function WidgetFounderBadge($id, $params) { $output = ""; wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); global $wgMemc; $key = wfMemcKey("WidgetFounderBadge", "user"); $user = $wgMemc->get($key); if (is_null($user)) { global $wgCityId; $user = WikiFactory::getWikiById($wgCityId)->city_founding_user; $wgMemc->set($key, $user, 3600); } if (0 == $user) { return wfMsgForContent("widget-founderbadge-notavailable"); } $key = wfMemcKey("WidgetFounderBadge", "edits"); $edits = $wgMemc->get($key); if (empty($edits)) { $edits = AttributionCache::getInstance()->getUserEditPoints($user); $wgMemc->set($key, $edits, 300); } $author = array("user_id" => $user, "user_name" => User::newFromId($user)->getName(), "edits" => $edits); $output = Answer::getUserBadge($author); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $output; }
/** * Generates feed's content * * @param $feed ChannelFeed subclass object (generally the one returned by getFeedObject()) * @param $rows ResultWrapper object with rows in recentchanges table * @param $lastmod Integer: timestamp of the last item in the recentchanges table (only used for the cache key) * @param $opts FormOptions as in SpecialRecentChanges::getDefaultOptions() * @return null or true */ public function execute($feed, $rows, $lastmod, $opts) { global $messageMemc, $wgFeedCacheTimeout; global $wgSitename, $wgLang; if (!FeedUtils::checkFeedOutput($this->format)) { return; } $timekey = wfMemcKey($this->type, $this->format, 'timestamp'); $optionsHash = md5(serialize($opts->getAllValues())); $key = wfMemcKey($this->type, $this->format, $wgLang->getCode(), $optionsHash); FeedUtils::checkPurge($timekey, $key); /* * Bumping around loading up diffs can be pretty slow, so where * possible we want to cache the feed output so the next visitor * gets it quick too. */ $cachedFeed = $this->loadFromCache($lastmod, $timekey, $key); if (is_string($cachedFeed)) { wfDebug("RC: Outputting cached feed\n"); $feed->httpHeaders(); echo $cachedFeed; } else { wfDebug("RC: rendering new feed and caching it\n"); ob_start(); self::generateFeed($rows, $feed); $cachedFeed = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_flush(); $this->saveToCache($cachedFeed, $timekey, $key); } return true; }
function WidgetCategoryCloud($id, $params) { $output = ""; wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); global $wgMemc; $key = wfMemcKey("WidgetCategoryCloud", "data"); $data = $wgMemc->get($key); if (is_null($data)) { $data = WidgetCategoryCloudCloudizeData(WidgetCategoryCloudGetData()); $wgMemc->set($key, $data, 3600); } if (empty($data)) { wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return wfMsgForContent("widget-categorycloud-empty"); } foreach ($data as $name => $value) { $category = Title::newFromText($name, NS_CATEGORY); if (is_object($category)) { $class = "cloud" . $value; $output .= Xml::openElement("li", array("class" => $class)); // FIXME fix Wikia:link and use it here $output .= Xml::element("a", array("class" => $class, "href" => $category->getLocalURL(), "title" => $category->getFullText()), $category->getBaseText()); $output .= Xml::closeElement("li"); $output .= "\n"; } } if (empty($output)) { wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return wfMsgForContent("widget-categorycloud-empty"); } $output = Xml::openElement("ul") . $output . Xml::closeElement("ul"); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $output; }
function wfNumberOfWikisAssignValue(&$parser, &$cache, &$magicWordId, &$ret) { global $wgMemc; if ($magicWordId == 'NUMBEROFWIKIS') { $key = wfMemcKey('shoutwiki', 'numberofwikis'); $data = $wgMemc->get($key); if ($data != '') { // We have it in cache? Oh goody, let's just use the cached value! wfDebugLog('NumberOfWikis', 'Got the amount of wikis from memcached'); // return value $ret = $data; } else { // Not cached → have to fetch it from the database $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE); $res = $dbr->select('wiki_list', 'COUNT(*) AS count', array('wl_deleted' => 0), __METHOD__); wfDebugLog('NumberOfWikis', 'Got the amount of wikis from DB'); foreach ($res as $row) { // Store the count in cache... // (86400 = seconds in a day) $wgMemc->set($key, $row->count, 86400); // ...and return the value to the user $ret = $row->count; } } } return true; }
