<?php vpartial('fb', array('route' => 'jobs/job.php?id=' . vget('_id'))); ?> <br /><br /> <?php if (vget('Loggedinstudent') || vget('Loggedin')) { ?> <a href="../redirect.php?<?php echo "id="; echo $_GET['id']; echo "&url="; vecho('link'); ?> " onClick="return confirm('You have clicked on an external link and are leaving the pages of SubLite.net. We are not responsible for the accuracy or effectiveness of any content outside of SubLite.net.')"><input type="button" value=<?php if (filter_var(vget('link'), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { ?> "Apply by Email"<?php } else { ?> "Apply Now"<?php } ?> /></a> <?php } else { echo vlinkto('<input type="button" class="button" value="Login or register to apply for this opening!" />', 'login'); } ?> </div> </panel>
?> </text> </data></td> </tr></table> </div> </a> <?php } ?> </td> <td class="mright"> <?php if (!is_null(vget('current'))) { ?> <?php foreach (vget('current') as $m) { ?> <div class="mblockwrapper"> <table class="mblock"><tr> <td class="pp"><profpic style="background-image: url('<?php echo $m['frompic']; ?> ');"></profpic></td> <td><data> <name><?php echo $m['fromname']; ?> </name><time><?php echo $m['time']; ?> </time>
?> <?php vpartial('buildingtype', array('any' => true)); ?> <?php vpartial('amenities'); ?> <div class="form-slider"><label for="sortby">Sort By: </label> <select id="sortby" name="sortby" required> <?php $sortby = array('priceIncreasing' => 'Cheapest', 'priceDecreasing' => 'Most Expensive', 'proximityIncreasing' => 'Closest'); if (isset($sortby[vget('sortby')])) { vecho('sortby', '<option selected="selected" value="{var}">' . $sortby[vget('sortby')] . '</option>'); } foreach ($sortby as $val => $in) { echo "<option value=\"{$val}\">{$in}</option>"; } ?> </select> </div> <?php vnotice(); ?> <input type="submit" name="search" value="Search" /> </form> <input type="button" class="collapse" value="Show Filters" /> </panel>
function blurb($name, $title, $color) { global $pointer, $cols; if (strlen($val = vget($name)) > 0) { $val = html_entity_decode($val); $cols[$pointer][] = "<div class=\"blurb {$color}\">\n <subheadline>{$title}</subheadline>\n {$val}\n </div>"; $pointer = ($pointer + 1) % 3; } }
public static function get($varName) { return vget($varName); }
?> <?php vpartial('buildingtype'); ?> <?php vpartial('amenities'); ?> <?php vpartial('s3multiple', array('s3name' => 'photos', 's3title' => 'Photos (recommended: >4 photos):', 's3links' => vget('photos'))); ?> <?php if (vget('submitname') == 'edit') { ?> <div class="form-slider"> <label for="fill">Publish:</label> <input type="hidden" id="fill" value="blah" /> <left class="checkboxes"> <input type="checkbox" name="publish" id="publish" value="true" <?php vchecked('publish', 'true'); ?> /> Make this listing public. </left> </div> <?php } ?>
var inputData = formData['input']; for (var name in inputData) { $(form).find('input[name='+name+']').val(inputData[name]); } var textareaData = formData['textarea']; for (var name in textareaData) { $(form).find('textarea[name='+name+']').val(textareaData[name]); } var selectData = formData['select']; for (var name in selectData) { var val = selectData[name]; $(form).find('select[name='+name+']').find("option") .filter(function() { return $(this).val() == val; }) .prop('selected', true); } var checkboxData = formData['checkbox']; for (var i = 0; i < checkboxData.length; i ++) { var name = checkboxData[i].name, val = checkboxData[i].val; // Fix [] error in selector name = name.replace('[]', '\\[\\]'); $(form).find('input[name='+name+']') .filter(function() { return $(this).val() == val; }) .prop('checked', true); } } <?php if (vget('submitname') == 'add') { echo "loadForm('#company');"; } ?> </script>
