コード例 #1
    public function member_history_rows()
        $wc2_db_member = WC2_DB_Member::get_instance();
        $wc2_order = WC2_DB_Order::get_instance();
        $wc2_item = WC2_DB_Item::get_instance();
        if (is_admin()) {
            $member_id = $wc2_db_member->get_member_id();
        } else {
            if (wc2_is_login() && 0 != $_SESSION[WC2]['member']['ID']) {
                $member_id = $_SESSION[WC2]['member']['ID'];
            } else {
                return false;
        $member_history = $wc2_order->get_member_history($member_id);
        $colspan = wc2_is_membersystem_point() ? 9 : 7;
        $html = '<div class="history-area">
        if (!count($member_history)) {
            $html .= '<tr>
			<td>' . __('There is no your purchase history.', 'wc2') . '</td>
        foreach ($member_history as $umhs) {
            $cart = $umhs['cart'];
            $history_member_head = '<tr>
				<th class="historyrow">' . __('Order number', 'wc2') . '</th>
				<th class="historyrow">' . __('Order status', 'wc2') . '</th>
				<th class="historyrow">' . __('Purchase date', 'wc2') . '</th>
				<th class="historyrow">' . __('Purchase amount', 'wc2') . '</th>';
            if (wc2_is_membersystem_point()) {
                $history_member_head .= '<th class="historyrow">' . __('Used points', 'wc2') . '</th>';
            $history_member_head .= '<th class="historyrow">' . apply_filters('wc2_filter_discount_label', __('Discount', 'wc2'), $umhs) . '</th>
				<th class="historyrow">' . __('Shipping charges', 'wc2') . '</th>
				<th class="historyrow">' . apply_filters('wc2_filter_cod_label', __('COD fee', 'wc2')) . '</th>
				<th class="historyrow">' . __('Consumption tax', 'wc2') . '</th>';
            if (wc2_is_membersystem_point()) {
                $history_member_head .= '<th class="historyrow">' . __('Acquired points', 'wc2') . '</th>';
            $history_member_head .= '</tr>
				<td class="rightnum"><a href="' . WC2_ADMIN_URL . '?page=wc2_order&action=edit&target=' . $umhs['ID'] . '">' . $umhs['dec_order_id'] . '</a></td>
				<td class="aleft">' . wc2_get_order_status_name($umhs['order_status']) . '</td>
				<td class="date">' . $umhs['order_date'] . '</td>
				<td class="rightnum">' . wc2_crform($umhs['item_total_price'] - $umhs['usedpoint'] + $umhs['discount'] + $umhs['shipping_charge'] + $umhs['cod_fee'] + $umhs['tax'], true, false) . '</td>';
            if (wc2_is_membersystem_point()) {
                $history_member_head .= '<td class="rightnum">' . number_format($umhs['usedpoint']) . '</td>';
            $history_member_head .= '<td class="rightnum">' . wc2_crform($umhs['discount'], true, false) . '</td>
				<td class="rightnum">' . wc2_crform($umhs['shipping_charge'], true, false) . '</td>
				<td class="rightnum">' . wc2_crform($umhs['cod_fee'], true, false) . '</td>
				<td class="rightnum">' . wc2_crform($umhs['tax'], true, false) . '</td>';
            if (wc2_is_membersystem_point()) {
                $history_member_head .= '<td class="rightnum">' . number_format($umhs['getpoint']) . '</td>';
            $history_member_head .= '</tr>';
            $html .= apply_filters('wc2_filter_history_member_head', $history_member_head, $umhs);
            $html .= apply_filters('wc2_filter_member_history_header', NULL, $umhs);
            $html .= '<tr>
				<td class="retail" colspan="' . $colspan . '">
					<table id="retail_table_' . $umhs['ID'] . '" class="retail">';
            $history_cart_head = '<tr>
					<th scope="row" class="num">No.</th>
					<th class="thumbnail">&nbsp;</th>
					<th>' . __('Items', 'wc2') . '</th>
					<th class="price ">' . __('Unit price', 'wc2') . '(' . wc2_crcode() . ')' . '</th>
					<th class="quantity">' . __('Quantity', 'wc2') . '</th>
					<th class="subtotal">' . __('Amount', 'wc2') . '(' . wc2_crcode() . ')' . '</th>
            $html .= apply_filters('wc2_filter_history_cart_head', $history_cart_head, $umhs);
            $i = 1;
            foreach ($cart as $cart_row) {
                $ordercart_id = $cart_row['cart_id'];
                $post_id = $cart_row['post_id'];
                $item_id = $cart_row['item_id'];
                $sku_id = $cart_row['sku_id'];
                $quantity = $cart_row['quantity'];
                $options = isset($cart_row['options']) ? $cart_row['options'] : '';
                //$options = wc2_get_ordercart_meta_value( 'option', $ordercart_id );
                //$options = wc2_get_ordercart_meta( 'option', $ordercart_id );
                $item_name = $cart_row['item_name'];
                $item_code = $cart_row['item_code'];
                $sku_name = $cart_row['sku_name'];
                $sku_code = $cart_row['sku_code'];
                $cart_item_name = wc2_get_cart_item_name($item_name, $item_code, $sku_name, $sku_code);
                $skuPrice = $cart_row['price'];
                $pictid = (int) $wc2_item->get_mainpictid($item_code);
                $optstr = '';
                if (is_array($options) && count($options) > 0) {
                    $optstr = '';
                    foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
                        if (!empty($key)) {
                            $key = urldecode($key);
                            $value = maybe_unserialize($value);
                            if (is_array($value)) {
                                $c = '';
                                $optstr .= esc_html($key) . ' : ';
                                foreach ($value as $v) {
                                    $optstr .= $c . nl2br(esc_html(urldecode($v)));
                                    $c = ', ';
                                $optstr .= "<br />\n";
                            } else {
                                $optstr .= esc_html($key) . ' : ' . nl2br(esc_html(urldecode($value))) . "<br />\n";
                    $optstr = apply_filters('wc2_filter_option_history', $optstr, $options);
                $optstr = apply_filters('wc2_filter_option_info_history', $optstr, $umhs, $cart_row, $i);
                $permalink = apply_filters('wc2_filter_link_item_history', get_permalink($post_id), $cart_row);
                $history_cart_row = '<tr>
					<td>' . $i . '</td>
                if ($pictid) {
                    $cart_thumbnail = '<a href="' . esc_url($permalink) . '">' . wp_get_attachment_image($pictid, array(60, 60), true) . '</a>';
                } else {
                    $cart_thumbnail = '<p>' . wc2_no_image() . '</p>';
                $history_cart_row .= apply_filters('wc2_filter_cart_thumbnail', $cart_thumbnail, $post_id, $pictid, $i, $cart_row);
                $history_cart_row .= '</td>
					<td class="aleft"><a href="' . esc_url($permalink) . '">' . esc_html($cart_item_name) . '<br />' . $optstr . '</a>' . apply_filters('wc2_filter_history_item_name', NULL, $umhs, $cart_row, $i) . '</td>
					<td class="rightnum">' . wc2_crform($skuPrice, true, false) . '</td>
					<td class="rightnum">' . number_format($cart_row['quantity']) . '</td>
					<td class="rightnum">' . wc2_crform($skuPrice * $cart_row['quantity'], true, false) . '</td>
                $materials = compact('cart_thumbnail', 'post_id', 'pictid', 'cart_item_name', 'optstr');
                $html .= apply_filters('wc2_filter_history_cart_row', $history_cart_row, $umhs, $cart_row, $i, $materials);
            $html .= '</table>
        $html .= '</table>
        $html = apply_filters('wc2_filter_member_history_rows', $html, $member_id, $member_history, $colspan);
        return $html;
コード例 #2
    public function admin_page_scripts()
        if (!isset($this->plugin_screen_hook_suffix)) {
        $screen = get_current_screen();
        if ($this->plugin_screen_hook_suffix != $screen->id) {
        $delivery = wc2_get_option('delivery');
        $system_options = wc2_get_option('system');
        $base_country = $system_options['base_country'];
        $delivery_method = isset($delivery['delivery_method']) ? $delivery['delivery_method'] : array();
        //$shipping_charge = ( isset($delivery['shipping_charge']) ) ? $delivery['shipping_charge'] : array();
        $shipping_charge = wc2_get_option('shipping_charge');
        //$delivery_days = ( isset($delivery['delivery_days']) ) ? $delivery['delivery_days'] : array();
        $delivery_days = wc2_get_option('delivery_days');
        $target_market = isset($system_options['target_market']) && !empty($system_options['target_market']) ? $system_options['target_market'] : WC2_Funcs::get_local_target_market();
        $prefs = array();
        foreach ((array) $target_market as $tm) {
            $prefs[$tm] = $system_options['province'][$tm];
<script type="text/javascript">

	if( $.fn.jquery < "1.10" ) {
		var $tabs = $("#delivery-tabs").tabs({
			cookie: {
				expires: 1
	} else {
		$( "#delivery-tabs" ).tabs({
			active: ($.cookie("delivery-tabs")) ? $.cookie("delivery-tabs") : 0
			, activate: function( event, ui ){
				$.cookie("delivery-tabs", $(this).tabs("option", "active"));