/** * Perform the queries necessary to update the social point counts and * purge memcached entries. */ function updateMainEditsCount() { global $wgOut, $wgNamespacesForEditPoints; $whereConds = array(); $whereConds[] = 'rev_user <> 0'; // If points are given out for editing non-main namespaces, take that // into account too. if (isset($wgNamespacesForEditPoints) && is_array($wgNamespacesForEditPoints)) { foreach ($wgNamespacesForEditPoints as $pointNamespace) { $whereConds[] = 'page_namespace = ' . (int) $pointNamespace; } } $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER); $res = $dbw->select(array('revision', 'page'), array('rev_user_text', 'rev_user', 'COUNT(*) AS the_count'), $whereConds, __METHOD__, array('GROUP BY' => 'rev_user_text'), array('page' => array('INNER JOIN', 'page_id = rev_page'))); foreach ($res as $row) { $user = User::newFromId($row->rev_user); $user->loadFromId(); if (!$user->isAllowed('bot')) { $editCount = $row->the_count; } else { $editCount = 0; } $s = $dbw->selectRow('user_stats', array('stats_user_id'), array('stats_user_id' => $row->rev_user), __METHOD__); if (!$s->stats_user_id || $s === false) { $dbw->insert('user_stats', array('stats_year_id' => 0, 'stats_user_id' => $row->rev_user, 'stats_user_name' => $row->rev_user_text, 'stats_total_points' => 1000), __METHOD__); } $wgOut->addHTML("<p>Updating {$row->rev_user_text} with {$editCount} edits</p>"); $dbw->update('user_stats', array('stats_edit_count = ' . $editCount), array('stats_user_id' => $row->rev_user), __METHOD__); global $wgMemc; // clear stats cache for current user $key = wfMemcKey('user', 'stats', $row->rev_user); $wgMemc->delete($key); } }
/** * Constructor * * @param $langobj The Language Object * @param $maincode String: the main language code of this language * @param $variants Array: the supported variants of this language * @param $variantfallbacks Array: the fallback language of each variant * @param $flags Array: defining the custom strings that maps to the flags * @param $manualLevel Array: limit for supported variants */ public function __construct($langobj, $maincode, $variants = array(), $variantfallbacks = array(), $flags = array(), $manualLevel = array()) { $this->mLangObj = $langobj; $this->mMainLanguageCode = $maincode; global $wgDisabledVariants; $this->mVariants = array(); foreach ($variants as $variant) { if (!in_array($variant, $wgDisabledVariants)) { $this->mVariants[] = $variant; } } $this->mVariantFallbacks = $variantfallbacks; global $wgLanguageNames; $this->mVariantNames = $wgLanguageNames; $this->mCacheKey = wfMemcKey('conversiontables', $maincode); $f = array('A' => 'A', 'T' => 'T', 'R' => 'R', 'D' => 'D', '-' => '-', 'H' => 'H', 'N' => 'N'); $this->mFlags = array_merge($f, $flags); foreach ($this->mVariants as $v) { if (array_key_exists($v, $manualLevel)) { $this->mManualLevel[$v] = $manualLevel[$v]; } else { $this->mManualLevel[$v] = 'bidirectional'; } $this->mNamespaceTables[$v] = array(); $this->mFlags[$v] = $v; } }
