function run() { global $_out, $_sec; if (ap::isCurrentModule($this)) { ap::addMessage($this->getMessage()); if ($form = $this->getForm()) { $form->replaceURI(array('ID' => $_sec->getId(), 'MD' => $this->getId(), 'PARENT' => $this->getSection()->GetParent()->getId())); switch ($action = param('action')) { case 'save': $values = $this->initImages($form, true); $values = array_merge($_REQUEST, $values); $form->save($values); $this->updateImagesSize($form); $this->redirect('save_ok'); break; case 'fileinfo': if (($path = urldecode(param('path'))) && ($f = ap::getFileInfo($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $path))) { $f['path'] = $path; $xml = new xml(null, 'file', false); foreach ($f as $tagName => $value) { $xml->de()->appendChild($xml->createElement($tagName, null, $value)); } ap::ajaxResponse($xml); } vdump('Error file not found ' . $path); break; } $this->initImages($form, false); $form->load(); $_out->elementIncludeTo($form->getRootElement(), '/page/section'); } else { throw new Exception('Form not found', EXCEPTION_XML); } } }
function wait() { $this->log("Waiting..."); $r = array(); $w = array(); foreach ($this->queue as $q) { $r[] &= $q->obj; if ($q->has_outgoing()) { $w[] &= $q->obj; } } foreach ($this->listeners as $s) { $r[] = $s; } //if(!count($w)) $w = NULL; //if(!count($r)) $r = NULL; //if(is_null($r) and is_null($w)) return FALSE; $this->log("Readers: " . vdump($r)); $this->log("Writers: " . vdump($w)); $v = socket_select($r, $w, $e = NULL, 120); $this->log("v = {$v}"); if ($v == 0) { $this->terminate(); } if ($w) { $this->do_queue_writes($w); } if ($r) { foreach ($r as $s) { $this->log("Event on {$s}"); if ($this->listeners[(string) $s]) { $this->log("Accepting client on {$s}"); $this->accept($s); } elseif (isset($this->queue[(string) $s])) { $in = socket_read($s, 1024); $this->log("Read {$in} from {$s}"); if ($in) { $this->queue[(string) $s]->recv($in); $this->event('socket', $this->queue[(string) $s]); } else { switch (socket_last_error()) { case 11: continue; default: $this->error($s, socket_strerror(socket_last_error())); case 0: case 32: case 107: if ($in === FALSE) { $this->removesocket($s); } $this->signal($s, 'Closed Connection'); } } } else { $this->log("Bogus socket: {$s}"); } } } }
public function __toString() { try { return $this->process(); } catch (\Exception $e) { vdump($e); } }
function getConf($name, $required = false) { $v = $this->evaluate('string(config/@' . $name . ')'); if (!$v && $required) { vdump('No ' . $name . ' has been chosen'); } return $v; }
function getConf($name, $required = false) { $xml = new xml(PATH_ROOT . ABS_PATH_DATA_CLIENT . ap::id($this->getSection()->getId()) . '.xml'); $v = $xml->evaluate('string(/section/modules/module[@id="' . $this->getId() . '"]/config/@' . $name . ')'); if (!$v && $required) { vdump('No ' . $name . ' has been chosen'); } return $v; }
function run() { if (ap::isCurrentModule($this)) { switch ($this->getAction()) { case 'bannersize': if (($path = urldecode(param('path'))) && is_file($path)) { list($width, $height) = getimagesize($path); $xml = new xml(null, 'size', false); $xml->de()->setAttribute('width', $width); $xml->de()->setAttribute('height', $height); ap::ajaxResponse($xml); } vdump('Error file not found ' . $path); break; } } parent::run(); }
public function __construct($path, $vars = array()) { $this->pipeline = Pipeline::getCurrentInstance(); $this->locator = $this->pipeline->getLocator(); $this->path = trim(trim($path, '/'), '\\'); $this->directory = '.' === ($dirname = dirname($path)) ? '' : $dirname; $this->vars = $vars; $this->file = basename($path); list($this->name, $this->type, $i) = $this->locator->getNameAndExtension($this->file); $this->path_with_simple_filename = ('' === $this->directory ? '' : $this->directory . '/') . $this->name; $this->filepath = $this->locator->getFile($this->path_with_simple_filename, $this->type); $this->full_filename = basename($this->filepath); if (!$this->type) { vdump($this->type, $path, 'no type'); } $full_filename_parts = explode('.', $this->full_filename); $this->filters = array_reverse(array_slice($full_filename_parts, $i + 1)); //['less', 'php'] => ['php', 'less'] if (in_array($this->type, array('html', 'css', 'js'))) { $this->pipeline->addDependency($this->type, $this->filepath); } }