opt { margin-left: 40px; cursor: pointer; transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out; display: inline-block; color: #fff; margin-top: 10px; } opt:hover { color: #ffd800; } </style> <?php $curdir = dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '/.'); // Various states the user can be in $states = array("loggedin" => vget('Loggedin') or vget('Loggedinstudent'), "notloggedin" => !vget('Loggedin') and !vget('Loggedinstudent'), "notloggedin !/employers" => !vget('Loggedin') and !vget('Loggedinstudent') and !preg_match('/^\\/employers/', $curdir), "notloggedin /employers" => !vget('Loggedin') and !vget('Loggedinstudent') and preg_match('/^\\/employers/', $curdir), "recruiter hascompany" => vget('Loggedin') and vget('Lcompany'), "recruiter nocompany" => vget('Loggedin') and !vget('Lcompany'), "student" => vget('Loggedinstudent'), "student /housing" => vget('Loggedinstudent') and preg_match('/^\\/housing/', $curdir), "all" => true); // Establish relative paths $path = $GLOBALS['dirpre'] . '../'; // Build the menu items and associate them with a state $menu = array(array("Blog", "https://sublite.wordpress.com/", "all"), array("List Job", $path . "employers/addjob.php", "recruiter hascompany"), array("Manage", $path . "employers/home.php", "recruiter hascompany"), array("Messages", $path . "employers/messages.php", "recruiter hascompany"), array("Add Company Profile", $path . "employers/addcompany.php", "recruiter nocompany"), array("Housing", $path . "housing/search.php", "student"), array("Jobs", $path . "jobs/search.php", "student"), array("Socialize", $path . "hubs/start.php", "student"), array("Add Sublet", $path . "housing/addsublet.php", "student /housing"), array("Manage", $path . "housing/home.php", "student"), array("Messages", $path . "messages.php", "student"), array("Search Housing", $path . "housing/search.php", "notloggedin !/employers"), array("Search Jobs", $path . "jobs/search.php", "notloggedin !/employers"), array("Summer Social", $path . "hubs/start.php", "notloggedin !/employers"), array("List Sublet", $path . "register.php", "notloggedin !/employers"), array("List Job", $path . "register.php", "notloggedin /employers"), array("Sign Up", $path . "register.php", "notloggedin !/employers"), array("Sign Up", $path . "employers/register.php", "notloggedin /employers"), array("Log In", $path . "employers/login.php", "notloggedin /employers"), array("Log In", $path . "login.php", "notloggedin !/employers"), array("Log Out", $path . "logout.php", "loggedin")); ?> <navbar class="blackbar"> <a href="."><logo>SubLite</logo></a><beta>beta</beta> <options class="right"> <?php foreach ($menu as $opt) { $text = $opt[0]; $link = $opt[1]; if (!$states[$opt[2]]) { continue; }
<?php $buildingtypes = array("Apartment Building", "Student Housing (Dorm)", "Elevator Building", "Walk-Up", "Town-House", "Brownstone", "Rowhouse", "Duplex", "House", "Other"); if (!is_null(vget('any'))) { array_unshift($buildingtypes, 'Any'); } ?> <div class="form-slider"><label for="buildingtype">Building type: </label> <select id="buildingtype" name="buildingtype" required> <?php vecho('buildingtype', '<option selected="selected">{var}</option>'); foreach ($buildingtypes as $buildingtype) { echo "<option>{$buildingtype}</option>"; } ?> </select></div>
<style> body { background-color: #ffd800; } confirmation { text-transform: uppercase; padding: 20px; font-size: 1.5em; line-height: 1.2em; display: block; } </style> <panel> <div class="content"> <confirmation>A confirmation email has been sent to <strong><?php vecho('email'); ?> </strong>. Check your inbox or spam. The email may take up to 24 hours to show up.</confirmation> <?php vpartial('studentrefer', array('email' => vget('email'))); ?> </div> </panel>
} } ?> <?php if (vget('Loggedinstudent')) { ?> <br /><br /> <?php View::partial('newmessage', ['from' => View::get('L_id'), 'to' => View::get('recruiterid'), 'text' => 'Message']); ?> <?php } ?> </div> <a href="search.php?byrecruiter=<?php vecho('recruiterid'); ?> "><input type="button" value="View Job Listings" /></a> <?php if (vget('isme')) { ?> <br /><br /> <a href="editprofile.php"><input type="button" value="Edit Profile" /></a> <?php } ?> </div> </panel>