	$(document).on( "change", ".charge_text", function(){ check_money($(this)); });
	$(document).on( "change", ".days_text", function(){ check_num($(this)); });
        if (!array_key_exists($base_country, (array) $target_market)) {
            $base_country = $target_market[0];
        $i = 0;
	var target_market = [];
        foreach ((array) $target_market as $tm) {
            echo $i;
] = "<?php 
            echo $tm;
	var base_country = "<?php 
        echo $base_country;
	var delivery_method = [];
        for ($i = 0; $i < count((array) $delivery_method); $i++) {
            $lines = explode("\n", $delivery_method[$i]['time']);
            echo $i;
] = [];
            echo $i;
]["id"] = <?php 
            echo (int) $delivery_method[$i]['id'];
            echo $i;
]["name"] = "<?php 
            echo $delivery_method[$i]['name'];
            echo $i;
]["charge"] = <?php 
            echo (int) $delivery_method[$i]['charge'];
            echo $i;
]["days"] = <?php 
            echo (int) $delivery_method[$i]['days'];
	sttr = '';
            foreach ((array) $lines as $line) {
                if (trim($line) != "") {
	sttr += "<?php 
                    echo trim($line);
            echo $i;
]["time"] = sttr;
            echo $i;
]["nocod"] = "<?php 
            echo $delivery_method[$i]['nocod'];
            echo $i;
]["intl"] = "<?php 
            echo !empty($delivery_method[$i]['intl']) ? $delivery_method[$i]['intl'] : '0';
            echo $i;
]["limit_num"] = "<?php 
            echo isset($delivery_method[$i]['limit_num']) ? $delivery_method[$i]['limit_num'] : '';
	var pref = [];
        foreach ((array) $target_market as $tm) {
            echo $tm;
"] = [];
            foreach ((array) $prefs[$tm] as $pref) {
                echo $tm;
                echo $pref;
	var shipping_charge = [];
        for ($i = 0; $i < count((array) $shipping_charge); $i++) {
            echo $i;
] = [];
            echo $i;
]["id"] = <?php 
            echo (int) $shipping_charge[$i]['id'];
            echo $i;
]["name"] = "<?php 
            echo $shipping_charge[$i]['name'];
            foreach ((array) $target_market as $tm) {
                echo $i;
                echo $tm;
"] = [];
                foreach ((array) $prefs[$tm] as $pref) {
                    if (isset($shipping_charge[$i][$tm][$pref])) {
                        echo $i;
                        echo $tm;
                        echo $pref;
"] = "<?php 
                        echo (double) $shipping_charge[$i][$tm][$pref];
                    } else {
                        echo $i;
                        echo $tm;
                        echo $pref;
"] = "0";
	var delivery_days = [];
        for ($i = 0; $i < count((array) $delivery_days); $i++) {
            echo $i;
] = [];
            echo $i;
]["id"] = <?php 
            echo (int) $delivery_days[$i]['id'];
            echo $i;
]["name"] = "<?php 
            echo $delivery_days[$i]['name'];
            foreach ((array) $target_market as $tm) {
                echo $i;
                echo $tm;
"] = [];
                foreach ((array) $prefs[$tm] as $pref) {
                    if (isset($delivery_days[$i][$tm][$pref])) {
                        echo $i;
                        echo $tm;
                        echo $pref;
"] = "<?php 
                        echo (int) $delivery_days[$i][$tm][$pref];
                    } else {
                        echo $i;
                        echo $tm;
                        echo $pref;
"] = "0";
	var selected_method = 0;
	function get_delivery_method_charge(selected){
		var index = 0;
		for(var i=0; i<delivery_method.length; i++){
			if(selected === delivery_method[i]["id"]){
				index = i;
		if(undefined === delivery_method[index]){
			return -1;
			return delivery_method[index]["charge"];

	operation = {
		disp_delivery_method :function (id){
			selected_method = id;
			var index = false;
			for(var i=0; i<delivery_method.length; i++){
				if(id === delivery_method[i]["id"]){
					index = i;
			if(false === index){
				selected = 0;
				selected = index;
			if(delivery_method.length === 0) {
				$("#delivery_method_name").html('<input name="delivery_method_name" type="text" class="medium-text" value="" />');
				$("#delivery_method_button").html('<div class="submit"><input name="add_delivery_method" id="add_delivery_method" type="button" class="button" value="<?php 
        _e('追加', 'wc2');
" onclick="operation.add_delivery_method();" /></div>');
				$("#delivery_method_nocod").html('<input name="delivery_method_nocod" type="checkbox" value="1" />');
				$("#delivery_method_intl").html('<label title="0"><input name="delivery_method_intl" id="delivery_method_intl_0" type="radio" value="0" checked="checked" /><span><?php 
        _e('国内便', 'wc2');
</span></label><label title="1"><input name="delivery_method_intl" id="delivery_method_intl_1" type="radio" value="1" /><span><?php 
        _e('国際便', 'wc2');
				$("#delivery_method_item_limit_num").html('<input name="delivery_method_item_limit_num" type="text" class="medium-text right" value="" />');
				var name_select = '<select name="delivery_method_name_select" id="delivery_method_name_select" onchange="operation.onchange_delivery_select(this.selectedIndex);">';
				for(var i=0; i<delivery_method.length; i++){
					if(selected === i){
						name_select += '<option value="'+delivery_method[i]["id"]+'" selected="selected">'+delivery_method[i]["id"]+' : '+delivery_method[i]["name"]+'</option>';
						name_select += '<option value="'+delivery_method[i]["id"]+'">'+delivery_method[i]["id"]+' : '+delivery_method[i]["name"]+'</option>';
				name_select += '</select>';
				$("#delivery_method_name2").html('<input name="delivery_method_name" type="text" class="medium-text" value="'+delivery_method[selected]["name"]+'" />');
				$("#delivery_method_button").html('<div class="submit"><input name="delete_delivery_method" id="delete_delivery_method" type="button" class="button" value="<?php 
        _e('削除', 'wc2');
" onclick="operation.delete_delivery_method();" />'+"\n"+'<input name="update_delivery_method" id="update_delivery_method" type="button" class="button" value="<?php 
        _e('更新', 'wc2');
" onclick="operation.update_delivery_method();" /></div>');
				var checked_nocod = (delivery_method[selected]["nocod"] == "1") ? ' checked="checked"' : "";
				$("#delivery_method_nocod").html('<input name="delivery_method_nocod" type="checkbox" value="1"'+checked_nocod+' />');
				var checked_intl_0 = (delivery_method[selected]["intl"] == "0") ? ' checked="checked"' : "";
				var checked_intl_1 = (delivery_method[selected]["intl"] == "1") ? ' checked="checked"' : "";
				$("#delivery_method_intl").html('<label title="0"><input name="delivery_method_intl" id="delivery_method_intl_0" type="radio" value="0"'+checked_intl_0+' /><span><?php 
        _e('国内便', 'wc2');
</span></label><label title="1"><input name="delivery_method_intl" id="delivery_method_intl_1" type="radio" value="1"'+checked_intl_1+' /><span><?php 
        _e('国際便', 'wc2');
				$("#delivery_method_item_limit_num").html('<input name="delivery_method_item_limit_num" type="text" class="medium-text right" value="'+ delivery_method[selected]['limit_num'] +'" />');

		add_delivery_method : function() {
			if($('input[name="delivery_method_name"]').val() == "") return;
			$("#delivery_method_loading").html('<img src="'+WC2L10n.loading_gif+'" />');
			//var name = encodeURIComponent($("input[name='delivery_method_name']").val());
			//var time = encodeURIComponent($("#delivery_method_time").val());
			var name = $('input[name="delivery_method_name"]').val();
			var time = $("#delivery_method_time").val();
			var charge = $("#delivery_method_charge option:selected").val();
			var days = $("#delivery_method_days option:selected").val();
			var nocod = ($(':input[name="delivery_method_nocod"]').attr("checked")) ? "1" : "0";
			var intl = $(':radio[name="delivery_method_intl"]:checked').val();
			var limit_num = $('input[name="delivery_method_item_limit_num"]').val();
				url: ajaxurl,
				type: "POST",
				dataType: "JSON",
				scriptCharset: "UTF-8",
				processData: true,
				cache: false,
				data: {
					action: "delivery_ajax",
					mode: "add_delivery_method",
					name: name,
					time: time,
					charge: charge,
					days: days,
					nocod: nocod,
					intl: intl,
					limit_num: limit_num,
					wc2_nonce: $("#wc2_nonce").val()
			}).done( function( ret, dataType ) {
				var mes = ret.data.message;
				if( ret.success ){
					var val = ret.data.value;
					var id = val.id - 0;
					var name = val.name;
					var time = val.time;
					var charge = val.charge - 0;
					var days = val.days - 0;
					var nocod = val.nocod;
					var intl = val.intl;
					var limit_num = val.limit_num;
					var index = delivery_method.length;
					delivery_method[index] = [];
					delivery_method[index]["id"] = id;
					delivery_method[index]["name"] = name;
					delivery_method[index]["time"] = time;
					delivery_method[index]["charge"] = charge;
					delivery_method[index]["days"] = days;
					delivery_method[index]["nocod"] = nocod;
					delivery_method[index]["intl"] = intl;
					delivery_method[index]["limit_num"] = limit_num;

