  * Initialize the gateway
  * @since 2.0.0
 public function __construct()
     parent::__construct(WC_Authorize_Net_CIM::ECHECK_GATEWAY_ID, wc_authorize_net_cim(), array('method_title' => __('Authorize.Net CIM eCheck', 'woocommerce-gateway-authorize-net-cim'), 'method_description' => __('Allow customers to securely pay using their checking/savings accounts with Authorize.Net CIM.', 'woocommerce-gateway-authorize-net-cim'), 'supports' => array(self::FEATURE_PRODUCTS, self::FEATURE_PAYMENT_FORM, self::FEATURE_TOKENIZATION, self::FEATURE_TOKEN_EDITOR, self::FEATURE_DETAILED_CUSTOMER_DECLINE_MESSAGES, self::FEATURE_CUSTOMER_ID, self::FEATURE_ADD_PAYMENT_METHOD), 'payment_type' => self::PAYMENT_TYPE_ECHECK, 'environments' => array('production' => __('Production', 'woocommerce-gateway-authorize-net-cim'), 'test' => __('Test', 'woocommerce-gateway-authorize-net-cim')), 'shared_settings' => $this->shared_settings_names));
     // display the authorization message at checkout
     if ($this->is_authorization_message_enabled() && !is_add_payment_method_page()) {
         add_action('wc_' . $this->get_id() . '_payment_form_end', array($this, 'display_authorization_message'));
     // adjust the recurring authorization message placeholders for subscriptions
     add_filter('wc_' . $this->get_id() . '_authorization_message_placeholders', array($this, 'adjust_subscriptions_placeholders'), 10, 2);
  * Initialize the gateway
  * @since 2.0.0
 public function __construct()
     parent::__construct(WC_Authorize_Net_CIM::CREDIT_CARD_GATEWAY_ID, wc_authorize_net_cim(), array('method_title' => __('Authorize.Net CIM', 'woocommerce-gateway-authorize-net-cim'), 'method_description' => __('Allow customers to securely pay using their credit cards with Authorize.Net CIM.', 'woocommerce-gateway-authorize-net-cim'), 'supports' => array(self::FEATURE_PRODUCTS, self::FEATURE_CARD_TYPES, self::FEATURE_PAYMENT_FORM, self::FEATURE_TOKENIZATION, self::FEATURE_TOKEN_EDITOR, self::FEATURE_CREDIT_CARD_CHARGE, self::FEATURE_CREDIT_CARD_AUTHORIZATION, self::FEATURE_CREDIT_CARD_CAPTURE, self::FEATURE_DETAILED_CUSTOMER_DECLINE_MESSAGES, self::FEATURE_REFUNDS, self::FEATURE_VOIDS, self::FEATURE_CUSTOMER_ID, self::FEATURE_ADD_PAYMENT_METHOD), 'payment_type' => self::PAYMENT_TYPE_CREDIT_CARD, 'environments' => array('production' => __('Production', 'woocommerce-gateway-authorize-net-cim'), 'test' => __('Test', 'woocommerce-gateway-authorize-net-cim')), 'shared_settings' => $this->shared_settings_names));
     // add scripts & markup when Accept.js is enabled
     if ($this->is_accept_js_enabled()) {
         // remove card number/csc input names so they're not POSTed
         add_filter('wc_' . $this->get_id() . '_payment_form_default_credit_card_fields', array($this, 'remove_credit_card_field_input_names'));
         // render a hidden input for the payment nonce before the credit card fields
         add_action('wc_' . $this->get_id() . '_payment_form', array($this, 'render_accept_js_fields'));
function init_woocommerce_gateway_authorize_net_cim()
     * # WooCommerce Authorize.Net CIM Gateway Main Plugin Class
     * ## Plugin Overview
     * This plugin adds Authorize.Net CIM as a payment gateway.  This class handles all the
     * non-gateway tasks such as verifying dependencies are met, loading the text
     * domain, etc.
     * ## Features
     * + Credit Card Authorization
     * + Credit Card Charge
     * + Credit Card Auth Capture
     * + Credit Card refund/void
     * + eCheck Charge
     * ## Admin Considerations
     * + A 'Capture Charge' order action link is added that allows the admin to capture a previously authorized charge for
     * an order
     * ## Frontend Considerations
     * Both the payment fields on checkout (and checkout->pay) and the My cards section on the My Account page are template
     * files for easy customization.