$('#switchhub').click(function () { $('#cityform').show(); $(this).hide(); }); </script> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php vnotice(); ?> <?php if (!vget('signedup')) { ?> <form id="cityform" method="post"> <div class="whitetext">Where are you this summer?</div> <div class="form-slider"> <label for="city">(eg. New York City, Boston, San Francisco)</label> <input type="text" id="city" name="city" required /> </div> <input type="submit" name="signup" value="Sign up now" /> </form> <?php } ?> <?php } else { echo vlinkto('<input type="button" class="button" value="Login or register to sign up for the social hubs!" />', $GLOBALS['dirpre'] . '../register');
labels: [ <?php $data = vget('searchcities'); foreach ($data as $label => $count) { echo "'{$label}',"; } ?> ], datasets: [ { label: "Cities", fillColor: "rgba(220,220,220,0.5)", strokeColor: "rgba(220,220,220,0.8)", highlightFill: "rgba(220,220,220,0.75)", highlightStroke: "rgba(220,220,220,1)", data: [ <?php $data = vget('searchcities'); foreach ($data as $count) { echo "'{$count}',"; } ?> ] } ] }; var ctx4 = $("#chart4").get(0).getContext("2d"); var chart4 = new Chart(ctx4).Bar(data4, options); </script> <?php }
function save_order_new($uid, $order_type, $c, $event = array(), $invate_code) { $pay_config = trim($_POST['payway']); $comment = trim($_POST['comment_input']); if ($uid) { $sql = "SELECT t_shipping_address.*,t_service_buildings.address as building_address, t_companys.event_id,t_companys.id,t_companys.name as company_name,t_companys.address as company_address, t_province.province, t_city.city, t_area.area FROM t_companys,t_shipping_address, t_city, t_province, t_service_buildings,t_area WHERE t_shipping_address.tsa_company= t_companys.id and t_shipping_address.tsa_province = t_province.province_id\nAND t_shipping_address.tsa_city = t_city.city_id\nand t_shipping_address.tsa_building_id = t_service_buildings.id\nAND t_shipping_address.tsa_district = t_area.area_id and t_shipping_address.tsa_uid=" . $uid; $default_address = $this->tickets->personal_select($sql . " and t_shipping_address.tsa_default=1"); } $building_id = $default_address[0]->tsa_building_id; if (!$default_address) { echo json_encode(array('success' => 'no', 'msg' => '请选择配送地址')); exit; } $address = $default_address[0]; //$goods = $this->_get_cookie_good_detail($c,$event); $new_website = $this->config->item('new_website'); $this->load->helper('curl'); $goods_json = vget($new_website . "/cart/getCart", array('Cookie:this_week_cart=' . $_COOKIE['this_week_cart'] . ';next_week_cart=' . $_COOKIE['next_week_cart'])); $goods = json_decode($goods_json, TRUE); //$this->load->model('cart_model'); //$goods = $this->cart_model->getCartInfo(); if (empty($goods['cart_goods'][0]) && empty($goods['cart_goods'][1])) { echo json_encode(array('success' => 'no', 'msg' => '商品过期或者购物车没商品')); exit; } if ($goods['cart_goods'][0] || $goods['cart_goods'][1]) { //判断库存 $cart_goods_list = array_merge($goods['cart_goods'][0], $goods['cart_goods'][1]); if ($_COOKIE["set_building"] == 143) { $building_id = 143; } else { $building_id = 43; } foreach ($cart_goods_list as $k => $v) { //if($v['week_count']['count']){ //更新库存 $temp_stock = $this->tickets->api_select('good_supplier_buildings', 'id,stock', array('good_id' => $v['goods_id'], 'building_id' => $building_id)); $stock = $temp_stock[0]; $final_stock = $stock->stock - $v['goods_num']; if ($final_stock < 0) { $temp_goods = $this->tickets->api_select('goods', 'name', array('id' => $v['goods_id'])); if ($temp_goods) { $good_name = $temp_goods[0]->name; echo json_encode(array('success' => 'no', 'msg' => $good_name . '库存不足,剩余' . $stock->stock . '份')); exit; } } //} } //邀请码活动 if (!empty($invate_code)) { $code = strtolower($invate_code); //邀请码 echo 5555; exit; $invate_code = $this->tickets->select("users", array("tu_invate_code" => $code)); $tu_id = $invate_code[0]->tu_id; //邀请人的ID //$uid自己的ID $arr['in_tu_id'] = $tu_id; //邀请人的ID $arr['in_self_id'] = $uid; //自己的ID $arr['in_invate_code'] = $code; //邀请码 $arr['in_used'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); //使用时间 $id = $this->tickets->insert("invate_code", $arr); if ($id) { $price = 15; } else { $price = 0; } //以上是在今日增加使用邀请码 $cut_down = $goods['goods_count'] * 15; //有多少份就减少多少个15元 } //$promote_price=$this->promote_price(); $promote_price = 0; //2015/5/4暂时不用组合价格 $total_count = $goods['goods_count']; $total_price = $goods['total_price'] - $cut_down - $promote_price; $orignal_amount = $goods['total_price']; $coupons_id = $_POST['coupons_id']; $coupon_price = 0; if ($coupons_id) { $sq = "select t_coupons_record.