function radio_select() { $r = walk_dir('users/' . $_SESSION['qb'], 'funcmp3'); if ($r) { return radio_r($r); } }
function walk($path, $filter) { //echo 'walking '.$path."\n"; if (is_dir($path)) { walk_dir($path, $filter); } if (is_file($path)) { walk_file($path, $filter); } }
function walk_dir($path) { if ($dir = opendir($path)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) { if ($file[0] == ".") { continue; } if (is_dir($path . "/" . $file)) { $retval = array_merge($retval, walk_dir($path . "/" . $file)); } else { if (is_file($path . "/" . $file)) { $retval[] = $path . "/" . $file; } } } closedir($dir); } return $retval; }
function walk_dir($path) { global $dir_arr, $lang; $handle = opendir($path); //打开目录 while ($file = readdir($handle)) { //如果$file为目录,则不做操作 if (is_dir($file)) { if ($file == ".." || $file == "." || $file[0] == '.') { continue; } else { array_push($dir_arr, $file); walk_dir($path . "/" . $file); array_pop($dir_arr); } } else { insert_db_per_file($path, $file); } } closedir($handle); //关闭目录 }
$fsroot = binarypool_config::getRoot(); $root = rtrim($root, '/') . '/'; $queue = array($root); foreach ($exclude as &$path) { $path = $root . trim($path, '/') . '/'; } while ($base = array_shift($queue)) { $relative = substr($base, strlen($fsroot)); $callback($bucket, $fsroot, $relative); if (file_exists($base)) { if ($handle = opendir($base)) { while (($child = readdir($handle)) !== FALSE) { if (is_dir($base . $child) && $child != '.' && $child != '..') { $combined_path = $base . $child . '/'; if (!in_array($combined_path, $exclude)) { array_unshift($queue, $combined_path); } } } closedir($handle); } } } } foreach ($buckets as $bucket) { $storage = new binarypool_storage($bucket); printf("[%10s] Processing files.\n", $bucket); $processed = 0; walk_dir($bucket, binarypool_config::getRoot() . $bucket, 'walk_callback', array('created', 'expiry', 'downloaded')); printf("[%10s] %d binaries processed.\n", $bucket, $processed); }
function patch_varseparator() { $r = walk_dir('/msql', 'repsep'); }
function processLine($line, $hash='') { global $current_dest; global $current_dir; global $ignores; if (!is_array($ignores)) { $ignores=array(); } if (!is_array($hash)) { $hash=array(); } $line=trim($line); foreach($hash as $k=>$v) { $line=str_replace($k, $v, $line); } echo $line."\n"; if (preg_match('/^\/\//', $line)) { return; } elseif(preg_match('/^IGNORE (.+?)$/i', $line, $matches)) { $ignores[]=trim($matches[1]); } elseif(preg_match('/^SET (.+?)=(.+?)$/i', $line, $matches)) { $key=trim($matches[1]); $value=trim($matches[2]); $hash[$key]=$value; } elseif (preg_match('/^CLEAR (.+?) (\d+) DAYS OLD$/is', $line, $matches)) { $from=trim($matches[1]); $current_dir=$from; $days=(int)($matches[2]); if ($days>0) { walk_dir($from, "remove_old_files", $days); } } elseif (preg_match('/^(.+?)\+>(.+?) (\d+) DAYS OLD$/is', $line, $matches)) { $from=trim($matches[1]); $to=trim($matches[2]); $current_dir=$from; $current_dest=$to; $days=(int)($matches[3]); walk_dir($from, "copyNewFile", $days); } elseif (preg_match('/^(.+?)<\+(.+?) (\d+) DAYS OLD$/is', $line, $matches)) { $to=trim($matches[1]); $from=trim($matches[2]); $current_dir=$from; $current_dest=$to; /* if (!is_dir2($to) && !@mkdir($to)) { echo "\n Cannot make destination dir ($to)\n"; return; } */ $days=(int)($matches[3]); walk_dir($from, "copyNewFile", $days); } elseif (preg_match('/^(.