public function request($method, $paramsArray = array()) { $returnUrl = BASE_URL . 'payment/?success&lg=' . $this->doorGets->myLanguage; $cancelUrl = BASE_URL . 'payment/?cancel&lg=' . $this->doorGets->myLanguage; $paramsArray = array_merge($paramsArray, array('METHOD' => $method, 'VERSION' => '124.0', 'USER' => $this->doorGets->configWeb['paypal_user'], 'SIGNATURE' => $this->doorGets->configWeb['paypal_signature'], 'PWD' => $this->doorGets->configWeb['paypal_password'], 'RETURNURL' => $returnUrl, 'CANCELURL' => $cancelUrl)); $paramsArray['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT'] = number_format($this->subscription->data['amount_total'], 2); $paramsArray['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CURRENCYCODE'] = strtoupper($this->subscription->data['currency']); $paramsArray['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPPINGAMT'] = number_format(0, 2); $paramsArray['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMAMT'] = number_format($this->subscription->data['amount_total'], 2); $paramsArray['L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME0'] = $this->subscription->data['title']; $paramsArray['L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC0'] = 'desc'; $paramsArray['L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT0'] = number_format($this->subscription->data['amount_month'], 2); $paramsArray['L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY0'] = (int) $this->subscription->data['tranche']; //vdump($paramsArray); $params = http_build_query($paramsArray); //echo $params; $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, array(CURLOPT_URL => $this->endpoint, CURLOPT_POST => 1, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $params, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => false, CURLOPT_VERBOSE => 1)); $response = curl_exec($curl); $responseArray = array(); parse_str($response, $responseArray); if (curl_errno($curl)) { //vdump(curl_errno($curl)); curl_close($curl); return false; } else { if ($responseArray['ACK'] == 'Success') { //vdump($responseArray); } else { vdump($responseArray); curl_close($curl); return false; } } curl_close($curl); return $responseArray; }
/** * active user */ public function activeaccountAction() { /** @var \Zend\Http\Request $request */ $request = $this->getRequest(); $email = $request->getQuery('u'); $activeKey = $request->getQuery('c'); if (!$email || !$activeKey) { $this->redirect()->toUrl('/'); } $form = new ActiveAccount(); /* @var $userMapper \User\Model\UserMapper */ $userMapper = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('User\\Model\\UserMapper'); /** @var \User\Model\User $user */ $user = new User(); $translator = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('translator'); $user->setActiveKey($activeKey); $user->setEmail($email); $user = $userMapper->getUserNotActive($user); $viewModel = new ViewModel(); if (!$user) { return $viewModel->setTemplate('error/404'); } if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $data = $this->getRequest()->getPost(); $form->setData($data); if ($form->isValid()) { $user->exchangeArray((array) $data); $user->setActiveKey(null); /** @var \User\Service\User $userService */ $userService = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('User\\Service\\User'); $userService->signup($user); vdump($user); die; if ($userService->authenticate($user->getEmail(), $data['password'])) { return $this->forward()->dispatch('Home\\Controller\\Index', ['action' => 'index', 'user' => $user]); } } } $viewModel->setVariables(['email' => $email]); $viewModel->setVariables(['form' => $form]); return $viewModel; }