     * ## Database
     * ### Global Settings
     * + `woocommerce_authorize_net_cim_settings` - the serialized gateway settings array
     * + `woocommerce_authorize_net_cim_echeck_settings` - the serialized eCheck gateway settings array
     * ### Options table
     * + `wc_authorize_net_cim_version` - the current plugin version, set on install/upgrade
     * ### Credit Card Order Meta
     * + `_wc_authorize_net_cim_environment` - the environment the transaction was created in, one of 'test' or 'production'
     * + `_wc_authorize_net_cim_trans_id` - the credit card transaction ID returned by Authorize.Net
     * + `_wc_authorize_net_cim_trans_date` - the credit card transaction date
     * + `_wc_authorize_net_cim_account_four` - the last four digits of the card used for the order
     * + `_wc_authorize_net_cim_card_type` - the card type used for the transaction, if known
     * + `_wc_authorize_net_cim_card_expiry_date` - the expiration date for the card used for the order
     * + `_wc_authorize_net_cim_authorization_code` - the authorization code returned by Authorize.Net
     * + `_wc_authorize_net_cim_charge_captured` - indicates if the transaction was captured, either `yes` or `no`
     * ### eCheck Order Meta
     * + `_wc_authorize_net_cim_echeck_environment` - the environment the transaction was created in, one of 'test' or 'production'
     * + `_wc_authorize_net_cim_echeck_trans_id` - the credit card transaction ID returned by Authorize.Net
     * + `_wc_authorize_net_cim_echeck_trans_date` - the credit card transaction date
     * + `_wc_authorize_net_cim_echeck_account_four` - the last four digits of the card used for the order
     * + `_wc_authorize_net_cim_echeck_account_type` - the bank account type used for the transaction, if known, either `checking` or `savings`
     * ### User Meta
     * + `wc_authorize_net_cim_customer_profile_id` -
     * + `wc_authorize_net_cim_shipping_address_id` -
     * + `wc_authorize_net_cim_shipping_address_id_test` -
     * + `wc_authorize_net_cim_shipping_address_hash` -
     * + `wc_authorize_net_cim_shipping_address_hash_test` -
     * + `_wc_authorize_net_cim_credit_card_payment_tokens` -
     * + `_wc_authorize_net_cim_echeck_payment_tokens` -
     * @since 2.0.0
    class WC_Authorize_Net_CIM extends SV_WC_Payment_Gateway_Plugin
        /** string version number */
        const VERSION = '2.4.0';
        /** @var WC_Authorize_Net_CIM single instance of this plugin */
        protected static $instance;
        /** plugin id */
        const PLUGIN_ID = 'authorize_net_cim';
        /** string plugin text domain, DEPRECATED as of 2.1.0 */
        const TEXT_DOMAIN = 'woocommerce-gateway-authorize-net-cim';
        /** string the gateway class name */
        const CREDIT_CARD_GATEWAY_CLASS_NAME = 'WC_Gateway_Authorize_Net_CIM_Credit_Card';
        /** string the gateway id */
        const CREDIT_CARD_GATEWAY_ID = 'authorize_net_cim_credit_card';
        /** string the gateway class name */
        const ECHECK_GATEWAY_CLASS_NAME = 'WC_Gateway_Authorize_Net_CIM_eCheck';
        /** string the gateway id */
        const ECHECK_GATEWAY_ID = 'authorize_net_cim_echeck';
         * Setup main plugin class
         * @since 1.0
         * @return \WC_Authorize_Net_CIM
        public function __construct()
            parent::__construct(self::PLUGIN_ID, self::VERSION, array('gateways' => array(self::CREDIT_CARD_GATEWAY_ID => self::CREDIT_CARD_GATEWAY_CLASS_NAME, self::ECHECK_GATEWAY_ID => self::ECHECK_GATEWAY_CLASS_NAME), 'dependencies' => array('SimpleXML', 'xmlwriter', 'dom'), 'require_ssl' => true, 'supports' => array(self::FEATURE_CAPTURE_CHARGE, self::FEATURE_MY_PAYMENT_METHODS, self::FEATURE_CUSTOMER_ID)));
            // Load gateway files after woocommerce is loaded
            add_action('sv_wc_framework_plugins_loaded', array($this, 'includes'), 11);
         * Loads API and Gateway classes
         * @since 1.0
        public function includes()
            // gateway classes
            require_once $this->get_plugin_path() . '/includes/class-wc-gateway-authorize-net-cim.php';
            require_once $this->get_plugin_path() . '/includes/class-wc-gateway-authorize-net-cim-credit-card.php';
            require_once $this->get_plugin_path() . '/includes/class-wc-gateway-authorize-net-cim-echeck.php';