*,t_coupons.tc_price from t_coupons,t_coupons_record where t_coupons_record.tcr_id=" . $coupons_id . " and t_coupons.tc_id=t_coupons_record.tcr_tc_id and t_coupons_record.tcr_status= 0 and t_coupons_record.tcr_uid=" . $uid; $coupon_check = $this->tickets->personal_select($sq); if (!$coupon_check) { echo json_encode(array('success' => 'no', 'msg' => '此优惠券无效,请核对')); exit; } else { $coupon_price = $coupon_check[0]->tc_price; } } $order_sn = 'S' . date('YmdHis') . $this->_generate_code(4); $real_pay_price = $total_price - $coupon_price; $order_status = 10; if ($real_pay_price <= 0) { $real_pay_price = 0; $order_status = 20; } //判断活动的可用性 $current_time = date('Y-m-d'); $event_check = $this->tickets->api_select('event', '', array('start_time >=' => $current_time, 'end_time <=' => $current_time, 'id' => $address->event_id)); if ($event_check) { $event_id = $address->event_id; } else { $event_id = 0; } $order_data = array('to_comment' => $comment, 'to_event_id' => $event_id, 'to_company' => $address->tsa_company, 'to_receiver' => $address->tsa_nickname, 'to_mobile' => $address->tsa_mobile, 'to_address' => $address->province . ' ' . $address->city . ' ' . $address->area . ' ' . $address->building_address . ' ' . $address->company_address, 'to_order_sn' => $order_sn, 'to_pay_way' => $pay_config, 'to_created' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'to_uid' => $uid, 'to_order_type' => $order_type, 'to_order_amount' => $real_pay_price, 'to_total_amount' => $total_price, 'to_orignal_amount' => $orignal_amount, 'to_coupon_id' => $coupons_id, 'to_shipping_id' => $address->tsa_id, 'to_status' => $order_status); $temp_valid_date = $this->tickets->select('configs', array('tc_type' => 'order_date')); $valid_time = $temp_valid_date[0]->tc_title; $current_time = date('H:i'); $current_date = date('Y/m/d'); $order_id = $this->tickets->insert('orders', $order_data); if ($order_status == 20) { error_log(print_r($order_data, true), 3, '/data/www/orginal_main_price.txt'); } if ($order_id) { foreach ($cart_goods_list as $k => $v) { //if($v['week_count']['count']){ $temp_date = array('service_date' => $v['date'], 'good_id' => $v['goods_id'], 'o_count' => $v['goods_num'], 'o_perprice' => $v['price'], 'count' => $v['goods_num'], 'perprice' => $v['price'] - $price, 'order_id' => $order_id, 'order_status' => 10, 'created' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $this->tickets->insert('order_good', $temp_date); //更新库存 $temp_stock = $this->tickets->api_select('good_supplier_buildings', 'id,stock', array('good_id' => $v['goods_id'], 'building_id' => $building_id)); $stock = $temp_stock[0]; $final_stock = $stock->stock - $v['goods_num']; if ($final_stock >= 0) { $this->tickets->update('good_supplier_buildings', array('stock' => $final_stock), array('id' => $stock->id)); } //} } //如果有使用优惠券,则冻结此优惠券 if ($coupons_id) { $this->tickets->update('coupons_record', array('tcr_status' => 1, 'tcr_updated' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')), array('tcr_id' => $coupons_id)); } //setcookie('goods_cart','',time()+3600*24,'/'); $this->load->helper('cookie'); delete_cookie('this_week_cart'); delete_cookie('next_week_cart'); //setcookie('next_week_cart','',time()+3600*24,'/'); echo json_encode(array('success' => 'yes', 'order_sn' => $order_sn, 'pay_config' => $pay_config, 'order_price' => $real_pay_price)); exit; } } }