					$("#info_image").attr("src", WC2L10n.success_info);

					$("#info_image").attr("src", WC2L10n.error_info);
			}).fail( function( retVal ) {
			return false;

		update_delivery_method : function() {
			if($('input[name="delivery_method_name"]').val() == "") return;

			$("#delivery_method_loading").html('<img src="'+WC2L10n.loading_gif+'" />');
			var id = $("#delivery_method_name_select option:selected").val();
			//var name = encodeURIComponent($("input[name='delivery_method_name']").val());
			//var time = encodeURIComponent($("#delivery_method_time").val());
			var name = $('input[name="delivery_method_name"]').val();
			var time = $("#delivery_method_time").val();
			var charge = $("#delivery_method_charge option:selected").val();
			var days = $("#delivery_method_days option:selected").val();
			var nocod = ($(':input[name="delivery_method_nocod"]').attr("checked")) ? "1" : "0";
			var intl = $(':radio[name="delivery_method_intl"]:checked').val();
			var limit_num = $('input[name="delivery_method_item_limit_num"]').val();

				url: ajaxurl,
				type: "POST",
				dataType: "JSON",
				scriptCharset: "UTF-8",
				processData: true,
				cache: false,
				data: {
					action: "delivery_ajax",
					mode: "update_delivery_method",
					id: id,
					name: name,
					time: time,
					charge: charge,
					days: days,
					nocod: nocod,
					intl: intl,
					limit_num: limit_num,
					wc2_nonce: $("#wc2_nonce").val()
			}).done( function( ret, dataType ) {
				var mes = ret.data.message;
				if( ret.success ){
					var val = ret.data.value;
					var id = val.id - 0;
					var name = val.name;
					var time = val.time;
					var charge = val.charge - 0;
					var days = val.days - 0;
					var nocod = val.nocod;
					var intl = val.intl;
					var limit_num = val.limit_num;
					for(var i=0; i<delivery_method.length; i++){
						if(id === delivery_method[i]["id"]){
							index = i;
					delivery_method[index]["name"] = name;
					delivery_method[index]["time"] = time;
					delivery_method[index]["charge"] = charge;
					delivery_method[index]["days"] = days;
					delivery_method[index]["nocod"] = nocod;
					delivery_method[index]["intl"] = intl;
					delivery_method[index]["limit_num"] = limit_num;
					$("#info_image").attr("src", WC2L10n.success_info);

					$("#info_image").attr("src", WC2L10n.error_info);
			}).fail( function( retVal ) {
			return false;

		delete_delivery_method : function() {
			var delname = $("#delivery_method_name_select option:selected").html();
        _e("'配送方法「'+delname+'」を削除します。よろしいですか?'", 'wc2');
)) return false;
			$("#delivery_method_loading").html('<img src="'+WC2L10n.loading_gif+'" />');
			var id = $("#delivery_method_name_select option:selected").val();
				url: ajaxurl,
				type: "POST",
				dataType: "JSON",
				scriptCharset: "UTF-8",
				processData: true,
				cache: false,
				data: {
					action: "delivery_ajax",
					mode: "delete_delivery_method",
					id: id,
					wc2_nonce: $("#wc2_nonce").val()
			}).done( function( ret, dataType ) {
				var mes = ret.data.message;
				if( ret.success ) {
					var val = ret.data.value;
					var id = val.id - 0;
					for(var i=0; i<delivery_method.length; i++){
						if(id === delivery_method[i]["id"]){
							index = i;
					delivery_method.splice(index, 1);
					$("#info_image").attr("src", WC2L10n.success_info);

					$("#info_image").attr("src", WC2L10n.error_info);
			}).fail( function( retVal ) {
			return false;

		onchange_delivery_select : function(index) {
			var id = $("#delivery_method_name_select option:eq("+index+")").val()-0;

		make_delivery_method_charge : function(selected) {
			var option = '<select name="delivery_method_charge" id="delivery_method_charge">';
			if(selected === -1){
				option += '<option value="-1" selected="selected"><?php 
        _e('送料を固定しない', 'wc2');
				option += '<option value="-1"><?php 
        _e('送料を固定しない', 'wc2');
			for(var i=0; i<shipping_charge.length; i++){
				if(selected === shipping_charge[i]["id"]){
					option += '<option value="'+shipping_charge[i]["id"]+'" selected="selected">'+shipping_charge[i]["name"]+'</option>';
					option += '<option value="'+shipping_charge[i]["id"]+'">'+shipping_charge[i]["name"]+'</option>';
			option += '</select>';

		make_delivery_method_days : function(selected) {
			var option = '<select name="delivery_method_days" id="delivery_method_days">';
			if(selected === -1){
				option += '<option value="-1" selected="selected"><?php 
        _e('配送希望日を利用しない', 'wc2');
				option += '<option value="-1"><?php 
        _e('配送希望日を利用しない', 'wc2');
			for(var i=0; i<delivery_days.length; i++){
				if(selected === delivery_days[i]["id"]){
					option += '<option value="'+delivery_days[i]["id"]+'" selected="selected">'+delivery_days[i]["name"]+'</option>';
					option += '<option value="'+delivery_days[i]["id"]+'">'+delivery_days[i]["name"]+'</option>';
			option += '</select>';

		moveup_delivery_method : function(selected) {
			var index = 0;
			for(var i=0; i<delivery_method.length; i++){
				if(selected === delivery_method[i]["id"]){
					index = i;
			if( 0 === index ) return;

			$("#delivery_method_loading").html('<img src="'+WC2L10n.loading_gif+'" />');

				url: ajaxurl,
				type: "POST",
				dataType: "JSON",
				scriptCharset: "UTF-8",
				processData: true,
				cache: false,
				data: {
					action: "delivery_ajax",
					mode: "moveup_delivery_method",
					id: selected,
					wc2_nonce: $("#wc2_nonce").val()
			}).done( function( ret, dataType ) {
				var mes = ret.data.message;
				if( ret.success ){
					var val = ret.data.value;
					var selected = ret.data.selected;
					var ct = delivery_method.length;
					for(var i=0; i<ct; i++){
						delivery_method[i]["id"] = val[i].id - 0;
						delivery_method[i]["name"] = val[i].name;
						delivery_method[i]["time"] = val[i].time;
						delivery_method[i]["charge"] = val[i].charge - 0;
						delivery_method[i]["days"] = val[i].days - 0;
						delivery_method[i]["nocod"] = val[i].nocod;
						delivery_method[i]["intl"] = val[i].intl;
						delivery_method[i]["limit_num"] = val[i].limit_num;
					$("#info_image").attr("src", WC2L10n.success_info);

					$("#info_image").attr("src", WC2L10n.error_info);
			}).fail( function( retVal ) {
			return false;

		movedown_delivery_method : function(selected) {
			var index = 0;
			var ct = delivery_method.length;
			for(var i=0; i<ct; i++){
				if(selected === delivery_method[i]["id"]){
					index = i;
			if( index >= ct-1 ) return;

			$("#delivery_method_loading").html('<img src="'+WC2L10n.loading_gif+'" />');

				url: ajaxurl,
				type: "POST",
				dataType: "JSON",
				scriptCharset: "UTF-8",
				processData: true,
				cache: false,
				data: {
					action: "delivery_ajax",
					mode: "movedown_delivery_method",
					id: selected,
					wc2_nonce: $("#wc2_nonce").val()
			}).done( function( ret, dataType ) {
				var mes = ret.data.message;
				if( ret.success){
					var val = ret.data.value;
					var selected = ret.data.selected;
					var ct = delivery_method.length;
					for(var i=0; i<ct; i++){
						delivery_method[i]["id"] = val[i].id - 0;
						delivery_method[i]["name"] = val[i].name;
						delivery_method[i]["time"] = val[i].time;
						delivery_method[i]["charge"] = val[i].charge - 0;
						delivery_method[i]["days"] = val[i].days - 0;
						delivery_method[i]["nocod"] = val[i].nocod;
						delivery_method[i]["intl"] = val[i].intl;
						delivery_method[i]["limit_num"] = val[i].limit_num;
					$("#info_image").attr("src", WC2L10n.success_info);