            // profile classes
            require_once $this->get_plugin_path() . '/includes/class-wc-authorize-net-cim-payment-profile.php';
            require_once $this->get_plugin_path() . '/includes/class-wc-authorize-net-cim-payment-profile-handler.php';
            require_once $this->get_plugin_path() . '/includes/class-wc-authorize-net-cim-shipping-address.php';
            if (is_admin()) {
                require_once $this->get_plugin_path() . '/includes/class-wc-authorize-net-cim-payment-profile-editor.php';
                // require checkout billing fields for non-US stores, as all European card processors require the billing fields
                // in order to successfully process transactions
            } elseif (!strncmp(get_option('woocommerce_default_country'), 'US:', 3)) {
                // remove blank arrays from the state fields, otherwise it's hidden
                add_action('woocommerce_states', array($this, 'tweak_states'), 1);
                //  require the billing fields
                add_filter('woocommerce_get_country_locale', array($this, 'require_billing_fields'), 100);
         * Handle localization, WPML compatible
         * @since 1.0
         * @see SV_WC_Plugin::load_translation()
        public function load_translation()
            load_plugin_textdomain('woocommerce-gateway-authorize-net-cim', false, dirname(plugin_basename($this->get_file())) . '/i18n/languages');
        /** Frontend methods ******************************************************/
         * Before requiring all billing fields, the state array has to be removed of blank arrays, otherwise
         * the field is hidden
         * @see WC_Countries::__construct()
         * @since 2.0.0
         * @param array $countries the available countries
         * @return array the available countries
        public function tweak_states($countries)
            foreach ($countries as $country_code => $states) {
                if (is_array($countries[$country_code]) && empty($countries[$country_code])) {
                    $countries[$country_code] = null;
            return $countries;
         * Require all billing fields to be entered when the merchant is using a European payment processor
         * @since 2.0.0
         * @param array $locales array of countries and locale-specific address field info
         * @return array the locales array with billing info required
        public function require_billing_fields($locales)
            foreach ($locales as $country_code => $fields) {
                if (isset($locales[$country_code]['state']['required'])) {
                    $locales[$country_code]['state']['required'] = true;
            return $locales;
        /** Admin methods ******************************************************/
         * Returns the "Configure Credit Cards" or "Configure eCheck" plugin action links that go
         * directly to the gateway settings page
         * @since 2.0.0
         * @see SV_WC_Payment_Gateway_Plugin::get_settings_url()
         * @param string $gateway_id the gateway identifier
         * @return string plugin configure link
        public function get_settings_link($gateway_id = null)
            return sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', $this->get_settings_url($gateway_id), self::CREDIT_CARD_GATEWAY_ID === $gateway_id ? __('Configure Credit Cards', 'woocommerce-gateway-authorize-net-cim') : __('Configure eChecks', 'woocommerce-gateway-authorize-net-cim'));
         * Render a notice for the user to select their desired export format
         * @since 1.3.3
         * @see SV_WC_Plugin::add_admin_notices()
        public function add_admin_notices()
            // show any dependency notices
            $settings = get_option('woocommerce_authorize_net_cim_credit_card_settings');
            // install notice
            if (empty($settings) && !$this->get_admin_notice_handler()->is_notice_dismissed('install-notice')) {
                $this->get_admin_notice_handler()->add_admin_notice(sprintf(__('Thanks for installing the WooCommerce Authorize.Net CIM Gateway! To start accepting payments, %sset your Authorize.Net API credentials%s. Need help? See the %sdocumentation%s.', 'woocommerce-gateway-authorize-net-cim'), '<a href="' . $this->get_settings_url() . '">', '</a>', '<a target="_blank" href="' . $this->get_documentation_url() . '">', '</a>'), 'install-notice', array('notice_class' => 'updated'));
