コード例 #1
* Perform a query on db depending on args
* It's responsible for argument validations  
* @uses wl_core_sql_query_builder() to compose the sql statement
* @uses wpdb() instance to perform the query
* @param array args Arguments to be used in the query builder.
* @return (array) List of WP_Post objects or list of WP_Post ids. False in case of error or invalid params
function wl_core_get_posts($args, $returned_type = OBJECT)
    // Merge given args with defaults args value
    $args = array_merge(array('with_predicate' => null, 'as' => 'subject', 'post_type' => 'post', 'get' => 'posts', 'post_status' => null), $args);
    // Arguments validation rules
    // At least one between related_to and related_to__in has to be set
    if (!isset($args['related_to']) && !isset($args['related_to__in'])) {
        return false;
    if (isset($args['related_to']) && !is_numeric($args['related_to'])) {
        return false;
    // The same check is applied to post_in, post__not_in and related_to__in options
    // Only arrays with at least one numeric value are considerad valid
    // The argument value is further sanitized in order to clean up not numeric values
    foreach (array('post__in', 'post__not_in', 'related_to__in') as $option_name) {
        if (isset($args[$option_name])) {
            if (!is_array($args[$option_name]) || 0 == count(array_filter($args[$option_name], "is_numeric"))) {
                return false;
            // Sanitize value removing non numeric values from the array
            $args[$option_name] = array_filter($args[$option_name], "is_numeric");
    // Performing validation rules
    foreach (wl_core_get_validation_rules() as $option_name => $accepeted_values) {
        if (isset($args[$option_name]) && !is_null($args[$option_name])) {
            if (!in_array($args[$option_name], $accepeted_values)) {
                return false;
    // Prepare interaction with db
    global $wpdb;
    // Build sql statement with given arguments
    $sql_statement = wl_core_sql_query_builder($args);
    // wl_write_log( "Going to execute sql statement: $sql_statement " );
    // $results = array();
    // If ids are required, returns a one-dimensional array containing ids.
    // Otherwise an array of associative arrays representing the post | relation object
    if ('post_ids' == $args['get']) {
        # See https://codex.wordpress.org/Class_Reference/wpdb#SELECT_a_Column
        $results = $wpdb->get_col($sql_statement);
    } else {
        $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql_statement, $returned_type);
    // If there were an error performing the query then false is returned
    if (!empty($wpdb->last_error)) {
        return false;
    // Finally
    return $results;
コード例 #2
    function testWlCoreSqlQueryBuilder()
        // Prepare interaction with db
        global $wpdb;
        $wl_table_name = wl_core_get_relation_instances_table_name();
        // Case 6 - Find all posts of type 'post' related to post / entity with ID 3 as subject
        $args = array('get' => 'posts', 'related_to' => 3, 'as' => 'subject', 'post_type' => 'post');
        $expected_sql = <<<EOF
SELECT p.* FROM {$wpdb->posts} as p JOIN {$wl_table_name} as r ON p.id = r.subject_id AND p.post_type = 'post' AND r.object_id = 3 GROUP BY p.id;
        $actual_sql = wl_core_sql_query_builder($args);
        $this->assertEquals($expected_sql, $actual_sql);
        // Try to perform query in order to see if there are errors on db side
        // Case 7 - Find all post ids of type 'post' related to post / entity with ID 3 as subject
        $args = array('get' => 'post_ids', 'related_to' => 3, 'as' => 'subject', 'post_type' => 'post');
        $expected_sql = <<<EOF
SELECT p.id FROM {$wpdb->posts} as p JOIN {$wl_table_name} as r ON p.id = r.subject_id AND p.post_type = 'post' AND r.object_id = 3 GROUP BY p.id;
        $actual_sql = wl_core_sql_query_builder($args);
        $this->assertEquals($expected_sql, $actual_sql);
        // Try to perform query in order to see if there are errors on db side
        // Case 8 - Find first ten post ids of type 'post' related to post / entity with ID 3 as subject
        $args = array('first' => 10, 'get' => 'posts', 'related_to' => 3, 'as' => 'subject', 'post_type' => 'post');
        $expected_sql = <<<EOF
SELECT p.* FROM {$wpdb->posts} as p JOIN {$wl_table_name} as r ON p.id = r.subject_id AND p.post_type = 'post' AND r.object_id = 3 GROUP BY p.id LIMIT 10;
        $actual_sql = wl_core_sql_query_builder($args);
        $this->assertEquals($expected_sql, $actual_sql);
        // Try to perform query in order to see if there are errors on db side
        // Case 9 - Find first ten post ids of type 'post' related to post / entity with ID 3 as object
        $args = array('first' => 10, 'get' => 'posts', 'related_to' => 3, 'as' => 'object', 'post_type' => 'post');