					$("#info_image").attr("src", WC2L10n.error_info);
			}).fail( function( retVal ) {
			return false;

		disp_shipping_charge : function (id){
			var valuehtml = "";
			if(shipping_charge.length === 0) {
				for( var j = 0; j < target_market.length; j++ ) {
					var tm = target_market[j];
					valuehtml += '<div id="shipping_charge_'+tm+'">';
					for( var i = 0; i < pref[tm].length; i++ ) {
						var p = pref[tm][i];
						valuehtml += '<span class="shipping_charge_label">'+p+'</span><input type="text" name="shipping_charge_value_'+tm+'['+p+']" value="" class="charge_text medium-text right" /><?php 
        echo wc2_crcode();
<br />';
					valuehtml += '</div>';
				$("#shipping_charge_name").html('<input name="shipping_charge_name" type="text" class="medium-text" value="" />');
				$("#shipping_charge_button").html('<div class="submit"><input name="add_shipping_charge" id="add_shipping_charge" type="button" class="button" value="<?php 
        _e('追加', 'wc2');
" onclick="operation.add_shipping_charge();" /></div>');
				var selected = 0;
				var name_select = '<select name="shipping_charge_name_select" id="shipping_charge_name_select" onchange="operation.onchange_shipping_charge(this.selectedIndex);">';
				for(var i=0; i<shipping_charge.length; i++){
					if(shipping_charge[i]["id"] === id){
						selected = i;
						name_select += '<option value="'+shipping_charge[i]["id"]+'" selected="selected">'+shipping_charge[i]["name"]+'</option>';
						name_select += '<option value="'+shipping_charge[i]["id"]+'">'+shipping_charge[i]["name"]+'</option>';

				name_select += '</select>';
				var value = "";
				for( var j = 0; j < target_market.length; j++ ) {
					var tm = target_market[j];
					valuehtml += '<div id="shipping_charge_'+tm+'">';
					for( var i = 0; i < pref[tm].length; i++ ) {
						var p = pref[tm][i];
						value = ( shipping_charge[selected][tm][p] == undefined ) ? '' : shipping_charge[selected][tm][p];
						valuehtml += '<span class="shipping_charge_label">'+p+'</span><input type="text" name="shipping_charge_value_'+tm+'['+p+']" value="'+value+'" class="charge_text medium-text right" /><?php 
        echo wc2_crcode();
<br />';
					valuehtml += '</div>';
				$("#shipping_charge_name2").html('<input name="shipping_charge_name" type="text" class="medium-text" value="'+shipping_charge[selected]['name']+'" />');
				$("#shipping_charge_button").html('<div class="submit"><input name="delete_shipping_charge" id="delete_shipping_charge" type="button" class="button" value="<?php 
        _e('削除', 'wc2');
" onclick="operation.delete_shipping_charge();" />'+"\n"+'<input name="update_shipping_charge" id="update_shipping_charge" type="button" class="button" value="<?php 
        _e('更新', 'wc2');
" onclick="operation.update_shipping_charge();" /></div>');
			$(document).on( "change", ".charge_text", function(){ check_money($(this)); });
			var country = $("#shipping_charge_country option:selected").val();
			for( var i = 0; i < target_market.length; i++ ) {
				if( country == target_market[i] ) {
				} else {

		add_shipping_charge : function() {
			var error = 0;
			if($('input[name="shipping_charge_name"]').val() == "") {
				$('input[name="shipping_charge_name"]').css({'background-color': '#FFA'}).click(function() {
					$(this).css({'background-color': '#FFF'});
			for( var j = 0; j < target_market.length; j++ ) {
				var tm = target_market[j];
				for( var i = 0; i < pref[tm].length; i++ ) {
					var p = pref[tm][i];
					var value = $('input[name="shipping_charge_value_'+tm+'['+p+']"]').val();

					if( "" == value || !WC2Util.checkMoney(value) ) {
						$('input[name="shipping_charge_value_'+tm+'['+p+']"]').css({'background-color': '#FFA'}).click(function() {
							$(this).css({'background-color': '#FFF'});
			if( 0 < error ) {
        _e('データに不備があります。', 'wc2');
				return false;
			$("#shipping_charge_loading").html('<img src="'+WC2L10n.loading_gif+'" />');
			//var name = encodeURIComponent($("input[name='shipping_charge_name']").val());
			var name = $('input[name="shipping_charge_name"]').val();
			var query = "";
			for( var j = 0; j < target_market.length; j++ ) {
				var tm = target_market[j];
				for( var i = 0; i < pref[tm].length; i++ ) {
					query += '&value_'+tm+'='+$('input[name="shipping_charge_value_'+tm+'['+pref[tm][i]+']"]').val();
			query = query.slice(1);
				url: ajaxurl,
				type: "POST",
				dataType: "JSON",
				scriptCharset: "UTF-8",
				processData: true,
				cache: false,
				data: {
					action: "delivery_ajax",
					mode: "add_shipping_charge",
					name: name,
					query: query,
					wc2_nonce: $("#wc2_nonce").val()
			}).done( function( ret, dataType ) {
				var mes = ret.data.message;
				if( ret.success ){
					var val = ret.data.value;
					var id = val.id - 0;
					var name = val.name;
					var index = shipping_charge.length;
					shipping_charge[index] = [];
					shipping_charge[index]["id"] = id;
					shipping_charge[index]["name"] = name;

					for( var j = 0; j < target_market.length; j++ ) {
						var tm = target_market[j];
						shipping_charge[index][tm] = [];
						for( var i = 0; i < pref[tm].length; i++ ) {
							var p = pref[tm][i];
							shipping_charge[index][tm][p] = val[tm][p];
					$("#info_image").attr("src", WC2L10n.success_info);

					$("#info_image").attr("src", WC2L10n.error_info);
			}).fail( function( retVal ) {
			return false;

		update_shipping_charge : function() {
			var error = 0;
			if($('input[name="shipping_charge_name"]').val() == "") {
				$('input[name="shipping_charge_name"]').css({'background-color': '#FFA'}).click(function() {
					$(this).css({'background-color': '#FFF'});
			for( var j = 0; j < target_market.length; j++ ) {
				var tm = target_market[j];
				for( var i = 0; i < pref[tm].length; i++ ) {
					var p = pref[tm][i];
					var value = $('input[name="shipping_charge_value_'+tm+'['+p+']"]').val();
					if( "" == value || !WC2Util.checkMoney(value) ) {
						$('input[name="shipping_charge_value_'+tm+'['+p+']"]').css({'background-color': '#FFA'}).click(function() {
							$(this).css({'background-color': '#FFF'});
			if( 0 < error ) {
        _e('データに不備があります。', 'wc2');
				return false;

			$("#shipping_charge_loading").html('<img src="'+WC2L10n.loading_gif+'" />');
			var id = $("#shipping_charge_name_select option:selected").val();
			//var name = encodeURIComponent($("input[name='shipping_charge_name']").val());
			var name = $('input[name="shipping_charge_name"]').val();
			var query = "";
			for( var j = 0; j < target_market.length; j++ ) {
				var tm = target_market[j];
				for( var i = 0; i < pref[tm].length; i++ ){
					query += '&value_'+tm+'='+$('input[name="shipping_charge_value_'+tm+'['+pref[tm][i]+']"]').val();
			query = query.slice(1);
				url: ajaxurl,
				type: "POST",
				dataType: "JSON",
				scriptCharset: "UTF-8",
				processData: true,
				cache: false,
				data: {
					action: "delivery_ajax",
					mode: "update_shipping_charge",
					id: id,
					name: name,
					query: query,
					wc2_nonce: $("#wc2_nonce").val()
			}).done( function( ret, dataType ) {
				var mes = ret.data.message;
				if( ret.success ){
					var val = ret.data.value;
					var id = val.id - 0;
					var name = val.name;
					for(var i=0; i<shipping_charge.length; i++){
						if(id === shipping_charge[i]["id"]){
							index = i;
					shipping_charge[index]["name"] = name;
					for( var j = 0; j < target_market.length; j++ ) {
						var tm = target_market[j];
						for( var i = 0; i < pref[tm].length; i++ ) {
							var p = pref[tm][i];
							shipping_charge[index][tm][p] = val[tm][p];
					$("#info_image").attr("src", WC2L10n.success_info);

					$("#info_image").attr("src", WC2L10n.error_info);
			}).fail( function( retVal ) {
			return false;

		delete_shipping_charge : function() {
			var delname = $("#shipping_charge_name_select option:selected").html();
        _e("'送料「'+delname+'」を削除します。よろしいですか?'", 'wc2');
)) return false;