/** * Forks processes to scan the originating IP for an open proxy server * MemCached can be used to skip IPs that have already been scanned */ function wfProxyCheck() { global $wgBlockOpenProxies, $wgProxyPorts, $wgProxyScriptPath; global $wgUseMemCached, $wgMemc, $wgProxyMemcExpiry; global $wgProxyKey; if (!$wgBlockOpenProxies) { return; } $ip = wfGetIP(); # Get MemCached key $skip = false; if ($wgUseMemCached) { $mcKey = wfMemcKey('proxy', 'ip', $ip); $mcValue = $wgMemc->get($mcKey); if ($mcValue) { $skip = true; } } # Fork the processes if (!$skip) { $title = Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, 'Blockme'); $iphash = md5($ip . $wgProxyKey); $url = $title->getFullURL('ip=' . $iphash); foreach ($wgProxyPorts as $port) { $params = implode(' ', array(escapeshellarg($wgProxyScriptPath), escapeshellarg($ip), escapeshellarg($port), escapeshellarg($url))); exec("php {$params} &>/dev/null &"); } # Set MemCached key if ($wgUseMemCached) { $wgMemc->set($mcKey, 1, $wgProxyMemcExpiry); } } }
/** * Get the total amount of money raised for today * @param string $timeZoneOffset The timezone to request the total for * @param string $today The current date in the requested time zone, e.g. '2011-12-16' * @param int $fudgeFactor How much to adjust the total by * @return integer */ private function getTodaysTotal($timeZoneOffset, $today, $fudgeFactor = 0) { global $wgMemc, $egFundraiserStatisticsMinimum, $egFundraiserStatisticsMaximum, $egFundraiserStatisticsCacheTimeout; // Delete this block once there is timezone support in the populating script $setTimeZone = date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); $today = date('Y-m-d'); // Get the current date in UTC $timeZoneOffset = '+00:00'; $key = wfMemcKey('fundraiserdailytotal', $timeZoneOffset, $today, $fudgeFactor); $cache = $wgMemc->get($key); if ($cache != false && $cache != -1) { return $cache; } // Use MediaWiki slave database $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE); $result = $dbr->select('public_reporting_days', 'round( prd_total ) AS total', array('prd_date' => $today), __METHOD__); $row = $dbr->fetchRow($result); if ($row['total'] > 0) { $total = $row['total']; } else { $total = 0; } // Make sure the fudge factor is a number if (is_nan($fudgeFactor)) { $fudgeFactor = 0; } // Add the fudge factor to the total $total += $fudgeFactor; $wgMemc->set($key, $total, $egFundraiserStatisticsCacheTimeout); return $total; }
public static function memcacheKey() { // mech: bugfix for 19619 in getTemplateData method requires me to invalidate the cache, // so I'm changing the memkey $mKey = wfMemcKey('mOasisLatestPhotosKey' . self::MEMC_KEY_VER); return $mKey; }
static function set($title, $content) { global $wgRevisionCacheExpiry, $wgMemc; if (!$wgRevisionCacheExpiry) { // caching is not possible return false; } // we need to assign a sequence to revision text, because // Article::loadContent expects page.text_id to be an integer. $seq_key = wfMemcKey('offline', 'textid_seq'); if (!$wgMemc->get($seq_key)) { $wgMemc->set($seq_key, 1); } // and clear the cache?? $textid = $wgMemc->incr($seq_key); // cache a lookup from title to fake textid $titlekey = wfMemcKey('textid', 'titlehash', md5($title)); $wgMemc->set($titlekey, $textid, $wgRevisionCacheExpiry); // TODO interfering with the cache is necessary to avoid a // second query on Revision::newFromId. It would be much // smarter to directly retrieve article markup, and optionally // cache in the usual way. $textkey = wfMemcKey('revisiontext', 'textid', $textid); $wgMemc->delete($textkey); $wgMemc->set($textkey, $content, $wgRevisionCacheExpiry); //wfDebug('Stuffing the cache with '.strlen($content).' bytes, at id='.$textid."\n"); return $textid; }
function testFifoLineAndMemcClear() { global $wgMemc; $startTime = 100; $timeSample = 5; $fifoLength = 60; $key = wfMemcKey( "hp_stats_test", "stat_hp_fifo_week" ); $wgMemc->set( $key,array(),60); $startTime += 1; $out = HomePageStatisticCollector::fifoLine(1,$timeSample,$fifoLength,$key,$startTime); $this->assertEquals( 1,$out); $startTime += 15; $out = HomePageStatisticCollector::fifoLine(2,$timeSample,$fifoLength,$key,$startTime); $this->assertEquals( 3,$out); $startTime += 105; $out = HomePageStatisticCollector::fifoLine(3,$timeSample,$fifoLength,$key,$startTime); $this->assertEquals( 5,$out); $wgMemc->delete($key); $title = "corporatepage-test-msg"; $text = ""; $key = wfMemcKey( "hp_msg_parser", $title, 'en' ) ; $wgMemc->set($key,"test value",30); $this->assertEquals("test value", $wgMemc->get($key)); CorporatePageHelper::clearMessageCache($title,$text); $this->assertNull($wgMemc->get($key)); }
