'] && isset($selector['styles']) && is_array($selector['styles']) && !empty($selector['styles'])) {
                 $selector_styles = $prepend = '';
                 $prepend = !isset($selector['prepend']) ? "\t\t" : $selector['prepend'];
                 if (is_array($selector['selector'])) {
                     //Replace placeholders in selector string
                     //array( 'selector string with {p}', 'placeholder' )
                     $selector['selector'] = str_replace('{p}', $selector['selector'][1], $selector['selector'][0]);
                 $selector['selector'] = str_replace(', ', ",\r\n" . $prepend, $selector['selector']);
                 foreach ($selector['styles'] as $property => $style) {
                     if (trim($style)) {
                         if (strpos($property, '|')) {
                             //This is for multiple overriden properties
                             $property = explode('|', $property);
                             $property = $property[0];
                         //RTL languages property swap
                         if (is_rtl()) {
                             $replacements_rtl = apply_filters('wmhook_wm_custom_styles_replacements_rtl', array('border-left-color' => 'border-right-color', 'border-right-color' => 'border-left-color'));
                             $property = strtr($property, $replacements_rtl);
                         $selector_styles .= $prepend . "\t" . $property . ': ' . trim($style) . ';' . "\r\n";
                 if ($selector_styles) {
                     $output .= $prepend . $selector['selector'] . ' {' . "\r\n" . $selector_styles . $prepend . '}' . "\r\n\r\n";
             } elseif (isset($selector['custom']) && $selector['custom']) {
                 $output .= "\r\n\t" . $selector['custom'] . "\r\n\r\n";
     return apply_filters('wmhook_wm_custom_styles_output', $output);