function wdwt_get_option_defaults() { $option_parameters = wdwt_get_option_parameters(); $option_defaults = array(); $current_theme = wp_get_theme(); $option_defaults['theme_version'] = $current_theme->get('Version'); foreach ($option_parameters as $option_parameter) { $name = isset($option_parameter['name']) && $option_parameter['name'] != '' ? $option_parameter['name'] : false; if ($name && isset($option_parameter['default'])) { $option_defaults[$name] = $option_parameter['default']; } } return apply_filters('WDWT_get_option_defaults', $option_defaults); }
function wdwt_get_settings_by_tab() { $tabs = wdwt_get_tabs(); $settingsbytab = array(); foreach ($tabs as $tab) { $tabname = $tab['name']; $settingsbytab[] = $tabname; } $option_parameters = wdwt_get_option_parameters(); foreach ($option_parameters as $option_parameter) { $optionname = isset($option_parameter['name']) && $option_parameter['name'] != '' ? $option_parameter['name'] : false; if ($optionname) { $optiontab = $option_parameter['tab']; $settingsbytab[$optiontab][] = $optionname; $settingsbytab['all'][] = $optionname; } } return $settingsbytab; }
function wdwt_customizer_add_panels($wp_customize) { /* the following sections are standard title_tagline – Site Title & Tagline colors – Colors header_image – Header Image background_image – Background Image nav – Navigation static_front_page – Static Front Page */ $panels = wdwt_get_tabs(); $priority = 1; // Add panels foreach ($panels as $panel => $panel_data) { $wp_customize->add_panel(WDWT_VAR . '_' . $panel, array('priority' => $priority, 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options', 'title' => $panel_data['title'], 'description' => $panel_data['description'])); foreach ($panel_data['sections'] as $section => $section_data) { $wp_customize->add_section($section, array('priority' => $priority, 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options', 'title' => $section_data['title'], 'description' => $section_data['description'], 'panel' => WDWT_VAR . '_' . $panel)); } $priority += 1; } /*move standard WP sections to general panel*/ $general_links_priority = $wp_customize->get_section('general_links')->priority; $core_sections = array('title_tagline', 'header_image', 'background_image', 'static_front_page'); $core_sections_priority = $general_links_priority + 1; foreach ($core_sections as $core_section) { $core_sect = $wp_customize->get_section($core_section); $core_sect->panel = WDWT_VAR . '_general'; $core_sect->priority = $core_sections_priority; $core_sections_priority += 1; } /*move background color to color control panel*/ $wp_customize->get_control('background_color')->section = 'color_control'; $builtin_mods = array('background', 'navigation', 'site-title-tagline', 'static-front-page'); $options = wdwt_get_option_parameters(); // Add options to the section wdwt_customizer_add_section_options($options); }
function wdwt_options_validate($input) { global $wdwt_options; $valid_input = $wdwt_options; $settingsbytab = wdwt_get_settings_by_tab(); $option_parameters = wdwt_get_option_parameters(); $option_defaults = wdwt_get_option_defaults(); $tabs = wdwt_get_tabs(); $submittype = 'submit'; foreach ($tabs as $tab) { $resetname = 'reset-' . $tab['name']; if (!empty($input[$resetname])) { $submittype = 'reset'; } } foreach ($tabs as $tab) { $submitname = 'submit-' . $tab['name']; $resetname = 'reset-' . $tab['name']; if (!empty($input[$submitname]) || !empty($input[$resetname])) { $submittab = $tab['name']; } } $tabsettings = isset($submittab) ? $settingsbytab[$submittab] : $settingsbytab['all']; foreach ($tabsettings as $setting) { if ('submit' == $submittype) { $optiondetails = $option_parameters[$setting]; $valid_options = isset($optiondetails['valid_options']) ? $optiondetails['valid_options'] : false; $sanitize_type = isset($optiondetails['sanitize_type']) ? $optiondetails['sanitize_type'] : ''; /* validate according to option type */ switch ($optiondetails['type']) { case 'color': $valid_input[$setting] = wdwt_param_clean($input[$setting], $valid_input[$setting], 'color', $sanitize_type); break; case 'colors': /*to refresh colors of active theme in themes options*/ $select_theme = $input[$setting]['select_theme']; $theme_index = isset($input[$setting]['active']) ? intval($input[$setting]['active']) : 0; /*corresponding themes options*/ /*add to input params*/ $valid_input[$select_theme] = $valid_input[$select_theme]; $valid_input[$select_theme]['active'] = $theme_index; /* save color values from color panel to option*/ foreach ($input[$setting]['colors'] as $color => $color_array) { $input[$setting]['colors'][$color]['value'] = wdwt_param_clean($color_array['value'], $valid_input[$setting]['colors'][$color]['value'], 'color'); /*also copy each color value to corresponding value in theme options array*/ $valid_input[$select_theme]['colors'][$theme_index][$color]['value'] = $input[$setting]['colors'][$color]['value']; $valid_input[$select_theme]['colors'][$theme_index][$color]['default'] = $option_defaults[$select_theme]['colors'][$theme_index][$color]['default']; $input[$setting]['colors'][$color]['default'] = $option_defaults[$select_theme]['colors'][$theme_index][$color]['default']; } $valid_input[$setting] = $input[$setting]; break; case 'checkbox': case 'checkbox_open': $valid_input[$setting] = isset($input[$setting]) && $input[$setting] !== 'false' && $input[$setting] !== false ? true : false; break; case 'radio': case 'radio_open': $valid_input[$setting] = array_key_exists($input[$setting], $valid_options) ? $input[$setting] : $valid_input[$setting]; break; case 'layout': case 'layout_open': $valid_input[$setting] = $input[$setting]; break; case 'select': case 'select_open': case 'select_style': $valid_input[$setting] = wdwt_param_clean($input[$setting], array(), 'select', $sanitize_type, '', $valid_options); break; case 'select_theme': /* do nothing, the theme options are saved via color panel input (see case 'colors' in this switch)*/ break; case 'text': case 'textarea': case 'upload_single': $valid_input[$setting] = wdwt_param_clean($input[$setting], '', 'text', $sanitize_type); break; case 'textarea_slider': case 'text_slider': case 'upload_multiple': $valid_input[$setting] = wdwt_param_clean($input[$setting], '', 'text_slider', $sanitize_type); break; case 'text_diagram': $valid_input[$setting] = wdwt_param_clean($input[$setting], '', 'text_diagram', $sanitize_type); break; default: /*do nothing*/ } } elseif ('reset' == $submittype) { $valid_input[$setting] = $option_defaults[$setting]; } /*set background color*/ if (isset($optiondetails['mod']) && $optiondetails['mod']) { if ($setting == 'background_color') { set_theme_mod($setting, str_replace('#', '', $valid_input[$setting])); } else { set_theme_mod($setting, $valid_input[$setting]); } } } return $valid_input; }