protected function getInterfaceObjectFromType($type) { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $apiUrl = $this->getApiUrl(); if (empty($this->videoId)) { throw new EmptyResponseException($apiUrl); } $memcKey = wfMemcKey(static::$CACHE_KEY, $apiUrl, static::$CACHE_KEY_VERSION); $processedResponse = F::app()->wg->memc->get($memcKey); if (empty($processedResponse)) { $req = MWHttpRequest::factory($apiUrl, array('noProxy' => true)); $req->setHeader('User-Agent', self::$REQUEST_USER_AGENT); $status = $req->execute(); if ($status->isOK()) { $response = $req->getContent(); $this->response = $response; // Only for migration purposes if (empty($response)) { throw new EmptyResponseException($apiUrl); } else { if ($req->getStatus() == 301) { throw new VideoNotFoundException($req->getStatus(), $this->videoId . ' Moved Permanently.', $apiUrl); } } } else { $this->checkForResponseErrors($req->status, $req->getContent(), $apiUrl); } $processedResponse = $this->processResponse($response, $type); F::app()->wg->memc->set($memcKey, $processedResponse, static::$CACHE_EXPIRY); } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $processedResponse; }
/** * Get contents of a javascript file for inline use. * * Roughly based MediaWiki core methods: * - ResourceLoader::filter() * - ResourceLoaderFileModule::readScriptFiles() * * @param string $name Path to file relative to /modules/inline/ * @return string Minified script * @throws Exception If file doesn't exist */ protected static function getInlineScript($name) { // Get file $filePath = __DIR__ . '/../../modules/inline/' . $name; if (!file_exists($filePath)) { throw new Exception(__METHOD__ . ": file not found: \"{$filePath}\""); } $contents = file_get_contents($filePath); // Try minified from cache $key = wfMemcKey('centralauth', 'minify-js', md5($contents)); $cache = wfGetCache(CACHE_ANYTHING); $cacheEntry = $cache->get($key); if (is_string($cacheEntry)) { return $cacheEntry; } // Compute new value $result = ''; try { $result = JavaScriptMinifier::minify($contents) . "\n/* cache key: {$key} */"; $cache->set($key, $result); } catch (Exception $e) { MWExceptionHandler::logException($e); wfDebugLog('CentralAuth', __METHOD__ . ": minification failed for {$name}: {$e}"); $result = ResourceLoader::formatException($e) . "\n" . $contents; } return $result; }
/** * @param $article Article * @param $user User * @param $text * @param $summary * @param $minoredit * @param $watchthis * @param $sectionanchor * @param $flags * @param $revision * @param $status * @param $baseRevId * @return bool */ static function onArticleSaveComplete(&$article, &$user, $text, $summary, $minoredit, $watchthis, $sectionanchor, &$flags, $revision, &$status, $baseRevId) { global $wgMemc; $mKey = wfMemcKey('mOasisRelatedPages', $article->mTitle->getArticleId()); $wgMemc->delete($mKey); return true; }
/** * Returns percentile quality of articleId or null if not found * @return int|null */ public function getArticleQuality() { $cacheKey = wfMemcKey(__CLASS__, self::CACHE_BUSTER, $this->articleId); $percentile = $this->app->wg->Memc->get($cacheKey); if ($percentile === false) { $title = Title::newFromID($this->articleId); if ($title === null) { return null; } $article = new Article($title); $parserOutput = $article->getParserOutput(); if (!