function run() { global $_out; if (ap::isCurrentModule($this)) { switch ($action = param('action')) { case 'fileinfo': if (($path = urldecode(param('path'))) && ($f = $this->getFileInfo($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $path))) { $f['path'] = $path; $xml = new xml(null, 'file', false); foreach ($f as $tagName => $value) { $xml->de()->appendChild($xml->createElement($tagName, null, $value)); } ap::ajaxResponse($xml); } vdump('Error file not found ' . $path); break; } parent::run(); } }
public function doAction() { $out = ''; $groupes = $this->doorGets->loadGroupes(); $cName = $this->doorGets->controllerNameNow(); // get Content for edit / delete $params = $this->doorGets->Params(); if (array_key_exists('id', $params['GET'])) { $id = $params['GET']['id']; $isContent = $this->doorGets->dbQS($id, '_users_info'); if (empty($isContent)) { return null; } $LogineExistInfoGroupe = $this->doorGets->dbQS($isContent['network'], '_users_groupes'); if (!empty($LogineExistInfoGroupe)) { $LogineExistInfoGroupe['attributes'] = @unserialize(base64_decode($LogineExistInfoGroupe['attributes'])); } } switch ($this->Action) { case 'index': // to do break; case 'add': // Champs du formulaire non obligatoire $noObligatoire = array('last_name', 'first_name', 'description', 'region'); if (!empty($this->doorGets->Form->i)) { $this->doorGets->checkMode(); foreach ($this->doorGets->Form->i as $k => $v) { if (empty($v) && !in_array($k, $noObligatoire)) { $this->doorGets->Form->e[$this->doorGets->controllerNameNow() . '_add_' . $k] = 'ok'; } } if (!in_array($this->doorGets->Form->i['network'], $this->doorGets->user['liste_enfant_modo'])) { $this->doorGets->Form->e[$this->doorGets->controllerNameNow() . '_add_network'] = 'ok'; } $var = $this->doorGets->Form->i['login']; $isEmail = filter_var($var, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); $isEmailExist = $this->doorGets->dbQS($var, '_users', 'login'); if (empty($isEmail)) { $this->doorGets->Form->e[$this->doorGets->controllerNameNow() . '_add_login'] = '******'; } if (!empty($isEmailExist)) { $this->doorGets->Form->e[$this->doorGets->controllerNameNow() . '_add_login'] = '******'; } // verification du pseudo if (empty($this->doorGets->Form->e[$this->doorGets->controllerNameNow() . '_add_pseudo'])) { if (strlen($this->doorGets->Form->i['pseudo']) < 3) { $this->doorGets->Form->e[$this->doorGets->controllerNameNow() . '_add_pseudo'] = 'Pseudo trop court'; } if (empty($this->doorGets->Form->e[$this->doorGets->controllerNameNow() . '_add_pseudo'])) { $pseudo = trim(strtolower($this->doorGets->Form->i['pseudo'])); $checkPseudo = ctype_alnum($pseudo); if (empty($checkPseudo)) { $this->doorGets->Form->e[$this->doorGets->controllerNameNow() . '_add_pseudo'] = 'Format invalid'; } $isPseudo = $this->doorGets->dbQS($this->doorGets->Form->i['login'], '_users_info', 'pseudo'); if (!empty($isPseudo)) { $this->doorGets->Form->e[$this->doorGets->controllerNameNow() . '_add_pseudo'] = 'Pseudo deja ulisise'; } } } if (empty($this->doorGets->Form->e)) { $avatar = $this->doorGets->copyGravatar($this->doorGets->Form->i['login']); $crypto = $this->doorGets->_cryptMe($this->doorGets->Form->i['password']); $dataLogin['login'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['login']; $dataLogin['salt'] = $crypto['salt']; $dataLogin['password'] = $crypto['password']; $email = $this->doorGets->Form->i['login']; $idUser = $this->doorGets->dbQI($dataLogin, '_users'); unset($this->doorGets->Form->i['login']); unset($this->doorGets->Form->i['password']); $d['last_name'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['last_name']; $d['first_name'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['first_name']; $d['description'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['description']; $d['network'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['network']; $d['active'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['active']; $d['langue'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['langue']; $d['horaire'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['horaire']; $d['pseudo'] = $pseudo; $d['avatar'] = $avatar; $d['id_user'] = $idUser; $d['email'] = $email; $d['editor_html'] = ''; $d['notification_mail'] = 1; $d['date_creation'] = time(); $idUserInfo = $this->doorGets->dbQI($d, '_users_info'); $this->doorGets->createFolderUser($d['pseudo'], $d['id_user']); $redirect = './?controller=users&action=edit&id=' . $idUserInfo; FlashInfo::set($this->doorGets->__("Vos informations ont bien été mises à jour")); header('Location:' . $redirect); exit; } FlashInfo::set($this->doorGets->__("Veuillez remplir correctement le formulaire"), "error"); } break; case 'edit': // Champs du formulaire non obligatoire $noObligatoire = array('last_name', 'first_name', 'description', 'gender', 'birthday_jour', 'birthday_mois', 'birthday_annee', 'website', 'id_facebook', 'id_twitter', 'id_youtube', 'id_google', 'id_pinterest', 'id_linkedin', 'id_myspace', 'password', 'country', 'city', 'zipcode', 'adresse', 'tel_fix', 'tel_mobil', 'tel_fax', 'region', 'notification_newsletter', 'notification_mail'); if (!empty($this->doorGets->Form->i) && in_array($isContent['network'], $this->doorGets->user['liste_enfant_modo'])) { $this->doorGets->checkMode(); if (!array_key_exists('notification_mail', $this->doorGets->Form->i)) { $this->doorGets->Form->i['notification_mail'] = 0; } if (!array_key_exists('notification_newsletter', $this->doorGets->Form->i)) { $this->doorGets->Form->i['notification_newsletter'] = 0; } // gestion des champs vide foreach ($this->doorGets->Form->i as $k => $v) { $strAttribute = 'attribute'; $isStrAttribute = substr($k, 0, strlen($strAttribute)); if (empty($v) && !in_array($k, $noObligatoire) && $strAttribute !== $isStrAttribute) { $this->doorGets->Form->e[$this->doorGets->controllerNameNow() . '_edit_' . $k] = 'ok'; } } $var = $this->doorGets->Form->i['email']; $isEmail = filter_var($var, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); if (empty($isEmail)) { $this->doorGets->Form->e[$this->doorGets->controllerNameNow() . '_edit_email'] = 'ok'; } $isEmailExist = $this->doorGets->dbQS($var, '_users_info', 'email', " AND id_user != '" . $isContent['id_user'] . "' LIMIT 1 "); if (!empty($isEmailExist)) { $this->doorGets->Form->e[$this->doorGets->controllerNameNow() . '_add_login'] = '******'; } if (empty($this->doorGets->Form->e)) { $Attributes = $this->doorGets->loadUserAttributesWithValues($isContent['id'], $LogineExistInfoGroupe['attributes']); foreach ($Attributes as $idAttribute => $value) { switch ($value['type']) { case 'file': $sizeMax = 8192000; $typeFile["application/msword"] = "data/_form/"; $typeFile["application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"] = "data/_form/"; $typeFile["image/png"] = "data/_form/"; $typeFile["image/jpeg"] = "data/_form/"; $typeFile["image/gif"] = "data/_form/"; $typeFile["application/zip"] = "data/_form/"; $typeFile["application/x-zip-compressed"] = "data/_form/"; $typeFile["application/pdf"] = "data/_form/"; $typeFile["application/x-shockwave-flash"] = "data/_form/"; $typeExtension = Constant::$extensions; $strAttribute = $this->doorGets->Form->name . '_attribute_' . $idAttribute; if (isset($_FILES[$strAttribute]) && $_FILES[$strAttribute]['error'] != 0 && empty($value['value'])) { $this->doorGets->Form->e[$strAttribute] = 'ok'; } if (isset($_FILES[$strAttribute]) && empty($this->doorGets->Form->e) && $_FILES[$strAttribute]['error'] != 4) { if (!array_key_exists($_FILES[$strAttribute]["type"], $typeFile)) { $this->doorGets->Form->e[$strAttribute] = 'okcc'; } else { $extension = $typeExtension[$_FILES[$strAttribute]["type"]]; if ($value['params']['filter_file_zip'] === 0 && $extension === 