			$("#shipping_charge_loading").html('<img src="'+WC2L10n.loading_gif+'" />');
			var id = $("#shipping_charge_name_select option:selected").val();
				url: ajaxurl,
				type: "POST",
				dataType: "JSON",
				scriptCharset: "UTF-8",
				processData: true,
				cache: false,
				data: {
					action: "delivery_ajax",
					mode: "delete_shipping_charge",
					id: id,
					wc2_nonce: $("#wc2_nonce").val()
			}).done( function( ret, dataType ) {
				var mes = ret.data.message;
				if( ret.success ){
					var val = ret.data.value;
					var id = val.id - 0;
					for(var i=0; i<shipping_charge.length; i++){
						if(id === shipping_charge[i]["id"]){
							index = i;
					shipping_charge.splice(index, 1);

					$("#info_image").attr("src", WC2L10n.success_info);

					$("#info_image").attr("src", WC2L10n.error_info);
			}).fail( function( retVal ) {
			return false;

		onchange_shipping_charge : function(index) {
			var id = $("#shipping_charge_name_select option:eq("+index+")").val()-0;

		allCharge : function () {
			var charge = $("#allcharge").val();
			if( charge == "" ) return;
			if( confirm(<?php 
        echo sprintf(__("'各都道府県の送料を%s' + charge + 'に一括設定します。よろしいですか?'", 'wc2'), esc_js(WC2_Funcs::get_crsymbol('js')));
) ){
				var country = $("#shipping_charge_country option:selected").val();
					for( var i = 0; i < pref[country].length; i++ ) {

		disp_delivery_days :function (id){
			var valuehtml = '';
			if(delivery_days.length === 0) {
				for( var j = 0; j < target_market.length; j++ ) {
					var tm = target_market[j];
					valuehtml += '<div id="delivery_days_'+tm+'">';
					for( var i = 0; i < pref[tm].length; i++ ) {
						var p = pref[tm][i];
						valuehtml += '<span class="delivery_days_label">'+p+'</span><input type="text" name="delivery_days_value_'+tm+'['+p+']" value="" class="days_text small-text right" /><?php 
        _e('日', 'wc2');
<br />';
					valuehtml += "</div>";
				$("#delivery_days_name").html('<input name="delivery_days_name" type="text" class="medium-text" value="" />');
				$("#delivery_days_button").html('<div class="submit"><input name="add_delivery_days" id="add_delivery_days" type="button" class="button" value="<?php 
        _e('追加', 'wc2');
" onclick="operation.add_delivery_days();" /></div>');
				var selected = 0;
				var name_select = '<select name="delivery_days_name_select" id="delivery_days_name_select" onchange="operation.onchange_delivery_days(this.selectedIndex);">';
				for(var i=0; i<delivery_days.length; i++){
					if(delivery_days[i]["id"] === id){
						selected = i;
						name_select += '<option value="'+delivery_days[i]["id"]+'" selected="selected">'+delivery_days[i]["name"]+'</option>';
						name_select += '<option value="'+delivery_days[i]["id"]+'">'+delivery_days[i]["name"]+'</option>';
				name_select += '</select>';
				var value = "";
					for( var j = 0; j < target_market.length; j++ ) {
					var tm = target_market[j];
					valuehtml += '<div id="delivery_days_'+tm+'">';
					for( var i = 0; i < pref[tm].length; i++ ) {
						var p = pref[tm][i];
						value = ( delivery_days[selected][tm][p] == undefined ) ? '' : delivery_days[selected][tm][p];
						valuehtml += '<span class="delivery_days_label">'+p+'</span><input type="text" name="delivery_days_value_'+tm+'['+p+']" value="'+value+'" class="days_text small-text right" /><?php 
        _e('日', 'wc2');
<br />';
					valuehtml += '</div>';
				$("#delivery_days_name2").html('<input name="delivery_days_name" type="text" class="medium-text" value="'+delivery_days[selected]['name']+'" />');
				$("#delivery_days_button").html('<div class="submit"><input name="delete_delivery_days" id="delete_delivery_days" type="button" class="button" value="<?php 
        _e('削除', 'wc2');
" onclick="operation.delete_delivery_days();" />'+"\n"+'<input name="update_delivery_days" id="update_delivery_days" type="button" class="button" value="<?php 
        _e('更新', 'wc2');
" onclick="operation.update_delivery_days();" /></div>');
			$(document).on( "change", ".days_text", function(){ check_num($(this)); });
			var country = $("#delivery_days_country option:selected").val();
			for( var i = 0; i < target_market.length; i++ ) {
				if( country == target_market[i] ) {
				} else {

		add_delivery_days : function() {
			var error = 0;
			if($('input[name="delivery_days_name"]').val() == "") {
				$('input[name="delivery_days_name"]').css({'background-color': '#FFA'}).click(function() {
					$(this).css({'background-color': '#FFF'});
			for( var j = 0; j < target_market.length; j++ ) {
				var tm = target_market[j];
				for( var i = 0; i < pref[tm].length; i++ ) {
					var p = pref[tm][i];
					var value = $('input[name="delivery_days_value_'+tm+'['+p+']"]').val();
					if( "" == value || !WC2Util.checkNum(value) ) {
						$('input[name="delivery_days_value_'+tm+'['+p+']"]').css({'background-color': '#FFA'}).click(function() {
							$(this).css({'background-color': '#FFF'});
			if( 0 < error ) {
        _e('データに不備があります。', 'wc2');
				return false;

			$("#delivery_days_loading").html('<img src="'+WC2L10n.loading_gif+'" />');
			var name = $('input[name="delivery_days_name"]').val();
			var query = '';
			for( var j = 0; j < target_market.length; j++ ) {
				var tm = target_market[j];
				for( var i = 0; i < pref[tm].length; i++ ) {
					query += '&value_'+tm+'='+$('input[name="delivery_days_value_'+tm+'['+pref[tm][i]+']"]').val();
			query = query.slice(1);
				url: ajaxurl,
				type: "POST",
				dataType: "JSON",
				scriptCharset: "UTF-8",
				processData: true,
				cache: false,
				data: {
					action: "delivery_ajax",
					mode: "add_delivery_days",
					name: name,
					query: query,
					wc2_nonce: $("#wc2_nonce").val()
			}).done( function( ret, dataType ) {
				var mes = ret.data.message;
				if( ret.success ){
					var val = ret.data.value;
					var id = val.id - 0;
					var name = val.name;
					var index = delivery_days.length;
					delivery_days[index] = [];
					delivery_days[index]["id"] = id;
					delivery_days[index]["name"] = name;
					for( var j = 0; j < target_market.length; j++ ) {
						var tm = target_market[j];
						delivery_days[index][tm] = [];
						for( var i = 0; i < pref[tm].length; i++ ) {
							var p = pref[tm][i];
							delivery_days[index][tm][p] = val[tm][p];
					$("#info_image").attr("src", WC2L10n.success_info);

					$("#info_image").attr("src", WC2L10n.error_info);
			}).fail( function( retVal ) {
			return false;

		update_delivery_days : function() {
			var error = 0;
			if($('input[name="delivery_days_name"]').val() == "") {
				$('input[name="delivery_days_name"]').css({'background-color': '#FFA'}).click(function() {
					$(this).css({'background-color': '#FFF'});
			for( var j = 0; j < target_market.length; j++ ) {
				var tm = target_market[j];
				for( var i = 0; i < pref[tm].length; i++ ) {
					var p = pref[tm][i];
					var value = $('input[name="delivery_days_value_'+tm+'['+p+']"]').val();
					if( "" == value || !WC2Util.checkNum(value) ) {
						$('input[name="delivery_days_value_'+tm+'['+p+']"]').css({'background-color': '#FFA'}).click(function() {
							$(this).css({'background-color': '#FFF'});
			if( 0 < error ) {
        _e('データに不備があります。', 'wc2');
				return false;

			$("#delivery_days_loading").html('<img src="'+WC2L10n.loading_gif+'" />');
			var id = $("#delivery_days_name_select option:selected").val();
			var name = $('input[name="delivery_days_name"]').val();
			var query = "";
			for( var j = 0; j < target_market.length; j++ ) {
				var tm = target_market[j];
				for( var i = 0; i < pref[tm].length; i++ ){
					query += '&value_'+tm+'='+$('input[name="delivery_days_value_'+tm+'['+pref[tm][i]+']"]').val();
			query = query.slice(1);
				url: ajaxurl,
				type: "POST",
				dataType: "JSON",
				scriptCharset: "UTF-8",
				processData: true,
				cache: false,
				data: {
					action: "delivery_ajax",
					mode: "update_delivery_days",
					id: id,
					name: name,
					query: query,
					wc2_nonce: $("#wc2_nonce").val()
			}).done( function( ret, dataType ) {
				var mes = ret.data.message;
				if( ret.success ){
					var val = ret.data.value;
					var id = val.id - 0;
					var name = val.name;
					for(var i=0; i<delivery_days.length; i++){
						if(id === delivery_days[i]["id"]){
							index = i;
					delivery_days[index]["name"] = name;
					for( var j = 0; j < target_market.length; j++ ) {
						var tm = target_market[j];
						for( var i = 0; i < pref[tm].length; i++ ) {
							var p = pref[tm][i];
							delivery_days[index][tm][p] = val[tm][p];
					$("#info_image").attr("src", WC2L10n.success_info);