$parserOutput) { //MAIN-3592 $this->error(__METHOD__, ['message' => 'Article::getParserOutput returned false', 'articleId' => $this->articleId]); return null; } $inputs = ['outbound' => 0, 'inbound' => 0, 'length' => 0, 'sections' => 0, 'images' => 0]; /** * $title->getLinksTo() and $title->getLinksFrom() function are * too expensive to call it here as we want only the number of links */ $inputs['outbound'] = $this->countOutboundLinks($this->articleId); $inputs['inbound'] = $this->countInboundLinks($this->articleId); $inputs['sections'] = count($parserOutput->getSections()); $inputs['images'] = count($parserOutput->getImages()); $inputs['length'] = $this->getCharsCountFromHTML($parserOutput->getText()); $quality = $this->computeFormula($inputs); $percentile = $this->searchPercentile($quality); $this->app->wg->Memc->set($cacheKey, $percentile, self::MEMC_CACHE_TIME); } return $percentile; }
/** * @desc Related pages are lazy-loaded on article pages for mobile, oasis and monobook. However, there are extensions * dependent on this method where related pages module isn't lazy-loaded such as: FilePage (FilePageController.class.php) */ public function section() { global $wgTitle, $wgContentNamespaces, $wgRequest, $wgMemc; // request params $altTitle = $this->request->getVal('altTitle', null); $relatedPages = RelatedPages::getInstance(); $anyNs = $this->request->getVal('anyNS', false); $title = empty($altTitle) ? $wgTitle : $altTitle; $articleid = $title->getArticleId(); if (!$anyNs) { $ignoreNS = !empty($wgTitle) && in_array($wgTitle->getNamespace(), $wgContentNamespaces); } else { $ignoreNS = false; } $this->skipRendering = Wikia::isMainPage() || $ignoreNS || count($relatedPages->getCategories($articleid)) == 0 || $wgRequest->getVal('action', 'view') != 'view' || $relatedPages->isRendered(); if (!$this->skipRendering) { $mKey = wfMemcKey('mOasisRelatedPages', $articleid, self::MEMC_KEY_VER); $this->pages = $wgMemc->get($mKey); $this->srcAttrName = $this->app->checkSkin('monobook') ? 'src' : 'data-src'; if (empty($this->pages)) { $this->pages = $relatedPages->get($articleid); if (count($this->pages) > 0) { $wgMemc->set($mKey, $this->pages, 3 * 3600); } else { $this->skipRendering = true; } } } $this->mobileSkin = false; $this->relatedPagesHeading = wfMessage('wikiarelatedpages-heading')->plain(); }
function purgeStaleMemcachedText() { global $wgMemc, $wgDBname; $db = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $maxTextId = $db->selectField( 'text', 'max(old_id)' ); $latestReplicatedTextId = $db->selectField( array( 'recentchanges', 'revision' ), 'rev_text_id', array( 'rev_id = rc_this_oldid', "rc_timestamp < '20101225183000'"), 'purgeStaleMemcachedText', array( 'ORDER BY' => 'rc_timestamp DESC' ) ); $latestReplicatedTextId -= 100; # A bit of paranoia echo "Going to purge text entries from $latestReplicatedTextId to $maxTextId in $wgDBname\n"; for ( $i = $latestReplicatedTextId; $i < $maxTextId; $i++ ) { $keys = array(); $keys[] = wfMemcKey( 'flaggedrevs', 'countPending', $i ); $keys[] = wfMemcKey( 'flaggedrevs', 'includesSynced', $i ); $keys[] = wfMemcKey( 'flaggedrevs', 'overrideRedirect', $i ); $keys[] = wfMemcKey( 'unreviewedPages', 'underReview', $i ); foreach ( $keys as $key ) { while (1) { if (! $wgMemc->delete( $key ) ) { echo "Memcache delete for $key returned false\n"; } if ( $wgMemc->get( $key ) ) { echo "There's still content in $key!\n"; } else { break; } } } } }
/** * Forks processes to scan the originating IP for an open proxy server * MemCached can be used to skip IPs that have already been scanned */ function wfProxyCheck() { global $wgBlockOpenProxies, $wgProxyPorts, $wgProxyScriptPath; global $wgMemc, $wgProxyMemcExpiry, $wgRequest; global $wgProxyKey; if (!$wgBlockOpenProxies) { return; } $ip = $wgRequest->getIP(); # Get MemCached key $mcKey = wfMemcKey('proxy', 'ip', $ip); $mcValue = $wgMemc->get($mcKey); $skip = (bool) $mcValue; # Fork the processes if (!$skip) { $title = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Blockme'); $iphash = md5($ip . $wgProxyKey); $url = wfExpandUrl($title->getFullURL('ip=' . $iphash), PROTO_HTTP); foreach ($wgProxyPorts as $port) { $params = implode(' ', array(escapeshellarg($wgProxyScriptPath), escapeshellarg($ip), escapeshellarg($port), escapeshellarg($url))); exec("php {$params} >" . wfGetNull() . " 2>&1 &"); } # Set MemCached key $wgMemc->set($mcKey, 1, $wgProxyMemcExpiry); } }