'zip') { $this->doorGets->Form->e[$strAttribute] = 'ok1'; } if ($value['params']['filter_file_png'] === 0 && $extension === 'png') { $this->doorGets->Form->e[$strAttribute] = 'ok22'; } if ($value['params']['filter_file_jpg'] === 0 && $extension === 'jpg') { $this->doorGets->Form->e[$strAttribute] = 'ok3'; } if ($value['params']['filter_file_gif'] === 0 && $extension === 'gif') { $this->doorGets->Form->e[$strAttribute] = 'ok4'; } if ($value['params']['filter_file_swf'] === 0 && $extension === 'swf') { $this->doorGets->Form->e[$strAttribute] = 'ok5'; } if ($value['params']['filter_file_pdf'] === 0 && $extension === 'pdf') { $this->doorGets->Form->e[$strAttribute] = 'ok6'; } if ($value['params']['filter_file_doc'] === 0 && $extension === 'doc') { $this->doorGets->Form->e[$strAttribute] = 'ok7'; } } if ($_FILES[$strAttribute]["size"] > $sizeMax) { $this->doorGets->Form->e[$strAttribute] = 'ok'; } } if (isset($_FILES[$strAttribute]) && empty($this->doorGets->Form->e)) { $uni = time() . '-' . uniqid('doorgets') . ''; $nameFile = $uni . '-user' . $extension; $this->doorGets->Form->i['attribute_' . $idAttribute] = $nameFile; if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$strAttribute]['tmp_name'], BASE_DATA . 'users/' . $nameFile)) { $dataAttribute = array('value' => $nameFile, 'date_modification' => time()); $this->doorGets->dbQU($this->doorGets->user['id'], $dataAttribute, '_users_groupes_attributes_values', 'id_user', " AND id_attribute = '{$idAttribute}' LIMIT 1"); } } break; case 'checkbox': $checkboxValues = ''; foreach ($value['params']['filter_select'] as $key => $value) { $strAttribute = 'attribute_' . $idAttribute . '_' . $key; if (array_key_exists($strAttribute, $this->doorGets->Form->i)) { $checkboxValues .= $key . ','; } } $dataAttribute = array('value' => $checkboxValues, 'date_modification' => time()); $this->doorGets->dbQU($this->doorGets->user['id'], $dataAttribute, '_users_groupes_attributes_values', 'id_user', " AND id_attribute = '{$idAttribute}' LIMIT 1"); break; default: $strAttribute = 'attribute_' . $idAttribute; if (array_key_exists($strAttribute, $this->doorGets->Form->i)) { $dataAttribute = array('value' => $this->doorGets->Form->i[$strAttribute], 'date_modification' => time()); $this->doorGets->dbQU($this->doorGets->user['id'], $dataAttribute, '_users_groupes_attributes_values', 'id_user', " AND id_attribute = '{$idAttribute}' LIMIT 1"); } break; } } } if (!in_array($this->doorGets->Form->i['network'], $this->doorGets->user['liste_enfant_modo'])) { $this->doorGets->Form->e[$this->doorGets->controllerNameNow() . '_add_network'] = 'ok'; } // Gestion de l'avatar $extension = '.png'; if (isset($_FILES[$cName . '_edit_avatar']) && ($_FILES[$cName . '_edit_avatar']["type"] == "image/jpeg" || $_FILES[$cName . '_edit_avatar']["type"] == "image/png") && $_FILES[$cName . '_edit_avatar']["error"] === 0) { if ($_FILES[$cName . '_edit_avatar']["type"] == "image/jpeg") { $extension = '.jpg'; } } if (empty($this->doorGets->Form->e) && $_FILES[$cName . '_edit_avatar']['size'] !== 0) { $uni = time() . '-' . uniqid('doorgets') . ''; $nameFileAvatar = $uni . '-user' . $extension; $this->doorGets->Form->i['avatar'] = $nameFileAvatar; move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$cName . '_edit_avatar']['tmp_name'], BASE_DATA . 'users/' . $nameFileAvatar); } if ($_FILES[$cName . '_edit_avatar']['size'] === 0) { unset($this->doorGets->Form->i['avatar']); } if (empty($this->doorGets->Form->e)) { $dataUser['login'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['email']; if (!empty($this->doorGets->Form->i['password'])) { $crypto = $this->doorGets->_cryptMe($this->doorGets->Form->i['password']); $dataUser['salt'] = $crypto['salt']; $dataUser['password'] = $crypto['password']; $dataUser['token'] = ''; } $d['last_name'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['last_name']; $d['email'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['email']; $d['first_name'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['first_name']; $d['description'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['description']; $d['network'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['network']; $d['website'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['website']; $d['id_facebook'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['id_facebook']; $d['id_twitter'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['id_twitter']; $d['id_youtube'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['id_youtube']; $d['id_google'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['id_google']; $d['id_pinterest'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['id_pinterest']; $d['id_linkedin'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['id_linkedin']; $d['id_myspace'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['id_myspace']; $d['country'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['country']; $d['region'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['region']; $d['city'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['city']; $d['zipcode'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['zipcode']; $d['adresse'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['adresse']; $d['tel_fix'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['tel_fix']; $d['tel_mobil'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['tel_mobil']; $d['tel_fax'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['tel_fax']; $d['active'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['active']; $d['langue'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['langue']; $d['horaire'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['horaire']; $d['profile_type'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['profile_type']; $d['notification_mail'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['notification_mail']; $d['notification_newsletter'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['notification_newsletter']; if (array_key_exists('avatar', $this->doorGets->Form->i)) { $d['avatar'] = $this->doorGets->Form->i['avatar']; } $this->doorGets->dbQU($isContent['id_user'], $dataUser, '_users'); $this->doorGets->dbQU($isContent['id_user'], $d, '_users_info', 'id_user'); $this->changeUserGroupe($isContent['id_user'], $isContent['network'], $d['network']); FlashInfo::set($this->doorGets->__("Vos informations ont bien été mises à jour")); //$this->doorGets->clearDBCache(); $redirectUrl = './?controller=users&action=edit&id=' . $isContent['id']; header('Location:' . $redirectUrl); exit; } vdump($this->doorGets->Form); FlashInfo::set($this->doorGets->__("Veuillez remplir correctement le formulaire"), "error"); } break; case 'delete': if (!empty($this->doorGets->Form->i) && empty($this->doorGets->Form->e) && in_array($isContent['network'], $this->doorGets->user['liste_enfant_modo']) && $this->doorGets->user['id'] !== $isContent['id']) { $this->doorGets->checkMode(); $this->removeUserFromAll($isContent['id_user']); $this->doorGets->dbQD($isContent['id_user'], '_users', 'id'); $this->doorGets->dbQD($isContent['id_user'], '_users_info', 'id_user'); $this->doorGets->dbQD($isContent['id_user'], '_user_google', 'id_user'); $this->doorGets->dbQD($isContent['id_user'], '_user_facebook', 'id_user'); //$this->doorGets->clearDBCache(); if (is_dir(BASE . 'u/' . $isContent['pseudo'])) { $this->rrmdir(BASE . 'u/' . $isContent['pseudo']); } FlashInfo::set($this->doorGets->__("Vos informations sont bien supprimées")); header('Location:./?controller=users'); exit; } break; } return $out; }