+?)=>(.+?)$/is', $line, $matches)) { $from=trim($matches[1]); $to=trim($matches[2]); $current_dir=$from; $current_dest=$to; /* if (!is_dir2($to) && !@mkdir($to)) { echo "\n Cannot make destination dir ($to)\n"; return; } */ //echo "walking $from\n"; walk_dir($from, "checkfile"); } elseif (preg_match('/^(.+?)<=(.+?)$/is', $line, $matches)) { $from=trim($matches[2]); $to=trim($matches[1]); $current_dir=$from; $current_dest=$to; /* if (!is_dir2($to) && !@mkdir($to)) { return; } */ walk_dir($from, "checkfile"); } elseif (preg_match('/^(.+?)\!>(.+?)$/is', $line, $matches)) { $from=trim($matches[1]); $to=trim($matches[2]); $current_dir=$from; $current_dest=$to; /* if (!is_dir2($to) && !@mkdir($to)) { return; } */ walk_dir2($from, "checkfile"); } elseif (preg_match('/^(.+?)<\!(.+?)$/is', $line, $matches)) { $from=trim($matches[2]); $to=trim($matches[1]); $current_dir=$from; $current_dest=$to; /* if (!is_dir2($to) && !@mkdir($to)) { return; } */ walk_dir2($from, "checkfile"); } elseif (preg_match('/^(.+?)->(.+?)$/is', $line, $matches)) { $from=trim($matches[1]); $to=trim($matches[2]); $current_dir=$from; $current_dest=$to; /* if (!is_dir2($to) && !@mkdir($to)) { return; } */ walk_dir($from, "checkfile", 1); } elseif (preg_match('/^(.+?)<-(.+?)$/is', $line, $matches)) { $from=trim($matches[2]); $to=trim($matches[1]); $current_dir=$from; $current_dest=$to; /* if (!is_dir2($to) && !@mkdir($to)) { return; } */ walk_dir($from, "checkfile", 1); } // echo $line."\n"; }
function walk_dir($dir) { if (!file_exists($dir)) { return array(); } $root = scandir($dir); $result = array(); foreach ($root as $value) { if ($value === '.' || $value === '..') { continue; } if (is_file("{$dir}/{$value}")) { // Add as a file and continue $time = filemtime("{$dir}/{$value}"); $result[] = array("{$dir}/{$value}", $dir, $value, $time); continue; } foreach (walk_dir("{$dir}/{$value}") as $value) { $result[] = $value; } } return $result; }
function fi_deldir($d, $id) { $j = 'users/' . $d; if ($id != 'go') { return blj('popdel', $id . 'fidld', 'fifunc___fi*deldir_' . ajx($d) . '_go', pictxt('alert', 'really delete directory?')); } walk_dir($j, "removef"); rmdir($j); return fi_parent($d, $id . 'fidld', 'deleted', 1); }
function adm_killhub() { $qb = ses('qb'); $f = 'users/' . $qb; walk_dir($f, 'remove'); rmdir($f); $f = 'msql/users/' . $qb . '_cache.php'; if (is_file($f)) { unlink($f); } for ($i = 1; $i < 10; $i++) { $f = 'msql/design/' . $qb . '_design_' . $i . '.php'; if (is_file($f)) { unlink($f); } $f = 'msql/design/' . $qb . '_clrset_' . $i . '.php'; if (is_file($f)) { unlink($f); } $f = 'msql/users/' . $qb . '_mods_' . $i . '.php'; if (is_file($f)) { unlink($f); } } update('qda', 'nod', '_' . $qb, 'nod', $qb); //msquery('DELETE FROM '.ses('qdm').' WHERE id=(select id from '.ses('qda').' where name="'.$qb.'")'); //msquery('DELETE FROM '.ses('qda').' WHERE name="'.$qb.'"'); //msquery('DELETE FROM '.$qdu.' WHERE name="'.$qb.'" LIMIT 1'); if ($_SESSION['USE'] == $qb) { $_SESSION['USE'] = ''; } relod(subdom(prms('default_hub'))); }