					$("#info_image").attr("src", WC2L10n.error_info);
			}).fail( function( retVal ) {
			return false;

		delete_delivery_days : function() {
			var delname = $("#delivery_days_name_select option:selected").html();
        _e("'配達日数設定「' + delname + '」を削除してもよろしいですか?'", 'wc2');
)) return false;

			$("#delivery_days_loading").html('<img src="'+WC2L10n.loading_gif+'" />');
			var id = $("#delivery_days_name_select option:selected").val();
				url: ajaxurl,
				type: "POST",
				dataType: "JSON",
				scriptCharset: "UTF-8",
				processData: true,
				cache: false,
				data: {
					action: "delivery_ajax",
					mode: "delete_delivery_days",
					id: id,
					wc2_nonce: $("#wc2_nonce").val()
			}).done( function( ret, dataType ) {
				var mes = ret.data.message;
				if( ret.success ){
					var val = ret.data.value;
					var id = val.id - 0;
					for(var i=0; i<delivery_days.length; i++){
						if(id === delivery_days[i]["id"]){
							index = i;
					delivery_days.splice(index, 1);
					$("#info_image").attr("src", WC2L10n.success_info);

					$("#info_image").attr("src", WC2L10n.error_info);
			}).fail( function( retVal ) {
			return false;

		onchange_delivery_days : function(index) {
			var id = $("#delivery_days_name_select option:eq("+index+")").val()-0;

		allDeliveryDays : function () {
			var days = $("#all_delivery_days").val();
			if( days == "" ) return;
			if( confirm(<?php 
        _e("'配達日数を全て ' + days + ' 日に変更してもよろしいですか?'", 'wc2');
) ){
				var country = $("#delivery_days_country option:selected").val();
				for( var i = 0; i < pref[country].length; i++ ) {

	$("#delivery_method_charge").click(function () {
		if(shipping_charge.length == 0){
        _e('送料を設定してください。', 'wc2');

	function get_delivery_method_days(selected){
		var index = 0;
		for(var i=0; i<delivery_method.length; i++){
			if(selected === delivery_method[i]["id"]){
				index = i;
		if(undefined === delivery_method[index]){
			return -1;
			return delivery_method[index]["days"];

	$("#delivery_method_days").click(function () {
		if(delivery_days.length == 0){
        _e('Please set the delivery days', 'wc2');

	$("#new_delivery_method_action").click(function () {
		if(delivery_method.length === 0) return false;
		$("#delivery_method_name").html('<input name="delivery_method_name" type="text" class="medium-text" value="" />');
		$("#delivery_method_button").html('<input name="cancel_delivery_method" id="cancel_delivery_method" type="button" class="button" value="<?php 
        _e('キャンセル', 'wc2');
" onclick="operation.disp_delivery_method(0);" /><input name="add_delivery_method" id="add_delivery_method" type="button" class="button" value="<?php 
        _e('追加', 'wc2');
" onclick="operation.add_delivery_method();" />');
		$("#delivery_method_nocod").html('<input name="delivery_method_nocod" type="checkbox" value="1" />');
		$("#delivery_method_intl").html('<label title="0"><input name="delivery_method_intl" id="delivery_method_intl_0" type="radio" value="0" checked="checked" /><span><?php 
        _e('国内便', 'wc2');
</span></label><input name="delivery_method_intl" id="delivery_method_intl_1" type="radio" value="1" /><label title="1"><span><?php 
        _e('国際便', 'wc2');
		$("#delivery_method_item_limit_num").html('<input name="delivery_method_item_limit_num" type="text" class="medium-text right" value="" />');


	$("#moveup_action").click(function () {
		var id = $("#delivery_method_name_select option:selected").val()-0;

	$("#movedown_action").click(function () {
		var id = $("#delivery_method_name_select option:selected").val()-0;

	$("#new_shipping_charge_action").click(function () {
		var valuehtml = "";
		for( var j = 0; j < target_market.length; j++ ) {
			var tm = target_market[j];
			valuehtml += '<div id="shipping_charge_'+tm+'">';
			for( var i = 0; i < pref[tm].length; i++ ) {
				var p = pref[tm][i];
				valuehtml += '<span class="shipping_charge_label">'+p+'</span><input type="text" name="shipping_charge_value_'+tm+'['+p+']" value="" class="charge_text medium-text right" /><?php 
        echo wc2_crcode();
<br />';
			valuehtml += '</div>';
		$("#shipping_charge_name").html('<input name="shipping_charge_name" type="text" class="medium-text" value="" />');
		$("#shipping_charge_button").html('<input name="cancel_shipping_charge" id="cancel_shipping_charge" type="button" class="button" value="<?php 
        _e('キャンセル', 'wc2');
" onclick="operation.disp_shipping_charge(0);" /><input name="add_shipping_charge" id="add_shipping_charge" type="button" class="button" value="<?php 
        _e('追加', 'wc2');
" onclick="operation.add_shipping_charge();" />');
		$(document).on( "change", ".charge_text", function(){ check_money($(this)); });
		for( var i = 0; i < target_market.length; i++ ) {
			if( base_country == target_market[i] ) {
			} else {

	$("#new_delivery_days_action").click(function () {
		var valuehtml = "";
		for( var j = 0; j < target_market.length; j++ ) {
			var tm = target_market[j];
			valuehtml += '<div id="delivery_days_'+tm+'">';
			for( var i = 0; i < pref[tm].length; i++ ) {
				var p = pref[tm][i];
				valuehtml += '<span class="delivery_days_label">'+p+'</span><input type="text" name="delivery_days_value_'+tm+'['+p+']" value="" class="days_text small-text right" /><?php 
        _e('日', 'wc2');
<br />';
			valuehtml += '</div>';
		$("#delivery_days_name").html('<input name="delivery_days_name" type="text" class="medium-text" value="" />');
		$("#delivery_days_button").html('<input name="cancel_delivery_days" id="cancel_delivery_days" type="button" class="button" value="<?php 
        _e('キャンセル', 'wc2');
" onclick="operation.disp_delivery_days(0);" /><input name="add_delivery_days" id="add_delivery_days" type="button" class="button" value="<?php 
        _e('追加', 'wc2');
" onclick="operation.add_delivery_days();" />');
		$(document).on( "change", ".days_text", function(){ check_num($(this)); });
		for( var i = 0; i < target_market.length; i++ ) {
			if( base_country == target_market[i] ) {
			} else {

	$("#shipping_charge_country").change(function () {
		var country = $("#shipping_charge_country option:selected").val();
		for( var i = 0; i < target_market.length; i++ ) {
			if( country == target_market[i] ) {
			} else {

	$("#delivery_days_country").change(function () {
		var country = $("#delivery_days_country option:selected").val();
		for( var i = 0; i < target_market.length; i++ ) {
			if( country == target_market[i] ) {
			} else {

	function check_num( obj ) {
		if( !WC2Util.checkNum( obj.val()) ) {
			return false;
		return true;