private function saveQuizAsBlob($name, $icon, $quiz) { if (empty($name) || empty($quiz)) { return; } $quiz_array = array('quiz_name' => $name, 'quiz_icon' => $icon, 'quiz_data' => json_encode($quiz), 'quiz_stamp' => wfTimestampNow()); $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE); $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER); //is that quiz already in there? $count = $dbr->selectField('quizzes', 'count(*) as count', array('quiz_name' => $name), __METHOD); if ($count > 0) { //it's there. update it... $res = $dbw->update('quizzes', $quiz_array, array('quiz_name' => $name), __METHOD__); self::$import_array[] = 'UPDATED:' . $name; } else { //brand spanking new (so to speak) $res = $dbw->insert('quizzes', $quiz_array, __METHOD__); self::$import_array[] = 'NEW:' . $name; } //delete any cached version of these exists just to be safe global $wgMemc; $memkey = wfMemcKey('quiz', $name); $wgMemc->delete($memkey); print 'QUIZ: ' . $name . "\n"; }
protected static function getMonthViews(Title $title) { global $wgMemc; $key = wfMemcKey('pvi', 'month', md5($title->getPrefixedText())); $data = $wgMemc->get($key); if ($data) { return $data; } $today = date('Ymd'); $lastMonth = date('Ymd', time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 30); $url = self::buildApiUrl($title, $lastMonth, $today); $req = MWHttpRequest::factory($url, ['timeout' => 10], __METHOD__); $status = $req->execute(); if (!$status->isOK()) { LoggerFactory::getInstance('PageViewInfo')->error("Failed fetching {$url}: {$status->getWikiText()}", ['url' => $url, 'title' => $title->getPrefixedText()]); return false; } $data = FormatJson::decode($req->getContent(), true); // Add our start/end periods $data['start'] = $lastMonth; $data['end'] = $today; // Cache for an hour $wgMemc->set($key, $data, 60 * 60); return $data; }
public static function getBlackList() { $cache = \ObjectCache::getMainWANInstance(); return $cache->getWithSetCallback(wfMemcKey('flowthread', 'spamblacklist'), 60, function () { return self::buildBlacklist(); }); }
/** * Adds awards for all registered users, updates statistics and purges * caches. * Special:PopulateAwards calls this function */ public function update_system_gifts() { global $wgOut, $wgMemc; $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER); $stats = new UserStatsTrack(1, ''); $this->categories = array_flip($this->categories); $res = $dbw->select('system_gift', array('gift_id', 'gift_category', 'gift_threshold', 'gift_name'), array(), __METHOD__, array('ORDER BY' => 'gift_category, gift_threshold ASC')); $x = 0; foreach ($res as $row) { if ($row->gift_category) { $res2 = $dbw->select('user_stats', array('stats_user_id', 'stats_user_name'), array($stats->stats_fields[$this->categories[$row->gift_category]] . " >= {$row->gift_threshold}", 'stats_user_id <> 0'), __METHOD__); foreach ($res2 as $row2) { if ($this->doesUserHaveGift($row2->stats_user_id, $row->gift_id) == false) { $dbw->insert('user_system_gift', array('sg_gift_id' => $row->gift_id, 'sg_user_id' => $row2->stats_user_id, 'sg_user_name' => $row2->stats_user_name, 'sg_status' => 0, 'sg_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 3)), __METHOD__); $sg_key = wfMemcKey('user', 'profile', 'system_gifts', "{$row2->stats_user_id}"); $wgMemc->delete($sg_key); // Update counters (bug #27981) UserSystemGifts::incGiftGivenCount($row->gift_id); $wgOut->addHTML(wfMsg('ga-user-got-awards', $row2->stats_user_name, $row->gift_name) . '<br />'); $x++; } } } } $wgOut->addHTML(wfMsgExt('ga-awards-given-out', 'parsemag', $x)); }