            $gateway = $this->get_gateway(self::CREDIT_CARD_GATEWAY_ID);
            // bail if gateway is not available, as proper credentials are needed first
            if (!$gateway->is_available()) {
            // check if CIM feature is enabled on customer's authorize.net account
            if (!get_option('wc_authorize_net_cim_feature_enabled')) {
                if ($gateway->is_cim_feature_enabled()) {
                    update_option('wc_authorize_net_cim_feature_enabled', true);
                } else {
                    if (!$this->get_admin_notice_handler()->is_notice_dismissed('cim-add-on-notice')) {
                        $this->get_admin_notice_handler()->add_admin_notice(sprintf(__('The CIM Add-On is not enabled on your Authorize.Net account. Please %scontact Authorize.Net%s to enable CIM. You will be unable to process transactions until CIM is enabled. ', 'woocommerce-gateway-authorize-net-cim'), '<a href="http://support.authorize.net" target="_blank">', '</a>'), 'cim-add-on-notice');
            if ($gateway->is_accept_js_enabled() && isset($_GET['page']) && 'wc-settings' === $_GET['page']) {
                $message = '';
                if (!$gateway->get_client_key()) {
                    $message = sprintf(__("%s: A valid Client Key is required to use Accept.js at checkout.", 'woocommerce-gateway-authorize-net-cim'), '<strong>' . $this->get_plugin_name() . '</strong>');
                } elseif (!SV_WC_Plugin_Compatibility::wc_checkout_is_https()) {
                    $message = sprintf(__("%s: SSL is required to use Accept.js at checkout.", 'woocommerce-gateway-authorize-net-cim'), '<strong>' . $this->get_plugin_name() . '</strong>');
                if ($message) {
                    $this->get_admin_notice_handler()->add_admin_notice($message, 'accept-js-status', array('dismissible' => false, 'notice_class' => 'error'));
        /** Helper methods ******************************************************/
         * Main Authorize.Net CIM Instance, ensures only one instance is/can be loaded
         * @since 1.4.0
         * @see wc_authorize_net_cim()
         * @return WC_Authorize_Net_CIM
        public static function instance()
            if (is_null(self::$instance)) {
                self::$instance = new self();
            return self::$instance;
         * Gets the plugin documentation url
         * @since 1.1
         * @see SV_WC_Plugin::get_documentation_url()
         * @return string documentation URL
        public function get_documentation_url()
            return 'http://docs.woothemes.com/document/authorize-net-cim/';
         * Gets the plugin support URL
         * @since 2.0.0
         * @see SV_WC_Plugin::get_support_url()
         * @return string
        public function get_support_url()
            return 'http://support.woothemes.com/';
         * Returns the plugin name, localized
         * @since 1.1
         * @see SV_WC_Plugin::get_plugin_name()
         * @return string the plugin name
        public function get_plugin_name()
            return __('WooCommerce Authorize.Net CIM Gateway', 'woocommerce-gateway-authorize-net-cim');
         * Returns __FILE__
         * @since 1.1
         * @see SV_WC_Plugin::get_file()
         * @return string the full path and filename of the plugin file
        protected function get_file()
            return __FILE__;
        /** Lifecycle methods *****/
         * Upgrade to the currently installed version
         * @since 2.0.0
         * @param string $installed_version currently installed version
        public function upgrade($installed_version)
            // upgrade to 2.0.0
            if (version_compare($installed_version, '2.0.0', '<')) {
                $this->log('Starting upgrade to 2.0.0');
                /** Upgrade settings */
                $old_cc_settings = get_option('woocommerce_authorize_net_cim_settings');
                $old_echeck_settings = get_option('woocommerce_authorize_net_cim_echeck_settings');
                if ($old_cc_settings) {
                    // prior to 2.0.0, there was no settings for tokenization (always on) and enable_customer_decline_messages.