<div id="map-canvas"></div> </panel> <div class="pop"> <div class="poptable"> <div class="popphoto"><img src="" /></div> </div> </div> <div class="popshare"> <div class="poptable"> <div class="popcell"> <div class="popsharetext"> Share your listing on social media such as Facebook groups to advertise your listing! <br />Copy and paste the link below into posts: <br /><br /> <copy>www.sublite.net/housing/sublet.php?id=<?php vecho('_id'); ?> </copy> <br /> or Like and Share below: <br /><br /> <?php vpartial('fb', array('route' => 'housing/sublet.php?id=' . vget('_id'))); ?> <br /><br /><br /> <input type="button" id="soundsgood" value="Sounds good!" /> <input type="button" id="hideshare" style="background: #999;" value="Don't show this again." /> </div> </div> </div> </div>
<panel class="jobs"> <div class="content"> <headline>Manage Job Listings</headline> <?php function jobBlock($job) { $title = $job['title']; $location = $job['location']; $desc = strmax($job['desc'], 300); $deadline = $job['deadline']; if ($job['locationtype'] == 'home') { return "\n <div class=\"jobblock\">\n <div class=\"title\">{$title} | Work at home</div>\n <div class=\"desc\">{$desc}</div>\n <div class=\"info\">Deadline: {$deadline}</div>\n </div>\n "; } return "\n <div class=\"jobblock\">\n <div class=\"title\">{$title} | {$location}</div>\n <div class=\"desc\">{$desc}</div>\n <div class=\"info\">Deadline: {$deadline}</div>\n </div>\n "; } $jobs = vget('jobs'); $totalViewCount = 0; $totalApplyCount = 0; foreach ($jobs as $job) { $totalViewCount += $job['stats']['views']; $totalApplyCount += $job['stats']['clicks']; } echo '<div style="font-size: 16px;">You have a total of <b>' . $totalViewCount . "</b> views on your listings and <b>" . $totalApplyCount . '</b> clicks on the "Apply Now" button.</div>'; foreach ($jobs as $job) { echo vlinkto(jobBlock($job), 'editjob', array('id' => $job['_id']->{'$id'})); } if ($jobs->count() == 0) { echo "<b style=\"font-size: 1.5em;\">Congratulations! You have completed your company profile and are on your way to recruiting the most talented students. Just take a moment to complete your job listing(s) by clicking the button below and you'll be all set!</b><br /><br />" . vlinkto('<input type="button" value="List Job" />', 'addjob'); } ?> </div>
<style> subheadline { line-height: 2em; margin-top: 0.5em; } </style> <panel class="form"> <div class="content"> <headline>Edit Profile</headline> <form method="post"> <?php echo ' ' . vlinkto('<input type="button" value="View Profile" /><br /><br />', 'recruiter', array('id' => vget('L_id')->{'$id'})); ?> <?php vnotice(); ?> <div class="form-slider"><label for="firstname">First Name:</label><input type="text" id="firstname" name="firstname" value="<?php vecho('firstname'); ?> " required /></div> <div class="form-slider"><label for="lastname">Last Name:</label><input type="text" id="lastname" name="lastname" value="<?php vecho('lastname'); ?> " required /></div> <div class="form-slider"><label for="title">Job Title:</label><input type="text" id="title" name="title" value="<?php vecho('title');
function subletBlock($sublet) { $title = $sublet['title']; $location = $sublet['address']; if ($sublet['city'] != '') { $location .= $sublet['city']; } if ($sublet['state'] != '') { $location .= $sublet['state']; } $summary = strmax($sublet['summary'], 300); $price = $sublet['price']; $pricetype = $sublet['pricetype']; $publish = $sublet['publish']; if ($publish) { $published = '<green>Public</green>'; } else { $published = '<red>Private (Publish to have listing show up in search results)</red>'; } return "\n <div class=\"subletblock\">\n <div class=\"title\">{$title} | {$location}</div>\n <div class=\"summary\">{$summary}</div>\n <div class=\"info\">Price: {$price} /{$pricetype} | {$published}</div>\n </div>\n "; } $sublets = vget('sublets'); foreach ($sublets as $sublet) { echo vlinkto(subletBlock($sublet), 'editsublet', array('id' => $sublet['_id']->{'$id'})); } if ($sublets->count() == 0) { echo "<b style=\"font-size: 1.5em;\">Congratulations! You have completed your profile and are on your way to finding tenants for the summer. Just take a moment to complete your sublet listing(s) by clicking the button below and you'll be all set!</b><br /><br />" . vlinkto('<input type="button" value="List Sublet" />', 'addsublet'); } ?> </div> </panel>