	function check_money( obj ) {
		if( !WC2Util.checkMoney(obj.val()) ) {
			return false;
		return true;
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
	$("#allbutton").click( function() {
	$("#allbutton_delivery_days").click( function() {
コード例 #3
_e('Shipping charges', 'wc2');
											<input id="allbutton" type="button" class="allbutton button" value="<?php 
_e('一括設定', 'wc2');
" />
											<input name="allcharge" id="allcharge" type="text" class="charge_text medium-text right" /><?php 
echo wc2_crcode();
										<td><div id="shipping_charge_value"></div></td>
					<div id="delivery_page_setting_4">
						<div class="postbox">
							<h3 class="hndle"><span><?php 
コード例 #4
ファイル: template_func.php プロジェクト: nanbu-collne/test2
function wc2_crcode_e(){
	echo wc2_crcode();
コード例 #5
ファイル: class-print.php プロジェクト: nanbu-collne/test2
 public function pdfSetFooter($pdf, $data)
     global $wc2;
     $wc2_options = wc2_get_option();
     $font = $this->font;
     $border = 0;
     list($fontsize, $lineheight, $linetop) = $this->set_font_size(9);
     $pdf->SetFont($font, '', $fontsize);
     // Body label
     $pdf->SetXY(15.5, 94.90000000000001);
     $pdf->MultiCell(87.8, $lineheight, $this->conv_enc(__('Item name', 'wc2')), $border, 'C');
     $pdf->SetXY(103.7, 94.90000000000001);
     $pdf->MultiCell(11.4, $lineheight, $this->conv_enc(__('Quantity', 'wc2')), $border, 'C');
     $pdf->SetXY(115.8, 94.90000000000001);
     $pdf->MultiCell(11.0, $lineheight, $this->conv_enc(__('Unit', 'wc2')), $border, 'C');
     $pdf->SetXY(127.2, 94.90000000000001);
     $pdf->MultiCell(15.0, $lineheight, $this->conv_enc(__('Price', 'wc2')), $border, 'C');
     $pdf->SetXY(142.9, 94.90000000000001);
     $pdf->MultiCell(22.4, $lineheight, $this->conv_enc(__('Amount', 'wc2') . '(' . __(wc2_crcode(), 'wc2') . ')'), $border, 'C');
     // Footer label
     $labeldata = array('order_condition' => $data['order_condition'], 'order_item_total_price' => $data['item_total_price'], 'order_discount' => $data['discount'], 'order_shipping_charge' => $data['shipping_charge'], 'order_cod_fee' => $data['cod_fee']);
     $pdf->SetXY(104.3, 198.8);
     $pdf->MultiCell(37.7, $lineheight, $this->conv_enc(__('Total amount of items', 'wc2')), $border, 'C');
     $pdf->SetXY(104.3, 204.8);
     $pdf->MultiCell(37.7, $lineheight, $this->conv_enc(apply_filters('wc2_filter_discount_label', __('Discount', 'wc2'), $data)), $border, 'C');
     if ('products' == wc2_get_tax_target()) {
         $data_1 = apply_filters('wc2_filter_tax_label', wc2_tax_label($labeldata));
         $data_2 = apply_filters('wc2_filter_shipping_label', __('Shipping charges', 'wc2'));
         $data_3 = apply_filters('wc2_filter_cod_label', __('COD fee', 'wc2'));
     } else {
         $data_1 = apply_filters('wc2_filter_shipping_label', __('Shipping charges', 'wc2'));
         $data_2 = apply_filters('wc2_filter_cod_label', __('COD fee', 'wc2'));
         $data_3 = apply_filters('wc2_filter_tax_label', wc2_tax_label($labeldata));
     $pdf->SetXY(104.3, 210.8);
     $pdf->MultiCell(37.7, $lineheight, $this->conv_enc($data_1), $border, 'C');
     $pdf->SetXY(104.3, 216.7);
     $pdf->MultiCell(37.7, $lineheight, $this->conv_enc($data_2), $border, 'C');
     $pdf->SetXY(104.3, 222.7);
     $pdf->MultiCell(37.7, $lineheight, $this->conv_enc($data_3), $border, 'C');
     if (wc2_is_membersystem_point()) {
         $pdf->SetXY(104.3, 228.6);
         $pdf->MultiCell(37.7, $lineheight, $this->conv_enc(apply_filters('wc2_filter_point_label', __('Used points', 'wc2'))), $border, 'C');
         $pdf->SetXY(104.3, 235.8);
         $pdf->MultiCell(37.77, $lineheight, $this->conv_enc(__('Total Amount', 'wc2')), $border, 'C');
     } else {
         $pdf->SetXY(104.3, 235.8);
         $pdf->MultiCell(37.77, $lineheight * 2, $this->conv_enc(__('Total Amount', 'wc2')), $border, 'C');
     list($fontsize, $lineheight, $linetop) = $this->set_font_size(8);
     $pdf->SetFont($font, '', $fontsize);
     // Footer value
     $payment = wc2_get_payment($data['payment_method']);
     $transfers = apply_filters('wc2_filter_pdf_transfer', array('BT'), $data);
     if ('invoice' == $_REQUEST['type'] && in_array($payment['settlement'], $transfers)) {
         $transferee = __('Transfer', 'wc2') . " : \r\n";
         $transferee .= wc2_get_option('transferee_info') . "\r\n";
         $note_text = apply_filters('wc2_filter_mail_transferee', $transferee, $data, 'pdf', $payment);
     } else {
         $note_text = $data['note'];
     $pdf->SetXY(16.1, 198.8);
     $pdf->MultiCell(86.59999999999999, $lineheight, $this->conv_enc(apply_filters('wc2_filter_pdf_note', $note_text, $data, $_REQUEST['type'])), $border, 'J');
     list($fontsize, $lineheight, $linetop) = $this->set_font_size(9);
     $pdf->SetFont($font, '', $fontsize);
     $pdf->SetXY(142.9, 198.8);
     $total_price = $data['item_total_price'] - $data['usedpoint'] + $data['discount'] + $data['shipping_charge'] + $data['cod_fee'] + $data['tax'];
     $pdf->MultiCell(22.6, $lineheight, wc2_get_currency($data['item_total_price']), $border, 'R');
     $materials = array('total_price' => $data['item_total_price'], 'discount' => $data['discount'], 'shipping_charge' => $data['shipping_charge'], 'cod_fee' => $data['cod_fee']);
     if ('include' == $wc2_options['general']['tax_mode']) {
         $tax = '(' . wc2_internal_tax($materials) . ')';
     } else {
         $tax = wc2_get_currency($data['tax']);
     if ('products' == wc2_get_tax_target()) {
         $datav_1 = apply_filters('wc2_filter_tax_value', $tax, $data);
         $datav_2 = apply_filters('wc2_filter_shipping_value', wc2_get_currency($data['shipping_charge']), $data);
         $datav_3 = apply_filters('wc2_filter_cod_value', wc2_get_currency($data['cod_fee']), $data);
     } else {
         $datav_1 = apply_filters('wc2_filter_shipping_value', wc2_get_currency($data['shipping_charge']), $data);
         $datav_2 = apply_filters('wc2_filter_cod_value', wc2_get_currency($data['cod_fee']), $data);
         $datav_3 = apply_filters('wc2_filter_tax_value', $tax, $data);
     $pdf->SetXY(142.9, 204.8);
     $pdf->MultiCell(22.6, $lineheight, $this->conv_enc(apply_filters('wc2_filter_discount_value', wc2_get_currency($data['discount']), $data)), $border, 'R');
     $pdf->SetXY(142.9, 210.8);
     $pdf->MultiCell(22.6, $lineheight, $this->conv_enc($datav_1), $border, 'R');
     $pdf->SetXY(142.9, 216.7);
     $pdf->MultiCell(22.6, $lineheight, $this->conv_enc($datav_2), $border, 'R');
     $pdf->SetXY(142.9, 222.7);
     $pdf->MultiCell(22.6, $lineheight, $this->conv_enc($datav_3), $border, 'R');
     if (wc2_is_membersystem_point()) {
         $pdf->SetXY(142.9, 228.6);
         $pdf->MultiCell(22.6, $lineheight, $this->conv_enc(apply_filters('wc2_filter_point_value', wc2_get_currency($data['usedpoint']), $data)), $border, 'R');
         $pdf->SetXY(142.9, 235.8);
         $pdf->MultiCell(22.67, $lineheight, $this->conv_enc(wc2_get_currency($total_price)), $border, 'R');
     } else {
         $pdf->SetXY(142.9, 235.8);
         $pdf->MultiCell(22.67, $lineheight, $this->conv_enc(wc2_get_currency($total_price)), $border, 'R');
     do_action('wc2_action_order_print_footer', $pdf, $data);
コード例 #6
    public function payment_list_row($data, $id)
        if (empty($data)) {
        $settlement_types = wc2_get_option('settlement_types');
        $name = isset($data['name']) ? esc_attr($data['name']) : '';
        $explanation = isset($data['explanation']) ? esc_attr($data['explanation']) : '';
        $settlement = $data['settlement'];
        $sort = isset($data['sort']) ? (int) $data['sort'] : 1;
        $use = isset($data['use']) ? $data['use'] : 'activate';
        $check_activate = $use != 'deactivate' ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
        $check_deactivate = $use == 'deactivate' ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
        $payment_charge = isset($data['charge']) ? $data['charge'] : 'none';
        $display = $payment_charge == 'price' ? '' : ' style="display:none;"';
        $charge_price = isset($data['charge_price']) ? (int) $data['charge_price'] : 0;
			<tr id="payment-<?php 
        echo $id;
				<th class="hdl"> </th>
				<td class="payment-name">
					<div><input type="text" id="payment-name-<?php 
        echo $id;
" class="medium-text" value="<?php 
        echo $name;
" /></div>
						<label title="activate"><input type="radio" name="payment_use_<?php 