/** * /vomit */ public function getFilesUnder($name, $ext, $depth = -1) { $files = array(); $name = trim($name, './') . '/'; $type = $this->getTypeForExt($ext); $directories = $canonical_directories = array(); foreach ($this->paths as $path) { $prefixes = isset($path['prefixes']) ? $path['prefixes'] : array(); $prefix = isset($prefixes[$type]) ? $prefixes[$type] . '/' : ''; foreach ($path['directories'] as $directory) { $len = strlen($directory . $prefix); $directory_content = glob($directory . $prefix . $name . '*'); if (!$directory_content) { continue; } // MAY return false under unknown circumstances (...) foreach ($directory_content as $p) { //file or dir if (isset($this->processed_files[$p])) { continue; } $canonical_path = trim(substr($p, $len), '/\\'); if ($canonical_path[0] == '.') { continue; } //hidden file/dir if (is_dir($p)) { if ($depth < 2 && $depth != -1) { continue; } //we reached depth limit $directories[] = $p; //not the canonical one, we want to list only this one $canonical_directories[] = $canonical_path; } else { //@todo refactor if (false === strpos($canonical_path, '.')) { continue; } //ie LICENSE files (rofl) list($canonical, $extension) = explode('.', basename($canonical_path)); if ($extension != $ext) { continue; } $canonical_dir = trim(dirname($canonical_path), '/' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $canonical = trim($canonical, '/' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $full_path = $canonical_dir . '/' . $canonical; if (isset($this->processed_files[$full_path])) { continue; } $this->processed_files[$full_path] = true; $files[] = $full_path; } } } } if ($directories) { foreach ($directories as $i => $d) { $canonical_dir = $canonical_directories[$i]; $len = strlen($d); $directory_content = glob($e = $d . '/*'); foreach ($directory_content as $file) { $canonical = $canonical_dir . substr($file, $len); //$len + 1 to remove prefix "/" if (isset($this->processed_files[$canonical])) { continue; } if ($canonical[0] == '.') { continue; } if (is_dir($file)) { //not yet working :( - too lazy to refactor this part //basically all you need is to extract this to a separate function vdump($directories, $e, $directory_content, $file); } else { list($canonical, $extension) = explode('.', basename($canonical)); if ($extension != $ext) { continue; } $canonical = trim($canonical, '/' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $full_path = $canonical_dir . '/' . $canonical; if (isset($this->processed_files[$full_path])) { continue; } $this->processed_files[$full_path] = true; $files[] = $full_path; } } } } return $files; }
public function initProductByUri() { $realUri = $this->doorGets->getRealUri($this->moduleUri); $uriModule = '_m_' . $realUri; $uriModuleTraduction = $uriModule . '_traduction'; $isContentTraduction = $this->doorGets->dbQS($this->uri, $uriModuleTraduction, 'uri'); if (!empty($isContentTraduction)) { $isContent = $this->doorGets->dbQS($isContentTraduction['id_content'], $uriModule); if (!empty($isContent)) { $isContent = array_merge($isContent, $isContentTraduction); $isContent = $this->formatData($isContent); vdump($isContent); } } }
public function testAction() { list($officeAdapter, $officeSql) = $this->createOfficeBNCAdapter(); $dbAdapter = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('dbAdapter'); $dbSql = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('dbSql'); $rows = $officeAdapter->query('SELECT * FROM `position_titles`', Adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE); vdump($rows->toArray()); die; }
public function run($err = false) { try { $call = new \ReflectionMethod($this->classname, $this->method); if ($err) { $call->invokeArgs($this->class, $this->args); return; } $numOfReqPara = $call->getNumberOfRequiredParameters(); $numOfOptPara = $call->getNumberOfParameters() - $numOfReqPara; $remainparas = count($this->args) - $numOfReqPara; if ($numOfReqPara == 0 || $remainparas >= 0 && $remainparas <= $numOfOptPara) { $call->invokeArgs($this->class, $this->args); } else { $this->load404Controller(); $this->run(true); } } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { if (strstr($e->getMessage(), "does not exist") !== false) { $this->load404Controller(); } else { $this->load500Controller(); } $this->run(true); if ($this->config["DEBUG"]) { echo vdump($e, $this); } else { $this->mail_admins("[Exception - " . $this->config["SITE_NAME"] . "]", vdump($e, $this), true); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->load500Controller(); $this->run(true); if ($this->config["DEBUG"]) { echo vdump($e, $this); } else { $this->mail_admins("[Exception - " . $this->config["SITE_NAME"] . "]", vdump($e, $this), true); } } }