<panel class="form"> <div class="content"> <headline><?php vecho('headline'); ?> Job Listing</headline> <form method="post"> <?php if (vget('_id') !== null) { $id = vget('_id'); echo ' ' . vlinkto('<input type="button" value="View Job Listing" /><br /><br />', 'job', array('id' => $id), true); } ?> <?php vnotice(); ?> <div class="form-slider"><label for="title">Job Title:</label><input type="text" id="title" name="title" value="<?php vecho('title'); ?> " required /></div> <left> <input type="radio" name="jobtype" id="fulltime" value="fulltime" <?php vchecked('jobtype', 'fulltime'); ?> required /><label for="fulltime"> Full-time position</label> <input type="radio" name="jobtype" id="parttime" value="parttime" <?php vchecked('jobtype', 'parttime'); ?> required /><label for="parttime"> Part-time position</label> <input type="radio" name="jobtype" id="internship" value="internship" <?php vchecked('jobtype', 'internship');
?> ">None</div> <script> function addImg<?php vecho('s3name'); ?> (url, name) { if ($('.img[name='+name+']').html() == 'None') $('.img[name='+name+']').html(''); $('.inputs[name='+name+']') .prepend('<input class="imginput" type="hidden" name="'+name+'[]" value="' + url + '" />'); $('.img[name='+name+']') .prepend('<img class="img" src="' + url + '" />'); $('.img[name='+name+'] img[src="'+url+'"]').click(function() { $('.inputs[name='+name+'] .imginput[value="'+url+'"]').remove(); $(this).remove(); if ($('.img[name='+name+']').html() == '') $('.img[name='+name+']').html('None'); }); } <?php if (!is_null(vget('s3links'))) { $name = vget('s3name'); foreach (vget('s3links') as $link) { echo "addImg{$name}('{$link}', '{$name}');"; } } ?> </script>
assets/gfx/salaryico.png');"> <div class="cell"> <subheadline> <?php if (vget('salarytype') != "other") { echo '$'; } vecho('salary'); if (vget('salarytype') != "other") { echo ' / '; vecho('salarytype'); } ?> </subheadline> <small>Compensation</small> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <?php vpartial('fb', array('route' => 'jobs/job.php?id=' . vget('_id'))); ?> <br /><br /> <apply></apply> </div> </panel>
} .thread .reply { display: none; padding: 1em; border: 1px solid #ccc; } .brief { cursor: pointer; background: #f8dd00; padding: 1em; } </style> <messagestats> <?php $mlist = vget('mlist'); foreach ($mlist as $m) { ?> <div class="thread"> <div class="brief"> <?php $count = count($m['replies']); $participants = array(); foreach ($m['participants'] as $p) { $pname = $p['name']; $pemail = $p['email']; $participants[] = "{$pname} ({$pemail})"; } $participants = implode(", ", $participants); $lasttime = $m['lasttime']; ?>
vecho('delay', '<div style="text-align: center;"><i>Results returned in {var} ms</div><br />'); } foreach ($sublets as $sublet) { echo subletBlock($sublet); } if (count($sublets) == 0) { echo "No sublets matching your query. But don't fret! New sublets are being added regularly."; } ?> </div> <?php if (!is_null(vget('recent'))) { ?> <a href="?showMore">Show More</a> <?php if (vget('showMore')) { ?> <script>scrollTo('.subletblock', <?php vecho('showMore'); ?> -7);</script> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> </panel> <div class="clear"></div>
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<?php if (vget('search')) { if (vget('search') == 'housing') { $data = vget('data'); ?> <title> SubLite – Search for Sublets, Rentals, and Other Housing <?php if ($data) { echo ' - ' . $data['location']; } ?> </title> <?php } if (vget('search') == 'jobs') { ?> <title>SubLite – Search for Jobs and Internships</title> <?php } } else { ?> <title>SubLite – Find internships and housing and sublets for rent!</title> <?php } ?> <meta property="og:type" content="website" /> <meta property="og:site_name" content="SubLite" /> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="<?php