                    // eCheck settings were inherited from the credit card gateway by default
                    // credit card
                    $new_cc_settings = array('enabled' => isset($old_cc_settings['enabled']) && 'yes' === $old_cc_settings['enabled'] ? 'yes' : 'no', 'title' => !empty($old_cc_settings['title']) ? $old_cc_settings['title'] : 'Credit Card', 'description' => !empty($old_cc_settings['description']) ? $old_cc_settings['description'] : 'Pay securely using your credit card.', 'enable_csc' => isset($old_cc_settings['require_cvv']) && 'yes' === $old_cc_settings['require_cvv'] ? 'yes' : 'no', 'transaction_type' => isset($old_cc_settings['transaction_type']) && 'auth_capture' === $old_cc_settings['transaction_type'] ? 'charge' : 'authorization', 'card_types' => !empty($old_cc_settings['card_types']) ? $old_cc_settings['card_types'] : array('VISA', 'MC', 'AMEX', 'DISC'), 'tokenization' => 'yes', 'environment' => isset($old_cc_settings['test_mode']) && 'yes' === $old_cc_settings['test_mode'] ? 'test' : 'production', 'inherit_settings' => 'no', 'api_login_id' => !empty($old_cc_settings['api_login_id']) ? $old_cc_settings['api_login_id'] : '', 'api_transaction_key' => !empty($old_cc_settings['api_transaction_key']) ? $old_cc_settings['api_transaction_key'] : '', 'test_api_login_id' => !empty($old_cc_settings['test_api_login_id']) ? $old_cc_settings['test_api_login_id'] : '', 'test_api_transaction_key' => !empty($old_cc_settings['test_api_transaction_key']) ? $old_cc_settings['test_api_transaction_key'] : '', 'enable_customer_decline_messages' => 'no', 'debug_mode' => !empty($old_cc_settings['debug_mode']) ? $old_cc_settings['debug_mode'] : 'off');
                    // eCheck
                    $new_echeck_settings = array('enabled' => isset($old_echeck_settings['enabled']) && 'yes' === $old_echeck_settings['enabled'] ? 'yes' : 'no', 'title' => !empty($old_echeck_settings['title']) ? $old_echeck_settings['title'] : 'eCheck', 'description' => !empty($old_echeck_settings['description']) ? $old_echeck_settings['description'] : 'Pay securely using your checking account.', 'tokenization' => 'yes', 'environment' => $new_cc_settings['environment'], 'inherit_settings' => 'yes', 'api_login_id' => '', 'api_transaction_key' => '', 'test_api_login_id' => '', 'test_api_transaction_key' => '', 'enable_customer_decline_messages' => 'no', 'debug_mode' => $new_cc_settings['debug_mode']);
                    // save new settings, remove old ones
                    update_option('woocommerce_authorize_net_cim_credit_card_settings', $new_cc_settings);
                    update_option('woocommerce_authorize_net_cim_echeck_settings', $new_echeck_settings);
                    $this->log('Settings upgraded.');
                /** Update meta key for customer profile ID and shipping profile ID */
                global $wpdb;
                // old key: _wc_authorize_net_cim_profile_id
                // new key: wc_authorize_net_cim_customer_profile_id
                // note that we don't know on a per-user basis what environment the customer ID was set in, so we assume production, just to be safe
                $rows = $wpdb->update($wpdb->usermeta, array('meta_key' => 'wc_authorize_net_cim_customer_profile_id'), array('meta_key' => '_wc_authorize_net_cim_profile_id'));
                $this->log(sprintf('%d users updated for customer profile ID.', $rows));
                // old key: _wc_authorize_net_cim_shipping_profile_id
                // new key: wc_authorize_net_cim_shipping_address_id
                $rows = $wpdb->update($wpdb->usermeta, array('meta_key' => 'wc_authorize_net_cim_shipping_address_id'), array('meta_key' => '_wc_authorize_net_cim_shipping_profile_id'));
                $this->log(sprintf('%d users updated for shipping address ID', $rows));
                /** Update meta values for order payment method & recurring payment method */
                // meta key: _payment_method
                // old value: authorize_net_cim
                // new value: authorize_net_cim_credit_card
                // note that the eCheck method has not changed from 1.x to 2.x
                $rows = $wpdb->update($wpdb->postmeta, array('meta_value' => 'authorize_net_cim_credit_card'), array('meta_key' => '_payment_method', 'meta_value' => 'authorize_net_cim'));
                $this->log(sprintf('%d orders updated for payment method meta', $rows));
                // meta key: _recurring_payment_method
                // old value: authorize_net_cim
                // new value: authorize_net_cim_credit_card
                $rows = $wpdb->update($wpdb->postmeta, array('meta_value' => 'authorize_net_cim_credit_card'), array('meta_key' => '_recurring_payment_method', 'meta_value' => 'authorize_net_cim'));
                $this->log(sprintf('%d orders updated for recurring payment method meta', $rows));