        echo $id;
" id="payment-use-activate-<?php 
        echo $id;
" value="activate"<?php 
        echo $check_activate;
        _e('使用', 'wc2');
						<label title="deactivate"><input type="radio" name="payment_use_<?php 
        echo $id;
" id="payment-use-deactivate-<?php 
        echo $id;
" value="deactivate"<?php 
        echo $check_deactivate;
        _e('停止', 'wc2');
					<div id="payment-submit-<?php 
        echo $id;
" class="submit">
						<input type="button" id="delete-payment-<?php 
        echo $id;
" class="button action" value="<?php 
" />
						<input type="button" id="update-payment-<?php 
        echo $id;
" class="button action" value="<?php 
" />
						<input type="hidden" id="payment-sort-<?php 
        echo $id;
" value="<?php 
        echo $sort;
" />
					<div id="payment-loading-<?php 
        echo $id;
" class="loading"></div>
				<td class="payment-explanation"><textarea id="payment-explanation-<?php 
        echo $id;
" class="regular-text"><?php 
        echo $explanation;
				<td class="payment-settlement">
					<select id="payment-settlement-<?php 
        echo $id;
						<option value="<?php 
        echo WC2_UNSELECTED;
        _e('-- Select --', 'wc2');
        foreach ($settlement_types as $key => $type) {
            $selected = $key == $settlement ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
						<option value="<?php 
            echo $selected;
				<td class="payment-charge">
					<select class="payment-charge-select" id="payment-charge-<?php 
        echo $id;
						<option value="none"<?php 
        if ($payment_charge == 'none') {
            echo ' selected="selected"';
        _e('手数料なし', 'wc2');
						<option value="cod"<?php 
        if ($payment_charge == 'cod') {
            echo ' selected="selected"';
        _e('代引手数料を適用', 'wc2');
						<option value="price"<?php 
        if ($payment_charge == 'price') {
            echo ' selected="selected"';
        _e('金額を適用', 'wc2');
					<span id="payment-charge-price-input-<?php 
        echo $id;
        echo $display;
><input type="text" id="payment-charge-price-<?php 
        echo $id;
" class="small-text right" value="<?php 
        echo wc2_crcode();
        $html = ob_get_contents();
        return $html;
コード例 #7
ファイル: functions.php プロジェクト: nanbu-collne/test2
function wc2_ordermail($data, $send = 'order')
    $cart = $data['cart'];
    $payment = wc2_get_payment($data['payment_method']);
    $general_options = wc2_get_option('general');
    $total_price = $data['item_total_price'] - $data['usedpoint'] + $data['discount'] + $data['shipping_charge'] + $data['cod_fee'] + $data['tax'];
    $msg_body = "";
    if ($data['order_type'] == 'estimate') {
        $msg_top = "\r\n\r\n\r\n" . __('【お見積】', 'wc2') . "\r\n";
        $msg_top .= wc2_mail_line(1, $data['email']);
        $msg_top .= apply_filters('wc2_filter_ordermail_first', "", $data, $payment, $send);
        $msg_top .= wc2_get_mail_addressform($data, 'customer');
        $msg_top .= __('お見積番号', 'wc2') . " : " . $data['order_id'] . "\r\n";
    } else {
        $msg_top = "\r\n\r\n\r\n" . __('【ご注文内容】', 'wc2') . "\r\n";
        $msg_top .= wc2_mail_line(1, $data['email']);
        $msg_top .= apply_filters('wc2_filter_ordermail_first', "", $data, $payment, $send);
        $msg_top .= wc2_get_mail_addressform($data, 'customer');
        $msg_top .= __('Order number', 'wc2') . " : " . $data['dec_order_id'] . "\r\n";
        $msg_top .= __('注文日時', 'wc2') . " : " . $data['order_date'] . "\r\n";
    $msg_top .= "\r\n";
    $msg_body = apply_filters('wc2_filter_ordermail_top', $msg_top, $data, $payment, $send);
    $msg_detail = __('Items', 'wc2') . "\r\n";
    foreach ($cart as $idx => $cart_row) {
        //		$item_id = $cart_row['item_id'];
        //		$sku_id = $cart_row['sku_id'];
        $item_name = $cart_row['item_name'];
        $item_code = $cart_row['item_code'];
        $sku_name = $cart_row['sku_name'];
        $sku_code = $cart_row['sku_code'];
        $cart_item_name = wc2_get_cart_item_name($item_name, $item_code, $sku_name, $sku_code);
        $cart_options = '';
        $msg_detail .= wc2_mail_line(2, $data['email']);
        $msg_detail .= $cart_item_name . "\r\n";
        if (is_array($cart_options) && count($cart_options) > 0) {
            $optstr = '';
            foreach ($cart_options as $key => $value) {
                if (!empty($key)) {
                    $key = urldecode($key);
                    if (is_array($value)) {
                        $c = '';
                        $optstr .= $key . ' : ';
                        foreach ($value as $v) {
                            $optstr .= $c . urldecode($v);
                            $c = ', ';
                        $optstr .= "\r\n";
                    } else {
                        $optstr .= $key . ' : ' . urldecode($value) . "\r\n";
            $msg_detail .= apply_filters('wc2_filter_ordermail_cartrow_options', $optstr, $cart_options, $send);
        $msg_detail .= __('単価', 'wc2') . " " . wc2_crform($cart_row['price'], true, false) . __(' * ', 'wc2') . $cart_row['quantity'] . "\r\n";
    $msg_detail .= wc2_mail_line(3, $data['email']);
    $msg_detail .= __('商品合計', 'wc2') . " : " . wc2_crform($data['item_total_price'], true, false) . "\r\n";
    if ($data['discount'] != 0) {
        $msg_detail .= apply_filters('wc2_filter_discount_label', __('値引', 'wc2'), $data['order_id']) . " : " . wc2_crform($data['discount'], true, false) . "\r\n";
    if (0.0 < (double) $data['tax'] && 'products' == $general_options['tax_target']) {
        $msg_detail .= wc2_tax_label($data) . " : " . wc2_crform($data['tax'], true, false) . "\r\n";
    $msg_detail .= __('送料', 'wc2') . " : " . wc2_crform($data['shipping_charge'], true, false) . "\r\n";
    if ($payment['settlement'] == 'COD') {
        $msg_detail .= apply_filters('wc2_filter_cod_label', __('COD fee', 'wc2')) . " : " . wc2_crform($data['cod_fee'], true, false) . "\r\n";
    if (0.0 < (double) $data['tax'] && 'all' == $general_options['tax_target']) {
        $msg_detail .= wc2_tax_label($data) . " : " . wc2_crform($data['tax'], true, false) . "\r\n";
    if ($data['usedpoint'] != 0) {
        $msg_detail .= __('ご利用ポイント', 'wc2') . " : " . number_format($data['usedpoint']) . __('ポイント', 'wc2') . "\r\n";
    $msg_detail .= wc2_mail_line(2, $data['email']);
    $msg_detail .= __('お支払金額', 'wc2') . " : " . wc2_crform($total_price, true, false) . "\r\n";
    $msg_detail .= wc2_mail_line(2, $data['email']);
    $msg_detail .= "(" . __('Currency', 'wc2') . ' : ' . __(wc2_crcode(), 'wc2') . ")\r\n\r\n\r\n";
    $msg_body .= apply_filters('wc2_filter_ordermail_detail', $msg_detail, $data, $payment, $send);
    $msg_shipping = __('【配送先】', 'wc2') . "\r\n";
    $msg_shipping .= wc2_mail_line(1, $data['email']);
    $msg_shipping .= wc2_get_mail_addressform($data, 'delivery');
    $msg_shipping .= __('配送方法', 'wc2') . " : " . $data['delivery_name'] . "\r\n";
    $msg_shipping .= __('配送希望日', 'wc2') . " : " . $data['delivery_date'] . "\r\n";
    $msg_shipping .= __('配送希望時間', 'wc2') . " : " . $data['delivery_time'] . "\r\n";
    $msg_shipping .= "\r\n\r\n";
    $msg_body .= apply_filters('wc2_filter_ordermail_shipping', $msg_shipping, $data, $payment, $send);
    $msg_payment = __('【お支払方法】', 'wc2') . "\r\n";
    $msg_payment .= wc2_mail_line(1, $data['email']);
    $msg_payment .= $payment['name'] . wc2_payment_detail($data) . "\r\n\r\n";
    if ($payment['settlement'] == 'BT') {
        $transferee = __('お振込先', 'wc2') . " : \r\n";
        $transferee .= wc2_get_option('transferee_info') . "\r\n\r\n";
        $transferee .= wc2_mail_line(2, $data['email']) . "\r\n";
        $msg_payment .= apply_filters('wc2_filter_mail_transferee', $transferee, $data, $payment, $send);
    $msg_payment .= "\r\n\r\n";
    $msg_body .= apply_filters('wc2_filter_ordermail_payment', $msg_payment, $data, $payment, $send);
    $msg_other = __('【その他】', 'wc2') . "\r\n";
    $msg_other .= wc2_mail_line(1, $data['email']);
    $msg_other .= wc2_mail_custom_field_info($data, 'order', 'beforeremarks');
    $msg_other .= $data['note'] . "\r\n";
    $msg_other .= wc2_mail_custom_field_info($data, 'order', 'other');
    $msg_other .= "\r\n\r\n\r\n";
    $msg_body .= apply_filters('wc2_filter_ordermail_other', $msg_other, $data, $payment, $send);
    $msg_body = apply_filters('wc2_filter_ordermail_body', $msg_body, $data, $payment, $send);
    return $msg_body;