コード例 #1
                 echo $OUTPUT->notification(implode('<br />', $rpc_client_2->getErrors($edited_host)));
                 if (debugging()) {
                     echo '<pre>';
                     echo '</pre>';
                 // echo $OUTPUT->footer();
      * Rebind peer to the new subnetwork members, and connect
      * it to them, if it is subnetworking and not creating new subnetwork.
     if ($submitteddata->mnet > 0 && $submitteddata->mnet <= vmoodle_get_last_subnetwork_number()) {
         vmoodle_bind_to_network($submitteddata, $edited_host);
     // first check for global mnet disabing/reviving
     if ($submitteddata->mnet > -1) {
         $edited_host->updateparams->deleted = 0;
     } else {
         // this host has been unbound from all others
         // we should remotely disable its network
         $edited_host->updateparams->deleted = 1;
     // Every step was SUCCESS.
     $success = true;
 } else {
     // Every step was SUCCESS.
コード例 #2
 * @param object $submitteddata
function vmoodle_bind_to_network($submitteddata, &$newmnet_host)
    global $USER, $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;
    // debug_trace("step 4.4 : binding to subnetwork");
    // Getting services schemes to apply
    // debug_trace("step 4.4.1 : getting services");
    vmoodle_get_service_strategy($submitteddata, $services, $peerservices, 'peer');
    // debug_trace("step 4.4.2 : getting possible peers");
    $idnewblock = $DB->get_field('local_vmoodle', 'id', array('vhostname' => $submitteddata->vhostname));
    // last mnet has been raised by one at step 3 so we add to network if less
    if ($submitteddata->mnet < vmoodle_get_last_subnetwork_number()) {
        // Retrieves the subnetwork member(s).
        $subnetwork_hosts = array();
        $select = 'id != ? AND mnet = ? AND enabled = 1';
        $subnetwork_members = $DB->get_records_select('local_vmoodle', $select, array($idnewblock, $submitteddata->mnet));
        if (!empty($subnetwork_members)) {
            // debug_trace("step 4.4.3 : preparing peers");
            foreach ($subnetwork_members as $subnetwork_member) {
                $temp_host = new stdClass();
                $temp_host->wwwroot = $subnetwork_member->vhostname;
                $temp_host->name = utf8_decode($subnetwork_member->name);
                $subnetwork_hosts[] = $temp_host;
        // Member(s) of the subnetwork add the new host.
        if (!empty($subnetwork_hosts)) {
            // debug_trace("step 4.4.4 : bind peers");
            $rpc_client = new \local_vmoodle\XmlRpc_Client();
            // Authentication params.
            $rpc_client->add_param($USER->username, 'string');
            $userhostroot = $DB->get_field('mnet_host', 'wwwroot', array('id' => $USER->mnethostid));
            $rpc_client->add_param($userhostroot, 'string');
            $rpc_client->add_param($CFG->wwwroot, 'string');
            // Peer to bind to.
            $rpc_client->add_param((array) $newmnet_host, 'array');
            $rpc_client->add_param($peerservices, 'array');
            foreach ($subnetwork_hosts as $subnetwork_host) {
                // debug_trace("step : bind to -> $subnetwork_host->wwwroot");
                $temp_member = new \local_vmoodle\Mnet_Peer();
                if (!$rpc_client->send($temp_member)) {
                    echo $OUTPUT->notification(implode('<br />', $rpc_client->getErrors($temp_member)));
                    if (debugging()) {
                        echo '<pre>';
                        // var_dump($rpc_client);
                        echo '</pre>';
                // debug_trace("step : bind from <- $subnetwork_host->wwwroot");
                $rpc_client_2 = new \local_vmoodle\XmlRpc_Client();
                // Authentication params.
                $rpc_client_2->add_param($USER->username, 'string');
                $userhostroot = $DB->get_field('mnet_host', 'wwwroot', array('id' => $USER->mnethostid));
                $rpc_client_2->add_param($userhostroot, 'string');
                $rpc_client_2->add_param($CFG->wwwroot, 'string');
                // Peer to bind to.
                $rpc_client_2->add_param((array) $temp_member, 'array');
                $rpc_client_2->add_param($services, 'array');
                if (!$rpc_client_2->send($newmnet_host)) {
                    echo $OUTPUT->notification(implode('<br />', $rpc_client_2->getErrors($newmnet_host)));
                    if (debugging()) {
                        echo '<pre>';
                        // var_dump($rpc_client_2);
                        echo '</pre>';
                // free some resource
    // Getting services schemes to apply to main
    // debug_trace("step 4.4.5 : getting services");
    vmoodle_get_service_strategy($submitteddata, $services, $peerservices, 'main');
    // debug_trace("step : bind to -> $CFG->wwwroot");
    $mainhost = new \local_vmoodle\Mnet_Peer();
    // this is us
    // debug_trace('step : Binding our main service strategy to remote');
    // bind the local service strategy to new host
    if (!empty($peerservices)) {
        $DB->delete_records('mnet_host2service', array('hostid' => $newmnet_host->id));
        // eventually deletes something on the way
        foreach ($peerservices as $servicename => $servicestate) {
            $service = $DB->get_record('mnet_service', array('name' => $servicename));
            $host2service = new stdclass();
            $host2service->hostid = $newmnet_host->id;
            $host2service->serviceid = $service->id;
            $host2service->publish = 0 + @$servicestate->publish;
            $host2service->subscribe = 0 + @$servicestate->subscribe;
            $DB->insert_record('mnet_host2service', $host2service);
            // debug_trace("step : adding ".serialize($host2service));
    // debug_trace('step : Binding remote service strategy to main');
    $rpc_client = new \local_vmoodle\XmlRpc_Client();
    $rpc_client->add_param($USER->username, 'string');
    $userhostroot = $DB->get_field('mnet_host', 'wwwroot', array('id' => $USER->mnethostid));
    $rpc_client->add_param($userhostroot, 'string');
    $rpc_client->add_param($CFG->wwwroot, 'string');
    // Peer to bind to : this is us.
    $rpc_client->add_param((array) $mainhost, 'array');
    $rpc_client->add_param($services, 'array');
    // debug_trace('step : Sending');
    if (!$rpc_client->send($newmnet_host)) {
        // echo $OUTPUT->notification(implode('<br />', $rpc_client->getErrors($newmnet_host)));
        if (debugging()) {
            echo '<pre>';
            // var_dump($rpc_client);
            echo '</pre>';