/** * */ public function getSimpleFormatForArticle(\Article $article) { $measurement = \Wikia\Measurements\Time::start([__CLASS__, __METHOD__]); $cacheKey = wfMemcKey("SimpleJson", $article->getPage()->getId(), self::SIMPLE_JSON_SCHEMA_VERSION); $jsonSimple = $this->app->wg->memc->get($cacheKey); if ($jsonSimple === false) { /** * Prevention from circular references, when parsing articles with tabs. * * E.g. when page contains tab, which is actually link to itself, * or if any tab contains tab, which referenced to given page. * * @see DivContainingHeadersVisitor::parseTabview */ \Wikia\JsonFormat\HtmlParser::markAsVisited($article->getTitle()->getText()); $jsonFormatRootNode = $this->getJsonFormatForArticle($article); // We have finished parsing of article, so we can clean array of visited articles \Wikia\JsonFormat\HtmlParser::clearVisited(); $simplifier = new Wikia\JsonFormat\JsonFormatSimplifier(); $jsonSimple = $simplifier->simplify($jsonFormatRootNode, $article->getTitle()->getText()); $this->app->wg->memc->set($cacheKey, $jsonSimple, self::SIMPLE_JSON_CACHE_EXPIRATION); } $measurement->stop(); return $jsonSimple; }
/** * @param $main ApiMain * @param $action string */ public function __construct($main, $action) { parent::__construct($main, $action); // Allow custom modules to be added in LocalSettings.php global $wgAPIPropModules, $wgAPIListModules, $wgAPIMetaModules, $wgMemc, $wgAPICacheHelpTimeout; self::appendUserModules($this->mQueryPropModules, $wgAPIPropModules); self::appendUserModules($this->mQueryListModules, $wgAPIListModules); self::appendUserModules($this->mQueryMetaModules, $wgAPIMetaModules); $this->mPropModuleNames = array_keys($this->mQueryPropModules); $this->mListModuleNames = array_keys($this->mQueryListModules); $this->mMetaModuleNames = array_keys($this->mQueryMetaModules); // Get array of query generators from cache if present $key = wfMemcKey('apiquerygenerators', SpecialVersion::getVersion('nodb')); if ($wgAPICacheHelpTimeout > 0) { $cached = $wgMemc->get($key); if ($cached) { $this->mAllowedGenerators = $cached; return; } } $this->makeGeneratorList($this->mQueryPropModules); $this->makeGeneratorList($this->mQueryListModules); if ($wgAPICacheHelpTimeout > 0) { $wgMemc->set($key, $this->mAllowedGenerators, $wgAPICacheHelpTimeout); } }
/** * Gets the first time a user opened an edit page * @param $user User The User to check. * @return The timestamp of the first time the user opened an edit page. * false for an anonymous user, null for a user who has never opened an edit page. */ public static function getFirstEditPage($user) { global $wgMemc; if (isset($user->mFirstEditPage)) { return $user->mFirstEditPage; } if ($user->isAnon()) { return false; } $cacheKey = wfMemcKey('first-edit-page', $user->getId()); $cacheVal = $wgMemc->get($cacheKey); if ($cacheVal !== false) { $user->mFirstEditPage = $cacheVal; return $cacheVal; } $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE); $res = $dbr->select('edit_page_tracking', 'ept_timestamp', array('ept_user' => $user->getID()), __METHOD__, array('ORDER BY' => 'ept_timestamp asc')); if ($dbr->numRows($res) == 0) { $user->mFirstEditPage = null; $wgMemc->set($cacheKey, null, 86400); return null; } $row = $dbr->fetchObject($res); $user->mFirstEditPage = wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $row->ept_timestamp); $wgMemc->set($cacheKey, $user->mFirstEditPage, 86400); return $user->mFirstEditPage; }
protected function extractVideoId($url) { global $wgMemc; // See if this is a valid url if (!preg_match('#/[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+/[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]*-(\\d+)#', $url, $matches)) { return null; } $videoId = $matches[1]; $cacheKey = wfMemcKey('video', 'bliptv', $videoId); $cachedEmbedId = $wgMemc->get($cacheKey); if ($cachedEmbedId !== false) { return $cachedEmbedId; } list($apiUrl) = explode('?', $url); $apiUrl .= '?skin=api'; $apiContents = Http::get($apiUrl); if (empty($apiContents)) { return null; } $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $dom->loadXML($apiContents); $embedId = $dom->getElementsByTagName('embedLookup')->item(0)->textContent; $wgMemc->set($cacheKey, $embedId, 60 * 60 * 24); return $embedId; }