<?php include ""; extract($_REQUEST, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL | EXTR_REFS, 'rvar'); header('Cache-Control: max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-cache, no-store'); header('Content-Type: text/plain'); $user = sanitize_word($rvar_user); if (!is_dir("{$root_dir}{$user}")) { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); die; } date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); print "#\n"; print "# .netskeldb for {$user}\n"; print "#\n"; print "# Generated " . date("d-M-Y @ H:i T") . " by " . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "\n"; print "#\n"; $buf = custom_client_script($user); $scriptsize = strlen($buf); $scriptmd5 = md5($buf); print "bin/\t700\t*\n"; print "bin/netskel\t700\t*\t{$scriptsize}\t{$scriptmd5}\t\n"; walk_dir("{$root_dir}{$user}", '');
function adm_hubs($auth) { $goto = '/?admin=hubs'; $qb = ses('qb'); $qdu = ses('qdu'); $USE = ses('USE'); if ($mna && $auth >= 5) { $mna = $_SESSION['mn'] + $mna; } else { $mna = ses('mn'); } //if($mna)$ret.=balc('ul','panel',m_nodes_b($mna,1)); $ret .= hublist() . br(); if ($auth >= 6 && prms('create_hub') == 'on' or $auth >= 7) { $ret .= loged('', '', 'create new hub', '10') . br(); } if ($_GET['rename_hub'] && $auth >= 5) { //renmae_hub if ($_POST['hub_name']) { $newname = trim($_POST['hub_name']); $_SESSION['mn'][$qb] = $newname; update('qdu', 'hub', $newname, 'name', $qb); } $valu = input2('text', 'hub_name', $_SESSION['mn'][$qb], 'txtx'); $valu .= input2('submit', 'Submit', 'rename_hub', ''); $ret .= form($goto . '&rename_hub==', btn('panel', $valu)) . br(); } elseif ($auth >= 5) { $ret .= lkc('popsav', $goto . '&rename_hub==', nms(87)) . ' '; } //kill_hub if ($auth >= 6 && $_GET['kill_hub'] == 'ok') { $f = 'users/' . ses('qb'); walk_dir($f, 'remove'); rmdir($f); $f = 'msql/users/' . $qb . '_cache.php'; if (is_file($f)) { unlink($f); } for ($i = 1; $i < 10; $i++) { $f = 'msql/design/' . $qb . '_design_' . $i . '.php'; if (is_file($f)) { unlink($f); } $f = 'msql/design/' . $qb . '_clrset_' . $i . '.php'; if (is_file($f)) { unlink($f); } $f = 'msql/users/' . $qb . '_mods_' . $i . '.php'; if (is_file($f)) { unlink($f); } } msquery('DELETE FROM ' . $qdu . ' WHERE name="' . $qb . '" LIMIT 1'); $_SESSION['USE'] = ''; relod(subdom(prms('default_hub'))); } //reinit_hub if ($auth >= 6 && $_GET['reinit_hub'] == 'ok') { makenew(ses('qb'), 1); } //publish if ($auth >= 6) { if ($_GET['publish']) { if ($_GET['publish'] == 'off') { $actv = 0; } else { $actv = 1; } update('qdu', 'active', $actv, 'name', $qb); } $opened = rse('active', $qdu . ' WHERE name="' . $qb . '"'); if ($opened == '1') { $ere = 'off'; $st = nms(130); } else { $ere = 'on'; $st = nms(131); } $ret .= lkc('popsav', $goto . '&publish=' . $ere . '#' . $id, offon($opened) . ' ' . $st) . ' '; $ret .= lkc('popsav', $goto . '&reinit==', nms(95) . ' ' . nms(103)) . ' '; } if ($_GET['reinit'] == '=') { $ret .= btn('txtx', 'restore all defaults ?') . lkc('txtyl', $goto . '&reinit_hub=ok', 'ok') . ' '; } if ($auth >= 6) { $ret .= lkc('txtyl', $goto . '&kill_hub==', nms(76) . ' ' . nms(100)) . ' '; if ($_GET['kill_hub'] == '=') { $ret .= btn('txtx', 'All datas will be lost') . lkc('txtyl', $goto . '&kill_hub=ok', 'ok'); } } return $ret . br(); }
<?php //philum_plugin_download session_start(); require "../progb/lib.php"; require "../progb/spe.php"; //need refresh for each depth function see_fonts($j, $k, $v, $io) { //$r=array('abscdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz','0123456789,;:!?./§&й"\'(-и_за)='); $txt = $_GET["txt"] ? $_GET["txt"] : "abcdEFGH1234!й"; echo $fnt = substr($v, 0, -4); echo ': '; echo img_txt($txt, $fnt, "") . br(); } function funcb($j, $k, $v, $n) { echo $j . '/' . $v . '_' . $k . br(); } walk_dir('../gdf', "see_fonts"); //rmdir($f);