                /** Convert payment profiles stored in legacy format to framework payment token format */
                $this->log('Starting payment profile upgrade.');
                $user_ids = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT user_id FROM {$wpdb->usermeta} WHERE meta_key = '_wc_authorize_net_cim_payment_profiles'");
                if ($user_ids) {
                    // iterate through each user with a payment profile
                    foreach ($user_ids as $user_id) {
                        $customer_profile_id = get_user_meta($user_id, 'wc_authorize_net_cim_customer_profile_id', true);
                        $payment_profiles = get_user_meta($user_id, '_wc_authorize_net_cim_payment_profiles', true);
                        $cc_tokens = $echeck_tokens = array();
                        // iterate through each payment profile
                        foreach ($payment_profiles as $profile_id => $profile) {
                            // bail if corrupted
                            if (!$profile_id || empty($profile['type'])) {
                            // parse expiry date
                            if (!empty($profile['exp_date']) && SV_WC_Helper::str_exists($profile['exp_date'], '/')) {
                                list($exp_month, $exp_year) = explode('/', $profile['exp_date']);
                            } else {
                                $exp_month = $exp_year = '';
                            if ('Bank Account' === $profile['type']) {
                                // eCheck tokens
                                $echeck_tokens[$profile_id] = array('type' => 'echeck', 'last_four' => !empty($profile['last_four']) ? $profile['last_four'] : '', 'customer_profile_id' => $customer_profile_id, 'billing_hash' => '', 'payment_hash' => '', 'default' => !empty($profile['active']) && $profile['active'], 'exp_month' => $exp_month, 'exp_year' => $exp_year);
                            } else {
                                // parse card type
                                switch ($profile['type']) {
                                    case 'Visa':
                                        $card_type = 'visa';
                                    case 'American Express':
                                        $card_type = 'amex';
                                    case 'MasterCard':
                                        $card_type = 'mc';
                                    case 'Discover':
                                        $card_type = 'disc';
                                    case 'Diners Club':
                                        $card_type = 'diners';
                                    case 'JCB':
                                        $card_type = 'jcb';
                                        $card_type = '';
                                // credit card tokens
                                $cc_tokens[$profile_id] = array('type' => 'credit_card', 'last_four' => !empty($profile['last_four']) ? $profile['last_four'] : '', 'customer_profile_id' => $customer_profile_id, 'billing_hash' => '', 'payment_hash' => '', 'default' => !empty($profile['active']) && $profile['active'], 'card_type' => $card_type, 'exp_month' => $exp_month, 'exp_year' => $exp_year);
                        // update credit card tokens
                        if (!empty($cc_tokens)) {
                            update_user_meta($user_id, '_wc_authorize_net_cim_credit_card_payment_tokens', $cc_tokens);
                        // update eCheck tokens
                        if (!empty($echeck_tokens)) {
                            update_user_meta($user_id, '_wc_authorize_net_cim_echeck_payment_tokens', $echeck_tokens);
                        // save the legacy payment profiles in case we need them later
                        update_user_meta($user_id, '_wc_authorize_net_cim_legacy_tokens', $payment_profiles);
                        delete_user_meta($user_id, '_wc_authorize_net_cim_payment_profiles');
                        $this->log(sprintf('Converted payment profile for user ID: %s', $user_id));
                $this->log('Completed payment profile upgrade.');
                $this->log('Completed upgrade for 2.0.0');
            // TODO: remove _wc_authorize_net_cim_legacy_tokens meta in a future version @MR 2015-07
    // end WC_Authorize_Net_CIM
     * Returns the One True Instance of Authorize.Net CIM
     * @since 1.4.0
     * @return WC_Authorize_Net_CIM
    function wc_authorize_net_cim()
        return WC_Authorize_Net_CIM::instance();
    // fire it up!
コード例 #4
  * Returns the main plugin class
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @see \SV_WC_API_Base::get_plugin()
  * @return WC_Authorize_Net_CIM
 protected function get_plugin()
     return wc_authorize_net_cim();