        $expected_sql = <<<EOF
SELECT p.* FROM {$wpdb->posts} as p JOIN {$wl_table_name} as r ON p.id = r.object_id AND p.post_type = 'post' AND r.subject_id = 3 GROUP BY p.id LIMIT 10;
        $actual_sql = wl_core_sql_query_builder($args);
        $this->assertEquals($expected_sql, $actual_sql);
        // Try to perform query in order to see if there are errors on db side
        // Case 10 - Find first ten post ids of type 'post' related to post / entity with ID 3 as object with predicate what
        $args = array('first' => 10, 'get' => 'posts', 'related_to' => 3, 'as' => 'object', 'post_type' => 'post', 'with_predicate' => 'what');
        $expected_sql = <<<EOF
SELECT p.* FROM {$wpdb->posts} as p JOIN {$wl_table_name} as r ON p.id = r.object_id AND p.post_type = 'post' AND r.subject_id = 3 AND r.predicate = 'what' GROUP BY p.id LIMIT 10;
        $actual_sql = wl_core_sql_query_builder($args);
        $this->assertEquals($expected_sql, $actual_sql);
        // Try to perform query in order to see if there are errors on db side
        // Case 11 - Find first ten post ids of type 'post' related to post / entity with ID 3 and IN (4,5) as object with predicate what
        $args = array('first' => 10, 'get' => 'posts', 'related_to' => 3, 'related_to__in' => array('4', '5'), 'post_type' => 'post', 'as' => 'object');
        $expected_sql = <<<EOF
SELECT p.* FROM {$wpdb->posts} as p JOIN {$wl_table_name} as r ON p.id = r.object_id AND p.post_type = 'post' AND r.subject_id = 3 AND r.subject_id IN (4,5) GROUP BY p.id LIMIT 10;
        $actual_sql = wl_core_sql_query_builder($args);
        $this->assertEquals($expected_sql, $actual_sql);
        // Try to perform query in order to see if there are errors on db side
        // Case 12 - Find first ten post ids of type 'post' related to post / entity id IN (3, 4) as object with predicate what
        $args = array('first' => 10, 'get' => 'posts', 'related_to__in' => array('4', '5'), 'post_type' => 'post', 'as' => 'object');
        $expected_sql = <<<EOF
SELECT p.* FROM {$wpdb->posts} as p JOIN {$wl_table_name} as r ON p.id = r.object_id AND p.post_type = 'post' AND r.subject_id IN (4,5) GROUP BY p.id LIMIT 10;
        $actual_sql = wl_core_sql_query_builder($args);
        $this->assertEquals($expected_sql, $actual_sql);
        // Try to perform query in order to see if there are errors on db side
        // Case 13 - Find post ids of type 'post' not included IN (6) related to post / entity id IN (3, 4) as object
        $args = array('get' => 'posts', 'related_to__in' => array('4', '5'), 'post__not_in' => array('6'), 'post_type' => 'post', 'as' => 'object');
        $expected_sql = <<<EOF
SELECT p.* FROM {$wpdb->posts} as p JOIN {$wl_table_name} as r ON p.id = r.object_id AND p.post_type = 'post' AND r.subject_id IN (4,5) AND r.object_id NOT IN (6) GROUP BY p.id;
        $actual_sql = wl_core_sql_query_builder($args);
        $this->assertEquals($expected_sql, $actual_sql);
        // Try to perform query in order to see if there are errors on db side
        // Case 14 - Require a specific post status
        $args = array('get' => 'posts', 'related_to' => 4, 'post_type' => 'post', 'post_status' => 'draft', 'as' => 'object');
        $expected_sql = <<<EOF
SELECT p.* FROM {$wpdb->posts} as p JOIN {$wl_table_name} as r ON p.id = r.object_id AND p.post_type = 'post' AND p.post_status = 'draft' AND r.subject_id = 4 GROUP BY p.id;
        $actual_sql = wl_core_sql_query_builder($args);
        $this->assertEquals($expected_sql, $actual_sql);
        // Try to perform query in order to see if there are errors on db side
        // Case 15 - Do not require an post status
        $args = array('get' => 'posts', 'related_to' => 4, 'post_type' => 'post', 'post_status' => null, 'as' => 'object');
        $expected_sql = <<<EOF
SELECT p.* FROM {$wpdb->posts} as p JOIN {$wl_table_name} as r ON p.id = r.object_id AND p.post_type = 'post' AND r.subject_id = 4 GROUP BY p.id;
        $actual_sql = wl_core_sql_query_builder($args);
        $this->assertEquals($expected_sql, $actual_sql);
        // Try to perform query in order to see if there are errors on db side
        // Case 16 - Find post ids of type 'post' only if included IN (6) and related to post / entity id IN (3, 4) as object
        $args = array('get' => 'posts', 'related_to__in' => array('4', '5'), 'post__in' => array('6'), 'post_type' => 'post', 'as' => 'object');
        $expected_sql = <<<EOF
SELECT p.* FROM {$wpdb->posts} as p JOIN {$wl_table_name} as r ON p.id = r.object_id AND p.post_type = 'post' AND r.subject_id IN (4,5) AND r.object_id IN (6) GROUP BY p.id;
        $actual_sql = wl_core_sql_query_builder($args);
        $this->assertEquals($expected_sql, $actual_sql);
        // Try to perform query in order to see if there are errors on db side