//echo $file; $file = preg_replace("#//+#", '/', $file); $IMAGES_BASE_DIR = preg_replace("#//+#", '/', $IMAGES_BASE_DIR); $file = preg_replace("#{$IMAGES_BASE_DIR}#", '', $file); if (CheckImgExt($file)) { //if ($_GET['search'] == ""){ $files[] = $file; //adding filenames to array //}else{ // if (CheckSearch($file)){ // $files[] = $file; // } //} } } foreach (walk_dir($IMAGES_BASE_DIR) as $file) { //echo $file; $file = preg_replace("#//+#", '/', $file); $IMAGES_BASE_DIR = preg_replace("#//+#", '/', $IMAGES_BASE_DIR); $file = preg_replace("#{$IMAGES_BASE_DIR}#", '', $file); if (CheckPdfExt($file)) { //if ($_GET['search'] == ""){ $pdf[] = $file; //adding filenames to array //}else{ // if (CheckSearch($file)){ // $files[] = $file; // } //} } }
function plug_publish_site() { $r = dirs(); //p($r); if ($_SESSION['auth'] < 6) { return 'no'; } if (!is_dir('_public')) { mkdir('_public'); } echo divc('panel', 'this will backup program files in public directory to let users upgrade Philum from this server - ' . lka('/plug/_zip_prog.php?createzip=', 'tar.gz')); echo update_msql(); echo plugin('coreflush') . br(); echo plugin('philumsize') . br(); foreach ($r as $k => $v) { $xt = substr($v, -3); if ($xt == 'php' or $xt == 'css' or $xt == 'txt' or $xt == '.js' or strpos($v, 'philum')) { //$pos=strrpos($v,'/'); $j=substr($v,0,$pos); $va=substr($v,$pos+1); list($j, $va) = split_one('/', $v, 1); funcb($j, $k, $va, ''); funcc('_public/' . $j, $k, $va, ''); } else { walk_dir('' . $v, 'funcb'); } walk_dir('_public/' . $v, 'funcc'); } }
function walk_dir($service, $folderId, $folderName) { $CI =& get_instance(); // Get the global CI object $CI->load->library('zip'); $fileList = retrieveAllFilesFordownload($service, $folderId); if (!empty($fileList)) { foreach ($fileList as $file) { if ($file->mimeType != "application/") { $name = $folderName . '/' . $file->title; $data = downloadFile($service, $file); $CI->zip->add_data($name, $data); } else { walk_dir($service, $file->id, $folderName . '/' . $file->title); } } } }
function downloadzip($id = null, $name = null) { $client = $this->google_client; $client->setAccessToken($this->session->userdata('accessToken')); $service = new Google_DriveService($client); if ($id == null) { $id = $this->input->post('folderid'); } if ($this->input->post('folderid')) { $folderdetail = $this->usermodel->getallfolders($id, 'getbyId'); //pre($folderdetail); //pr($id); } $main_folder = $folderdetail[0]['googleFolderName']; //$main_folder = $name; //$main_folder_id = "0Bx2xsf5uSuWqb1dfVnNvTGdCcW8"; $main_folder_id = $folderdetail[0]['googlefolderId']; /* Recent document code here */ $array = array('title' => '', 'doc_id' => $main_folder_id, 'doc_type' => 'folder', 'folder_id' => $main_folder_id, 'folder_name' => $main_folder, 'user_id' => $this->session->userdata('userid'), 'action_description' => 'Export folder'); $this->usermodel->saverecentfiles($array); //$this->load->library('zip'); walk_dir($service, $main_folder_id, $main_folder); $this->zip->download(''); $this->session->set_flashdata('message', '<div class="alert-success">' . $this->lang->line('file_bkp_msg') . '</div>'); //$rd = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; redirect('users/alldocs'); }