function DoExpressCheckoutPayment() { if (!empty(_SESSION('ppl_products')) && !empty(_SESSION('ppl_charges'))) { $products = _SESSION('ppl_products'); $charges = _SESSION('ppl_charges'); $padata = '&TOKEN=' . urlencode(_GET('token')); $padata .= '&PAYERID=' . urlencode(_GET('PayerID')); $padata .= '&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_PAYMENTACTION=' . urlencode("SALE"); //set item info here, otherwise we won't see product details later foreach ($products as $p => $item) { $padata .= '&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME' . $p . '=' . urlencode($item['ItemName']); $padata .= '&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NUMBER' . $p . '=' . urlencode($item['ItemNumber']); $padata .= '&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC' . $p . '=' . urlencode($item['ItemDesc']); $padata .= '&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT' . $p . '=' . urlencode($item['ItemPrice']); $padata .= '&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY' . $p . '=' . urlencode($item['ItemQty']); } $padata .= '&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMAMT=' . urlencode($this->GetProductsTotalAmount($products)); $padata .= '&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TAXAMT=' . urlencode($charges['TotalTaxAmount']); $padata .= '&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPPINGAMT=' . urlencode($charges['ShippinCost']); $padata .= '&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_HANDLINGAMT=' . urlencode($charges['HandalingCost']); $padata .= '&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPDISCAMT=' . urlencode($charges['ShippinDiscount']); $padata .= '&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_INSURANCEAMT=' . urlencode($charges['InsuranceCost']); $padata .= '&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT=' . urlencode($this->GetGrandTotal($products, $charges)); $padata .= '&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CURRENCYCODE=' . urlencode(PPL_CURRENCY_CODE); //We need to execute the "DoExpressCheckoutPayment" at this point to Receive payment from user. $httpParsedResponseAr = $this->PPHttpPost('DoExpressCheckoutPayment', $padata); vdump($httpParsedResponseAr); //Check if everything went ok.. if ("SUCCESS" == strtoupper($httpParsedResponseAr["ACK"]) || "SUCCESSWITHWARNING" == strtoupper($httpParsedResponseAr["ACK"])) { echo '<h2>Success</h2>'; echo 'Your Transaction ID : ' . urldecode($httpParsedResponseAr["PAYMENTINFO_0_TRANSACTIONID"]); /* //Sometimes Payment are kept pending even when transaction is complete. //hence we need to notify user about it and ask him manually approve the transiction */ if ('Completed' == $httpParsedResponseAr["PAYMENTINFO_0_PAYMENTSTATUS"]) { echo '<div style="color:green">Payment Received! Your product will be sent to you very soon!</div>'; } elseif ('Pending' == $httpParsedResponseAr["PAYMENTINFO_0_PAYMENTSTATUS"]) { echo '<div style="color:red">Transaction Complete, but payment is still pending! ' . 'You need to manually authorize this payment in your <a target="_new" href="">Paypal Account</a></div>'; } $this->GetTransactionDetails(); } else { echo '<div style="color:red"><b>Error : </b>' . urldecode($httpParsedResponseAr["L_LONGMESSAGE0"]) . '</div>'; echo '<pre>'; print_r($httpParsedResponseAr); echo '</pre>'; } } else { // Request Transaction Details $this->GetTransactionDetails(); } }