public function recordKeyword($keyword) { $keyword = strtolower($keyword); $memc = $this->app->wg->Memc; $cacheKey = wfMemcKey(self::CACHE_KEY); $data = $memc->get($cacheKey); if (empty($data)) { $data = $this->createData(); } else { $data = json_decode($data); } $hash = 'K-' . md5($keyword); if (isset($data->keywords->{$hash})) { $data->keywords->{$hash}->c++; $data->keywords->{$hash}->ts = time(); } else { $data->keywords->{$hash} = new stdClass(); $data->keywords->{$hash}->c = 1; $data->keywords->{$hash}->k = $keyword; $data->keywords->{$hash}->ts = time(); } $data->updateTs = time(); //var_dump( json_encode( $data ) ); //exit; $memc->set($cacheKey, json_encode($data), self::CACHE_TTL); }
function getPageWideStats($results) { global $wgMemc; wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $key = wfMemcKey("rcbuddy_pagewidestats"); $result = $wgMemc->get($key); if (is_array($result)) { wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return array_merge($results, $result); } $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE); $newstuff = array(); $count = $dbr->selectField(array('recentchanges'), array('count(*) as c'), array('rc_patrolled=0'), __METHOD__); $newstuff['unpatrolled_total'] = $count; $t = gmdate("YmdHis", time() - 60 * 30); // thirty minutes ago $row = $dbr->selectRow(array('recentchanges'), array('count(distinct(rc_user)) as c'), array("rc_timestamp > {$t}", 'rc_user > 0'), __METHOD__); $count = $row->c; $newstuff['users_editing'] = $count; $nab_unpatrolled = Newarticleboost::getNABCount($dbr); $newstuff['nab_unpatrolled'] = $nab_unpatrolled; $wgMemc->set($key, $newstuff, 60); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return array_merge($newstuff, $results); }
function wfSpecialYouTubeGetCategories() { global $wgMemc; $key = wfMemcKey('youtube', 'authsub', 'cats'); $cats = $wgMemc->get( $key ); if (!$cats) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ""); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 4); $data = curl_exec($ch); if (curl_errno($ch)) { print curl_error($ch); } else { curl_close($ch); } preg_match_all("/<atom:category term='([^']*)' label='([^']*)'>/", $data, $matches); $cats = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof ($matches[1]) && $i < sizeof($matches[2]); $i++) { $cats .= "<OPTION VALUE='{$matches[1][$i]}'>{$matches[2][$i]}</OPTION>"; } $wgMemc->set($key, $cats, 3600 * 24); } return $cats; }
/** * get number of active threads (exclude deleted and removed threads) * @return integer activeThreads */ public function getTotalActiveThreads($relatedPageId = 0, $db = DB_SLAVE) { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); if (empty($relatedPageId)) { $memKey = wfMemcKey('forum_board_active_threads', $this->getId()); if ($db == DB_SLAVE) { $activeThreads = $this->wg->Memc->get($memKey); } } if (!empty($relatedPageId) || $activeThreads === false) { $db = wfGetDB($db); if (!empty($relatedPageId)) { $filter = "comment_id in (select comment_id from wall_related_pages where page_id = {$relatedPageId})"; } else { $filter = 'parent_page_id =' . (int) $this->getId(); } $activeThreads = $db->selectField(array('comments_index'), array('count(*) cnt'), array($filter, 'parent_comment_id' => 0, 'deleted' => 0, 'removed' => 0, 'last_touched > curdate() - interval 7 day'), __METHOD__); $activeThreads = intval($activeThreads); if (empty($relatedPageId)) { $this->wg->Memc->set($memKey, $activeThreads, 60 * 60 * 12); } } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $activeThreads; }